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synced 2025-03-14 06:41:46 +00:00
1) added checkmove forward so it's easier to build against walls 2) Can't build sentries on top of forcefields anymore (they get bounced off) 3) fieldgens are now one unit taller than their fields, so you CAN build on the gen 4) forcefields bounce everything (including buildings) away now. 5) added #ifdef DISALLOW_BLOCKED_TELE around tele block checks. didn't get the point Debug tweaks: 1) added #ifdef DEBUG, which enables RPrint(), dremove(), and printtrace(), as well as the warlock cheat and origin reporting. 2) replaced EVERY dprint with RPrint. 3) changed makefile so that all = no DEBUG and no .sym
324 lines
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324 lines
8.7 KiB
#include "defs.qh"
SB-1 Tech 15/12/2000
Functions for the MEDIC class and associated weaponry
// Functions within this file:
float (entity targ, entity attacker, float prob) BioInfect;
void () BioGrenadeTouch;
void () BioGrenadeExplode;
// Functions referenced from this file:
void() BioInfection_Decay;
void(entity p) TeamFortress_SetSpeed;
// Attacker attempts to infect targ.
float (entity targ, entity attacker, float prob) BioInfect =
local entity BioInfection;
local float r;
// If they have medikit, don't infect them.
if (targ.weapons_carried & WEAP_MEDIKIT)
return FALSE;
// Only allow one infection at once.
if (targ.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED)
return FALSE;
if (Teammate(targ.team_no, attacker.team_no) && targ != attacker)
return FALSE;
if (targ.invincible_finished > time)
return FALSE;
r = random();
if (prob < r)
return FALSE;
r = random();
//Melee armour stops infection 75% of the time
if (targ.tf_items & NIT_GEL && r < 0.75)
return FALSE;
if (attacker == targ) // we infected ourselves! lol
sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,"You infect yourself!\n");
bprint(PRINT_HIGH," infects himself!\n");*/
sprint(attacker,PRINT_HIGH,"Your grenade infects ");
targ.tfstate = targ.tfstate | TFSTATE_INFECTED;
BioInfection = spawn ();
BioInfection.classname = "timer";
BioInfection.netname = "biotimer";
BioInfection.owner = targ;
BioInfection.nextthink = time + 2;
BioInfection.think = BioInfection_Decay;
BioInfection.enemy = attacker;
targ.infection_team_no = attacker.team_no;
return TRUE;
// Touch function for the bioinfection grenade.
void() BioGrenadeTouch =
if (other == self.owner)
return; // don't explode on owner
// Thrown grenades don't detonate when hitting an enemy
sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/bounce.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM); // bounce sound
if (self.velocity == '0 0 0')
self.avelocity = '0 0 0';
// Biogrenade explosion. Does no damage...but infects...
void() BioGrenadeExplode =
local entity dier; // He's the dier and he's dying
dier = findradius(self.origin, BIO_GREN_RADIUS);
while (dier)
if (dier.classname == "player")
if (visible(dier))
if (dier.takedamage)
BioInfect(dier, self.owner, 1); // was 0.7
dier = dier.chain;
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_x);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_y);
WriteCoord (MSG_MULTICAST, self.origin_z);
multicast (self.origin, MULTICAST_PHS);
float(entity doc, entity patient, vector org) CureAdverseEffects =
local entity te;
// remove concussion from player
// Try to find a concusstimer entity for this player
te = find(NIL, classname, "timer");
while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != ConcussionGrenadeTimer)) && (te))
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
if (te)
SpawnBlood(org, 20);
patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_CONCUSSIONED);
if (doc == patient)
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "The ground is behaving itself now.\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your concussion\n");
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You heal ", patient.netname, "'s concussion\n");
// Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy
if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no))
doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
doc.frags = doc.real_frags;
return TRUE;
// remove hallucination from player
// Try to find a hallucination timer entity for this player
if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_HALLUCINATING)
te = find(NIL, classname, "timer");
while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != HallucinationTimer)) && (te))
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
if (te)
patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_HALLUCINATING);
SpawnBlood(org, 20);
if (patient == doc)
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "The visions have stopped.\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your hallucinations\n");
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You halt ", patient.netname, "'s hallucinations\n");
// Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy
if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no))
doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
doc.frags = doc.real_frags;
return TRUE;
RPrint("Warning: Error in Hallucination Timer logic.\n");
// remove tranquilisation from player
// Try to find a tranquilisation timer entity for this player
if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_TRANQUILISED)
te = find(NIL, classname, "timer");
while (((te.owner != patient) || (te.think != TranquiliserTimer)) && (te))
te = find(te, classname, "timer");
if (te)
patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_TRANQUILISED);
SpawnBlood(org, 20);
if (doc == patient)
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You feel more alert now.\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " heals you of your tranquilisation!\n");
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You heal ", patient.netname, "'s tranquilisation\n");
// Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy
if (!Teammate(doc.team_no,te.team_no))
doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
doc.frags = doc.real_frags;
return TRUE;
RPrint("Warning: Error in Tranquilisation Timer logic.\n");
// check if the healed player is blinded
/*if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_STASIS)
patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_STASIS);
if (doc == patient)
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You can move freely again!\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " removes the effect of stasis on you!\n");
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You halt the effects of stasis on ", patient.netname, "!\n");
// patient.movetype = patient.stasismovetype;
patient.gravity = patient.stasisGravity;
patient.effects = patient.effects - (patient.effects & EF_BRIGHTFIELD);
return 1;
// check if the healed player is infected
if (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED)
local float healam;
local entity te;
healam = rint(patient.health / 2);
// remove the infection
patient.tfstate = patient.tfstate - (patient.tfstate & TFSTATE_INFECTED);
te = find(NIL, netname, "biotimer");
while (te)
if (te.classname == "timer")
if (te.owner == patient)
te = find(te, netname, "biotimer");
// some damage is caused (because of the use of leeches!)
// remove half their remaining health
deathmsg = DMSG_MEDIKIT;
TF_T_Damage(patient, doc, doc, healam, 0, TF_TD_OTHER);
SpawnBlood(org, 30);
if (doc == patient)
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "Your sores disappear.\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " cures your infection!\n");
if (doc.classname == "player")
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, "You have healed ");
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, patient.netname);
sprint(doc, PRINT_HIGH, " of the infection.\n");
// Give the medic a frag for doing it, only if it was caused by an enemy
if (!Teammate(patient.infection_team_no, doc.team_no))
doc.real_frags = doc.real_frags + 1;
if (!(toggleflags & TFLAG_TEAMFRAGS))
doc.frags = doc.real_frags;
return TRUE;
// put out the fire if they are burning
if (patient.numflames > 0)
sound(patient, CHAN_WEAPON, "items/r_item1.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM);
patient.numflames = 0;
if (doc == patient)
sprint (doc, PRINT_HIGH, "Your flames are extinguished!\n");
sprint(patient, PRINT_HIGH, doc.netname, " stops you burning!\n");
if (doc.classname == "player")
sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, "You have put out ");
sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, patient.netname);
sprint(doc, PRINT_MEDIUM, "'s fire.\n");
return TRUE;