mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 03:50:57 +00:00
1371 lines
29 KiB
1371 lines
29 KiB
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blendfunc add
rgbGen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 10
//silly jet flame
//took out the light, was kinda sickening
qer_editorimage textures/clown/flame8.tga
surfaceparm nolightmap
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surfaceparm trans
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surfaceparm nolightmap
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blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
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surfaceparm nolightmap
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surfaceparm nolightmap
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surfaceparm nolightmap
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blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
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surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nolightmap
cull none
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tcMod Scroll 5 0
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
deformVertexes wave 25 sin 3 2 .5 3
surfaceparm nolightmap
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alphagen portal 1024
rgbGen identity
tcmod rotate .1
tcmod scroll .04 .01
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rgbgen identity
blendFunc filter
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/tesla1.jpg
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx/tesla1.jpg
q3map_surfacelight 25
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tcgen environment
blendfunc filter
map textures/sfx/tesla1.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 5
tcmod scale 4 .5
tcmod turb 0 .2 0 1
tcmod scroll -1 1
map textures/sfx/tesla1b.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.5
tcmod rotate 90
tcmod scale 4 .5
tcmod scroll -2 2
map textures/sfx/electricslime.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave sawtooth .25 1 0 5
tcmod scale 4 .5
tcmod turb 0 .2 0 1
tcmod scroll 2 -2
map textures/clown/cable.tga
blendfunc blend
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/tesla1b.jpg
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx/electricslime.jpg
q3map_surfacelight 25
cull none
map $lightmap
tcgen environment
blendfunc filter
map textures/sfx/tesla1.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 5
tcmod scale 1 2
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tcmod scroll 2 -2
map textures/sfx/electricslime.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave sawtooth .25 1 0 5
tcmod scale 1 2
tcmod turb 0 .2 0 1
tcmod scroll 2 -2
map textures/clown/cable.tga
blendfunc blend
surfaceparm nolightmap
surfaceparm nonsolid
cull none
map $lightmap
depthFunc equal
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tcgen environment
blendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE
tcMod turb 3 .3 0 .3
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tcmod scale .2 .2
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/xian_dm3padwall.jpg
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx/xian_dm3padwallglow.jpg
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm metalsteps
q3map_surfacelight 25
map textures/sfx/xian_dm3padwall.jpg
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
rgbgen identity
blendfunc filter
map textures/sfx/xian_dm3padwallglow.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
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blendfunc add
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map textures/sfx/mirrorkc.tga
blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one_minus_src_alpha
alphagen portal 1024
rgbgen identity
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/flame1.tga
surfaceparm nolightmap
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q3map_surfacelight 2000
q3map_flare flareShader-lava
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q3map_surfacelight 1800
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alphaGen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 10
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/flame1.tga
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surfaceparm nomarks
cull disable
q3map_surfacelight 1000
q3map_flare flareShader-lava
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alphaGen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 10
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/b_flame1.tga
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q3map_surfacelight 2000
q3map_flare flareShader-lava
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blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
rgbGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 10
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rgbgen wave sin .4 .1 .5 2
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blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
rgbGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 10
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blendfunc add
rgbgen wave sin .4 .1 .5 2
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/b_flame2.tga
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q3map_surfacelight 2000
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alphaGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 10
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q3map_surfacelight 2000
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q3map_surfacelight 1500
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q3map_surfacelight 100
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blendFunc filter
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blendFunc add
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blendFunc filter
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blendFunc filter
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qer_editorimage textures/sfx/bouncepad01_block18b.jpg
q3map_lightimage textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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map textures/sfx/bouncepad01_block18b.jpg
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity
map textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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rgbGen wave sin 0.2 0.2 0 .9
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/bouncepad1q1metal7_99.jpg
q3map_lightimage textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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blendFunc filter
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q3map_surfacelight 100
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map textures/sfx/bounce_largeblock3b.jpg
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity
map textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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qer_editorimage textures/sfx/metalbridge06_bounce.jpg
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blendfunc filter
rgbGen identity
map textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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rgbGen wave sin 0.2 0.2 0 .9
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q3map_lightimage textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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map textures/sfx/bouncepad01_diamond2cTGA.jpg
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity
map textures/clown/circ4glow.tga
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blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
rgbGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 8
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blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
rgbGen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 8
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/flame5.tga
surfaceparm nolightmap
surfaceparm nomarks
cull disable
q3map_surfacelight 3787
q3map_flare textures/sfx/flameflare
deformVertexes wave 194 sin 0 1 0 .6
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blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
alphaGen wave inversesawtooth 0 1 0 10
animmap 10 textures/sfx/flame2.tga textures/sfx/flame4.tga textures/sfx/flame6.tga textures/sfx/flame8.tga
blendfunc gl_src_alpha gl_one
alphaGen wave sawtooth 0 1 0 10
surfaceparm nolightmap
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm trans
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blendfunc blend
tcMod rotate -888
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surfaceparm nodlight
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm trans
q3map_surfacelight 222
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blendfunc add
tcMod scroll 0.3 0.3
tcGen vector ( 2 0 0 ) ( 0 2 0 )
map textures/sfx/forcefieldd.tga
blendfunc add
tcMod scroll 0.32 0.35
qer_editorimage textures/clown/rain.tga
surfaceparm trans
surfaceparm nonsolid
surfaceparm nomarks
surfaceparm nolightmap
deformvertexes wave 25 sin 3 2 .1 3
cull none
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tcmod scroll .3 -6
tcmod turb .08 .3 .5 -.3
blendfunc add
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tcmod scroll .04 -7
blendfunc add
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_14b.tga
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_14b.tga
rgbgen identity
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tcmod scale .5 .5
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_14b.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
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blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_7b.tga
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_7b.tga
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/mfw7b_glow.jpg
tcmod scale .5 .5
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_7b.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_9b.tga
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_9b.tga
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/mfw9b_glow.jpg
tcmod scale .5 .5
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/metalfloor_wall_9b.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
surfaceparm metalsteps
surfaceparm nomarks
cull none
map textures/sfx/fan_grate.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
alphafunc GE128
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
depthfunc equal
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/nlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/blaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/blaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
surfaceparm nomarks
map textures/sfx/tread.jpg
tcmod scroll 0 1
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/rlaunch.jpg
blendfunc add
tcmod scroll 0 4
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
map textures/sfx/launchpad03.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendfunc filter
rgbgen identity
map textures/sfx/rlaunch2.jpg
blendfunc add
rgbgen wave square 0 .7 0 1.4
qer_editorimage textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx2/b_blur.tga
surfaceparm nodamage
surfaceparm nomarks
q3map_surfacelight 30
map textures/sfx2/b_blur.tga
tcmod rotate 300
rgbgen identity
clampmap textures/sfx/jcb2.tga
blendfunc add
tcmod rotate 100
tcmod stretch sin 1.2 .8 0 1.4
rgbgen wave square .5 .5 .25 1.4
map textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity
qer_editorimage textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx2/r_blur.tga
surfaceparm nodamage
surfaceparm nomarks
q3map_surfacelight 30
map textures/sfx2/r_blur.tga
tcmod rotate 300
rgbgen identity
clampmap textures/sfx/jcr2.tga
blendfunc add
tcmod rotate 100
tcmod stretch sin 1.2 .8 0 1.4
rgbgen wave square .5 .5 .25 1.4
map textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity
qer_editorimage textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
q3map_lightimage textures/sfx2/n_blur.tga
surfaceparm nodamage
surfaceparm nomarks
q3map_surfacelight 30
map textures/sfx2/n_blur.tga
tcmod rotate 300
rgbgen identity
clampmap textures/sfx/jc2.tga
blendfunc add
tcmod rotate 100
tcmod stretch sin 1.2 .8 0 1.4
rgbgen wave square .5 .5 .25 1.4
map textures/sfx2/jump_pad02.tga
blendfunc blend
rgbgen identity
map $lightmap
blendFunc filter
rgbGen identity