[gatest] Add basic geometric algebra test

This is for developing methods of implementing geometric algebra and
eventually playing with it visually.
This commit is contained in:
Bill Currie 2023-05-19 00:34:05 +09:00
parent 3a9148a3e0
commit c1c77bd64a
17 changed files with 995 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -6,5 +6,6 @@ include ruamoko/lib/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/game/Makemodule.am include ruamoko/game/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/gui/Makemodule.am include ruamoko/gui/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/cl_menu/Makemodule.am include ruamoko/cl_menu/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/gatest/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/scheme/Makemodule.am include ruamoko/scheme/Makemodule.am
include ruamoko/qwaq/Makemodule.am include ruamoko/qwaq/Makemodule.am

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
noinst_PROGRAMS += ruamoko/gatest/gatest.dat$(EXEEXT)
gatest_dat_src= \
ruamoko/gatest/algebra.r \
ruamoko/gatest/basisblade.r \
ruamoko/gatest/basisgroup.r \
ruamoko/gatest/basislayout.r \
ruamoko/gatest/main.r \
ruamoko/gatest/metric.r \
ruamoko/gatest/multivector.r \
ruamoko_gatest_gatest_dep=$(call qcautodep,$(ruamoko_gatest_gatest_dat_SOURCES:.o=.Qo))
ruamoko/gatest/gatest.dat$(EXEEXT): $(ruamoko_gatest_gatest_obj) $(QFCC_DEP) $(libui) ruamoko/lib/libr.a
$(V_QFCCLD)$(QLINK) -o $@ $(ruamoko_gatest_gatest_obj) $(libui) -lr
include $(ruamoko_gatest_gatest_dep) # am--include-marker
r_depfiles_remade += $(ruamoko_gatest_gatest_dep)
$(gatest_dat_src) \
ruamoko/gatest/algebra.h \
ruamoko/gatest/basisblade.h \
ruamoko/gatest/basisgroup.h \
ruamoko/gatest/basislayout.h \
ruamoko/gatest/metric.h \
ruamoko/gatest/multivector.h \
ruamoko/gatest/*.dat \

ruamoko/gatest/algebra.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef __algebra_h
#define __algebra_h
#include "Object.h"
@class Metric;
@class BasisGroup;
@class BasisLayout;
@interface Algebra : Object
Metric *metric;
BasisGroup **grades;
BasisLayout *layout;
int num_components;
int dimension;
+(Algebra *) R:(int)p, int m, int z;
+(Algebra *) PGA:(int)n;
-(void) print;
-(BasisGroup *)grade:(int)k;
-(BasisLayout *)layout;
-(Metric *) metric;

ruamoko/gatest/algebra.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "algebra.h"
#include "metric.h"
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "basisgroup.h"
#include "basislayout.h"
#include "util.h"
@implementation Algebra
+(Algebra *) R:(int)p, int m, int z
Algebra *a = [[[Algebra alloc] init] autorelease];
a.metric = [[Metric R:p, m, z] retain];
int d = p + m + z;
a.dimension = d;
a.num_components = 1 << d;
BasisBlade **blades = obj_malloc (a.num_components * sizeof (BasisBlade *));
int *counts = binomial (d);
int *indices = obj_malloc ((d + 1) * sizeof (int));
indices[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) {
indices[i + 1] = counts[i];
prefixsum (indices, d + 1);
for (int i = 0; i < a.num_components; i++) {
int grade = count_bits (i);
int ind = indices[grade]++;
blades[ind] = [BasisBlade basis:i];
a.grades = obj_malloc ((d + 1) * sizeof (BasisGroup *));
for (int i = 0; i < d + 1; i++) {
int c = counts[i];
int ind = indices[i];
a.grades[i] = [BasisGroup new:c basis:blades + ind - c];
if (p == 3 && m == 0 && z == 1) {
// 3d PGA (w squares to 0, x y z square to +1):
// : x y z w
// : yz zx xy 1
// : xw yw zw xyzw
// : zyw xzw yxw xyz
BasisBlade *pga_blades[16] = {
blades[1], blades[2], blades[3], blades[4],
blades[7], blades[6], blades[5], blades[0],
blades[8], blades[9], blades[10], blades[15],
blades[14], blades[13], blades[12], blades[11],
BasisGroup *pga_groups[4] = {
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 0],
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 4],
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 8],
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 12],
a.layout = [[BasisLayout new:4 groups: pga_groups] retain];
} else if (p == 2 && m == 0 && z == 1) {
// 2d PGA (w squares to 0, x y square to +1):
// : x y w 1
// : yw wx xy xyw
BasisBlade *pga_blades[8] = {
blades[1], blades[2], blades[3], blades[0],
blades[6], blades[5], blades[4], blades[7],
BasisGroup *pga_groups[2] = {
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 0],
[BasisGroup new:4 basis:pga_blades + 4],
a.layout = [[BasisLayout new:2 groups: pga_groups] retain];
} else {
// just use the grades as the default layout
a.layout = [[BasisLayout new:d + 1 groups: a.grades] retain];
obj_free (indices);
obj_free (counts);
obj_free (blades);
return a;
+(Algebra *) PGA:(int)n
return [Algebra R:n, 0, 1];
obj_free (grades);
[metric release];
[layout release];
[super dealloc];
-(BasisGroup *)grade:(int)k
return grades[k];
-(BasisLayout *)layout
return layout;
-(Metric *) metric
return metric;
return num_components;
return dimension;
-(void) print
int count = [layout count];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
BasisGroup *g = [layout group:i];
int c = [g count];
printf ("%d %d %@\n", i, c, [g set]);
for (int j = 0; j < c; j++) {
printf (" %@\n", [g bladeAt:j]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef __basisblade_h
#define __basisblade_h
#include <Object.h>
@class Metric;
@interface BasisBlade : Object
unsigned mask;
double scale;
+(BasisBlade *) scalar:(double) scale;
+(BasisBlade *) zero;
+(BasisBlade *) basis:(unsigned) mask;
+(BasisBlade *) basis:(unsigned) mask scale:(double) scale;
-(BasisBlade *) product:(BasisBlade *) b isOuter:(int)outer metric:(Metric *) m;
-(BasisBlade *) outerProduct:(BasisBlade *) b;
-(BasisBlade *) geometricProduct:(BasisBlade *) b metric:(Metric *) m;
-(BasisBlade *) geometricProduct:(BasisBlade *) b;
-(int) grade;
-(unsigned) mask;
-(double) scale;
-(string) name;

ruamoko/gatest/basisblade.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "metric.h"
#include "util.h"
@implementation BasisBlade : Object
-(BasisBlade *) initWithMask:(unsigned) mask scale:(double) scale
if (!(self = [super init])) {
return self;
self.mask = mask;
self.scale = scale;
return self;
+(BasisBlade *) scalar:(double) scale
return [[[BasisBlade alloc] initWithMask:0 scale:scale] autorelease];
+(BasisBlade *) zero
return [[[BasisBlade alloc] initWithMask:0 scale:0] autorelease];
+(BasisBlade *) basis:(unsigned) mask
return [[[BasisBlade alloc] initWithMask:mask scale:1] autorelease];
+(BasisBlade *) basis:(unsigned) mask scale:(double) scale
return [[[BasisBlade alloc] initWithMask:mask scale:scale] autorelease];
-(BasisBlade *) product:(BasisBlade *) b isOuter:(int)outer metric:(Metric *)m
if (outer && (mask & b.mask)) {
// the two blades share at least one basis vector
return [BasisBlade zero];
if (!scale || !b.scale) {
return [BasisBlade zero];
int sign = 1 - (-(count_flips (mask, b.mask) & 1) & 2);
double s = scale * b.scale * sign;
if (m) {
s *= [m apply: mask, b.mask];
if (!s) {
return [BasisBlade zero];
return [BasisBlade basis:(mask ^ b.mask) scale:s];
-(BasisBlade *) outerProduct:(BasisBlade *) b
return [self product:b isOuter:1 metric:nil];
-(BasisBlade *) geometricProduct:(BasisBlade *) b metric:(Metric *) m
return [self product:b isOuter:0 metric:m];
-(BasisBlade *) geometricProduct:(BasisBlade *) b
return [self product:b isOuter:0 metric:nil];
-(int) grade
return count_bits (mask);
-(unsigned) mask
return mask;
-(double) scale
return scale;
-(string) name
string basis = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
if (mask & (1 << i)) {
basis += sprintf("%x", i + 1);
if (basis) {
basis = "e" + basis;
return basis;
-(string) describe
return sprintf ("%g%s", scale, [self name]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
#ifndef __basisgroup_h
#define __basisgroup_h
#include <Object.h>
@class Metric;
@class BasisBlade;
@class Set;
@interface BasisGroup : Object
int count;
uivec2 range;
BasisBlade **blades;
int *map;
Set *set;
+(BasisGroup *) new:(int) count basis:(BasisBlade **)blades;
-(BasisBlade *) bladeAt:(int) ind;
-(BasisBlade *) blade:(unsigned) mask;
-(Set *) set;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#include <Set.h>
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "basisgroup.h"
@implementation BasisGroup
+(BasisGroup *) new:(int) count basis:(BasisBlade **)blades
BasisGroup *group = [[[BasisGroup alloc] init] autorelease];
group.blades = obj_malloc (count * sizeof (BasisBlade *));
group.set = [[Set set] retain];
group.range = { ~0u, 0 };
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
group.blades[i] = [blades[i] retain];
unsigned m = [blades[i] mask];
if (m < group.range[0]) {
group.range[0] = m;
if (m > group.range[1]) {
group.range[1] = m;
[group.set add:m];
int num = group.range[1] - group.range[0] + 1;
group.map = obj_malloc (num * sizeof (int));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
group.map[[blades[i] mask] - group.range[0]] = i;
group.count = count;
return group;
[set release];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
[blades[i] release];
obj_free (blades);
[super dealloc];
return count;
return range;
-(BasisBlade *) bladeAt:(int) ind
return blades[ind];
-(BasisBlade *) blade:(unsigned) mask
if (![set is_member:mask]) {
return nil;
return blades[map[mask - range[0]]];
-(Set *) set
return set;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef __basislayout_h
#define __basislayout_h
#include <Object.h>
@class BasisGroup;
@class Set;
@interface BasisLayout : Object
int count;
uivec2 range;
BasisGroup **groups;
ivec3 *group_map;
int *mask_map;
int blade_count;
Set *set;
+(BasisLayout *) new:(int) count groups:(BasisGroup **)groups;
-(BasisGroup *) group:(int) ind;
-(BasisBlade *) bladeAt:(int) ind;
-(int) bladeIndex:(unsigned) mask;
-(Set *) set;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Set.h>
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "basisgroup.h"
#include "basislayout.h"
#include "util.h"
@implementation BasisLayout
+(BasisLayout *) new:(int) count groups:(BasisGroup **)groups
BasisLayout *layout = [[[BasisLayout alloc] init] autorelease];
layout.count = count;
layout.groups = obj_malloc (count * sizeof (BasisGroup *));
layout.set = [[Set set] retain];
layout.range = { ~0u, 0 };
int *group_base = obj_malloc ((count + 1) * sizeof (int));
group_base[0] = 0;
int num_blades = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
layout.groups[i] = [groups[i] retain];
[layout.set union:[groups[i] set]];
group_base[i + 1] = [groups[i] count];
num_blades += group_base[i + 1];
uivec2 r = [groups[i] blade_range];
if (r[0] < layout.range[0]) {
layout.range[0] = r[0];
if (r[1] > layout.range[1]) {
layout.range[1] = r[1];
prefixsum (group_base, count);
layout.blade_count = num_blades;
layout.group_map = obj_malloc (num_blades * sizeof (ivec3));
int num = layout.range[1] - layout.range[0] + 1;
layout.mask_map = obj_malloc (num * sizeof (int));
int *group_inds = obj_malloc ((count + 1) * sizeof (int));
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
BasisGroup *g = groups[i];
group_inds[i] = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < [g count]; j++) {
BasisBlade *b = [g bladeAt:j];
layout.mask_map[[b mask] - layout.range[0]] = group_inds[count];
layout.group_map[group_inds[count]][0] = i;
layout.group_map[group_inds[count]][1] = group_inds[i]++;
layout.group_map[group_inds[count]][2] = group_base[i];
obj_free (group_inds);
return layout;
[set release];
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
[groups[i] release];
obj_free (groups);
obj_free (group_map);
[super dealloc];
return count;
int num_components = 0;
// assumes there is no overlap
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
num_components += [groups[i] count];
return num_components;
return blade_count;
-(BasisGroup *) group:(int) ind
return groups[ind];
-(BasisBlade *) bladeAt:(int) ind
ivec3 gm = group_map[ind];
BasisGroup *g = groups[gm[0]];
return [g bladeAt:ind - gm[2]];
-(int) bladeIndex:(unsigned) mask
if (![set is_member:mask]) {
return 0;
return mask_map[mask - range[0]];
-(Set *) set
return set;

ruamoko/gatest/main.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
#include <AutoreleasePool.h>
#include "algebra.h"
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "basisgroup.h"
#include "metric.h"
#include "multivector.h"
#include "util.h"
@static AutoreleasePool *autorelease_pool;
@static void
arp_start (void)
autorelease_pool = [[AutoreleasePool alloc] init];
@static void
arp_end (void)
[autorelease_pool release];
autorelease_pool = nil;
main ()
arp_start ();
BasisBlade *a = [[BasisBlade basis:1] retain];
BasisBlade *b = [[BasisBlade basis:2] retain];
BasisBlade *c = [[BasisBlade basis:4] retain];
BasisBlade *d = [[BasisBlade basis:8] retain];
BasisBlade *blades[] = {a, b, c, d};
static string names[] = {"a", "b", "c", "d"};
// printf ("a: %@\n", a);
// printf ("b: %@\n", b);
// printf ("c: %@\n", c);
// printf ("d: %@\n", d);
arp_end ();
#if 0
arp_start ();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
arp_end ();
arp_start ();
BasisBlade *vec = blades[i];
printf ("%s: %@\n", names[i], vec);
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
BasisBlade *bvec = [vec outerProduct:blades[j]];
if (![bvec scale]) {
printf ("%s^%s: %@\n", names[i], names[j], bvec);
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
BasisBlade *tvec = [bvec outerProduct:blades[k]];
if (![tvec scale]) {
printf ("%s^%s^%s: %@\n", names[i], names[j], names[k],
for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) {
BasisBlade *qvec = [tvec outerProduct:blades[l]];
if (![qvec scale]) {
printf ("%s^%s^%s^%s: %@\n",
names[i], names[j], names[k], names[l],
arp_end ();
arp_start ();
Metric *m = [Metric R:3,0,1];
BasisBlade *ad = [a geometricProduct:d metric:m];
BasisBlade *prod = [ad geometricProduct:ad metric:m];
printf ("%s%s %s%s: %@\n",
names[0], names[3], names[0], names[3], prod);
Algebra *alg = [Algebra R:3, 0, 1];
double vals1[32] = {1, 0, 0, 8};
static double vals2[32] = {0, 1, 0, 8};//FIXME qfcc bug (static)
static double origin_vals[32] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1};
MultiVector *plane1 = [MultiVector new:alg values:vals1];
MultiVector *plane2 = [MultiVector new:alg values:vals2];
MultiVector *origin = [MultiVector new:alg values:origin_vals];
MultiVector *line = [plane1 wedge:plane2];
MultiVector *point = [[line dot:origin] product:line];
printf ("plane1:%@\nplane2:%@\nline:%@\norigin:%@\n", plane1, plane2, line, origin);
printf ("point:%@\n", point);
arp_end ();
return 0;

ruamoko/gatest/metric.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef __metric_h
#define __metric_h
#include <Object.h>
@interface Metric : Object
unsigned plus; // mask of elements that square to +1
unsigned minus; // mask of elements that square to -1
unsigned zero; // mask of elements that square to 0
+(Metric *)R:(int)p, int m, int z;
-(double)apply:(unsigned) a, unsigned b;

ruamoko/gatest/metric.r Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
#include "metric.h"
@implementation Metric
+(Metric *)R:(int)p, int m, int z
Metric *metric = [[[Metric alloc] init] autorelease];
metric.plus = (1 << p) - 1;
metric.minus = ((1 << m) - 1) << p;
metric.zero = ((1 << z) - 1) << (p + m);
return metric;
static double
count_minus (unsigned minus)
double s = 1;
while (minus) {
if (minus & 1) {
s = -s;
minus >>= 1;
return s;
-(double)apply:(unsigned) a, unsigned b
// find all the squared elements
unsigned c = a & b;
// any elements that square to 0 result in 0
if (c & zero) {
return 0;
return count_minus (c & minus);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef __multivector_h
#define __multivector_h
#include <Object.h>
@class Algebra;
@class BasisLayout;
@interface MultiVector : Object
double *components;
Algebra *algebra;
BasisLayout *layout;
int num_components;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra;
// NOTE: values must have the same layout as algebra
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra values:(double *) values;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra group:(BasisGroup *) group;
// NOTE: values must have the same layout as group
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra group:(BasisGroup *) group values:(double *) values;
+(MultiVector *) copy:(MultiVector *) src;
-(MultiVector *) product:(MultiVector *) rhs;
-(MultiVector *) wedge:(MultiVector *) rhs;
-(MultiVector *) dot:(MultiVector *) rhs;
-(MultiVector *) dual;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
#include <string.h>
#include "algebra.h"
#include "basisblade.h"
#include "basislayout.h"
#include "multivector.h"
#include "util.h"
@implementation MultiVector
static MultiVector *new_mv (Algebra *algebra, BasisLayout *layout)
MultiVector *mv = [[[MultiVector alloc] init] autorelease];
mv.algebra = [algebra retain];
layout = layout ? layout : [algebra layout];
mv.layout = [layout retain];
mv.num_components = [layout num_components];
mv.components = obj_malloc (mv.num_components * sizeof (double));
return mv;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra
MultiVector *mv = new_mv (algebra, nil);
for (int i = 0; i < mv.num_components; i++) {
mv.components[i] = 0;
return mv;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra values:(double *) values
MultiVector *mv = new_mv (algebra, nil);
for (int i = 0; i < mv.num_components; i++) {
mv.components[i] = values[i];
return mv;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra group:(BasisGroup *) group
BasisLayout *layout = [BasisLayout new:1 groups:&group];
MultiVector *mv = new_mv (algebra, layout);
for (int i = 0; i < mv.num_components; i++) {
mv.components[i] = 0;
return mv;
+(MultiVector *) new:(Algebra *) algebra group:(BasisGroup *) group values:(double *) values
BasisLayout *layout = [BasisLayout new:1 groups:&group];
MultiVector *mv = new_mv (algebra, layout);
for (int i = 0; i < mv.num_components; i++) {
mv.components[i] = values[i];
return mv;
+(MultiVector *) copy:(MultiVector *) src
MultiVector *mv = new_mv (src.algebra, src.layout);
for (int i = 0; i < mv.num_components; i++) {
mv.components[i] = src.components[i];
return mv;
[algebra release];
[layout release];
obj_free (components);
[super dealloc];
string str = nil;
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
if (!components[i]) {
BasisBlade *b = [layout bladeAt:i];
str = sprintf ("%s%s%g%s", str, str ? " + " : "", components[i], [b name]);
if (!str) {
str = "0";
return str;
-(MultiVector *) product:(MultiVector *) rhs
MultiVector *prod = new_mv (algebra, nil);
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
if (!components[i]) {
double lc = components[i];
BasisBlade *lb = [layout bladeAt:i];
for (int j = 0; j < rhs.num_components; j++) {
if (!rhs.components[j]) {
double rc = rhs.components[j];
BasisBlade *rb = [rhs.layout bladeAt:j];
BasisBlade *b = [lb geometricProduct:rb metric:[algebra metric]];
double s = [b scale];
if (!s) {
int ind = [rhs.layout bladeIndex:[b mask]];
prod.components[ind] += s * lc * rc;
return prod;
-(MultiVector *) wedge:(MultiVector *) rhs
MultiVector *prod = new_mv (algebra, nil);
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
if (!components[i]) {
double lc = components[i];
BasisBlade *lb = [layout bladeAt:i];
for (int j = 0; j < rhs.num_components; j++) {
if (!rhs.components[j]) {
double rc = rhs.components[j];
BasisBlade *rb = [rhs.layout bladeAt:j];
BasisBlade *b = [lb outerProduct:rb];
double s = [b scale];
if (!s) {
int ind = [rhs.layout bladeIndex:[b mask]];
prod.components[ind] += s * lc * rc;
return prod;
-(MultiVector *) dot:(MultiVector *) rhs
MultiVector *prod = new_mv (algebra, nil);
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
if (!components[i]) {
double lc = components[i];
BasisBlade *lb = [layout bladeAt:i];
int lg = [lb grade];
for (int j = 0; j < rhs.num_components; j++) {
if (!rhs.components[j]) {
double rc = rhs.components[j];
BasisBlade *rb = [rhs.layout bladeAt:j];
int rg = [rb grade];
BasisBlade *b = [lb geometricProduct:rb];
int g = [b grade];
if ((lg <= rg) && (g != rg - lg)) {
if ((lg > rg) && (g != lg - rg)) {
double s = [b scale];
if (!s) {
int ind = [rhs.layout bladeIndex:[b mask]];
prod.components[ind] += s * lc * rc;
return prod;
-(MultiVector *) dual
MultiVector *dual = new_mv (algebra, nil);
unsigned dual_mask = (1 << [algebra dimension]) - 1;
printf ("dual: %x %d\n", dual_mask, [algebra dimension]);
for (int i = 0; i < num_components; i++) {
if (!components[i]) {
double lc = components[i];
BasisBlade *lb = [layout bladeAt:i];
unsigned mask = [lb mask] ^ dual_mask;
double s = 1;
int ind = [layout bladeIndex:mask];
printf (" : %x %d\n", mask, ind);
dual.components[ind] += s * lc;
return dual;

ruamoko/gatest/util.h Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
#ifndef __util_h
#define __util_h
void printf(string fmt, ...);
void traceon(void);
void traceoff(void);
int *binomial (int n);
int count_bits (unsigned v);
int count_flips (unsigned a, unsigned b);

ruamoko/gatest/util.r Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#include <runtime.h>
#include "util.h"
void printf(string fmt, ...) = #0;
void traceon(void) = #0;
void traceoff(void) = #0;
int *
binomial (int n)
int *coef = obj_malloc ((n + 1) * sizeof (int));
int c = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < n + 1; i++) {
coef[i] = c;
c = (c * (n - i)) / (i + 1);
return coef;
count_bits (unsigned v)
int c = 0;
for (; v; c++) {
v &= v - 1u; //XXX bug in qfcc: just 1 results in extra temp
return c;
count_flips (unsigned a, unsigned b)
int c = 0;
a >>= 1;
while (a) {
c += count_bits (a & b);
a >>= 1;
return c;