2002-10-10 00:43:28 +00:00

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CLIENT.QC Custom TeamFortress v3.2
(c) TeamFortress Software Pty Ltd 29/2/97
(c) William Kerney 16/9/00
(c) Craig Hauser 19/3/00
Handles obituaries, what happens when a client dies, respawns,
connects & disconnects, and when a map changes levels
#include "defs.qh"
// prototypes
void () W_WeaponFrame;
void() W_SetCurrentAmmo;
void(entity attacker, float damage) player_pain;
void() player_stand1;
void (vector org) spawn_tfog;
void (vector org, entity death_owner) spawn_tdeath;
float modelindex_eyes, modelindex_player, modelindex_null;
float(float v) anglemod;
//void () SetUpChrisRound;//-
void () PrematchBegin;
void () TeamAllPlayers;
//void (float winner) RoundStop;//-
//void () UpdateScores;
//void () roundtimer_think;//-
//void () EndRound;//-
// TeamFortress prototypes
void() TeamFortress_MOTD;
void() TeamFortress_CheckTeamCheats;
//float(float tno) TeamGetColor; //- OfN - not used here
void(entity Viewer, float pc, float rpc) TeamFortress_PrintClassName;
void(entity Viewer, float pc) TeamFortress_PrintJobName;
void() TeamFortress_RemoveTimers;
void(float Suicided) TeamFortress_SetupRespawn;
void() TeamFortress_ShowTF;
float(float pc) IsLegalClass;
void() SetupTeamEqualiser;
void(entity p) SetTeamName;
void (float number) decrement_team_ammoboxes;
void() TeamFortress_DetonatePipebombs;
void(float f) decrement_team_pipebombs;
void () PlayerObserverMode;
// Hook prototypes
void () Service_Grapple;
// TeamFortressMap prototypes
void(entity AD) ParseTFDetect;
entity(float ino) Finditem;
void(entity Item, entity AP, entity Goal) tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer;
void(entity Goal, entity AP, entity ActivatingGoal) AttemptToActivate;
void() CTF_FlagCheck;
void() DropToCustomClassGen;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed;
void () kill_my_demon;
void () DetonateAllGuns; // SB
void () Boot_Flamer_stream_touch;
void (entity foo,float bar) makeImmune;
// SB Extern
void (entity targ) GetRank;
//void() SwitchFromCamera;
//==============// ofn
void(entity mine_owner) DetonateMines;
void(entity player) RemoveHolo;
string(entity thebuilding) GetBuildingName;
string(entity themonster) GetMonsterName;
void(entity attacker) MonsterKill;
void() DetonateAllGunsForced;
void(float mapnum) SetNextMapNum;
#define MAP_NO 0
#define MAP_YES 1
string nextmap;
float intermission_running;
float intermission_exittime;
/*QUAKED info_intermission (1 0.5 0.5) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
This is the camera point for the intermission.
Use mangle instead of angle, so you can set pitch or roll as well as yaw. 'pitch roll yaw'
void() info_intermission =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
void() SetChangeParms =
if ( <= 0)
SetNewParms ();
// remove items
self.items = self.items & ~(IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2 | IT_INVISIBILITY | IT_INVULNERABILITY | IT_SUIT | IT_QUAD);
// cap super health
if ( > 100) = 100;
if ( < 50) = 50;
parm1 = self.items;
parm2 =;
parm3 = self.armorvalue;
if (self.ammo_shells < 25)
parm4 = 25;
parm4 = self.ammo_shells;
parm5 = self.ammo_nails;
parm6 = self.ammo_rockets;
parm7 = self.ammo_cells;
parm8 = self.current_weapon;
parm9 = self.armortype * 100;
// TeamFortress Parameters
parm10 = toggleflags; // Store the global ToggleFlag settings
parm11 = 0; // Random Playerclass
parm12 = 0;
#ifdef COOP_MODE
if (toggleflags & TFLAG_CLASS_PERSIST)
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RANDOMPC)
parm11 = (parm11 | TFSTATE_RANDOMPC);
self.playerclass = 1 + floor(random() * (PC_RANDOM - 1));
self.playerclass = 1 + floor(random() * (PC_RANDOM - 1));
parm12 = self.playerclass; // save the playerclass between levels in parm12
} // if the toggleflag CLASS_PERSIST is set
parm13 = self.StatusBarRes;
parm14 = self.StatusBarSize;
parm15 = self.admin_flag; //CH Pass along admin status :)
void() SetNewParms =
parm1 = 0;
parm2 = 100;
parm3 = 0;
parm4 = 25;
parm5 = 0;
parm6 = 0;
parm6 = 0;
parm8 = 1;
parm9 = 0;
// TeamFortress Parameters
parm10 = 0;
parm11 = 0;
parm12 = 0;
parm13 = 0;
parm14 = 0;
parm15 = 0;
// This think kicks in 30 seconds into the map to
// turn autoteam on.
void() autoteam_think =
// if (chris)
// SetUpChrisRound();
// if (!chris)
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_AUTOTEAM;
void () PrematchBegin =
if (prematch)
bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"<EFBFBD> The game has now started! <10>\n");
other = find(NIL, classname, "player");
while (other)
other.is_abouttodie = TRUE;
other.items = other.items & ~IT_INVULNERABILITY;
other.invincible_time = 0;
other.invincible_finished = 0;
other.effects = other.effects - (other.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT);
other = find(other, classname, "player");
// - OfN - wtf
/*other = find(NIL, classname, "grunty");
while (other)
other.is_abouttodie = TRUE;
other.items = other.items & ~IT_INVULNERABILITY;
other.invincible_time = 0;
other.invincible_finished = 0;
other.effects = other.effects - (other.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT);
other = find(other, classname, "grunty");
/* if (chris)
if (self.classname == "prematch_timer")
/*void () SetUpChrisRound =
local entity other, oself;
// Make sure everyone is on a team
// Clean up team player counts
team1total = 0;
team2total = 0;
team3total = 0;
team4total = 0;
oself = self;
other = find(NIL, classname, "player");
while (other)
if (livesperguy > 0)
if (other.team_no == 1) team1total = team1total + livesperguy;
if (other.team_no == 2) team2total = team2total + livesperguy;
if (other.team_no == 3) team3total = team3total + livesperguy;
if (other.team_no == 4) team4total = team4total + livesperguy;
other.lives = livesperguy;
self = other;
other = find(other, classname, "player");
newmis = spawn();
newmis.classname = "chris_round_timer";
newmis.nextthink = time + roundtime;
newmis.think = roundtimer_think;
/*void() roundtimer_think =
void () TeamAllPlayers =
local entity other, oself;
other = find(NIL, classname, "player");
while (other)
if (other.team_no <= 0 && !other.has_disconnected)
oself = self;
self = other;
self = oself;
other = find(other, classname, "player");
/*void (float winner) RoundStop =
if (winner == 0)
bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "The round has ended due to time.\n");
if (winner == 1)
team1rounds = team1rounds + 1;
bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "The blue team wins the round.\n");
if (winner == 2)
team2rounds = team2rounds + 1;
bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "This round goes to the red team.\n");
if (winner == 3)
team3rounds = team3rounds + 1;
bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "The yellow team are sponsored by SB-1 Tech and have won this round.\n");
if (winner == 4)
team4rounds = team4rounds + 1;
bprint(PRINT_MEDIUM, "The green team are the winners of this round.\n");
newmis = spawn();
newmis.nextthink = time + 1;
newmis.think = EndRound;
/*void() UpdateScores =
local entity guy;
guy = find(other, classname, "player");
while (guy)
if (guy.team_no == 1)
guy.frags = team1rounds * 10;
guy.real_frags = team1rounds * 10;
else if (guy.team_no == 2)
guy.frags = team2rounds * 10;
guy.real_frags = team2rounds * 10;
else if (guy.team_no == 3)
guy.frags = team3rounds * 10;
guy.real_frags = team3rounds * 10;
else if (guy.team_no == 4)
guy.frags = team4rounds * 10;
guy.real_frags = team4rounds * 10;
guy = find(guy, classname, "other");
};*/ /////////////??/////////////7
/*void() EndRound =
local entity roundtimer, prematchtimer;
local float winner, prematchtime;
local string st;
// Kill the round timer
other = find(NIL, classname, "chris_round_timer");
// I deliberately don't do a contingency check here - if it screws up I wanna know about it
st = infokey(NIL, "pm");
if (!st) // if 'pm' isn't set, try 'prematch'
st = infokey(NIL, "prematch");
if (st == "on") // if it reads 'on', do a 30 second prematch
prematchtime = time + 30;
else // if it doesn't read 'on'...
prematchtime = stof(st); // turn the string into a float
if (prematchtime) // if we have prematch
prematch = time + prematchtime; // set it
prematch = FALSE; // otherwise, no prematch
// Kill everyone
/* other = find(NIL, classname, "player");
while (other)
other = find(other, classname, "player");
} Don't kill everyone here or it drops the flag
// Set up the timer
/*- if (team1rounds < roundstowin && team2rounds < roundstowin && team3rounds < roundstowin && team4rounds < roundstowin)
roundtimer = spawn();
roundtimer.think = SetUpChrisRound;
roundtimer.nextthink = time + 5;
prematchtimer = spawn();
prematchtimer.classname == "prematch_timer";
prematchtimer.nextthink = time + prematch;
prematchtimer.think = PrematchBegin;
newmis = spawn();
newmis.nextthink = time + 5;
newmis.think = execute_changelevel;
void() DecodeLevelParms =
local string st;
local entity ent;
local float prematchtime;
if (serverflags)
if (world.model == "maps/start.bsp")
SetNewParms (); // take away all stuff on starting new episode
self.items = parm1; = parm2;
self.armorvalue = parm3;
self.ammo_shells = parm4;
self.ammo_nails = parm5;
self.ammo_rockets = parm6;
self.ammo_cells = parm7;
self.current_weapon = parm8;
self.armortype = parm9 * 0.01;
SetTeamName (self);
// SetPlayerColor (self, TeamGetNiceColor (self.team_no), TeamGetColor (self.team_no) - 1);
// TeamFortress Parameters
// Detect whether this is the first entrance into a map
if (toggleflags == 0)
toggleflags = parm10;
allow_hook = 0;
invis_only = SPY_INVIS_ONLY;
if (coop || !deathmatch)
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_CLASS_PERSIST;
nextmap = mapname;
allow_hook = TRUE;
// Is this a FortressMap?
ent = find(NIL, classname, "info_tfdetect");
if (ent)
// Turn on Teamplay
if (teamplay == 0)
// Parse the rest of the Detection details
// If the number_of_teams wasn't set, then there's not TF
// spawnpoints on this lvl... so guess at 4 teams.
if (number_of_teams <= 0 || number_of_teams >= 5)
number_of_teams = 4;
// Is this a CTF map?
ent = find(NIL, classname, "info_player_team1");
if ((ent) || (CTF_Map == TRUE))
// Turn on CTF MAP
// Turn on Teamplay
if (teamplay == 0)
// Setup the CTF FlagCheck Timer
ent = spawn();
ent.nextthink = time + 30;
ent.think = CTF_FlagCheck;
number_of_teams = 2;
else // Normal map
number_of_teams = 4;
// set aiming level
#ifndef NET_SERVER
cvar_set("sv_aim", "1");
// Set life limits
team1lives = -1;
team2lives = -1;
team3lives = -1;
team4lives = -1;
// WK Clear our nextspam counters
team1nextspam = -1;
team2nextspam = -1;
team3nextspam = -1;
team4nextspam = -1;
// Set illegal playerclasses
illegalclasses1 = 0;
illegalclasses2 = 0;
illegalclasses3 = 0;
illegalclasses4 = 0;
// Set Team Limits
team1maxplayers = 100;
team2maxplayers = 100;
team3maxplayers = 100;
team4maxplayers = 100;
civilianteams = 0;
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, mapname);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "\n");
toggleflags = toggleflags - (toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS);
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS;
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_CHEATCHECK;
st = infokey(NIL, "temp1");
toggleflags = (toggleflags | TFLAG_FIRSTENTRY | stof(st));
local float autoteam_time;
autoteam_time = 30;
// check all serverinfo settings, to set the appropriate toggleflags
st = infokey(NIL, "a");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "autoteam");
if (st == "on")
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_AUTOTEAM;
else if (st == "off")
toggleflags = toggleflags - (toggleflags & TFLAG_AUTOTEAM);
else if (stof(st) != 0)
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_AUTOTEAM;
autoteam_time = stof(st);
st = infokey(NIL, "t");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "teamfrags");
if (st == "on")
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS;
else if (st == "off")
toggleflags = toggleflags - (toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS);
st = infokey(NIL, "j");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "jello");
if (st == "on")
jello = TRUE;
else {
local float numba;
numba = stof(st);
if (numba)
jello = numba;
jello = FALSE;
light_damage = FALSE;
st = infokey(NIL, "ld");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "lightdamage");
if (st == "on")
light_damage = TRUE;
// SB New, improved TF 2.9 fake prematch mode!
// We can make a class, come in, run around, play tag the flag, but can't do anything
// useful until the prematch is over!
st = infokey(NIL, "pm");
if (!st) // if 'pm' isn't set, try 'prematch'
st = infokey(NIL, "prematch");
if (st == "on") // if it reads 'on', do a 30 second prematch
prematchtime = time + 30;
else // if it doesn't read 'on'...
prematchtime = stof(st); // turn the string into a float
if (prematchtime) // if we have prematch
prematch = time + prematchtime; // set it
autoteam_time = prematchtime;
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_AUTOTEAM;
prematch = FALSE; // otherwise, no prematch
//WK Bounty System
st = infokey(NIL, "bounty");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "moola");
if (st == "on")
bounty = TRUE;
bounty = FALSE;
//CH Sets the starting amount of money :)
st = infokey(NIL, "m");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "money");
local float numba;
numba = stof(st);
if (numba)
custom_money = numba;
custom_money = SPENDING_LIMIT;
st = infokey(NIL, "g");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "grapple");
if (st == "off")
allow_hook = FALSE;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_GRAPPLE) && st != "on")
allow_hook = FALSE;
st = infokey(NIL, "spy");
if (st == "off")
spy_off = TRUE;
st = infokey(NIL, "s");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "spyinvis");
if (st == "on" || toggleflags & TFLAG_SPYINVIS)
invis_only = TRUE;
else if (st == "off")
invis_only = FALSE;
// RespawnDelay
st = infokey(NIL, "rd");
if (!st)
st = infokey(NIL, "respawn_delay");
respawn_delay_time = stof(st);
if (respawn_delay_time)
toggleflags = toggleflags | TFLAG_RESPAWNDELAY;
// If no Respawndelay has been specified, set the default
if (toggleflags & TFLAG_RESPAWNDELAY && respawn_delay_time == 0)
respawn_delay_time = RESPAWN_DELAY_TIME;
// Prevent autoteam from kicking in for 30 seconds.
// Allows restructuring of the teams from the last map nicely.
if (toggleflags & TFLAG_AUTOTEAM)
toggleflags = toggleflags - (toggleflags & TFLAG_AUTOTEAM);
ent = spawn();
ent.nextthink = time + autoteam_time;
ent.think = autoteam_think;
st = infokey (NIL, "improve_respawns");
if (st == "1" || st == "on") {
local entity ent = NIL;
while (ent = find (ent, classname, "info_tfgoal")) {
if (ent.ammo_shells && ent.ammo_nails
&& ent.ammo_rockets && ent.ammo_cells
&& ent.armorvalue && {
if (ent.ammo_shells < 200)
ent.ammo_shells = 200;
if (ent.ammo_nails < 200)
ent.ammo_nails = 200;
if (ent.ammo_rockets < 200)
ent.ammo_rockets = 200;
if (ent.ammo_cells < 200)
ent.ammo_cells = 200;
if (ent.ammo_medikit < 100)
ent.ammo_medikit = 100;
if (ent.ammo_detpack < 2)
ent.ammo_detpack = 2;
if (ent.armortype < 0.8)
ent.armortype = 0.8;
if (ent.armorvalue < 300)
ent.armorvalue = 300;
if ( < 200) = 200;
if (ent.wait > 0)
ent.wait = 0.5;
if (ent.no_grenades_1 < 2)
ent.no_grenades_1 = 2;
if (ent.no_grenades_2 < 2)
ent.no_grenades_2 = 2;
if (parm11)
self.tfstate = parm11;
if (self.playerclass == 0)
self.playerclass = parm12;
if (parm13)
self.StatusBarRes = parm13;
if (parm14)
self.StatusBarSize = parm14;
if (parm15)
self.admin_flag = parm15; //CH Admin status :)
Returns the entity to view from
entity() FindIntermission =
local entity spot;
local float cyc;
// look for info_intermission first
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_intermission");
if (spot)
{ // pick a random one
cyc = random() * 1;
// Following removed for the observer code
/*while (cyc > 1)
spot = find (spot, classname, "info_intermission");
if (!spot)
spot = find (spot, classname, "info_intermission");
cyc = cyc - 1;
return spot;
// then look for the start position
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_start");
if (spot)
return spot;
// then look through the deathmatch starts
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (spot)
// pick a random one
cyc = random() * 6;
while (cyc > 1)
spot = find (spot, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (!spot)
spot = find (spot, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
cyc = cyc - 1;
return spot;
objerror ("FindIntermission: no spot");
returns the next intermission point
entity (entity start_point) FindNextIntermission =
local entity spot;
if (deathmatch)
// look through info_intermission first
if (start_point.classname == "info_intermission" || !start_point)
spot = find (start_point, classname, "info_intermission");
if (spot)
return spot;
start_point = NIL;
// then look through the deathmatch starts
if (start_point.classname == "info_player_deathmatch" || !start_point)
spot = find (start_point, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (spot)
return spot;
// at the end of the list
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_intermission");
if (spot)
return spot;
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (spot)
return spot;
else // do not cycle though in co-op or single
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_start");
if (spot)
return spot;
// it should never reach this point
return FindIntermission();
Moves the player to another intermission viewpoint
void() TF_MovePlayer =
local entity place;
place = FindNextIntermission(self.observer_list);
self.observer_list = place;
setorigin(self, place.origin + '0 0 1');
self.angles = place.angles;
self.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately
float() GetNoPlayers;
#define CYCLED 2
float() DoExtraCycle =
//- OfN - I tried to make this work like in tf2.8 -//
local string nmap, temp;
nmap = infokey(NIL, "nmap");
if (nmap) {
local float minplayers, maxplayers, itsok, currentpl;
if (infokey(NIL,"minp")!="")
minplayers = stof(infokey(NIL,"minp"));
minplayers = 0;
if (infokey(NIL,"maxp")!="")
maxplayers = stof(infokey(NIL,"maxp"));
maxplayers = 32;
itsok = TRUE;
currentpl = GetNoPlayers();
//check conditions
if (minplayers > currentpl) {
bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"Map ");
nmap = infokey(NIL, "nmap");
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, nmap);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," skipped - minimum players ");
temp = ftos(minplayers);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, temp);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," (currently ");
temp = ftos(currentpl);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, temp);
itsok = FALSE;
} else {
if (maxplayers < currentpl) {
bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"Map ");
nmap = infokey(NIL, "nmap");
bprint(PRINT_HIGH, nmap);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," skipped - maximum players ");
temp = ftos(maxplayers);
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," (currently ");
temp = ftos(currentpl);
itsok = FALSE;
localcmd("localinfo minp \"\"\n");
localcmd("localinfo maxp \"\"\n");
//locals clean
//execute map conditions ok
if (itsok) {
nmap = infokey(NIL, "nmap");
bprint(PRINT_HIGH,"\nLoading ");
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," map file...\n");
localcmd("localinfo nmap \"\"\n");
localcmd("map ");
return TRUE;
} else { //conditions not passed...
localcmd("localinfo nmap \"\"\n");
return FALSE;
} else if (already_chosen_map == MAP_LOADCYCLE) {
local string st = infokey (NIL, "loopcycle");
if (st != "0" && st != "off") {
dprint ("No map loaded, restarting map cycle\n");
SetNextMapNum (0);
return FALSE;
void() GotoNextMap;
void() cycle_timer_think =
void() SetCycleTimer =
newmis = spawn();
newmis.classname = "cyclemap_timer";
newmis.nextthink = time + 0.1;
newmis.think = cycle_timer_think;
float() GetNextMapNum =
local float desc;
local string st;
local string infostring;
local float num;
local string maxmapnum;
infostring = infokey (NIL, "n");
num = stof (infostring);
maxmapnum = infokey (NIL, "maxmapnum");
if (!infostring) { // always use info when available
if (cvar ("crudefile_quota") >= 0) {
desc = cfopen ("nextmapnum", "r");
if (desc >= 0) {
st = cfread (desc);
if (st)
num = stof (st);
cfclose (desc);
if (!maxmapnum)
return num;
if (num > stof (maxmapnum))
return 0;
return num;
void(float mapnum) SetNextMapNum =
local float desc;
local string mapstring;
mapstring = ftos (mapnum);
if (cvar("crudefile_quota") >= 0)
desc = cfopen ("nextmapnum", "w");
// if nextmapnum has a num in it, but we can't modify it.. stuck in a loop
if (desc >= 0)
cfwrite (desc, mapstring);
cfclose (desc);
localcmd("serverinfo n \"\"\n"); // use localinfo instead
localcmd("localinfo n ");
setinfokey (NIL, "n", mapstring);
void() LoadNextMap =
local float nextlevel;
local string cyc;
local float desc;
local float mapcount;
local string map = "";
nextlevel = GetNextMapNum();
nextlevel = nextlevel + 1; // next level
// get count of maps
mapcount = 0;
desc = cfopen ("mapcycle", "r");
while (cfread(desc) != "")
mapcount = mapcount + 1;
cfclose (desc);
if (mapcount > 0)
if (nextlevel > mapcount)
while (nextlevel > mapcount)
nextlevel = nextlevel - mapcount;
SetNextMapNum (nextlevel);
desc = cfopen ("mapcycle", "r");
local float i;
i = 0;
while (i < nextlevel)
i = i + 1;
map = cfread(desc);
if (map == "")
mapcount = 0; // fall back to old mapcycle method
localcmd ("map " + map + "\n");
if (mapcount == 0)
cyc = infokey(NIL, "cycledir");
if (!cyc)
cyc = "qwmcycle";
localcmd("exec ");
already_chosen_map = MAP_LOADCYCLE;
void() GotoNextMap =
if (nextmap != mapname)
already_chosen_map = MAP_YES;
if (already_chosen_map != MAP_YES)
local string nmap = infokey (NIL, "nmap");
if (already_chosen_map == MAP_LOADCYCLE && nmap) {
// load up the map config
localcmd ("exec \"mapcfg.cfg\"\n");
localcmd ("exec \"mapcfg/" + nmap + ".cfg\"\n");
already_chosen_map = MAP_LOADCONFIG;
} else if (DoExtraCycle())
already_chosen_map = MAP_LOADCYCLE;
already_chosen_map = MAP_NO;
//- OfN - super new map cycling code :)
if (already_chosen_map == MAP_NO)
if (GetNextMapNum() == 0)
already_chosen_map = MAP_NO;
if (already_chosen_map == MAP_NO) // nothing was done yet, so set the damn timer..
// if we executed a mapx.cfg
if (already_chosen_map == MAP_LOADCYCLE ||
already_chosen_map == MAP_LOADCONFIG)
SetCycleTimer(); // set the timer to check the real map afte 0.1 seconds
void() ExitIntermission =
RPrint("Exiting intermission...\n");
// skip any text in deathmatch
if (deathmatch)
RPrint("Exit Intermission in Deathmatch.\n");
GotoNextMap ();
intermission_exittime = time + 1;
intermission_running = intermission_running + 1;
// run some text if at the end of an episode
if (intermission_running == 2)
if (world.model == "maps/e1m7.bsp")
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 2);
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
if (!cvar("registered"))
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "As the corpse of the monstrous entity\nChthon sinks back into the lava whence\nit rose, you grip the Rune of Earth\nMagic tightly. Now that you have\nconquered the Dimension of the Doomed,\nrealm of Earth Magic, you are ready to\ncomplete your task in the other three\nhaunted lands of Quake. Or are you? If\nyou don't register Quake, you'll never\nknow what awaits you in the Realm of\nBlack Magic, the Netherworld, and the\nElder World!");
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "As the corpse of the monstrous entity\nChthon sinks back into the lava whence\nit rose, you grip the Rune of Earth\nMagic tightly. Now that you have\nconquered the Dimension of the Doomed,\nrealm of Earth Magic, you are ready to\ncomplete your task. A Rune of magic\npower lies at the end of each haunted\nland of Quake. Go forth, seek the\ntotality of the four Runes!");
else if (world.model == "maps/e2m6.bsp")
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 2);
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "The Rune of Black Magic throbs evilly in\nyour hand and whispers dark thoughts\ninto your brain. You learn the inmost\nlore of the Hell-Mother; Shub-Niggurath!\nYou now know that she is behind all the\nterrible plotting which has led to so\nmuch death and horror. But she is not\ninviolate! Armed with this Rune, you\nrealize that once all four Runes are\ncombined, the gate to Shub-Niggurath's\nPit will open, and you can face the\nWitch-Goddess herself in her frightful\notherworld cathedral.");
else if (world.model == "maps/e3m6.bsp")
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 2);
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "The charred viscera of diabolic horrors\nbubble viscously as you seize the Rune\nof Hell Magic. Its heat scorches your\nhand, and its terrible secrets blight\nyour mind. Gathering the shreds of your\ncourage, you shake the devil's shackles\nfrom your soul, and become ever more\nhard and determined to destroy the\nhideous creatures whose mere existence\nthreatens the souls and psyches of all\nthe population of Earth.");
else if (world.model == "maps/e4m7.bsp")
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 2);
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "Despite the awful might of the Elder\nWorld, you have achieved the Rune of\nElder Magic, capstone of all types of\narcane wisdom. Beyond good and evil,\nbeyond life and death, the Rune\npulsates, heavy with import. Patient and\npotent, the Elder Being Shub-Niggurath\nweaves her dire plans to clear off all\nlife from the Earth, and bring her own\nfoul offspring to our NIL! For all the\ndwellers in these nightmare dimensions\nare her descendants! Once all Runes of\nmagic power are united, the energy\nbehind them will blast open the Gateway\nto Shub-Niggurath, and you can travel\nthere to foil the Hell-Mother's plots\nin person.");
if (intermission_running == 3)
if (!cvar("registered"))
{ // shareware episode has been completed, go to sell screen
if ( (serverflags&15) == 15)
WriteString (MSG_ALL, "Now, you have all four Runes. You sense\ntremendous invisible forces moving to\nunseal ancient barriers. Shub-Niggurath\nhad hoped to use the Runes Herself to\nclear off the Earth, but now instead,\nyou will use them to enter her home and\nconfront her as an avatar of avenging\nEarth-life. If you defeat her, you will\nbe remembered forever as the savior of\nthe planet. If she conquers, it will be\nas if you had never been born.");
RPrint("Exit Intermission.\n");
When the player presses attack or jump, change to the next level
void() IntermissionThink =
if (time < intermission_exittime)
if (!self.button0 && !self.button1 && !self.button2)
if (!triggered_cycle)
RPrint("Intermission think.\n");
triggered_cycle = TRUE;
void() PrintResults;
void() execute_changelevel =
local entity pos;
intermission_running = 1;
// enforce a wait time before allowing changelevel
intermission_exittime = time + 5;
pos = FindIntermission ();
// play intermission music
WriteByte (MSG_ALL, 3);
WriteCoord (MSG_ALL, pos.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_ALL, pos.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_ALL, pos.origin_z);
WriteAngle (MSG_ALL, pos.mangle_x);
WriteAngle (MSG_ALL, pos.mangle_y);
WriteAngle (MSG_ALL, pos.mangle_z);
other = find (NIL, classname, "player");
while (other)
other.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO;
other.solid = SOLID_NOT;
other.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
other.modelindex = 0;
other = find (other, classname, "player");
void() changelevel_touch =
if (other.classname != "player")
if (cvar("samelevel") == 2 || (cvar("samelevel") == 3 && mapname != "start"))
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, other.netname);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " exited the level\n");
nextmap =;
SUB_UseTargets ();
if ( (self.spawnflags & 1) && (deathmatch == 0) )
self.touch = NIL;
// we can't move people right now, because touch functions are called
// in the middle of C movement code, so set a think time to do it
self.think = execute_changelevel;
self.nextthink = time + 0.1;
/*QUAKED trigger_changelevel (0.5 0.5 0.5) ? NO_INTERMISSION
When the player touches this, he gets sent to the map listed in the "map" variable. Unless the NO_INTERMISSION flag is set, the view will go to the info_intermission spot and display stats.
void() trigger_changelevel =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
if (!
objerror ("changelevel trigger doesn't have map");
InitTrigger ();
self.touch = changelevel_touch;
void() set_suicide_frame;
// called by ClientKill and DeadThink
void() respawn =
/* if (!(self.done_custom == 0 || (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN))) // do not spawn in prematch
if (prematch < time)
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Sorry, there are still ");
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, prematch - time);
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, " seconds of prematch remaining. Type custom to recreate your class.\n");
if (coop)
// make a copy of the dead body for appearances sake
CopyToBodyQue (self);
// get the spawn parms as they were at level start
setspawnparms (self);
// respawn
PutClientInServer ();
TeamFortress_SetSpeed (self);
else if (deathmatch)
// make a copy of the dead body for appearances sake
CopyToBodyQue (self);
// set default spawn parms
SetNewParms ();
// respawn
PutClientInServer ();
TeamFortress_SetSpeed (self);
{ // restart the entire server
localcmd ("restart\n");
Player entered the suicide command
void() ClientKill =
local float finished;
local entity te;
//WK Stop music
sound (self, CHAN_MUSIC, "items/r_item1.wav", 0.1, ATTN_NORM);
if (self.suicide_time > time)
if (self.deadflag)
// players can't suicide again for 10 seconds
self.suicide_time = time + 5 + (random() * 5);
//WK If building class, remove flag and start over
if (self.playerclass == PC_CUSTOM && (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_BUILDING))
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,"You can type 'custom' again to start over!\n");
//WK self.done_custom = CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN | CUSTOM_FINISHED;
if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED)
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,"You aren't alive!\n");
if (prematch < time)
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, self.netname);
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " suicides\n");
self.modelindex = modelindex_player;
// If infected, give the medic a frag
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED)
finished = FALSE;
te = find(NIL, classname, "timer");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self && te.think == BioInfection_Decay)
logfrag(te, self);
te.enemy.real_frags = te.enemy.real_frags + 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
te.enemy.frags = te.enemy.real_frags;
finished = TRUE; //Thanks lostman
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
if (finished) te = NIL;
} else
logfrag (self, self);
self.real_frags = self.real_frags - 1;
if (teamplay & TEAMPLAY_VAMPIRE) //WK
self.real_frags = self.real_frags - 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
self.frags = self.real_frags;
self.weaponmodel= "";
self.view_ofs = '0 0 -8';
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE;
//WK If building class, remove flag and start over
if (self.playerclass == PC_CUSTOM && (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_BUILDING))
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH,"You can type 'custom' again to start over!\n");
return; //ch
// Remove all timers for this player
TeamFortress_SetupRespawn(TRUE); = -1;
self.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNABLE;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_RESPAWN_READY;
// self.respawn_time = time;
// FindTeamSpawnPoint
entity lastspawn_team1;
entity lastspawn_team2;
entity lastspawn_team3;
entity lastspawn_team4;
entity(float team_num) FindTeamSpawnPoint =
local entity spot;
local entity at_spot;
local float spot_found;
local float attempts;
if (team_num == 1)
spot = lastspawn_team1;
attempts = 0;
// search through until found or end-of-list
while (1)
attempts = attempts + 1;
spot = find(spot, team_str_home, "ts1");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, team_str_home, "ts1");
if (!spot)
return NIL;
at_spot = findradius(spot.origin, 40);
spot_found = TRUE;
while (at_spot)
if (at_spot.classname == "player" && at_spot.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
spot_found = FALSE;
at_spot = at_spot.chain;
// Check the Criteria of the spawnpoint
if (!Activated(spot, self))
spot_found = FALSE;
if ((spot_found) || (attempts >= 30))
lastspawn_team1 = spot;
return spot;
else if (team_num == 2)
spot = lastspawn_team2;
attempts = 0;
// search through until found or end-of-list
while (1)
attempts = attempts + 1;
spot = find(spot, team_str_home, "ts2");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, team_str_home, "ts2");
if (!spot)
return NIL;
at_spot = findradius(spot.origin, 40);
spot_found = TRUE;
while (at_spot)
if (at_spot.classname == "player" && at_spot.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
spot_found = FALSE;
at_spot = at_spot.chain;
// Check the Criteria of the spawnpoint
if (!Activated(spot, self))
spot_found = FALSE;
if ((spot_found) || (attempts >= 30))
lastspawn_team2 = spot;
return spot;
else if (team_num == 3)
spot = lastspawn_team3;
attempts = 0;
// search through until found or end-of-list
while (1)
attempts = attempts + 1;
spot = find(spot, team_str_home, "ts3");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, team_str_home, "ts3");
if (!spot)
return NIL;
at_spot = findradius(spot.origin, 40);
spot_found = TRUE;
while (at_spot)
if (at_spot.classname == "player" && at_spot.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
spot_found = FALSE;
at_spot = at_spot.chain;
// Check the Criteria of the spawnpoint
if (!Activated(spot, self))
spot_found = FALSE;
if ((spot_found) || (attempts >= 30))
lastspawn_team3 = spot;
return spot;
else if (team_num == 4)
spot = lastspawn_team4;
attempts = 0;
// search through until found or end-of-list
while (1)
attempts = attempts + 1;
spot = find(spot, team_str_home, "ts4");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, team_str_home, "ts4");
if (!spot)
return NIL;
at_spot = findradius(spot.origin, 40);
spot_found = TRUE;
while (at_spot)
if (at_spot.classname == "player" && at_spot.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
spot_found = FALSE;
at_spot = at_spot.chain;
// Check the Criteria of the spawnpoint
if (!Activated(spot, self))
spot_found = FALSE;
if ((spot_found) || (attempts >= 30))
lastspawn_team4 = spot;
return spot;
// failure
return NIL;
Returns the entity to spawn at
entity() SelectSpawnPoint =
local entity spot;
local entity at_spot;
local float spot_found;
local float attempts;
// testinfo_player_start is only found in regioned levels
spot = find (NIL, classname, "testplayerstart");
if (spot)
return spot;
// If FortressMap option is on, we want to make the player spawn on a
// spawnpoint marked as being one for his/her team.
// The team that owns a spawnpoint is kept in the spawnpoints's teamno
if (self.team_no != 0)
spot = FindTeamSpawnPoint(self.team_no);
if (spot)
return spot;
// failure to find a team spawn point for that player
// just move on
// choose a info_player_deathmatch point
if (coop)
lastspawn = find(lastspawn, classname, "info_player_coop");
if (!lastspawn)
lastspawn = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_coop");
if (lastspawn)
return lastspawn;
else if (deathmatch)
// search through
spot = find(lastspawn, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
attempts = 0;
while (spot && attempts < 100)
attempts = attempts + 1;
// reject spot if other players are found at point
at_spot = findradius(spot.origin, 40);
spot_found = TRUE;
while (at_spot)
if (at_spot.classname == "player" && at_spot.deadflag == DEAD_NO)
spot_found = FALSE;
at_spot = at_spot.chain;
// Make sure we don't get locked by people standing on all
// the spawnpoints.
if ((spot_found) || (attempts >= 10))
lastspawn = spot;
return spot;
spot = find(spot, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (!spot)
spot = find(NIL, classname, "info_player_deathmatch");
if (serverflags)
{ // return with a rune to start
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_start2");
if (spot)
return spot;
spot = find (NIL, classname, "info_player_start");
if (!spot)
error ("PutClientInServer: no info_player_start on level\n");
return spot;
called each time a player is spawned
void() DecodeLevelParms;
void() PlayerDie;
void() TeamFortress_SetHealth;
void() TeamFortress_SetEquipment;
void() player_touch;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSkin;
void() PutClientInServer =
local float iszoom, oldclass;
local entity spot, te;
self.fire_held_down = 0;
self.touch = player_touch;
self.classname = "player";
if (self.playerclass != PC_CUSTOM)
self.max_health = 100; = 100;
//Check_Admin_Password(self); //CH check pass and sets flags
self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM;
self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK;
self.show_hostile = 0;
self.is_malfunctioning = 0;
self.is_abouttodie = 0;
// OfN
self.has_holo = 0;
self.is_killed = FALSE;
/* if (self.is_cameraviewing)
self.FlashTime = 0;
self.flags = FL_CLIENT;
self.aura = 0; //- OfN
self.crusader_inspirator=NIL; // OfN - needed?
self.gravity = 1; //WK
self.air_finished = time + 12;
self.dmg = 2; // initial water damage
self.super_damage_finished = 0;
self.radsuit_finished = 0;
self.invisible_finished = 0;
self.invincible_finished = 0;
self.effects = 0;
self.invincible_time = 0;
self.reload_shotgun = 0;
self.reload_super_shotgun = 0;
self.reload_grenade_launcher = 0;
self.reload_rocket_launcher = 0;
self.reload_light_assault = 0;
self.reload_laser_cannon = 0;
//self.is_undercover = 0;
//self.undercover_team = 0;
self.last_attacked_time = 0; //WK For chaplan healing purposes
// grapple stuff
if (self.hook_out)
Reset_Grapple (self.hook);
DecodeLevelParms ();
#ifdef COOP_MODE
// Force all players to be on the same team in Coop mode
if (coop)
teamplay = 21;
cvar_set("teamplay", "21?TeamFortress");
// Set the Civilian Class of anyone in a Civilian Team
if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED)
if (TeamFortress_TeamIsCivilian(self.team_no))
self.impulse = 1;
// For players who've changed their classes in deathmatch 3,
// their class may be PC_RANDOM, in which case we set the toggleflag
if ((deathmatch == 3) && (self.nextpc != 0))
self.playerclass = self.nextpc;
if (self.nextpc == PC_RANDOM)
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_RANDOMPC;
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RANDOMPC);
// some states are kept
iszoom = 0;
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_ZOOMOFF)
iszoom = 1;
// Reset all tfstate flags, except for RANDOMPC
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RANDOMPC)
oldclass = self.playerclass;
self.playerclass = 1 + floor(random() * (PC_RANDOM - 1));
while(!IsLegalClass(self.playerclass) || (self.playerclass == oldclass))
self.playerclass = 1 + floor(random() * (PC_RANDOM - 1));
self.tfstate = TFSTATE_RANDOMPC;
self.tfstate = 0;
if (iszoom == 1)
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_ZOOMOFF;
// Display the Player's Class
if (!(self.done_custom == 0 || (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN)))
if (self.playerclass != PC_CUSTOM)
TeamFortress_PrintClassName(self,self.playerclass, (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RANDOMPC));
// Set the weapons and ammo for the player based on class
// Set the health for the player based on class
// Set the speed for the player based on class
self.tfstate |= TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE;
self.tfstate &= ~TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE;
// Set the skin for the player based on class
stuffcmd(self, "v_idlescale 0\n");
stuffcmd(self, "v_cshift 0 0 0 0\n");
//WK Clear Bastard Rotation
stuffcmd(self, "-left;-right;cl_yawspeed 140\n");
//WK Again, since they could lose their sentrygun in SetEquip...
W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
self.attack_finished = time + 0.3;
self.th_pain = player_pain;
self.th_die = PlayerDie;
// make sure that autozoom is reset
if (self.height != 0)
self.height = 0;
self.deadflag = DEAD_NO;
// pausetime is set by teleporters to keep the player from moving a while
self.pausetime = 0;
spot = SelectSpawnPoint ();
if (self.playerclass != PC_UNDEFINED)
spawn_tdeath (spot.origin, self);
self.observer_list = spot;
self.origin = spot.origin + '0 0 1';
self.angles = spot.angles;
self.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately
#ifdef MAP_DEBUG
RPrint(" spawned at a ");
if (spot.team_no != 0)
RPrint(", team_no of ");
st = ftos(spot.team_no);
// If this is a TeamSpawnpoint, check to see if it
// gives out a GoalItem, or displays a message
if (spot.classname == "info_player_teamspawn")
if (spot.items != 0)
te = Finditem(spot.items);
if (te)
tfgoalitem_GiveToPlayer(te, self, self);
if (!(spot.goal_activation & TFSP_MULTIPLEITEMS))
spot.items = 0;
// Display teamspawn message
if (spot.message)
CenterPrint(self, spot.message);
if (!(spot.goal_activation & TFSP_MULTIPLEMSGS))
spot.message = "";
// Activate a Goal if needed
if (spot.activate_goal_no != 0)
te = Findgoal(spot.activate_goal_no);
if (te)
AttemptToActivate(te, self, spot);
// TeamSpawn points can remove themselves after being spawned on
if (spot.goal_effects == TFSP_REMOVESELF)
spot.classname = "deadpoint";
spot.team_str_home = "";
spot.nextthink = time + 1;
spot.think = SUB_Remove;
setmodel (self, "");
modelindex_null = self.modelindex;
setmodel (self, "progs/eyes.mdl");
modelindex_eyes = self.modelindex;
setmodel (self, "progs/player.mdl");
modelindex_player = self.modelindex;
if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED)
self.modelindex = modelindex_null;
self.current_menu = 1;
self.gravity = 0;
//WK DropIntoCustomClassGeneration
if (self.playerclass == PC_CUSTOM)
//WK Done_custom is initialized to 0, hackish yes.
//There are two entries, unintialized 0, or a person having issued a 'custom' command
//which sets the CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN flag
if (self.done_custom == 0 || (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_ON_SPAWN))
self.maxspeed = self.custom_speed; //Reset our speed
else {
self.done_custom = 0; //Unitialize this. Maybe set to ON_SPAWN...
setsize (self, VEC_HULL_MIN, VEC_HULL_MAX);
self.view_ofs = '0 0 22';
player_stand1 ();
if (deathmatch || coop)
if (self.playerclass != PC_UNDEFINED)
spawn_tfog (self.origin + v_forward*10);
// Set Rocket Jump Modifiers
if (stof(infokey(NIL, "rj")) != 0)
rj = stof(infokey(NIL, "rj"));
rj = 1;
//This code is in three places. client,custom & tfort.qc
//WK Give them invincibility if they are a normal class or bought it
if ((self.playerclass >= PC_SCOUT && self.playerclass <= PC_RANDOM) ||
self.tf_items & NIT_RESPAWN_GUARD) {
self.items = self.items & IT_INVULNERABILITY;
self.invincible_time = 1;
self.invincible_finished = time + RESPAWN_GUARD_TIME;
if (self.custom_speed > 300)
self.invincible_finished = self.invincible_finished - 1;
if (self.custom_speed > 400)
self.invincible_finished = self.invincible_finished - 1;
/*QUAKED info_player_start (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
The normal starting point for a level.
void() info_player_start =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
/*QUAKED info_player_start2 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
Only used on start map for the return point from an episode.
void() info_player_start2 =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
saved out by quaked in region mode
void() testplayerstart =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
/*QUAKED info_player_deathmatch (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
potential spawning position for deathmatch games
void() info_player_deathmatch =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
/*QUAKED info_player_coop (1 0 1) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24)
potential spawning position for coop games
void() info_player_coop =
if (CheckExistence() == FALSE)
void(entity c) PrintClientScore =
if (c.frags > -10 && c.frags < 0)
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " ");
else if (c.frags >= 0)
if (c.frags < 100)
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " ");
if (c.frags < 10)
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " ");
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, ftos(c.frags));
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, " ");
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, c.netname);
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "\n");
void() DumpScore =
local entity e, sort, walk;
if (world.chain)
error ("DumpScore: world.chain is set");
// build a sorted lis
e = find(NIL, classname, "player");
sort = NIL;
while (e)
if (!sort)
sort = e;
e.chain = NIL;
if (e.frags > sort.frags)
e.chain = sort;
sort = e;
walk = sort;
if (!walk.chain)
e.chain = NIL;
walk.chain = e;
else if (walk.chain.frags < e.frags)
e.chain = walk.chain;
walk.chain = e;
walk = walk.chain;
} while (walk.chain != e);
e = find(e, classname, "player");
// print the list
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "\n");
while (sort)
PrintClientScore (sort);
sort = sort.chain;
bprint (PRINT_MEDIUM, "\n");
go to the next level for deathmatch
float already_cycled;
void() NextLevel =
local entity o;
if (already_cycled)
already_cycled = TRUE;
o = spawn(); = nextmap;
o.think = execute_changelevel;
o.nextthink = time + 0.1;
float cyclenow;
Exit deathmatch games upon conditions
void() CheckRules =
local string st;
st = infokey (NIL, "cyclenow");
if (!cyclenow && (st == "1" || st == "on"))
cyclenow = 1;
localcmd ("serverinfo cyclenow \"\"\n");
localcmd ("localinfo cyclenow \"\"\n");
dprint ("Cycling Map.\n");
NextLevel ();
else if (cyclenow
|| (timelimit && time >= timelimit)
|| (fraglimit && self.frags >= fraglimit))
NextLevel ();
void() PlayerDeathThink =
local float forward;
if ((self.flags & FL_ONGROUND))
forward = vlen (self.velocity);
forward = forward - 20;
if (forward <= 0)
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
self.velocity = forward * normalize(self.velocity);
// wait for all buttons released
if (self.deadflag == DEAD_DEAD)
if (self.button2 || self.button1 || self.button0)
self.deadflag = DEAD_RESPAWNABLE;
// make sure that respawn flag has not been set
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RESPAWN_READY);
// wait for any button down
if (!self.button2 && !self.button1 && !self.button0)
// if no buttons, but respawn_ready flag is set, respawn
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RESPAWN_READY)
if (self.respawn_time <= time)
self.button0 = 0;
self.button1 = 0;
self.button2 = 0;
// button has been pressed, player is ready to respawn
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_RESPAWN_READY;
if (self.respawn_time <= time)
self.button0 = 0;
self.button1 = 0;
self.button2 = 0;
void() PlayerJump =
if (self.flags & FL_WATERJUMP)
if (self.waterlevel >= 2)
if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_WATER)
self.velocity_z = 100;
else if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_SLIME)
self.velocity_z = 80;
self.velocity_z = 50;
if (self.tf_items & NIT_SCUBA)
self.velocity_z = 250;
// play swiming sound
if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH) // SB no noise if we have stealth
if (self.swim_flag < time)
self.swim_flag = time + 1;
if (random() < 0.5)
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/water1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/water2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (!(self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)) {
if (no_pogo_stick & 1)
self.flags &= ~FL_JUMPRELEASED;
if (!(self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED) )
return; // don't pogo stick
self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED);
self.button2 = 0;
// player jumping sound
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH)) // Only play it if we don't have stealth
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/plyrjmp8.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
//WK Sprinters jump higher
//SB No, people with high jump do
if (self.cutf_items & CUTF_HIGHJUMP)
self.velocity_z = self.velocity_z + 400;
.float dmgtime;
void() WaterMove =
// RPrint (ftos(self.waterlevel));
if (self.movetype == MOVETYPE_NOCLIP)
if ( < 0)
//WK Poison attacks
if (self.air_finished < time)
{ // drown!
if (self.pain_finished < time)
self.dmg = self.dmg + 0.5;
if (self.dmg == 2.5) //Initial damage is 2
sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Your lungs are still paralyzed. Try to minimize your exposure to poison\n");
if (self.dmg > 6)
self.dmg = 2.2;
if (self.dmg < - 1)
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, self.dmg, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER);
self.pain_finished = time + 1;
else if (self.waterlevel != 3)
if (self.air_finished < time)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "player/gasp2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else if (self.air_finished < time + 9)
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "player/gasp1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.air_finished = time + 12;
self.dmg = 2;
else if (self.air_finished < time)
{ // drown!
if (self.pain_finished < time)
self.dmg = self.dmg + 2;
if (self.dmg > 15)
self.dmg = 10;
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, self.dmg, TF_TD_IGNOREARMOUR, TF_TD_OTHER);
self.pain_finished = time + 1;
if (!self.waterlevel)
if (self.flags & FL_INWATER)
// play leave water sound
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH)) // SB only if no stealth
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "misc/outwater.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.flags = self.flags - FL_INWATER;
//WK Setspeed for Scuba commando
if (self.tf_items & NIT_SCUBA)
if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_LAVA)
{ // do damage
if (self.dmgtime < time)
if (self.radsuit_finished > time)
self.dmgtime = time + 1;
self.dmgtime = time + 0.2;
// Asbestos armor helps against lava, but I doubt it'll save you :)
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, 10*self.waterlevel, 0, TF_TD_FIRE);
else if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_SLIME)
{ // do damage
if (self.dmgtime < time && self.radsuit_finished < time)
self.dmgtime = time + 1;
//T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, 4*self.waterlevel);
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, 4*self.waterlevel, 0, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY);
if ( !(self.flags & FL_INWATER) )
// player enter water sound
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH))
if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_LAVA)
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/inlava.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_WATER)
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/inh2o.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_SLIME)
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/slimbrn2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.flags = self.flags + FL_INWATER;
self.dmgtime = 0;
//WK Setspeed for scuba commando
if (self.tf_items & NIT_SCUBA)
void() CheckWaterJump =
local vector start, end;
// check for a jump-out-of-water
makevectors (self.angles);
start = self.origin;
start_z = start_z + 8;
v_forward_z = 0;
end = start + v_forward*24;
traceline (start, end, TRUE, self);
if (trace_fraction < 1)
{ // solid at waist
start_z = start_z + self.maxs_z - 8;
end = start + v_forward*24;
self.movedir = trace_plane_normal * -50;
traceline (start, end, TRUE, self);
if (trace_fraction == 1)
{ // open at eye level
self.flags = self.flags | FL_WATERJUMP;
self.velocity_z = 225;
self.flags = self.flags - (self.flags & FL_JUMPRELEASED);
self.teleport_time = time + 2; // safety net
Called every frame before physics are run
void() PlayerPreThink =
local vector src;
//WK -- For LPB calculation
local string foo;
local float ping;
if (self.is_feigning && self.waterlevel == 1)
self.watertype = CONTENTS_WATER;
self.waterlevel = 3;
if (self.cheat_level > 0)
self.cheat_level = self.cheat_level - 1;
if (self.speed_level > 0) //Cyto
self.speed_level = self.speed_level - 1;
if (intermission_running)
IntermissionThink (); // otherwise a button could be missed between
return; // the think tics
makevectors (self.v_angle); // is this still used?
if (infokey(NIL,"ceasefire")=="on") //Cyto
#ifndef ceasefire_allows_to_move
if (self.lip)
self.origin = self.oldorigin;
self.velocity_z = -5000;
self.velocity_x = 0;
self.velocity_y = 0;
if (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND)
self.oldorigin = self.origin;
self.lip = TRUE;
CenterPrint(self,"Ceasefire Applies");
self.button0 = 0;
self.button1 = 0;
self.button2 = 0;
else if (self.lip)
self.lip = FALSE;
// End Cyt0
CheckRules ();
//WK Supercharged observer mode!
if (self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED)
if (self.button0)
//WK Nifty code to push through walls only if we really want to
if (vlen(self.velocity) < 200)
src = self.origin + normalize(v_forward) * 5;
self.velocity = normalize(v_forward) * 400;
foo = infokey(self,"ping");
ping = 200;
if (foo)
ping = stof(foo);
if (ping < 300) {
self.velocity_x = floor((3 * self.velocity_x) / 4);
self.velocity_y = floor((3 * self.velocity_y) / 4);
self.velocity_z = floor((3 * self.velocity_z) / 4);
if (self.button2)
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
//WK Removed jump == autoteam
//WK Removed all the demo stuff stuff.
if (self.view_ofs == '0 0 0')
return; // intermission or finale
if (self.playerclass != PC_UNDEFINED)
if (self.deadflag >= DEAD_DEAD)
PlayerDeathThink ();
if (self.undercover_team || self.undercover_skin || self.is_undercover)
if (self.effects & (EF_DIMLIGHT | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT))
sprint(self, PRINT_MEDIUM, "The glowing removes your disguise.\n");
/*if (self.job & JOB_THIEF && self.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE)
if (self.effects & (EF_DIMLIGHT | EF_BRIGHTLIGHT))
sprint(self, PRINT_MEDIUM, "The glowing removes your full invisibility.\n");
self.job = self.job - (self.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE);
self.job = self.job | JOB_ACTIVE;
} */
if (self.deadflag == DEAD_DYING)
return; // dying, so do nothing
if (!self.is_feigning)
if (self.button2)
PlayerJump (); //WK This just does noises for jumps
self.flags = self.flags | FL_JUMPRELEASED;
//WK Scuba commando treads water :)
if ((self.tf_items & NIT_SCUBA) && self.waterlevel > 1) {
if (self.velocity_z >= -25 && self.velocity_z < 0)
self.velocity_z = 10; //Tread water if near a stop
//Jello Water :)
else if (jello && self.waterlevel > 1) {
if (jello == TRUE) //Binary on/off
self.velocity_z = 1000; //900 is a better number for 2forts
self.velocity_z = jello;
// teleporters can force a non-moving pause time
if (time < self.pausetime)
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
if (time > self.attack_finished && self.currentammo == 0 && self.weapon > WEAP_AXE)
self.weapon = W_BestWeapon ();
W_SetCurrentAmmo ();
// Do grapple stuff if I'm on a hook
if (self.on_hook)
Service_Grapple ();
if (self.button2 && self.velocity_z > 10)
self.velocity_z = 10; //WK Allow more creative physics with hook
//WK Add Hover Boot Support
if (self.tf_items & NIT_HOVER_BOOTS) {
if (self.button2 && self.velocity_z < 0 && self.hover_time > 0 && self.waterlevel == 0)
{ //Try to hover
self.velocity_z = 100; //+10 == hover
self.hover_time = self.hover_time - 0.25; //0.1 == tick time
if (self.hover_time <= 0) {
self.hover_time = -5; //3 second penalty for draining it
sprint(self,PRINT_HIGH,"Your boots are out of fuel, let them recharge\n");
//Spit out fire from them!
if (self.search_time < time) {
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/flmfire2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
local entity flame;
flame = spawn();
flame.owner = self;flame.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLYMISSILE;
flame.solid = SOLID_BBOX;flame.classname = "flamerflame";
makevectors (self.v_angle);
flame.velocity = -1 * v_up; flame.velocity = flame.velocity * 600;
flame.touch = Boot_Flamer_stream_touch;flame.think = s_explode1;
flame.nextthink = time + 0.1;setmodel (flame, "progs/s_explod.spr");
setsize (flame, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
setorigin (flame, self.origin + v_up * -16);
self.search_time = time + 0.15;
else { //Recharger <- That's French for "recharge"
self.hover_time = self.hover_time + 0.01; //0.05 is a half-tick
if (self.hover_time > MAX_HOVER_FUEL && (!(self.tf_items & NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE)))
self.hover_time = MAX_HOVER_FUEL;
if (self.hover_time > (MAX_HOVER_FUEL * 2) && self.tf_items & NIT_HOVER_BOOTS_UPGRADE)
self.hover_time = (MAX_HOVER_FUEL * 2);
if ( > 0 && pointcontents (self.origin) == CONTENTS_SOLID)
TF_T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, + 100,
Check for turning off powerups
void() CheckPowerups =
local float lighton;
local entity te;
if ( <= 0)
// Invisibility
//WK Made people invis during building, and during thief's full hide
//WK And while being inspired by chaplan
if (self.done_custom & CUSTOM_BUILDING //We are building a custom class
|| self.playerclass == PC_UNDEFINED //Or we're in observer mode
|| (self.job & JOB_THIEF && self.job & JOB_FULL_HIDE) //Or we are fully hiding thieves
// || (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INSPIRED && !(self.job & JOB_CHAPLAN)) //ofN comented by
|| self.aura == AURA_INVIS) //- OfN
self.modelindex = modelindex_null; // don't use eyes
else if ((self.is_undercover == 1 && invis_only == TRUE) || (self.job & JOB_THIEF && self.job & JOB_ACTIVE))
self.frame = 0;
self.modelindex = modelindex_eyes;
else if (self.invisible_finished)
// If this is being given by a goalitem, extend the time
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INVISIBLE)
if (self.invisible_finished < time + 10)
self.invisible_finished = time + 666;
// sound and screen flash when items starts to run out
if (self.invisible_sound < time)
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/inv3.wav", 0.5, ATTN_IDLE);
self.invisible_sound = time + ((random() * 3) + 1);
if (self.invisible_finished < time + 3)
if (self.invisible_time == 1)
sprint(self, PRINT_HIGH, "Ring of Shadows magic is fading\n");
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/inv2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.invisible_time = time + 1;
if (self.invisible_time < time)
self.invisible_time = time + 1;
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
if (self.invisible_finished < time)
{ // just stopped
self.items = self.items & ~IT_INVISIBILITY;
self.invisible_finished = 0;
self.invisible_time = 0;
// use the eyes
self.frame = 0;
self.modelindex = modelindex_eyes;
self.modelindex = modelindex_player; // don't use eyes
// invincibility
if (self.invincible_finished)
// If this is being given by a goalitem, extend the time
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INVINCIBLE)
if (self.invincible_finished < time + 10)
self.invincible_finished = time + 666;
// sound and screen flash when items starts to run out
if (self.invincible_finished < time + 3)
if (self.invincible_time == 1)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Protection is almost burned out\n");
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/protect2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.invincible_time = time + 1;
if (self.invincible_time < time)
self.invincible_time = time + 1;
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
if (self.invincible_finished < time)
{ // just stopped
self.items = self.items & ~IT_INVULNERABILITY;
self.invincible_time = 0;
self.invincible_finished = 0;
if (self.invincible_finished > time)
self.effects = self.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT;
// Only remove dimlight if it's not being supplied by a GoalItem
lighton = FALSE;
te = find (NIL, classname, "item_tfgoal");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self)
if (te.goal_activation & TFGI_GLOW)
lighton = TRUE;
te = find(te, classname, "item_tfgoal");
if (!lighton)
self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT);
// super damage
if (self.super_damage_finished)
// If this is being given by a goalitem, extend the time
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_QUAD)
if (self.super_damage_finished == time + 10)
self.super_damage_finished = time + 666;
// sound and screen flash when items starts to run out
if (self.super_damage_finished < time + 3 && !(self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INSPIRED))
if (self.super_time == 1)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Quad Damage is wearing off\n");
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/damage2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.super_time = time + 1;
if (self.super_time < time)
self.super_time = time + 1;
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
if (self.super_damage_finished < time)
{ // just stopped
self.items = self.items & ~IT_QUAD;
self.super_damage_finished = 0;
self.super_time = 0;
//WK If inspired, remove inspiration
self.tfstate = self.tfstate - (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_INSPIRED);
if (self.super_damage_finished > time)
self.effects = self.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT;
// Only remove dimlight if it's not being supplied by a GoalItem
lighton = FALSE;
te = find (NIL, classname, "item_tfgoal");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self)
if (te.goal_activation & TFGI_GLOW)
lighton = TRUE;
te = find(te, classname, "item_tfgoal");
if (!lighton)
self.effects = self.effects - (self.effects & EF_DIMLIGHT);
// suit
if (self.radsuit_finished)
self.air_finished = time + 12; // don't drown
// If this is being given by a goalitem, extend the time
if (self.tfstate & TFSTATE_RADSUIT || self.tf_items & NIT_SCUBA)
//WK Do we need this? if (self.radsuit_finished == time + 10)
self.radsuit_finished = time + 666;
// sound and screen flash when items starts to run out
if (self.radsuit_finished < time + 3)
if (self.rad_time == 1)
sprint (self, PRINT_HIGH, "Air supply in Biosuit expiring\n");
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "items/suit2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.rad_time = time + 1;
if (self.rad_time < time)
self.rad_time = time + 1;
stuffcmd (self, "bf\n");
if (self.radsuit_finished < time)
{ // just stopped
self.items = self.items & ~IT_SUIT;
self.rad_time = 0;
self.radsuit_finished = 0;
if (self.aura == AURA_INVIS)
if (self.aura_time < time)
if (self.invisible_finished < time)
self.items = self.items & ~IT_INVISIBILITY;
self.aura = 0;
void() DeadImpulses;
Called every frame after physics are run
void() PlayerPostThink =
if (self.view_ofs == '0 0 0')
return; // intermission or finale
if (self.deadflag)
DeadImpulses(); // check for dead-only commands
self.impulse = 0;
// check to see if player landed and play landing sound
if (self.takedamage && (self.jump_flag < -300) && (self.flags & FL_ONGROUND) && ( > 0))
if (self.watertype == CONTENTS_WATER)
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH))
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/h2ojump.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
else if (self.jump_flag < -650)
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH)) { //WK Judo teaches falling... SB ceaf judo
self.deathtype = "falling";
T_Damage (self, NIL, NIL, 5);
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "player/land2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
if (!(self.cutf_items & CUTF_STEALTH)) //WK Judo teaches falling... SB ceaf judo
sound (self, CHAN_VOICE, "player/land.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
self.jump_flag = self.velocity_z;
CheckPowerups ();
W_WeaponFrame ();
// Display MOTD
// Sync this with tforthlp.qc and menu.qc
if (self.cheat_check == 0)
self.cheat_check = time + 10;
else if (time > self.StatusRefreshTime && self.StatusBarSize != 0)
if (self.StatusBarScreen == 1)
RefreshStatusBar1(self); //Sentry screen
else if (self.StatusBarScreen == 2)
RefreshStatusBar2(self); //Spy screen
else if (self.StatusBarScreen == 3)
RefreshStatusBar3(self); //Misc screen
else if (self.StatusBarScreen == 4)
RefreshStatusBar4(self); //Tesla screen
else if (self.StatusBarScreen == 5)
RefreshStatusBar5(self); //Scanner screen
RefreshStatusBar(self); //Normal scores and clip
// Check for Team Cheats
if (self.cheat_check <= time)
self.cheat_check = time + 5;
called when a player connects to a server
void() ClientConnect =
local string st;
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, self.netname);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " has joined the server\n");
//- OfN - shouldnt be needed anyway...
self.admin_kick = NIL;
// Set Default autozoom
self.tfstate = self.tfstate | TFSTATE_ZOOMOFF;
// Set the MOTD on
self.motd = 0;
// Clear the Alias Flag
self.got_aliases = 0;
self.ff_count = 0; //WK Clear the friendly-fire counter
st = infokey(self, "sbr");
if (!st)
st = infokey(self, "sbar_res");
if (st == "768")
self.StatusBarRes = 8;
else if (st == "600")
self.StatusBarRes = 7;
else if (st == "480")
self.StatusBarRes = 6;
else if (st == "400")
self.StatusBarRes = 5;
else if (st == "384")
self.StatusBarRes = 4;
else if (st == "350")
self.StatusBarRes = 3;
else if (st == "300")
self.StatusBarRes = 2;
else if (st == "240")
self.StatusBarRes = 1;
self.StatusBarRes = 0;
st = infokey(self, "sbs");
if (!st)
st = infokey(self, "sbar_size");
self.StatusBarSize = stof(st);
if (self.StatusBarSize > 2 || self.StatusBarSize < 0)
self.StatusBarSize = 0;
self.has_disconnected = FALSE;
//PlayerObserverMode(); //ofn already commented out
self.gravity = 0;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY;
// a client connecting during an intermission can cause problems
if (intermission_running)
//- OfN
if (mapname == "huntedr")
local float result;
result = floor(TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(2) * HUNTED_YELLOWTEAM_FACTOR);
team3maxplayers = result;
if (team3maxplayers < 1) team3maxplayers = 1;
called when a player disconnects from a server
void() ClientDisconnect =
local entity te;
local string st;
st = ftos (floor(self.real_frags));
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, self.netname);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " has left the game with ");
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, st);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " frags and ");
st = ftos (floor(self.ff_count));
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, st);
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, " teamkills\n");
//- he got significant score?
/*local float temp_scr;
local float avr_team_scr;
avr_team_scr = (team1score + team2score + team3score + team4score) / number_of_teams;
temp_scr = fabs (self.real_frags) + self.ff_count;
if ( (temp_scr > time || time > 20) && time < 60*60 && deathmatch == 3)
local float final_score;
final_score = self.real_frags - self.ff_count*3 - avr_team_scr/2 ;
if ( final_score < -50 )
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "bad enough to ban him! hehe\n");
else if (final_score < 0)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "damn newbie!\n");
else if (final_score < 10)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "he was not doing much\n");
else if (final_score < 30)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "a regular player\n");
else if (final_score < 50)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "not bad!\n");
else if (final_score < 75)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "good score\n");
else if (final_score < 100)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "cool score!\n");
else if (final_score < 125)
bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "he is a real master of customTF!\n");
else bprint (PRINT_HIGH, "omg! did he cheat? awesome score!\n");
//- OfN
if (mapname == "huntedr")
local float result;
result = floor(TeamFortress_TeamGetNoPlayers(2) * HUNTED_YELLOWTEAM_FACTOR);
team3maxplayers = result;
if (team3maxplayers < 1) team3maxplayers = 1;
sound (self, CHAN_BODY, "player/tornoff2.wav", 1, ATTN_NONE);
self.has_disconnected = TRUE;
if (debug_target == self)
debug_target = NIL;
// Remove Timers
// Remove Buildings
/*Find_And_Dmg("building_dispenser", self, 1);
Find_And_Dmg("building_sentrygun", self, 1);
Find_And_Dmg("building_tesla", self, 1);
Find_And_Dmg("building_camera", self, 1);
Find_And_Dmg("building_teleporter", self, 1);
Find_And_Dmg("building_sensor", self, 1); //sb*/
//WK Added demon cleanup
//WK Added ammobox/pipebomb fix
te = find(NIL, classname, "ammobox");
while (te)
if (te.enemy == self) {
num_world_ammoboxes = num_world_ammoboxes - 1;
if (te.enemy.team_no != 0)
te.think = SUB_Remove;
te.nextthink = time + 0.1;
te = find(te, classname, "ammobox");
te = find(NIL, classname, "pipebomb");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self) {
num_world_pipebombs = num_world_pipebombs - 1;
te.think = SUB_Remove;
te.nextthink = time + 0.1;
te = find(te, classname, "pipebomb");
// OfN - Remove holograph if player disconnects!
if (self.has_holo > 0 ) RemoveHolo(self);
// Remove Detpacks
te = find(NIL, classname, "detpack");
while (te)
if (te.owner == self)
if (te.weaponmode == 1) // Detpack was being disarmed
te.enemy.tfstate = te.enemy.tfstate - (te.enemy.tfstate & TFSTATE_CANT_MOVE);
dremove(te.oldenemy); // CountDown
dremove(te.observer_list); // Disarm timer
te = NIL;
te = find(te, classname, "detpack");
// Clear anything that thinks he attacked/hacked it
local entity mrmartyr;
mrmartyr = NIL;
do {
mrmartyr = nextent (mrmartyr);
if (mrmartyr && mrmartyr.martyr_enemy == te)
mrmartyr.martyr_enemy = NIL;
} while (mrmartyr);
set_suicide_frame ();
self.netname = "";
self.team_no = 0;
self.solid = SOLID_NOT;
self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; //WK Stop crashing MOVETYPE_WALK bug?
setsize(self, '0 0 0', '0 0 0');
string (string s) quotename =
return "\xFF" + s + "\xFF";