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synced 2025-03-09 03:00:54 +00:00
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Copyright (C) 2006 Dmn_clown (aka: Bob Isaac (rjisaac@gmail.com))
This file is part of Open Arena and is based upon Mr. Elusive's fuzzy logic
system found in Quake 3 Arena.
Open Arena is free software; you can redistribute it
and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or (at your option) any later version.
Open Arena is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Foobar; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
chat "Rai"
//the teamplay.h file is included for all kinds of teamplay chats
#include "teamplay.h"
type "game_enter" //initiated when the bot enters the game
"Are you prepared for pain?";
// 0 = bot name
// 1 = random opponent
// 4 = level's title
} //end type
type "game_exit" //initiated when the bot exits the game
"Look at the ~time";
4, " kinda wears on me, I think I'll find a different server, later ~peeps";
// 0 = bot name
// 1 = random opponent
// 4 = level's title
} //end type
type "level_start" //initiated when a new level starts
0, " it is time for some payback!";
1, " you are going to have some pain in ", 4, ".";
// 0 = bot name
} //end type
type "level_end" //initiated when a level ends and the bot is not first and not last in the rankings
"HA! ", 3, " is at the bottom, as usual.";
2, ", I let you win.";
4, " has changed a lot, it is much faster now.";
"Is it over yet?";
"I can remember when ", 4, " didn't suck.";
// 0 = bot name
// 1 = random opponent
// 2 = opponent in first place
// 3 = opponent in last place
// 4 = level's title
} //end type
type "level_end_victory" //initiated when a level ends and the bot is first in the rankings
3, " you need to practice more... and forget about winning against me.";
"I really like ", 4, " since they fixed it, it is so easy to win!";
"Next time, don't bother.";
// 0 = bot name
// 1 = random opponent
// 3 = opponent in last place
// 4 = level's title
} //end type
type "level_end_lose" //initiated when a level ends and the bot is last in the rankings
2, " cheated.";
"I had a hang nail, so of course I lost.";
"So much for my bluster...";
"I felt bad for you so I let you win.";
// 0 = bot name
// 1 = random opponent
// 2 = opponent in first place
// 4 = level's title
} //end type
type "hit_talking" //bot is hit while chat balloon is visible; lecture attacker on poor sportsmanship
0, ", didn't your mother ever tell you it was rude to interrupt a conversation?";
"I am going to shove that ", 1, " down your throat if you do that again!";
"Hey jerk! I was trying to hold a conversation here... do you mind?";
// 0 = shooter
// 1 = weapon used by shooter
} //end type
type "hit_nodeath" //bot is hit by an opponent's weapon attack but didn't die; either praise or insult
1, " is not a good weapon, a ", weapon, " should be more your speed.";
"You need to aim better.";
"Try harder next time.";
// 0 = shooter
// 1 = weapon used by shooter
} //end type
type "hit_nokill" //bot hits an opponent but does not kill it
0, " must be cheating.";
"Dammit! Why won't you die?!?";
"Well that sucked...";
"Note to self... turn off safety next ~time";
// 0 = opponent
} //end type
type "enemy_suicide" //enemy of the bot commits suicide
"Stop smoking ", substance, " and maybe you won't kill yourself so often.";
"Tired of life, ", 0, "? Give it up.";
"I guess that beats dying of ", disease, "...";
// 0 = enemy
} //end type
type "death_telefrag" //initiated when the bot is killed by a telefrag
"I hate praetorian impressions.";
"My ", counselor, " warned about days like this.";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "death_cratered" //initiated when the bot is killed by taking "normal" falling damage
"It didn't look that high from up there...";
// 0 = random opponent
} //end type
type "death_lava" //initiated when the bot dies in lava
"Well... it beats a case of hypothermia.";
"At least it is warm here";
// 0 = random opponent
} //end type
type "death_slime" //initiated when the bot dies in slime
"Green has never been my color...";
// 0 = random opponent
} //end type
type "death_drown" //initiated when the bot drowns
"It isn't that difficult to just breath water...";
"So why can't I breath water?";
// 0 = random opponent
} //end type
type "death_suicide" //initiated when bot blows self up with a weapon or craters
"So much for life and all of its cruel irony.";
"It is just easier for ", 0, " this way.";
// 0 = random opponent
} //end type
type "death_gauntlet" //initiated when the bot is killed by a gauntlet attack
"What part of '~Don't touch me there' do you not understand?";
// 0 = enemy name
// 1 = weapon used by enemy (NOTE: always set to Gauntlet)
} //end type
type "death_rail" //initiated when the bot is killed by a rail gun shot
// 0 = enemy name
// 1 = weapon used by enemy (NOTE: always set to Railgun)
} //end type
type "death_bfg" //initiated when the bot died by a BFG
"Can't find a skill weapon? Or is it just that you suck?";
"Over-compensating for something?";
// 0 = enemy name
// 1 = weapon used by enemy (NOTE: always set to BFG10K)
} //end type
type "death_insult" //insult initiated when the bot died
"This is far more painful than it looks.";
"One day, ", 0, " you me and a ", weapon, " are going to have a discussion.";
"Is that the best you can do?";
// 0 = enemy name
// 1 = weapon used by enemy
} //end type
type "death_praise" //praise initiated when the bot died
"Not bad, ", 0, ", have you been practicing?";
"I never saw it coming.";
// 0 = enemy name
// 1 = weapon used by enemy
} //end type
type "kill_rail" //initiated when the bot kills someone with rail gun
0, ", you should stay down...";
"*sigh* if only this was challenging.";
"I love this gun!";
"Way too easy";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "kill_gauntlet" //initiated when the bot kills someone with gauntlet
"Too easy";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "kill_telefrag" //initiated when the bot telefragged someone
"Aww man... now I have to take a bath to get the brains out.";
"Does anyone have a quick way of getting brains out of your hair?";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "kill_insult" //insult initiated when the bot killed someone
"Why do you even bother?";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "kill_praise" //praise initiated when the bot killed someone
"You are getting better, ", 0, ", keep it up and you might actually win something.";
// 0 = enemy name
} //end type
type "random_insult" //insult initiated randomly (just when the bot feels like it)
"You should give up your ", substance, " addiction by next ", month, ".";
"I saw those pictures of ", 0, " and a ", animal, " posted on the web last night... Like, ewww!";
"Your ", family_member, " needs to stop calling me.";
// 0 = name of randomly chosen player
// 1 = name of the last player killed by this bot
// 4 = level's title
// 5 = random weapon from weapon list
} //end type
type "random_misc" //miscellanous chats initiated randomly
"this one time, at band camp...";
"Has anyone tried out the new ", 5, "? Is it worth the upgrade?";
"You would be surprised what you can do with a ", animal, " a ", food, " and ", peeps, ".";
"Next time you see Gargoyle tell him to call me, mmmkay?";
neuterbot, " is cute.";
// 0 = name of randomly chosen player
// 1 = name of the last player killed by this bot
// 4 = level's title
// 5 = random weapon from weapon list
} //end type
} //end chat