Bill Currie a4f500da3c [vulkan] Add a mini resource subsystem
The resource subsystem creates buffers, images, buffer views and image
views in a single batch operation, using a single memory object to back
all the buffers and images. I had been doing this by hand for a while,
but got tired of jumping through all those vulkan hoops. While it's
still a little tedious to set up the arrays for QFV_CreateResource (and
they need to be kept around for QFV_DestroyResource), it really eases
calculation of memory object size and sub-resource offsets. And
destroying all the objects is just one call to QFV_DestroyResource.
2022-05-04 13:59:38 +09:00

68 lines
1.4 KiB

#ifndef __QF_Vulkan_resource_h
#define __QF_Vulkan_resource_h
#include <vulkan/vulkan.h>
typedef enum {
qfv_res_buffer = 1,
} qfv_res_type;
typedef struct qfv_resobj_s {
const char *name;
qfv_res_type type;
union {
struct {
VkDeviceSize size;
VkBufferUsageFlags usage;
VkBuffer buffer;
} buffer;
struct {
unsigned buffer;
VkFormat format;
VkDeviceSize offset;
VkDeviceSize size;
VkBufferView view;
} buffer_view;
struct {
int cubemap;
VkImageType type;
VkFormat format;
VkExtent3D extent;
uint32_t num_mipmaps;
uint32_t num_layers;
VkSampleCountFlags samples;
VkImageUsageFlags usage;
VkImage image;
} image;
struct {
unsigned image;
VkImageViewType type;
VkFormat format;
VkImageAspectFlags aspect;
VkImageView view;
} image_view;
} qfv_resobj_t;
typedef struct qfv_resource_s {
const char *name;
struct va_ctx_s *va_ctx;
VkMemoryPropertyFlags memory_properties;
unsigned num_objects;
qfv_resobj_t *objects;
VkDeviceMemory memory;
} qfv_resource_t;
struct qfv_device_s;
int QFV_CreateResource (struct qfv_device_s *device, qfv_resource_t *resource);
void QFV_DestroyResource (struct qfv_device_s *device,
qfv_resource_t *resource);