Bill Currie d23300d58b Pass .m files through indent.
The result isn't perfect, but it cleans up the whitespace and makes the
code more consistent with the rest of the project.
2010-11-28 15:31:31 +09:00

1032 lines
19 KiB

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include "QF/quakeio.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Clipper.h"
#include "XYView.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "CameraView.h"
#include "ZView.h"
#include "Preferences.h"
#include "InspectorControl.h"
#include "Project.h"
id quakeed_i;
id entclasses_i;
extern NSBezierPath *path;
id g_cmd_out_i;
BOOL autodirty;
BOOL filter_light, filter_path, filter_entities;
BOOL filter_clip_brushes, filter_water_brushes, filter_world;
BOOL running;
int bsppid;
#if 0
// example command strings
char *fullviscmd =
"rsh satan \"/LocalApps/qbsp $1 $2 ; /LocalApps/light $2 ; /LocalApps/vis $2\"";
char *fastviscmd =
"rsh satan \"/LocalApps/qbsp $1 $2 ; /LocalApps/light $2 ; /LocalApps/vis -fast $2\"";
char *noviscmd =
"rsh satan \"/LocalApps/qbsp $1 $2 ; /LocalApps/light $2\"";
char *relightcmd = "rsh satan \"/LocalApps/light $2\"";
char *leakcmd = "rsh satan \"/LocalApps/qbsp -mark -notjunc $1 $2\"";
NopSound (void)
NSBeep ();
My_Malloc_Error (int code)
// recursive toast Error ("Malloc error: %i\n", code);
write (1, "malloc error!\n", strlen ("malloc error!\n") + 1);
#define FN_CMDOUT "/tmp/QuakeEdCmd.txt"
DisplayCmdOutput (void)
char *buffer;
QFile *file;
int size;
file = Qopen (FN_CMDOUT, "rt");
size = Qfilesize (file);
buffer = malloc (size + 1);
size = Qread (file, buffer, size);
Qclose (file);
unlink (FN_CMDOUT);
[project_i addToOutput:buffer];
free (buffer);
if ([preferences_i getShowBSP])
[inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_output];
[preferences_i playBspSound];
See if the BSP is done
//DPSTimedEntry cmdte;
CheckCmdDone ( /* DPSTimedEntry tag, */ double now, void *userData)
union wait statusp;
struct rusage rusage;
if (!wait4 (bsppid, &statusp, WNOHANG, &rusage))
DisplayCmdOutput ();
bsppid = 0;
// DPSRemoveTimedEntry( cmdte );
@implementation QuakeEd
Every five minutes, save a modified map
- (void) AutoSave {
// automatic backup
if (autodirty) {
autodirty = NO;
#define FN_AUTOSAVE "/qcache/AutoSaveMap.map"
[map_i writeMapFile: FN_AUTOSAVE useRegion:NO];
[map_i writeStats];
-initContent: (NSRect) contentRect style: (int) aStyle backing: (int) backingType buttonMask: (int) mask defer:(BOOL) flag
[super initWithContentRect: contentRect styleMask: aStyle backing: backingType defer:flag];
// XXX [self addToEventMask:
// XXX NSRightMouseDragged|NSLeftMouseDragged];
// XXX malloc_error(My_Malloc_Error);
quakeed_i = self;
dirty = autodirty = NO;
[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 5 * 60 target: self selector:@selector
userInfo: nil repeats:YES];
path =[NSBezierPath new];
return self;
#define FN_TEMPSAVE "/qcache/temp.map"
strcpy (filename, FN_TEMPSAVE);
[self setTitleWithRepresentedFilename: [NSString stringWithCString:filename]];
return self;
-(BOOL) dirty
return dirty;
DISPLAY UPDATING (handles both camera and XYView)
BOOL updateinflight;
BOOL clearinstance;
BOOL updatexy;
BOOL updatez;
BOOL updatecamera;
postappdefined (void)
NSEvent *ev;
if (updateinflight)
// post an event at the end of the que
ev =[NSEvent otherEventWithType: NSApplicationDefined location: NSZeroPoint modifierFlags: 0 timestamp:[[NSDate date]
windowNumber: 0 context:[NSApp context]
subtype: 0 data1: 0 data2:0];
[NSApp postEvent: ev atStart:NO];
//printf ("posted\n");
updateinflight = YES;
int c_updateall;
-updateAll // when a model has been changed
updatecamera = updatexy = updatez = YES;
postappdefined ();
return self;
[self updateAll];
return self;
-updateCamera // when the camera has moved
updatecamera = YES;
clearinstance = YES;
postappdefined ();
return self;
updatexy = YES;
postappdefined ();
return self;
updatez = YES;
postappdefined ();
return self;
clearinstance = YES;
return self;
clearinstance = YES;
[self flushWindow];
return self;
instance draw the brush after each flush
[super flushWindow];
if (!running)
return self; // don't lock focus before nib is
// finished loading
// if (_flushDisabled)
// return self;
[cameraview_i lockFocus];
if (clearinstance) {
// XXX PSnewinstance ();
clearinstance = NO;
// XXX PSsetinstance (1);
linestart (0, 0, 0);
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (CameraDrawSelf)];
[clipper_i cameraDrawSelf];
lineflush ();
// XXX PSsetinstance (0);
[cameraview_i unlockFocus];
[xyview_i lockFocus];
// XXX PSsetinstance (1);
linestart (0, 0, 0);
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (XYDrawSelf)];
lineflush ();
[cameraview_i XYDrawSelf];
[zview_i XYDrawSelf];
[clipper_i XYDrawSelf];
// XXX PSsetinstance (0);
[xyview_i unlockFocus];
[zview_i lockFocus];
// XXX PSsetinstance (1);
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (ZDrawSelf)];
[cameraview_i ZDrawSelf];
[clipper_i ZDrawSelf];
// XXX PSsetinstance (0);
[zview_i unlockFocus];
return self;
App delegate methods
-applicationDefined:(NSEvent *) theEvent
NSEvent *evp;
updateinflight = NO;
//printf ("serviced\n");
// update screen
evp =[NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSAnyEventMask untilDate:[NSDate
inMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue:NO];
if (evp) {
postappdefined ();
return self;
[self disableFlushWindow];
if ([map_i count] !=[entitycount_i intValue])
[entitycount_i setIntValue:[map_i count]];
if ([[map_i currentEntity] count] !=[brushcount_i intValue])
[brushcount_i setIntValue:[[map_i currentEntity] count]];
if (updatecamera)
[cameraview_i display];
if (updatexy)
[xyview_i display];
if (updatez)
[zview_i display];
updatecamera = updatexy = updatez = NO;
[self enableFlushWindow];
[self flushWindow];
// NSPing ();
return self;
NSArray *screens;
NSScreen *scrn;
running = YES;
g_cmd_out_i = cmd_out_i; // for qprintf
[preferences_i readDefaults];
[project_i initProject];
[xyview_i setModeRadio:xy_drawmode_i];
// because xy view is inside
// scrollview and can't be
// connected directly in IB
[self setFrameAutosaveName:@"EditorWinFrame"];
[self clear:self];
// go to my second monitor
screens =[NSScreen screens];
if ([screens count] == 2) {
scrn =[screens objectAtIndex:1];
// XXX [self moveTopLeftTo:0 : [scrn frame].size.height
// XXX screen:scrn];
[self makeKeyAndOrderFront:self];
//[self doOpen: "/raid/quake/id1_/maps/amlev1.map"]; // DEBUG
[map_i newMap];
qprintf ("ready.");
//malloc_debug(-1); // DEBUG
return self;
// FIXME: save dialog if dirty
return self;
char const *t;
t =[[sender stringValue] cString];
if (!strcmp (t, "texname")) {
texturedef_t *td;
id b;
b =[map_i selectedBrush];
if (!b) {
qprintf ("nothing selected");
return self;
td =[b texturedef];
qprintf (td->texture);
return self;
} else
qprintf ("Unknown command\n");
return self;
[project_i openProject];
return self;
[map_i newMap];
[self updateAll];
[regionbutton_i setIntValue:0];
[self setDefaultFilename];
return self;
NSRect sbounds;
sbounds =[[xyview_i superview] bounds];
sbounds.origin.x += sbounds.size.width / 2;
sbounds.origin.y += sbounds.size.height / 2;
[cameraview_i setXYOrigin:&sbounds.origin];
[self updateAll];
return self;
NSRect sbounds;
sbounds =[[xyview_i superview] bounds];
sbounds.origin.x += sbounds.size.width / 2;
sbounds.origin.y += sbounds.size.height / 2;
[zview_i setPoint:&sbounds.origin];
[self updateAll];
return self;
if ([sender intValue]) {
xy_viewnormal[2] = 1;
} else {
xy_viewnormal[2] = -1;
[self updateAll];
return self;
filter_clip_brushes =[filter_clip_i intValue];
filter_water_brushes =[filter_water_i intValue];
filter_light =[filter_light_i intValue];
filter_path =[filter_path_i intValue];
filter_entities =[filter_entities_i intValue];
filter_world =[filter_world_i intValue];
if (![regionbutton_i intValue]) {
region_min[0] = region_min[1] = region_min[2] = -9999;
region_max[0] = region_max[1] = region_max[2] = 9999;
[map_i makeGlobalPerform:@selector (newRegion)];
[self updateAll];
return self;
id b;
// get the bounds of the current selection
if ([map_i numSelected] != 1) {
qprintf ("must have a single brush selected");
return self;
b =[map_i selectedBrush];
[b getMins: region_min maxs:region_max];
[b remove];
// turn region on
[regionbutton_i setIntValue:1];
[self applyRegion:self];
return self;
NSRect bounds;
// get xy size
bounds =[[xyview_i superview] bounds];
region_min[0] = bounds.origin.x;
region_min[1] = bounds.origin.y;
region_min[2] = -99999;
region_max[0] = bounds.origin.x + bounds.size.width;
region_max[1] = bounds.origin.y + bounds.size.height;
region_max[2] = 99999;
// turn region on
[regionbutton_i setIntValue:1];
[self applyRegion:self];
return self;
// UI querie for other objects
-(BOOL) showCoordinates
return[show_coordinates_i intValue];
-(BOOL) showNames
return[show_names_i intValue];
ExpandCommand (char *in, char *out, char *src, char *dest)
while (*in) {
if (in[0] == '$') {
if (in[1] == '1') {
strcpy (out, src);
out += strlen (src);
} else if (in[1] == '2') {
strcpy (out, dest);
out += strlen (dest);
in += 2;
*out++ = *in++;
*out = 0;
-saveBSP:(char *)
cmdline dialog:(BOOL) wt
char expandedcmd[1024];
char mappath[1024];
char bsppath[1024];
int oldLightFilter;
int oldPathFilter;
char *destdir;
if (bsppid) {
NSBeep ();
return self;
// turn off the filters so all entities get saved
oldLightFilter =[filter_light_i intValue];
oldPathFilter =[filter_path_i intValue];
[filter_light_i setIntValue:0];
[filter_path_i setIntValue:0];
[self applyRegion:self];
if ([regionbutton_i intValue]) {
strcpy (mappath, filename);
// XXX StripExtension (mappath);
strcat (mappath, ".reg");
[map_i writeMapFile: mappath useRegion:YES];
wt = YES; // allways pop the dialog on region ops
} else
strcpy (mappath, filename);
// save the entire thing, just in case there is a problem
[self save:self];
[filter_light_i setIntValue:oldLightFilter];
[filter_path_i setIntValue:oldPathFilter];
[self applyRegion:self];
// write the command to the bsp host
destdir =[project_i getFinalMapDirectory];
strcpy (bsppath, destdir);
strcat (bsppath, "/");
// XXX ExtractFileBase (mappath, bsppath + strlen(bsppath));
strcat (bsppath, ".bsp");
ExpandCommand (cmdline, expandedcmd, mappath, bsppath);
strcat (expandedcmd, " > ");
strcat (expandedcmd, FN_CMDOUT);
strcat (expandedcmd, "\n");
printf ("system: %s", expandedcmd);
[project_i addToOutput:"\n\n========= BUSY =========\n\n"];
[project_i addToOutput:expandedcmd];
if ([preferences_i getShowBSP])
[inspcontrol_i changeInspectorTo:i_output];
if (wt) {
id panel;
panel = NSGetAlertPanel (@"BSP In Progress",[NSString stringWithCString:expandedcmd], NULL, NULL, NULL);
[panel makeKeyAndOrderFront:NULL];
system (expandedcmd);
[panel release];
[self makeKeyAndOrderFront:NULL];
DisplayCmdOutput ();
} else {
// cmdte = DPSAddTimedEntry(1, CheckCmdDone, self, NS_BASETHRESHOLD);
if (!(bsppid = fork ())) {
system (expandedcmd);
exit (0);
return self;
[self saveBSP: [project_i getFullVisCmd] dialog:NO];
return self;
[self saveBSP: [project_i getFastVisCmd] dialog:NO];
return self;
[self saveBSP: [project_i getNoVisCmd] dialog:NO];
return self;
[self saveBSP: [project_i getRelightCmd] dialog:NO];
return self;
[self saveBSP: [project_i getEntitiesCmd] dialog:NO];
return self;
if (!bsppid) {
NSBeep ();
return self;
kill (bsppid, 9);
// CheckCmdDone (cmdte, 0, NULL);
[project_i addToOutput:"\n\n========= STOPPED =========\n\n"];
return self;
Called by open or the project panel
-doOpen:(char *) fname;
strcpy (filename, fname);
[map_i readMapFile:filename];
[regionbutton_i setIntValue:0];
[self setTitleWithRepresentedFilename: [NSString stringWithCString:fname]];
[self updateAll];
qprintf ("%s loaded\n", fname);
return self;
id openpanel;
NSString *suffixlist[] = { @"map" };
openpanel =[NSOpenPanel new];
if ([openpanel runModalForDirectory: [NSString stringWithCString:[project_i
file: @"" types: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: suffixlist count:1]] !=
return self;
[self doOpen:(char *)[[openpanel filename] cString]];
return self;
char backup[1024];
// force a name change if using tempname
if (!strcmp (filename, FN_TEMPSAVE))
return[self saveAs:self];
dirty = autodirty = NO;
strcpy (backup, filename);
// XXX StripExtension (backup);
strcat (backup, ".bak");
rename (filename, backup); // copy old to .bak
[map_i writeMapFile: filename useRegion:NO];
return self;
id panel_i;
char dir[1024];
panel_i =[NSSavePanel new];
// XXX ExtractFileBase (filename, dir);
[panel_i setRequiredFileType:@"map"];
if ([panel_i runModalForDirectory: [NSString stringWithCString: [project_i getMapDirectory]] file: [NSString stringWithCString:dir]] !=
return self;
strcpy (filename,[[panel_i filename] cString]);
[self setTitleWithRepresentedFilename: [NSString stringWithCString:filename]];
[self save:self];
return self;
// AJR - added this for Project info
-(char *) currentFilename
return filename;
if ([clipper_i hide]) // first click hides only the clipper
return[self updateAll];
[map_i setCurrentEntity: [map_i objectAtIndex:0]];
// make world selected
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (deselect)];
[self updateAll];
return self;
#define KEY_RIGHTARROW 0xae
#define KEY_LEFTARROW 0xac
#define KEY_UPARROW 0xad
#define KEY_DOWNARROW 0xaf
-keyDown:(NSEvent *) theEvent
int ch;
// function keys
switch ([theEvent keyCode]) {
case 60: // F2
[cameraview_i setDrawMode:dr_wire];
qprintf ("wire draw mode");
return self;
case 61: // F3
[cameraview_i setDrawMode:dr_flat];
qprintf ("flat draw mode");
return self;
case 62: // F4
[cameraview_i setDrawMode:dr_texture];
qprintf ("texture draw mode");
return self;
case 63: // F5
[xyview_i setDrawMode:dr_wire];
qprintf ("wire draw mode");
return self;
case 64: // F6
qprintf ("texture draw mode");
return self;
case 66: // F8
[cameraview_i homeView:self];
return self;
case 88: // F12
[map_i subtractSelection:self];
return self;
case 106: // page up
[cameraview_i upFloor:self];
return self;
case 107: // page down
[cameraview_i downFloor:self];
return self;
case 109: // end
[self deselect:self];
return self;
// portable things
ch = tolower ([[theEvent characters] cString][0]);
switch (ch) {
case 'a':
case 'z':
case 'd':
case 'c':
case '.':
case ',':
[cameraview_i _keyDown:theEvent];
case 27: // escape
autodirty = dirty = YES;
[self deselect:self];
return self;
case 127: // delete
autodirty = dirty = YES;
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (remove)];
[clipper_i hide];
[self updateAll];
case '/':
[clipper_i flipNormal];
[self updateAll];
case 13: // enter
[clipper_i carve];
[self updateAll];
qprintf ("carved brush");
case ' ':
[map_i cloneSelection:self];
// move selection keys
case '2':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[1] = -[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
case '8':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[1] =[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
case '4':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[0] = -[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
case '6':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[0] =[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
case '-':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[2] = -[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
case '+':
VectorCopy (vec3_origin, sb_translate);
sb_translate[2] =[xyview_i gridsize];
[map_i makeSelectedPerform:@selector (translate)];
[self updateAll];
qprintf ("undefined keypress");
NopSound ();
return self;