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# vim:ts=4:et
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
# <pep8 compliant>
import bpy
from bpy_extras.object_utils import object_data_add
from mathutils import Vector,Matrix
from .quakepal import palette
from .mdl import MDL
from .qfplist import pldata
def make_verts(mdl, framenum, subframenum=0):
frame = mdl.frames[framenum]
if frame.type:
frame = frame.frames[subframenum]
verts = []
s = Vector(mdl.scale)
o = Vector(mdl.scale_origin)
m = Matrix(((s.x, 0, 0,o.x),
( 0,s.y, 0,o.y),
( 0, 0,s.z,o.z),
( 0, 0, 0, 1)))
for v in frame.verts:
verts.append(m * Vector(v.r))
return verts
def make_faces(mdl):
faces = []
uvs = []
for tri in mdl.tris:
tv = list(tri.verts)
sts = []
for v in tri.verts:
stv = mdl.stverts[v]
s = stv.s
t = stv.t
if stv.onseam and not tri.facesfront:
s += mdl.skinwidth / 2
# quake textures are top to bottom, but blender images
# are bottom to top
sts.append((s * 1.0 / mdl.skinwidth, 1 - t * 1.0 / mdl.skinheight))
# blender's and quake's vertex order seem to be opposed
# annoyingly, blender can't have 0 in the final vertex, so rotate the
# face vertices and uvs
if not tv[2]:
tv = [tv[2]] + tv[:2]
sts = [sts[2]] + sts[:2]
return faces, uvs
def load_skins(mdl):
def load_skin(skin, name):
skin.name = name
img = bpy.data.images.new(name, mdl.skinwidth, mdl.skinheight)
p = [0.0] * mdl.skinwidth * mdl.skinheight * 4
d = skin.pixels
for j in range(mdl.skinheight):
for k in range(mdl.skinwidth):
c = palette[d[j * mdl.skinwidth + k]]
# quake textures are top to bottom, but blender images
# are bottom to top
l = ((mdl.skinheight - 1 - j) * mdl.skinwidth + k) * 4
p[l + 0] = c[0] / 255.0
p[l + 1] = c[1] / 255.0
p[l + 2] = c[2] / 255.0
p[l + 3] = 1.0
img.pixels[:] = p[:]
img.use_fake_user = True
for i, skin in enumerate(mdl.skins):
if skin.type:
for j, subskin in enumerate(skin.skins):
load_skin(subskin, "%s_%d_%d" % (mdl.name, i, j))
load_skin(skin, "%s_%d" % (mdl.name, i))
def setup_skins(mdl, uvs):
img = mdl.images[0] # use the first skin for now
uvlay = mdl.mesh.uv_textures.new(mdl.name)
uvloop = mdl.mesh.uv_layers[0]
for i, texpoly in enumerate(uvlay.data):
poly = mdl.mesh.polygons[i]
mdl_uv = uvs[i]
texpoly.image = img
for j,k in enumerate(poly.loop_indices):
uvloop.data[k].uv = mdl_uv[j]
mat = bpy.data.materials.new(mdl.name)
mat.diffuse_color = (1,1,1)
mat.use_raytrace = False
tex = bpy.data.textures.new(mdl.name, 'IMAGE')
tex.extension = 'CLIP'
tex.use_preview_alpha = True
tex.image = img
ts = mat.texture_slots[0]
ts.texture = tex
ts.use_map_alpha = True
ts.texture_coords = 'UV'
def make_shape_key(mdl, framenum, subframenum=0):
frame = mdl.frames[framenum]
name = "%s_%d" % (mdl.name, framenum)
if frame.type:
frame = frame.frames[subframenum]
name = "%s_%d_%d" % (mdl.name, framenum, subframenum)
if frame.name:
name = frame.name
frame.name = name
frame.key = mdl.obj.shape_key_add(name)
frame.key.value = 0.0
s = Vector(mdl.scale)
o = Vector(mdl.scale_origin)
m = Matrix(((s.x, 0, 0,o.x),
( 0,s.y, 0,o.y),
( 0, 0,s.z,o.z),
( 0, 0, 0, 1)))
for i, v in enumerate(frame.verts):
frame.key.data[i].co = m * Vector(v.r)
def build_shape_keys(mdl):
mdl.keys = []
mdl.mesh.shape_keys.name = mdl.name
mdl.obj.active_shape_key_index = 0
for i, frame in enumerate(mdl.frames):
frame = mdl.frames[i]
if frame.type:
for j in range(len(frame.frames)):
make_shape_key(mdl, i, j)
make_shape_key(mdl, i)
def set_keys(act, data):
for d in data:
key, co = d
dp = """key_blocks["%s"].value""" % key.name
fc = act.fcurves.new(data_path = dp)
for i in range(len(co)):
fc.keyframe_points[i].co = co[i]
fc.keyframe_points[i].interpolation = 'LINEAR'
def build_actions(mdl):
sk = mdl.mesh.shape_keys
ad = sk.animation_data_create()
track = ad.nla_tracks.new();
track.name = mdl.name
start_frame = 1.0
for frame in mdl.frames:
act = bpy.data.actions.new(frame.name)
data = []
other_keys = mdl.keys[:]
if frame.type:
for j, subframe in enumerate(frame.frames):
subframe.frameno = start_frame + j
co = []
if j > 1:
co.append((1.0, 0.0))
if j > 0:
co.append((j * 1.0, 0.0))
co.append(((j + 1) * 1.0, 1.0))
if j < len(frame.frames) - 2:
co.append(((j + 2) * 1.0, 0.0))
if j < len(frame.frames) - 1:
co.append((len(frame.frames) * 1.0, 0.0))
data.append((subframe.key, co))
if subframe.key in other_keys:
co = [(1.0, 0.0), (len(frame.frames) * 1.0, 0.0)]
for k in other_keys:
data.append((k, co))
sub.frameno = start_frame + j
data.append((frame.key, [(1.0, 1.0)]))
if frame.key in other_keys:
co = [(1.0, 0.0)]
for k in other_keys:
data.append((k, co))
set_keys(act, data)
track.strips.new(act.name, start_frame, act)
start_frame += act.frame_range[1]
def merge_frames(mdl):
def get_base(name):
i = 0
while i < len(name) and name[i] not in "0123456789":
i += 1
return name[:i]
i = 0
while i < len(mdl.frames):
if mdl.frames[i].type:
i += 1
base = get_base(mdl.frames[i].name)
j = i + 1
while j < len(mdl.frames):
if mdl.frames[j].type:
if get_base(mdl.frames[j].name) != base:
j += 1
f = MDL.Frame()
f.name = base
f.type = 1
f.frames = mdl.frames[i:j]
mdl.frames[i:j] = [f]
i += 1
def write_text(mdl):
/* This script represents the animation data within the model file. It
is generated automatically on import, and is optional when exporting.
If no script is used when exporting, frames will be exported one per
blender frame from frame 1 to the current frame (inclusive), and only
one skin will be exported.
The fundamental format of the script is documented at
The expected layout is a top-level dictionary with two expected
frames array of frame entries. If missing, frames will be handled
as if there were no script.
skins array of skin entries. If missing, skins will be handled
as if there were no script.
A frame entry is a dictionary with the following fields:
name The name of the frame to be written to the mdl file. In a
frame group, this will form the base for sub-frame names
(name + relative frame number: eg, frame1) if the
sub-frame does not have a name field. (string)
frameno The blender frame to use for the captured animation. In a
frame group, this will be used as the base frame for any
sub-frames that do not specify a frame. While fractional
frames are supported, YMMV. (string:float)
frames Array of frame entries. If present, the current frame
entry is a frame group, and the frame entries specify
sub-frames. (array of dictionary)
NOTE: only top-level frames may be frame groups
intervals Array of frame end times for frame groups. No meaning
in blender, but the quake engine uses them for client-side
animations. Times must be ascending, but any step > 0 is
valid. Ignored for single frames. If not present in a
frame group, the sub-frames of the group will be written
as single frames (in order to undo the auto-group feature
of the importer). Excess times will be ignored, missing
times will be generated at 0.1
second intervals.
(array of string:float).
A skin entry is a dictionary with the following fields:
name The name of the blender image to be used as the skin.
Ignored for skin groups (animated skins). (string)
skins Array of skin entries. If present, the current skin
entry is a skin group (animated skin), and the skin
entries specify sub-skin. (array of dictionary)
NOTE: only top-level skins may be skins groups
intervals Array of skin end times for skin groups. No meaning
in blender, but the quake engine uses them for client-side
animations. Times must be ascending, but any step > 0 is
valid. Ignored for single skins. If not present in a
skin group, it will be generated using 0.1 second
intervals. Excess times will be ignored, missing times
will be generated at 0.1 second intervals.
(array of string:float).
d={'frames':[], 'skins':[]}
for f in mdl.frames:
for s in mdl.skins:
pl = pldata()
string = header + pl.write(d)
txt = bpy.data.texts.new(mdl.name)
mdl.text = txt
def parse_flags(flags):
#NOTE these are in QuakeForge priority order; a little different to id.
# id has rocket and grenate between tracer2 and tracer3
if flags & MDL.EF_ROCKET:
return 'EF_ROCKET'
elif flags & MDL.EF_GRENADE:
return 'EF_GRENADE'
elif flags & MDL.EF_GIB:
return 'EF_GIB'
elif flags & MDL.EF_ZOMGIB:
return 'EF_ZOMGIB'
elif flags & MDL.EF_TRACER:
return 'EF_TRACER'
elif flags & MDL.EF_TRACER2:
return 'EF_TRACER2'
elif flags & MDL.EF_TRACER3:
return 'EF_TRACER3'
return 'EF_NONE'
def set_properties(mdl):
mdl.obj.qfmdl.eyeposition = mdl.eyeposition
mdl.obj.qfmdl.synctype = MDL.SYNCTYPE[mdl.synctype]
except IndexError:
mdl.obj.qfmdl.synctype = 'ST_SYNC'
mdl.obj.qfmdl.rotate = (mdl.flags & MDL.EF_ROTATE) and True or False
mdl.obj.qfmdl.effects = parse_flags(mdl.flags)
mdl.obj.qfmdl.script = mdl.text.name #FIXME really want the text object
mdl.obj.qfmdl.md16 = (mdl.ident == "MD16")
def import_mdl(operator, context, filepath):
bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = False
for obj in bpy.context.scene.objects:
obj.select = False
mdl = MDL()
if not mdl.read(filepath):
"Unrecognized format: %s %d" % (mdl.ident, mdl.version))
return {'CANCELLED'}
faces, uvs = make_faces(mdl)
verts = make_verts(mdl, 0)
mdl.mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(mdl.name)
mdl.mesh.from_pydata(verts, [], faces)
mdl.obj = bpy.data.objects.new(mdl.name, mdl.mesh)
bpy.context.scene.objects.active = mdl.obj
mdl.obj.select = True
setup_skins(mdl, uvs)
if len(mdl.frames) > 1 or mdl.frames[0].type:
bpy.context.user_preferences.edit.use_global_undo = True
return {'FINISHED'}