Jeff Teunissen fc3ce061c3 Rename most of the _parts_ .php files too (not the preamble though)
Fix plans, from too much over- and under-quoting.
2007-03-22 05:54:08 +00:00

47 lines
1.5 KiB

<? // Preamble
$pageName = "Post a new Plan Entry";
$need = 'auth';
require "parts/preamble.php"; // Load most of document
need ("boxes html news sql");
// set up local vars
$mode = $_REQUEST['mode'];
$planSubj = addSlashes ($_REQUEST['planSubj']);
$planText = addSlashes ($_REQUEST['planText']);
$user = $userInfo['u_displayname'];
if ($planText && $planSubj && $mode == "Post") {
$query = 'INSERT INTO plans (p_date, p_user, p_title, p_plan) VALUES ('
."NOW(), '$user', '$planSubj', '$planText')";
$rows = sqlWriteQuery ($query);
if ($rows) {
echo '<P>Your plan entry has been posted successfully.</P>';
} else {
echo "<P>Somebody screwed up, MySQL said '$sqlError'. Bug a project admin or somethin', eh?</P>";
} else {
$date = date ('d M Y');
newsBoxOpen ();
if ($planText) {
newsBoxTitle ("Latest Plan for $user (Preview)");
printNews ($date, $user, stripSlashes ($planText));
newsBoxTitle ("Post Plan Entry");
$form = '<FORM action="' . thisURL . '" method="post">'
. 'Subject: '
. '<INPUT type="text" name="planSubj" size="59" value="'
. convertFromHTML (stripSlashes ($planSubj)) . '">'
. '</INPUT><BR>'
. '<TEXTAREA name="planText" rows="25" cols="64">'
. convertFromHTML (stripSlashes ($planText))
. '<INPUT align="center" type="submit" name="mode" value="Post"></INPUT>'
. '<INPUT align="center" type="submit" name="mode" value="Preview"></INPUT>'
printNews ($date, $user, $form);
newsBoxClose ();