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synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
The view is recorded as having focus but is not given focus until the parent view is actually in focus. This fixes the locals view not having focus at startup and thus blocking F7.
309 lines
5.3 KiB
309 lines
5.3 KiB
#include <Array.h>
#include "event.h"
#include "qwaq-draw.h"
#include "qwaq-garray.h"
#include "qwaq-group.h"
#include "qwaq-view.h"
@implementation Group
-initWithContext: (id<TextContext>) context owner: (View *) owner
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return nil;
self.owner = owner;
self.context = context;
focused = -1;
views = [[Array array] retain];
return self;
[views release];
return context;
-setContext: (id<TextContext>) context
self.context = context;
return self;
-insert: (View *) view
[views addObject: view];
[view setOwner: self];
[view setContext: context];
return self;
-insertDrawn: (View *) view
[self insert: view];
[view draw];
return self;
-insertSelected: (View *) view
[self insertDrawn: view];
[self selectView: view];
return self;
-remove: (View *) view
int index = [views indexOfObject: view];
if (index != NotFound) {
if (focused == index) {
[self selectPrev];
if (focused == index) {
focused = -1;
} else if (focused > index) {
[views removeObjectAtIndex: index];
if (mouse_within == view) {
mouse_within = nil;
if (mouse_grabbed == view) {
[self releaseMouse];
return self;
static int
makeFirst (Group *self, int viewIndex)
View *view = [self.views objectAtIndex: viewIndex];
[self.views addObject: view];
[self.views removeObjectAtIndex: viewIndex];
[view raise];
return [self.views count] - 1;
static int
trySetFocus (Group *self, int viewIndex)
View *view = [self.views objectAtIndex:viewIndex];
if (([view state] & (sfDrawn | sfDisabled)) == sfDrawn
&& [view options] & ofCanFocus) {
if (!self.owner || ([self.owner state] & sfInFocus)) {
if (self.focused >= 0) {
[[self.views objectAtIndex: self.focused] loseFocus];
self.focused = viewIndex;
if ([view options] & ofMakeFirst) {
self.focused = makeFirst (self, viewIndex);
[view takeFocus];
} else {
self.focused = viewIndex;
return 1;
return 0;
if (focused >= 0) {
[[views objectAtIndex:focused] takeFocus];
return self;
if (focused >= 0) {
[[views objectAtIndex:focused] loseFocus];
return self;
for (int i = focused + 1; i < [views count]; i++) {
if (trySetFocus (self, i)) {
return self;
// hit end, start again at the beginning
for (int i = 0; i < focused; i++) {
if (trySetFocus (self, i)) {
return self;
// did not find another view that can be focused
return self;
for (int i = focused - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (trySetFocus (self, i)) {
return self;
// hit end, start again at the beginning
for (int i = [views count] - 1; i > focused; i++) {
if (trySetFocus (self, i)) {
return self;
// did not find another view that can be focused
return self;
-selectView:(View *)view
int index = [views indexOfObject: view];
if (index != NotFound) {
trySetFocus (self, index);
return self;
-(Rect) rect
if (owner) {
return [owner rect];
return {[self origin], [self size]};
-(Point) origin
if (owner) {
return [owner origin];
return {0, 0};
-(Extent) size
if (owner) {
return [owner size];
return [context size];
static BOOL
not_dont_draw (id aView, void *aGroup)
View *view = aView;
Group *group = (Group *) aGroup;
return !([view options] & ofDontDraw);
[views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(draw)
if: not_dont_draw
with: self];
return self;
if (owner) {
[owner redraw];
} else {
[self draw];
if (__obj_responds_to (context, @selector(refresh))) {
[(id)context refresh];
return self;
-resize: (Extent) delta
for (int i = [views count]; i-- > 0; ) {
[[views objectAtIndex: i] grow: delta];
return self;
static View *
find_mouse_view(Group *group, Point pos)
for (int i = [group.views count]; i--; ) {
View *v = [group.views objectAtIndex: i];
if ([v containsPoint: pos]) {
return v;
return nil;
static void
handlePositionalEvent (qwaq_event_t *event, View *view)
Point pos = [view origin];
int options = [view options];
if (options & ofRelativeEvents) {
event.mouse.x -= pos.x;
event.mouse.y -= pos.y;
[view handleEvent: event];
if (options & ofRelativeEvents) {
event.mouse.x += pos.x;
event.mouse.y += pos.y;
-handleEvent: (qwaq_event_t *) event
if (event.what & qe_focused) {
if (focused >= 0) {
[[views objectAtIndex:focused] handleEvent: event];
} else if (event.what & qe_positional) {
if (mouse_grabbed) {
handlePositionalEvent (event, mouse_grabbed);
} else {
Point pos = {event.mouse.x, event.mouse.y};
View *mouse_view = find_mouse_view (self, pos);
if (mouse_within != mouse_view) {
[mouse_within onMouseLeave: pos];
[mouse_view onMouseEnter: pos];
mouse_within = mouse_view;
if (mouse_within) {
handlePositionalEvent (event, mouse_within);
} else {
// broadcast
[views makeObjectsPerformSelector: @selector(draw) withObject: event];
return self;
-(void) grabMouse
mouse_grabbed = mouse_within;
[owner grabMouse];
-(void) releaseMouse
mouse_grabbed = nil;
[owner releaseMouse];