Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/nzp-team/fteqw.git synced 2025-03-06 16:51:04 +00:00
Spoike fb86222fc7 made max_clients more dynamic on the server to attempt to reduce bss usage. hopefully this will help the webgl port without resulting in extra crashes.
tweaked shadowmaps. now seems faster than stencil shadows. cubemap orientation should now match other engines.
tweaked terrain. rtlights work. added pvs tests for embedded terrain. sections are now saved in chunks instead, which should mean windows doesn't have a panic attack at 16 million files in a single directory. hurrah.
first pass at realigning menu options to cope with variable-width fonts. still need to do pure-text items.

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4514 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2013-10-29 17:38:22 +00:00

529 lines
8.2 KiB

r_part te_rain
texture ball; scalefactor 1; count 1; alpha 0.4; rgb 255 255 255; die 2; veladd 2; scale 2; type texturedspark
cliptype rainsplash
clipbounce 1
clipcount 5
r_part rainsplash
randomvel 50 50
count 1;
texture ball; scalefactor 1; alpha 0.1; rgb 255 255 255; die 0.4; scale 50;
stretchfactor 4
veladd 50; scale 1; type texturedspark
gravity 400
//rocket trail
// flame trail
r_part tr_rocket
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
step 1
scale 12
alpha 0.4
die 0.5
rgb 255 127 100
rgbdelta -14 -300 -300
blend add
scalefactor 1
scaledelta -15
// smoke puffs
r_part +tr_rocket
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
step 5
scale 30
alpha 0.2
die 0.75
//diesubrand 10.25
randomvel 0.2
rgb 5 5 5
//rgbdelta -230 -45 -9
gravity -15
scalefactor 1
scaledelta 20
spawnvel 5
// burst sparks
r_part +tr_rocket
type texturedspark
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
count 1
scale 2
scalefactor 1
scaledelta -15
alpha 0.2
die 0.25
rgb 255 128 0
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 1
spawnvel 50
veladd 500
friction 0.01
gravity 100
//alternate rocket trail, which is used by a handful of qw players.
//r_part tr_altrocket
//grenade trail
r_part tr_grenade
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
step 6
scale 32
scaledelta 12
alpha 0.3
die 1.25
randomvel 2
veladd 15
rgb 75 75 75
//rgb 255 50 50
//rgbdelta -255 -75 -75
gravity -25
scalefactor 1
blend modulate
r_part +tr_grenade
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
scale 1
scaledelta 0.25
alpha 0.2
step 4
die 0.8
randomvel 0
rgb 255 150 150
rgbdelta 0 -150 -150
type beam
blend add
//shotgun impacts
r_part gunshotsmoke
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
count 3
scale 25
scalefactor 1
die 0.8
alpha 0.12
rgb 32 32 32
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 2
spawnvel 20
veladd -20
r_part te_gunshot
type texturedspark
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
count 3
scale 2
scalefactor 1
alpha 0.5
die 0.8
rgb 255 128 0
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 1
spawnvel 100
veladd -80
friction 0.3
gravity 400
assoc gunshotsmoke
//nail impacts
r_part te_spike
type sparkfan
count 10
scale 1
scalefactor 1
alpha 0.5
die 0.2
rgb 255 128 0
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 12
spawnvel 300
r_part +te_spike
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
count 1
scale 1
scalefactor 1
scaledelta 190
die 0.1
alpha 0.6
rgb 255 128 0
blend add
assoc gunshotsmoke
//red bit
r_part te_explosion
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
count 1
scale 500
alpha 0.4
die 0.2
rgb 255 127 100
rgbdelta -14 -300 -300
blend add
scalefactor 1
scaledelta -15
randomvel 0
lightradius 350
lightrgb 1.4 1.2 1.05
lighttime 0.5
lightradiusfade 350
lightrgbfade 2 2 2
r_part +te_explosion
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 97 97 191 191 256
count 7
scale 300
alpha 0.2
die 0.8
//diesubrand 10.25
randomvel 100
rgb 5 5 5
//rgbdelta -230 -45 -9
gravity -15
scalefactor 1
scaledelta 40
spawnvel 5
// burst sparks
r_part +te_explosion
type texturedspark
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 65 31 95 256 8 32
count 100
scale 5
scalefactor 1
scaledelta -15
alpha 0.2
die 0.5
rgb 255 128 0
blend add
spawnmode ball
spawnorg 1
randomvel 1000
friction 0.01
gravity 100
stretchfactor 5
//hide lights in explosions.
r_explosionlight 0
//hide the explosion sprite in nq+qw - WARNING: some mods use this sprite as a flame thrower.
cl_expsprite 0
r_effect "progs/s_explod.spr" hidden 1
//r_part te_tarexplosion
//r_part te_lavasplash
r_part te_teleport
scale 250
count 1
alpha 0.3
die 0.5
scalefactor 1
rotationstart 45
rotationspeed 0
varying vec2 tcoord;
varying vec4 scoord;
varying float alph;
attribute vec2 v_texcoord;
attribute vec4 v_colour;
void main(void)
scoord = ftetransform();
tcoord = (v_texcoord.st - 0.5)*2.0;
alph = v_colour.a;
gl_Position = scoord;
uniform sampler2D s_t0;
void main(void)
vec2 nst;
float f;
nst = scoord.xy / scoord.w;
nst = (1.0 + nst)/2.0;
f = 1.0 - length(tcoord);
// f = 1.0 - tcoord*tcoord;
if (f < 0.0) discard;
f *= alph;
gl_FragColor = texture2D(s_t0, nst - tcoord*f);
map $currentrender
blendfunc blend
r_part tr_knightspike
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
scale 15
step 1
alpha 0.6
die 0.2
rgb 192 96 48
veladd 0
randomvel 2
friction 4
scalefactor 0.825
blend add
spawnmode spiral
spawnvel -50
//vore missiles
r_part tr_vorespike
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
scale 15
step 1
alpha 0.6
die 0.5
rgb 192 96 192
veladd 15
spawnmode spiral
spawnvel 50
randomvel 0
friction 0
scalefactor 1
blend add
lightradius 150
lightrgb 0.75 0.37 0.75
//rygel's pack sucks
r_trail "progs/v_spike.mdl" tr_vorespike
//scrag missiles. just use the default trail cos we're lazy
//r_part tr_wizspike
r_part te_blood
texture fte_bloodparticle
blend subtract
count 1
scale 32
alpha 0
die 1
randomvel 64
veladd 10
rotationspeed 90
rotationstart 0 360
rgb 64 128 128
rgbdelta -64 -128 -128
gravity 200
scalefactor 0.8
// scaledelta -10
r_part pe_73
assoc te_blood
r_part te_lightningblood
texture fte_bloodparticle
blend subtract
count 1
scale 32
alpha 0
die 1
randomvel 64
veladd 10
rotationspeed 90
rotationstart 0 360
rgb 0 128 128
rgbdelta 0 -128 -128
gravity 200
scalefactor 0.8
//zombie body-part blood trails
r_part tr_slightblood
texture fte_bloodparticle
blend subtract
// tcoords 1 1 63 63 256 2 64
step 16
scale 64
alpha 0
die 1
randomvel 32
veladd 10
rotationspeed 90
rotationstart 0 360
rgb 64 128 128
rgbdelta -64 -128 -128
gravity 200
scalefactor 0.8
scaledelta -10
stains -0.5
//regular ol' blood trails
r_part tr_blood
texture fte_bloodparticle
blend subtract
step 8
scale 64
alpha 0
die 1
randomvel 32
veladd 10
rotationspeed 90
rotationstart 0 360
rgb 32 128 128
rgbdelta -32 -128 -128
gravity 200
scalefactor 0.8
scaledelta -10
stains -0.5
r_part pe_default
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
count 1
scale 4
veladd 15
die 0.4
alphadelta 0
diesubrand 0.4
gravity 40
spawnorg 8
r_part pe_defaulttrail
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
scale 15
step 1
alpha 0.6
die 0.2
rgb 192 96 48
veladd 0
randomvel 2
friction 4
scalefactor 0.825
spawnmode spiral
spawnvel 25
blend add
//map debugging
r_part pe_pointfile
texture "particles/fteparticlefont.tga"
tcoords 1 97 95 191 256
count 1
scale 50
die 30
alphadelta 0
rgb 255 255 0