mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 01:50:58 +00:00
rewrote messagemode to support utf8 properly, as well as left-arrow etc keys. support for mouse-over images on console links and stuff. added r_lerpmuzzlehack for certain viewmodels. use libtool's dlopen stuff on cygwin to try to cover some cygwin path differences. try to support utf-8 in filenames even in windows (only in nt, 9x is still ascii only). added certificate validation for gnutls. gnutls now enabled by default in linux. d3d11 tweaks. shadowmapping works. tweaks for updated terrain format, to try to fix some inefficiencies/limitations. xmpp plugin can now display avatars (xmpp /set avatars 1) xmpp file transfers supported by default, but capability is disabled by default (can be enabled by hacking config). git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/trunk@4523 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
1346 lines
41 KiB
1346 lines
41 KiB
#include "xmpp.h"
#ifdef JINGLE
static struct c2c_s *JCL_JingleAddContentToSession(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, char *with, bresource_t *bres, qboolean creator, char *sid, char *cname, int method, int mediatype)
struct icestate_s *ice = NULL;
char generatedname[64];
char stunhost[256];
int c;
if (!bres)
return NULL;
//make sure we can add more contents to this session
//block dupe content names.
if (c2c)
if (c2c->contents == sizeof(c2c->content) / sizeof(c2c->content[0]))
return NULL;
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (!strcmp(c2c->content[c].name, cname))
return NULL;
if (piceapi)
ice = piceapi->ICE_Create(NULL, sid, with, method, mediatype);
if (ice)
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "sid", generatedname, sizeof(generatedname));
sid = generatedname;
//the controlling role MUST be assumed by the initiator and the controlled role MUST be assumed by the responder
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "controller", creator?"1":"0");
if (creator && mediatype == ICEP_VOICE)
//note: the engine will ignore codecs it does not support.
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec96", "speex@16000"); //wide
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec97", "speex@8000"); //narrow
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec98", "speex@32000"); //ultrawide
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "codec99", "opus");
return NULL; //no way to get the local ip otherwise, which means things won't work proper
if (!c2c)
c2c = malloc(sizeof(*c2c) + strlen(sid));
memset(c2c, 0, sizeof(*c2c));
c2c->next = jcl->c2c;
jcl->c2c = c2c;
strcpy(c2c->sid, sid); //safe due to trailing space.
c2c->with = strdup(with);
c2c->peercaps = bres->caps;
c2c->creator = creator;
Q_strlcpy(c2c->content[c2c->contents].name, cname, sizeof(c2c->content[c2c->contents].name));
c2c->content[c2c->contents].method = method;
c2c->content[c2c->contents].mediatype = mediatype;
//copy out the interesting parameters
c2c->content[c2c->contents].ice = ice;
//query dns to see if there's a stunserver hosted by the same domain
//nslookup -querytype=SRV _stun._udp.example.com
//for msn, live.com has one, messanger.live.com has one, but messenger.live.com does NOT. seriously, the typo has more services. wtf microsoft?
//google doesn't provide a stun srv entry
//facebook doesn't provide a stun srv entry
Q_snprintf(stunhost, sizeof(stunhost), "_stun._udp.%s", jcl->domain);
if (NET_DNSLookup_SRV(stunhost, stunhost, sizeof(stunhost)))
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunip", stunhost);
//there is no real way to query stun servers from the xmpp server.
//while there is some extdisco extension (aka: the 'standard' way), it has some huge big fat do-not-implement message (and googletalk does not implement it).
//google provide their own jingleinfo extension. Which also has some huge fat 'do-not-implement' message. hardcoding the address should provide equivelent longevity. :(
//google also don't provide stun srv records.
//so we're basically screwed if we want to work with the googletalk xmpp service long term.
//more methods are best, I suppose, but I'm lazy.
//yes, hardcoding means that other services might 'borrow' googles' stun servers.
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunport", "19302");
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "stunip", "stun.l.google.com");
return c2c;
static qboolean JCL_JingleAcceptAck(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct iq_s *iq)
int i;
struct c2c_s *c2c;
if (tree)
for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next)
if (c2c == iq->usrptr)
for (i = 0; i < c2c->contents; i++)
if (c2c->content[i].ice)
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[i].ice, "state", STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING));
return true;
static void JCL_PopulateAudioDescription(xmltree_t *description, struct icestate_s *ice)
xmltree_t *payload;
int i;
for (i = 96; i <= 127; i++)
char codecname[64];
char argn[64];
Q_snprintf(argn, sizeof(argn), "codec%i", i);
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, argn, codecname, sizeof(codecname));
if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@8000"))
{ //speex narrowband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "8000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "speex");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@16000"))
{ //speex wideband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "16000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "speex");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "speex@32000"))
{ //speex ultrawideband
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "clockrate", "32000");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "speex");
else if (!strcmp(codecname, "opus"))
{ //opus codec.
payload = XML_CreateNode(description, "payload-type", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "channels", "1");
XML_AddParameter(payload, "id", argn+5);
XML_AddParameter(payload, "name", "opus");
static void JCL_JingleError(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, char *from, char *id, int type)
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s' />", from, id);
"<iq id='%s' to='%s' type='error'>"
"<error type='cancel'>"
"<bad-request xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"</iq>", id, from);
"<iq id='%s' to='%s' type='error'>"
"<error type='modify'>"
"<item-not-found xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"<unknown-session xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:errors:1'/>"
"</iq>", id, from);
"<iq id='%s' to='%s' type='error'>"
"<error type='modify'>"
"<feature-not-implemented xmlns='urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas'/>"
"<unsupported-info xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:errors:1'/>"
"</iq>", id, from);
sends a jingle message to the peer.
action should be one of multiple things:
session-terminate - totally not acceptable. this also closes the c2c
session-accept - details are okay. this also begins ice polling (on iq ack, once we're sure the peer got our message)
(internally generated) transport-replace - details are okay, except we want a different transport method.
static qboolean JCL_JingleSend(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, char *action)
qboolean result;
xmltree_t *jingle;
int c;
// struct icestate_s *ice = c2c->ice;
qboolean wasaccept = false;
int transportmode = ICEM_ICE;
int cap = c2c->peercaps;
if (!c2c->contents)
action = "session-terminate";
if ((cap & CAP_GOOGLE_VOICE) && !(cap & CAP_VOICE))
//legacy crap for google compatibility.
if (!strcmp(action, "session-initiate"))
xmltree_t *session = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "session", "http://www.google.com/session", "");
xmltree_t *description = XML_CreateNode(session, "description", "http://www.google.com/session/phone", "");
XML_AddParameter(session, "id", c2c->sid);
XML_AddParameter(session, "initiator", jcl->jid);
XML_AddParameter(session, "type", "initiate");
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
JCL_PopulateAudioDescription(description, c2c->content[c].ice);
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, NULL, "set", c2c->with, session, true);
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
xmltree_t *session = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "session", "http://www.google.com/session", "");
xmltree_t *description = XML_CreateNode(session, "description", "http://www.google.com/session/phone", "");
XML_AddParameter(session, "id", c2c->sid);
XML_AddParameter(session, "initiator", c2c->with);
XML_AddParameter(session, "type", "accept");
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
JCL_PopulateAudioDescription(description, c2c->content[c].ice);
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, JCL_JingleAcceptAck, "set", c2c->with, session, true)->usrptr = c2c;
c2c->accepted = true;
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-info"))
struct icecandinfo_s *ca;
while ((ca = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice)))
xmltree_t *session = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "session", "http://www.google.com/session", "");
XML_AddParameter(session, "id", c2c->sid);
XML_AddParameter(session, "initiator", c2c->creator?jcl->jid:c2c->with);
XML_AddParameter(session, "type", "candidates");
//one per message, apparently
if (ca)
char *ctypename[]={"local", "stun", "stun", "relay"};
char *pref[]={"1", "0.9", "0.5", "0.2"};
xmltree_t *candidate = XML_CreateNode(session, "candidate", "", "");
char pwd[64];
char uname[64];
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lufrag", uname, sizeof(uname));
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lpwd", pwd, sizeof(pwd));
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "address", ca->addr);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "port", ca->port);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "name", (ca->component==1)?"rtp":"rtcp");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "username", uname);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "password", pwd);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "preference", pref[ca->type]); //FIXME: c->priority
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "protocol", "udp");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "type", ctypename[ca->type]);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "generation", ca->generation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "network", ca->network);
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, NULL, "set", c2c->with, session, true);
*/Con_Printf("No idea how to write candidates for gingle\n");
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-terminate"))
struct c2c_s **link;
xmltree_t *session = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "session", "http://www.google.com/session", "");
XML_AddParameter(session, "id", c2c->sid);
XML_AddParameter(session, "initiator", c2c->creator?jcl->jid:c2c->with);
XML_AddParameter(session, "type", "terminate");
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, NULL, "set", c2c->with, session, true);
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == c2c)
*link = c2c->next;
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
c2c->content[c].ice = NULL;
return false;
return false;
return true;
jingle = XML_CreateNode(NULL, "jingle", "urn:xmpp:jingle:1", "");
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "sid", c2c->sid);
if (!strcmp(action, "session-initiate"))
{ //these attributes are meant to only be present in initiate. for call forwarding etc. which we don't properly support.
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "initiator", jcl->jid);
if (!strcmp(action, "session-terminate"))
struct c2c_s **link;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == c2c)
*link = c2c->next;
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
c2c->content[c].ice = NULL;
result = false;
result = true;
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
xmltree_t *content = XML_CreateNode(jingle, "content", "", "");
struct icestate_s *ice = c2c->content[c].ice;
XML_AddParameter(content, "name", c2c->content[c].name);
if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
if (c2c->content[c].method == transportmode)
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "responder", jcl->jid);
action = "transport-replace";
xmltree_t *description;
xmltree_t *transport;
if (transportmode == ICEM_RAW)
transport = XML_CreateNode(content, "transport", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1", "");
xmltree_t *candidate;
struct icecandinfo_s *b = NULL;
struct icecandinfo_s *c;
while ((c = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice)))
if (!b || b->priority < c->priority)
b = c;
if (b)
candidate = XML_CreateNode(transport, "candidate", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "ip", b->addr);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "port", b->port);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "id", b->candidateid);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "generation", b->generation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "component", b->component);
else if (transportmode == ICEM_ICE)
char val[64];
transport = XML_CreateNode(content, "transport", "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:ice-udp:1", "");
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lufrag", val, sizeof(val));
XML_AddParameter(transport, "ufrag", val);
piceapi->ICE_Get(ice, "lpwd", val, sizeof(val));
XML_AddParameter(transport, "pwd", val);
struct icecandinfo_s *c;
while ((c = piceapi->ICE_GetLCandidateInfo(ice)))
char *ctypename[]={"host", "srflx", "prflx", "relay"};
xmltree_t *candidate = XML_CreateNode(transport, "candidate", "", "");
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "type", ctypename[c->type]);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "protocol", "udp"); //is this not just a little bit redundant? ice-udp? seriously?
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "priority", c->priority);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "port", c->port);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "network", c->network);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "ip", c->addr);
XML_AddParameter(candidate, "id", c->candidateid);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "generation", c->generation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "foundation", c->foundation);
XML_AddParameteri(candidate, "component", c->component);
if (strcmp(action, "transport-info"))
#ifdef VOIP
if (c2c->content[c].mediatype == ICEP_VOICE)
XML_AddParameter(content, "senders", "both");
XML_AddParameter(content, "creator", "initiator");
description = XML_CreateNode(content, "description", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1", "");
XML_AddParameter(description, "media", MEDIATYPE_AUDIO);
JCL_PopulateAudioDescription(description, ice);
else if (c2c->content[c].mediatype == ICEP_VIDEO)
XML_AddParameter(content, "senders", "both");
XML_AddParameter(content, "creator", "initiator");
description = XML_CreateNode(content, "description", "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1", "");
XML_AddParameter(description, "media", MEDIATYPE_VIDEO);
//JCL_PopulateAudioDescription(description, ice);
description = XML_CreateNode(content, "description", QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS, "");
XML_AddParameter(description, "media", MEDIATYPE_QUAKE);
if (c2c->content[c].mediatype == ICEP_QWSERVER)
XML_AddParameter(description, "host", "me");
else if (c2c->content[c].mediatype == ICEP_QWCLIENT)
XML_AddParameter(description, "host", "you");
if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
c2c->accepted = wasaccept = true;
XML_AddParameter(jingle, "action", action);
// Con_Printf("Sending Jingle:\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(jingle, 1);
JCL_SendIQNode(jcl, wasaccept?JCL_JingleAcceptAck:NULL, "set", c2c->with, jingle, true)->usrptr = c2c;
return result;
void JCL_JingleTimeouts(jclient_t *jcl, qboolean killall)
int c;
struct c2c_s *c2c;
for (c2c = jcl->c2c; c2c; c2c = c2c->next)
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].method == ICEM_ICE)
char bah[2];
piceapi->ICE_Get(c2c->content[c].ice, "newlc", bah, sizeof(bah));
if (atoi(bah))
Con_DPrintf("Sending updated local addresses\n");
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-info");
void JCL_Join(jclient_t *jcl, char *target, char *sid, qboolean allow, int protocol)
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL, **link;
char autotarget[256];
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
int c;
if (!jcl)
if (!JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, target, &b, &br, true))
Con_Printf("user/resource not known\n");
if (!br)
br = b->defaultresource;
if (!br)
br = b->resources;
if (!strchr(target, '/'))
if (!br)
Con_Printf("User name not valid\n");
Q_snprintf(autotarget, sizeof(autotarget), "%s/%s", b->accountdomain, br->resource);
target = autotarget;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link && !c2c; link = &(*link)->next)
if (!strcmp((*link)->with, target) && (!sid || !strcmp((*link)->sid, sid)))
if (protocol == ICEP_INVALID)
c2c = *link;
for (c = 0; c < (*link)->contents; c++)
if ((*link)->content[c].mediatype == protocol)
c2c = *link;
if (allow)
if (!c2c)
if (!sid)
char convolink[512], hanguplink[512];
if (protocol == ICEP_INVALID)
protocol = ICEP_QWCLIENT;
c2c = JCL_JingleAddContentToSession(jcl, NULL, target, br, true, sid, "foobar2000", DEFAULTICEMODE, protocol);
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-initiate");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, target, NULL, NULL, "%s", target);
JCL_GenLink(jcl, hanguplink, sizeof(hanguplink), "jdeny", target, NULL, c2c->sid, "%s", "Hang Up");
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "%s %s %s.\n", protocol==ICEP_VOICE?"Calling":"Requesting session with", convolink, hanguplink);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "That session has expired.\n");
else if (c2c->creator)
char convolink[512];
//resend initiate if they've not acked it... I dunno...
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-initiate");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, target, NULL, NULL, "%s", target);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Restarting session with %s.\n", convolink);
else if (c2c->accepted)
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "That session was already accepted.\n");
char convolink[512];
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-accept");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, target, NULL, NULL, "%s", target);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Accepting session from %s.\n", convolink);
if (c2c)
char convolink[512];
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-terminate");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, target, NULL, NULL, "%s", target);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Terminating session with %s.\n", convolink);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "That session has already expired.\n");
static void JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, xmltree_t *inj, char *from, char *sid)
xmltree_t *incontent;
xmltree_t *intransport;
xmltree_t *incandidate;
struct icecandinfo_s rem;
struct icestate_s *ice;
int i, contid;
char *cname;
if (!c2c->sid)
if (strcmp(c2c->with, from) || strcmp(c2c->sid, sid))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
//a message can contain multiple contents
for (contid = 0; ; contid++)
incontent = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "content", contid);
if (!incontent)
cname = XML_GetParameter(incontent, "name", "");
//find which content this node refers to.
ice = NULL;
for (i = 0; i < c2c->contents; i++)
if (!strcmp(c2c->content[i].name, cname))
ice = c2c->content[i].ice;
if (!ice)
//err... this content doesn't exist?
intransport = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "transport", 0);
if (!intransport)
continue; //err, I guess it wasn't a transport update then (or related).
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "rufrag", XML_GetParameter(intransport, "ufrag", ""));
piceapi->ICE_Set(ice, "rpwd", XML_GetParameter(intransport, "pwd", ""));
for (i = 0; (incandidate = XML_ChildOfTree(intransport, "candidate", i)); i++)
char *s;
memset(&rem, 0, sizeof(rem));
Q_strlcpy(rem.addr, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "ip", ""), sizeof(rem.addr));
Q_strlcpy(rem.candidateid, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "id", ""), sizeof(rem.candidateid));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "type", "");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "srflx"))
rem.type = ICE_SRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "prflx"))
rem.type = ICE_PRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "relay"))
rem.type = ICE_RELAY;
rem.type = ICE_HOST;
rem.port = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "port", "0"));
rem.priority = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "priority", "0"));
rem.network = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "network", "0"));
rem.generation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "generation", "0"));
rem.foundation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "foundation", "0"));
rem.component = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "component", "0"));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "protocol", "udp");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "udp"))
rem.transport = 0;
rem.transport = 0;
piceapi->ICE_AddRCandidateInfo(ice, &rem);
static void JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts_GoogleSession(jclient_t *jcl, struct c2c_s *c2c, xmltree_t *inj, char *from, char *sid)
xmltree_t *incandidate;
struct icecandinfo_s rem;
int i;
int c;
if (strcmp(c2c->with, from) || strcmp(c2c->sid, sid))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
if (!c2c->sid)
//with google's session api, every session uses a single set of ports.
for (i = 0; (incandidate = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "candidate", i)); i++)
char *s;
memset(&rem, 0, sizeof(rem));
Q_strlcpy(rem.addr, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "address", ""), sizeof(rem.addr));
// Q_strlcpy(rem.candidateid, XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "id", ""), sizeof(rem.candidateid));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "type", "");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "stun"))
rem.type = ICE_SRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "stun"))
rem.type = ICE_PRFLX;
else if (s && !strcmp(s, "relay"))
rem.type = ICE_RELAY;
rem.type = ICE_HOST;
rem.port = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "port", "0"));
rem.priority = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "priority", "0"));
rem.network = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "network", "0"));
rem.generation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "generation", "0"));
rem.foundation = atoi(XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "foundation", "0"));
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "name", "rtp");
if (!strcmp(s, "rtp"))
rem.component = 1;
else if (!strcmp(s, "rtcp"))
rem.component = 2;
rem.component = 0;
s = XML_GetParameter(incandidate, "protocol", "udp");
if (s && !strcmp(s, "udp"))
rem.transport = 0;
rem.transport = 0;
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
piceapi->ICE_AddRCandidateInfo(c2c->content[c].ice, &rem);
static qboolean JCL_JingleHandleInitiate_GoogleSession(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *inj, char *from)
xmltree_t *indescription = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "description", 0);
char *descriptionxmlns = indescription?indescription->xmlns:"";
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(inj, "id", "");
qboolean accepted = false;
char *response = "terminate";
char *offer = "pwn you";
char *autocvar = "xmpp_autoaccepthax";
char *initiator;
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL;
int mt = ICEP_INVALID;
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
//FIXME: add support for session forwarding so that we might forward the connection to the real server. for now we just reject it.
initiator = XML_GetParameter(inj, "initiator", "");
if (strcmp(initiator, from))
return false;
if (indescription && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, "http://www.google.com/session/phone"))
offer = "is trying to call you";
autocvar = "xmpp_autoacceptvoice";
if (mt == ICEP_INVALID)
return false;
if (!JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &b, &br, true))
return false;
//FIXME: if both people try to establish a connection to the other simultaneously, the higher session id is meant to be canceled, and the lower accepted automagically.
c2c = JCL_JingleAddContentToSession(jcl, NULL, from, br, false,
sid, "the mystical magical content name",
if (c2c)
int c = c2c->contents-1;
c2c->peercaps = CAP_GOOGLE_VOICE;
if (mt == ICEP_VOICE)
qboolean okay = false;
int i = 0;
xmltree_t *payload;
//chuck it at the engine and see what sticks. at least one must...
while((payload = XML_ChildOfTree(indescription, "payload-type", i++)))
char *name = XML_GetParameter(payload, "name", "");
char *clock = XML_GetParameter(payload, "clockrate", "");
char *id = XML_GetParameter(payload, "id", "");
char parm[64];
char val[64];
//note: the engine will ignore codecs it does not support, returning false.
if (!stricmp(name, "SPEEX"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
Q_snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "speex@%i", atoi(clock));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[c].ice, parm, val);
else if (!stricmp(name, "OPUS"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[c].ice, parm, "opus");
//don't do it if we couldn't successfully set any codecs, because the engine doesn't support the ones that were listed, or something.
//we really ought to give a reason, but we're rude.
if (!okay)
char convolink[512];
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "terminate");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", b->name);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "%s does not support any compatible audio codecs, and is unable to call you.\n", convolink);
return false;
if (mt != ICEP_INVALID)
char convolink[512];
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", b->name);
if (!pCvar_GetFloat(autocvar))
char authlink[512];
char denylink[512];
JCL_GenLink(jcl, authlink, sizeof(authlink), "jauth", from, NULL, sid, "%s", "Accept");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, denylink, sizeof(denylink), "jdeny", from, NULL, sid, "%s", "Reject");
//show a prompt for it, send the reply when the user decides.
"%s %s. %s %s\n", convolink, offer, authlink, denylink);
return true;
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Auto-accepting session from %s\n", convolink);
response = "accept";
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, response);
return true;
static struct c2c_s *JCL_JingleHandleInitiate(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *inj, char *from)
xmltree_t *gamecontent = NULL;
xmltree_t *audiocontent = NULL;
xmltree_t *videocontent = NULL;
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(inj, "sid", "");
qboolean accepted = false;
qboolean okay;
char *initiator;
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL;
int mt = ICEP_INVALID;
int i, c;
buddy_t *b;
bresource_t *br;
//FIXME: add support for session forwarding so that we might forward the connection to the real server. for now we just reject it.
initiator = XML_GetParameter(inj, "initiator", "");
if (strcmp(initiator, from))
return NULL;
//reject it if we don't know them.
if (!JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &b, &br, false))
return NULL;
for (i = 0; ; i++)
xmltree_t *incontent = XML_ChildOfTree(inj, "content", i);
char *cname = XML_GetParameter(incontent, "name", "");
xmltree_t *intransport = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "transport", 0);
xmltree_t *indescription = XML_ChildOfTree(incontent, "description", 0);
char *transportxmlns = intransport?intransport->xmlns:"";
char *descriptionxmlns = indescription?indescription->xmlns:"";
char *descriptionmedia = XML_GetParameter(indescription, "media", "");
if (!incontent)
if (incontent && !strcmp(descriptionmedia, MEDIATYPE_QUAKE) && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, QUAKEMEDIAXMLNS))
char *host = XML_GetParameter(indescription, "host", "you");
if (!strcmp(host, "you"))
else if (!strcmp(host, "me"))
if (incontent && !strcmp(descriptionmedia, MEDIATYPE_AUDIO) && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1"))
if (incontent && !strcmp(descriptionmedia, MEDIATYPE_VIDEO) && !strcmp(descriptionxmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1"))
if (mt == ICEP_INVALID)
c2c = JCL_JingleAddContentToSession(jcl, NULL, from, br, false, sid, cname,
strcmp(transportxmlns, "urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:raw-udp:1")?ICEM_ICE:ICEM_RAW,
if (!c2c)
c = c2c->contents-1;
okay = false;
if (mt == ICEP_VOICE)
int i = 0;
xmltree_t *payload;
//chuck it at the engine and see what sticks. at least one must...
while((payload = XML_ChildOfTree(indescription, "payload-type", i++)))
char *name = XML_GetParameter(payload, "name", "");
char *clock = XML_GetParameter(payload, "clockrate", "");
char *id = XML_GetParameter(payload, "id", "");
char parm[64];
char val[64];
//note: the engine will ignore codecs it does not support, returning false.
if (!stricmp(name, "SPEEX"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
Q_snprintf(val, sizeof(val), "speex@%i", atoi(clock));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[c].ice, parm, val);
else if (!stricmp(name, "OPUS"))
Q_snprintf(parm, sizeof(parm), "codec%i", atoi(id));
okay |= piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[c].ice, parm, "opus");
okay = true;
//don't do it if we couldn't successfully set any codecs, because the engine doesn't support the ones that were listed, or something.
//we really ought to give a reason, but we're rude.
if (!okay)
char convolink[512];
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", b->name);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "%s does not support any compatible codecs, and is unable to call you.\n", convolink);
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
c2c->content[c].ice = NULL;
if (!c2c)
return NULL;
if (!c2c->contents)
if (jcl->c2c == c2c)
jcl->c2c = c2c->next;
Con_Printf("^1error in "__FILE__" %i\n", __LINE__);
return NULL;
//if they speak this, we never want to speak gingle at them!
c2c->peercaps &= ~(CAP_GOOGLE_VOICE);
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, inj, from, sid);
return c2c;
static qboolean JCL_JingleHandleSessionTerminate(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, struct c2c_s *c2c, struct c2c_s **link, buddy_t *b)
xmltree_t *reason = XML_ChildOfTree(tree, "reason", 0);
int c;
if (!c2c)
Con_Printf("Received session-terminate without an active session\n");
return false;
if (reason && reason->child)
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Session ended: %s\n", reason->child->name);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Session ended\n");
//unlink it
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (*link == c2c)
*link = c2c->next;
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
return true;
static qboolean JCL_JingleHandleSessionAccept(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, char *from, struct c2c_s *c2c, buddy_t *b)
//peer accepted our session
//make sure it actually was ours, and not theirs. sneaky sneaky.
//will generally contain some port info.
if (!c2c)
Con_DPrintf("Unknown session acceptance\n");
return false;
else if (!c2c->creator)
Con_DPrintf("Peer tried to accept a session that *they* created!\n");
return false;
else if (c2c->accepted)
//pidgin is buggy and can dupe-accept sessions multiple times.
Con_DPrintf("Duplicate session-accept from peer.\n");
//XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
return false;
char *responder = XML_GetParameter(tree, "responder", from);
int c;
if (strcmp(responder, from))
return false;
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Session Accepted!\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from, XML_GetParameter(tree, "sid", ""));
c2c->accepted = true;
//if we didn't error out, the ICE stuff is meant to start sending handshakes/media as soon as the connection is accepted
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
if (c2c->content[c].ice)
piceapi->ICE_Set(c2c->content[c].ice, "state", STRINGIFY(ICE_CONNECTING));
return true;
qboolean JCL_HandleGoogleSession(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, char *from, char *iqid)
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(tree, "id", "");
char *type = XML_GetParameter(tree, "type", "");
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL, **link;
buddy_t *b;
//validate+find sender
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (!strcmp((*link)->sid, sid))
c2c = *link;
if (!c2c->accepted)
if (!JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &b, NULL, true))
return false;
if (c2c && strcmp(c2c->with, from))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
return false;
Con_Printf("google session with %s:\n", from);
XML_ConPrintTree(tree, "", 0);
if (!strcmp(type, "accept"))
if (!JCL_JingleHandleSessionAccept(jcl, tree, from, c2c, b))
return false;
else if (!strcmp(type, "initiate"))
if (!JCL_JingleHandleInitiate_GoogleSession(jcl, tree, from))
return false;
else if (!strcmp(type, "terminate"))
JCL_JingleHandleSessionTerminate(jcl, tree, c2c, link, b);
else if (!strcmp(type, "candidates"))
if (!c2c)
return false;
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts_GoogleSession(jcl, c2c, tree, from, sid);
Con_Printf("Unknown google session action: %s\n", type);
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
return false;
"<iq type='result' to='%s' id='%s' />", from, iqid);
return true;
qboolean JCL_ParseJingle(jclient_t *jcl, xmltree_t *tree, char *from, char *id)
char *action = XML_GetParameter(tree, "action", "");
char *sid = XML_GetParameter(tree, "sid", "");
struct c2c_s *c2c = NULL, **link;
buddy_t *b;
for (link = &jcl->c2c; *link; link = &(*link)->next)
if (!strcmp((*link)->sid, sid))
c2c = *link;
if (!c2c->accepted)
if (!JCL_FindBuddy(jcl, from, &b, NULL, true))
return false;
//validate sender
if (c2c && strcmp(c2c->with, from))
Con_Printf("%s is trying to mess with our connections...\n", from);
return false;
//FIXME: transport-info, transport-replace
if (!strcmp(action, "session-terminate"))
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleHandleSessionTerminate(jcl, tree, c2c, link, b);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "content-accept"))
//response from content-add
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "content-add"))
//FIXME: must send content-reject
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "content-modify"))
//send an error to reject it
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
else if (!strcmp(action, "content-reject"))
//response from content-add. an error until we actually generate content-adds...
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "content-remove"))
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "description-info"))
//The description-info action is used to send informational hints about parameters related to the application type, such as the suggested height and width of a video display area or suggested configuration for an audio stream.
//just ack and ignore it
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "security-info"))
//The security-info action is used to send information related to establishment or maintenance of security preconditions.
//no security mechanisms supported...
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-info"))
if (tree->child)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTEDINFO);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE); //serves as a ping.
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-info"))
{ //peer wants to add ports.
if (c2c)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from, sid);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
//FIXME: we need to add support for this to downgrade to raw if someone tries calling through a SIP gateway
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-replace"))
if (c2c)
if (1)
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-reject");
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleParsePeerPorts(jcl, c2c, tree, from, sid);
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "transport-accept");
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "transport-reject"))
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleSend(jcl, c2c, "session-terminate");
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-accept"))
if (c2c)
//response from a message we sent.
if (JCL_JingleHandleSessionAccept(jcl, tree, from, c2c, b))
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_OUTOFORDER);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNKNOWNSESSION);
else if (!strcmp(action, "session-initiate"))
// Con_Printf("Peer initiating connection!\n");
// XML_ConPrintTree(tree, 0);
c2c = JCL_JingleHandleInitiate(jcl, tree, from);
if (c2c)
qboolean voice = false, video = false, server = false, client = false;
char *offer;
char convolink[512];
int c;
qboolean doprompt = false;
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_ACKNOWLEDGE);
for (c = 0; c < c2c->contents; c++)
case ICEP_INVALID: break;
case ICEP_VOICE: voice = true; doprompt |= !pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_autoacceptvoice"); break;
case ICEP_VIDEO: video = true; doprompt |= !pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_autoacceptvoice"); break;
case ICEP_QWSERVER: server = true; doprompt |= !pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_autoacceptjoins"); break;
case ICEP_QWCLIENT: client = true; doprompt |= !pCvar_GetFloat("xmpp_autoacceptinvites"); break;
default: doprompt |= true; break;
if (video)
if (server)
offer = "wants to join your game (with ^1video^7)";
else if (client)
offer = "wants to invite you to thier game (with ^1video^7)";
offer = "is trying to ^1video^7 call you";
else if (voice)
if (server)
offer = "wants to join your game (with voice)";
else if (client)
offer = "wants to invite you to thier game (with voice)";
offer = "is trying to call you";
if (server)
offer = "wants to join your game";
else if (client)
offer = "wants to invite you to thier game";
offer = "is trying to waste your time";
JCL_GenLink(jcl, convolink, sizeof(convolink), NULL, from, NULL, NULL, "%s", b->name);
if (doprompt)
char authlink[512];
char denylink[512];
JCL_GenLink(jcl, authlink, sizeof(authlink), "jauth", from, NULL, sid, "%s", "Accept");
JCL_GenLink(jcl, denylink, sizeof(denylink), "jdeny", from, NULL, sid, "%s", "Reject");
//show a prompt for it, send the reply when the user decides.
"%s %s. %s %s\n", convolink, offer, authlink, denylink);
Con_SubPrintf(b->name, "Auto-accepting session from %s\n", convolink);
JCL_Join(jcl, from, sid, true, ICEP_INVALID);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
JCL_JingleError(jcl, tree, from, id, JE_UNSUPPORTED);
return true;
#endif |