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synced 2024-11-06 13:11:20 +00:00
-Wall still isn't used yet due to a missing method in Array, and overzealous warnings in qfcc, but this covers the necessary fixes.
232 lines
4.9 KiB
232 lines
4.9 KiB
#include "SchemeObject.h"
#include "defs.h"
//#include "debug.h"
SchemeObject maybe_garbage, not_garbage, not_garbage_end, wait_list, roots, queue_pos;
BOOL markstate;
typedef enum {
GC_IDLE = 0,
GC_MARK = 1,
} gc_state_e;
gc_state_e gc_state;
integer checkpoint;
#define GC_AMOUNT 100
@implementation SchemeObject
+ (void) initialize
maybe_garbage = not_garbage = not_garbage_end = wait_list = roots = NIL;
markstate = true;
gc_state = GC_IDLE;
checkpoint = 0;
- (id) initDummy
self = [super init];
prev = next = NIL;
marked = markstate;
root = false;
return self;
+ (id) dummyObject
return [[SchemeObject alloc] initDummy];
+ (void) collect
local SchemeObject cur;
local integer amount;
switch (gc_state) {
case GC_IDLE:
dprintf("GC: Starting collection...\n");
gc_state = GC_MARK;
not_garbage = not_garbage_end = [SchemeObject dummyObject];
for (cur = roots; cur; cur = cur.next) {
[cur markReachable];
queue_pos = not_garbage_end;
case GC_MARK:
dprintf("GC: Marking...\n");
amount = 0;
while (queue_pos) {
dprintf("GC: marking queue: %s[%s]@%i\n",
[queue_pos description],
[queue_pos printForm],
(integer) queue_pos);
[queue_pos markReachable];
queue_pos = queue_pos.prev;
if (++amount >= GC_AMOUNT/2) return;
dprintf("MARKED: %i reachable objects\n", amount);
gc_state = GC_SWEEP;
queue_pos = maybe_garbage;
case GC_SWEEP:
dprintf("GC: Sweeping...\n");
amount = 0;
while (queue_pos) {
dprintf("GC: freeing %s[%s]@%i...\n",
[queue_pos description],
[queue_pos printForm],
(integer) queue_pos);
[queue_pos release];
queue_pos = queue_pos.next;
//if (++amount == GC_AMOUNT) return;
maybe_garbage = not_garbage;
not_garbage_end.next = wait_list;
if (wait_list) {
wait_list.prev = not_garbage_end;
wait_list = NIL;
not_garbage_end = NIL;
not_garbage = NIL;
markstate = !markstate;
gc_state = GC_IDLE;
+ (void) collectCheckPoint
if (checkpoint >= GC_AMOUNT)
[self collect];
checkpoint = 0;
+ (void) finishCollecting
while (gc_state) {
[self collect];
- (id) init
self = [super init];
if (gc_state) {
if (wait_list) {
wait_list.prev = self;
next = wait_list;
wait_list = self;
marked = markstate;
dprintf("GC: During collect: %i\n", (integer) self);
} else {
if (maybe_garbage) {
maybe_garbage.prev = self;
next = maybe_garbage;
maybe_garbage = self;
marked = !markstate;
dprintf("GC: Not during collect: %i\n", (integer) self);
prev = NIL;
root = false;
return self;
- (void) mark
if (!root && marked != markstate) {
dprintf("GC: Marking %s[%s]@%i\n", [self description], [self printForm], (integer) self);
marked = markstate;
if (prev) {
prev.next = next;
} else {
maybe_garbage = next;
if (next) {
next.prev = prev;
if (not_garbage) {
not_garbage.prev = self;
next = not_garbage;
prev = NIL;
not_garbage = self;
- (void) makeRootCell
if (root)
if (gc_state) {
dprintf("Root cell made during collection!\n");
[SchemeObject finishCollecting];
if (prev) {
prev.next = next;
} else {
maybe_garbage = next;
if (next) {
next.prev = prev;
if (roots) {
roots.prev = self;
next = roots;
prev = NIL;
roots = self;
root = true;
- (void) markReachable
- (string) printForm
return "<generic>";
- (void) dealloc
dprintf("Deallocing %s @ %i!\n", [self description], (integer) self);
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) isError
return false;
- (string) source
return source;
- (void) source: (string) s
source = s;
- (integer) line
return line;
- (void) line: (integer) l
line = l;