Bill Currie 931900fbd3 Pass .m files through indent.
The result isn't perfect, but it cleans up the whitespace and makes the
code more consistent with the rest of the project.
2010-09-26 13:50:17 +09:00

317 lines
6.2 KiB

#include "Things.h"
#include "QuakeEd.h"
#include "Map.h"
#include "EntityClass.h"
#include "KeypairView.h"
#include "Project.h"
id things_i;
@implementation Things
[super init];
things_i = self;
lastSelected = 0;
return self;
// Load the TEXT object with the entity comment
-loadEntityComment:(id) obj
[entity_comment_i selectAll:self];
[entity_comment_i replaceCharactersInRange: [entity_comment_i selectedRange] withString: [NSString stringWithCString:[obj
return self;
char *path;
path =[project_i getProgDirectory];
[prog_path_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path]];
[[EntityClassList alloc] initForSourceDirectory:path];
[self loadEntityComment: [entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[entity_browser_i loadColumnZero];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn: 0] selectCellAtRow: lastSelected column:0];
[entity_browser_i setDoubleAction: @selector (doubleClickEntity:)];
return self;
id matr;
matr =[sender matrixInColumn:0];
lastSelected =[matr selectedRow];
[self loadEntityComment: [entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder:quakeed_i];
return self;
[map_i makeEntity:sender];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder:quakeed_i];
return self;
-(char *) spawnName
return[[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected] classname];
// Flush entity classes & reload them!
EntityClass *ent;
char *path;
path = (char *)[prog_path_i stringValue];
if (!path || !path[0]) {
path =[project_i getProgDirectory];
[prog_path_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:path]];
// Free all entity info in memory...
[entity_classes_i removeAllObjects];
[entity_classes_i release];
// Now, RELOAD!
[[EntityClassList alloc] initForSourceDirectory:path];
lastSelected = 0;
ent =[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected];
[self loadEntityComment: [entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:lastSelected]];
[entity_browser_i loadColumnZero];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn: 0] selectCellAtRow: lastSelected column:0];
[self newCurrentEntity]; // in case flags changed
return self;
-selectClass:(char *) class
id classent;
classent =[entity_classes_i classForName:class];
if (!classent)
return self;
lastSelected =[entity_classes_i indexOfObject:classent];
if (lastSelected < 0)
lastSelected = 0;
[self loadEntityComment:classent];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn: 0] selectCellAtRow: lastSelected column:0];
[[entity_browser_i matrixInColumn: 0] scrollCellToVisibleAtRow: lastSelected column:0];
return self;
id ent, classent, cell;
char *classname;
int r, c;
char *flagname;
int flags;
ent =[map_i currentEntity];
classname =[ent valueForQKey:"classname"];
if (ent !=[map_i objectAtIndex:0])
[self selectClass:classname]; // don't reset for world
classent =[entity_classes_i classForName:classname];
flagname =[ent valueForQKey:"spawnflags"];
if (!flagname)
flags = 0;
flags = atoi (flagname);
[flags_i setAutodisplay:NO];
for (r = 0; r < 4; r++)
for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
cell =[flags_i cellAtRow: r column:c];
if (c < 2) {
flagname =[classent flagName:c * 4 + r];
[cell setTitle: [NSString stringWithCString:flagname]];
[cell setIntValue:(flags & (1 << ((c * 4) + r))) > 0];
[flags_i setAutodisplay:YES];
[flags_i display];
// [keyInput_i setStringValue: ""];
// [valueInput_i setStringValue: ""];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder:quakeed_i];
return self;
// Clicked in the Keypair view - set as selected
-setSelectedKey:(epair_t *) ep;
[keyInput_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:ep->key]];
[valueInput_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:ep->value]];
[valueInput_i selectText:self];
return self;
// [keyInput_i setStringValue: ""];
// [valueInput_i setStringValue: ""];
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder:quakeed_i];
return self;
// Action methods
char *key, *value;
key = (char *)[keyInput_i stringValue];
value = (char *)[valueInput_i stringValue];
[[map_i currentEntity] setKey: key toValue:value];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
[quakeed_i makeFirstResponder:quakeed_i];
[[map_i currentEntity] removeKeyPair:(char *)[keyInput_i stringValue]];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
// Set the key/value fields to "angle <button value>"
const char *title;
char value[10];
title =[[[sender selectedCell] title] cString];
if (!strcmp (title, "Up"))
strcpy (value, "-1");
else if (!strcmp (title, "Dn"))
strcpy (value, "-2");
strcpy (value, title);
[keyInput_i setStringValue:@"angle"];
[valueInput_i setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:value]];
[self addPair:NULL];
[self clearInputs];
[quakeed_i updateXY];
return self;
int flags;
int r, c, i;
id cell;
char str[20];
[self clearInputs];
flags = 0;
for (r = 0; r < 4; r++)
for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
cell =[flags_i cellAtRow: r column:c];
i = ([cell intValue] > 0);
flags |= (i << ((c * 4) + r));
if (!flags)
[[map_i currentEntity] removeKeyPair:"spawnflags"];
else {
sprintf (str, "%i", flags);
[[map_i currentEntity] setKey: "spawnflags" toValue:str];
[keypairview_i calcViewSize];
[keypairview_i display];
return self;
// Fill the Entity browser
// (Delegate method - delegated in Interface Builder)
-(int) browser: sender fillMatrix: matrix inColumn:(int) column
id cell;
int max;
int i;
id object;
max =[entity_classes_i count];
i = 0;
while (max--) {
object =[entity_classes_i objectAtIndex:i];
[matrix addRow];
cell =[matrix cellAtRow: i++ column:0];
[cell setStringValue: [NSString stringWithCString:[object
[cell setLeaf:YES];
[cell setLoaded:YES];
return i;