1731 lines
32 KiB
1731 lines
32 KiB
// Character Animation Script M U L T I P L A Y E R
// All player states should have animations sutable for a two handed rifle type weapon.
// This defines the animations and events that might occur at different times
// for this character. State changes, and random behaviour during idle/alert
// states will look here for default behaviour, if that character doesn't have
// something specific in their scripts for that level.
// playerAnimType:
// Set in "Player Anim Type" in the weapon gdt file.
// Full list specified in playeranimtypes.txt.
// Asset manager choices specified in weapon gdf files.
// These can be used to simplify the scripting, by defining replacement strings
// weaponclasses
set weaponclass autofire = mg AND smg
// movetypes
set movetype moving = walk AND walkcr AND walkcrbk AND walkbk AND run AND runbk AND runcr AND runcrbk AND walkprone AND walkpronebk
set movetype crouching = idlecr AND runcr AND runcrbk AND walkcr AND walkcrbk
set movetype prone = idleprone AND walkprone AND walkpronebk
set movetype backstep = walkbk AND runbk AND walkcrbk AND walkpronebk
// NOTE: scripts are chosen by first-come-first-serve basis. The first match
// found is the one used.
// format:
// state <state description>
// {
// <movement type>
// {
// [DEFAULT / <condition type> [<condition value>], ...]
// {
// <both/legs/torso/turret> <animation> [sound <filename>]
// <both/legs/torso/turret> <animation> [sound <filename>]
// ...
// }
// }
// }
// legend:
// <state description>: relaxed, alert, combat
// <movement type>: idle, idlecr, idleprone,
// walk, walkbk, walkcr, walkcrbk, walkprone, walkpronebk.
// run, runbk, runcr, runcrbk,
// straferight, strafeleft, turnright, turnleft
// <condition type>: playerAnimType, weaponclass, position, enemy_weapon, underwater, mounted, movetype, underhand, leaning, weapon_position, perk
// <condition value>:
// playerAnimType: <weapon Player Anim Type in gdt>
// position: behind, infront, right, left
// enemy_weapon: <see weapon pickup names>
// underwater: <no values>
// mounted: mg42
// movetype: <see movement types>
// underhand: <no values>
// leaning: right, left
// weaponclass: rifle, sniper, smg, mg, pistol, grenade, rocketlauncher, flamethrower, turret, non-player
// weapon_position: hip, ads
// strafing: not, left, right - will never be left or right while moving backwards
// perk: laststand, grenadedeath
// - The player walks when they are ADS, so they can not ADS while running.
mounted mg42, firing
both standSAWgunner_aim turretanim
mounted mg42
both standSAWgunner_aim turretanim
perk laststand
both pb_laststand_idle
playerAnimType none
both pb_stand_alert
playerAnimType briefcase
both pb_stand_bombplant
playerAnimType hold
both pb_hold_idle
weaponclass pistol, weapon_position ads
both pb_stand_ads_pistol
weaponclass pistol
both pb_stand_alert_pistol
weaponclass rocketlauncher, weapon_position ads
both pb_stand_ads_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_stand_alert_RPG
weapon_position ads
both pb_stand_ads
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stand_grenade_pullpin
default // two handed rifle type weapon
both pb_stand_alert
mounted mg42, firing
both crouchSAWgunner_aim turretanim
mounted mg42
both crouchSAWgunner_aim turretanim
perk laststand
both pb_laststand_idle
playerAnimType none
both pb_crouch_bombplant
playerAnimType briefcase
both pb_crouch_bombplant
playerAnimType hold
both pb_crouch_hold_idle
weaponclass pistol, weapon_position ads
both pb_crouch_ads_pistol
weaponclass pistol
both pb_crouch_alert_pistol
weaponclass rocketlauncher, weapon_position ads
both pb_crouch_ads_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_crouch_alert_RPG
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_grenade_pullpin
weapon_position ads
both pb_crouch_ads
default // two handed rifle type weapon
both pb_crouch_alert
mounted mg42, firing
both proneSAWgunner_aim turretanim
mounted mg42
both proneSAWgunner_aim turretanim
perk laststand
both pb_laststand_idle
playerAnimType briefcase
both pb_prone_bombplant
playerAnimType hold
both pb_prone_hold
playerAnimType none
both pb_prone_bombplant
weaponclass pistol
both pb_prone_aim_pistol
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_prone_aim_RPG
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_aim_grenade
both pb_prone_aim
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_flinch_pistol_forward
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_flinch_grenade_forward
torso pt_flinch_forward
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_flinch_pistol_back
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_flinch_grenade_back
torso pt_flinch_back
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_flinch_pistol_left
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_flinch_grenade_left
torso pt_flinch_left
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_flinch_pistol_right
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_flinch_grenade_right
torso pt_flinch_right
// pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_stumble_pistol_left
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_stumble_pistol_right
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_left
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_right
weaponclass pistol
both pb_stumble_pistol_forward
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_forward
// rifle
strafing left
both pb_stumble_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_right
both pb_stumble_forward
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_stumble_pistol_left
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_stumble_pistol_right
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_left
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_right
weaponclass pistol
both pb_stumble_pistol_back
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_grenade_back
// rifle
strafing left
both pb_stumble_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_right
both pb_stumble_back
// pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_left
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_right
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_forward
// rifle
strafing left
both pb_stumble_walk_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_walk_right
both pb_stumble_walk_forward
// pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_left
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_right
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_walk_back
// rifle
strafing left
both pb_stumble_walk_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_walk_right
both pb_stumble_walk_back
// pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_left
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_right
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_forward
// rifle
strafing left
both pb_stumble_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_right
both pb_stumble_forward
// pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_left
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_right
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_stumble_pistol_back
strafing left
both pb_stumble_left
strafing right
both pb_stumble_right
both pb_stumble_back
playerAnimType none
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_forward_unarmed
playerAnimType hold
both pb_hold_run
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing left
both pb_walk_left_RPG_ads
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing right
both pb_walk_right_RPG_ads
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_walk_forward_RPG_ads
weaponclass pistol , strafing left
both pb_combatwalk_left_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_combatwalk_right_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol
both pb_combatwalk_forward_loop_pistol
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_left_loop_grenade
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_right_loop_grenade
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_forward_loop_stickgrenade
strafing left
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_left
strafing right
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_right
default // two handed rifle type weapon
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_forward
walkbk // Always ADS when walking
playerAnimType none
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_forward_unarmed
playerAnimType hold
both pb_hold_run_back
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_walk_back_RPG_ads
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_combatwalk_left_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_combatwalk_right_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol
both pb_combatwalk_back_loop_pistol
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_back_loop_grenade
strafing left
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_left
strafing right
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_right
both pb_stand_shoot_walk_back
playerAnimType none
both pb_crouch_walk_forward_unarmed
playerAnimType hold, strafing left
both pb_crouch_hold_run_left
playerAnimType hold, strafing right
both pb_crouch_hold_run_right
playerAnimType hold
both pb_crouch_hold_run
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing left
both pb_crouch_walk_left_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing right
both pb_crouch_walk_right_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_crouch_walk_forward_RPG
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_left_pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_right_pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_forward_pistol
strafing left
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_left
strafing right
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_right
default // two handed rifle type weapon
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_forward
playerAnimType none
both pb_crouch_walk_forward_unarmed
playerAnimType hold
both pb_crouch_hold_run_back
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_crouch_walk_back_RPG
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_left_pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_right_pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_walk_back_pistol
strafing left
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_left
strafing right
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_right
default // two handed rifle type weapon
both pb_crouch_shoot_run_back
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_prone_crawl_left
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_prone_crawl_right
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl_left
playerAnimType hold, strafing left
both pb_prone_crawl_left_hold
playerAnimType hold, strafing right
both pb_prone_crawl_right_hold
playerAnimType hold
both pb_prone_crawl_hold
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl_right
weaponclass pistol
both pb_prone_crawl
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl
strafing left
both pb_prone_crawl_left
strafing right
both pb_prone_crawl_right
both pb_prone_crawl
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl_left
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl_right
playerAnimType hold
both pb_prone_crawl_back_hold
weaponclass pistol
both pb_prone_crawl_back
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_prone_grenade_crawl_back
both pb_prone_crawl_back
playerAnimType none
both pb_pistol_run_fast
playerAnimType hold, strafing left
both pb_hold_run_left
playerAnimType hold, strafing right
both pb_hold_run_right
playerAnimType hold
both pb_hold_run
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing left
both pb_combatrun_left_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing right
both pb_combatrun_right_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_combatrun_forward_RPG
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_combatrun_left_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_combatrun_right_loop_pistol
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_left_loop_grenade
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_right_loop_grenade
strafing left
both pb_combatrun_left_loop
strafing right
both pb_combatrun_right_loop
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_forward_loop_stickgrenade
weaponclass pistol
both pb_pistol_run_fast
both pb_combatrun_forward_loop
both pb_stumble_forward
playerAnimType none
both pb_sprint
playerAnimType hold
both pb_sprint_hold
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_sprint
weaponclass pistol
both pb_sprint_pistol
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_sprint_RPG
both pb_sprint
playerAnimType none
both pb_combatrun_back_loop_grenade
playerAnimType hold
both pb_hold_run_back
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_combatrun_left_loop_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_combatrun_right_loop_pistol
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_left_loop_grenade
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_right_loop_grenade
weaponclass pistol
both pb_combatrun_back_loop_pistol
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_combatrun_back_loop_grenade
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_combatrun_back_RPG
strafing left
both pb_combatrun_left_loop
strafing right
both pb_combatrun_right_loop
both pb_combatrun_back_loop
playerAnimType none
both pb_crouch_run_forward_grenade
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing left
both pb_crouch_run_left_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher, strafing right
both pb_crouch_run_right_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_crouch_run_forward_RPG
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_crouch_run_left_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_crouch_run_right_pistol
playerAnimType hold, strafing left
both pb_crouch_hold_run_left
playerAnimType hold, strafing right
both pb_crouch_hold_run_right
playerAnimType hold
both pb_crouch_hold_run
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_left_grenade
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_right_grenade
weaponclass pistol
both pb_crouch_run_forward_pistol
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_forward_grenade
strafing left
both pb_crouch_run_left
strafing right
both pb_crouch_run_right
both pb_crouch_run_forward
playerAnimType none
both pb_crouch_run_back_grenade
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_crouch_run_back_RPG
weaponclass pistol, strafing left
both pb_crouch_run_left_pistol
weaponclass pistol, strafing right
both pb_crouch_run_right_pistol
playerAnimType hold
both pb_crouch_hold_run_back
weaponclass grenade, strafing left, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_left_grenade
weaponclass grenade, strafing right, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_right_grenade
weaponclass pistol
both pb_crouch_run_back_pistol
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_crouch_run_back_grenade
strafing left
both pb_crouch_run_left
strafing right
both pb_crouch_run_right
both pb_crouch_run_back
// Can't play the chicken dance here as a temp because it has no movement speed
both pb_climbup
// Can't play the chicken dance here as a temp because it has no movement speed
both pb_climbdown
movetype idlecr AND turnrightcr
legs pl_crouchturn_90right
movetype idlecr AND turnleftcr
legs pl_crouchturn_90left
// PI - DAY : Mantle animations
both mp_mantle_up_57
both mp_mantle_up_51
both mp_mantle_up_45
both mp_mantle_up_39
both mp_mantle_up_33
legs mp_mantle_up_27
legs mp_mantle_up_21
both mp_mantle_over_high
both mp_mantle_over_mid
legs mp_mantle_over_low
// format:
// <event description>
// {
// [DEFAULT / <condition type> [<condition value>], ...]
// {
// <both/legs/torso> <animation> [sound <filename>]
// <both/legs/torso> <animation> [sound <filename>]
// ...
// }
// }
// legend:
// <event description>: pain, death, fireweapon, jump, jumpbk, land, dropweapon,
// raiseweapon, reload, crouch_to_prone, shellshock
// prone_to_crouch, meleeattack
// NOTE: for gameplay anims (weapons firing, reload, etc) that show no legs movement
// only the torso should animation from here, leave the legs doing what their
// locomotive anims want them to do
// MG42
mounted mg42
// Ignore the fireweapon event while on a turret
perk laststand
torso pt_laststand_fire
weaponclass pistol, movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_pistol
weaponclass pistol, movetype moving
// Play no special firing animation
weaponclass pistol, movetype crouching, weapon_position ads
torso pt_crouch_shoot_ads_pistol
weaponclass pistol, movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_shoot_pistol
weaponclass pistol, weapon_position ads
torso pb_stand__shoot_ads_pistol
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_stand_shoot_pistol
// MG & SMG
weaponclass autofire, movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_auto duration 150
weaponclass autofire, movetype moving
// Play no special firing animation
weaponclass autofire, movetype crouching, weapon_position ads
torso pt_crouch_shoot_auto_ads duration 150
weaponclass autofire, movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_shoot_auto duration 150
weaponclass autofire, weapon_position ads
torso pt_stand_shoot_auto_ads duration 150
weaponclass autofire
torso pt_stand_shoot_auto duration 150
// PROJECTILE WEAPONS (assume ads since you can't fire these from the hip)
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype moving
// Play no special firing animation
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_shoot_ads
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
torso pt_stand_shoot_RPG
weaponclass grenade, movetype prone, playerAnimType hold
torso pt_hold_prone_throw
weaponclass grenade, movetype idlecr, playerAnimType hold
torso pt_hold_throw
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType hold
torso pt_hold_throw
weaponclass grenade, movetype prone, playerAnimType all NOT m203 // All prone
torso pt_prone_grenade_throw
weaponclass grenade, movetype idlecr, playerAnimType all NOT m203 // Crouch, still
both pb_crouch_grenade_throw
weaponclass grenade, movetype crouching, playerAnimType all NOT m203 // Crouch, moving
torso pt_crouch_grenade_throw
weaponclass grenade, movetype idle, playerAnimType all NOT m203 // Stand still
both pb_stand_grenade_throw blendtime 10
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203 // Stand, moving
torso pt_stand_grenade_throw blendtime 10
//bolt (RIFLES)
playerAnimType sniper, movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_auto
playerAnimType sniper, movetype moving
// Play no special firing animation
playerAnimType sniper, movetype crouching, weapon_position ads
torso pt_crouch_shoot_ads
playerAnimType sniper, movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_shoot
playerAnimType sniper, weapon_position ads
torso pt_rifle_fire_ads
playerAnimType sniper
torso pt_rifle_fire
playerAnimType other, movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_auto
playerAnimType other
torso pt_stand_shoot_shotgun
movetype prone
torso pt_prone_shoot_auto
movetype moving
// Play no special firing animation
movetype crouching, weapon_position ads
torso pt_crouch_shoot_ads
movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_shoot
weapon_position ads
torso pt_stand_shoot_ads
torso pt_stand_shoot
movetype moving
both pb_prone2crouchrun
both pb_prone2crouch
both pb_crouch2prone
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, movetype prone, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_melee_prone_pistol
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
torso pt_melee_prone_pistol
movetype prone
torso pt_melee_prone
movetype crouching
torso pt_melee_crouch_left2left
torso pt_melee_crouch_left2right
torso pt_melee_crouch_right2left
torso pt_melee_right2right_1 duration 400
torso pt_melee_right2right_2 duration 400
torso pt_melee_right2left duration 300
torso pt_melee_left2left_1 duration 400
torso pt_melee_left2right duration 300
movetype prone
torso pt_melee_prone_pistol
torso pt_melee_pistol_1
movetype prone
torso pt_melee_prone_pistol
torso pt_melee_pistol_2
movetype prone
torso pt_prone_pullout_pose
movetype crouching
torso pt_crouch_pullout_pose
torso pt_stand_pullout_pose
// (Boon 07-11-2003) Don't want anything here - just blend into the correct pose.
perk laststand
torso pt_laststand_reload
weaponclass pistol, movetype idlecr
torso pt_reload_crouch_pistol
weaponclass pistol, movetype crouching
torso pt_reload_crouchwalk_pistol
weaponclass pistol, movetype prone
torso pt_reload_prone_pistol
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype prone
torso pt_reload_prone_RPG
weaponclass rocketlauncher
torso pt_reload_stand_RPG
weaponclass pistol
torso pt_reload_stand_pistol
playerAnimType smg, movetype prone
torso pt_reload_prone_auto
playerAnimType smg, movetype idlecr
torso pt_reload_stand_auto_mp40
playerAnimType smg, movetype crouching
torso pt_reload_crouchwalk
playerAnimType smg
torso pt_reload_stand_auto_mp40
playerAnimType autorifle, movetype prone
torso pt_reload_prone_auto
playerAnimType autorifle, movetype idlecr
torso pt_reload_crouch_rifle
playerAnimType autorifle, movetype crouching
torso pt_reload_crouchwalk
playerAnimType autorifle
torso pt_reload_stand_auto
movetype idlecr
torso pt_reload_crouch_rifle
movetype crouching
torso pt_reload_crouch_rifle
movetype prone
torso pt_reload_prone_auto
torso pt_reload_stand_rifle
playerAnimType none, movetype run
both pb_runjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
playerAnimType none
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype run
both pb_runjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
movetype run
both pb_runjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
movetype crouching AND prone
both pb_chicken_dance_crouch duration 5 blendtime 100
playerAnimType none, movetype run
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
playerAnimType none
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass rocketlauncher, movetype run
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass rocketlauncher
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass grenade, movetype run, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
weaponclass grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
movetype run
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
both pb_standjump_takeoff duration 5 blendtime 100
movetype run
both pb_runjump_land duration 100 blendtime 50
weaponclass pistol AND grenade, playerAnimType all NOT m203
both pb_standjump_land_pistol duration 5
both pb_standjump_land duration 100 blendtime 50
movetype prone
movetype moving
torso pb_stand_shellshock duration 5000 blendtime 50
movetype idle
torso pb_stand_shellshock duration 5000 blendtime 50
movetype crouching
torso pb_stand_shellshock duration 5000 blendtime 50
movetype crouching, perk laststand
both pb_laststand_death
movetype prone, perk laststand
both pb_laststand_death
perk laststand
both pb_laststand_death
movetype prone
both pb_prone_death_quickdeath
movetype idlecr
both pb_crouch_death_headshot_front
both pb_crouch_death_clutchchest
both pb_crouch_death_flip
both pb_crouch_death_fetal
both pb_crouch_death_falltohands
movetype runbk
both pb_death_run_back
movetype run AND runcr, strafing left
both pb_death_run_left
movetype run AND runcr, strafing right
both pb_death_run_right
movetype runcr
both pb_crouchrun_death_drop
both pb_crouchrun_death_crumple
movetype run
both pb_death_run_forward_crumple
both pb_death_run_onfront
both pb_death_run_stumble
both pb_stand_death_neckdeath
both pb_stand_death_headchest_topple
both pb_stand_death_frontspin
both pb_stand_death_nervedeath
both pb_stand_death_legs
both pb_stand_death_lowerback
both pb_stand_death_head_collapse
both pb_stand_death_neckdeath_thrash
movetype prone
both pb_prone_painA_holdchest
both pb_prone_painB_holdhead
movetype crouching
both pb_crouch_pain_holdStomach
both pb_crouch_pain_holdStomach