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synced 2025-03-02 23:01:53 +00:00
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529 lines
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// Nazi Zombies Portable config file (2024-07-04 16:50)
bind "TAB" "showscores"
bind "ESCAPE" "togglemenu"
bind "SPACE" "impulse 10"
bind - "impulse 24"
bind 0 "impulse 109"
bind 1 "+button4"
bind 2 "+button4"
bind 3 "impulse 102"
bind 4 "impulse 33"
bind 5 "impulse 104"
bind 6 "impulse 105"
bind 7 "impulse 106"
bind 8 "impulse 107"
bind 9 "impulse 108"
bind = "impulse 22"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+button7"
bind g "+button3"
bind r "+button5"
bind s "+back"
bind t "messagemode"
bind v "+button6"
bind w "+forward"
bind ~ "toggleconsole"
bind LALT "impulse 30"
bind LCTRL "+button4"
bind LSHIFT "impulse 23"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
bind MOUSE2 "+button8"
bind MWHEELDOWN "+button4"
bind MWHEELUP "+button4"
joyadvaxisr 4
joyadvaxisu 2
joyadvaxisx 3
joyadvaxisy -1
bind JOY1 "+button5"
bindlevel JOY2 30 "null"
bind JOY3 "+button4"
bind GP_LSHOULDER "impulse 33"
bind AUX1 "+moveup"
bind AUX2 "+button3"
bindlevel AUX3 30 "null"
bindlevel AUX4 30 "null"
bind AUX5 "togglemenu"
bind GP_RTRIGGER "+attack"
bind GP_Y "+button4"
bindlevel GP_A 30 "impulse 10"
bindlevel GP_B 30 "impulse 30"
bindlevel GP_X 30 "+button5"
bindlevel GP_LTHUMB 30 "impulse 23"
bindlevel GP_RTHUMB 30 "+button6"
bind GP_LTRIGGER "+button8"
bindlevel GP_DPAD_DOWN 30 "+button7"
bindlevel GP_RSHOULDER 30 "+button3"
bindlevel GP_DPAD_RIGHT 30 "impulse 33"
bindlevel GP_DPAD_UP 30 "+button7"
bind GP_VIEW "showscores"
joysidesensitivity 0.8
joyyawsensitivity 0.6
joypitchsensitivity 0.55
setinfo * ""
setinfo "in_menu" "1"
p2 setinfo * ""
p3 setinfo * ""
p4 setinfo * ""
serverinfo * ""
serverinfo "map" "ndu"
localinfo * ""
alias +attack2 "+button3"
alias +crouch "impulse 22"
alias +sprint "impulse 23"
alias -attack2 "-button3"
alias -crouch "impulse 22"
alias -sprint "impulse 24"
alias restart "changelevel ."
alias restart_ents "changelevel . ."
alias startmap_sp "map start"
// Custom variables
seta r_deluxmapping "1" //Enables bumpmapping based upon precomputed light directions.
seta cl_bobside "0.02"
seta vid_ultrawide_limiter "0"
seta nzp_decals "1"
seta nzp_particles "1"
seta cl_cinematic "0"
seta in_rumbleenabled "1"
seta cl_controllerglyphs "xbox"
seta r_viewmodel_default_fov "70"
seta cg_chatEnabled "1"
// Text editor
pr_debugger "0" //When enabled, QC errors and debug events will enable step-by-step tracing.
// Item effects
seta r_drawflame "1" //Set to -1 to disable ALL static entities. Set to 0 to disable only wall torches and standing flame. Set to 1 for everything drawn as normal.
seta cl_nolerp "0" //Disables interpolation. If set, missiles/monsters will be show exactly what was last received, which will be jerky. Does not affect players. A value of 2 means 'interpolate only in single-player/coop'.
seta cl_deadbodyfilter "0"
seta cl_gibfilter "0"
v_powerupshell "0"
cl_r2g "0" //Uses progs/grenade.mdl instead of progs/missile.mdl when 1.
r_rocketlight "0"
cl_staticsounds "1"
seta gl_simpleitems "0" //Replace models with simpler sprites.
cl_model_bobbing "0" //Makes rotating pickup items bob too.
// client input controls
m_side "0.8"
m_forward "1"
m_yaw "0.022"
m_pitch "0.022"
sensitivity "3"
lookstrafe "0" //Mouselook enables mouse strafing.
lookspring "0" //Recentre the camera when the mouse-look is released.
cl_sidespeed "400"
cl_backspeed "" //The base speed that you move backwards at. If empty, uses the value of cl_forwardspeed instead.
cl_forwardspeed "400"
cl_upspeed "400"
// Temporary entity control
r_rocketlight_colour "2.0 1.0 0.25 200" //This controls the RGB+radius values of MF_ROCKET effects.
r_brightlight_colour "2.0 1.0 0.5 400" //The red, green, blue, radius values for EF_BRIGHTLIGHT effects (unused in vanilla quake).
r_bluelight_colour "0.5 0.5 3.0 200" //The red, green, blue, radius values for EF_BLUE effects (typically used for quad-damage in quakeworld)
r_greenlight_colour "0.5 3.0 0.5 200" //The red, green, blue, radius values for EF_GREEN effects (rarely used).
r_redlight_colour "3.0 0.5 0.5 200" //The red, green, blue, radius values for EF_RED effects (typically used for pentagram in quakeworld).
r_dimlight_colour "2.0 1.0 0.5 200" //The red, green, blue, radius values for EF_DIMLIGHT effects (used for quad+pent in vanilla quake).
r_muzzleflash_fade "1.5 0.75 0.375 1000" //This controls the per-second RGB+radius decay of EF_MUZZLEFLASH/svc_muzzleflash effects.
r_muzzleflash_colour "1.5 1.3 1.0 200" //This controls the initial RGB+radius of EF_MUZZLEFLASH/svc_muzzleflash effects.
r_explosionlight_fade "0.784 0.92 0.48" //This controls the per-second RGB decay values of EF_EXPLOSION effects.
r_explosionlight_colour "4.0 2.0 0.5" //This controls the initial RGB values of EF_EXPLOSION effects.
r_explosionlight "1"
cl_expsprite "0" //Display a central sprite in explosion effects. QuakeWorld typically does so, NQ mods should not (which is problematic when played with the qw protocol).
// client networking options
cl_netfps "150" //Send up to this many packets to the server per second. The rate used is also limited by the server which usually forces a cap to this setting of 77. Low packet rates can result in extra extrapolation to try to hide the resulting latencies.
// Status bar settings
cl_sbaralpha "0.75" //Specifies the transparency of the status bar. Only Takes effect when cl_sbar is set to 2.
// Voice Chat
cl_voip_bitrate "3000" //For codecs with non-specific bitrates, this specifies the target bitrate to use.
cl_voip_codec "" //0: speex(@11khz). 1: raw. 2: opus. 3: speex(@8khz). 4: speex(@16). 5:speex(@32). 6: pcma. 7: pcmu.
cl_voip_micamp "2" //Amplifies your microphone when using voip.
cl_voip_ducking "0.5" //Scales game audio by this much when someone is talking to you. Does not affect your speaker volume when you speak (minimum of cl_voip_capturingvol and cl_voip_ducking is used).
cl_voip_play "1" //Enables voip playback. Value is a volume scaler.
cl_voip_showmeter "1" //Shows your speech volume above the standard hud. 0=hide, 1=show when transmitting, 2=ignore voice-activation disable
cl_voip_capturingvol "0.5" //Volume multiplier applied while capturing, to avoid your audio from being heard by others. Does not affect game volume when others speak (minimum of cl_voip_capturingvol and cl_voip_ducking is used).
cl_voip_vad_threshhold "15" //This is the threshhold for voice-activation-detection when sending voip data
cl_voip_send "0" //Sends voice-over-ip data to the server whenever it is set.
//0: only send voice if +voip is pressed.
//1: voice activation.
//2: constantly send.
//+4: Do not send to game, only to rtp sessions.
cl_voip_capturedevice ""
// Sound controls
s_device "" //This is the sound device(s) to use, in the form of driver:device.
//If desired, multiple devices can be listed in space-seperated (quoted) tokens. _s_device_opts contains any enumerated options.
//In all seriousness, use the menu to set this if you wish to keep your hair.
s_localvolume "1" //Sound level for sounds local or originating from the player such as firing and pain sounds.
s_inactive "1" //Play sound while application is inactive (ie: tabbed out). Needs a snd_restart if changed.
s_doppler_max "2" //Highest allowed doppler scale, to avoid things getting too weird.
s_doppler_min "0.5" //Slowest allowed doppler scale.
s_doppler "0" //Enables doppler, with a multiplier for the scale.
s_bits "16"
s_numspeakers "2" //Number of hardware audio channels to use. Nazi Zombies: Portable supports up to 6.
s_swapstereo "0"
s_khz "48" //Sound speed, in kilohertz. Common values are 11, 22, 44, 48. Values above 1000 are explicitly in hertz.
s_mixahead "0.1" //Specifies how many seconds to prebuffer audio. Lower values give less latency, but might result in crackling. Different hardware/drivers have different tolerances, and this setting may be ignored completely where drivers are expected to provide their own tolerances.
s_ambientfade "100"
s_ambientlevel "0.3" //This controls the volume levels of automatic area-based sounds (like water or sky), and is quite annoying. If you're playing deathmatch you'll definitely want this OFF.
musicvolume "0.3" //Volume level for background music.
s_loadas8bit "0" //Downsample sounds on load as lower quality 8-bit sound, to save memory.
volume "0.05" //Volume level for game sounds (does not affect music, voice, or cinematics).
mastervolume "1" //Additional multiplier for all other sounds.
nosound "0" //Disable all sound from the engine. Cannot be overriden by configs or anything if set via the -nosound commandline argument.
// input controls
m_accel "0" //Values >0 will amplify mouse movement proportional to velocity. Small values have great effect. A lot of good Quake Live players use around the 0.1-0.2 mark, but this depends on your mouse CPI and polling rate.
m_touchmajoraxis "1" //When using a touchscreen, use only the major axis for strafing.
m_slidethreshold "10" //How far your finger needs to move to be considered a slide event (touchscreens).
m_longpressthreshold "1" //How long to press for it to register as a long press (touchscreens).
m_touchstrafe "1" //0: entire screen changes angles only.
//1: right hand side controls strafing.
//2:left hand side strafes.
m_filter "0"
// Server Browser Vars
sb_showtimelimit "0"
sb_showfraglimit "0"
sb_showplayers "1"
sb_showgamedir "0"
sb_showmap "0"
sb_showaddress "0"
sb_showping "1"
sb_sortcolumn "0"
sb_hideproxies "1"
sb_hidequakeworld "0"
sb_hidenetquake "0"
sb_hidedead "1"
sb_hidefull "0"
sb_hidenotempty "0"
sb_hideempty "0"
sb_alpha "0.7"
// Menu thingumiebobs
seta m_preset_chosen "1"
// server control variables
sv_savefmt "" //Specifies the format used for the saved game.
sv_autosave "0" //Interval for autosaves, in minutes. Set to 0 to disable autosave.
sv_crypt_rcon "" //Controls whether the rcon password must be hashed or not. Hashed passwords also partially prevent replay attacks, but does NOT prevent malicious actors from reading the commands/results.
//0: completely insecure. ONLY allows plain-text passwords. Do not use.
//1: Mandatory hashing (recommended).
//Empty: Allow either, whether the password is secure or not is purely the client's responsibility/fault. Only use this for comptibility with old clients.
sv_rconlim "4" //Blocks repeated (invalid) rcon attempts.
// QC Extensions
pr_ext_dp_qc_getsurface "" //Set to 0 to block detection of the extension
// server physics variables
seta sv_nqplayerphysics "0" //Disable player prediction and run NQ-style player physics instead. This can be used for compatibility with mods that expect exact behaviour. A value of 2 will not block prediction, and may be juddery/jerky/swimmy.
// Progs variables
sv_progs "" //Specifies the filename of the gamecode to use serverside. Empty means autodetect - typically loading either progs or qwprogs depending on gamedir priority, then based upon deathmatch settings.
temp1 "0"
saved4 "0"
saved3 "0"
saved2 "0"
saved1 "0"
savedgamecfg "0"
// Particle effects
gl_part_flame "1" //Enable particle emitting from models. Mainly used for torch and flame effects.
seta r_part_classic_square "0" //Enables square particles, for the oldskool look.
seta r_part_classic_opaque "0" //Disables transparency on classic particles, for the oldskool look.
seta r_part_classic_expgrav "10" //Scaler for how fast classic explosion particles should accelerate due to gravity. 1 for like vanilla, 10 for like zquake.
seta r_part_density "1"
r_part_contentswitch "1" //Enable particle effects to change based on content (ex. water).
r_particle_tracelimit "0x7fffffff" //Number of traces to allow per frame for particle physics.
r_part_rain_quantity "1"
r_part_rain "0" //Enable particle effects to emit off of surfaces. Mainly used for weather or lava/slime effects.
r_bouncysparks "1" //Enables particle interaction with world surfaces, allowing for bouncy particles, stains, and decals.
seta r_particledesc "classic"
seta r_particlesystem "script"
// bloom
seta r_bloom "0" //Enables bloom (light bleeding from bright objects). Fractional values reduce the amount shown.
// Skies
seta r_fastsky "0"
// Screen Options
cl_yieldcpu "0" //Attempt to yield between frames. This can resolve issues with certain drivers and background software, but can mean less consistant frame times. Will reduce power consumption/heat generation so should be set on laptops or similar (over-hot/battery powered) devices.
cl_idlefps "0" //This is the maximum framerate to attain while idle/paused/unfocused.
cl_maxfps_slop "3" //If a frame is delayed (eg because of poor system timer precision), this is how much sooner to pretend the frame happened (in milliseconds). If it is set too low then the average framerate will drop below the target, while too high may result in excessively fast frames.
cl_maxfps "500" //Sets the maximum allowed framerate. If you're using vsync or want to uncap framerates entirely then you should probably set this to 0. Set cl_yieldcpu 0 if you're trying to benchmark.
cl_hudswap "0"
seta cl_sbar "0"
show_fps "0" //Displays the current framerate on-screen.
//0: Off.
//1: framerate average over a second.
//2: Show a frametimes graph (with additional timing info).
//-1: Normalized graph that focuses on the variation ignoring base times.
scr_fov_mode "4" //Controls what the fov cvar actually controls:
//0: largest axis (ultra-wide monitors means less height will be visible).
//1: smallest axis (ultra-wide monitors will distort at the edges).
//2: horizontal axis.
//3: vertical axis.
//4: 4:3 horizontal axis, padded for wider resolutions (for a more classic fov)
r_viewmodel_fov "0" //field of vision, 1-170 degrees, standard fov is 90, nquake defaults to 108.
fov "90" //field of vision, 1-170 degrees, standard fov is 90, nquake defaults to 108.
viewsize "100"
// Realtime Lighting
r_sun_colour "0 0 0" //Specifies the colour of sunlight that appears in the form of crepuscular rays.
r_shadow_shadowmapping "1" //Enables soft shadows instead of stencil shadows.
r_shadow_realtime_dlight_shadows "1" //Allows dynamic realtime lights to cast shadows as they move.
seta r_shadow_realtime_dlight "0" //Enables the use of dynamic realtime lights, allowing explosions to use bumpmaps etc properly.
r_shadow_realtime_world_shadows "1"
seta r_shadow_realtime_world "0" //Enables the use of static/world realtime lights.
// Video config
vid_desktopsettings "0" //Ignore the values of vid_width and vid_height, and just use the same settings that are used for the desktop.
vid_displayfrequency ""
vid_height "600" //The screen height to attempt to use, in physical pixels. 0 means use desktop resolution.
vid_width "800" //The screen width to attempt to use, in physical pixels. 0 means use desktop resolution.
vid_triplebuffer "1" //Specifies whether the hardware is forcing tripplebuffering on us, this is the number of extra page swaps required before old data has been completely overwritten.
vid_conautoscale "0" //Changes the 2d scale, including hud, console, and fonts. To specify an explicit font size, divide the desired 'point' size by 8 to get the scale. High values will be clamped to maintain at least a 320*200 virtual size.
vid_conheight "480"
vid_conwidth "0"
vid_depthbits "0" //The number of depth bits to request from the renedering context. Try 24.
vid_bpp "32" //The number of colour bits to request from the renedering context
vid_fullscreen "0" //Specifies whether the game should be fullscreen or not (requires vid_restart).
//0: Run in a resizable window, which can be manually maximized (with borders).
//1: Traditional fullscreen-exclusive video mode with mode switching and everything.
//2: Simply maximize the window and hide any borders without interfering with any other parts of the system.
vid_renderer "gl" //Specifies which backend is used. Values that might work are: sv (dedicated server), headless (null renderer), vk (vulkan), gl (opengl), egl (opengl es), d3d9 (direct3d 9), d3d11 (direct3d 11, with default hardware rendering), d3d11 warp (direct3d 11, with software rendering).
in_windowed_mouse "1"
vid_vsync "0"
vid_devicename "" //Specifies which video device to try to use. If blank or invalid then one will be guessed.
gl_driver "" //Specifies the graphics driver name to load. This is typically a filename. Blank for default.
// GL Renderer Options
gl_lightmap_average "0" //Determine lightmap values based upon the center of the polygon. This will give a more buggy look, quite probably.
gl_lightmap_nearest "0" //Use nearest sampling for lightmaps. This will give a more blocky look. Meaningless when gl_lightmap_average is enabled.
gl_compress "0" //Enable automatic texture compression even for textures which are not pre-compressed.
gl_picmip_other "0" //Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of model textures.
gl_picmip_sprites "0" //Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of sprite textures.
gl_picmip_world "0" //Effectively added to gl_picmip for the purposes of world textures.
gl_picmip2d "0" //Reduce hud/menu texture sizes by some exponential factor.
gl_picmip "0" //Reduce world/model texture sizes by some exponential factor.
gl_motionblur "0"
r_noaliasshadows "0"
r_noframegrouplerp "0"
seta r_lerpmuzzlehack "1"
gl_lerpimages "1" //Enables smoother resampling for images which are not power-of-two, when the drivers do not support non-power-of-two textures.
gl_nocolors "0" //Ignores player colours and skins, reducing texture memory usage at the cost of not knowing whether you're killing your team mates.
seta gl_affinemodels "0" //Use affine texture sampling for models. This replicates software rendering's distortions.
gl_texture_anisotropy "0" //Allows for higher quality textures on surfaces that slope away from the camera (like the floor). Set to 16 or something. Only supported with trilinear filtering.
d_lodbias "0" //Biases choice of mipmap levels. Positive values will give more blury textures, while negative values will give crisper images (but will also give some mid-surface aliasing artifacts).
seta d_mipcap "0 1000" //Specifies the range of mipmap levels to use.
r_font_linear "0"
seta gl_texturemode2d "gl_nearest" //Specifies how 2d images are sampled. format is a 3-tupple
seta gl_texturemode "gl_nearest" //Specifies how world/model textures appear. Typically 3 letters eg ^2nll^7 or ^2lll^7.
//First letter can be l(inear) or n(earest) and says how to upscale low-res textures (n for the classic look - often favoured for embedded textures, l for blurry - best for high-res textures).
//The middle letter can be set to '.' to disable mipmaps, or n for ugly banding with distance, or l for smooth mipmap transitions.
//The third letter says what to do when the texture is too high resolution, and should generally be set to 'l' to reduce sparkles including when aiming for the classic lego look.
seta gl_blendsprites "1" //Specifies how sprites are blended.
//0: Alpha tested.
//1: Premultiplied blend.
//2: Additive blend.
r_lightprepass "0" //Experimental. Attempt to use a different lighting mechanism (aka: deferred lighting). Requires vid_reload to take effect.
vid_desktopgamma "0" //Apply gamma ramps upon the desktop rather than the window.
seta vid_hardwaregamma "1" //Use hardware gamma ramps. 0=ugly texture-based gamma, 1=glsl(windowed) or hardware(fullscreen), 2=always glsl, 3=always hardware gamma (disabled if hardware doesn't support), 4=scene-only gamma.
vid_srgb "1" //-1: Only the framebuffer should use sRGB colourspace, textures and colours will be assumed to be linear. This has the effect of just brightening the screen according to a gamma ramp of about 2.2 (or .45 in quake's backwards gamma terms).
//0: Off. Colour blending will be wrong, you're likely to see obvious banding.
//1: Use sRGB extensions/support to ensure that the lighting aproximately matches real-world lighting (required for PBR).
//2: Attempt to use a linear floating-point framebuffer, which should enable monitor support for HDR.
//Note that driver behaviour varies by a disturbing amount, and much of the documentation conflicts with itself (the term 'linear' is awkward when the eye's perception of linear is non-linear).
vid_multisample "0" //The number of samples to use for Multisample AntiAliasing (aka: msaa). A value of 1 explicitly disables it.
r_novis "1"
// Graphical Nicaties
gl_overbright_all "0"
gl_overbright "1"
r_lodbias "0" //Biases the level-of-detail on models (for those that have lod).
r_lodscale "5" //Scales the level-of-detail reduction on models (for those that have lod).
seta r_replacemodels "md3 md2" //A list of filename extensions to attempt to use instead of mdl.
r_shadows "0" //Draw basic blob shadows underneath entities without using realtime lighting.
seta r_lightmap "0"
seta r_drawflat "0"
r_deluxemapping "1" //Enables bumpmapping based upon precomputed light directions.
//1=use if available
//2=auto-generate (if possible)
seta gl_load24bit "1"
r_telealpha ""
r_slimealpha ""
r_lavaalpha ""
r_wateralpha "1"
seta r_nolightdir "0"
seta r_nolerp "0"
seta r_dynamic "1" //0: no standard dlights at all.
//1: coloured dlights will be used, they may show through walls. These are not realtime things.
//2: The dlights will be forced to monochrome (this does not affect coronas/flashblends/rtlights attached to the same light).
seta r_waterwarp "1" //Enables fullscreen warp, preferably via glsl. -1 specifies to force the fov warp fallback instead which can give a smidge more performance.
r_drawviewmodel "1"
r_bloodstains "1"
gl_font "" //Specifies the font file to use. a value such as FONT:ALTFONT specifies an alternative font to be used when ^^a is used.
//When using TTF fonts, you will likely need to scale text to at least 150% - vid_conautoscale 1.5 will do this.
//TTF fonts may be loaded from your windows directory. 'gl_font cour?col=1,1,1:couri?col=0,1,0' loads eg: c:\windows\fonts\cour.ttf, and uses the italic version of courier for alternative text, with specific colour tints.
con_textfont "" //Specifies the font file to use. a value such as FONT:ALTFONT specifies an alternative font to be used when ^^a is used.
//When using TTF fonts, you will likely need to scale text to at least 150% - vid_conautoscale 1.5 will do this.
//TTF fonts may be loaded from your windows directory. 'gl_font cour?col=1,1,1:couri?col=0,1,0' loads eg: c:\windows\fonts\cour.ttf, and uses the italic version of courier for alternative text, with specific colour tints.
r_glsl_turbscale_refract "1" //Controls the strength of the underwater ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).
r_glsl_turbscale_reflect "1" //Controls the strength of the water reflection ripples (used by the altwater glsl code).
r_glsl_offsetmapping_reliefmapping "0" //Changes the paralax sampling mode to be a bit nicer, but noticably more expensive at high resolutions. r_glsl_offsetmapping must be set.
seta r_glsl_offsetmapping "0" //Enables the use of paralax mapping, adding fake depth to textures.
r_stereo_method "0" //Value 0 = Off.
//Value 1 = Attempt hardware acceleration. Requires vid_restart.
//Value 2 = red/cyan.
//Value 3 = red/blue.
//Value 4=red/green.
//Value 5=eye strain.
r_renderscale "1" //Provides a way to enable subsampling or super-sampling
r_graphics "1" //Turning this off will result in ascii-style rendering.
r_fxaa "0" //Runs a post-procesing pass to strip the jaggies.
r_telestyle "1" //See r_waterstyle, but affects only teleporters. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.
r_slimestyle "" //See r_waterstyle, but affects only slime. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.
seta r_lavastyle "1" //See r_waterstyle, but affects only lava. If empty, defers to r_waterstyle.
seta r_waterstyle "1" //Changes how water, and teleporters are drawn. Possible values are:
//0: fastturb-style block colour.
//1: regular q1-style water.
//2: refraction(ripply and transparent)
//3: refraction with reflection at an angle
//4: ripplemapped without reflections (requires particle effects)
//5: ripples+reflections
r_fastturbcolour "0.1 0.2 0.3" //The colour to use for water surfaces draw with r_waterstyle 0.
gl_specular_fallbackexp "1"
gl_specular_fallback "0.05"
gl_specular_power "32"
seta gl_specular "0" //Multiplier for specular effects.
r_glsl_pbr "0" //Force PBR shading.
gl_flashblendscale "0.35"
seta gl_flashblend "0"
r_coronas_fadedist "256" //Coronas will fade out over this distance.
r_coronas_mindist "128" //Coronas closer than this will be invisible, preventing near clip plane issues.
r_coronas_occlusion "" //Specifies that coronas should be occluded more carefully.
//0: No occlusion, at all.
//1: BSP occlusion only (simple tracelines).
//2: non-bsp occlusion also (complex tracelines).
//3: Depthbuffer reads (forces synchronisation).
//4: occlusion queries.
r_coronas_intensity "1" //Alternative intensity multiplier for coronas.
seta r_coronas "1" //Draw coronas on realtime lights. Overrides glquake-esque flashblends.
seta r_stains "0"
r_hdr_irisadaptation "0"
r_hdr_framebuffer "0" //If enabled, the map will be rendered into a high-precision image framebuffer. This avoids issues with shaders that contribute more than 1 in any single pass (like overbrights). Can also be set to the name of an image format, to force rendering to that format first - interesting formats are L8, RGB565, B10G11R11F, and others.
r_lightmap_format "" //Overrides the default texture format used for lightmaps. rgb9e5 is a good choice for HDR.
seta r_lightstylesmooth "0"
seta r_loadlit "1" //Whether to load lit files.
//0: Do not load external rgb lightmap data.
//1: Load but don't generate.
//2: Generate ldr lighting (if none found).
//3: Generate hdr lighting (if none found).
//Note that regeneration of lightmap data may be unreliable if the map was made for more advanced lighting tools.
//Deluxemap information will also be generated, as appropriate.
seta r_softwarebanding "0" //Utilise the Quake colormap in order to emulate 8bit software rendering. This results in banding as well as other artifacts that some believe adds character. Also forces nearest sampling on affected surfaces (palette indicies do not interpolate well).
mod_litsprites_force "1" //if set to 1, sprites will be lit according to world lighting
// Realtime Light editing/importing
r_shadow_realtime_world_importlightentitiesfrommap "0" //Controls default loading of map-based realtime lights.
//0: Load explicit .rtlight files only.
//1: Load explicit lights then try fallback to parsing the entities lump.
//2: Load only the entities lump.
// View variables
brightness "0.0" //Brightness is how much 'white' to add to each and every pixel on the screen.
v_contrastboost "1.0" //Amplifies contrast in dark areas
contrast "1.0" //Scales colour values linearly to make your screen easier to see. Setting this to anything but 1 without hardware gamma will reduce your framerates a little.
gamma "1.0" //Controls how bright the screen is. Setting this to anything but 1 without hardware gamma requires glsl support and can noticably harm your framerate.
v_gammainverted "0" //Boolean that controls whether the gamma should be inverted (like quake) or not.
seta cl_bob "0" //Controls how much the camera position should bob up down as the player runs around.
seta cl_rollangle "2.0" //Controls the maximum view should tilt while strafing.
seta gl_polyblend "1" //Controls whether temporary whole-screen colour changes should be honoured or not. Change gl_cshiftpercent if you want to adjust the intensity.
//This does not affect v_cshift commands sent from the server.
cl_crossy "0"
cl_crossx "0"
crosshairsize "8"
crosshair "1"
crosshaircolor "255 255 255"
v_viewheight "0"
seta v_gunkick "1" //Controls the strength of view angle changes when firing weapons.
v_contentblend "1" //Controls the strength of underwater colour tints (gl_polyblend must be enabled).
v_cshift_lava "255 80 0 150" //The colour tint to use when burried in lava (ouchie!) (additionally scaled by v_contentblend.
v_cshift_slime "0 25 5 150" //The colour tint to use when submerged in slime (additionally scaled by v_contentblend.
v_cshift_water "130 80 50 128" //The colour tint to use when underwater (additionally scaled by v_contentblend.
v_cshift_empty "130 80 50 0" //The colour tint to use when in the open air (additionally scaled by v_contentblend.
// Filesystem
sv_dlURL "" //Provides clients with an external url from which they can obtain pk3s/packages from an external http server instead of having to download over udp.
fs_cache "1" //0: Do individual lookups.
//1: Scan all files for accelerated lookups. This provides a performance boost on windows and avoids case sensitivity issues on linux.
//2: like 1, but don't bother checking for external changes (avoiding the cost of rebuild the cache).
// client operation options
cl_download_mapsrc "" //Specifies an http location prefix for map downloads. EG: "http://example.com/path/gamemaps/"
cl_nopext "0"
cl_standardmsg "0" //Disables auto colour coding in console prints.
cl_standardchat "0" //Disables auto colour coding in chat messages.
cl_download_wait "1" //0=join the game before downloads have even finished (might be laggy). 1=wait for all downloads to complete before joining.
seta cl_demoreel "0" //When enabled, the engine will begin playing a demo loop on startup.
cl_playerclass ""
w_switch ""
b_switch ""
noaim ""
msg "1" //Filter console prints/messages. Only functions on QuakeWorld servers. 0=pickup messages. 1=death messages. 2=critical messages. 3=chat.
drate "3000000" //A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while downloading (in bytes per second).
rate "30000" //A rough measure of the bandwidth to try to use while playing. Too high a value may result in 'buffer bloat'.
bottomcolor ""
topcolor ""
team "allies"
model ""
skin ""
name "Unknown Soldier"
cl_download_redirection "2" //Follow download redirection to download packages instead of individual files. Also allows the server to send nearly arbitary download commands.
//2: allows redirection only to named packages files (and demos/*.mvd), which is a bit safer.
cl_download_csprogs "1" //Download updated client gamecode if available. Warning: If you clear this to avoid downloading vm code, you should also clear cl_download_packages.
cl_downloads "1" //Allows you to block all automatic downloads.
cl_crypt_rcon "1" //Controls whether to send a hash instead of sending your rcon password as plain-text. Set to 1 for security, or 0 for backwards compatibility.
//Your command and any responses will still be sent as plain text.
//Instead, it is recommended to use rcon ONLY via dtls/tls/wss connections.
cfg_save_name "nzportable" //This is the config name that is saved by default when no argument is specified.
cfg_save_buttons "0" //If 1, saves the state of things such as +mlook or +forward to configs.
cfg_save_binds "1" //If 1, saves all key bindings to configs.
cfg_save_aliases "1" //If 1, saves aliases to configs. Note that aliases sent from servers are assumed to be server-specific and are never saved (and are forgotten on map changes, too).
cfg_save_infos "1" //If 1, saves userinfo and serverinfo to configs.
cfg_save_auto "0" //If 1, the config will automatically be saved and without prompts. If 0, you'll have to save your config manually (possibly via prompts from the quit menu).
cfg_save_all "" //If 1, cfg_save ALWAYS saves all cvars. If 0, cfg_save only ever saves archived cvars. If empty, cfg_save saves all cvars only when an explicit filename was given (ie: when not used internally via quit menu options).
// Console logging
ipautodump "0" //Enables dumping the 'iplog.txt' file, which contains a log of usernames seen for a given IP, which is useful for detecting fake-nicks.
maxclients 4
sv_playerslots 8
con_notifylines "-1"
msg_filter "1"
r_scenecache "0"
sv_mintic "0.045"
exec user_settings.cfg