
2690 lines
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/*QUAKED miscellaneous info
NOT AN ENTITY- just miscellaneous
info that doesn't belong in any
one entity's comments.
Use these fields to make something
spit out an item or artifact when
it dies...
/*QUAKED wp_weapon2 (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
In world weapon 2 pickup for single player mode
/*QUAKED wp_weapon3 (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
In world weapon 3 pickup for single player mode
/*QUAKED wp_weapon4_head (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
In world weapon 4 pickup (staff head) for single player mode
/*QUAKED wp_weapon4_staff (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
In world weapon 4 pickup (staff) for single player mode
/*QUAKED art_SuperHBoost (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for the Super Health Boost
/*QUAKED art_HealthBoost (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for the Health Boost
/*QUAKED art_torch (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for the torch
/*QUAKED art_blastradius (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Blast Radius
/*QUAKED art_manaboost (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Mana Boost
/*QUAKED art_teleport (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Teleportation
/*QUAKED art_tomeofpower (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Tome of Power
/*QUAKED art_summon (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Summoning
/*QUAKED art_glyph (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Glyph of the Ancients
/*QUAKED art_haste (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Haste
/*QUAKED art_polymorph (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Polymorph
/*QUAKED art_cubeofforce (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Cube Of Force
/*QUAKED art_invincibility (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Invincibility
/*QUAKED art_invisibility (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Invisibility
/*QUAKED art_sword_and_crown (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Artifact for Sword and Crown
/*QUAKED item_spawner (.0 .0 .5) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20)
Generic item spawner
/*QUAKED obj_barrel (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-13 -13 0) (13 13 36) DOWNHILL NO_DROP ON_SIDE SINK
A barrel, just a plain old barrel
.health - How hard it is to smash
Default: 25
DOWNHILL - This barrel will slide downhill with gravity.
NO_DROP - Will not drop to floor before spawning
ON_SIDE - Will make the barrel appear to be on it's side, the top will point right (90 degrees)
Note- barrels on their side must be placed at least 13 units above the floor.
SINK - Floats in water
/*QUAKED obj_barrel_indestructible (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-13 -13 0) (13 13 36) DOWNHILL NO_DROP ON_SIDE SINK
A barrel you just can't break
DOWNHILL - This barrel will slide downhill with gravity.
NO_DROP - Will not drop to floor before spawning
ON_SIDE - Will make the barrel appear to be on it's side, the top will point right (90 degrees)
Note- barrels on their side must be placed at least 13 units above the floor.
SINK - Floats in water
/*QUAKED obj_barrel_exploding (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-13 -13 0) (13 13 36) DOWNHILL NO_DROP ON_SIDE SINK
An exploding barrel with red XXX on the side
WARNING!: Putting too many exploding barrels next to each other will cause a crash, there is no way around this, so if it happens, it's to be considered a Designer error!
Putting them in lines and chains seems to be ok, as long as you don't stack them or group them too closely, more than 4 in a tight group is probably pushing it.
.health - How hard it is to blow up
Default: 25
DOWNHILL - This barrel will slide downhill with gravity.
NO_DROP - Will not drop to floor before spawning
ON_SIDE - Will make the barrel appear to be on it's side, the top will point right (90 degrees)
Note- barrels on their side must be placed at least 13 units above the floor.
SINK - Sinks in water
/*QUAKED trap_boulder (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-13 -13 -14) (13 13 22)
A boulder
Breakable window or wall
You can manually control the heirarchy of breaking by targeting all the brushes you want this brush to break.
If you target a light with this object and turn on the "breaklight" spawnflag, it will turn off that light when it's broken. The light will default to 300 if no lightvalue1 is given.
killall - when killed, the brush will kill all connected brushes
hierarch - link all brushes in a hierarchy. The hierarchy priority is set in the
frags field of each brush. Lower numbers will kill higher numbers. If
brushes share the same priority, they will die at the same time.
nolink - don't automatically link this brush with other brushes (use only manual targeting to link)
checkname - link brushes, but also check the name you place in the netname field.
Brushes must then not only touch, but also have the same netname to link
ordered - like hierarch, except that no matter which brush you kill, the brushes
will always break in a certain order. The order is set in the frags field.
The brush with a frags set to 1 will break first, brush with frags set to
2 will break second, etc.
translucent - you can see through it
invincible - can't be shot and broken, but will break by linking
flag - order number
thingtype - type of chunks and sprites it will generate
0 - glass (default)
1 - grey stone
2 - wood
3 - metal
4 - flesh
5 - fire
6 - clay
7 - leaves
8 - hay
9 - brown stone
10 - cloth
11 - wood & leaf
12 - wood & metal
13 - wood stone
14 - metal stone
15 - metal cloth
19 - clear glass
health - amount of damage item can take. Default is based on thingtype
glass - 25
grey stone - 75
wood - 50
metal - 100
flesh - 30
fire - 999
clay - 25
leaves - 35
hay - 35
brown stone - 75
cloth - 35
wood&leaf - 35
wood&metal - 75
wood&stone - 65
metal&stone - 90
metal&cloth - 60
others - 25
abslight - to set the absolute light level
/*QUAKED ropebridge_link (0.3 0.1 0.6) ? START
A link of a rope bridge which sways in the wind and drops a little when it's walked on.
.target - The next link in the bridge.
Don't set if it's the last
START - Check this if this is the
first link in the bridge.
/*QUAKED func_button (0 .5 .8) ? deactivated FIREONLY FIRE_MULTIPLE x x x
When a button is touched, it moves some distance in the direction of it's angle, triggers all of it's targets, waits some time, then returns to it's original position where it can be triggered again,
unless it's a pressure plate, in which case it will not return to it's position until it's not being touched anymore.
FIREONLY - has to be killed, touching won't do it.
FIRE_MULTIPLE - can be shot over and over (give it a high health)
"angle" determines the opening direction
"target" all entities with a matching targetname will be used
"speed" override the default 40 speed
"wait" override the default 1 second wait (-1 = never return)
"lip" override the default 4 pixel lip remaining at end of move
"health" if set, the button can be killed and touched
"abslight" - to set the absolute light level
0) steam metal
1) wooden clunk
2) metallic click
3) in-out
deactivated - button must be activated before it will work
/*QUAKED func_pressure (0 .5 .8) ? ACTIVATE
"mass" amount of mass a plate must have on it to fire-this can be cumulative so you have to put more than one thing on pressure plate to work (default 0)
Player mass ~= 60-80
Normal barrel mass = 75
Normal barrel mass = 85
Indestructible barrel mass = 95
"angle" determines the opening direction
"target" all entities with a matching targetname will be used
"speed" override the default 40 speed
"wait" override the default 1 second wait (-1 = never return)
"lip" override the default 4 pixel lip remaining at end of move
"health" if set, the button must be killed instead of touched
0) steam metal
1) wooden clunk
2) metallic click
3) in-out
/*QUAKED target_null (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
A null target for the camera
/*QUAKED camera_remote (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
A camera which the player becomes when triggered.
"wait" - amount of time player is stuck in camera mode
(default 3 seconds)
To point camera in a direction
target a "target_null" entity
or fill out the angle fields:
angles_x - pitch of camera
angles_y - yaw of camera
/*QUAKED obj_stairs (0 .5 .8) ?
/*QUAKED obj_bridge (0 .5 .8) ?
/*QUAKED info_intermission (1 0.5 0.5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This is the camera point for the intermission. Use mangle instead of angle, so you can set pitch or roll as well as yaw. 'pitch roll yaw'
/*QUAKED trigger_changelevel (0.5 0.5 0.5) ? x END_OF_UNIT END_OF_EPISODE
When the player touches this, he gets sent to the map listed in the "map" variable. Unless the NO_INTERMISSION flag is set, the view will go to the info_intermission spot and display stats.
/*QUAKED info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
The normal starting point for a level.
/*QUAKED info_player_start2 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
Only used on start map for the return point from an episode.
/*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
potential spawning position for deathmatch games
/*QUAKED info_player_coop (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
potential spawning position for coop games
if two doors touch, they are assumed to be connected and operate as a unit.
TOGGLE causes the door to wait in both the start and end states for a trigger event.
START_OPEN causes the door to move to its destination when spawned, and operate in reverse. It is used to temporarily or permanently close off an area when triggered (not usefull for touch or takedamage doors).
Key doors are allways wait -1.
"message" is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet
"angle" determines the opening direction
"level" how far (in map units) to move in the specified angle- overrides default movement that is size of door
"targetname" if set, no touch field will be spawned and a remote button or trigger field activates the door.
"health" if set, door must be shot open
"speed" movement speed (100 default), -1 will not move, just rotate
"wait" wait before returning (3 default, -1 = never return)
"lip" lip remaining at end of move (8 default)
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default) If you make it 666, it will gib anything it touches, and behead players.
"close_target" secondary target to fire when door closes
"v_angle" Angle to turn, in: pitch yaw roll, '0 0 0' will not rotate, just move (default = '0 0 0')
"anglespeed" how quickly to turn in that direction. no anglespeed will force it to choose one that will synch the completion of the rotation iwth the completion of the move. (default = 0)
"strength" When set to 1, it will throw something if it gets in the way
0) no sound
1) Big metal door, swinging
2) Big stone door, sliding
3) Big wood door, swinging
4) Normal wood door, swinging
5) Big wood door, sliding
6) Drawbridge
7) Rotating walkway
8) Big metal door, sliding
9) Pendulum swinging
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED func_door_smashing (0 .5 .8) ? START_OPEN x DOOR_DONT_LINK TOGGLE SLIDE NORMAL_MOVE remove_pp no_pp
if two doors touch, they are assumed to be connected and operate as a unit.
TOGGLE causes the door to wait in both the start and end states for a trigger event.
START_OPEN causes the door to move to its destination when spawned, and operate in reverse. It is used to temporarily or permanently close off an area when triggered (not usefull for touch or takedamage doors).
Key doors are allways wait -1.
"message" is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet
"angle" determines the opening direction
"targetname" if set, no touch field will be spawned and a remote button or trigger field activates the door.
"speed" movement speed (100 default)
"wait" wait before returning (3 default, -1 = never return)
"lip" lip remaining at end of move (8 default)
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
"close_target" secondary target to fire when door closes
0) no sound
1) Big metal door, swinging
2) Big stone door, sliding
3) Big wood door, swinging
4) Normal wood door, swinging
5) Big wood door, sliding
6) Drawbridge
7) Rotating walkway
8) Big metal door, sliding
9) Pendulum swinging
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED func_door_secret (0 .5 .8) ? open_once 1st_left 1st_down no_shoot always_shoot x remove_pp no_pp
Basic secret door. Slides back, then to the side. Angle determines direction.
wait = # of seconds before coming back
1st_left = 1st move is left of arrow
1st_down = 1st move is down from arrow
always_shoot = even if targeted, keep shootable
t_width = override WIDTH to move back (or height if going down)
t_length = override LENGTH to move sideways
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
"close_target" secondary target to fire when door closes
If a secret door has a targetname, it will only be opened by it's botton or trigger, not by damage.
0) no sound
1) Big metal door, swinging
2) Big stone door, sliding
3) Big wood door, swinging
4) Normal wood door, swinging
5) Big wood door, sliding
6) Drawbridge
7) Rotating walkway
8) Big metal door, sliding
9) Pendulum swinging
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED func_door_rotating (0 .5 .8) ? START_OPEN REVERSE DOOR_DONT_LINK remove_pp no_pp TOGGLE X_AXIS Y_AXIS
if two doors touch, they are assumed to be connected and operate as
a unit.
TOGGLE causes the door to wait in both the start and end states for
a trigger event.
START_OPEN causes the door to move to its destination when spawned,
and operate in reverse. It is used to temporarily or permanently
close off an area when triggered (not usefull for touch or
takedamage doors).
Key doors are allways wait -1.
You need to have an origin brush as part of this entity. The
center of that brush will be
the point around which it is rotated. It will rotate around the Z
axis by default. You can
check either the X_AXIS or Y_AXIS box to change that.
REVERSE will cause the door to rotate in the opposite direction.
"flags" is how many degrees the door will be rotated.
"message" is printed when the door is touched if it is a trigger door and it hasn't been fired yet
"targetname" if set, no touch field will be spawned and a remote button or trigger field activates the door.
"health" if set, door must be shot open
"speed" movement speed (100 default)
"wait" wait before returning (3 default, -1 = never return)
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
"flags2" will damage the object that touches it
"strength" When set to 1, it will throw something if it gets in the way
"close_target" secondary target to fire when door closes
0) no sound
1) Big metal door, swinging
2) Big stone door, sliding
3) Big wood door, swinging
4) Normal wood door, swinging
5) Big wood door, sliding
6) Drawbridge
7) Rotating walkway
8) Big metal door, sliding
9) Pendulum swinging
"abslight" - to set the absolute light level
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED trap_death_fireball (1 0.3 0) (0 0 0) (16 16 16)
.wait = How long to wait between firings (default 0.5)
.dmg = How much damage to do with each shot (default 10)
/*QUAKED rider_death (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50)
Death rider monster. You must place rider_path entites
on the map. The rider will first proceed to the
rider_path point with a path_id of 1.
map: next map to go to when you kill the rider
target: start spot on the next map
/*QUAKED monster_eidolon (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50) CUTE CUDDLY
The big bad ugly boss guy
/*QUAKED trap_fireball (1 0.3 0) (0 0 0) (16 16 16) TRIGGER_ONLY
New item for QuakeEd
It works! It really works!
If TRIGGER_ONLY is turned on, it will fire once each time it's triggered (used)
otherwise, each time it's used, it's turned on or off.
If it's targetted to something, it will fire at that rather than tracking the player.
.wait = How long to wait between firings (default 0.5)
.dmg = How much damage to do with each shot (default 10)
/*QUAKED rider_famine (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50)
Famine rider monster. You must place rider_path entites
on the map. The rider will first proceed to the
rider_path point with a path_id of 1.
map: next map to go to when you kill the rider
target: start spot on the next map
/*QUAKED monster_fallen_angel (1 0.3 0) (-14 -14 -41) (14 14 23) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
New item for QuakeEd
/*QUAKED monster_fallen_angel_lord (1 0.3 0) (-14 -14 -41) (14 14 23) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
New item for QuakeEd
/*QUAKED monster_fish (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -8) (16 16 8)
Ambient Fish
skin: 0 = bright colored, 1 = darker colored
/*QUAKED item_deathball (.3 .3 1) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
/*QUAKED fx_smoke_generator (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Generates smoke puffs
wait - how often it should generate smoke (default 2)
thingtype - type of smoke to generate
0 - white puff (fire place)
1 - red (lava)
2 - green (slime)
3 - grey (oil)
lifespan - fill this in and it will only puff for this long
/*QUAKED fx_friction_change (0 1 1) ?
Set the friction within this area.
'friction' : this is how quickly the player will slow down after he ceases indicating movement (lets go of arrow keys).
1 : normal friction
>0 & <1 : slippery
>1 : high friction
/*QUAKED fx_gravity_change (0 1 1) ?
Set the gravity within this area.
'gravity' : this is how quickly the player will fall
100 : 1 G
>0 & <100 : low grav
>100 : high grav
/*QUAKED fx_particle_explosion (0 1 1) ( -5 -5 -5) (5 5 5) FLASH
Gives off a spray of particles like an explosion.
FLASH will cause a brief flash of light.
"color" is the color of the explosion. Particle colors dim as they move away from the center point.
color values :
31 - white
47 - light blue
63 - purple
79 - light green
85 - light brown
101 - red (default)
117 - light blue
133 - yellow
149 - green
238 - red to orange
242 - purple to red
246 - green to purple
250 - blue - green
254 - yellow to blue
"exploderadius" is the distance the particles travel before disappearing. 1 - 10 (default 5)
"soundtype" the type of sound made during explosion
0 - no sound
1 - rocket explosion (default)
2 - grenade shoot
"counter" the number of particles to create
1 - 1024
512 (default)
/*QUAKED monster_golem_stone (1 0.3 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Stone Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 200
experience_value = 125
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_iron (1 0.3 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Iron Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 400
experience_value = 200
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_bronze (1 0.3 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Bronze Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 500
experience_value = 275
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_crystal (1 0.3 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Crystal Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 800
experience_value = 550
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_bronze (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Bronze Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 500
experience_value = 275
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_iron (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Iron Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 400
experience_value = 200
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_golem_stone (1 0 0) (-32 -32 -24) (32 32 64) AMBUSH
Stone Golem.
------- key / value ----------------------------
health = 200
experience_value = 125
------- spawnflags -----------------------------
/*QUAKED misc_fountain (0 1 0.8) (0 0 0) (32 32 32)
New item for QuakeEd
angles 0 0 0 the direction it should move the particles
movedir 1 1 1 the force it should move them
color 256 the color
cnt 2 the number of particles each time
/*QUAKED monster_hydra (1 0.3 0) (-58 -9 -7) (58 9 11) STAND HOVER JUMP x DORMANT
New item for QuakeEd
NOTE: Normal QuakEd monster spawnflags don't apply here (no_jump, x, no_drop)
/*QUAKED monster_imp_ice (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 55) STAND HOVER NO_JUMP x DORMANT PICKUP
Grunt monster - common. Shoots multiple ice shards. Can only be killed by defrosting it.
DORMANT = uses the grey stone texture to make it look like a gargoyl- will wake up if the player looks at him long enough, gets close, or hurts him.
wait = if you give it a -1, the gargoyle will not come alive, it's just a decoration
/*QUAKED monster_ice_imp (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 55) STAND HOVER NO_JUMP x DORMANT PICKUP
Grunt monster - common. Shoots multiple ice shards. Can only be killed by defrosting it.
DORMANT = uses the grey stone texture to make it look like a gargoyl- will wake up if the player looks at him long enough, gets close, or hurts him.
/*QUAKED monster_imp_fire (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 55) STAND HOVER NO_JUMP x DORMANT PICKUP
Grunt monster - common. Shoots a fireball. Can only be killed by defrosting it.
DORMANT = uses the grey stone texture to make it look like a gargoyl- will wake up if the player looks at him long enough, gets close, or hurts him.
wait = if you give it a -1, the gargoyle will not come alive, it's just a decoration
/*QUAKED monster_fire_imp (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 55) STAND HOVER NO_JUMP x DORMANT PICKUP
Grunt monster - common. Shoots a fireball. Can only be killed by defrosting it.
/*QUAKED item_health (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Player is given 10 health instantly
/*QUAKED item_mana_green (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Player is given 10 green mana instantly
/*QUAKED item_mana_blue (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Player is given 10 blue mana instantly
/*QUAKED item_mana_both (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Player is given 10 green and 10 blue mana instantly
/*QUAKED item_armor_helmet (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
/*QUAKED item_armor_breastplate (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
/*QUAKED item_armor_bracer (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
/*QUAKED item_armor_amulet (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -45) (8 8 20) FLOATING
/*QUAKED wp_javelin (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 40)
Javelin weapon for Paladin
/*QUAKED light (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
Non-displayed fading light.
Default light value is 300
Default style is 0
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_globe (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
Sphere globe light.
Default light value is 300
Default style is 0
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_flame_large_yellow (0 1 0) (-10 -10 -12) (12 12 18) START_LOW
Large yellow flame
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_flame_small_yellow (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
Small yellow flame ball
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_flame_small_white (0 1 0) (-10 -10 -40) (10 10 40) START_LOW
Small white flame ball
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_gem (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
A gem that displays light.
Default light value is 300
Default style is 0
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_thunderstorm (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) LIGHTNING
Default light value is 300
This will create a light source that will occaisionally flash with light followed shortly by an ambient thunder sound
.wait = the shorter the wait, the more active the thunderstorm. Valid values for this are 1 - 100. 100 is a stupid value because it will never thunder! Default is 33
.dmg = how often lighting strikes, 0 will be the equvalent of never, 100 will be very frequent. default is 10
.lightvalue1 = the light value the storm should always return to. Valid range is 0 - 25, 25 being the brightest. Default is 11 (about 300 brightness)
The LIGHTNING spawnflag will make it cast random lightning strikes
NOTE: These MUST be targeted. They will never actually be used by the trigger, but targeting is required to give them a distince lightstyle
Targeting can be used to link several thunderstorms together so they all use the same lightstyle (they'll all flash at the same time)
/*QUAKED monster_medusa_green (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
The medusa monster with its nasty sharp pointy teeth
/*QUAKED monster_medusa_red (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
The medusa monster with its nasty sharp pointy teeth
/*QUAKED monster_werejaguar (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
WereCat with jaguar skin
If they're targetted by a trigger and used, they'll atack the activator of the target
If they can't see the activator, they'll roll left or right (in the direction of the activator)
Their roll is 128 units long, so place the mezzoman 128 units away from where you want the roll to stop
/*QUAKED monster_werepanther (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
WereCat with panther skin
If they're targetted by a trigger and used, they'll atack the activator of the target
If they can't see the activator, they'll roll left or right (in the direction of the activator)
Their roll is 128 units long, so place the mezzoman 128 units away from where you want the roll to stop
/*QUAKED item_mirage (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) FLOATING
Gives a player ability to use a Mirage, similar to the "Holoduke" sprite.
Each item is worth 15 seconds.
/*QUAKED info_null (0 0.5 0) (-4 -4 -4) (4 4 4) DONT_REMOVE
Used as a positional target for spotlights, etc.
/*QUAKED misc_fireball (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Lava Balls
/*QUAKED misc_explobox (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 64)
/*QUAKED misc_explobox2 (0 .5 .8) (0 0 0) (32 32 64)
Smaller exploding box, REGISTERED ONLY
void() misc_explobox2 =
local float oldz;
self.solid = SOLID_BBOX;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
//rj precache_model2 ("maps/b_exbox2.bsp");
setmodel (self, "maps/b_exbox2.bsp");
precache_sound ("weapons/explode.wav");
self.health = 20;
self.th_die = barrel_explode;
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES;
self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 2;
oldz = self.origin_z;
if (oldz - self.origin_z > 250)
dprint ("item fell out of level at ");
dprint (vtos(self.origin));
dprint ("\n");
/*QUAKED trap_spikeshooter_spray (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
When triggered, fires a spike in the direction set in QuakeEd.
/*QUAKED trap_spikeshooter (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) superspike laser
When triggered, fires a spike in the direction set in QuakeEd.
Laser is only for REGISTERED.
/*QUAKED trap_shooter (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) superspike laser
Continuously fires spikes.
"wait" time between spike (1.0 default)
"nextthink" delay before firing first spike, so multiple shooters can be stagered.
/*QUAKED trap_lightning (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) TRACK ONCE
Generates a bolt of lightning which ends at the weather_lightning_end that is the target
noise - sound generated when lightning appears
1 - no sound
2 - lightning (default)
wait - time between shots
aflag - radius limiter
target - be sure to give this a target fx_lightning_end to hit
dmg - damage this bolt does
/*QUAKED air_bubbles (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
'cnt' - How many bubbles
'wait' How long to wait between spurts (-1 will never spurt again, unless triggered again, -2 will make it remove after one spurt)
'level' - random factor (0 - 100) more or less bubbles, longer or shorter wait
Target this guy and it will wait to spew bubbles when triggered.
/*QUAKED viewthing (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Just for the debugging level. Don't use
/*QUAKED func_wall (0 .5 .8) ? TRANSLUCENT
This is just a solid wall if not inhibitted
TRANSLUCENT - makes it see-through
abslight = how bright to make it
/*QUAKED func_illusionary (0 .5 .8) ? TRANSLUCENT LIGHT
A simple entity that looks solid but lets you walk through it.
/*QUAKED misc_noisemaker (1 0.5 0) (-10 -10 -10) (10 10 10)
For optimzation testing, starts a lot of sounds.
You need to have an origin brush as part of this entity. The
center of that brush will be the point around which it is rotated.
It will rotate around the Z axis by default. You can
check either the X_AXIS or Y_AXIS box to change that.
BREAK makes the brush breakable
REVERSE will cause the it to rotate in the opposite direction.
GRADUAL will make it slowly speed up and slow down.
TOGGLE_REVERSE will make it go in the other direction next time it's triggered
KEEP_START means it will return to it's starting position when turned off
"speed" determines how fast it moves; default value is 100.
"dmg" damage to inflict when blocked (2 default)
"lifetime" this will make it stop after a while, then start up again after "wait". Default is staying on.
"wait" if it has a lifetime, this is how long it will wait to start up again. default is 3 seconds.
"thingtype" type of brush (if breakable - default is wood)
"health" (if breakable - default is 25)
"abslight" - to set the absolute light level
"anglespeed" - If using GRADUAL, this will determine how fast the speed up and down will occur. 1 will be very slow, 100 will be instant. (Default is 10)
thingtype - type of chunks and sprites it will generate
0 - glass (default)
1 - stone
2 - wood
3 - metal
4 - flesh
health - amount of damage item can take. Default is based on thingtype
glass - 25
stone - 75
wood - 50
metal - 100
flesh - 30
/*QUAKED trigger_fan_blow (0 .5 .8) ?
Will blow anything in the direction of the func_rotating it's targeted by.
Note that clockwise rotation pulls you towards it, counterclockwise pushes you away- func_rotating design should match this.
To use, target this trigger with with the func_rotating (do NOT target the func_rotating with the trigger!!!).
Then place this trigger so that it covers both front and back of the "fan" and extend it as far as you want it to have influence.
/*QUAKED func_angletrigger (0 .5 .8) ? REVERSE X_AXIS Y_AXIS
Rotates at certain intervals, and fires off when a set angle is met
mangle = desired angle to trigger at (relative to the world!)
cnt = degrees to turn each move
dmg = damage if blocked
/*QUAKED monster_mummy (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 50) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
No, it's not Keith Richards or Bob Dylan.
It's the mummy.
health : 150
experience : 500
/*QUAKED monster_mummy_lord (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 50) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
He's big, he's bad, he's wrapped in moldy bandages - he's the mummy.
health : 500
experience : 300
/*QUAKED obj_chair (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-10 -10 -5) (10 10 40)
A wooden chair.
/*QUAKED obj_barstool (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-10 -10 -5) (10 10 32)
A bar stool.
/*QUAKED obj_tree (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-42 -42 0) (42 42 160)
A tree that has no leaves
health : 1000
/*QUAKED obj_tree2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-140 -140 -16) (140 140 220)
A tree with a round top of leaves
health : 1000
/*QUAKED obj_bench (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 40)
A wooden bench
/*QUAKED obj_cart (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-36 -32 -23) (36 75 64)
A cart
/*QUAKED obj_chest1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32)
A treasure chest
skin - 0 - generic texture (default)
1 - roman texture
/*QUAKED obj_chest2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32)
A treasure chest on legs
skin - 0 - generic texture (default)
1 - meso texture
2 - egypt texture
/*QUAKED obj_chest3 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 32)
A treasure chest on legs
/*QUAKED obj_boulder (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 -32) (32 32 32)
A big freaking rock
health = 75
mass = 25
/*QUAKED obj_sword (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 -8) (16 16 8)
A sword
health = 50
/*QUAKED obj_ballista (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-45 -45 0) (45 45 60) SPAWNFLAG_BALLISTA_TRACK
A ballista which is animated to shoot an arrow
health = default = 0 (indestructable)
cnt = degrees of pitch off the starting point pos & neg (default = 30)
count = degrees per movement (default = 5)
dmg = amount of damage projectile will do (default = 50)
speed = delay, in seconds, between firings (higher number means longer wait) (default = 5)
/*QUAKED obj_bell (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-100 -100 -210) (100 100 8)
A big bell that rings when hit.
health = 250
/*QUAKED brush_pushable (0.3 0.1 0.6) ?
A brush the player can push
mass - (default 5)
/*QUAKED obj_statue_mummy_head (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 -26) (16 16 160)
Statue of the nubis head
health = 200
/*QUAKED obj_statue_mummy (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 160)
Statue of the mummy monster
health = 200
mass = 150
/*QUAKED obj_pot1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 50)
A clay pot with handles
health = 10
mass = 100;
worldspawn worldtype determines which skin texture gets used
/*QUAKED obj_pot2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A pot with gently curved sides
health = 10
mass = 100;
worldspawn worldtype determines which skin texture gets used
/*QUAKED obj_pot3 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A pot with a sharply curved sides
health = 10
mass = 100;
worldspawn worldtype determines which skin texture gets used
/*QUAKED obj_statue_tut (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-36 -36 0) (36 36 248)
An Egyptian statue of a guy with a flat head hat
health = 1000
mass = 2000
/*QUAKED obj_flag (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 160)
A flag that wave in the breeze
health = 50
/*QUAKED obj_statue_snake (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 80) INVINCIBLE
The front of a snake
INVINCIBLE = Won't take damage
health = 100
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_hedge1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 80)
A hedge that looks like an X-mas tree
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_hedge2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 80)
A hedge that is square and of medium height
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_hedge3 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 80)
A hedge that is tall and thin
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_fountain (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 80)
A water fountain
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_book_open (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 10)
A book that is open
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_book_closed (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 10)
A book that is closed
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_fence (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-26 -26 0) (26 26 70)
A section of fence
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_bush1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A small round bush
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_tombstone1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 60)
A tombstone in the shape of a cross
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_tombstone2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A tombstone with a rounded top
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_statue_angel (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-60 -60 0) (60 60 120)
A statue of Xena in all her glory, sorry - just wishful thinking. It's a statue of an angle praying.
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_webs (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-25 -25 -25) (25 25 25) SOLID ANIMATE WEAK TOUCHMOVE FLAT NOTRANS
Big webby stuff.
Origin is in the center.
Note that the web is only 46 wide and 2 or 3 pixels thick, and 50 tall.
SOLID = Make it so you can walk on it and not pass though it.
ANIMATE = give it a slight constant animation so it looks like it's being moved by a breeze. Looks best on cobwebs and corner web.
WEAK = This will make it break apart upon touch.
TOUCHMOVE = Will cycle through it's animation once only when touched, not meant to be used with any other spawnflag
FLAT = Meant to be used with solid, this will lay it out flat (all you have to do then is give it it's yaw angle) and adjust the bounding box size so it can be walked on.
NOTRANS = No translucency, totally solid coloring
abslight = Spiderwebs may need to be brighter or darker than their surroundings to look best.
health = default is 0, which means it won't take damage, otherwise, you can shoot it away or, if it has low health, you can break it by landing very hard on it
skin = default is 0
0 = many little spider webs
1 = corner web, will appear in right side of the front of the box.
2 = cobwebs, light and very nice looking
3 = One giant web
4 = One big-ass web, 15 times normal size.
scale = scale it up or down, note that this defaults to 1, and the maximum is 2.5
THESE ANGLES ARE RELATIVE TO IT'S FRONT (given by angle at bottom)
v_angle_x = how much pitch to tilt it front-back
v_angle_y = how much yaw to turn it (same as angle field at bottom)
v_angle_z = how much roll to tilt it sideways
These can also be entered in one field, such as:
v_angle = 0 0 0 (x, y, z)
/*QUAKED obj_corpse1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 0) (32 32 10)
A body laying face down
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_corpse2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 0) (32 32 10)
A body laying face up
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED obj_cauldron (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A cauldron
health = 50
mass = 15
/*QUAKED obj_skullstick (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A skull on a stick - mmm,mmm, good
health = 20
/*QUAKED obj_ice (0 0 1) ? NOTRANS
Slippery, slidey ice
NOTRANS = No translucency
health = default = 20
friction = default is 0.2, 0 is none, 1 is normal, 10 is max
abslight = default is 0.5
/*QUAKED obj_beefslab (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 40)
A slab of beef.
health = 50
/*QUAKED obj_seaweed (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-8 -8 0) (8 8 32)
An animate seaweed that sways from side to side.
health = 10
/*QUAKED obj_statue_lion (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-56 -14 0) (56 14 60)
Statue of a lion.
health = 200
/*QUAKED obj_statue_athena(0.3 0.1 0.6) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 90)
Statue of a Athena
health = 200
/*QUAKED obj_statue_neptune(0.3 0.1 0.6) (-30 -30 0) (30 30 100)
Statue of Neptune (I think)
health = 200
/*QUAKED obj_bonepile(0.3 0.1 0.6) (-10 -10 0) (10 10 10)
A pile of bones. Uses the model of the puzzle keep1
health = 200
/*QUAKED obj_statue_caesar(0.3 0.1 0.6) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 90)
Statue of a Caesar Romero
health = 200
/*QUAKED path_corner (0.5 0.3 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) SYNCH
Monsters will continue walking towards the next target corner.
SYNCH - Will make the train automatically calculate a new anglespeed based on the distance it's going and will finish the turn at the same time the move is done.
"speed" - how fast the train should move to this path corner. This will change the train's default speed to whatever you specify. Nice for trains that should speed up and slow down. No speed will let the train move at whatever speed it was last set to.
"angles" - how much to modify the train's angles by. So if you set it at '0 90 0', and the train was at an angle of '30 60 90', the train would rotate unitl it's angles equalled '30 150 90'
"anglespeed" - how fast the train should rotate to the new angle. Again, this will change the train's default anglespeed.
The defaults of all of these are 0.
As usual, any rotating brush needs an origin brush.
/*QUAKED plaque (.5 .5 .5) ? INVISIBLE deactivated
A plaque on the wall a player can read
"message" the index of the string in the text file
"noise1" the wav file activated when plaque is used
deactivated - if this is on, the plaque will not be readable until a trigger has activated it.
/*QUAKED func_plat (0 .5 .8) ? PLAT_LOW_TRIGGER
speed default 150
Plats are always drawn in the extended position, so they will light correctly.
If the plat is the target of another trigger or button, it will start out disabled in the extended position until it is trigger, when it will lower and become a normal plat.
If the "height" key is set, that will determine the amount the plat moves, instead of being implicitly determined by the model's height.
Set "soundtype" to one of the following:
1) pulley
2) chain
Remember: angles and mangles are 'x y z' format where x = pitch, y = yaw and z = roll
Trains are moving platforms that players can ride.
The targets origin specifies the min point of the train at each corner.
The train spawns at the first target it is pointing at.
If the train is the target of a button or trigger, it will not begin moving until activated.
speed default 100
dmg default 2
1) ratchet metal
if train is only moving to one spot
"angle" - to tell it's direction
"distance" - in pixels, how far to move
"speed" - how fast it moves between spots (default=100)
"anglespeed" - how fast it rotates to a new angle (default = 100)
"wait" - -1 will make it stop forever, -2 will make it blow up (you can put the waits on the pathcorners and it will take the wait from there.
NOTE: If you give it a wait of -2, be sure to set the thingtype.
"pausetime" - How long to wait after getting to the end of it's path before blowing up, default is 0
"weaponmodel" - A model file to use instead of train visuals, but will have the blocking shape of the train you make
NOTE: You should use a origin brush in the train and make sure you know where the origin of the model you're using is at.
thingtype - type of chunks and sprites it will generate
0 - glass
1 - grey stone (default for trains)
2 - wood
3 - metal
4 - flesh
5 - fire
6 - clay
7 - leaves
8 - hay
9 - brown stone
10 - cloth
11 - wood & leaf
12 - wood & metal
13 - wood stone
14 - metal stone
15 - metal cloth
The train will modify it's angles by whatever angles it's next path point has, so if it heads towards a path corner with an angle of '0 90 0', the train will rotate '0 90 0' on it's way to the pathpoint. If you make the anglespeed the same as the angle, the turn should finish right as the train gets to the new spot.
NOTE: A path_corner using spawnflag "SYNCH" will make the train automatically calculate a new anglespeed based on the distance it's going and will finish the turn at the same time the move is done.
As usual, any rotating brush needs an origin brush.
"abslight" - to set the absolute light level
"angles" - only used for models attached to trains.
if TRAIN_GLOW is checked, changes to a light globe sprite and lights up an area
SLOPE - Train will automatically find the pitch and yaw it needs to get from path_corner to path_corner
ANGLEMATCH - If it has an attached model, that model's angles will change with the train's
USE_ORIGIN - Use an origin brush as origin for moving along path, not south-west-bottom corner.
ANGLE_WAIT - Train will not change angles until it reached path_corner, and will not move again until that angle movement is done
/*QUAKED misc_teleporttrain (0 .5 .8) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
This is used for the final bos
speed default 150
If the "height" key is set, that will determine the amount the plat moves, instead of being implicitly determined by the model's height.
Set "soundtype" to one of the following:
1) base fast
2) chain slow
START_BOTTOM - where plat starts at
if checked plat starts at the bottom of it's movement
START_RTRN - if check will return plat to start position.
CONTINUE - plat will never stop moving
height - distance plat moves up or down
wait - amount of time plat waits before moving (default 3)
/*QUAKED func_crusher (0 .5 .8) ? multiple slide start_open end_open
speed default 150
dmg default 10
If not targetname is given, crushers will start working immediatly
Crushers are always drawn in the extended position, so they will light correctly.
start_open = start in open position
multiple = go once, return, and wait to be triggered again
slide = slide move (like doors)
end_open = stop in the position opposite what they were drawn in
"lip" same as doors
"speed" speed of the crusher
"wait pause until going in the other direction
"targetname" if set, no trigger is needed (use with multiple)
"dmg" damage the crusher does to a victim
Set "soundtype" to one of the following:
1) base fast
2) chain slow
3) Guillotine
/*QUAKED func_rotating_movechain (0 .5 .8) ? NOANGLECHAIN
Only one other object in the world should have the same netname. If not, it will find and use only the first one it finds!
If you're making multiple sawblades, for instance, label the mover and the rotater "sawblade1" for the first one, "sawblade2" for the second, and so on.
If you give it a targetname, it will wait to be activated, this can be seperate from the object it's attached to.
It will not do damage until it's been activated.
NOANGLECHAIN = Setting this flag will stop it from modifying it's angles by the owner's angles, but will still movechain.
dmg = How much damage it should do when it touches.
noise = Noise it should make, if any, be sure to set the wait time
noise1 = noise it should make when it hits something
wait = Length of the sound so it knows when to loop it.
avelocity = The direction and speed it should spin: pitch yaw roll (this is relative to it's own axis, not the world)
netname = the name of the object it's linked to, that object must have a matching netname!!!
Needs something to tell it to stop?
A way to make it die at the end of a path or if triggered again?
Maybe make movechain_angle optional spawnflag?
What do YOU think? We'd like to know...
/*QUAKED rider_pestilence (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50)
Pestilence rider monster. You must place rider_path entites
on the map. The rider will first proceed to the
rider_path point with a path_id of 1.
map: next map to go to when you kill the rider
target: start spot on the next map
/*QUAKED rider_famine (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50)
Famine rider monster. You must place rider_path entites
on the map. The rider will first proceed to the
rider_path point with a path_id of 1.
/*QUAKED monster_rat (1 0.3 0) (-3 -3 0) (3 3 7)
If the rat is targeted to a path, the rats will follow that path
------- key / value ----------------------------------
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_ratnest (1 0.3 0) (-20 -20 0) (20 20 10)
A group of 3 to 6 rats that flee when triggered
If the nest is targeted to a path, the rats will follow that path
------- key / value ----------------------------------
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_raven (1 0 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56)
Scavenger black bird of ill portent.
/*QUAKED func_reflect (0 .5 .8) ? RETURN TOGGLE STARTOPEN
Reflects any missile or flying object (moves as a door)
/*QUAKED trigger_reflect (0 .5 .8) ? ACTIVATE
Reflects any missile or flying object
/*QUAKED rider_trigger_multiple (0.5 0.15 0) ?
rt_chance: chance (0-1) that the trigger will be run
/*QUAKED rider_trigger_once (0.5 0.15 0) ?
rt_chance: chance (0-1) that the trigger will be run
/*QUAKED Ring_WaterBreathing (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Ring of Water Breathing
/*QUAKED Ring_Flight (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Ring of Flight
/*QUAKED Ring_Regeneration (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Ring of Regeneration
/*QUAKED Ring_Turning (0 0 0) (-8 -8 -44) (8 8 20) FLOATING
Ring of Turning
/*QUAKED monster_scorpion_yellow (1 0.3 0) (-10 -10 0) (10 10 64) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Yellow scorpion.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_scorpion_black (1 0.3 0) (-10 -10 0) (10 10 64) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Black scorpion.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED player_sheep (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-8 -8 -0) (8 8 32) stationary
A sheep player model
stationary- sheep will not wander around or change angles
/*QUAKED monster_skull_wizard (1 0.3 0) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 64) AMBUSH
A skull wizard
/*QUAKED monster_skull_wizard_lord (1 0.3 0) (-24 -24 0) (24 24 64) AMBUSH
A skull wizard lord
/*QUAKED monster_snake (1 0.3 0) (-80 -80 0) (80 80 200) AMBUSH
Monster snake that comes to life and attacks
/*QUAKED sound_maker (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-10 -10 -8) (10 10 8)
A sound that can be triggered.
"soundtype" values :
1 - bell ringing
/*QUAKED sound_ambient (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-10 -10 -8) (10 10 8)
Creates an ambient sound in the world.
"soundtype" values :
1 - windmill
2 - dripping, echoing sewer water sound
3 - dripping water with no echo
4 - subtle sky/wind
5 - crickets / night sounds
6 - birds
7 - raven caw
8 - rocks falling
9 - lava bubble
10 - water gurgle
/*QUAKED func_monsterspawner (1 .8 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) IMP ARCHER WIZARD SCORPION SPIDER ONDEATH QUIET TRIGGERONLY
If something is blocking the spawnspot, this will telefrag it as long as it's not a living entity (flags2&FL_ALIVE)
You can set up as many spots as you want for it to spawn at and it will cycle
between these. Make them classname func_monsterspawn_spot and
their spawnername has to match this entity's spawnername.
You can control the order in which they are used by setting thier
aflag (1, 2, 3, etc- there is NO ZERO, that's for you designers!)
You should give the spawner an aflag too if you want it's origin
included in the cycle of spawning, but if there are no spawn spots (just a spawner), no aflag is needed anywhere.
WARNING!!! If you forget to put spawnspots and you give the spawner a spawnername, it will go into an infinite loop and the Universe will cease to exist!
If you only want monsters to spawn at the monster spawner origin, then don't worry about aflags or the spawnername, it will know... It's that cool.
The Monsters will be spawned at the origin of the spawner (and/or spawnspots), so if you want them not to stick in the ground, put this above the ground some- maybe 24? Make sure there's enough room around it for the monsters.
ONDEATH = only spawn the new monster after the last has died, defaults to FALSE (doesn't wait)
TRIGGERONLY = Will only spawn a monster when it's been used by a trigger. The default is continous spawning.
wait = time to wait after spawning a monster until the next monster is spawned, defaults to 0.5 seconds. If there are multiple spawn spots, this will be the time between cycles (default 0.5)
cnt = number of monsters, max to spawn, defaults to 17 (no reason, just like that number!) If there are multiple spots, this should be the total off ALL the spots, including the spawner itself.
aflag = order in the spawning cycle
spawnername = spawnspots to look for- be sure to make spawnspots!
targetname = not needed unless you plan to activate this with a trigger
There will be a test on this on Thursday. Interns are NOT exempt.
/*QUAKED func_monsterspawn_spot (1 .3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 56) IMP ARCHER WIZARD SCORPION SPIDER ONDEATH QUIET
All this does is mark where to spawn monsters for a spawn spot.
You can set any monster type for each spawnspot.
Just make the spawnername of this entity equal to the spawnername of the spawner and the spawner will cycle through all it's spawnspots in the world.
If you don't set the aflag, the spawn spot will NOT be used.
Note that if you set a trigger to activate this spawnspot, you can have it turn on and be included in the spawner's cycle, but you still always have to set the aflag.
aflag = order in the spawning cycle, you MUST set this, or it's useless.
cnt = number of monsters this spot will spawn, defaults to 17.
spawnername = this HAS to match the spawner's spawnername!
wait = how long the minimum interval should be between monster spawns for THIS spot.
targetname = used if you want this to wait to be activated by a seperate trigger before being included in the spawning cycle.
/*QUAKED monster_spider_red_large (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 26) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Large red spider.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_spider_red_small (1 0.3 0) (-12 -12 0) (12 12 16) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Small red spider.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_spider_yellow_large (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 26) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Large yellow spider.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED monster_spider_yellow_small (1 0.3 0) (-12 -12 0) (12 12 16) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
Small yellow spider.
------- key / value ----------------------------------
health = 100
experience_value = 800
------- spawnflags -----------------------------------
/*QUAKED sprite_tree1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 -95) (32 32 90)
A tree
/*QUAKED sprite_tree2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 -95) (32 32 90)
A tree
/*QUAKED sprite_treetop (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -32 -10) (32 32 10)
A tree top
/*QUAKED sprite_backgrnd_1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-48 -48 -16) (48 48 16)
A sprite background
/*QUAKED sprite_backgrnd_2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-48 -48 -16) (48 48 16)
Another sprite background
/*QUAKED sprite_moss1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-16 -16 -10) (16 16 10)
/*QUAKED light_torch_eqypt (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
An Egyptian style torch that displays light
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_torch_castle (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
The Castle style torch that displays light
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_torch_meso (0 1 0) (-12 -12 -16) (12 12 16) START_LOW
The Meso style torch that displays light
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_torch_rome (0 1 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) START_LOW
The Roman style torch that displays light
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED trigger_multiple (.5 .5 .5) ? notouch monstertouch pushtouch deactivated remove_pp no_pp lighttoggle lightstartlow
Variable sized repeatable trigger. Must be targeted at one or more entities.
If "health" is set, the trigger must be killed to activate each time.
If "delay" is set, the trigger waits some time after activating before firing.
"wait" : Seconds between triggerings. (.2 default)
If notouch is set, the trigger is only fired by other entities, not by touching.
If monstertouch is set, only monsters may set of the trigger
If deactivated is set, trigger will not fire until it is triggered itself
NOTOUCH has been obsoleted by trigger_relay!
1) secret
2) beep beep
3) large switch
set "message" to text string
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED trigger_once (.5 .5 .5) ? notouch monstertouch pushtouch deactivated remove_pp no_pp lighttoggle lightstartlow
Variable sized trigger. Triggers once, then removes itself. You must set the key "target" to the name of another object in the level that has a matching
"targetname". If "health" is set, the trigger must be killed to activate.
If notouch is set, the trigger is only fired by other entities, not by touching.
If monstertouch is set, only monsters can set of the triggers
If deactivated is set, trigger will not work until it is triggered
if "killtarget" is set, any objects that have a matching "target" will be removed when the trigger is fired.
if "angle" is set, the trigger will only fire when someone is facing the direction of the angle. Use "360" for an angle of 0.
1) secret
2) beep beep
3) large switch
set "message" to text string
lighttoggle = It will toggle on/off all lights in a level with a matching .style field.
.style = Valid light styles are 33-63.
.lightvalue1 (default 0)
.lightvalue2 (default 11)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
The lightvalue of .style will always start with the lightvalue1 of the FIRST trigger or button spawned with that .style.
.fadespeed (default 0.5) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
If you turn on lighttoggle, you MUST give this trigger a style value or it will turn on and off all the "normal" lights in the level (hey, maybe that's what you want!)
If you give a .style value between 0 and 32 it will change one of the preset lightstyles.
Puzzle Pieces (use the puzzle_id value from the pieces)
no_puzzle_msg: message when player doesn't have the right pieces
/*QUAKED trigger_activate (.5 .5 .5) ? ONCE RELAY x deactivated
/*QUAKED trigger_deactivate (.5 .5 .5) ? ONCE RELAY x deactivated
/*QUAKED trigger_interval (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
/*QUAKED trigger_relay (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
This fixed size trigger cannot be touched, it can only be fired by
other events. It can contain killtargets, targets, delays, and
/*QUAKED trigger_secret (.5 .5 .5) ?
secret counter trigger
1) secret
2) beep beep
set "message" to text string
/*QUAKED trigger_counter (.5 .5 .5) ? nomessage ordered always_return deactivated
Acts as an intermediary for an action that takes multiple inputs.
nomessage = it will print "1 more.. " etc when triggered and "sequence complete" when finished.
ordered = things must be triggered in order to make the counter go off
always_return = Buttons will pop back to ready position even if successful (default is that they stay down once correct combination is found)
- The triggers that trigger the counter need to be ordered using the "aflag" field
- The first trigger is 1, second is 2, etc.
- If a trigger is hit out of order, the counter resets
- Triggers need a name in their netname function, the same name must be in the counter triggers netname fields (the target of the counter should NOT have a netname field, only the things triggering the counter)
- Count must still be the number of triggers until the counter fires, minus 1 (don't ask why)
"wait" = how long to wait after successful before giving it another try. Default is -1, meaning it works once and shut off. If you specify a wait time, the trigger will become a multiple trigger.
"mangle" = This entity has the ability to have a non-sequential sequence of numbers as a combination using mangle.
The format is like a vector, for example, if you want the counter (ordered) to work only if the cnt order of 3, 5, 7 is used, enter the value "3 5 7" (no quotes).
A trigger_combination_assign trigger can pass it's "mangle" value to trigger_counter when it uses it.
This way you can have a number of different possible combinations that could be used and only one wouldbe right (depending, say, on which path the player took).
The values can be as high as you like (okay, from 1 to 65336), so you can have any number of buttons in this puzzle.
After the counter has been triggered "count" times (default 2), it will fire all of it's targets and shut off, unless you specify a wait time.
/*QUAKED trigger_combination_assign (.5 .5 .5) ? notouch monstertouch pushtouch deactivated remove_pp no_pp lighttoggle lightstartlow
This will pass it's "mangle" field to it's target- meant for use with an ordered trigger_counter.
It will pass the "mangle" but not USE the counter (it WILL use other targets normally, however).
Otherwise, it behaves just like any other trigger.
Giving it a wait of -1 will make it only work once.
/*QUAKED trigger_counter_reset (.5 .5 .5) ? notouch monstertouch pushtouch deactivated remove_pp no_pp lighttoggle lightstartlow
This will reset a trigger_counter to start counting again as if it hasn't been used yet. Useful for when you want a counter to count more than once but the counting can be interrupted.
It will reset the counter but not USE the counter (it WILL use other targets normally, however).
Otherwise, it behaves just like any other trigger.
Giving it a wait of -1 will make it only work once.
/*QUAKED trigger_check (.5 .5 .5) ?
Checks to see if its child entities are active, and if they are, it triggers
netname = the name to check for its child entities. Like the trigger_counter, each
entity that this checks must share its netname.
You do not need to specify how many children the trigger has
failtarget = points to the entity to trigger if the check fails. If left empty, nothing happens
/*QUAKED trigger_quake (3 26 0) (-10 -10 -10) (10 10 10) dodamage multiple
Earthquake effect
Sorry some of the entity names are screwy, but it saves space
damage default = 5;
duration default = 2;
wait default = 1;
dodamage = inflict damage on player
"items" radius of quake
"dmg" damage done to victim
"duration" duration of the quake
"target" name of trigger to target (for other effects)
"targetname" set this if you want something else to trigger the trigger
"wait" delay before the quake goes off
/*QUAKED info_teleport_destination (.5 .5 .5) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 32) NO_THROW
This is the destination marker for a teleporter. It should have a "targetname" field with the same value as a teleporter's "target" field.
NO_THROW = won't throw the entity it teleports in the direction (angles) it's facing
"angles" - Will turn player this way and push him in this direction unless the NO_THROW spawnflag is on.
/*QUAKED trigger_teleport (.5 .5 .5) ? PLAYER_ONLY SILENT ACTIVATE
Any object touching this will be transported to the corresponding info_teleport_destination entity. You must set the "target" field, and create an object with a "targetname" field that matches.
SILENT = No effect or sound
COOL DESIGN IDEA: If you like, you can use a trigger_message_transfer to change the target of the teleporter so it can go different places at different times.
If the trigger_teleport has a targetname, it will only teleport entities when it has been fired.
/*QUAKED trigger_teleport_newmap (.5 .5 .5)
Any player touching this will be transported to the map named in .target.
.target uses the syntax:
map e1m1
or corresponding to any other levelname.
/*QUAKED trigger_setskill (.5 .5 .5) ?
sets skill level to the value of "message".
Only used on start map.
/*QUAKED trigger_onlyregistered (.5 .5 .5) ?
Only fires if playing the registered version, otherwise prints the message
/*QUAKED trigger_hurt (.5 .5 .5) ?
Any object touching this will be hurt
set dmg to damage amount
defalt dmg = 5
/*QUAKED trigger_push (.5 .5 .5) ? PUSH_ONCE x x INACTIVE
Pushes the player in the direction set by angles
When used while "on", removes it.
PUSH_ONCE - will go away after one use.
INACTIVE - Must be turned on by a trigger_activate before it can be used
Angles - the direction to push
Speed - how hard to push (default 500)
If you target it, it waits to be triggered to turn on- next use will remove it.
/*QUAKED trigger_monsterjump (.5 .5 .5) ?
Walking monsters that touch this will jump in the direction of the trigger's angle
"speed" default to 200, the speed thrown forward
"height" default to 200, the speed thrown upwards
/*QUAKED trigger_magicfield (.5 .5 .5) ?
Denies player access without a certain item
/*QUAKED trigger_crosslevel (.5 .5 .5) ? trigger1 trigger2 trigger3 trigger4 trigger5 trigger6 trigger7 trigger8
Once this trigger is touched/used, any trigger_crosslevel_target with the same trigger number is automatically used when a level is started within the same unit. It is OK to check multiple triggers. Message, delay, target, and killtarget also work.
/*QUAKED trigger_crosslevel_target (.5 .5 .5) ? trigger1 trigger2 trigger3 trigger4 trigger5 trigger6 trigger7 trigger8
Triggered by a trigger_crosslevel elsewhere within a unit. It is OK to check multiple triggers. Delay, target and killtarget also work.
/*QUAKED trigger_deathtouch (.5 .5 .5)
Kills anything that has a matching targetname and touches it.
th_die = Set this if you want the object to have a specific death, defaults to SUB_Remove.
If it is SUB_Remove, it will execute the th_die of the object, if it has one.
If the object doesn't have a th_die, but it has health, it will execute chunk_death.
If it doesn't have health, it will just be removed.
FIXME: Solid_bsp's don't seem to touch this
/*QUAKED puzzle_piece (1 .6 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 16) SPAWN FLOATING
Puzzle Piece
puzzle_id: the number that identifies the piece
(this should 5 characters or less)
netname: the name the player sees when picked up
/*QUAKED puzzle_static_piece (1 .6 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Puzzle Static Piece
puzzle_id: the name of the model to be created
/*QUAKED trigger_control (.5 .5 .5) ?
Takes over a ballista when the player is inside of it
/*QUAKED trigger_no_friction (.5 .5 .5)
Takes FL_ONGROUND flag off anything
/*QUAKED trigger_attack (.5 .5 .5) ?
Checks to see if a player touching it has tried to fire.
/*QUAKED trigger_message_transfer (.5 .5 .5) ?
Special case- will player it's message and transfer it's activating trigger's next target to it's target.
Does NOT activate it's target, only transfers the name to the activating trigger
These triggers also cannot be deactivated by touch
.message = A message to display when used.
/*QUAKED rider_war (1 0 0) (0 0 0) (50 50 50)
War rider monster. You must place rider_path entites
on the map. The rider will first proceed to the
rider_path point with a path_id of 1.
map: next map to go to when you kill the rider
target: start spot on the next map
*//*QUAKED rider_quake (1 0 0) ?
/*QUAKED rider_quake_center (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
/*QUAKED weather_dust (0 1 1) ? x x x INACTIVE
Dust falls, or is stirred up within this entity.
INACTIVE - Must be tuirned on by a trigger_activated before usable
color - palette number of the dust's color (add 256 - (0 to 15) for translucency)
default = 272 (light grey + 256 for translucency)
88 to 95 (+ 256 for transluc) is light brownish
count - How much dust falls (0 - 100)
default = 10
/*QUAKED weather_rain (0 1 1) ? STRAIGHT
Rain falls within this entity.
color - palette number of the rain's color
default - 101
counter - number of rain particles to generate every 10th of a second.
default - 500
wait - how often to generate rain particles
default - .1 of a second
/*QUAKED weather_lightning_start (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) STARTOFF thunder_sound
Generates a bolt of lightning which ends at the weather_lightning_end that is the target
STARTOFF - if clicked the lightning becomes triggerable, will run constantly once triggered. Wait will still tell how long to wait between strikes
thunder_sound - will randomly play lightning strike sounds when it fires
noise - sound generated when lightning appears
1 - no sound
2 - lightning (default)
target - be sure to give this a target fx_lightning_end to hit
wait - amount of time between strikes
-1 lightning is triggerable.
> -1 lightning is constantly running.
default -1
lifespan - amount of time lightning bolt will exist.
/*QUAKED weather_lightning_end (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Where lightning from weather_lightning_start will hit.
/*QUAKED weather_sunbeam_start (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) STARTOFF
Generates a ray of sunlight which ends at the weather_sunbeam_end that is the target
STARTOFF - if clicked the sunbeam becomes triggerable, will run constantly once triggered. Wait will still tell how long to wait between strikes
noise - sound generated when lightning appears
1 - no sound (default)
2 - lightning
target - be sure to give this a target fx_lightning_end to hit
wait - amount of time between strikes
-1 sunbeam is triggerable.
> -1 sunbeam is constantly running.
default -1
lifespan - amount of time sunbeam will exist.
/*QUAKED weather_sunbeam_end (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Where sunbeam from weather_sunbeam_start will hit.
/*QUAKED fx_colorbeam_start (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) STARTOFF
Generates a ray of colored light which ends at the fx_colorbeam_end that is the target
STARTOFF - if clicked the colorbeam becomes triggerable, will run constantly once triggered. Wait will still tell how long to wait between strikes
noise - sound generated when lightning appears
1 - no sound (default)
2 - lightning
target - be sure to give this a target fx_lightning_end to hit
wait - amount of time between strikes
-1 beam is triggerable.
> -1 beam is constantly running.
default -1
color - color of the beam
0 = red (default)
1 = blue
3 = green
4 = white
5 = yellow
lifespan - amount of time beam will exist.
/*QUAKED fx_colorbeam_end (0 1 1) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8)
Where colorbeam from weather_colorbeam_start will hit.
/*QUAKED worldspawn (0 0 0) ?
Only used for the world entity.
Set message to the level name.
Set sounds to the cd track to play.
worldtype - determines different models to use (pots, torches)
0 - castle
1 - egypt
2 - meso
3 - roman
/*QUAKED monster_archer (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 50) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
The Archer Knight monster
Health : 80
Experience Pts: 25
Favorite TV shows: Friends & Baywatch
Favorite Color: Blue
Likes: Shooting arrows into people and long walks along the beach
Dislikes: Anything having to do with Pauly Shore
/*QUAKED monster_archer_lord (1 0.3 0) (-16 -16 0) (16 16 50) AMBUSH STUCK JUMP x DORMANT
The Archer Lord monster
Health : 400
Experience Pts: 200
Favorite Cities: Madrid & Las Vegas
Favorite Flower: Orchid
What people don't know about me: I cry at sad movies
What people say when they see me: Don't shoot!! Don't shoot!!
/*QUAKED trigger_push (.5 .5 .5) ? PUSH_ONCE
Pushes the player
/*QUAKED trigger_wind (.5 .5 .5) ? GUSTY
Creates a wind effect on all movable entities.
.speed - Wind Velocity - 150 would be ludicri-force.
Default: 35
GUSTY - Slightly randomizes the wind.
/*QUAKED trap_death_fireball (1 0.3 0) (0 0 0) (16 16 16)
.wait = How long to wait between firings (default 0.5)
.dmg = How much damage to do with each shot (default 10)
/*QUAKED rider_trigger_multiple (0.5 0.15 0) ?
rt_chance: chance (0-1) that the trigger will be run
/*QUAKED rider_trigger_once (0.5 0.15 0) ?
rt_chance: chance (0-1) that the trigger will be run
/*QUAKED monster_fish (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -8) (16 16 8)
Ambient Fish
skin: 0 = bright colored, 1 = darker colored
/*QUAKED obj_talkinghead1 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-12 -12 -32) (12 12 0)
Note: Origin is at top of head where it hangs from ceiling
health = how many hp it has. <=0 means it can't be shot and broken. Still can be destroyed by a .killtarget field.
voice1 - voice10: "-1" = loop back at start. -# will go back to the positive value of that number.
delay1 - delay10: "-1" = stop forever, 0 = wait for next trigger, >0 = wait this long before next sound
loop = number of times to loop
NOTE: no next voice (0) and no next delay (0) will make it wait for a trigger event and start all over again from the beginning of the list
voice1 = 1 //play sound 1
delay1 = 1 //wait 1 second
voice2 = 10 //play sound 10
delay2 = 3 //wait 1 second
voice3 = 17 //play sound 17
//!! NOTE: no value (0) for delay3 means to wait until it's triggered again to continue. If there WERE no .voice[4] value(0), it would just start back at the beginning on the next triggering.
//a -1 value in a delay will make it not be triggerable again after this point
//Next triggering:
voice4 = 22 //play sound 22
delay4 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice5 = 13 //play sound 13
delay5 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice6 = -2 //Tells it to go back to voice2
loop = 3 //repeat loop 3 times before moving on
delay6 = 1 //after last loop finished, wait 1 second and continue. A zero value here would make it wait for the next triggering to continue
voice7 = 4 //play sound 4
delay7 = -1 //Stop here and never trigger again
resultant sound sequence:
wait for trigger
10 (start first loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start second loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start third loop)
wait for trigger
stop forever
/*QUAKED obj_talkinghead2 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-12 -12 -32) (12 12 0)
Note: Origin is at top of head where it hangs from ceiling
health = how many hp it has. <=0 means it can't be shot and broken. Still can be destroyed by a .killtarget field.
voice1 - voice10: "-1" = loop back at start. -# will go back to the positive value of that number.
delay1 - delay10: "-1" = stop forever, 0 = wait for next trigger, >0 = wait this long before next sound
loop = number of times to loop
NOTE: no next voice (0) and no next delay (0) will make it wait for a trigger event and start all over again from the beginning of the list
voice1 = 1 //play sound 1
delay1 = 1 //wait 1 second
voice2 = 10 //play sound 10
delay2 = 3 //wait 1 second
voice3 = 17 //play sound 17
//!! NOTE: no value (0) for delay3 means to wait until it's triggered again to continue. If there WERE no .voice[4] value(0), it would just start back at the beginning on the next triggering.
//a -1 value in a delay will make it not be triggerable again after this point
//Next triggering:
voice4 = 22 //play sound 22
delay4 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice5 = 13 //play sound 13
delay5 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice6 = -2 //Tells it to go back to voice2
loop = 3 //repeat loop 3 times before moving on
delay6 = 1 //after last loop finished, wait 1 second and continue. A zero value here would make it wait for the next triggering to continue
voice7 = 4 //play sound 4
delay7 = -1 //Stop here and never trigger again
resultant sound sequence:
wait for trigger
10 (start first loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start second loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start third loop)
wait for trigger
stop forever
/*QUAKED obj_talkinghead3 (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-12 -12 -32) (12 12 0)
Note: Origin is at top of head where it hangs from ceiling
health = how many hp it has. <=0 means it can't be shot and broken. Still can be destroyed by a .killtarget field.
voice1 - voice10: "-1" = loop back at start. -# will go back to the positive value of that number.
delay1 - delay10: "-1" = stop forever, 0 = wait for next trigger, >0 = wait this long before next sound
loop = number of times to loop
NOTE: no next voice (0) and no next delay (0) will make it wait for a trigger event and start all over again from the beginning of the list
voice1 = 1 //play sound 1
delay1 = 1 //wait 1 second
voice2 = 10 //play sound 10
delay2 = 3 //wait 1 second
voice3 = 17 //play sound 17
//!! NOTE: no value (0) for delay3 means to wait until it's triggered again to continue. If there WERE no .voice[4] value(0), it would just start back at the beginning on the next triggering.
//a -1 value in a delay will make it not be triggerable again after this point
//Next triggering:
voice4 = 22 //play sound 22
delay4 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice5 = 13 //play sound 13
delay5 = 2 //wait 2 seconds
voice6 = -2 //Tells it to go back to voice2
loop = 3 //repeat loop 3 times before moving on
delay6 = 1 //after last loop finished, wait 1 second and continue. A zero value here would make it wait for the next triggering to continue
voice7 = 4 //play sound 4
delay7 = -1 //Stop here and never trigger again
resultant sound sequence:
wait for trigger
10 (start first loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start second loop)
wait for trigger
10 (start third loop)
wait for trigger
stop forever
/*QUAKED light_candle (0 1 0) (-7 -7 -15) (7 7 31) START_LOW
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
"lightvalue1" (default 0)
"lightvalue2" (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
"abslight" You can give it explicit lighting so it doesn't glow (0 to 2.5)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
.fadespeed (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED light_burner (0 1 0) (-16 -18 0) (16 18 52) START_LOW
A brazier
Default light value is 300
.health = If you give the torch health, it can be shot out. It will automatically select it's second skin (the beat-up torch look)
You must give it a targetname too, just any junk targetname will do like "junk"
If triggered, will toggle between lightvalue1 and lightvalue2
"lightvalue1" (default 0)
"lightvalue2" (default 11, equivalent to 300 brightness)
"abslight" You can give it explicit lighting so it doesn't glow (0 to 2.5)
Two values the light will fade-toggle between, 0 is black, 25 is brightest, 11 is equivalent to a value of 300.
"fadespeed" (default 1) = How many seconds it will take to complete the desired lighting change
The light will start on at a default of the higher light value unless you turn on the startlow flag.
START_LOW = will make the light start at the lower of the lightvalues you specify (default uses brighter)
/*QUAKED weather_snow (0 1 1) ? fluffy mixed half_bright no_melt in_bounds no_trans
Snow falls within this entity. (Client effect)
NOTE: In GL, may have actual snow texture on polys for snow
fluffy - All largish flakes
mixed - Mixed flakes
half_bright - All flakes start at most half bright (darker snow)
no_melt - Flakes don't melt when his surface, just go away
in_bounds - Flakes cannot leave the bounds of their box
no_trans - Flakes are not translucent (perhaps slight render boost)
counter - number of rain particles to generate every 10th of a second.
default - 100
wait - how often to generate rain particles
default - .1 of a second
speed - How fast the snow falls
default = 200
NOTE: Fast snowflakes could go through thin walls, so a check is made, faster snowflakes than 300 may cause a slight slowdown
anglespeed - How fast the lateral movement is on the snow
default is 125
veer - How much the snow blows around
default = 30
movedir - direction snow blows, from '-1 -1 -1' to '1 1 1', 'x y z' format, default is random between '-1 -1 -1' and '1 1 -0.5'
soundtype - 0 = wind (default)
/*QUAKED obj_skeleton (0.3 0.1 0.6) (-32 -12 0) (42 12 11)
A skeleton laying face up, arms crossed
health = 20
mass = 200;
/*QUAKED trigger_rubble (0 1 1) ? NOTOUCH x x INACTIVE
Rubble falls from the top plane of this entity.
INACTIVE - Must be activated before usable
NOTOUCH - can't be activated by touching it.
'count' - How much rubble falls (0 - 100)
default = 50
'dmg' - How much damage (generally) each rock does if hit person
default = 1
'thingtype' - type of chunks and sprites it will generate
GREYSTONE = 1 (default)
WOOD = 2
FIRE = 5
CLAY = 6
HAY = 8
CLOTH = 10
WEBS = 16
GLASS = 17
ICE = 18
ACID = 21
/*QUAKED monster_pentacles (1 0 0) (-8 -8 -8) (8 8 8) STATIONARY ONESURF NOFLOOR NOJUMP NOSPIT
All sides must be at least 8 away from the walls
'speed' (default = 8)