Bill Currie d23300d58b Pass .m files through indent.
The result isn't perfect, but it cleans up the whitespace and makes the
code more consistent with the rest of the project.
2010-11-28 15:31:31 +09:00

341 lines
6.1 KiB

#include "Preferences.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Project.h"
id preferences_i;
#define DEFOWNER "QuakeEd2"
float lightaxis[3] = { 1, 0.6, 0.75 };
@implementation Preferences
[super init];
preferences_i = self;
return self;
_atoi (char *c)
if (!c)
return 0;
return atoi (c);
_atof (char *c)
if (!c)
return 0;
return atof (c);
WriteNumericDefault (char *name, float value)
char str[128];
sprintf (str, "%f", value);
// XXX NSWriteDefault (DEFOWNER, name, str);
WriteStringDefault (char *name, char *value)
// XXX NSWriteDefault (DEFOWNER, name, value);
// Read in at start of program
char *string = "";
float value = 0;
// XXX string = (char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"ProjectPath");
[self setProjectPath:string];
// XXX string = (char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"BspSoundPath");
[self setBspSoundPath:string];
// XXX value = _atoi((char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"ShowBSPOutput"));
[self setShowBSP:value];
// XXX value = _atoi((char
// *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"OffsetBrushCopy"));
[self setBrushOffset:value];
// XXX value = _atoi((char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"StartWad"));
[self setStartWad:value];
// XXX value = _atof((char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Xlight"));
[self setXlight:value];
// XXX value = _atof((char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Ylight"));
[self setYlight:value];
// XXX value = _atof((char *)NSGetDefaultValue(DEFOWNER,"Zlight"));
[self setZlight:value];
return self;
-setProjectPath:(char *) path
if (!path)
path = "";
strcpy (projectpath, path);
[startproject_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path]];
WriteStringDefault ("ProjectPath", path);
return self;
[startproject_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:[project_i
[self UIChanged:self];
return self;
-(char *) getProjectPath
return projectpath;
// BSP sound stuff
// Set the BSP sound using an OpenPanel
id panel;
NSString *types[] = { @"snd" };
int rtn;
NSArray *filenames;
char path[1024], file[64];
panel =[NSOpenPanel new];
// XXX ExtractFilePath (bspSound, path);
// XXX ExtractFileBase (bspSound, file);
rtn =[panel runModalForDirectory: [NSString stringWithCString:path]
file: [NSString stringWithCString:file]
types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: types count:1]];
if (rtn) {
filenames =[panel filenames];
strcpy (bspSound,[[panel directory] cString]);
strcat (bspSound, "/");
strcat (bspSound,[[filenames objectAtIndex:0] cString]);
[self setBspSoundPath:bspSound];
[self playBspSound];
return self;
// Play the BSP sound
[bspSound_i play];
return self;
// Set the bspSound path
-setBspSoundPath:(char *) path
if (!path)
path = "";
strcpy (bspSound, path);
if (bspSound_i)
[bspSound_i release];
bspSound_i =[[NSSound alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: [NSString stringWithCString:bspSound]];
if (!bspSound_i) {
strcpy (bspSound, "/NextLibrary/Sounds/Funk.snd");
bspSound_i =[[NSSound alloc] initWithContentsOfFile: [NSString stringWithCString:bspSound]];
[bspSoundField_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:bspSound]];
WriteStringDefault ("BspSoundPath", bspSound);
return self;
// Show BSP Output management
// Set the state
-setShowBSP:(int) state
showBSP = state;
[showBSP_i setIntValue:state];
WriteNumericDefault ("ShowBSPOutput", showBSP);
return self;
// Get the state
-(int) getShowBSP
return showBSP;
// "Offset Brush ..." management
// Set the state
-setBrushOffset:(int) state
brushOffset = state;
[brushOffset_i setIntValue:state];
WriteNumericDefault ("OffsetBrushCopy", state);
return self;
// Get the state
-(int) getBrushOffset
return brushOffset;
// StartWad
-setStartWad:(int) value // set start wad (0-2)
startwad = value;
if (startwad < 0 || startwad > 2)
startwad = 0;
[startwad_i selectCellAtRow: startwad column:0];
WriteNumericDefault ("StartWad", value);
return self;
-(int) getStartWad
return startwad;
// X,Y,Z light values
// Set the state
-setXlight:(float) value
xlight = value;
if (xlight < 0.25 || xlight > 1)
xlight = 0.6;
lightaxis[1] = xlight;
[xlight_i setFloatValue:xlight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Xlight", xlight);
return self;
-setYlight:(float) value
ylight = value;
if (ylight < 0.25 || ylight > 1)
ylight = 0.75;
lightaxis[2] = ylight;
[ylight_i setFloatValue:ylight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Ylight", ylight);
return self;
-setZlight:(float) value
zlight = value;
if (zlight < 0.25 || zlight > 1)
zlight = 1;
lightaxis[0] = zlight;
[zlight_i setFloatValue:zlight];
WriteNumericDefault ("Zlight", zlight);
return self;
// Get the state
-(float) getXlight
return[xlight_i floatValue];
-(float) getYlight
return[ylight_i floatValue];
-(float) getZlight
return[zlight_i floatValue];
Grab all the current UI state
qprintf ("defaults updated");
[self setProjectPath:(char *)[startproject_i stringValue]];
[self setBspSoundPath:(char *)[bspSoundField_i stringValue]];
[self setShowBSP:[showBSP_i intValue]];
[self setBrushOffset:[brushOffset_i intValue]];
[self setStartWad:[startwad_i selectedRow]];
[self setXlight:[xlight_i floatValue]];
[self setYlight:[ylight_i floatValue]];
[self setZlight:[zlight_i floatValue]];
[map_i makeGlobalPerform:@selector (flushTextures)];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;