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synced 2025-03-29 05:51:20 +00:00
3978 lines
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3978 lines
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TFORT.QC Custom TeamFortress v3.2
(c) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29/2/97
(c) William Kerney 9/16/00
(c) Craig Hauser 19/3/00
Class handling and other utility functions
// Function Prototypes
//void() RemoveFlare;
void() GrenadeExplode;
void() spike_touch;
void(entity p) bound_other_ammo;
void(entity Goal, entity Player, entity Item) DisplayItemStatus;
void (entity targ, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float T_flags, float T_AttackType) TF_T_Damage;
// Map Function Prototypes
void(entity Item, entity AP, float method) tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer;
// Help Functions
void() TeamFortress_MOTD;
// Team Functions
float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetColor;
void(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamSetColor;
float() TeamFortress_TeamPutPlayerInTeam;
float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetScore;
float(float tno) TeamFortress_TeamGetIllegalClasses;
void() DropToCustomClassGen; //In custom.qc
float() W_BestWeapon; //In weapons.qc
void() FragGrenadeTouch; //In custom.qc
void() FragGrenadeExplode;
void() KracGrenadeTouch;
void() KracGrenadeExplode;
void() AntiGravGrenadeExplode;
void() Autoitem_think;
void() DetonateAllGuns;
// Impulse Functions
void() TeamFortress_ChangeClass;
void() TeamFortress_DisplayLegalClasses;
void() TeamFortress_Inventory;
void() Grunty_StateInv;
void() TeamFortress_ShowTF;
void() TeamFortress_PrimeGrenade;
void() TeamFortress_ThrowGrenade;
void() TeamFortress_DisplayDetectionItems;
// Player Class Handling Functions
float(float pc) IsLegalClass;
//void() TeamFortress_SetAlias; //WK
void() TeamFortress_SetHealth;
void() TeamFortress_SetEquipment;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSkin;
void(entity Viewer, float pc, float rpc) TeamFortress_PrintClassName;
void() TeamFortress_RemoveTimers;
void(float Suicided) TeamFortress_SetupRespawn;
void() TeamFortress_CheckClassStats;
float(entity Retriever, float AmmoType) TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo;
float(entity Retriever, float WeaponType) TeamFortress_CanGetWeapon;
float(entity Retriever, entity Items) TeamFortress_AddBackpackItems;
float(entity Player, float Armorclass) TeamFortress_DescribeArmor;
#ifdef SPEECH
void(entity player) TeamFortress_SayClassName;
// AmmoBox Handling Functions
void () TeamFortress_AmmoboxTouch;
float (float tno) num_team_ammoboxes;
void(float tno) RemoveOldAmmobox;
void(float tno) increment_team_ammoboxes;
void(float tno) decrement_team_ammoboxes;
// Weapon Handling Functions
void() TeamFortress_ExplodePerson;
void() NormalGrenadeTouch;
void() NormalGrenadeExplode;
void() PlayerObserverMode;
// Utility Functions
void(string halias, float himpulse1, float himpulse2) TeamFortress_Alias;
// Cyclic Event Functions
void() TeamFortress_Regenerate;
void() TeamFortress_RegenerateCyber;
void() TeamFortress_RegenerateCells;
float(entity p) Return_Custom_Skins;
//- OfN
void() FlareGrenadeTouch;
void() FlareGrenadeExplode;
void() FlareBounce;
void(entity sld) grunty_boundammo;
void(entity player) UpdateCells;
void () BioGrenadeTouch;
void () BioGrenadeExplode;
float(entity theplayer, float grenslot) GetMaxGrens;
// Uses a class dependant special skill
void() UseSpecialSkill =
self.impulse = 0;
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_SENTRYGUN || self.tf_items & #NIT_TESLA || self.tf_items & #NIT_SECURITY_CAMERA || self.tf_items & #NIT_TELEPORTER || self.cutf_items & #CUTF_DISPENSER || self.cutf_items & #CUTF_FIELDGEN)
self.impulse = #TF_ENGINEER_BUILD;
else if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_SPY_KIT)
self.impulse = #TF_SPY_SPY;
else if (self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)
self.impulse = #TF_PB_DETONATE;
else if (self.tf_items & #NIT_SCANNER)
self.impulse = #TF_SCAN_30;
else if (self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_SNIPER_RIFLE)
self.impulse = #TF_AUTOZOOM;
self.impulse = #TF_RELOAD;
//WK Since most people don't know "disguise" or "build"
// we'll allow them to toggle between the two with special.
// This wipes out .money, so watch out for side effects.
if (!(self.done_custom & #CUSTOM_BUILDING) && (self.impulse == #TF_ENGINEER_BUILD) && (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_SPY_KIT))
if (self.money) self.money = 0;
else self.money = 1;
if (self.money)
self.impulse = #TF_ENGINEER_BUILD;
if (self.effects & (#EF_DIMLIGHT | #EF_BRIGHTLIGHT)) //CH why not have the check here too, saves a keypress
self.impulse = #TF_ENGINEER_BUILD;
self.impulse = #TF_SPY_SPY;
// Player change class function
// If self.impulse == 1, change to Civilian class
void() TeamFortress_ChangeClass =
local entity spot, te;
local float tc;
local string st;
local string scratch;
//WK - Handle Custom Class Restarting
if (self.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM && self.done_custom & #CUSTOM_BUILDING) {
DropToCustomClassGen(); //Comatose state
if (self.playerclass != #PC_UNDEFINED && !(self.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM && (self.done_custom & #CUSTOM_BUILDING)))
// In Deathmatch 3, you can change class after you die
if (deathmatch != 3)
// Civilian Teams can never change class
if (TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian(self.team_no))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You're a civilian. Learn to live with it.\n");
if (!IsLegalClass(self.impulse - #TF_CHANGEPC))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your team cannot play that class.\n");
self.nextpc = self.impulse - #TF_CHANGEPC;
//WK - Handle Custom Class
if (self.nextpc == #PC_CUSTOM)
self.done_custom = self.done_custom | #CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN; //Generate a new custom class when we respawn
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "After dying, you will return as a new class\n");
// players must join a team, if teamplay is on
if (teamplay && self.team_no == 0)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You must join a team first. \n");
// Only change if you've got any lives left
if ( self.lives == 0 )
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You have no lives left.\n");
if (!IsLegalClass(self.impulse - #TF_CHANGEPC) && (self.impulse != 1))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You cannot play that playerclass on this map. \n");
// Spy may be disabled
if ((spy_off == #TRUE) && ((self.impulse - #TF_CHANGEPC) == #PC_SPY))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "The spy class has been disabled on the server by the administrator.\n");
if (self.impulse != 1)
self.playerclass = self.impulse - #TF_CHANGEPC;
self.playerclass = #PC_CIVILIAN;
self.nextpc = 0;
// Turn off #PC_UNDEFINED's nomove and invincibility
self.takedamage = #DAMAGE_AIM;
//WK Prevent bad movetype errors, or something
if (self.classname != "player") {
RPrint("Non-player was in tfort.qc::changeclass()!\n");
self.movetype = #MOVETYPE_WALK;
self.flags = #FL_CLIENT | #FL_ONGROUND;
self.waterlevel = 0;
self.air_finished = time + 12;
// give them a model, and a new spawn point
self.solid = #SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
// pausetime is set by teleporters to keep the player from moving a while
self.pausetime = 0;
spot = SelectSpawnPoint ();
#ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint(" spawned at a ");
if (spot.team_no != 0)
RPrint(", team_no of ");
st = ftos(spot.team_no);
self.origin = spot.origin + '0 0 1';
self.angles = spot.angles;
self.fixangle = #TRUE; // turn this way immediately
setmodel (self, string_null);
modelindex_null = self.modelindex;
setmodel (self, "progs/eyes.mdl");
modelindex_eyes = self.modelindex;
setmodel (self, "progs/player.mdl");
modelindex_player = self.modelindex;
setsize (self, #VEC_HULL_MIN, #VEC_HULL_MAX);
self.view_ofs = '0 0 22';
player_stand1 ();
if (deathmatch || coop)
spawn_tfog (self.origin + v_forward*20);
// Display chosen class
if ( self.playerclass == #PC_RANDOM )
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Random Playerclass.\n");
self.tfstate = (self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_RANDOMPC);
self.playerclass = 1 + floor(random() * (#PC_RANDOM - 1));
// If this is a TeamSpawnpoint, check to see if it
// gives out a GoalItem, or displays a message
if (spot.classname == "info_player_teamspawn")
if (spot.items != 0)
te = Finditem(spot.items);
if (te)
tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer(te, self, self);
if (!(spot.goal_activation & #TFSP_MULTIPLEITEMS))
spot.items = 0;
if (spot.message)
CenterPrint(self, spot.message);
if (!(spot.goal_activation & #TFSP_MULTIPLEMSGS))
spot.message = string_null;
// TeamSpawn points can remove themselves after being spawned on
if (spot.goal_effects == #TFSP_REMOVESELF)
spot.classname = "deadpoint";
spot.team_str_home = string_null;
spot.nextthink = time + 1;
spot.think = SUB_Remove;
//WK - Handle Custom Class
if (self.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM) {
DropToCustomClassGen(); //Comatose state
TeamFortress_PrintClassName(self,self.playerclass, (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_RANDOMPC));
#ifdef SPEECH
//WK Give them invincibility if they are a normal class or bought it
if (self.playerclass >= #PC_SCOUT && self.playerclass <= #PC_RANDOM) {
self.items = self.items + #IT_INVULNERABILITY;
self.invincible_time = 1;
self.invincible_finished = time + #RESPAWN_GUARD_TIME;
// Display a list of all the legal classes for this map
void() TeamFortress_DisplayLegalClasses =
local float gotone, ill;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Legal Classes for your team are:\n");
gotone = #FALSE;
ill = TeamFortress_TeamGetIllegalClasses(self.team_no);
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_SCOUT) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_SCOUT))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Scout");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_SNIPER) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_SNIPER))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Sniper");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_SOLDIER) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_SOLDIER))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Soldier");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_DEMOMAN) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_DEMOMAN))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Demolitions Man");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_MEDIC) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_MEDIC))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Combat Medic");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_HVYWEP) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_HVYWEP))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Heavy Weapons Guy");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_PYRO) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_PYRO))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Pyro");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_SPY) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_SPY))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Spy");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_ENGINEER) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_ENGINEER))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Engineer");
if (!(illegalclasses & #TF_ILL_RANDOMPC) && !(ill & #TF_ILL_RANDOMPC))
if (gotone)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", ");
gotone = #TRUE;
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "RandomPC");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
// Displays the player's inventory
void() TeamFortress_Inventory =
local entity tg;
local string ac;
local float col;
local float special; //CH used to determine if a \n is needed for a line
special = 0;
if (self.demon_one.classname == "monster_army")
local entity oself;
oself = self;
self = self.demon_one;
self = oself;
// Display Team
col = TeamFortress_TeamGetColor(self.team_no);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You're in team ");
ac = ftos(self.team_no);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ", color ");
ac = ftos(col);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ".\n");
// Display Lives, if applicable
if (self.lives != -1)
ac = ftos(self.lives);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You've got ");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
if (self.lives == 1)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " life.\n");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " lives.\n");
// Display Number of Grenades of each type
//WK Fix BUG grenades
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == 0)
self.no_grenades_1 = 0;
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == 0)
self.no_grenades_2 = 0;
if (self.no_grenades_1 > 0)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Gren.Type 1: ");
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NORMAL)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Normal(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Concussion(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "AntiGrav(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Nail(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Mirv(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Napalm(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Flare(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Hallucinogenic(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "EMP(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Flash(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Frag(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Krac(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Caltrop(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Biological(");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "BUG(");
ac = ftos(self.no_grenades_1);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ")\n");
if (self.no_grenades_2 > 0)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Gren.Type 2: ");
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NORMAL)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Normal(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Concussion(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Nail(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "AntiGrav(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Caltrop(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Mirv(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Biological(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Napalm(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Flare(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Hallucinogenic(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "EMP(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Flash(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Frag(");
else if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Krac(");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "BUG(");
ac = ftos(self.no_grenades_2);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ")\n");
// Scanner
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_SCANNER)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Scanner. ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_JAMMER)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Jammer. ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_CYBERAUG && !(self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT))
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "CyberAug (");
ac = ftos(self.ammo_medikit);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "). ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
else if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_CYBERAUG && self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "CyberAug/");
// Medikit and ammo
if (self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Medikit (");
ac = ftos(self.ammo_medikit);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "). ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
//if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_INTERFACE) //- OfN -
// sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Cyber Interface. ");
// Detpack
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_DETPACK)
if (self.ammo_detpack > 0)
ac = ftos(self.ammo_detpack);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " Detpack");
if (self.ammo_detpack > 1)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "s");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ". ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_TOSSABLEDET)
if (self.ammo_c4det > 0)
ac = ftos(self.ammo_c4det);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " Tossable Detpack");
if (self.ammo_c4det > 1)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "s");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ". ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
// GoalItems
tg = find (world, classname, "item_tfgoal");
while (tg)
if (tg.owner == self)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, tg.netname);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ". ");
special = special + 1; //CH determines \n
tg = find(tg, classname, "item_tfgoal");
// Armor
if (self.armorvalue > 0)
special = special + TeamFortress_DescribeArmor(self, self.armorclass);
if (special > 0)
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
if (!invis_only)
// Spy gets told what skin and color he/she is wearing
if ((self.cutf_items & #CUTF_SPY_KIT) && invis_only == #FALSE)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Skin : ");
if (self.undercover_skin != 0)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Colors : Team ");
if (self.undercover_team != 0)
ac = ftos(self.undercover_team);
ac = ftos(self.team_no);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
//WK Let us know if we have a guy summoned
if (self.job & #JOB_DEMON_OUT)
if (self.job & #JOB_ARMY)
else if (self.job & #JOB_WARLOCK)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Your ");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH," has ");
ac = ftos(ceil(self.demon_one.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(self.demon_one.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " HP\n");
if (self.has_sentry)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_sentrygun");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_sentrygun");
if (self.has_tesla)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_tesla");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_tesla");
if (self.has_dispenser)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_dispenser");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_dispenser");
if (self.has_sensor)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_sensor");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_sensor");
if (self.has_camera)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_camera");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_camera");
if (self.has_teleporter > 0)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_teleporter");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_teleporter");
if (self.has_fieldgen > 0)
tg = find(world, classname, "building_fieldgen");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<EFBFBD>");
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " <20><>\n");
tg = find(tg, classname, "building_fieldgen");
/*if (self.job & #JOB_WARLOCK && self.job & #JOB_DEMON_OUT)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "You have a ");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " summoned: ");
tg = find(world, classname, "monster_demon1");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
//sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " (");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " HP ");
tg = find(tg, classname, "monster_demon1");
tg = find(world, classname, "monster_army");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " (");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ") ");
tg = find(tg, classname, "monster_army");
tg = find(world, classname, "monster_shambler");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
//sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " (");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " HP ");
tg = find(tg, classname, "monster_shambler");
tg = find(world, classname, "monster_wizard");
while (tg)
if (tg.real_owner == self)
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.health));
//sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " (");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
ac = ftos(ceil(tg.max_health));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "<22>");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " HP ");
tg = find(tg, classname, "monster_wizard");
//sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
/*if (self.job & #JOB_WARLOCK) // they can see that on warlock menu
ac = ftos (self.demon_blood);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Knife kills: ", ac, "\n"); // knife kills
//CH if you have boots, state percent of fuel
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_HOVER_BOOTS)
if (self.hover_time <= 0)
ac = "0";
ac = ftos(floor(100 * (self.hover_time / #MAX_HOVER_FUEL)));
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Boot Charge: ");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "% ");
//CH if you have a job. tell when can work
if (self.job & #JOB_ALL)
if ((self.job_finished - time) <= 0)
sprint (self,#PRINT_HIGH, "Skill Time: ");
ac = ftos(ceil(self.job_finished - time));
sprint (self,#PRINT_HIGH, "Skill Time:");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, ac);
if (ceil(self.job_finished - time) == 1)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " second");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " seconds");
if (self.aura) //- OfN - If we have an aura it should tell
if (self.crusader_inspirator != world && !(self.crusader_inspirator.has_disconnected) && self.crusader_inspirator.classname == "player")
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH," grants you the AURA of ");
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH,"\nYou enjoy the AURA of ");
if (self.aura == #AURA_POWER)
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH," <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.");
else if (self.aura == #AURA_RESISTANCE)
else if (self.aura == #AURA_HASTE)
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH," <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>.");
else if (self.aura == #AURA_INVIS)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
// Displays the state of the ToggleFlags
void() TeamFortress_ShowTF =
local string st;
// Class Persistence between lvls On/Off
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_CLASS_PERSIST)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Class Persistence On.\n");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Class Persistence Off.\n");
// Cheat Checking On/Off
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_CHEATCHECK)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Cheat Checking On.\n");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Cheat Checking Off.\n");
// AutoTeam On/Off
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_AUTOTEAM)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "AutoTeam On.\n");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "AutoTeam Off.\n");
// RespawnDelay
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_RESPAWNDELAY)
st = ftos(respawn_delay_time);
st = "No";
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
if (st != "No")
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " second");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " Respawn Delay.\n");
// TeamFrags On/Off
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "TeamFrags On.\n");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "TeamFrags Off.\n");
// Grapple hook
if (allow_hook)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Grapple On.\n");
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Grapple Off.\n");
void() TeamFortress_GrenadePrimed;
// Primes a grenade of the type corresponding to the player's impulse
void() TeamFortress_PrimeGrenade =
local float gtype;
local string gs, ptime;
local entity tGrenade;
/*if (self.job & #JOB_THIEF && self.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE) {
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH,"You can't throw grens while invisible\n");
// If you've already primed a grenade, return
if ((self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED) || (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENTHROWING))
if (self.impulse == #TF_GRENADE_1)
#define SPAM_TIME 7
//WK Stop frag spammming // enabled again
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG && self.no_grenades_1 > 0) {
if ((self.team_no == 1 && team1nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 2 && team2nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 3 && team3nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 4 && team4nextspam >= time)) {
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH,"Your team already has a spam grenade in the world.\n");
if (self.team_no == 1) team1nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME;
if (self.team_no == 2) team2nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME;
if (self.team_no == 3) team3nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME;
if (self.team_no == 4) team4nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME;
} // OfN Removed spam control // enabled again
gtype = self.tp_grenades_1;
if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
gs = "Concussion grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
gs = "AntiGrav grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
gs = "BioInfection grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
gs = "Caltrop grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
gs = "Nail grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
gs = "Mirv grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
gs = "Napalm grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
gs = "Flare";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
gs = "Gas grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
gs = "EMP grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
gs = "Flash grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
gs = "Fragmentation grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
gs = "Krac grenade";
gs = "Grenade";
if (self.no_grenades_1 >= 1)
ptime = ftos( #GR_PRIMETIME );
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, gs);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " primed, ");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ptime);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " seconds...\n");
/*if ((self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL || self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG) && self.no_grenades_1 > 2)
self.no_grenades_1 = 2;*/
if (self.no_grenades_1 > GetMaxGrens(self,1))
self.no_grenades_1 = GetMaxGrens(self,1);
self.no_grenades_1 = self.no_grenades_1 - 1;
// OfN
//sound(self, #CHAN_MISC, "weapons/pinpull.wav", 1, #ATTN_IDLE);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "No ");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, gs);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "s left.\n");
if (self.impulse == #TF_GRENADE_2)
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG && self.no_grenades_2 > 0) {
if ((self.team_no == 1 && team1nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 2 && team2nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 3 && team3nextspam >= time) ||
(self.team_no == 4 && team4nextspam >= time)) {
sprint(self,#PRINT_HIGH,"Your team already has a spam grenade in the world.\n");
if (self.team_no == 1) team1nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME + 1;
if (self.team_no == 2) team2nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME + 1;
if (self.team_no == 3) team3nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME + 1;
if (self.team_no == 4) team4nextspam = time + #SPAM_TIME + 1;
} // OfN Removed spam control
gtype = self.tp_grenades_2;
if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
gs = "Concussion grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
gs = "AntiGrav grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
gs = "BioInfection grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
gs = "Caltrop grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
gs = "Nail grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
gs = "Mirv grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
gs = "Napalm grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
gs = "Flare";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
gs = "Gas grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
gs = "EMP grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
gs = "Flash grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
gs = "Fragmentation grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
gs = "Krac grenade";
gs = "Grenade";
/* if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
gs = "Concussion grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
gs = "Nail grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
gs = "Mirv grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
gs = "Napalm grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
gs = "Flare";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
gs = "Gas grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
gs = "EMP grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
gs = "Flash grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
gs = "Fragmentation grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
gs = "BioInfection grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
gs = "Caltrop grenade";
else if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
gs = "Krac grenade";
gs = "Grenade";*/
if (self.no_grenades_2 >= 1)
ptime = ftos( #GR_PRIMETIME );
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, gs);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " primed, ");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, ptime);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " seconds...\n");
//WK Limit Nail grenades to 2 - ofn and frag
if (self.no_grenades_2 > GetMaxGrens(self,2))
self.no_grenades_2 = GetMaxGrens(self,2);
/*if ((self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL || self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG) && self.no_grenades_2 > 2)
self.no_grenades_2 = 2;*/
self.no_grenades_2 = self.no_grenades_2 - 1;
//sound(self, #CHAN_MISC, "weapons/pinpull.wav", 1, #ATTN_IDLE);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "No ");
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, gs);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, "s left.\n");
self.tfstate = (self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED);
tGrenade = spawn();
tGrenade.owner = self;
tGrenade.weapon = gtype;
//tGrenade.classname = "timer"; //Ofn was comented, bug? - IT SHOULD BE COMMENTED :)
tGrenade.nextthink = time + 0.8;
tGrenade.heat = time + #GR_PRIMETIME + 0.8;
tGrenade.think = TeamFortress_GrenadePrimed;
if (gtype == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
tGrenade.heat = tGrenade.heat - #GR_PRIMETIME;
void() TeamFortress_GrenadePrimed =
local entity user;
local entity oldself;
user = self.owner;
if (!(user.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENTHROWING) && !user.deadflag)
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
if (!self.think)
if (time > self.heat)
if (!(user.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED))
RPrint("GrenadePrimed logic error\n");
user.tfstate = user.tfstate - (user.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED);
user.tfstate = user.tfstate - (user.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENTHROWING);
// ofn
if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
sound (user, #CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/flmfire2.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM);
sound (user, #CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/grenade.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM);
//sound (user, #CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/throw.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM);
KickPlayer(-1, user);
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.owner = user;
newmis.movetype = #MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
newmis.solid = #SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.classname = "grenade";
// set grenade speed
makevectors (user.v_angle);
if (user.deadflag)
// if user is dead, throw grenade directly up
newmis.velocity = '0 0 200';
if (user.v_angle_x)
newmis.velocity = v_forward*600 + v_up * 200 + crandom()*v_right*10 + crandom()*v_up*10;
newmis.velocity = aim(user, 10000);
newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 600;
newmis.velocity_z = 200;
newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity);
// set the grenade's thinktime to when the PRIMETIME runs out
newmis.think = SUB_Null;
newmis.nextthink = self.heat;
// set the think and touches to the appropriate grenade type
if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NORMAL)
newmis.touch = NormalGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NormalGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
newmis.touch = ConcussionGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = ConcussionGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
newmis.touch = BioGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = BioGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
newmis.touch = SUB_Null;
newmis.think = CaltropGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0';
newmis.velocity = '0 0 0';
setmodel (newmis, string_null);
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
newmis.touch = ConcussionGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = AntiGravGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
newmis.touch = NailGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NailGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
newmis.touch = MirvGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = MirvGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
newmis.touch = NapalmGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NapalmGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 2;
newmis.avelocity = '100 300 100';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
//CH flares no longer used
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
newmis.movetype = #MOVETYPE_FLY;
newmis.touch = FlareGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = FlareGrenadeExplode;
//newmis.skin = 0;//TF_FLARE_OFF;
newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0';
makevectors (user.v_angle);
newmis.velocity = v_forward;
//newmis.velocity = aim(user, 10000);
newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 2000;
// newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 4;
//newmis.velocity_z = 0;
setmodel (newmis, "progs/flarefly.mdl");
newmis.has_holo=0; //flag turned on when explodes
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
newmis.touch = GasGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = GasGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 3;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
newmis.touch = EMPGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = EMPGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 4;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
newmis.touch = FlashGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = FlashGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 2;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
//WK New Grenades
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
newmis.touch = FragGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = FragGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0; //WK Green Skin
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
newmis.touch = KracGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = KracGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1; //WK Conc skin
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (newmis, user.origin);
// OfN
if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
setorigin (newmis, user.origin + '0 0 16');
oldself = self;
self = self.owner;
if (live_camera)
self = oldself;
// Remove primed grenade object
// Throws a currently primed grenade
void() TeamFortress_ThrowGrenade =
// If no grenade is primed, return
if (!(self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED))
//WK Tossing a gren reveals yourself (so people don't spam)
//if (self.job & #JOB_THIEF && (self.job & #JOB_ACTIVE || self.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE))
if (self.job & #JOB_THIEF && self.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE)
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_GRENTHROWING;
// Return #TRUE is this class is allowed on this map
float(float pc) IsLegalClass =
local float bit;
// Spy may be turned off
if (spy_off == #TRUE && pc == #PC_SPY)
return #FALSE;
if (pc == #PC_SCOUT)
bit = #TF_ILL_SCOUT;
else if (pc == #PC_SNIPER)
else if (pc == #PC_SOLDIER)
else if (pc == #PC_DEMOMAN)
else if (pc == #PC_MEDIC)
bit = #TF_ILL_MEDIC;
else if (pc == #PC_HVYWEAP)
else if (pc == #PC_PYRO)
bit = #TF_ILL_PYRO;
else if (pc == #PC_SPY)
bit = #TF_ILL_SPY;
else if (pc == #PC_ENGINEER)
else if (pc == #PC_RANDOM)
//WK else if (pc == #PC_RANDOM || pc == #PC_CUSTOM) //WK Disabling randompc disables //WK customclass
if ((illegalclasses & bit) || (TeamFortress_TeamGetIllegalClasses(self.team_no) & bit))
return #FALSE;
return #TRUE;
// Alter the player's Movement based on class
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed =
local string sp;
local float tf;
local entity te;
//stuffcmd(p,"cl_movespeedkey 1\n");
makeImmune(self,time + 1.1); //WK Don't boot someone decelerating
// - OfN -//
// STOP THAT SILLY DAMN BUGS, SPY SLIDING ETC.. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -//
if (p.is_feigning || p.is_haxxxoring || p.is_detpacking || p.is_building)
p.tfstate = p.tfstate | #TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE;
// Check for any reason why they can't move at all
if (p.tfstate & #TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE)
stuffcmd(p,"m_forward 0\n");
stuffcmd(p,"m_side 0\n");
p.velocity = '0 0 0';
stuffcmd(p,"cl_backspeed 0\n");
stuffcmd(p,"cl_forwardspeed 0\n");
stuffcmd(p,"cl_sidespeed 0\n");
p.maxspeed = 0;
stuffcmd(p,"m_forward 1\n");
stuffcmd(p,"m_side 0.8\n");
// First, get their max class speed
// WK We don't use this block much any more
if ( p.playerclass == #PC_SCOUT )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_SCOUT_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_SNIPER )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_SNIPER_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_SOLDIER )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_DEMOMAN )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_MEDIC_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_HVYWEAP )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_PYRO )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_PYRO_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_CIVILIAN )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_SPY )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_SPY_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER )
{p.maxspeed = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXSPEED;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_UNDEFINED )
{p.maxspeed = 320;return;}
else if ( p.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM )
p.maxspeed = p.custom_speed;
if (p.done_custom & #CUSTOM_BUILDING) //We are building a class
p.maxspeed = 0;
//1st if we have scuba gear and are underwater, increase speed
if ((p.tf_items & #NIT_SCUBA) && (p.flags & #FL_INWATER))
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed + 200;
//Fins slow us down out of water
if ((p.tf_items & #NIT_SCUBA) && !(p.flags & #FL_INWATER))
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed - 20;
// 2nd, see if any GoalItems are slowing them down
tf = 0;
te = find (world, classname, "item_tfgoal");
while ((te != world) && (tf == 0))
if (te.owner == p)
if (te.goal_activation & #TFGI_SLOW)
tf = 1;
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed / 2;
te = find(te, classname, "item_tfgoal");
// 3rd, See if they're tranquilised
if (p.tfstate & #TFSTATE_TRANQUILISED)
//WK p.maxspeed = (p.maxspeed / 3) * 2;
if (p.maxspeed > 170)
p.maxspeed = 170;
if (p.tfstate & #TFSTATE_C4THROW)
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed / 3;
// 4th, check for leg wounds
if (p.leg_damage)
if (p.leg_damage > 9)
p.leg_damage = 9;
// reduce speed by 10% per leg wound
p.maxspeed = (p.maxspeed * ((10 - p.leg_damage) / 10));
// 5th, if they're a sniper, and they're aiming, their speed must be 60 or less
if (p.tfstate & #TFSTATE_AIMING)
if (p.maxspeed > 60)
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed / 2;
// WK 6th, See if they're partially hidden
if (p.job & #JOB_THIEF)
if (p.job & #JOB_ACTIVE)
p.maxspeed = (p.maxspeed * 3) / 4;
else if (p.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE)
if (p.maxspeed > 130)
p.maxspeed = 130;
//WK 7th, Check to see if they are sprinting or recovering
//Note that tired is both ACTIVE and TIRED
if (p.job & #JOB_RUNNER) {
if (p.job & #JOB_TIRED)
p.maxspeed = 2 * p.maxspeed / 3;
else if (p.job & #JOB_ACTIVE)
p.maxspeed = p.maxspeed + 200;
stuffcmd(p,"cl_backspeed 1000\n");
stuffcmd(p,"cl_forwardspeed 1000\n");
stuffcmd(p,"cl_sidespeed 1000\n");
sp = ftos(p.maxspeed);
stuffcmd(p,"cl_backspeed ");
stuffcmd(p,"cl_forwardspeed ");
sp = ftos(p.maxspeed);
stuffcmd(p,"cl_sidespeed ");
// Set the max_health of a player based on his/her class
void() TeamFortress_SetHealth =
if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SCOUT )
self.max_health = #PC_SCOUT_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SNIPER )
self.max_health = #PC_SNIPER_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SOLDIER )
self.max_health = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_DEMOMAN )
self.max_health = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC )
self.max_health = #PC_MEDIC_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_HVYWEAP )
self.max_health = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_PYRO )
self.max_health = #PC_PYRO_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_CIVILIAN )
self.max_health = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SPY )
self.max_health = #PC_SPY_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER )
self.max_health = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXHEALTH;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_UNDEFINED )
self.max_health = 1;
self.takedamage = 0; // Prevent damage to #PC_UNDEFINED players
self.health = self.max_health;
//CH returns value for skin. used here and tfortmap.qc
float(entity p) Return_Custom_Skins =
if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_SNIPER_RIFLE)
return #PC_SNIPER;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON)
return #PC_HVYWEAP;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)
return #PC_SOLDIER;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_FLAMETHROWER)
return #PC_PYRO;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER)
return #PC_DEMOMAN;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT)
return #PC_MEDIC;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_SPANNER)
return #PC_ENGINEER;
else if (p.weapons_carried & #WEAP_NAILGUN)
return #PC_SCOUT;
else if (p.job & #JOB_GUERILLA)
return #PC_DEMOMAN;
else if (p.custom_speed > 320 || p.job & #JOB_RUNNER)
return #PC_SCOUT;
else if (p.cutf_items & #CUTF_SPY_KIT)
return #PC_SPY;
else if (p.cutf_items & #CUTF_SENTRYGUN || p.tf_items & #NIT_TESLA)
return #PC_ENGINEER;
return #PC_SOLDIER;
// Set the skin of a player based on his/her class, if Classkin is on
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSkin =
local string st;
makeImmune(self,time + 4);
//self.immune_to_check = time + 4;
if ((p.cutf_items & #CUTF_SPY_KIT) && p.undercover_skin != 0)
p.skin = p.undercover_skin;
p.skin = p.playerclass;
if (p.skin != #PC_UNDEFINED)
stuffcmd(p, "skin ");
//WK Figure out what Mr.Custom Should look like
if (p.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM && p.undercover_skin == 0)
p.skin = Return_Custom_Skins(p); //CH
if ( p.team_no == 4)
if ( p.skin == #PC_SCOUT )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_SCOUT_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SNIPER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_SNIPER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SOLDIER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_SOLDIER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_DEMOMAN )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_DEMOMAN_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_MEDIC )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_MEDIC_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_HVYWEAP )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_HVYWEAP_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_PYRO )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_PYRO_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SPY )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_SPY_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_ENGINEER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM4_ENGINEER_SKIN);
else if ( p.team_no == 3)
if ( p.skin == #PC_SCOUT )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_SCOUT_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SNIPER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_SNIPER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SOLDIER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_SOLDIER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_DEMOMAN )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_DEMOMAN_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_MEDIC )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_MEDIC_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_HVYWEAP )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_HVYWEAP_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_PYRO )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_PYRO_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SPY )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_SPY_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_ENGINEER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM3_ENGINEER_SKIN);
else if ( p.team_no == 2)
if ( p.skin == #PC_SCOUT )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_SCOUT_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SNIPER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_SNIPER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SOLDIER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_SOLDIER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_DEMOMAN )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_DEMOMAN_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_MEDIC )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_MEDIC_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_HVYWEAP )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_HVYWEAP_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_PYRO )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_PYRO_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SPY )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_SPY_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_ENGINEER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM2_ENGINEER_SKIN);
else // if ( p.team_no == 1)
if ( p.skin == #PC_SCOUT )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_SCOUT_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SNIPER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_SNIPER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SOLDIER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_SOLDIER_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_DEMOMAN )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_DEMOMAN_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_MEDIC )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_MEDIC_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_HVYWEAP )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_HVYWEAP_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_PYRO )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_PYRO_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_SPY )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_SPY_SKIN);
else if ( p.skin == #PC_ENGINEER )
stuffcmd(p, #TEAM1_ENGINEER_SKIN);
if ( p.skin == #PC_CIVILIAN )
stuffcmd(p, "base\n"); // Need a civilian skin
stuffcmd(p, "skin base\n"); //WK Need a custom skin, or fake it
// Set the details of a player based on his/her class
void() TeamFortress_SetEquipment =
local entity te;
local entity automan;
local string st;
local float kept_items;
if (self.classname != "player")
//- OfN Hack to solve monster cleanup when soldier is choosen
if (self.playerclass == #PC_SOLDIER)
if (!(self.job & #JOB_ARMY))
kept_items = self.tf_items & (#IT_KEY1 | #IT_KEY2);
if (self.playerclass != #PC_CUSTOM) { //WK -----v
self.items = 0;
self.current_weapon = 0;
self.weapons_carried = 0;
self.armorclass = 0;
self.ammo_medikit = 0;
self.maxammo_medikit = 0;
self.ammo_detpack = 0;
self.ammo_c4det = 0;
self.maxammo_detpack = 0;
self.items_allowed = 0;
self.armor_allowed = 0;
self.gravity = 1;
self.maxarmor = 0;
self.weaponmode = 0;
self.tf_items = 0;
self.tf_items_flags = 0;
self.cutf_items = 0;
self.done_custom = 0;
//Clear job without losing track of demons, etc.
self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_ALL);
//WK ------^
self.hover_time = 0;
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_HOVER_BOOTS)
self.hover_time = #MAX_HOVER_FUEL; //10 secs of hovering or so
self.respawn_time = 0;
self.heat = 0;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_RELOADING);
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_SCUBA) //WK We're a scuba commando!
self.items = self.items | #IT_SUIT;
self.rad_time = 1;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_RADSUIT;
self.radsuit_finished = time + 666;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_RADSUIT);
self.items = 0;
self.rad_time = 0;
self.radsuit_finished = 0;
self.undercover_skin = 0;
if (self.undercover_team != 0)
makeImmune(self,time + 4);
//self.immune_to_check = time + 4;
self.undercover_team = 0;
// Set their color
stuffcmd(self, "color ");
st = ftos(TeamFortress_TeamGetColor(self.team_no) - 1);
//- OfN - Nice colors
if (nicecolors==1) st =TeamGetNiceColor(self.team_no);
stuffcmd(self, st);
stuffcmd(self, "\n");
self.is_building = 0;
self.is_toffingadet = 0;
self.is_haxxxoring = 0;
self.is_detpacking = 0;
self.is_undercover = 0;
self.is_feigning = 0;
self.is_unabletospy = 0;
self.is_malfunctioning = 0;
self.is_abouttodie = 0; // reset preventing automartyr flag
self.martyr_enemy = self; // reset martyr enemy
self.stored_deathmsg = 0; // reset stored death message - OfN UNUSED?
self.impulse = 0;
if (self.team_no == 0)
self.lives = -1;
self.items = self.items | kept_items;
// Start the Cheat-Checking Cyclic Event if CheatChecking Toggleflag is on
if (!stof(infokey(world,"nospeed")) && (toggleflags&#TFLAG_CHEATCHECK))
te = spawn(); //Cyto
te.nextthink = time + 2;
te.think = TeamFortress_CheckForSpeed;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
//WK -- Remove flags for job state
self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_ACTIVE);
self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE);
self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_TIRED);
//self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_MARTYR_ENEMY);
self.job_finished = time;
if ( self.playerclass == #PC_CUSTOM ) //WK - Reset the custom class
self.no_grenades_1 = GetMaxGrens(self,1);
self.no_grenades_2 = GetMaxGrens(self,2);
/*if (self.tp_grenades_1 > 0)
self.no_grenades_1 = 4;//was 4 //- OfN - returned to 4, it was 5
if (self.tp_grenades_2 > 0)
self.no_grenades_2 = 4;// was 4 //- OfN - returned to 4, it was 5
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
self.no_grenades_2 = 2;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
self.no_grenades_2 = 3;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
self.no_grenades_2 = 2;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
self.no_grenades_2 = 6;
// Ofn
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
self.no_grenades_1 = 2;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
self.no_grenades_1 = 3;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
self.no_grenades_1 = 2;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
self.no_grenades_1 = 6;*/
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_AMMO_BANDOLIER)
self.ammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets / 2;
self.ammo_nails = (3 * self.maxammo_nails) / 4;
self.ammo_shells = (3 * self.maxammo_shells) / 4;
self.ammo_cells = (2 * self.maxammo_cells) / 3;
/*if (self.tp_grenades_1 > 0) //Grant an extra grenade for bandolierians
self.no_grenades_1 = 5;
if (self.tp_grenades_2 > 0)
self.no_grenades_2 = 5;
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
self.no_grenades_2 = 3;
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
self.no_grenades_2 = 4;
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
self.no_grenades_2 = 3;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_2 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
self.no_grenades_2 = 8;
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
self.no_grenades_1 = 3;
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
self.no_grenades_1 = 4;
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
self.no_grenades_1 = 3;// was 1
if (self.tp_grenades_1 == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
self.no_grenades_1 = 8;*/
self.ammo_rockets = self.maxammo_rockets / 4;
self.ammo_nails = self.maxammo_nails / 2;
self.ammo_shells = self.maxammo_shells / 2;
self.ammo_cells = self.maxammo_cells / 2;
self.ammo_detpack = self.maxammo_detpack;
self.ammo_c4det = self.maxammo_detpack;
self.ammo_medikit = self.maxammo_medikit;
if (self.ammo_medikit > 0 && self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT) {
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_TIME;
te.think = TeamFortress_Regenerate;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_CYBERAUG)
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_TIME;
te.think = TeamFortress_RegenerateCyber;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
// SB only need to activate this with skill
/*if (self.job & #JOB_THIEF)
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_TIME;
te.think = TeamFortress_RegenerateCells;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
} */
if (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_FULLARMOUR)
self.armorvalue = self.maxarmor;
self.armorvalue = self.maxarmor / 2;
self.armortype = self.armor_allowed; //Start with red if red's allowed
self.armorclass = 0; //Default to no special armor type
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_KEVLAR)
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #AT_SAVESHOT;
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_GEL)
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #AT_SAVEMELEE;
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_BLAST)
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #AT_SAVEEXPLOSION;
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_CERAMIC)
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #AT_SAVEELECTRICITY;
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_ASBESTOS) //Buying flamer gives this
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #AT_SAVEFIRE;
//Support for the "Auto" class itemry
if (self.tf_items & #NIT_AUTOSCANNER || self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT || self.tf_items & #NIT_AUTOID) {
automan = spawn ();
automan.classname = "timer";
automan.nextthink = time + 2;
automan.think = Autoitem_think;
automan.owner = self;
automan.enemy = self;
self.current_weapon = W_BestWeapon ();
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SCOUT )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_SCOUT_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_SCOUT_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_SCOUT_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_SCOUT_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_SCOUT_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_SCOUT_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_SCOUT_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_SCOUT_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_SCOUT_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_SCOUT_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_SCOUT_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_SCOUT_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_SCOUT_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_SCOUT_TF_ITEMS;
self.cutf_items = #PC_SCOUT_CUTFITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_SCOUT_JOB;
// the scanner defaults to enemy scanning ON, friendly scanning OFF
// and movement scanner only OFF
self.tf_items_flags = self.tf_items_flags | #NIT_SCANNER_ENEMY;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_SCOUT_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armortype = #PC_SCOUT_INITARMORTYPE;
self.armorvalue = #PC_SCOUT_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_SCOUT_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_SCOUT_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_NAILGUN;
self.items_allowed = #PC_SCOUT_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_NAILGUN;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SNIPER )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_SNIPER_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_SNIPER_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_SNIPER_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_SNIPER_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_SNIPER_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_SNIPER_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_SNIPER_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_SNIPER_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_SNIPER_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_SNIPER_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_SNIPER_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_SNIPER_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_SNIPER_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_SNIPER_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_SNIPER_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_SNIPER_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armortype = #PC_SNIPER_INITARMORTYPE;
self.armorvalue = #PC_SNIPER_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_SNIPER_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_SNIPER_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_SNIPER_RIFLE;
self.items_allowed = #PC_SNIPER_WEAPONS;
self.cutf_items = #PC_SNIPER_CUTF_ITEMS; // OFN -OTR
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | #IT_NAILGUN;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SOLDIER )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_SOLDIER_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_SOLDIER_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_SOLDIER_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_SOLDIER_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_SOLDIER_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_SOLDIER_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_SOLDIER_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_SOLDIER_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_SOLDIER_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_SOLDIER_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_SOLDIER_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_SOLDIER_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armorvalue = #PC_SOLDIER_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_SOLDIER_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_ROCKET_LAUNCHER;
self.items_allowed = #PC_SOLDIER_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | #IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_DEMOMAN )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_DEMOMAN_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_DEMOMAN_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_DEMOMAN_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_DEMOMAN_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_DEMOMAN_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_DEMOMAN_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_DEMOMAN_JOB;
self.cutf_items = #PC_DEMOMAN_CUTFITEMS;
// Detpacks
self.ammo_detpack = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITAMMO_DETPACK;
self.maxammo_detpack = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXAMMO_DETPACK;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_DEMOMAN_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armorvalue = #PC_DEMOMAN_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_DEMOMAN_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER;
self.ammo_c4det = 1; // - OfN
self.items_allowed = #PC_DEMOMAN_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_MEDIC_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_MEDIC_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_MEDIC_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_MEDIC_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_MEDIC_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_MEDIC_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_MEDIC_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_MEDIC_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_MEDIC_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_MEDIC_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_MEDIC_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_MEDIC_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_MEDIC_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_MEDIC_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_MEDIC_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_MEDIC_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armortype = #PC_MEDIC_INITARMORTYPE;
self.armorvalue = #PC_MEDIC_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_MEDIC_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_MEDIC_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_LIGHT_ASSAULT;
self.ammo_medikit = #PC_MEDIC_INITAMMO_MEDIKIT;
self.maxammo_medikit = #PC_MEDIC_MAXAMMO_MEDIKIT;
// Start the Regeneration Cyclic Event
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_TIME;
te.think = TeamFortress_Regenerate;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
self.items_allowed = #PC_MEDIC_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | #IT_LIGHT_ASSAULT;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_HVYWEAP )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_HVYWEAP_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_HVYWEAP_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_HVYWEAP_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_HVYWEAP_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_HVYWEAP_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_HVYWEAP_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_HVYWEAP_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_HVYWEAP_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_HVYWEAP_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_HVYWEAP_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_HVYWEAP_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_HVYWEAP_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armorvalue = #PC_HVYWEAP_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_HVYWEAP_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_SUPER_SHOTGUN;
self.cutf_items = #CUTF_HWGUY;
self.items_allowed = #PC_HVYWEAP_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | #IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_PYRO )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_PYRO_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_PYRO_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_PYRO_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_PYRO_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_PYRO_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_PYRO_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_PYRO_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_PYRO_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_PYRO_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_PYRO_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_PYRO_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_PYRO_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_PYRO_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_PYRO_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_PYRO_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_PYRO_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armortype = #PC_PYRO_INITARMORTYPE;
self.armorvalue = #PC_PYRO_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_PYRO_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_PYRO_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_FLAMETHROWER;
self.items_allowed = #PC_PYRO_WEAPONS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_CIVILIAN )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_CIVILIAN_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_CIVILIAN_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_CIVILIAN_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_CIVILIAN_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_CIVILIAN_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_CIVILIAN_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_CIVILIAN_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_CIVILIAN_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_CIVILIAN_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_CIVILIAN_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_CIVILIAN_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_CIVILIAN_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armorvalue = #PC_CIVILIAN_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_CIVILIAN_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_AXE;
self.items_allowed = #PC_CIVILIAN_WEAPONS;
self.cutf_items = #PC_CIVILIAN_CUTFITEMS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = 0;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_SPY )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_SPY_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_SPY_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_SPY_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_SPY_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_SPY_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_SPY_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_SPY_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_SPY_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_SPY_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_SPY_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_SPY_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_SPY_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_SPY_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_SPY_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_SPY_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_SPY_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armortype = #PC_SPY_INITARMORTYPE;
self.armorvalue = #PC_SPY_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_SPY_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_SPY_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_TRANQ;
self.items_allowed = #PC_SPY_WEAPONS;
self.cutf_items = #PC_SPY_CUTFITEMS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN | #IT_NAILGUN;
// If the Spy only has invis, start the Spy's cell regen timer
if (invis_only == #TRUE)
te = spawn();
te.nextthink = time + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_TIME;
te.think = TeamFortress_RegenerateCells;
te.owner = self;
te.classname = "timer";
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER )
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #PC_ENGINEER_WEAPONS;
self.ammo_rockets = #PC_ENGINEER_INITAMMO_ROCKET;
self.ammo_nails = #PC_ENGINEER_INITAMMO_NAIL;
self.ammo_shells = #PC_ENGINEER_INITAMMO_SHOT;
self.ammo_cells = #PC_ENGINEER_INITAMMO_CELL;
self.maxammo_rockets = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXAMMO_ROCKET;
self.maxammo_nails = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXAMMO_NAIL;
self.maxammo_shells = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXAMMO_SHOT;
self.maxammo_cells = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXAMMO_CELL;
self.no_grenades_1 = #PC_ENGINEER_GRENADE_INIT_1;
self.no_grenades_2 = #PC_ENGINEER_GRENADE_INIT_2;
self.tp_grenades_1 = #PC_ENGINEER_GRENADE_TYPE_1;
self.tp_grenades_2 = #PC_ENGINEER_GRENADE_TYPE_2;
self.tf_items = #PC_ENGINEER_TF_ITEMS;
self.job = self.job | #PC_ENGINEER_JOB;
self.armorclass = self.armorclass | #PC_ENGINEER_INITARMORCLASS;
self.armorvalue = #PC_ENGINEER_INITARMOR;
self.armor_allowed = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXARMORTYPE;
self.maxarmor = #PC_ENGINEER_MAXARMOR;
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_LASER;
self.items_allowed = #PC_ENGINEER_WEAPONS;
self.cutf_items = #PC_ENGINEER_CUTFITEMS;
// set the weapon icons on the status bar
self.items = self.items | #IT_SHOTGUN | #IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN;
else if ( self.playerclass == #PC_UNDEFINED )
self.items = 0;
self.ammo_rockets = 0;
self.ammo_nails = 0;
self.ammo_shells = 0;
self.ammo_cells = 0;
self.no_grenades_1 = 0;
self.no_grenades_2 = 0;
self.tp_grenades_1 = 0;
self.tp_grenades_2 = 0;
self.armorclass = 0;
self.armortype = 0;
self.armorvalue = 0;
self.weapon = 0;
self.current_weapon = 0;
self.weapons_carried = 0;
self.flags = #FL_CLIENT | #FL_NOTARGET; // | #FL_ONGROUND;
self.waterlevel = 3;
self.takedamage = #DAMAGE_NO;
self.solid = #SOLID_NOT;
self.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
self.model = string_null;
self.mdl = string_null;
self.modelindex = 0;
self.weaponmodel = string_null;
modelindex_player = 0;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | #TFSTATE_RELOADING;
setmodel(self, string_null);
if (stock_mode==1) //- OfN - Stock classes don't get a job when stock_mode is 1
//- OfN - Set initial grens number
self.no_grenades_1 = GetMaxGrens(self,1);
self.no_grenades_2 = GetMaxGrens(self,2);
//- OfN - Set army timer //
if (self.job & #JOB_ARMY)
if (no_otr) // if its disabled get it off
self.cutf_items = self.cutf_items - (self.cutf_items & #CUTF_OTR);
if (no_chaplan)
self.job = self.job - (self.job & #JOB_CHAPLAN);
// Give normal classes the hook
// Custom classes get it in 'drop into custom class gen'
if (allow_hook && self.playerclass != #PC_UNDEFINED && self.playerclass != #PC_CUSTOM)
self.weapons_carried = self.weapons_carried | #WEAP_HOOK;
W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
// Return the max amount of ammo the Retriever can carry, based on his class
float(entity Retriever, float AmmoType) TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo =
if (AmmoType == #IT_SHELLS)
return Retriever.maxammo_shells;
else if (AmmoType == #IT_NAILS)
return Retriever.maxammo_nails;
else if (AmmoType == #IT_CELLS)
return Retriever.maxammo_cells;
else if (AmmoType == #IT_ROCKETS)
return Retriever.maxammo_rockets;
else if (AmmoType == #WEAP_MEDIKIT)
return Retriever.maxammo_medikit;
else if (AmmoType == 131072) //WK Used to be #WEAP_DETPACK
return Retriever.maxammo_detpack;
RPrint("Error in TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo()\n");
RPrint("Invalid ammo type passed.\n");
return 0;
// Return 1 if the Retriever is allowed to pick up the Weapon
float(entity Retriever, float WeaponType) TeamFortress_CanGetWeapon =
if ( Retriever.items_allowed & WeaponType )
return #TRUE;
return #FALSE;
// Print a string to Player, describing this type of armor
//CH returns number effected
float(entity Player, float Armorclass) TeamFortress_DescribeArmor =
local string st;
local float num;
num = 0;
if (Armorclass == 0)
return num;
if (Armorclass & #AT_SAVEFIRE) {
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "Asbestos ");
num = num + 1;
if (Armorclass & #AT_SAVEEXPLOSION) {
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "Blast ");
num = num + 1;
if (Armorclass & #AT_SAVEELECTRICITY) {
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "Ceramic ");
num = num + 1;
if (Armorclass & #AT_SAVEMELEE) {
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "Gel ");
num = num + 1;
if (Armorclass & #AT_SAVESHOT) {
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "Kevlar ");
num = num + 1;
sprint (Player, #PRINT_HIGH, "armor");
return num;
// Controls the equipment a class receives from backpacks
float(entity Retriever, entity Items) TeamFortress_AddBackpackItems =
// If you want the classes to _not_ start off with all their legal
// weapons, then you may want them to be able to pick up weapons
// from backpacks. If so, this is where to do it.
// For now, return.
// Return a string containing the class name for pc
string(float pc) TeamFortress_GetClassName =
if ( pc == #PC_SCOUT )
return "Scout";
else if ( pc == #PC_SNIPER )
return "Sniper";
else if ( pc == #PC_SOLDIER )
return "Soldier";
else if ( pc == #PC_DEMOMAN )
return "Demolitions Man";
else if ( pc == #PC_MEDIC )
return "Combat Medic";
else if ( pc == #PC_HVYWEAP )
return "Heavy Weapons Guy";
else if ( pc == #PC_PYRO )
return "Pyro";
else if ( pc == #PC_SPY )
return "Spy";
else if ( pc == #PC_ENGINEER )
return "Engineer";
else if ( pc == #PC_CIVILIAN )
return "Civilian";
else if ( pc == #PC_UNDEFINED )
return "Observer";
else if ( pc == #PC_RANDOM)
return "Random Playerclass";
else if ( pc == #PC_CUSTOM)
return "Custom Playerclass";
// Return a string containing the class name for pc
string(float pc) TeamFortress_GetJobName =
if ( pc & #JOB_THIEF )
return "Thief";
else if ( pc & #JOB_RUNNER )
return "Runner";
else if ( pc & #JOB_WARLOCK )
return "Warlock";
else if ( pc & #JOB_CHAPLAN )
return "Combat Chaplan";
else if ( pc & #JOB_BERSERKER )
return "Nordish Berserker";
else if ( pc & #JOB_GUERILLA )
return "Communist Rebel";
else if ( pc & #JOB_JUDOKA )
return "Judo Black Belt";
else if ( pc & #JOB_ARMY )
return "Army Member";
else if ( pc & #JOB_HACKER )
return "Hacker";
else if ( pc & #JOB_MARTYR )
return "Martyr";
else if ( pc & #JOB_CRUSADER )
return "Crusader";
return "Custom Playerclass";
// Display the class of Player to Viewer
void(entity Viewer, float pc, float rpc) TeamFortress_PrintClassName =
local string st;
st = TeamFortress_GetClassName(pc);
sprint (Viewer, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
if (rpc != 0)
sprint (Viewer, #PRINT_HIGH, " (Random)");
sprint (Viewer, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
// Display the job of a custom class to Viewer
void(entity Viewer, float pc) TeamFortress_PrintJobName =
local string st;
st = TeamFortress_GetJobName(pc);
sprint (Viewer, #PRINT_HIGH, st);
sprint (Viewer, #PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
// Say the class of Player to him/her
#ifdef SPEECH
void(entity player) TeamFortress_SayClassName =
if ( player.playerclass == #PC_SCOUT )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/scout.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_SNIPER )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/sniper.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_SOLDIER )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/soldier.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_DEMOMAN )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/demoman.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/medic.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_HVYWEAP )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/hvyweap.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_PYRO )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/pyro.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_SPY )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/spy.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/engineer.wav\n");
else if ( player.playerclass == #PC_CIVILIAN )
stuffcmd(player, "play speech/civilian.wav\n");
// Remove all the timers for this player
// This function is _always_ called when a player dies.
void() TeamFortress_RemoveTimers =
local entity te;
local entity oself;
self.leg_damage = 0;
self.is_undercover = 0;
self.is_building = 0;
self.building = world;
stuffcmd (self, "throwgren\n"); //Throw any grenades
stuffcmd (self, "impulse 169\n"); //Stop laying dets
// Clear the sniper's aiming
if (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_AIMING)
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - #TFSTATE_AIMING;
self.heat = 0;
// Remove all the timer entities for this player
te = find(world, classname, "timer");
while (te != world)
//WK Judokatimer is a little weird
if (te.netname == "judokatimer" && te.think == JudokaRearm)
if (te.owner == self || te.enemy == self)
oself = self;
self = te;
self = oself;
te.think = SUB_Remove;
te.nextthink = time + 0.1;
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
else if (te.owner == self)
//WK Fix our new little flash timer
if (te.netname == "flashtimer")
self.FlashTime = 0;
stuffcmd(self, "v_cshift 0\n");
stuffcmd(self, "r_norefresh 0;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo;wait;echo\n");
te = find(world, classname, "timer");
//WK Support for the curse timer
else if (te.netname == "bastardtimer")
if (self.has_disconnected == #TRUE)
te = find(world, classname, "timer");
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
te = find(world, classname, "timer");
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
// Drop any GoalItems
te = find (world, classname, "item_tfgoal");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self)
// Remove it from the player, if it is supposed to be
if (!(te.goal_activation & #TFGI_KEEP))
tfgoalitem_RemoveFromPlayer(te, self, 0);
// CTF support
if (CTF_Map == #TRUE && te.goal_no == #CTF_FLAG1)
bprint(#PRINT_HIGH, self.netname);
bprint(#PRINT_HIGH, " <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> the <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> flag!\n");
else if (CTF_Map == #TRUE && te.goal_no == #CTF_FLAG2)
bprint(#PRINT_HIGH, self.netname);
bprint(#PRINT_HIGH, " <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> the <20><><EFBFBD> flag!\n");
te = find(te, classname, "item_tfgoal");
// Reset detpacks being disarmed to not being disarmed
te = find (world, classname, "detpack");
while (te)
if ((te.weaponmode == 1) && (te.enemy == self))
te.weaponmode = 0;
te = find(te, classname, "detpack");
// detonate all of the players pipebombs
// OfN Remove holo if player dies!
if (self.has_holo > 0) RemoveHolo(self);
stuffcmd(self, "v_idlescale 0\n");
stuffcmd(self, "v_cshift 0 0 0 0\n");
self.item_list = 0;
self.FlashTime = 0;
// Remove Menu
CenterPrint(self, "\n");
self.menu_count = #MENU_REFRESH_RATE;
self.current_menu = #MENU_DEFAULT;
self.impulse = 0;
// Setup the Respawn delays for this player
void(float Suicided) TeamFortress_SetupRespawn =
local float restime,teamsup;
local string db;
if (self.respawn_time > time)
return; // already respawning
// Setup Respawn Delay
if (toggleflags & #TFLAG_RESPAWNDELAY)
restime = respawn_delay_time;
restime = 0;
// Suiciders can't respawn immediately
if (Suicided)
restime = restime + 5;
// Remove a life
if (self.lives > 0 && prematch < time)
self.lives = self.lives - 1;
/* if (self.team_no == 1) team1total = team1total - 1;
else if (self.team_no == 2) team1total = team2total - 1;
else if (self.team_no == 3) team1total = team3total - 1;
else if (self.team_no == 4) team1total = team4total - 1;*///- ???
if (self.lives != -1)
if (self.lives == 0)
// Move to Observer mode when you die
//if (livesperguy > 1)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "NO lives left, returning to Observer mode.\n");
bprint (#PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname);
bprint (#PRINT_MEDIUM, " ran out of lives!\n");
if (self.lives == 1)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "LAST life.\n");
db = ftos(self.lives);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, db);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, " lives left.\n");
}//*/// ???
// Do this after life calculation, so people without any
// lives left can respawn back to Observer mode without a delay.
self.respawn_time = time + restime;
if (restime > 3)
db = ftos(restime);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, db);
sprint(self, #PRINT_HIGH, " seconds till respawn.\n");
// Check all stats to make sure they're good for this class
void() TeamFortress_CheckClassStats =
// Check armor
if (self.armortype > self.armor_allowed)
self.armortype = self.armor_allowed;
if (self.armorvalue > self.maxarmor)
self.armorvalue = self.maxarmor;
if (self.armortype < 0)
self.armortype = 0;
if (self.armorvalue < 0)
self.armorvalue = 0;
// Check ammo
if (self.ammo_shells > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_SHELLS))
self.ammo_shells = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_SHELLS);
if (self.ammo_shells < 0)
self.ammo_shells = 0;
if (self.ammo_nails > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_NAILS))
self.ammo_nails = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_NAILS);
if (self.ammo_nails < 0)
self.ammo_nails = 0;
if (self.ammo_rockets > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_ROCKETS))
self.ammo_rockets = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_ROCKETS);
if (self.ammo_rockets < 0)
self.ammo_rockets = 0;
if (self.ammo_cells > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_CELLS))
self.ammo_cells = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#IT_CELLS);
if (self.ammo_cells < 0)
self.ammo_cells = 0;
if (self.ammo_medikit > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#WEAP_MEDIKIT))
self.ammo_medikit = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,#WEAP_MEDIKIT);
if (self.ammo_medikit < 0)
self.ammo_medikit = 0;
if (self.ammo_detpack > TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,131072))
self.ammo_detpack = TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(self,131072);
if (self.ammo_detpack < 0)
self.ammo_detpack = 0;
// Check Grenades
if (self.no_grenades_1 < 0)
self.no_grenades_1 = 0;
if (self.no_grenades_2 < 0)
self.no_grenades_2 = 0;
// Check health
if (self.health > self.max_health && !(self.items & #IT_SUPERHEALTH))
TF_T_Damage (self, world, world, (self.max_health - self.health), 0, #TF_TD_NOSOUND);
if (self.health < 0)
T_Heal(self, (self.health - self.health), 0);
// Update armor picture
self.items = self.items - (self.items & (#IT_ARMOR1 | #IT_ARMOR2 | #IT_ARMOR3));
if (self.armortype >= 0.8)
self.items = self.items | #IT_ARMOR3;
else if (self.armortype >= 0.6)
self.items = self.items | #IT_ARMOR2;
else if (self.armortype >= 0.3)
self.items = self.items | #IT_ARMOR1;
// AMMOBOX Handling
// Throw an ammo box with 10 shells, 10 nails, 5 cells or 5 rockets
void (float type) TeamFortress_DropAmmo =
local float ammo;
if (type == 1)
ammo = #DROP_SHELLS;
if (self.ammo_shells < ammo)
/*CH who cares, we need space
// ENGINEER can make ammo
if (self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER)
if ((self.ammo_cells / #AMMO_COST_SHELLS) > (ammo - self.ammo_shells))
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "you make some shells.\n");
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - ((ammo - self.ammo_shells) * #AMMO_COST_SHELLS);
self.ammo_shells = ammo;
if (self.ammo_shells < ammo)
*/ return;
self.ammo_shells = self.ammo_shells - ammo;
else if (type == 2)
ammo = #DROP_NAILS;
if (self.ammo_nails < ammo)
/*CH who cares, we need space
// ENGINEER can make ammo
if (self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER)
if ((self.ammo_cells / #AMMO_COST_NAILS) > (ammo - self.ammo_nails))
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "you make some nails.\n");
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - ((ammo - self.ammo_nails) * #AMMO_COST_NAILS);
self.ammo_nails = ammo;
if (self.ammo_nails < ammo)
*/ return;
self.ammo_nails = self.ammo_nails - ammo;
else if (type == 3)
if (self.ammo_rockets < ammo)
/*CH who cares, we need space
// ENGINEER can make ammo
if (self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER)
if ((self.ammo_cells / #AMMO_COST_ROCKETS) > (ammo - self.ammo_rockets))
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "you make some rockets.\n");
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - ((ammo - self.ammo_rockets) * #AMMO_COST_ROCKETS);
self.ammo_rockets = ammo;
if (self.ammo_rockets < ammo)
*/ return;
self.ammo_rockets = self.ammo_rockets - ammo;
else if (type == 4)
ammo = #DROP_CELLS;
if (self.ammo_cells < ammo)
/*CH who cares, we need space
// ENGINEER can make ammo
if (self.playerclass == #PC_ENGINEER)
if ((self.ammo_cells / #AMMO_COST_CELLS) > (ammo - self.ammo_cells))
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "you make some cells.\n");
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - ((ammo - self.ammo_cells) * #AMMO_COST_CELLS);
self.ammo_cells = ammo;
if (self.ammo_cells < ammo)
*/ return;
self.ammo_cells = self.ammo_cells - ammo;
if (self.team_no != 0)
if (num_team_ammoboxes(self.team_no) > (#MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES / number_of_teams))
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes + 1;
if (num_world_ammoboxes > #MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES)
newmis = spawn();
newmis.aflag = ammo;
newmis.weapon = type;
if (newmis.weapon == 1)
newmis.ammo_shells = ammo;
else if (newmis.weapon == 2)
newmis.ammo_nails = ammo;
else if (newmis.weapon == 3)
newmis.ammo_rockets = ammo;
else if (newmis.weapon == 4)
newmis.ammo_cells = ammo;
newmis.enemy = self;
newmis.health = time;
newmis.movetype = #MOVETYPE_TOSS;
newmis.solid = #SOLID_TRIGGER;
newmis.classname = "ammobox";
newmis.team_no = self.team_no;
makevectors (self.v_angle);
if (self.v_angle_x)
newmis.velocity = v_forward*400 + v_up * 200;
newmis.velocity = aim(self, 10000);
newmis.velocity = newmis.velocity * 400;
newmis.velocity_z = 200;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (newmis, self.origin);
newmis.nextthink = time + 30; // remove after 30 seconds
newmis.think = SUB_Remove;
newmis.touch = TeamFortress_AmmoboxTouch;
newmis.skin = type - 1;
setmodel (newmis, "progs/ammobox.mdl");
void () TeamFortress_AmmoboxTouch =
local float took;
local string quantity;
took = 0;
// Cant touch own ammobox for 2 seconds after throwing
if ((other == self.enemy) && (time < self.health + 2))
if (other.health <= 0)
// Return if other is not a player
if (other.classname != "player") //- OfN - Now grunt can take em
if (other.classname != "monster_army") return;
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes - 1;
other.ammo_shells = other.ammo_shells + self.ammo_shells;
other.ammo_nails = other.ammo_nails + self.ammo_nails;
other.ammo_rockets = other.ammo_rockets + self.ammo_rockets;
other.ammo_cells = other.ammo_cells + self.ammo_cells;
PrintFromSoldier(other,other.real_owner,"i picked up some ammo.\n");
sound (other, #CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM);
self = other;
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes - 1;
// discard backpack
if (self.weapon == 0)
sprint(other, #PRINT_LOW, "You got ");
if (self.ammo_shells > 0)
other.ammo_shells = other.ammo_shells + self.ammo_shells;
quantity = ftos(self.ammo_shells);
sprint2(other, #PRINT_LOW, quantity, " shells ");
if (self.ammo_nails > 0)
other.ammo_nails = other.ammo_nails + self.ammo_nails;
quantity = ftos(self.ammo_nails);
sprint2(other, #PRINT_LOW, quantity, " nails ");
if (self.ammo_rockets > 0)
other.ammo_rockets = other.ammo_rockets + self.ammo_rockets;
quantity = ftos(self.ammo_rockets);
sprint2(other, #PRINT_LOW, quantity, " rockets ");
if (self.ammo_cells > 0)
other.ammo_cells = other.ammo_cells + self.ammo_cells;
quantity = ftos(self.ammo_cells);
sprint2(other, #PRINT_LOW, quantity, " cells ");
sprint(other, #PRINT_LOW, "\n");
// shotgun
else if (self.weapon == 1)
if (other.ammo_shells >= TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(other,#IT_SHELLS))
other.ammo_shells = other.ammo_shells + self.aflag;
self.netname = "shells";
// spikes
else if (self.weapon == 2)
if (other.ammo_nails >= TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(other,#IT_NAILS))
other.ammo_nails = other.ammo_nails + self.aflag;
self.netname = "nails";
// rockets
else if (self.weapon == 3)
if (other.ammo_rockets >= TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(other,#IT_ROCKETS))
other.ammo_rockets = other.ammo_rockets + self.aflag;
self.netname = "rockets";
// cells
else if (self.weapon == 4)
if (other.ammo_cells >= TeamFortress_GetMaxAmmo(other,#IT_CELLS))
other.ammo_cells = other.ammo_cells + self.aflag;
self.netname = "cells";
bound_other_ammo (other);
// Discard backpacks do their own printing
if (self.weapon > 0)
quantity = ftos(self.aflag);
sprint5(other, #PRINT_LOW, "You picked up ", quantity, " ", self.netname, "\n");
sound (other, #CHAN_ITEM, "weapons/lock4.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM);
stuffcmd (other, "bf\n");
self = other;
// Return the number of pipebombs in existence for a particular team
float (float tno) num_team_ammoboxes =
if (tno == 1)
return num_team_ammoboxes_1;
else if (tno == 2)
return num_team_ammoboxes_2;
else if (tno == 3)
return num_team_ammoboxes_3;
else if (tno == 4)
return num_team_ammoboxes_4;
return 0;
// Remove enough old ammoboxes to bring the count down to the max level
void(float tno) RemoveOldAmmobox =
local entity old;
local float index;
if (tno != 0)
index = num_team_ammoboxes(tno);
index = index - (#MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES / number_of_teams);
index = num_world_ammoboxes - #MAX_WORLD_AMMOBOXES;
old = find(world, classname, "ammobox");
while (index > 0)
if (old == world)
// RPrint("*** ERROR: RemoveOldAmmobox. ***\n");
// RPrint("*** Shaka thought he fixed this ***\n");
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes - 1;
if (old.team_no == tno || tno == 0)
old.think = SUB_Remove;
old.nextthink = time + 0.1;
index = index - 1;
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes - 1;
old = find(old, classname, "ammobox");
void(float tno) increment_team_ammoboxes =
if (tno == 1)
num_team_ammoboxes_1 = num_team_ammoboxes_1 + 1;
else if (tno == 2)
num_team_ammoboxes_2 = num_team_ammoboxes_2 + 1;
else if (tno == 3)
num_team_ammoboxes_3 = num_team_ammoboxes_3 + 1;
else if (tno == 4)
num_team_ammoboxes_4 = num_team_ammoboxes_4 + 1;
void(float tno) decrement_team_ammoboxes =
if (tno == 1)
num_team_ammoboxes_1 = num_team_ammoboxes_1 - 1;
else if (tno == 2)
num_team_ammoboxes_2 = num_team_ammoboxes_2 - 1;
else if (tno == 3)
num_team_ammoboxes_3 = num_team_ammoboxes_3 - 1;
else if (tno == 4)
num_team_ammoboxes_4 = num_team_ammoboxes_4 - 1;
// Assault Cannon selection function
void() TeamFortress_AssaultWeapon =
local float it;
self.impulse = 0;
if (self.tfstate & #TFSTATE_RELOADING)
if (!(self.weapons_carried & #WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON))
if (self.heat > 0)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "the assault cannon is still overheated.\n");
if (self.ammo_shells < 1)
{ // don't have the ammo
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "not enough ammo.\n");
// The cannon also needs 6 cells to power up
if (self.ammo_cells < 6)
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "not enough cells to power the assault cannon.\n");
self.current_weapon = #WEAP_ASSAULT_CANNON;
W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
// If this gets called, the players holding onto an exploding grenade :)
void() TeamFortress_ExplodePerson =
local entity te;
// Removes the owners grenade
self.owner.tfstate = self.owner.tfstate - (self.owner.tfstate & #TFSTATE_GRENPRIMED);
KickPlayer(-2, self.owner);
newmis = spawn ();
newmis.movetype = #MOVETYPE_BOUNCE;
newmis.solid = #SOLID_BBOX;
newmis.classname = "grenade";
newmis.team_no = self.owner.team_no;
newmis.owner = self.owner;
// Don't bother calculating a velocity
newmis.velocity = '0 0 0';
newmis.angles = vectoangles(newmis.velocity);
// set the grenades thinktime to now
newmis.think = SUB_Null;
newmis.nextthink = time + 0.1;
// set the think and touches to the appropriate grenade type
if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NORMAL)
newmis.touch = NormalGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NormalGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_CONCUSSION)
newmis.touch = ConcussionGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = ConcussionGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_BIO)
newmis.touch = BioGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = BioGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_ANTIGRAV)
newmis.touch = ConcussionGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = AntiGravGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NAIL)
newmis.touch = NailGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NailGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_CALTROP)
newmis.touch = NormalGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = CaltropGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/hgren2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_MIRV)
newmis.touch = MirvGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = MirvGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_NAPALM)
newmis.touch = NapalmGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = NapalmGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 2;
newmis.avelocity = '0 300 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/biggren.mdl");
//CH no flare
//OfN why??
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLARE)
//sprint(self.owner, #PRINT_HIGH, "Flare lit.\n");
sprint(self.owner, #PRINT_HIGH, "The flare burns on your hand!\n");
T_Damage(self.owner, self.owner, self.owner,12);
stuffcmd(self.owner, "bf\nbf\n");
newmis.touch = FlareBounce;
newmis.think = FlareGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 0;
newmis.avelocity = '0 0 0';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/flarefly.mdl");
/*te = spawn();
te.touch = SUB_Null;
te.think = SUB_Remove;//FlareGrenadeExplode;//RemoveFlare;
te.nextthink = time + 25;
te.owner = self.owner;
te.solid = #SOLID_NOT;
self.owner.effects = self.owner.effects | #EF_BRIGHTLIGHT;*/
setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (newmis, self.owner.origin);
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_GAS)
newmis.touch = GasGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = GasGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 2;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_EMP)
newmis.touch = EMPGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = EMPGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 4;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FLASH)
newmis.touch = FlashGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = FlashGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_FRAG)
newmis.touch = FragGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = FragGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
else if (self.weapon == #GR_TYPE_KRAC)
newmis.touch = KracGrenadeTouch;
newmis.think = KracGrenadeExplode;
newmis.skin = 1;
newmis.avelocity = '300 300 300';
setmodel (newmis, "progs/grenade2.mdl");
setsize (newmis, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (newmis, self.owner.origin);
//bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, "No ");
//bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, self.owner.netname);
//bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, ", throw the grenade, not the pin!\n");
bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, "No ");
bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, self.owner.netname);
bprint(#PRINT_MEDIUM, ", you are supposed to THROW the grenade!\n");
//no xxx, your grenade is your friend for another reason!
// Remove primed grenade object
// Thrown Grenade touch function.
void() NormalGrenadeTouch =
if (other == self.owner)
return; // don't explode on owner
// Thrown grenades don't detonate when hitting an enemy
sound (self, #CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, #ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound
if (self.velocity == '0 0 0')
self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
// Thrown grenade explosion. 50% more powerful as grenade launcher grenades.
void() NormalGrenadeExplode =
deathmsg = #DMSG_GREN_HAND;
T_RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, 180, world);
// Remove any camera's locks on this missile
if (self.enemy)
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (#MSG_BROADCAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, #MULTICAST_PHS);
BecomeExplosion ();
// Displays the state of the items in the Detection Entity
void() TeamFortress_DisplayDetectionItems =
local entity Goal, te;
Goal = find(world, classname, "info_tfdetect");
if (!Goal)
// Check to make sure they've got some strings
if (Goal.team_str_home == string_null)
if (Goal.display_item_status1 != 0)
te = Finditem(Goal.display_item_status1);
if (te)
DisplayItemStatus(Goal, self, te);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Item is missing.\n");
if (Goal.display_item_status2 != 0)
te = Finditem(Goal.display_item_status2);
if (te)
DisplayItemStatus(Goal, self, te);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Item is missing.\n");
if (Goal.display_item_status3 != 0)
te = Finditem(Goal.display_item_status3);
if (te)
DisplayItemStatus(Goal, self, te);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Item is missing.\n");
if (Goal.display_item_status4 != 0)
te = Finditem(Goal.display_item_status4);
if (te)
DisplayItemStatus(Goal, self, te);
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Item is missing.\n");
// Function for handling the BioInfection Decay of players
void() BioInfection_Decay =
// Remove infections which can't hurt the owner
if ((teamplay & #TEAMPLAY_NOEXPLOSIVE) && Teammate(self.owner.team_no,self.enemy.team_no))
self.owner.tfstate = self.owner.tfstate - (self.owner.tfstate & #TFSTATE_INFECTED);
if (self.invincible_finished > time)
self.owner.tfstate = self.owner.tfstate - (self.owner.tfstate & #TFSTATE_INFECTED);
if (self.owner.current_weapon == #WEAP_MEDIKIT)
sprint(self.owner,#PRINT_HIGH,"You heal yourself of your infection.\n");
self.owner.tfstate = self.owner.tfstate - (self.owner.tfstate & #TFSTATE_INFECTED);
self.nextthink = time + 2;
deathmsg = #DMSG_BIOWEAPON;
TF_T_Damage(self.owner, self, self.enemy, 5, #TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, #TF_TD_OTHER);
SpawnBlood(self.owner.origin, 30);
// remove this entity if the infection is gone
if ( !(self.owner.tfstate & #TFSTATE_INFECTED) )
// Function for handling the BioInfection Decay of monsters
void() BioInfection_MonsterDecay =
local float drmg;
if (!(self.enemy.tfstate & #TFSTATE_INFECTED)) {
drmg = 200 * random();
drmg = drmg * random();
self.nextthink = time + 2;
T_Damage(self.enemy, self, self.owner, drmg);
SpawnBlood(self.enemy.origin, drmg+10);
if (self.enemy.health < 1)
// Stuff an alias. This is a little messy since we insisted
// on maintaining the ability to alter the impulse numbers in the defs.qc
// and not have to change any code.
void(string halias, float himpulse1, float himpulse2) TeamFortress_Alias =
local string imp;
stuffcmd(self, "alias ");
stuffcmd(self, halias);
stuffcmd(self, " \"impulse ");
imp = ftos(himpulse1);
stuffcmd(self, imp);
// if himpulse2 is not zero, assume that himpulse1 is a preimpulse
// and complete the alias
if (himpulse2 != 0)
stuffcmd(self, ";wait; impulse ");
imp = ftos(himpulse2);
stuffcmd(self, imp);
stuffcmd(self, "\"\n");
// Regenerates the entity which owns this cyclictimer
void() TeamFortress_Regenerate =
//WK if (self.owner.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC)
if (self.is_abouttodie)
if (self.owner.weapons_carried & #WEAP_MEDIKIT) //WK Custom class friendly
self.nextthink = time + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_TIME;
if (self.owner.health >= self.owner.max_health)
if (self.owner.ammo_medikit == 0)
if (self.owner.ammo_medikit < #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT)
self.owner.health = self.owner.health + self.owner.ammo_medikit;
self.owner.ammo_medikit = 0;
self.owner.health = self.owner.health + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT;
self.owner.ammo_medikit = self.owner.ammo_medikit - #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT;
if (self.owner.health > self.owner.max_health)
self.owner.health = self.owner.max_health;
void() CyberAugSleep =
if (self.owner.velocity_z == 0 && self.owner.velocity_y == 0 && self.owner.velocity_x == 0)
self.think = TeamFortress_RegenerateCyber;
self.nextthink = time + 2;
void() TeamFortress_RegenerateCyber =
local entity te;
if (self.is_abouttodie)
//WK if (self.owner.playerclass == #PC_MEDIC)
if (self.owner.velocity_z > 0 || self.owner.velocity_y > 0 || self.owner.velocity_x > 0)
self.nextthink = time + 2;
self.think = CyberAugSleep;
if (self.owner.cutf_items & #CUTF_CYBERAUG && !(self.owner.is_malfunctioning)) //WK Custom class friendly
self.owner.armortype = self.owner.armor_allowed;
if (self.owner.health < self.owner.max_health)
if (self.owner.ammo_medikit == 0)
self.owner.health = self.owner.health + 1;
else if (self.owner.ammo_medikit < #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT / 2)
self.owner.health = self.owner.health + self.owner.ammo_medikit * 2;
self.owner.ammo_medikit = 0;
self.owner.health = self.owner.health + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT;
self.owner.ammo_medikit = self.owner.ammo_medikit - #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT / 2;
if (self.owner.armorvalue < self.owner.maxarmor)
if (self.owner.ammo_cells == 0)
self.owner.armorvalue = self.owner.armorvalue + 2;
else if (self.owner.ammo_cells < #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT)
self.owner.armorvalue = self.owner.armorvalue + self.owner.ammo_cells * 2;
self.owner.ammo_cells = 0;
self.owner.armorvalue = self.owner.armorvalue + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT * 2;
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells - #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_AMOUNT;
if (self.owner.armorvalue > self.owner.maxarmor)
self.owner.armorvalue = self.owner.maxarmor;
if (self.owner.health > self.owner.max_health)
self.owner.health = self.owner.max_health;
else if (self.owner.cutf_items & #CUTF_CYBERAUG && self.owner.is_malfunctioning == 1)
if (self.owner.health > 3)
TF_T_Damage(self.owner, self.owner, self.owner, 3, #TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, #TF_TD_OTHER);
else if (self.owner.health < 3 && self.owner.health > 1)
self.owner.health = 1;
if (self.owner.armorvalue > 3)
self.owner.armorvalue = self.owner.armorvalue - 3;
else if (self.owner.armorvalue < 3)
self.owner.armorvalue = 0;
self.nextthink = time + #PC_MEDIC_REGEN_TIME;
// Activates when we go hidden
// If we're moving, make us not invis
void() TeamFortress_RegenerateCells =
//WK Borrow this code from TF, since there's no reason to
// duplicate it.
if (!(self.owner.job & #JOB_THIEF))
if (!(self.owner.job & #JOB_ACTIVE))
if (self.owner.health <= 0)
self.nextthink = time + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_TIME;
if (self.owner.job & #JOB_ACTIVE)
/*if (self.owner.ammo_cells == 0)
else { */
//if (self.owner.ammo_cells > 100) self.owner.ammo_cells = 100;
if ((self.owner.velocity_z > 0 || self.owner.velocity_y > 0 || self.owner.velocity_x > 0) && self.owner.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE)
self.owner.frame = 0;
self.owner.weaponframe = 0;
self.owner.modelindex = modelindex_eyes;
self.owner.job = self.owner.job - (self.owner.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE);
/*self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells - #PC_SPY_CELL_USAGE;
if (self.owner.ammo_cells <= 0) {
self.owner.ammo_cells = 0;
else if ((self.owner.velocity_z == 0 && self.owner.velocity_y == 0 && self.owner.velocity_x == 0) && !(self.owner.job & #JOB_FULL_HIDE))
self.owner.frame = 0;
self.owner.weaponframe = 0;
self.owner.modelindex = modelindex_null;
self.owner.job = self.owner.job | #JOB_FULL_HIDE;
/*else // Increase cell ammo
if (self.owner.ammo_cells >= self.owner.maxammo_cells)
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_AMOUNT;
if (self.owner.ammo_cells > self.owner.maxammo_cells)
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.maxammo_cells;
if (self.owner.playerclass == #PC_SPY)
self.nextthink = time + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_TIME;
// If the spy is undercover, decrease the number of cells
if (self.owner.is_undercover == 1)
// If the spy has no cells left, he becomes visible again
if (self.owner.ammo_cells == 0)
self.owner.is_undercover = 0;
self.owner.modelindex = modelindex_player; // return to normal
self.owner.items = self.owner.items - (self.owner.items & #IT_INVISIBILITY);
else // Decrease cells
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells - #PC_SPY_CELL_USAGE;
if (self.owner.ammo_cells < 0)
self.owner.ammo_cells = 0;
else // Increase cell ammo
if (self.owner.ammo_cells >= self.owner.maxammo_cells)
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.ammo_cells + #PC_SPY_CELL_REGEN_AMOUNT;
if (self.owner.ammo_cells > self.owner.maxammo_cells)
self.owner.ammo_cells = self.owner.maxammo_cells;
// sends a player to observer mode
void() PlayerObserverMode =
self.current_menu = #MENU_DEFAULT;
self.impulse = 0;
self.playerclass = #PC_UNDEFINED;
self.lives = 0;
self.health = 1;
self.gravity = 0; //WK Make em float so prediction doesn't get all annoying-like
if (self.team_no > 0) self.old_team_no = self.team_no; //WK Save old team for scoreboard
self.team_no = -1;
self.waterlevel = 3;
self.takedamage = #DAMAGE_NO;
self.solid = #SOLID_NOT;
//self.movetype = #MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
self.movetype = #MOVETYPE_FLY;
self.model = string_null;
self.mdl = string_null;
setmodel(self, string_null);
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
sprint (self, #PRINT_HIGH, "Observer mode\n");
CenterPrint(self, "\n");
stuffcmd(self, "color 0; wait; cl_rollangle 0\n");
// Return the crossproduct of 2 vectors
float(vector veca, vector vecb) crossproduct =
local float result;
result = (veca_x * vecb_y) - (vecb_x * veca_y);
return result;