2008-01-19 00:00:00 +00:00

195 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Blame History

#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#include maps\armada;
#using_animtree ("generic_human");
//only second guy kills
//addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "fire", ::kill_during_breach, "detcord_stack_leftbreach_01" );
addNotetrack_customFunction( "generic", "fire", ::kill_during_breach, "detcord_stack_leftbreach_02" );
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "jog" ] = %combat_jog;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "walk" ] = %patrol_bored_patrolwalk;
level.scr_anim[ "generic" ][ "patrol_stop" ] = %patrol_bored_walk_2_bored;
// quiet door open
level.scr_anim[ "price" ][ "hunted_open_barndoor" ] = %hunted_open_barndoor;
level.scr_anim[ "price" ][ "hunted_open_barndoor_stop" ] = %hunted_open_barndoor_stop;
level.scr_anim[ "price" ][ "hunted_open_barndoor_idle" ][0] = %hunted_open_barndoor_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "razorwire_guy" ][ "razor_setup" ] = %armada_wire_setup_guy;
level.scr_anim[ "barbed_wire_long" ][ "razor_setup" ] = %armada_wire_setup_wire;
level.scr_anim[ "razorwire_guy" ][ "razor_idle" ] = %armada_wire_setup_guy_startidle;
level.scr_anim[ "barbed_wire_long" ][ "razor_idle" ] = %armada_wire_setup_wire_startidle;
level.scr_anim[ "razorwire_guy" ][ "razor_endidle" ] = %armada_wire_setup_guy;
level.scr_anim[ "barbed_wire_long" ][ "razor_endidle" ] = %armada_wire_setup_wire_endidle;
level.scr_animtree[ "barbed_wire_long" ] = #animtree;
level.scr_anim[ "griggs" ][ "enter" ] = %armada_grigs_enter;
addNotetrack_dialogue( "griggs", "dialog", "enter", "armada_grg_scoreone" );
level.scr_anim[ "griggs" ][ "end_idle" ][0] = %armada_grigs_music_idle;
level.scr_anim[ "final_breacher_shotgun" ][ "react" ] = %armada_Left_Guy_react;
level.scr_anim[ "final_breacher_right" ][ "react" ] = %armada_Right_Guy_react;
level.scr_anim[ "price" ][ "finish" ] = %armada_sarge_end;
addNotetrack_dialogue( "price", "dialog", "finish", "armada_vsq_rogercommand" );
addNotetrack_dialogue( "price", "dialog", "finish", "armada_vsq_rallyup" );
level.scr_anim[ "price" ][ "enter" ] = %armada_sarge_enter;
addNotetrack_dialogue( "price", "dialog", "enter", "armada_vsq_griggsmusic" );
addNotetrack_dialogue( "price", "dialog", "enter", "armada_vsq_recording" );
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "targetbuilding" ] = "armada_vsq_targetbuilding";//Target building in sight.
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "throwflash" ] = "armada_vsq_throwflash";//Jackson, throw a flashbang!
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "watchsix" ] = "armada_grg_watchsix";//Watch your six Devil Dog.
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "allcallsigns" ] = "armada_vsq_allcallsigns"; //All callsigns, check the bodies. We need a positive ID on Al-Asad.
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "negid" ] = "armada_gm1_negid"; //Negative ID over here sir.
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "nosign" ] = "armada_gm2_nosign"; //No sign of Al-Asad here sir.
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "oorah1" ] = "armada_gm2_oorah"; //Oo-rah<61>
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "oorah2" ] = "armada_gm3_oorah"; //Ooo-rah<61>
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "armada_gm1_clear" ] = "armada_gm1_clear";
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "armada_gm2_clear" ] = "armada_gm2_clear";
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "armada_gm3_roomclear" ] = "armada_gm3_roomclear";
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "armada_gm2_nothere" ] = "armada_gm2_nothere";
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "armada_gm1_onaloop" ] = "armada_gm1_onaloop";
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "jacksonpoint" ] = "armada_vsq_jacksonpoint";//jackson take point
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "stand_down" ] = "armada_vsq_donthavealasad";
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "roger_hq" ] = "armada_vsq_rogerthat";
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "heads_up" ] = "armada_vsq_halfclickeast";
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "move_out" ] = "armada_vsq_moveout"; //We're gonna move out on foot, and take down the package there. Move out.
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "tvstation" ] = "armada_gm1_tvstation";
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "get_into_pos" ] = "armada_vsq_getintoposition"; //Good, get in position to breach.
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "do_it" ] = "armada_vsq_doit"; //Do it!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "breaching_breaching" ] = "armada_gm1_breachingbreaching"; //Breaching breaching!
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "room_clear" ] = "armada_vsq_roomclear"; //Room clear! Move up! Al-Asad should be on the second floor!
level.scr_sound[ "generic" ][ "goesourboys" ] = "armada_gm1_goesourboys"; //there goes our boys!
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "hold_fire" ] = "armada_grg_holdfire"; //Hold your fire! Friendlies coming out!
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "no_sign" ] = "armada_grg_nosign"; //No sign of Al-Asad sir.
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "fall_in" ] = "armada_vsq_fallin"; //All right. Fall in Marines. Stay frosty.
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "I_hear_him" ] = "armada_grg_ihearhim"; //I think he's in there. I hear him.
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "score_one" ] = "armada_grg_scoreone"; //Yeah<61>(snicker). Score one for mil-i-ta-ry intelligence!
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "grigs_music" ] = "armada_vsq_griggsmusic"; //Griggs... music.
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "roger_that" ] = "armada_grg_rogerMS"; //Roger that Master Sergeant!
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "recording" ] = "armada_vsq_recording"; //Command this is Red Dog. TV station secure. No sign of Al-Asad. The broadcast is a recording, over.
level.scr_sound[ "griggs" ][ "yeahhh" ] = "armada_grg_yeahoorah"; //Yeahhhh. Oooo-rahhh<68>
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "roger_command" ] = "armada_vsq_rogercommand"; //Roger that Command. Out.
level.scr_sound[ "price" ][ "new_assign" ] = "armada_vsq_rallyup"; //Marines! Rally up! We got a new assignment. Get your gear, and get ready to move out! Let's go!
// nate
guy_snipe( guy, pos )
animpos = anim_pos( self, pos );
guy endon( "newanim" );
self endon( "death" );
guy endon( "death" );
self notify ("ropeidleend");
if( pos == 2 )
animontag( guy, animpos.sittag, %armada_blackhawk_sniper_idle );
thread guy_idle( guy, pos );
#using_animtree ("animated_props");
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_3"]["still"] = %palmtree_tall3_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_3"]["strong"] = %palmtree_tall3_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_med_2"]["still"] = %palmtree_med2_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_med_2"]["strong"] = %palmtree_med2_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_1"]["still"] = %palmtree_bushy1_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_1"]["strong"] = %palmtree_bushy1_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_2"]["still"] = %palmtree_bushy2_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_2"]["strong"] = %palmtree_bushy2_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_2"]["still"] = %palmtree_tall2_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_2"]["strong"] = %palmtree_tall2_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_3"]["still"] = %palmtree_bushy3_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_bushy_3"]["strong"] = %palmtree_bushy3_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_med_1"]["still"] = %palmtree_med1_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_med_1"]["strong"] = %palmtree_med1_sway;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_1"]["still"] = %palmtree_tall1_still;
level.anim_prop_models["foliage_tree_palm_tall_1"]["strong"] = %palmtree_tall1_sway;
#using_animtree ("vehicles");
// oh no, I've gone and made the fastrope very difficult to simply override animations so I'm overriding the whole damn thing for the ride in on armada - Nate.
tag = "TAG_FastRope_RI";
model = "rope_test_ri";
snipeanim = %armada_blackhawk_sniper_idle_fastrope80;
idleanim = %armada_blackhawk_sniper_idle_loop_fastrope80;
dropanim = %armada_blackhawk_sniper_drop_fastrope80;
array = [];
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ] = spawnstruct();
self.attach_model_override = array; // gets rid of blackhawks standard fastrope stuff for this rig
rope = spawn("script_model", level.player.origin);
rope setmodel (model);
rope linkto (self, tag, (0,0,0),(0,0,0));
rope useanimtree (#animtree);
// flag_wait ("snipefromheli");
//self notify ("groupedanimevent","snipe"); //tells the ai to snipe.
//maps\_vehicle_aianim::animontag( rope, tag, snipeanim );
thread player_heli_ropeanimoverride_idle( rope, tag, idleanim );
self waittill ("unload");
level.player thread play_loop_sound_on_entity("fastrope_loop_plr");
thread maps\_vehicle_aianim::animontag( rope, tag, dropanim );
wait getanimlength( dropanim ) - .2;
level.player stop_loop_sound_on_entity("fastrope_loop_plr");
rope unlink();
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity("fastrope_end_plr");
wait 10;
rope delete(); // possibly do something to delete when the player is not looking at it.
player_heli_ropeanimoverride_idle( guy, tag, animation )
self endon ("unload");
maps\_vehicle_aianim::animontag( guy, tag, animation );