Bill Currie d23300d58b Pass .m files through indent.
The result isn't perfect, but it cleans up the whitespace and makes the
code more consistent with the rest of the project.
2010-11-28 15:31:31 +09:00

1098 lines
20 KiB

#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "QF/quakeio.h"
#include "QF/script.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "Entity.h"
#include "TexturePalette.h"
#include "SetBrush.h"
#include "XYView.h"
#include "CameraView.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Things.h"
#include "InspectorControl.h"
#include "Project.h"
id map_i;
@implementation Map
- init {
[super init];
map_i = self;
minz = 0;
maxz = 80;
oldselection =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
return self;
int i, c;
id o, w;
[oldselection removeAllObjects];
w =[self objectAtIndex:0];
c =[w count];
sb_newowner = oldselection;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o =[w objectAtIndex:0];
if ([o selected])
[o moveToEntity];
else {
[w removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[o release];
c =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o =[self objectAtIndex:0];
[self removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[o removeAllObjects];
[o release];
return self;
int i, c;
id n, w;
c =[oldselection count];
w =[self objectAtIndex:0]; // world object
sb_newowner = w;
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
n =[oldselection objectAtIndex:i];
[n moveToEntity];
[oldselection removeAllObjects];
return self;
id ent;
[self saveSelected];
ent =[[Entity alloc] initClass:"worldspawn"];
[self addObject:ent];
currentEntity = NULL;
[self setCurrentEntity:ent];
[self addSelected];
return self;
return currentEntity;
id old;
old = currentEntity;
currentEntity = ent;
if (old != ent) {
[things_i newCurrentEntity]; // update inspector
[inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_things];
return self;
-(float) currentMinZ
float grid;
grid =[xyview_i gridsize];
minz = grid * rint (minz / grid);
return minz;
-setCurrentMinZ:(float) m
if (m > -2048)
minz = m;
return self;
-(float) currentMaxZ
float grid;
[self currentMinZ]; // grid align
grid =[xyview_i gridsize];
maxz = grid * rint (maxz / grid);
if (maxz <= minz)
maxz = minz + grid;
return maxz;
-setCurrentMaxZ:(float) m
if (m < 2048)
maxz = m;
return self;
-(void) removeObject:o
[super removeObject:o];
if (o == currentEntity) { // select the world
[self setCurrentEntity: [self objectAtIndex:0]];
FILE *f;
extern int c_updateall;
struct timeval tp;
struct timezone tzp;
gettimeofday(&tp, &tzp);
f = fopen (FN_DEVLOG, "a");
fprintf (f,"%i %i\n", (int)tp.tv_sec, c_updateall);
c_updateall = 0;
fclose (f);
return self;
-(int) numSelected
int i, c;
int num;
num = 0;
c =[currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if ([[currentEntity objectAtIndex:i] selected])
return num;
int i, c;
int num;
num = 0;
c =[currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
if ([[currentEntity objectAtIndex:i] selected])
return[currentEntity objectAtIndex:i];
return nil;
-readMapFile:(char *) fname
char *dat, *cl;
id new;
id ent;
int i, c;
vec3_t org;
float angle;
QFile *file;
script_t *script;
size_t size;
[self saveSelected];
Sys_Printf ("loading %s\n", fname);
file = Qopen (fname, "rt");
size = Qfilesize (file);
dat = malloc (size + 1);
size = Qread (file, dat, size);
Qclose (file);
dat[size] = 0;
script = Script_New ();
Script_Start (script, fname, dat);
do {
new =[[Entity alloc] initFromScript:script];
if (!new)
[self addObject:new];
} while (1);
free (dat);
[self setCurrentEntity: [self objectAtIndex:0]];
[self addSelected];
// load the apropriate texture wad
dat =[currentEntity valueForQKey:"wad"];
if (dat && dat[0]) {
if (dat[0] == '/') // remove old style fullpaths
[currentEntity removeKeyPair:"wad"];
else {
if (strcmp ([texturepalette_i currentWad], dat))
[project_i setTextureWad:dat];
// center the camera and XY view on the playerstart
c =[self count];
for (i = 1; i < c; i++) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
cl =[ent valueForQKey:"classname"];
if (cl && !strcasecmp (cl, "info_player_start")) {
angle = atof ([ent valueForQKey:"angle"]);
angle = angle / 180 * M_PI;
[ent getVector: org forKey:"origin"];
[cameraview_i setOrigin: org angle:angle];
[xyview_i centerOn:org];
return self;
-writeMapFile:(char *)
fname useRegion:(BOOL) reg
FILE *f;
int i;
Sys_Printf ("writeMapFile: %s", fname);
f = fopen (fname, "w");
if (!f)
Sys_Error ("couldn't write %s", fname);
for (i = 0; i <[self count]; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex: i] writeToFILE: f region:reg];
fclose (f);
return self;
int i, count;
count =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex:i] ZDrawSelf];
return self;
-RenderSelf:(void (*)(face_t *)) callback
int i, count;
count =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
[[self objectAtIndex: i] RenderSelf:callback];
return self;
A command-shift-click on an entity while an entity is selected will
make a target connection from the original entity.
-entityConnect: (vec3_t) p1:(vec3_t) p2
id oldent, ent;
oldent =[self currentEntity];
if (oldent ==[self objectAtIndex:0]) {
Sys_Printf ("Must have a non-world entity selected to connect");
return self;
[self selectRay: p1: p2:YES];
ent =[self currentEntity];
if (ent == oldent) {
Sys_Printf ("Must click on a different entity to connect");
return self;
if (ent ==[self objectAtIndex:0]) {
Sys_Printf ("Must click on a non-world entity to connect");
return self;
[oldent setKey: "target" toValue:[ent targetname]];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
If ef is true, any entity brush along the ray will be selected in preference
to intervening world brushes
-selectRay: (vec3_t) p1: (vec3_t) p2:(BOOL) ef
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t *td;
bestent = nil;
bestface = -1;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c =[self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
[brush hitByRay: p1: p2: &time:&face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
bestface = face;
if (i == 1 && ef && bestbrush)
break; // found an entity, so don't check the
// world
if (besttime == 99999) {
Sys_Printf ("trace missed");
return self;
if ([bestbrush regioned]) {
Sys_Printf ("WANRING: clicked on regioned brush");
return self;
if (bestent != currentEntity) {
[self makeSelectedPerform:@selector (deselect)];
[self setCurrentEntity:bestent];
[quakeed_i disableFlushWindow];
if (![bestbrush selected]) {
if ([map_i numSelected] == 0) { // don't grab texture if others are
// selected
td =[bestbrush texturedefForFace:bestface];
[texturepalette_i setTextureDef:td];
[bestbrush setSelected:YES];
Sys_Printf ("selected entity %i brush %i face %i", (int)[self indexOfObject: bestent], (int)[bestent indexOfObject:bestbrush], bestface);
} else {
[bestbrush setSelected:NO];
Sys_Printf ("deselected entity %i brush %i face %i", (int)[self indexOfObject: bestent], (int)[bestent indexOfObject:bestbrush], bestface);
[quakeed_i enableFlushWindow];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
checks only the selected brushes
Returns the brush hit, or nil if missed.
-grabRay: (vec3_t) p1:(vec3_t) p2
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face;
float time, besttime;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
if (![brush selected])
[brush hitByRay: p1: p2: &time:&face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
if (besttime == 99999)
return nil;
return bestbrush;
-getTextureRay: (vec3_t) p1:(vec3_t) p2
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t *td;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
bestbrush = nil;
bestent = nil;
besttime = 99999;
bestface = -1;
c =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
[brush hitByRay: p1: p2: &time:&face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
bestface = face;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
if (besttime == 99999)
return nil;
if (![bestent modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities");
return self;
td =[bestbrush texturedefForFace:bestface];
[texturepalette_i setTextureDef:td];
Sys_Printf ("grabbed texturedef and sizes");
[bestbrush getMins: mins maxs:maxs];
minz = mins[2];
maxz = maxs[2];
return bestbrush;
-setTextureRay: (vec3_t) p1: (vec3_t) p2:(BOOL) allsides;
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, bestent;
id brush, bestbrush;
int face, bestface;
float time, besttime;
texturedef_t td;
bestent = nil;
bestface = -1;
bestbrush = nil;
besttime = 99999;
c =[self count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
[brush hitByRay: p1: p2: &time:&face];
if (time < 0 || time > besttime)
bestent = ent;
besttime = time;
bestbrush = brush;
bestface = face;
if (besttime == 99999) {
Sys_Printf ("trace missed");
return self;
if (![bestent modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities");
return self;
if ([bestbrush regioned]) {
Sys_Printf ("WANRING: clicked on regioned brush");
return self;
[texturepalette_i getTextureDef:&td];
[quakeed_i disableFlushWindow];
if (allsides) {
[bestbrush setTexturedef:&td];
Sys_Printf ("textured entity %i brush %i", (int)[self indexOfObject: bestent], (int)[bestent indexOfObject:bestbrush]);
} else {
[bestbrush setTexturedef: &td forFace:bestface];
Sys_Printf ("deselected entity %i brush %i face %i", (int)[self indexOfObject: bestent], (int)[bestent indexOfObject:bestbrush], bestface);
[quakeed_i enableFlushWindow];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
-makeSelectedPerform:(SEL) sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
int total;
total = 0;
c =[self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
if (![brush selected])
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector:sel];
// if (!total)
// Sys_Printf ("nothing selected");
return self;
-makeUnselectedPerform:(SEL) sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c =[self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
if ([brush selected])
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector:sel];
return self;
-makeAllPerform:(SEL) sel
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c =[self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
if ([brush regioned])
[brush performSelector:sel];
return self;
-makeGlobalPerform:(SEL) sel // in and out of region
int i, j, c, c2;
id ent, brush;
c =[self count];
for (i = c - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
ent =[self objectAtIndex:i];
c2 =[ent count];
for (j = c2 - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
brush =[ent objectAtIndex:j];
[brush performSelector:sel];
return self;
sel_identity (void)
sel_x[0] = 1;
sel_x[1] = 0;
sel_x[2] = 0;
sel_y[0] = 0;
sel_y[1] = 1;
sel_y[2] = 0;
sel_z[0] = 0;
sel_z[1] = 0;
sel_z[2] = 1;
if (![currentEntity modifiable]) {
Sys_Printf ("can't modify spawned entities");
return self;
// find an origin to apply the transformation to
sb_mins[0] = sb_mins[1] = sb_mins[2] = 99999;
sb_maxs[0] = sb_maxs[1] = sb_maxs[2] = -99999;
[self makeSelectedPerform:@selector (addToBBox)];
sel_org[0] =[xyview_i snapToGrid:(sb_mins[0] + sb_maxs[0]) / 2];
sel_org[1] =[xyview_i snapToGrid:(sb_mins[1] + sb_maxs[1]) / 2];
sel_org[2] =[xyview_i snapToGrid:(sb_mins[2] + sb_maxs[2]) / 2];
// do it!
[self makeSelectedPerform:@selector (transform)];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
swapvectors (vec3_t a, vec3_t b)
vec3_t temp;
VectorCopy (a, temp);
VectorCopy (b, a);
VectorSubtract (vec3_origin, temp, b);
UI operations
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_y, sel_z);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_x, sel_z);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
sel_identity ();
swapvectors (sel_x, sel_y);
[self transformSelection];
return self;
sel_identity ();
sel_x[0] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
sel_identity ();
sel_y[1] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
sel_identity ();
sel_z[2] = -1;
[self transformSelection];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (flipNormals)];
return self;
int i, j, c, originalElements;
id o, b;
id new;
sb_translate[0] = sb_translate[1] =[xyview_i gridsize];
sb_translate[2] = 0;
// copy individual brushes in the world entity
o =[self objectAtIndex:0];
c =[o count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
b =[o objectAtIndex:i];
if (![b selected])
// copy the brush, then translate the original
new =[b copy];
[new setSelected:YES];
[new translate];
[b setSelected:NO];
[o addObject:new];
// copy entire entities otherwise
originalElements =[self count]; // don't copy the new ones
for (i = 1; i < originalElements; i++) {
o =[self objectAtIndex:i];
if (![[o objectAtIndex:0] selected])
new =[o copy];
[self addObject:new];
c =[o count];
for (j = 0; j < c; j++)
[[o objectAtIndex: j] setSelected:NO];
c =[new count];
for (j = 0; j < c; j++) {
b =[new objectAtIndex:j];
[b translate];
[b setSelected:YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
id o;
int i, c;
o =[self selectedBrush];
if (!o) {
Sys_Printf ("nothing selected");
return self;
o =[o parent];
c =[o count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++)
[[o objectAtIndex: i] setSelected:YES];
Sys_Printf ("%i brushes selected", c);
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
if (currentEntity !=[self objectAtIndex:0]) {
Sys_Printf ("ERROR: can't makeEntity inside an entity");
NSBeep ();
return self;
if ([self numSelected] == 0) {
Sys_Printf ("ERROR: must have a seed brush to make an entity");
NSBeep ();
return self;
sb_newowner =[[Entity alloc] initClass:[things_i spawnName]];
if ([sb_newowner modifiable])
[self makeSelectedPerform:@selector (moveToEntity)];
else { // throw out seed brush and select
// entity fixed brush
[self makeSelectedPerform:@selector (remove)];
[[sb_newowner objectAtIndex: 0] setSelected:YES];
[self addObject:sb_newowner];
[self setCurrentEntity:sb_newowner];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
-selbox:(SEL) selector
id b;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected");
return self;
b =[self selectedBrush];
[b getMins: select_min maxs:select_max];
[b remove];
[self makeUnselectedPerform:selector];
Sys_Printf ("identified contents");
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
return[self selbox:@selector (selectComplete)];
return[self selbox:@selector (selectPartial)];
id b;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
texturedef_t td;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected");
return self;
b =[self selectedBrush];
td = *[b texturedef];
[b getMins: mins maxs:maxs];
[b remove];
mins[2] = -2048;
maxs[2] = 2048;
b =[[SetBrush alloc] initOwner: [map_i objectAtIndex: 0] mins: mins maxs: maxs texture:&td];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] addObject:b];
[b setSelected:YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
id b;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
texturedef_t td;
if ([self numSelected] != 1) {
Sys_Printf ("must have a single brush selected");
return self;
b =[self selectedBrush];
td = *[b texturedef];
[b getMins: mins maxs:maxs];
[b remove];
mins[2] = 0;
maxs[2] = 16;
b =[[SetBrush alloc] initOwner: [map_i objectAtIndex: 0] mins: mins maxs: maxs texture:&td];
[[map_i objectAtIndex: 0] addObject:b];
[b setSelected:YES];
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;
int i, j, c, c2;
id o, o2;
id sellist, sourcelist;
Sys_Printf ("performing brush subtraction...");
sourcelist =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
sellist =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
carve_in =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
carve_out =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
c =[currentEntity count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o =[currentEntity objectAtIndex:i];
if ([o selected])
[sellist addObject:o];
[sourcelist addObject:o];
c =[sellist count];
for (i = 0; i < c; i++) {
o =[sellist objectAtIndex:i];
[o setCarveVars];
c2 =[sourcelist count];
for (j = 0; j < c2; j++) {
o2 =[sourcelist objectAtIndex:j];
[o2 carve];
[carve_in removeAllObjects];
[sourcelist release]; // the individual have been moved/freed
sourcelist = carve_out;
carve_out =[[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// add the selection back to the remnants
[currentEntity removeAllObjects];
[currentEntity addObjectsFromArray:sourcelist];
[currentEntity addObjectsFromArray:sellist];
[sourcelist release];
[sellist release];
[carve_in release];
[carve_out release];
if (![currentEntity count]) {
o = currentEntity;
[self removeObject:o];
[o release];
Sys_Printf ("subtracted selection");
[quakeed_i updateAll];
return self;