to start. More will follow. Switched to doubles from floats and allowed
numbers with exponents to be parsed properly. Also changed the number of
significant digits printed to 10. Changed fov so it is now capped at 1,
not 10. The float value of fov is now used instead of int, so more
precision can be attained at small values.
Cmd_TokenizeString since I realized the code was just pulling it apart and
putting it back together. Added Cmd_Argsu to access the unprocessed
command. Added support for else following if in such a way that
if/else if/else structures work. Added support for unary operators in
EXP and added the ! (not) operator. The ifnot command will be kept
for variety.
buffers to be linked into execution stacks and changed aliases and script
files to be run in a new stack frame. Cbuf_Execute executes the stack from
the top down, so wait commands are handled properly.
within braces, and put support for comments back in (oops). To use math
evaluation, put a math expression inside $(). If you have spaces in your
expression, you'll need to enclose the entire thing in quotes so it doesn't
get split up into multiple tokens.