mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 00:11:12 +00:00
[ui] Implement auto-expand layout
By default, horizontal and vertical layouts expand to fill their parent in their on-axis direction (horizontally for horizontal layouts), but fit to their child views in their off-axis. Flexible space views take advantage of auto-expansion, pushing sibling views such that the grandparent view is filled on the parent view's on-axis, and the parent view is filled by the space in the parent view's off-axis. Flexible views currently have a background fill, allowing them to provide background filling of the overall view with minimal overdraw (ancestor views don't need to have any fill at all).
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 278 additions and 44 deletions
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ typedef struct canvas_system_s {
uint32_t base;
uint32_t view_base;
uint32_t text_base;
uint32_t imui_base;
} canvas_system_t;
struct view_s;
@ -35,12 +35,22 @@ typedef struct imui_ctx_s imui_ctx_t;
struct canvas_system_s;
struct IE_event_s;
enum {
imui_percent_x, ///< int
imui_percent_y, ///< int
extern const struct component_s imui_components[imui_comp_count];
typedef enum IMUI_SizeKind {
} IMUI_SizeKind;
imui_ctx_t *IMUI_NewContext (struct canvas_system_s canvas_sys,
@ -61,6 +71,7 @@ bool IMUI_Checkbox (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool *flag, const char *label);
void IMUI_Radio (imui_ctx_t *ctx, int *curvalue, int value, const char *label);
void IMUI_Slider (imui_ctx_t *ctx, float *value, float minval, float maxval,
const char *label);
void IMUI_FlexibleSpace (imui_ctx_t *ctx);
#define IMUI_DeferLoop(begin, end) \
for (int _i_ = ((begin), 0); !_i_; _i_++, (end))
@ -79,8 +90,14 @@ void IMUI_Slider (imui_ctx_t *ctx, float *value, float minval, float maxval,
#define UI_Slider(value, minval, maxval, label) \
IMUI_Slider(IMUI_context, value, minval, maxval, label)
#define UI_FlexibleSpace() \
#define UI_Layout(vertical) \
IMUI_DeferLoop (IMUI_PushLayout (IMUI_context, vertical), \
IMUI_PopLayout (IMUI_context ))
#define UI_Horizontal UI_Layout(false)
#define UI_Vertical UI_Layout(true)
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#include "QF/cvar.h"
#include "QF/keys.h"
#include "QF/sys.h"
#include "QF/va.h"
#include "QF/input/event.h"
@ -52,6 +53,9 @@ static cvar_t deb_fontsize_cvar = {
.value = { .type = &cexpr_float, .value = &deb_fontsize },
static int deb_xlen = -1;
static int deb_ylen = -1;
static void
con_debug_f (void *data, const cvar_t *cvar)
@ -61,12 +65,12 @@ con_debug_f (void *data, const cvar_t *cvar)
debug_enable_time = Sys_LongTime ();
if (!con_debug) {
IE_Set_Focus (debug_saved_focus);
} else {
IMUI_SetSize (debug_imui, deb_xlen, deb_ylen);
static int deb_xlen = -1;
static int deb_ylen = -1;
static void
debug_app_window (const IE_event_t *ie_event)
@ -152,26 +156,34 @@ Con_Debug_Draw (void)
IMUI_BeginFrame (debug_imui);
static int state;
static bool flag = true;
UI_Layout(true) {
UI_Layout(false) {
UI_Vertical {
UI_Horizontal {
if (UI_Button ("Close Debug")) {
close_debug ();
if (flag) {
UI_Button ("_##1");
UI_FlexibleSpace ();
UI_Button ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyza##1");
UI_Layout(false) {
UI_Horizontal {
UI_Checkbox (&flag, "hi there");
if (flag) {
UI_Button ("_##2");
UI_FlexibleSpace ();
UI_Button ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrst##2");
UI_Layout(false) {
UI_Horizontal {
UI_Radio (&state, 0, "A");
UI_Radio (&state, 1, "B");
UI_Radio (&state, 2, "C");
UI_FlexibleSpace ();
UI_Horizontal {
UI_Button (va(0, "mem: %zd", Sys_CurrentRSS ()));
UI_FlexibleSpace ();
UI_FlexibleSpace ();
IMUI_Draw (debug_imui);
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "QF/ui/canvas.h"
#include "QF/ui/imui.h"
#include "QF/ui/text.h"
#include "QF/ui/view.h"
@ -498,6 +499,8 @@ Canvas_InitSys (canvas_system_t *canvas_sys, ecs_registry_t *reg)
.text_base = ECS_RegisterComponents (reg, text_components,
.imui_base = ECS_RegisterComponents (reg, imui_components,
@ -47,6 +47,17 @@
#include "QF/ui/imui.h"
#include "QF/ui/text.h"
const component_t imui_components[imui_comp_count] = {
[imui_percent_x] = {
.size = sizeof (int),
.name = "percent x",
[imui_percent_y] = {
.size = sizeof (int),
.name = "percent y",
typedef struct imui_state_s {
struct imui_state_s *next;
struct imui_state_s **prev;
@ -234,8 +245,10 @@ void
IMUI_BeginFrame (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
uint32_t root_ent = ctx->root_view.id;
auto root_size = View_GetLen (ctx->root_view);
Ent_RemoveComponent (root_ent, ctx->root_view.comp, ctx->root_view.reg);
ctx->root_view = View_AddToEntity (root_ent, ctx->vsys, nullview);
View_SetLen (ctx->root_view, root_size.x, root_size.y);
ctx->frame_start = Sys_LongTime ();
ctx->current_parent = ctx->root_view;
@ -256,47 +269,118 @@ prune_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
//FIXME currently works properly only for grav_northwest
static void
layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
auto ref = View_GetRef (ctx->root_view);
auto h = ref->hierarchy;
#define DFL "\e[39;49m"
#define BLK "\e[30;40m"
#define RED "\e[31;40m"
#define GRN "\e[32;40m"
#define ONG "\e[33;40m"
#define BLU "\e[34;40m"
#define MAG "\e[35;40m"
#define CYN "\e[36;40m"
#define WHT "\e[37;40m"
byte *modified = h->components[view_modified];
view_pos_t *pos = h->components[view_pos];
static const char *
view_color (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, imui_ctx_t *ctx)
auto reg = h->reg;
uint32_t e = h->ent[ind];
viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control];
switch (cont[ind].semantic_x) {
case IMUI_SizeKind_Null:
if (Ent_HasComponent (e, ctx->csys.base + canvas_glyphs, reg)) {
return CYN;
return DFL;
case IMUI_SizeKind_Pixels: return WHT;
case IMUI_SizeKind_TextContent: return CYN;
case IMUI_SizeKind_PercentOfParent: return ONG;
case IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum: return MAG;
case IMUI_SizeKind_Expand: return RED;
return DFL;
static void __attribute__((used))
dump_tree (hierarchy_t *h, uint32_t ind, int level, imui_ctx_t *ctx)
view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len];
auto c = ((viewcont_t *)h->components[view_control])[ind];
uint32_t e = h->ent[ind];
printf ("%2d: %*s%s[%d %d] %c %d %d", ind,
level * 3, "", view_color (h, ind, ctx),
len[ind].x, len[ind].y,
c.vertical ? 'v' : 'h', c.semantic_x, c.semantic_y);
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->reg->components.size; j++) {
if (Ent_HasComponent (e, j, h->reg)) {
printf (", %s", h->reg->components.a[j].name);
printf (DFL"\n");
if (h->childIndex[ind] > ind) {
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->childCount[ind]; i++) {
if (h->childIndex[ind] + i >= h->num_objects) {
dump_tree (h, h->childIndex[ind] + i, level + 1, ctx);
if (!level) {
puts ("");
typedef struct {
bool x, y;
} boolpair_t;
static void
calc_upwards_dependent (imui_ctx_t *ctx, hierarchy_t *h,
boolpair_t *down_depend)
auto reg = ctx->csys.reg;
uint32_t *ent = h->ent;
view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len];
viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control];
uint32_t *parent = h->parentIndex;
struct boolpair {
bool x, y;
} down_depend[h->num_objects];
// the root view size is always explicity
down_depend[0] = (struct boolpair) { false, false };
uint32_t c_percent_x = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_x;
uint32_t c_percent_y = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_y;
for (uint32_t i = 1; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
// printf ("%d %d %d [%d %d] [%d %d]\n", i, parent[i], h->childCount[i],
// pos[i].x, pos[i].y, len[i].x, len[i].y);
if (cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum) {
down_depend[i].x = 1;
} else if (!(down_depend[i].x = down_depend[parent[i]].x)
if (down_depend
&& (cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum
|| cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand)) {
down_depend[i].x = true;
} else if ((!down_depend
|| !(down_depend[i].x = down_depend[parent[i]].x))
&& cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_PercentOfParent) {
int x = (len[parent[i]].x * 100) / 100; //FIXME precent
modified[i] |= len[i].x != x;
int *percent = Ent_GetComponent (ent[i], c_percent_x, reg);
int x = (len[parent[i]].x * *percent) / 100;
len[i].x = x;
if (cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum) {
down_depend[i].y = 1;
} else if (!(down_depend[i].y = down_depend[parent[i]].y)
if (down_depend
&& (cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum
|| cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand)) {
down_depend[i].y = true;
} else if ((!down_depend
|| !(down_depend[i].y = down_depend[parent[i]].y))
&& cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_PercentOfParent) {
int y = (len[parent[i]].y * 100) / 100; //FIXME precent
modified[i] |= len[i].y != y;
int *percent = Ent_GetComponent (ent[i], c_percent_y, reg);
int y = (len[parent[i]].y * *percent) / 100;
len[i].y = y;
static void
calc_downwards_dependent (hierarchy_t *h)
view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len];
viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control];
for (uint32_t i = h->num_objects; --i > 0; ) {
view_pos_t clen = len[i];
if (cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum) {
if (cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum
|| cont[i].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
clen.x = 0;
if (cont[i].vertical) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) {
@ -310,7 +394,8 @@ layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
if (cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum) {
if (cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum
|| cont[i].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
clen.y = 0;
if (!cont[i].vertical) {
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) {
@ -324,9 +409,98 @@ layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
modified[i] |= (len[i].x != clen.x) | (len[i].y != clen.y);
len[i] = clen;
static void
calc_expansions (imui_ctx_t *ctx, hierarchy_t *h)
auto reg = ctx->csys.reg;
uint32_t *ent = h->ent;
view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len];
viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control];
uint32_t c_percent_x = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_x;
uint32_t c_percent_y = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_y;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < h->num_objects; i++) {
view_pos_t tlen = {};
view_pos_t elen = {};
view_pos_t ecount = {};
for (uint32_t j = 0; j < h->childCount[i]; j++) {
uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j;
tlen.x += len[child].x;
tlen.y += len[child].y;
if (cont[child].semantic_x == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_x, reg);
elen.x += *p;
if (cont[child].semantic_y == IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_y, reg);
elen.y += *p;
// printf ("i:%d t:[%d %d] e:[%d %d] ec:[%d %d]\n", i, tlen.x, tlen.y,
// elen.x, elen.y, ecount.x, ecount.y);
for (uint32_t j = 0; ecount.x && j < h->childCount[i]; j++) {
uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j;
if (cont[child].semantic_x != IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
if (cont[i].vertical) {
len[child].x = len[i].x;
// printf ("xc:%d p:%d l:%d\n", child, len[i].x, len[child].x);
} else {
uint32_t space = len[i].x - tlen.x;
int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_x, reg);
len[child].x += *p * space / elen.x;
// printf ("xc:%d p:%d s:%d e:%d: l:%d\n", child, *p, space,
// elen.x, len[child].x);
for (uint32_t j = 0; ecount.y && j < h->childCount[i]; j++) {
uint32_t child = h->childIndex[i] + j;
if (cont[child].semantic_y != IMUI_SizeKind_Expand) {
if (cont[i].vertical) {
uint32_t space = len[i].y - tlen.y;
int *p = Ent_GetComponent (ent[child], c_percent_y, reg);
len[child].y += *p * space / elen.y;
// printf ("yc:%d p:%d s:%d e:%d: l:%d\n", child, *p, space,
// elen.y, len[child].y);
} else {
len[child].y = len[i].y;
// printf ("yc:%d p:%d l:%d\n", child, len[i].y, len[child].y);
//FIXME currently works properly only for grav_northwest
static void
layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
auto ref = View_GetRef (ctx->root_view);
auto h = ref->hierarchy;
view_pos_t *pos = h->components[view_pos];
view_pos_t *len = h->components[view_len];
viewcont_t *cont = h->components[view_control];
uint32_t *parent = h->parentIndex;
boolpair_t down_depend[h->num_objects];
// the root view size is always explicit
down_depend[0] = (boolpair_t) { false, false };
calc_upwards_dependent (ctx, h, down_depend);
calc_downwards_dependent (h);
calc_expansions (ctx, h);
//dump_tree (h, 0, 0, ctx);
// resolve conflicts
//fflush (stdout);
view_pos_t cpos = {};
uint32_t cur_parent = 0;
@ -337,13 +511,10 @@ layout_objects (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
if (cont[i].semantic_x != IMUI_SizeKind_Null
&& cont[i].semantic_y != IMUI_SizeKind_Null) {
modified[i] |= (pos[i].x != cpos.x) | (pos[i].y != cpos.y);
pos[i] = cpos;
} else if (cont[i].semantic_x != IMUI_SizeKind_Null) {
modified[i] |= pos[i].x != cpos.x;
pos[i].x = cpos.x;
} else if (cont[i].semantic_y != IMUI_SizeKind_Null) {
modified[i] |= pos[i].y != cpos.y;
pos[i].y = cpos.y;
if (cont[parent[i]].vertical) {
@ -397,14 +568,25 @@ void
IMUI_PushLayout (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool vertical)
DARRAY_APPEND (&ctx->parent_stack, ctx->current_parent);
ctx->current_parent = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent);
*View_Control (ctx->current_parent) = (viewcont_t) {
auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent);
auto pcont = View_Control (ctx->current_parent);
ctx->current_parent = view;
auto x_size = pcont->vertical ? IMUI_SizeKind_Expand
: IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum;
auto y_size = pcont->vertical ? IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum
: IMUI_SizeKind_Expand;
*View_Control (view) = (viewcont_t) {
.gravity = grav_northwest,
.visible = 1,
.semantic_x = IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum,
.semantic_y = IMUI_SizeKind_ChildrenSum,
.semantic_x = x_size,
.semantic_y = y_size,
.vertical = vertical,
View_SetLen (view, 0, 0);
uint32_t c_percent_x = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_x;
uint32_t c_percent_y = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_y;
*(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_x, ctx->csys.reg) = 100;
*(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_y, ctx->csys.reg) = 100;
@ -542,6 +724,8 @@ IMUI_Checkbox (imui_ctx_t *ctx, bool *flag, const char *label)
auto text = View_New (ctx->vsys, view);
set_control (ctx, text, false);
add_text (text, state, ctx);
auto c = View_GetChild (text, 0);
*(uint32_t *)Ent_AddComponent (c.id, ctx->tsys.text_base + text_color, c.reg) = 0xfb;
if (check_button_state (ctx, state->entity)) {
*flag = !*flag;
@ -591,3 +775,20 @@ IMUI_Slider (imui_ctx_t *ctx, float *value, float minval, float maxval,
const char *label)
IMUI_FlexibleSpace (imui_ctx_t *ctx)
auto view = View_New (ctx->vsys, ctx->current_parent);
View_SetLen (ctx->current_parent, 0, 0);
set_control (ctx, view, false);
View_Control (view)->semantic_x = IMUI_SizeKind_Expand;
View_Control (view)->semantic_y = IMUI_SizeKind_Expand;
uint32_t c_percent_x = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_x;
uint32_t c_percent_y = ctx->csys.imui_base + imui_percent_y;
*(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_x, ctx->csys.reg) = 100;
*(int*) Ent_AddComponent (view.id, c_percent_y, ctx->csys.reg) = 100;
set_fill (ctx, view, 0xfb);
Reference in a new issue