
114 lines
2.2 KiB

#include <Array.h>
#include "qwaq-curses.h"
#include "qwaq-screen.h"
@implementation Screen
+(Screen *) screen
return [[[self alloc] init] autorelease];
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
views = [[Array array] retain];
event_handlers = [[Array array] retain];
focused_handlers = [[Array array] retain];
mouse_handlers = [[Array array] retain];
mouse_handler_rects = [[Array array] retain];
window = stdscr;
scrollok (window, 1);
rect = getwrect (window);
return self;
-add: obj
if ([obj conformsToProtocol: @protocol (Draw)]) {
// "top" objects are drawn last
[views addObject: obj];
[obj setParent: self];
if ([obj conformsToProtocol: @protocol (HandleFocusedEvent)]) {
// want "top" objects to respond first
[focused_handlers insertObject: obj atIndex: 0];
if ([obj conformsToProtocol: @protocol (HandleMouseEvent)]) {
// "top" objects respond first, but the array is searched in reverse
[mouse_handlers addObject: obj];
[mouse_handler_rects addObject: (id) [obj getRect]];
if ([obj conformsToProtocol: @protocol (HandleEvent)]) {
// want "top" objects to respond first
[event_handlers insertObject: obj atIndex: 0];
return self;
-setBackground: (int) ch
wbkgd (window, ch);
return self;
-handleEvent: (qwaq_event_t *) event
switch (event.event_type) {
case qe_none:
case qe_key:
case qe_command:
makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(handleEvent:)
withObject: (id) event];
case qe_mouse:
Point p = { event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y };
for (int i = [mouse_handler_rects count]; i-->0; ) {
//if (rectContainsPoint((Rect*)mouse_handler_rects._objs[i], &p)) {
// [mouse_handlers._objs[i] handleEvent: event];
// break;
return self;
[views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector (draw)];
update_panels ();
doupdate ();
return self;
[self error:"hmm"];
update_panels ();
doupdate ();
return self;
-printf: (string) fmt, ...
wvprintf (window, fmt, @args);
return self;
-addch: (int) ch atX: (int) x Y: (int) y
mvwaddch(window, x, y, ch);
return self;
-setParent: parent
return self;