2791 lines
81 KiB
2791 lines
81 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\_anim;
#include maps\_hud_util;
precacheString( &"SCRIPT_ARMOR_DAMAGE" );
precacheShader( "black" );
precacheShader( "hud_icon_cobra" );
precacheShader( "popmenu_bg" );
precacheShader( "hud_dpad" );
precacheShader( "hud_arrow_right" );
precacheModel( "sundirection_arrow" );
precacheModel( "com_folding_chair" );
precacheModel( "com_flashlight_off" );
precacheModel( "com_flashlight_on" );
precacheItem( "mi28_ffar_village_assault" );
precacheItem( "flash_grenade" );
precacheItem( "colt45_alasad_killer" );
flag_init( "gave_air_support_hint" );
flag_init( "alasad_sequence_started" );
flag_init( "air_support_refueling" );
flag_init( "delete_attack_coord_hint" );
level.weaponClipModels = [];
level.weaponClipModels[0] = "weapon_ak47_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[1] = "weapon_mp5_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[2] = "weapon_m16_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[3] = "weapon_g36_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[4] = "weapon_dragunov_clip";
level.weaponClipModels[5] = "weapon_g3_clip";
setSavedDvar( "r_specularColorScale", "1.8" );
if ( getdvar( "village_assault_debug_marker") == "" )
setdvar( "village_assault_debug_marker", "0" );
level.seekersUsingColors = false;
level.BMP_Safety_Distance = 512 * 512;
level.goodFriendlyDistanceFromPlayerSquared = 512 * 512;
level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio = 0;
level.buildingClearNextAudio = 0;
level.air_support_hint_print_dialog_next = 0;
level.chopperSupportHoverLocations = [];
hoverEnts = getentarray( "chopper_location", "targetname" );
for( i = 0 ; i < hoverEnts.size ; i++ )
level.chopperSupportHoverLocations[ level.chopperSupportHoverLocations.size ] = hoverEnts[ i ].origin;
hoverEnts[ i ] delete();
assert( level.chopperSupportHoverLocations.size > 0 );
level.cosine[ "25" ] = cos( 25 );
level.cosine[ "45" ] = cos( 45 );
level.cosine[ "55" ] = cos( 55 );
level.cosine[ "60" ] = cos( 60 );
level.cosine[ "70" ] = cos( 70 );
level.alasad_possible_objective_locations = [];
level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining[ 0 ] = "2";
level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining[ 1 ] = "6";
level.next_genocide_audio = 0;
level.genocide_audio[ 0 ] = "assault_killing_distance1";
level.genocide_audio[ 1 ] = "assault_killing_interior1";
level.genocide_audio[ 2 ] = "assault_killing_interior2";
level.genocide_audio[ 3 ] = "assault_killing_interior3";
level.timedAutosaveNumber = 0;
level.timedAutosaveTime = undefined;
skill = getdifficulty();
switch( skill )
case "gimp":
case "easy":
level.timedAutosaveTime = 60;
array_thread( getentarray( "bmp_spawn_trigger", "script_noteworthy" ), ::trigger_off );
case "medium":
level.timedAutosaveTime = 120;
case "hard":
case "difficult":
level.timedAutosaveTime = 180;
case "fu":
level.timedAutosaveTime = 0;
assert( isdefined( level.timedAutosaveTime ) );
level thread maps\village_assault_amb::main();
array_thread( getentarray( "seek_player", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::seek_player );
array_thread( getentarray( "indoor_enemy", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::indoor_enemy );
array_thread( getentarray( "seek_player_smart", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::seek_player_smart );
array_thread( getentarray( "dog", "script_noteworthy" ), ::add_spawn_function, ::seek_player_dog );
array_thread( getentarray( "enemy_color_hint_trigger", "targetname" ), ::enemy_color_hint_trigger_think );
array_thread( getentarray( "genocide_audio_trigger", "targetname" ), ::genocide_audio_trigger );
array_thread( getentarray( "dead_civilian", "targetname" ), ::dead_civilian );
array_thread( getentarray( "trigger_upstairs_guys", "targetname" ), ::trigger_upstairs_guys );
array_thread( getentarray( "alasad_barn_deletable", "script_noteworthy" ), ::alasad_deletable_hide );
array_thread( getentarray( "alasad_house_deletable", "script_noteworthy" ), ::alasad_deletable_hide );
add_hint_string( "call_air_support2", &"SCRIPT_PLATFORM_LEARN_CHOPPER_AIR_SUPPORT2", ::should_delete_attack_coord_hint );
thread chopper_air_support();
thread vehicle_patrol_init();
thread roaming_bmp();
thread timedAutosaves();
if ( getdvar( "village_assault_disable_gameplay") == "1" )
thread disable_gameplay();
wait 6.5;
objective_add( 0, "current", &"VILLAGE_ASSAULT_OBJECTIVE_LOCATE_ALASAD", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
array_thread( getentarray( "trigger_multiple", "classname" ), ::disable_gameplay_trigger );
array_thread( getentarray( "trigger_radius", "classname" ), ::disable_gameplay_trigger );
movePlayerToLocation( sTargetname )
assert( isdefined( sTargetname ) );
start = getent( sTargetname, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( start ) );
assert( isdefined( level.player ) );
level.player setOrigin( start.origin );
level.player setPlayerAngles( ( 0, start.angles[ 1 ], 0 ) );
gameplayTrigger = false;
if ( self.spawnflags & 32 )
gameplayTrigger = true;
if ( isdefined( self.targetname ) )
if ( self.targetname == "flood_and_secure" )
gameplayTrigger = true;
else if ( self.targetname == "flood_spawner" )
gameplayTrigger = true;
if ( gameplayTrigger )
self thread trigger_off();
spawn_starting_friendlies( sTargetname )
level.friendlies = [];
spawners = getentarray( sTargetname, "targetname" );
for( i = 0 ; i < spawners.size ; i++ )
friend = spawners[ i ] stalingradSpawn();
if ( spawn_failed( friend ) )
assertMsg( "A friendly failed to spawn" );
friend.goalradius = 32;
friend.fixednode = false;
if ( issubstr( friend.classname, "price" ) )
level.price = friend;
else if ( issubstr( friend.classname, "gaz" ) )
level.gaz = friend;
else if ( issubstr( friend.classname, "russian" ) )
level.opening_guy = friend;
level.opening_guy.animname = "opening_guy";
if ( friend isHero() )
friend thread magic_bullet_shield( undefined, 5.0 );
level.friendlies[ level.friendlies.size ] = friend;
friend thread friendly_adjust_movement_speed();
friend thread friendly_bmp_damage_ignore_timer();
assert( isdefined( level.price ) );
level.price.animname = "price";
level.price make_hero();
assert( isdefined( level.gaz ) );
level.gaz.animname = "gaz";
level.gaz make_hero();
//array_thread( getaiarray( "allies" ), ::replace_on_death );
assert( level.friendlies.size == spawners.size );
self endon( "death" );
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker );
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
if ( !isdefined( attacker.classname ) )
if ( attacker.classname != "script_vehicle" )
self.ignored_by_tank_cannon = true;
wait randomfloatrange( 4.0, 6.0 );
self.ignored_by_tank_cannon = undefined;
self endon( "death" );
wait randomfloatrange( 1.0, 3.0 );
while( friendly_should_speed_up() )
self.moveplaybackrate = 2.0;
wait 0.05;
self.moveplaybackrate = 1.0;
prof_begin( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
if ( !isdefined( self.goalpos ) )
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return false;
if ( distanceSquared( self.origin, self.goalpos ) <= level.goodFriendlyDistanceFromPlayerSquared )
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return false;
// check if AI is visible in player's FOV
if ( within_fov( level.player.origin, level.player getPlayerAngles(), self.origin, level.cosine[ "60" ] ) )
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return false;
prof_end( "friendly_movement_rate_math" );
return true;
if ( !isdefined( self ) )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( self.script_noteworthy ) )
return false;
if ( self.script_noteworthy == "hero" )
return true;
return false;
friendly_sight_distance( fDistance )
dist = fDistance * fDistance;
for( i = 0 ; i < level.friendlies.size ; i++ )
level.friendlies[ i ].maxsightdistsqrd = dist;
friendly_movement_speed( speed )
for( i = 0 ; i < level.friendlies.size ; i++ )
level.friendlies[ i ].moveplaybackrate = speed;
friendly_stance( stance1, stance2, stance3 )
for( i = 0 ; i < level.friendlies.size ; i++ )
if ( isdefined ( stance3 ) )
level.friendlies[ i ] allowedStances( stance1, stance2, stance3 );
if ( isdefined ( stance2 ) )
level.friendlies[ i ] allowedStances( stance1, stance2 );
level.friendlies[ i ] allowedStances( stance1 );
script_org = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( script_org ) );
assert( script_org.classname == "script_origin" );
distractedGuyStruct = spawnStruct();
targeted = getentarray( script_org.target, "targetname" );
distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers = [];
distractedGuyStruct.spawners = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < targeted.size ; i++ )
if ( issubstr( targeted[ i ].classname, "trigger" ) )
assert( isdefined( targeted[ i ].script_noteworthy ) );
distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers[ distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers.size ] = targeted[ i ];
else if ( targeted[ i ] isSpawner() )
assert( isdefined( targeted[ i ].script_animation ) );
distractedGuyStruct.spawners[ distractedGuyStruct.spawners.size ] = targeted[ i ];
assert( distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers.size > 0 );
assert( distractedGuyStruct.spawners.size > 0 );
distractedGuyStruct.nodes = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < distractedGuyStruct.spawners.size ; i++ )
assert( isdefined( distractedGuyStruct.spawners[ i ].target ) );
node = getnode( distractedGuyStruct.spawners[ i ].target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( node ) );
distractedGuyStruct.nodes[ distractedGuyStruct.nodes.size ] = node;
assert( distractedGuyStruct.nodes.size > 0 );
assert( distractedGuyStruct.nodes.size == distractedGuyStruct.spawners.size );
self waittill( "trigger" );
// spawn the guys
distractedGuyStruct.guys = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < distractedGuyStruct.spawners.size ; i++ )
spawned = distractedGuyStruct.spawners[ i ] stalingradSpawn();
if ( spawn_failed( spawned ) )
assertMsg( "distracted guy failed to spawn" );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ distractedGuyStruct.guys.size ] = spawned;
assert( distractedGuyStruct.guys.size > 0 );
thread distractedGuys_animate( distractedGuyStruct );
distractedGuys_animate( distractedGuyStruct )
for( i = 0 ; i < distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers.size ; i++ )
distractedGuyStruct.alert_triggers[ i ] thread distractedGuys_alert_trigger( distractedGuyStruct );
for( i = 0 ; i < distractedGuyStruct.guys.size ; i++ )
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].distracted = true;
//distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].ignoreme = true;
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ] thread alert_event_notify( distractedGuyStruct );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].animname = distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].script_animation;
distractedGuyStruct.nodes[ i ] thread anim_loop_solo( distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ], "idle", undefined, "stop_idle" );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].allowdeath = true;
if ( isdefined( level.scr_anim[ distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].animname ][ "death" ] ) )
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].deathanim = level.scr_anim[ distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].animname ][ "death" ];
thread distractedGuys_alert( distractedGuyStruct );
distractedGuys_alert_trigger( distractedGuyStruct )
self waittill( self.script_noteworthy );
distractedGuyStruct notify( "alerted" );
distractedGuys_alert( distractedGuyStruct )
switch( distractedGuyStruct.guys.size )
case 1:
level waittill_any_ents( distractedGuyStruct, "alerted",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ] , "alerted",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ], "death",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ], "damage" );
case 2:
level waittill_any_ents( distractedGuyStruct, "alerted",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ] , "alerted",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ], "death",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 0 ], "damage",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 1 ], "alerted",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 1 ], "death",
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ 1 ], "damage" );
distractedGuyStruct notify( "alerted" );
wait randomfloatrange( 0, 1.3 );
for( i = 0 ; i < distractedGuyStruct.guys.size ; i++ )
if ( !isalive( distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ] ) )
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].distracted = undefined;
//distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].ignoreme = false;
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ] notify( "alerted" );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ] notify( "stop_idle" );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].deathanim = undefined;
if ( isdefined( level.scr_anim[ distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ].animname ][ "react" ] ) )
distractedGuyStruct.nodes[ i ] thread anim_single_solo( distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ], "react" );
distractedGuyStruct.guys[ i ] stopanimscripted();
targeted = getentarray( self.target, "targetname" );
script_org = undefined;
assasinate_trigger = undefined;
for( i = 0 ; i < targeted.size ; i++ )
if ( targeted[ i ].classname == "script_origin" )
script_org = targeted[ i ];
if ( issubstr( targeted[ i ].classname, "trigger" ) )
assasinate_trigger = targeted[ i ];
assert( isdefined( script_org ) );
assasinationStruct = spawnStruct();
if ( isdefined( assasinate_trigger ) )
assasinationStruct.assasinate_trigger = assasinate_trigger;
targeted = getentarray( script_org.target, "targetname" );
assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers = [];
assasinationStruct.spawners = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < targeted.size ; i++ )
if ( issubstr( targeted[ i ].classname, "trigger" ) )
assert( isdefined( targeted[ i ].script_noteworthy ) );
assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers[ assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers.size ] = targeted[ i ];
else if ( targeted[ i ] isSpawner() )
assasinationStruct.spawners[ assasinationStruct.spawners.size ] = targeted[ i ];
assert( assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers.size > 0 );
assert( assasinationStruct.spawners.size > 0 );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.spawners.size ; i++ )
assert( isdefined( assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ].target ) );
node = getnode( assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ].target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( node ) );
assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ].animnode = node;
self waittill( "trigger" );
// spawn the guys
assasinationStruct.guys = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.spawners.size ; i++ )
spawned = assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ] stalingradSpawn();
if ( spawn_failed( spawned ) )
assertMsg( "assasination guy failed to spawn" );
assert( isdefined( assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ].animnode ) );
spawned.animnode = assasinationStruct.spawners[ i ].animnode;
assasinationStruct.guys[ assasinationStruct.guys.size ] = spawned;
assert( assasinationStruct.guys.size > 0 );
assasinationStruct.executioners = [];
allGuys = assasinationStruct.guys;
for( i = 0 ; i < allGuys.size ; i++ )
if ( allGuys[ i ].team != "axis" )
//allGuys[ i ].ignoreme = true;
assasinationStruct.executioners[ assasinationStruct.executioners.size ] = allGuys[ i ];
assasinationStruct.guys = array_remove( assasinationStruct.guys, allGuys[ i ] );
assert( assasinationStruct.executioners.size > 0 );
assert( assasinationStruct.guys.size > 0 );
assert( assasinationStruct.guys.size + assasinationStruct.executioners.size == assasinationStruct.spawners.size );
thread assasination_think( assasinationStruct );
assasination_think( assasinationStruct )
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.executioners.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] endon( "death" );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.guys.size ; i++ )
thread assasination_assasinated_idle( assasinationStruct, i );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.executioners.size ; i++ )
thread assasination_executioner_idle( assasinationStruct, i );
thread assasination_alert( assasinationStruct );
assasinationStruct waittill_any( "alerted", "assasinate" );
createthreatbiasgroup( "executioner" );
createthreatbiasgroup( "assasinated" );
setthreatbias( "assasinated", "executioner", 100000 );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.executioners.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] setthreatbiasgroup( "executioner" );
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] notify( "stop_idle" );
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] stopanimscripted();
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].goalradius = 16;
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] setGoalNode( assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].animnode );
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].old_baseAccuracy = assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].baseAccuracy;
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].baseAccuracy = 1000;
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.guys.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.guys[ i ] setthreatbiasgroup( "assasinated" );
assasinationStruct.guys[ i ].deathanim = level.scr_anim[ "assasinated" ][ "knees_fall" ];
assasinationStruct.guys[ i ] thread assasination_ragdoll_death();
assasinationStruct.guys[ i ].allowdeath = true;
//assasinationStruct.guys[ i ].ignoreme = false;
switch( assasinationStruct.guys.size )
case 1:
assasinationStruct.guys[ 0 ] waittill( "death" );
case 2:
waittill_multiple_ents( assasinationStruct.guys[ 0 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 1 ], "death" );
case 3:
waittill_multiple_ents( assasinationStruct.guys[ 0 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 1 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 2 ], "death" );
case 4:
waittill_multiple_ents( assasinationStruct.guys[ 0 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 1 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 2 ], "death", assasinationStruct.guys[ 3 ], "death" );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.executioners.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].baseAccuracy = assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].old_baseAccuracy;
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ].old_baseAccuracy = undefined;
assasination_alert( assasinationStruct )
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.assasination_triggers[ i ] thread assasination_kill_trigger( assasinationStruct );
for( i = 0 ; i < assasinationStruct.executioners.size ; i++ )
assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ] thread alert_event_notify( assasinationStruct );
thread assasination_alert_thread( assasinationStruct.executioners[ i ], assasinationStruct );
assasination_alert_thread( guy, assasinationStruct )
level waittill_any_ents( assasinationStruct, "alerted",
guy , "alerted",
guy, "death",
guy, "damage" );
assasinationStruct notify( "assasinate" );
self waittill( "death" );
wait 0.5;
if ( isdefined( self ) )
self startRagDoll();
assasination_assasinated_idle( assasinationStruct, guyIndex )
assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ] thread gun_remove();
assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ].animname = "assasinated";
if ( randomint( 3 ) == 0 )
if ( randomint( 3 ) == 0 )
assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ].animnode anim_single_solo( assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ], "stand_idle2" );
assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ].animnode anim_single_solo( assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ], "stand_fall" );
assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ].animnode thread anim_loop_solo( assasinationStruct.guys[ guyIndex ], "knees_idle", undefined, "stop_idle" );
assasination_executioner_idle( assasinationStruct, guyIndex )
assasinationStruct.executioners[ guyIndex ].allowdeath = true;
assasinationStruct.executioners[ guyIndex ].animname = "executioner";
assasinationStruct.executioners[ guyIndex ].animnode thread anim_loop_solo( assasinationStruct.executioners[ guyIndex ], "idle", undefined, "stop_idle" );
assasination_kill_trigger( assasinationStruct )
self waittill( self.script_noteworthy );
assasinationStruct notify( "assasinate" );
alert_event_notify( struct )
struct endon( "alerted" );
self endon( "death" );
self thread add_event_listener( "grenade danger" );
self thread add_event_listener( "gunshot" );
self thread add_event_listener( "silenced_shot" );
self thread add_event_listener( "bulletwhizby" );
self thread add_event_listener( "projectile_impact" );
self waittill( "event_notify" );
struct notify( "alerted" );
add_event_listener( sEventString )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "event_notify" );
self addAIEventListener( sEventString );
self waittill( sEventString );
self removeAIEventListener( sEventString );
self notify( "event_notify" );
self endon( "death" );
if ( ( isdefined( self.distracted ) ) && ( self.distracted == true ) )
self waittill( "alerted" );
self.goalradius = 600;
self setgoalentity( level.player );
// trigger is hit - notify the targeted trigger to make enemies use color nodes
self waittill( "trigger" );
getent( self.target, "targetname" ) notify( "trigger" );
level.seekersUsingColors = true;
while( level.player isTouching( self ) )
wait 0.1;
// player not in trigger anymore - make enemies use players goal pos
level.seekersUsingColors = false;
level notify( "seekers_chase_player" );
self endon( "death" );
if ( ( isdefined( self.distracted ) ) && ( self.distracted == true ) )
self waittill( "alerted" );
self set_force_color( "r" );
if ( !level.seekersUsingColors )
self.goalradius = 2000;
self.pathenemyfightdist = 1500;
self setEngagementMinDist( 1300, 1000 );
self setgoalentity( level.player );
level waittill( "seekers_chase_player" );
self.goalradius = 1000;
self setgoalentity( level.player );
//self.engagemaxdist = 512;
//self.engagemaxfalloffdist = 1024;
waittill_ai_in_volume_dead( volumeTargetname )
volume = getent( volumeTargetname, "targetname" );
axis = getaiarray( "axis" );
volumeAxis = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < axis.size ; i++ )
if ( !axis[ i ] isTouching( volume ) )
volumeAxis[ volumeAxis.size ] = axis[ i ];
if( volumeAxis.size > 0 )
waittill_dead( volumeAxis );
add_objective_building( aiGroupNum )
if ( !isdefined( level._ai_group ) )
if ( !isdefined( level._ai_group[ aiGroupNum ] ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.buildings_remaining ) )
level.buildings_remaining = 0;
if ( !isdefined( level.suggested_objective_order ) )
level.suggested_objective_order = [];
// Find the matching script_origin building location for this objective. It will have the same script_aigroup as the AI
all_obj_locs = getentarray( "objective_location", "targetname" );
objective_location = undefined;
for( i = 0 ; i < all_obj_locs.size ; i++ )
assert( isdefined( all_obj_locs[ i ].script_aigroup ) );
if ( all_obj_locs[ i ].script_aigroup != aiGroupNum )
objective_location = all_obj_locs[ i ].origin;
assert( isdefined( objective_location ) );
// add this objective to the suggested order
objectiveIndex = level.suggested_objective_order.size;
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ] = spawnStruct();
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].aiGroupNum = aiGroupNum;
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].completed = false;
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].additionalPositionIndex = level.buildings_remaining;
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].location = objective_location;
// Wait until all AI at this building objective are dead
waittill_aigroupcleared( aiGroupNum );
wait randomfloatrange( 1.5, 3.0 );
arcademode_checkpoint( 4, "building_" + aiGroupNum );
if ( ( isdefined( level.alasad_objective_location ) ) && ( aiGroupNum == level.alasad_objective_location ) )
// Buildings cleared - update waypoints
level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].completed = true;
thread objective_updateNextWaypoints();
if ( !flag( "alasad_sequence_started" ) )
if ( level.buildingClearNextAudio == 0 )
// Building clear. No sign of Al-Asad. Move on.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "nosign" );
// increase the ambient
thread maps\_utility::set_ambient( "exterior3" );
else if ( level.buildingClearNextAudio == 1 )
// Building is clear. Move on to the next one.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "nextone" );
else if ( level.buildingClearNextAudio == 2 )
// This building's clear! Let's check the other buildings!
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "checkother" );
else if ( level.buildingClearNextAudio == 3 )
// Building clear. Let's check the next one.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "checknext" );
// settle the ambient
thread maps\_utility::set_ambient( "exterior1" );
else if ( level.buildingClearNextAudio == 4 )
// Building clear. No sign of Al-Asad. Move on.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "nosign" );
// Autosave the game at this point
thread doAutoSave( "building_" + aiGroupNum + "_cleared" );
// if there is only one possible alasad location remaining then activate it now
level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining = array_remove( level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining, aiGroupNum );
if ( level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining.size > 1 )
if ( isdefined( level.alasad_sequence_init ) )
if ( level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining[ 0 ] == "2" )
thread do_alasad( "house" );
else if ( level.alasad_possible_objective_locations_remaining[ 0 ] == "6" )
thread do_alasad( "barn" );
numObjectivesDisplayed = 2;
numObjectivesAdded = 0;
// clear all objective waypoints
for ( i = 0 ; i < level.suggested_objective_order.size ; i++ )
objective_additionalposition( 0, i, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
// get the next locations to be shown
for ( objectiveIndex = 0 ; objectiveIndex < level.suggested_objective_order.size ; objectiveIndex++ )
if ( level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].completed )
// add objective waypoint
positionIndex = level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].additionalPositionIndex;
location = level.suggested_objective_order[ objectiveIndex ].location;
objective_additionalposition( 0, numObjectivesAdded + 1, location );
// make sure we only add as many waypoints as specified
if ( numObjectivesAdded == numObjectivesDisplayed )
assert( numObjectivesAdded < numObjectivesDisplayed );
dialogIndex = 0;
level.lastUsedWeapon = undefined;
level.fake_chopper_ammo = 1;
while( level.player getcurrentweapon() != "cobra_air_support" )
level.lastUsedWeapon = level.player GetCurrentWeapon();
wait 0.05;
if(getdvar("player_sustainAmmo") == "0" && !flag("ammo_cheat_for_chopper"))
ammo = level.player getAmmoCount( "cobra_air_support" );
flag_set("ammo_cheat_for_chopper"); //once cheat has been called maintain fake ammo. going in and out breaks things. - Nate
ammo = level.fake_chopper_ammo;
if ( ( !isdefined( ammo ) ) || ( ammo <= 0 ) )
// give player his weapon back
if ( flag( "air_support_refueling" ) )
if ( dialogIndex == 0 )
// Negative, we are refueling at this time. Standby.
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "refueling" );
dialogIndex = 1;
// We are rearming at this time. Standby.
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "rearming" );
dialogIndex = 0;
wait 1;
thread chopper_air_support_activate();
while( level.player getcurrentweapon() == "cobra_air_support" )
wait 0.05;
level notify( "air_support_canceled" );
thread chopper_air_support_deactive();
level.player takeWeapon( "cobra_air_support" );
level notify( "air_support_canceled" );
level notify( "air_support_deleted" );
thread chopper_air_support_deactive();
if ( isdefined( level.chopper ) )
level.chopper.delete_on_death = true;
level.chopper notify( "death" );
level endon( "air_support_canceled" );
level endon( "air_support_called" );
thread chopper_air_support_paint_target();
thread air_support_hint_print_call();
// Make the arrow
level.chopperAttackArrow = spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
level.chopperAttackArrow setModel( "tag_origin" );
level.chopperAttackArrow.angles = ( -90, 0, 0 );
level.chopperAttackArrow.offset = 4;
playfxontag( getfx( "air_support_fx_yellow" ), level.chopperAttackArrow, "tag_origin" );
level.playerActivatedAirSupport = true;
coord = undefined;
traceOffset = 15;
traceLength = 15000;
minValidLength = 300 * 300;
trace = [];
trace[ 0 ] = spawnStruct();
trace[ 0 ].offsetDir = "vertical";
trace[ 0 ].offsetDist = traceOffset;
trace[ 1 ] = spawnStruct();
trace[ 1 ].offsetDir = "vertical";
trace[ 1 ].offsetDist = traceOffset * -1;
trace[ 2 ] = spawnStruct();
trace[ 2 ].offsetDir = "horizontal";
trace[ 2 ].offsetDist = traceOffset;
trace[ 3 ] = spawnStruct();
trace[ 3 ].offsetDir = "horizontal";
trace[ 3 ].offsetDist = traceOffset * -1;
rotateTime = 0;
wait 0.05;
prof_begin( "spotting_marker" );
// Trace to where the player is looking
direction = level.player getPlayerAngles();
direction_vec = anglesToForward( direction );
eye = level.player getEye();
for ( i = 0 ; i < trace.size ; i++ )
start = eye;
vec = undefined;
if ( trace[ i ].offsetDir == "vertical" )
vec = anglesToUp( direction );
else if ( trace[ i ].offsetDir == "horizontal" )
vec = anglesToRight( direction );
assert( isdefined( vec ) );
start = start + vector_multiply( vec, trace[ i ].offsetDist );
trace[ i ].trace = bullettrace( start, start + vector_multiply( direction_vec , traceLength ), 0, undefined );
trace[ i ].length = distanceSquared( start, trace[ i ].trace[ "position" ] );
if ( getdvar( "village_assault_debug_marker") == "1" )
thread draw_line_for_time( start, trace[ i ].trace[ "position" ], 1, 1, 1, 0.05 );
validLocations = [];
validNormals = [];
for ( i = 0 ; i < trace.size ; i++ )
if ( trace[ i ].length < minValidLength )
index = validLocations.size;
validLocations[ index ] = trace[ i ].trace[ "position" ];
validNormals[ index ] = trace[ i ].trace[ "normal" ];
if ( getdvar( "village_assault_debug_marker") == "1" )
thread draw_line_for_time( level.player getEye(), validLocations[ index ], 0, 1, 0, 0.05 );
// if all points are too close just use all of them since none are good
if ( validLocations.size == 0 )
for ( i = 0 ; i < trace.size ; i++ )
validLocations[ i ] = trace[ i ].trace[ "position" ];
validNormals[ i ] = trace[ i ].trace[ "normal" ];
assert( validLocations.size > 0 );
if ( validLocations.size == 4 )
fxLocation = findAveragePointVec( validLocations[ 0 ], validLocations[ 1 ], validLocations[ 2 ], validLocations[ 3 ] );
fxNormal = findAveragePointVec( validNormals[ 0 ], validNormals[ 1 ], validNormals[ 2 ], validNormals[ 3 ] );
else if ( validLocations.size == 3 )
fxLocation = findAveragePointVec( validLocations[ 0 ], validLocations[ 1 ], validLocations[ 2 ] );
fxNormal = findAveragePointVec( validNormals[ 0 ], validNormals[ 1 ], validNormals[ 2 ] );
else if ( validLocations.size == 2 )
fxLocation = findAveragePointVec( validLocations[ 0 ], validLocations[ 1 ] );
fxNormal = findAveragePointVec( validNormals[ 0 ], validNormals[ 1 ] );
fxLocation = validLocations[ 0 ];
fxNormal = validNormals[ 0 ];
if ( getdvar( "village_assault_debug_marker") == "1" )
thread draw_line_for_time( level.player getEye(), fxLocation, 1, 0, 0, 0.05 );
thread drawChopperAttackArrow( fxLocation, fxNormal, rotateTime );
rotateTime = 0.2;
prof_end( "spotting_marker" );
findAveragePointVec( point1, point2, point3, point4 )
assert( isdefined( point1 ) );
assert( isdefined( point2 ) );
if ( isdefined( point4 ) )
x = findAveragePoint( point1[ 0 ], point2[ 0 ], point3[ 0 ], point4[ 0 ] );
y = findAveragePoint( point1[ 1 ], point2[ 1 ], point3[ 1 ], point4[ 1 ] );
z = findAveragePoint( point1[ 2 ], point2[ 2 ], point3[ 2 ], point4[ 2 ] );
else if ( isdefined( point3 ) )
x = findAveragePoint( point1[ 0 ], point2[ 0 ], point3[ 0 ] );
y = findAveragePoint( point1[ 1 ], point2[ 1 ], point3[ 1 ] );
z = findAveragePoint( point1[ 2 ], point2[ 2 ], point3[ 2 ] );
x = findAveragePoint( point1[ 0 ], point2[ 0 ] );
y = findAveragePoint( point1[ 1 ], point2[ 1 ] );
z = findAveragePoint( point1[ 2 ], point2[ 2 ] );
return( x, y, z );
findAveragePoint( point1, point2, point3, point4 )
assert( isdefined( point1 ) );
assert( isdefined( point2 ) );
if ( isdefined( point4 ) )
return ( ( point1 + point2 + point3 + point4 ) / 4 );
else if ( isdefined( point3 ) )
return ( ( point1 + point2 + point3 ) / 3 );
return ( ( point1 + point2 ) / 2 );
thread delete_attack_coord_hint();
wait 0.05;
if ( isdefined( level.chopperAttackArrow ) )
level.chopperAttackArrow delete();
if ( ( isdefined( level.lastUsedWeapon ) ) && ( level.player HasWeapon( level.lastUsedWeapon ) ) )
level.player switchToWeapon( level.lastUsedWeapon );
weaponList = level.player GetWeaponsListPrimaries();
if ( isdefined( weaponList[ 0 ] ) )
level.player switchToWeapon( weaponList[ 0 ] );
level endon( "air_support_canceled" );
level.player waittill ( "weapon_fired" );
level.fake_chopper_ammo = 0;
level.playerCalledAirSupport = true;
thread chopper_air_support_mark();
// give player his weapon back
thread chopper_air_support_call_chopper( level.chopperAttackArrow.origin );
level notify( "air_support_called" );
if ( level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio == 0 )
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "ontheway" ); // Mosin Two-Five here. We're on the way. Standby for air support.
else if ( level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio == 1 )
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "helicopteronway" ); // Helicopter is on the way. We'll handle it. Out.
else if ( level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio == 2 )
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "wehavetarget" ); // This is Mosin Two-Five, we have the target. Standby.
if ( level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio > 2 )
level.chopperSupportCallNextAudio = 0;
marker = spawn( "script_model", level.chopperAttackArrow.origin );
marker setModel( "tag_origin" );
marker.angles = level.chopperAttackArrow.angles;
wait 0.1;
playfxontag( getfx( "air_support_fx_red" ), marker, "tag_origin" );
wait 5.0;
marker delete();
self endon( "death" );
chopper_accumulated_friendly_damage = 0;
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction, point, type );
if ( attacker != level.player )
if ( ( isdefined( type ) ) && ( !issubstr( tolower( type ), "bullet" ) ) )
if ( isdefined( amount ) && ( amount > 0 ) )
chopper_accumulated_friendly_damage += amount;
if ( chopper_accumulated_friendly_damage >= 500 )
thread maps\_friendlyfire::missionfail();
chopper_air_support_call_chopper( coordinate )
closestPoint = findBestChopperWaypoint( coordinate, 45 );
if ( closestPoint <= -1 )
wait 0.05;
closestPoint = findBestChopperWaypoint( coordinate, 70 );
if ( closestPoint <= -1 )
wait 0.05;
closestPoint = findBestChopperWaypoint( coordinate, 70, true );
assert( closestPoint > -1 );
if ( getdvar( "debug_chopper_air_support") == "1" )
print3d( level.chopperSupportHoverLocations[ closestPoint ] + ( 0, 0,20 ), "chosen", ( 0, 0, 1 ), 1.0, 3.0, 10000 );
// spawn the chopper
level.chopper = maps\_vehicle::spawn_vehicle_from_targetname( "chopper" );
assert( isdefined( level.chopper ) );
level.chopper endon( "death" );
level.chopper thread chopper_air_support_friendlyFire();
returnToBasePos = level.chopper.origin;
// fly chopper to that point and make it face the direction of the target
eTarget = spawn( "script_origin", coordinate );
level.chopper setLookAtEnt( eTarget );
level.chopper setspeed( 65, 10, 20 );
level.chopper sethoverparams( 250, 60, 35 );
yawAngle = vectorToAngles( coordinate - level.chopperSupportHoverLocations[ closestPoint ] );
level.chopper setgoalyaw( yawAngle[ 1 ] );
level.chopper setvehgoalpos( level.chopperSupportHoverLocations[ closestPoint ], true );
level.chopper setNearGoalNotifyDist( 4000 );
level.chopper waittill( "near_goal" );
level.chopper thread chopper_ai_mode();
level.chopper settargetyaw( yawAngle[ 1 ] );
level.chopper waittill( "goal" );
// kill all the spawners nearby the coordinate
killspawns = getentarray( "helicopter_force_kill_spawn", "targetname" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < killspawns.size ; i++ )
if ( eTarget isTouching( killspawns[ i ] ) )
assert( isdefined( killspawns[ i ].target ) );
trig = getentarray( killspawns[ i ].target, "targetname" );
for ( j = 0 ; j < trig.size ; j++ )
trig[ j ] notify( "trigger" );
level.chopper thread chopper_ai_mode_missiles( eTarget );
badplace_cylinder( "air_support_AOE", 30.0, eTarget.origin, 1050, 10000, "allies" );
thread chopper_air_support_end( returnToBasePos );
return isdefined( level.playerActivatedAirSupport );
return isdefined( level.playerCalledAirSupport );
if ( isdefined( level.air_support_hint_delete ) )
level.air_support_hint_delete = undefined;
return true;
return isdefined( level.playerActivatedAirSupport );
flag_set( "delete_attack_coord_hint" );
level waittill( "checked_should_delete_hint" );
flag_clear( "delete_attack_coord_hint" );
ans = flag( "delete_attack_coord_hint" );
level notify( "checked_should_delete_hint" );
return ans;
findBestChopperWaypoint( coordinate, fov_angle, bForceLocation )
if ( getdvar( "debug_chopper_air_support") == "1" )
iprintln( "chopper deciding which location to fly to" );
playerCoordinate = level.player.origin;
playerFaceAngle = level.player getPlayerAngles();
targetFaceAngle = playerFaceAngle + ( 0, 180, 0 );
cosine = cos( fov_angle );
if ( !isdefined( bForceLocation ) )
bForceLocation = false;
closestPoint = -1;
closestDist = 1000000000;
minimumSafeDistance = 1000 * 1000;
for( i = 0 ; i < level.chopperSupportHoverLocations.size ; i++ )
p = level.chopperSupportHoverLocations[ i ];
if ( !bForceLocation )
// dont use the point if it's not on the same side of the target as the player ( using imaginary perpindicular line to players facing direction )
if( !within_fov( flat_origin( coordinate ), flat_angle( targetFaceAngle ), flat_origin( p ), cosine ) )
// get the closest point on the segment to the point
nearestPointOnLine = pointOnSegmentNearestToPoint( coordinate, playerCoordinate, p );
d = distanceSquared( nearestPointOnLine, p );
if ( !bForceLocation )
// make sure the chopper wont fly to a location too close to the target
if ( d < minimumSafeDistance )
if( d < closestDist )
closestPoint = i;
closestDist = d;
if ( getdvar( "debug_chopper_air_support") == "1" )
print3d( p, d, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 1.0, 3.0, 10000 );
return closestPoint;
chopper_air_support_end( returnToBasePos )
level endon( "air_support_deleted" );
flag_clear( "air_support_refueling" );
wait 30;
flag_set( "air_support_refueling" );
// This is Two-Five. We have to refuel and rearm. We will not be available for some time.
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "refuelandrearm" );
level notify( "air_support_over" );
flyHomeVec = vectorToAngles( returnToBasePos - level.chopper.origin );
if ( !isdefined( level.chopper ) )
level.chopper clearLookatEnt();
level.chopper setTargetYaw( flyHomeVec[ 1 ] );
level.chopper setVehGoalPos( returnToBasePos );
level.chopper waittill( "goal" );
level.chopper delete();
level.chopper = undefined;
wait 20;
flag_clear( "air_support_refueling" );
// Mosin Two-Five here. We are ready to attack and are standing by for new orders.
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "readytoattack" );
level.player giveStartAmmo( "cobra_air_support" );
level.fake_chopper_ammo = 1;
self thread chopper_ai_mode_aim_turret();
self thread chopper_ai_mode_shoot_turret();
self thread chopper_ai_mode_flares();
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "air_support_over" );
eTarget = maps\_helicopter_globals::getEnemyTarget( 6000, level.cosine[ "45" ], true, true, true, true );
if( isdefined( eTarget ) )
eTargetOffset = ( 0, 0, 0 );
if ( isdefined( eTarget.script_targetoffset_z ) )
eTargetOffset += ( 0, 0, eTarget.script_targetoffset_z );
else if ( isSentient( eTarget ) )
eTargetOffset = ( 0, 0, 32 );
self setTurretTargetEnt( eTarget, eTargetOffset );
wait randomfloatrange( 0.2, 1.0 );
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "air_support_over" );
randomShots = randomintrange( 30, 60 );
self setVehWeapon( "hind_turret" );
for( i = 0 ; i < randomShots ; i++ )
self fireWeapon( "tag_flash" );
wait 0.05;
wait randomfloatrange( 1.0, 1.75 );
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "air_support_over" );
iNumFlares = randomintrange( 2, 8 );
thread maps\_helicopter_globals::flares_fire_burst( self, iNumFlares, 1, 5.0 );
wait randomfloatrange( 4.0, 8.0 );
chopper_ai_mode_missiles( eTarget )
eTargetOriginal = eTarget;
self endon( "death" );
level endon( "air_support_over" );
iShots = randomintrange( 1, 5 );
eTarget = maps\_helicopter_globals::getEnemyTarget( 6000, level.cosine[ "25" ], true, true, true, true );
if ( ( isdefined( eTarget ) ) && ( isdefined( eTarget.origin ) ) )
self maps\_helicopter_globals::fire_missile( "ffar_mi28_village_assault", iShots, eTarget );
self maps\_helicopter_globals::fire_missile( "ffar_mi28_village_assault", iShots, eTargetOriginal );
wait randomfloatrange( 3.5, 6.0 );
drawChopperAttackArrow( coord, normal, rotateTime )
assert( isdefined( level.chopperAttackArrow ) );
assert( isdefined( coord ) );
assert( isdefined( normal ) );
assert( isdefined( rotateTime ) );
coord += vector_multiply( normal, level.chopperAttackArrow.offset );
level.chopperAttackArrow.origin = coord;
if ( rotateTime > 0 )
level.chopperAttackArrow rotateTo( vectortoangles( normal ), 0.2 );
level.chopperAttackArrow.angles = vectortoangles( normal );
getClosestInFOV( startOrigin, arrayEnts, fov_angle, minDistance )
cos = cos( fov_angle );
closestEnt = undefined;
secondClosestEnt = undefined;
closestDist = 1000000000;
for( i = 0 ; i < arrayEnts.size ; i++ )
//if( !within_fov( flat_origin( startOrigin ), flat_angle( level.player getPlayerAngles() ), flat_origin( arrayEnts[ i ].origin ), cos ) )
// continue;
d = distancesquared( startOrigin, arrayEnts[ i ].origin );
if ( d < minDistance )
if( d < closestDist )
secondClosestEnt = closestEnt;
closestEnt = arrayEnts[ i ];
closestDist = d;
array = [];
array[ 0 ] = closestEnt;
array[ 1 ] = secondClosestEnt;
return array;
iEntityNumber = self getentitynumber();
rearOrgOffset = (0, -33, 10);
rearAngOffset = (0, 90, -90);
frontOrgOffset = (129, 0, 35);
frontAngOffset = (0, 90, 144);
self maps\_c4::c4_location( "rear_hatch_open_jnt_left", rearOrgOffset, rearAngOffset );
self maps\_c4::c4_location( "tag_origin", frontOrgOffset, frontAngOffset );
self.rearC4location = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
self.frontC4location = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin );
self.rearC4location linkto( self, "rear_hatch_open_jnt_left", rearOrgOffset, rearAngOffset );
self.frontC4location linkto( self, "tag_origin", frontOrgOffset, frontAngOffset );
self waittill( "c4_detonation" );
self.frontC4location delete();
self.rearC4location delete();
self thread vehicle_death( iEntityNumber );
vehicle_death( iEntityNumber )
self notify( "clear_c4" );
setplayerignoreradiusdamage( true );
earthquake( 0.6, 2, self.origin, 2000 );
self notify( "death" );
thread play_sound_in_space( "exp_armor_vehicle", self gettagorigin( "tag_turret" ) );
AI = get_ai_within_radius( 1024, self.origin, "axis" );
if ( (isdefined(AI)) && (AI.size > 0) )
array_thread(AI, ::AI_stun, .85);
radiusdamage( self.origin, 256, 200, 100 );
if ( distancesquared( self.origin, level.player.origin ) <= ( 256 * 256 ) )
level.player dodamage( level.player.health / 3, ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
AI_stun( fAmount )
self endon( "death" );
if( ( isdefined( self ) ) && ( isalive( self ) ) && ( self getFlashBangedStrength() == 0 ) )
self setFlashBanged( true, fAmount );
get_ai_within_radius( fRadius, org, sTeam )
if( isdefined( sTeam ) )
ai = getaiarray( sTeam );
ai = getaiarray();
aDudes = [];
for( i = 0 ; i < ai.size ; i++ )
if ( distance( org, self.origin ) <= fRadius )
array_add( aDudes, ai[ i ] );
return aDudes;
bmp = maps\_vehicle::waittill_vehiclespawn( "roaming_bmp" );
assert( isdefined( bmp ) );
target_set( bmp, ( 0, 0, 32 ) );
target_setJavelinOnly( bmp, true );
bmp thread vehicle_patrol_think();
bmp thread vehicle_turret_think();
bmp thread vehicle_c4_think();
bmp thread maps\_vehicle::damage_hints();
bmp thread bmp_autosave_on_death();
bmp thread vehicle_death_think();
getDamageType( type )
//returns a simple damage type: melee, bullet, splash, or unknown
if ( !isdefined( type ) )
return "unknown";
type = tolower( type );
switch( type )
case "mod_explosive":
case "mod_explosive_splash":
return "c4";
case "mod_projectile":
case "mod_projectile_splash":
return "rocket";
case "mod_grenade":
case "mod_grenade_splash":
return "grenade";
case "unknown":
return "unknown";
return "unknown";
self endon ("death");
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, type );
if (attacker != level.player)
if ( !isdefined( damage ) )
if ( damage <= 0 )
type = getDamageType( type );
assert( isdefined( type ) );
if ( ( type == "rocket" ) && ( damage >= 300 ) )
if ( ( type == "c4" ) && ( damage >= 250 ) )
self notify( "c4_detonation" );
level.aVehicleNodes = [];
array1 = getvehiclenodearray( "go_forward", "script_noteworthy" );
array2 = getvehiclenodearray( "go_backward", "script_noteworthy" );
level.aVehicleNodes = array_merge( array1, array2 );
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
self endon( "death" );
ePathstart = self.attachedpath;
self waittill( "reached_end_node" );
prof_begin( "bmp_logic" );
aLinked_nodes = [];
eCurrentNode = undefined;
go_backward_node = undefined;
go_forward_node = undefined;
eStartNode = undefined;
closestEndNodes = undefined;
assert( isdefined( ePathstart ) );
eCurrentNode = ePathstart get_last_ent_in_chain( "vehiclenode" );
aLinked_nodes = level.aVehicleNodes;
aLinked_nodes = array_remove( aLinked_nodes, eCurrentNode);
aVehicleNodes = level.aVehicleNodes;
sScript_vehiclenodegroup = eCurrentNode.script_vehiclenodegroup;
assertEx((isdefined(aVehicleNodes[i].script_vehiclenodegroup)), "Vehiclenode at " + aVehicleNodes[i].origin + " needs to be assigned a script_vehiclenodegroup");
if ( aVehicleNodes[i].script_vehiclenodegroup != sScript_vehiclenodegroup )
aLinked_nodes = array_remove( aLinked_nodes, aVehicleNodes[i] );
assertEx(aLinked_nodes.size > 0, "Ends of vehicle paths need to be grouped with at least one other chain of nodes for moving forward, backward or both");
if ( isdefined(aLinked_nodes[i].script_noteworthy) && (aLinked_nodes[i].script_noteworthy == "go_backward") )
go_backward_node = aLinked_nodes[i];
go_backward_node.end = undefined;
else if ( isdefined(aLinked_nodes[i].script_noteworthy) && (aLinked_nodes[i].script_noteworthy == "go_forward") )
go_forward_node = aLinked_nodes[i];
go_forward_node.end = undefined;
if ( isdefined( go_backward_node ) )
go_backward_node.end = go_backward_node get_last_ent_in_chain( "vehiclenode" );
if ( isdefined( go_forward_node ) )
go_forward_node.end = go_forward_node get_last_ent_in_chain( "vehiclenode" );
closestEndNodes = getClosestInFOV( level.player.origin, level.aVehicleNodes, 55, level.BMP_Safety_Distance );
assert( isdefined( closestEndNodes[ 0 ] ) );
assert( isdefined( closestEndNodes[ 0 ].script_vehiclenodegroup ) );
if ( isdefined( closestEndNodes[ 1 ] ) )
assert( isdefined( closestEndNodes[ 1 ].script_vehiclenodegroup ) );
if ( closestEndNodes[ 1 ].script_vehiclenodegroup < closestEndNodes[ 0 ].script_vehiclenodegroup )
temp = closestEndNodes[ 0 ];
closestEndNodes[ 0 ] = closestEndNodes[ 1 ];
closestEndNodes[ 1 ] = temp;
if ( closestEndNodes[ 0 ] == eCurrentNode )
eStartNode = undefined;
else if ( ( isdefined( go_forward_node ) ) && ( closestEndNodes[ 0 ].script_vehiclenodegroup >= go_forward_node.end.script_vehiclenodegroup ) )
eStartNode = go_forward_node;
else if ( ( isdefined( go_backward_node ) ) && ( closestEndNodes[ 0 ].script_vehiclenodegroup <= go_backward_node.end.script_vehiclenodegroup ) )
eStartNode = go_backward_node;
prof_end( "bmp_logic" );
if ( isdefined(eStartNode) )
self attachpath( eStartNode );
ePathstart = eStartNode;
wait randomfloatrange( 0.2, 1.2 );
self resumeSpeed( 100 );
self waittill( "reached_end_node" );
wait randomfloatrange( 3, 6 );
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
self endon( "death" );
eTarget = undefined;
prof_begin( "bmp_logic" );
eTarget = maps\_helicopter_globals::getEnemyTarget( 3000, undefined, true, true, false, true );
prof_end( "bmp_logic" );
if ( isdefined( eTarget ) )
self setTurretTargetEnt( eTarget, ( 0, 0, 32 ) );
self waittill_notify_or_timeout( "turret_rotate_stopped", randomfloatrange( 2.0, 3.0 ) );
iFireTime = weaponfiretime( "bmp_turret" );
assert( isdefined( iFireTime ) );
assert( iFireTime > 0 );
iShots = randomintrange( 3, 8 );
for( i = 0 ; i < iShots ; i++ )
self fireWeapon();
wait iFireTime;
wait randomfloat( 3.0, 6.0 );
doAutoSave( sSaveName )
assert( isdefined( sSaveName ) );
thread autosave_by_name( sSaveName );
thread timedAutosaves();
self waittill( "death" );
if ( isdefined( self ) )
target_remove( self );
thread doAutoSave( "bmp_destroyed" );
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
level notify( "timedAutosaveThread" );
level endon( "timedAutosaveThread" );
if ( level.timedAutosaveTime == 0 )
wait level.timedAutosaveTime;
thread doAutoSave( "timed_autosave" + level.timedAutosaveNumber );
soundEnt = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( soundEnt ) );
self waittill( "trigger" );
if ( isdefined( self.script_delay ) )
wait self.script_delay;
assert( isdefined( level.genocide_audio[ level.next_genocide_audio ] ) );
soundEnt playSound( level.genocide_audio[ level.next_genocide_audio ] );
wait randomfloatrange( 0.05, 0.2 );
spawned = dronespawn( self );
spawned setContents( 0 );
spawned startRagDoll();
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
while( !player_activated_air_support() )
if ( level.air_support_hint_print_dialog_next == 0 )
// Soap! Call in air support on that building!
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "airsupport" );
else if ( level.air_support_hint_print_dialog_next == 1 )
// Use our air support to soften up that building!
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "softenup" );
// Mosin Two-Five here. We are ready to attack and are standing by for new orders.
thread radio_dialogue_queue( "readytoattack" );
if ( !flag( "gave_air_support_hint" ) )
flag_set( "gave_air_support_hint" );
if ( isdefined( level.console ) && level.console )
thread display_air_support_hint_console();
thread display_air_support_hint_pc();
wait 5;
level.air_support_hint_delete = true;
wait 60;
level endon( "clearing_hints" );
level.hintElem = createFontString( "default", 1.6 );
level.hintElem setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 130 );
level.hintElem setText( &"SCRIPT_LEARN_CHOPPER_AIR_SUPPORT1" );
level.iconElem1 = createIcon( "hud_dpad", 32, 32 );
level.iconElem1 setPoint( "TOP", undefined, -32, 165 );
level.iconElem3 = createIcon( "hud_arrow_right", 24, 24 );
level.iconElem3 setPoint( "TOP", undefined, -31.5, 170 );
level.iconElem3.sort = 1;
level.iconElem3.color = (1,1,0);
level.iconElem3.alpha = .7;
level.iconElem2 = createIcon( "hud_icon_cobra", 64, 32 );
level.iconElem2 setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 16, 165 );
wait 4;
level.iconElem1 setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", -320, -20, 1.0 );
level.iconElem2 setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", -320, -20, 1.0 );
level.iconElem3 setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", -320, -20, 1.0 );
level.iconElem1 scaleovertime(1, 20, 20);
level.iconElem2 scaleovertime(1, 20, 20);
level.iconElem3 scaleovertime(1, 20, 20);
wait .70;
level.hintElem fadeovertime(.15);
level.hintElem.alpha = 0;
level.iconElem1 fadeovertime(.15);
level.iconElem1.alpha = 0;
level.iconElem2 fadeovertime(.15);
level.iconElem2.alpha = 0;
level.iconElem3 fadeovertime(.15);
level.iconElem3.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground fadeovertime(.15);
level.hintbackground.alpha = 0;
wait 0.15;
level endon( "clearing_hints" );
level.hintElem = createFontString( "default", 1.6 );
level.hintElem setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 130 );
level.hintElem setText( &"SCRIPT_LEARN_CHOPPER_AIR_SUPPORT1_PC" );
level.iconElem2 = createIcon( "hud_icon_cobra", 64, 32 );
level.iconElem2 setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 16, 165 );
wait 4;
level.iconElem2 setPoint( "CENTER", "BOTTOM", -320, -20, 1.0 );
level.iconElem2 scaleovertime(1, 20, 20);
wait .70;
level.hintElem fadeovertime(.15);
level.hintElem.alpha = 0;
level.iconElem2 fadeovertime(.15);
level.iconElem2.alpha = 0;
level.hintbackground fadeovertime(.15);
level.hintbackground.alpha = 0;
wait 0.15;
add_hint_background( double_line )
if ( isdefined ( double_line ) )
level.hintbackground = createIcon( "popmenu_bg", 650, 50 );
level.hintbackground = createIcon( "popmenu_bg", 650, 30 );
level.hintbackground.hidewheninmenu = true;
level.hintbackground setPoint( "TOP", undefined, 0, 125 );
level.hintbackground.alpha = .5;
level notify ( "clearing_hints" );
if ( isDefined( level.hintElem ) )
level.hintElem destroy();
if ( isDefined( level.iconElem1 ) )
level.iconElem1 destroy();
if ( isDefined( level.iconElem2 ) )
level.iconElem2 destroy();
if ( isDefined( level.iconElem3 ) )
level.iconElem3 destroy();
if ( isDefined( level.hintbackground ) )
level.hintbackground destroy();
if ( player_called_air_support() )
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
thread clear_hints();
thread display_hint( "call_air_support2" );
wait 5;
level.air_support_hint_delete = true;
assert( isdefined( self.target ) );
volume = getent( self.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( volume ) );
assert( isdefined( volume.target ) );
node = getnode( volume.target, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( node ) );
assert( isdefined( node.radius ) );
self waittill( "trigger" );
wait randomfloatrange( 5.0, 10.0 );
enemies = getaiarray( "axis" );
for( i = 0 ; i < enemies.size ; i++ )
if ( !( enemies[ i ] istouching( volume ) ) )
enemies[i].goalradius = node.radius;
enemies[i] setgoalnode( node );
wc = [];
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_ak47" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_beretta" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_g36c" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_m14" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_m16" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_m203" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_rpg" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_saw" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_m4" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_m40a3" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_mp5" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_mp5sd" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_usp" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_at4" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_dragunov" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_g3" );
wc = array_add( wc, "weapon_uzi" );
for( i = 0 ; i < wc.size ; i ++ )
weapons = getentarray( wc[i], "classname" );
for( n = 0 ; n < weapons.size ; n ++ )
if ( isdefined( weapons[n].targetname ) )
weapons[n] delete();
if ( isdefined( self.spawnflags ) && ( self.spawnflags & 1 ) )
self connectpaths();
self.origin -= ( 0, 0, 5000 );
self.origin += ( 0, 0, 5000 );
if ( isdefined( self.spawnflags ) && ( self.spawnflags & 1 ) )
self disconnectpaths();
spawn_ai_and_make_dumb( spawnerTargetname, linkInPlace )
spawner = getent( spawnerTargetname, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( spawner ) );
if ( isdefined( spawner.script_drone ) )
guy = droneSpawn( spawner );
guy = spawner stalingradSpawn();
spawn_failed( guy );
guy.maxsightdistsqrd = 0;
guy.ignoreme = true;
guy.ignoreall = true;
guy thread ignoreAllEnemies( true );
guy.health = 100000;
if ( isdefined( linkInPlace ) )
dummy = spawn( "script_origin", spawner.origin );
guy linkto( dummy );
return guy;
headshot( guy, killguy )
if ( !isdefined( guy ) )
if ( !isAlive( guy ) )
if ( !isdefined( killguy ) )
killguy = true;
playFX( getfx( "headshot" ), guy getTagOrigin( "tag_eye" ) );
if ( killguy )
guy doDamage( guy.health + 100, guy getTagOrigin( "tag_eye" ) );
goBlack( fDelay, fFadeTimeIn, fFadeTimeOut )
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 0;
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay setshader ( "black", 640, 480 );
overlay.sort = 1;
overlay.alpha = 0;
assert( isdefined( fFadeTimeIn ) );
assert( isdefined( fFadeTimeOut ) );
assert( fFadeTimeIn >= 0 );
assert( fFadeTimeOut >= 0 );
if ( fFadeTimeIn > 0 )
overlay fadeOverTime( fFadeTimeIn );
overlay.alpha = 1.0;
wait fFadeTimeIn;
if ( !isdefined( fDelay ) )
assert( fDelay > 0 );
wait fDelay;
level notify( "fade_from_black" );
wait 0.1;
if ( fFadeTimeOut > 0 )
overlay fadeOverTime( fFadeTimeOut );
overlay.alpha = 0.0;
wait fFadeTimeOut;
overlay destroy();
do_alasad( location )
assert( isdefined( location ) );
level.alasad_sequence_init = true;
struct = spawnStruct();
if ( location == "barn" )
println( "Al Asad is in the ^3BARN" );
struct.nodeTargetname1 = "alasad_barn_node";
struct.nodeTargetname2 = "alasad_barn_node2";
struct.deletableNoteworthy = "alasad_barn_deletable";
struct.brushDoorTargetname = "alasad_barn_door";
struct.spawnersToDeleteKillspawner = 12;
struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname1 = "alasad_barn_friendly_color_trigger";
struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname2 = "alasad_barn_last_friendly_trigger";
struct.AlAsadSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_spawner_barn";
struct.AlAsadFirstShotSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_barn_first_shot_spawner";
struct.AlAsadSecondShotSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_barn_second_shot_spawner";
struct.startSequenceTriggerTargetname = "alasad_barn_trigger";
struct.playerLocationSceneBTargetname = "alasad_barn_playerlocation";
struct.setupAreaTriggerTargetname = "alasad_barn_area";
struct.AItoDeleteAreaTargetname = "area_barn";
level.alasad_flashbang_location = getent( "alasad_barn_flash_location", "targetname" ).origin;
level.alasad_objective_location = "6";
else if ( location == "house" )
println( "Al Asad is in the ^3HOUSE" );
struct.nodeTargetname1 = "alasad_house_node";
struct.nodeTargetname2 = "alasad_house_node2";
struct.deletableNoteworthy = "alasad_house_deletable";
struct.brushDoorTargetname = "alasad_house_door";
struct.spawnersToDeleteKillspawner = 2;
struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname1 = "alasad_house_friendly_color_trigger";
struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname2 = "alasad_house_last_friendly_trigger";
struct.AlAsadSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_spawner_house";
struct.AlAsadFirstShotSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_house_first_shot_spawner";
struct.AlAsadSecondShotSpawnerTargetname = "alasad_house_second_shot_spawner";
struct.startSequenceTriggerTargetname = "alasad_house_trigger";
struct.playerLocationSceneBTargetname = "alasad_house_playerlocation";
struct.setupAreaTriggerTargetname = "alasad_house_area";
struct.AItoDeleteAreaTargetname = "area_grandmas_house";
level.alasad_flashbang_location = getent( "alasad_house_flash_location", "targetname" ).origin;
level.alasad_objective_location = "2";
assert( isdefined( struct ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.nodeTargetname1 ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.nodeTargetname2 ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.deletableNoteworthy ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.brushDoorTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname1 ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname2 ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.AlAsadSpawnerTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.AlAsadFirstShotSpawnerTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.AlAsadSecondShotSpawnerTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.startSequenceTriggerTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.playerLocationSceneBTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( struct.setupAreaTriggerTargetname ) );
assert( isdefined( level.alasad_flashbang_location ) );
alasad_sequence_init( struct );
alasad_sequence_init( struct )
// prepares the correct location for the scene by removing spawners and setting up doors etc.
array_thread( getentarray( struct.deletableNoteworthy, "script_noteworthy" ), ::alasad_deletable_show );
// get the first node
struct.node = getnode( struct.nodeTargetname1, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( struct.node ) );
// spawn the door and make it play frame 0 so it's shut
struct.door = spawn_anim_model( "door" );
struct.node thread anim_first_frame_solo( struct.door, "interrogationA" );
// link the door to the model door that animates and hide the model door
struct.brushmodel_door = getent( struct.brushDoorTargetname, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( struct.brushmodel_door ) );
struct.brushmodel_door linkto( struct.door, "door_hinge_jnt" );
struct.door hide();
// delete AI and spawners with this noteworthy when the barn will be the location of al asad
if ( isdefined( struct.spawnersToDeleteKillspawner ) )
thread maps\_spawner::kill_spawnerNum( struct.spawnersToDeleteKillspawner );
if ( isdefined( struct.AItoDeleteAreaTargetname ) )
area = getent( struct.AItoDeleteAreaTargetname, "targetname" );
axis = getAIArray( "axis" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < axis.size ; i++ )
if ( !axis[ i ] istouching( area ) )
axis[ i ].dieQuietly = true;
axis[ i ] doDamage( axis[ i ].health + 100, axis[ i ].origin );
alasad_sequence_wait( struct );
alasad_sequence_wait( struct )
// Waits for the player to get close to Al Asad's location and moves the friendlies to the door
// If the player runs off the friendlies leave the door and go back to normal AI until the player returns
level endon( "alasad_sequence_started" );
struct.alasad_area = getent( struct.setupAreaTriggerTargetname, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( struct.alasad_area ) );
struct.color_trigger = getent( struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname1, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( struct.color_trigger ) );
if ( level.player isTouching( struct.alasad_area ) )
// make all friendlies orange color group and send them to the door
array_thread( getAIArray( "allies" ), ::set_force_color, "o" );
struct.color_trigger notify( "trigger" );
thread alasad_sequence_ready( struct );
while( level.player isTouching( struct.alasad_area ) )
wait 0.05;
level notify( "alasad_sequence_canceled" );
// make all friendlies red color group again because player is leaving the area
array_thread( getAIArray( "allies" ), ::set_force_color, "r" );
while( !level.player isTouching( struct.alasad_area ) )
wait 0.05;
alasad_sequence_ready( struct )
level endon( "alasad_sequence_canceled" );
// get price into position
struct.node thread anim_reach_solo( level.price, "interrogationA" );
// wait for the player to get close
getent( struct.startSequenceTriggerTargetname, "targetname" ) waittill( "trigger" );
alasad_sequence_start( struct );
alasad_sequence_start( struct )
level notify( "alasad_sequence_started" );
level.air_support_hint_delete = true;
// take away flash, grenade, smoke, etc
removeWeaponFromPlayer( "fraggrenade" );
removeWeaponFromPlayer( "smoke_grenade_american" );
removeWeaponFromPlayer( "c4" );
removeWeaponFromPlayer( "flash_grenade" );
thread battlechatter_off( "allies" );
thread battlechatter_off( "axis" );
thread doAutoSave( "capturing_al_asad" );
// spawn and prepare Al Asad
level.alasad = spawn_ai_and_make_dumb( struct.AlAsadSpawnerTargetname );
level.alasad thread removeWeapon();
level.alasad.animname = "alasad";
waittillframeend; // waittillframeend so that Al Asad can finish spawning before he gets teleported
struct.node thread anim_teleport_solo( level.alasad, "interrogationA" );
// spawn the guys guarding Al Asad
level.alasad_guard1 = spawn_ai_and_make_dumb( struct.AlAsadFirstShotSpawnerTargetname, true );
level.alasad_guard2 = spawn_ai_and_make_dumb( struct.AlAsadSecondShotSpawnerTargetname, true );
// spawn the phone
phone = spawn_anim_model( "phone" );
struct.node thread anim_first_frame_solo( phone, "interrogationA" );
struct.guys = [];
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = level.price;
// get them into position to start the sequence
struct.node anim_reach( struct.guys, "interrogationA" );
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = level.alasad;
// give price his special weapon for the scene
level.price animscripts\init::initWeapon( "colt45_alasad_killer", "sidearm" );
level.price.sidearm = "colt45_alasad_killer";
// wait until the player can see the sequence
level.price waittill_player_lookat( level.cosine[ "60" ] );
flag_set( "alasad_sequence_started" );
level.price thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_interogation_enter" );
// Remember, we want Al-Asad alive. He's no good to us dead. Let's go.
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "nogooddead" );
// start the seqence
delayThread( 5.9, ::activate_trigger_with_targetname, struct.friendlyColorTriggerTargetname2 );
delayThread( 6.0, ::disconnectPathsWrapper, struct.brushmodel_door );
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = struct.door;
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = phone;
struct.node anim_single( struct.guys, "interrogationA" );
// take away ability to call air support
thread chopper_air_support_removeFunctionality();
thread goBlack( 18.0, 0.0, 0.5 );
thread blackscreen1_dialog();
thread alasad_kill_axis();
level.player NightVisionForceOff();
objective_state( 0, "done" );
struct.node = getnode( struct.nodeTargetname2, "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( struct.node ) );
level.price detach( "weapon_m4grunt_sp_silencer", "tag_weapon_chest" );
level.price.a.weaponPos[ "chest" ] = "none";
// spawn the chair
chair = spawn_anim_model( "chair" );
// first frame of next scene so it's ready
struct.guys = [];
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = level.price;
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = level.gaz;
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = level.alasad;
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = chair;
struct.guys[ struct.guys.size ] = phone;
struct.node thread anim_first_frame( struct.guys, "interrogationB" );
// put the player in a good spot
level.player freezeControls( true );
level.player takeAllWeapons();
movePlayerToLocation( struct.playerLocationSceneBTargetname );
level waittill( "fade_from_black" );
level.player freezeControls( false );
level.price thread alasad_execution_notes();
level.price thread alasad_cell_phone_sounds( phone );
level.gaz thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_interogation_pickup" );
level.price thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_interogation_beating" );
level.alasad thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_interogation_breathing" );
struct.node anim_single( struct.guys, "interrogationB" );
level.price.weaponInfo["m4_silencer"].position = "none";
wait 2;
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_interogation_black" );
// Why'd you do it? Where did you get the bomb?
level.price thread delayThread( 0.0, ::anim_single_solo, level.price, "whydyoudoit" );
// It wasn't me!!
level.alasad thread delayThread( 3.05, ::anim_single_solo, level.alasad, "wasntme1" );
// Who then?
level.price thread delayThread( 5.3, ::anim_single_solo, level.price, "whothen" );
// It wasn't me!!
level.alasad thread delayThread( 8.3, ::anim_single_solo, level.alasad, "wasntme2" );
// Who!? Give me a name!
level.price thread delayThread( 10.85, ::anim_single_solo, level.price, "givemeaname" );
// A name! I - want - his - name!
level.price thread delayThread( 13.65, ::anim_single_solo, level.price, "aname" );
wait 16;
wait 1;
// Who was that sir?
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "whowasthat" );
wait 2;
// Zakhaev.
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "zakhaev" );
wait 2;
// Imran Zakhaev.
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "imran" );
level.price waittillmatch( "single anim", "pistol_pickup" );
level.price detach( "weapon_colt1911_black", "tag_weapon_right" );
wait 0.2;
level.price attach( "weapon_colt1911_black", "tag_weapon_right" );
level.price waittillmatch( "single anim", "fire" );
wait 3.5;
level.player freezeControls( true );
thread goBlack( 60.0, 1.0, 0.5 );
thread blackscreen2_dialog();
wait 7;
alasad_cell_phone_sounds( phone )
wait 2;
thread alasad_cell_phone_ring( phone );
wait 7;
phone notify( "stop ringing" );
wait 1;
// Sir. It's his cell phone.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "cellphone" );
alasad_cell_phone_ring( phone )
phone endon( "stop ringing" );
level.gaz thread play_sound_on_entity( "scn_assault_mobile_ring" );
wait 2;
alasad_notetracks( guy )
// called from a notetrack
sHandTag = "J_Mid_RI_3";
guy attach( "projectile_m84_flashbang_grenade", sHandTag );
wait 2.0;
// price tosses in a flashbang
guy detach( "projectile_m84_flashbang_grenade", sHandTag );
thread alasad_flashbang( 1.0 );
// price picks up pistol so need to replace the rifle
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "pistol_pickup" );
// price drops his gun
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "pistol_drop" );
guy gun_remove();
// al asad gets shot
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "fire" );
headshot( level.alasad, false );
alasad_flashbang( fDelay )
assert( isdefined( level.alasad_flashbang_location ) );
wait fDelay;
playFX( getfx( "alasad_flash" ), level.alasad_flashbang_location );
thread play_sound_in_space( "flashbang_explode_default", level.alasad_flashbang_location );
// two guards get shot
wait 1.0;
headshot( level.alasad_guard1 );
wait 0.5;
headshot( level.alasad_guard2 );
axis = getaiarray( "axis" );
for ( i = 0 ; i < axis.size ; i++ )
if ( !isAlive( axis[ i ] ) )
if ( axis[ i ] == level.alasad )
if ( axis[ i ] == level.alasad_guard1 )
if ( axis[ i ] == level.alasad_guard2 )
axis[ i ].dieQuietly = true;
axis[ i ] doDamage( axis[ i ].health + 100, axis[ i ].origin );
disconnectPathsWrapper( ent )
ent connectPaths();
assert( isdefined( level.opening_guy ) );
node = getnode( "opening_sequence_node", "targetname" );
assert( isdefined( node ) );
guys = [];
guys[ 0 ] = level.price;
guys[ 1 ] = level.opening_guy;
node anim_first_frame( guys, "opening" );
wait 4.0;
thread opening_sequence_notetracks( level.opening_guy );
thread opening_sequence_dialog( level.opening_guy );
node anim_single( guys, "opening" );
opening_sequence_notetracks( guy )
guy attach( "com_flashlight_off", "tag_inhand" );
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "flash" );
thread opening_sequence_flashLight( guy );
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "flash" );
thread opening_sequence_flashLight( guy );
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "flash" );
thread opening_sequence_flashLight( guy );
guy waittillmatch( "single anim", "detach flashlight" );
guy detach( "com_flashlight_off", "tag_inhand" );
opening_sequence_flashLight( guy )
tagName = "tag_inhand";
modelOn = "com_flashlight_on";
modelOff = "com_flashlight_off";
// on
if ( guy isModelAttached( modelOff, tagName ) )
guy detach( modelOff, tagName );
guy attach( modelOn, tagName );
guy thread flashlight_light( true );
wait 0.1;
// off
if ( guy isModelAttached( modelOn, tagName ) )
guy detach( modelOn, tagName );
guy attach( modelOff, tagName );
guy thread flashlight_light( false );
opening_sequence_dialog( guy )
wait 3;
//There's Kamarov's man, let's go.
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "kamarovsman" );
wait 5;
//Al-Asad is in the village. The Ultranationalists are protecting him.
guy thread anim_single_solo( guy, "asadinvillage" );
wait 4.5;
//Perfect. Move out.
level.price thread anim_single_solo( level.price, "perfect" );
wait 10;
//What the bloody hell's going on up there?
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "whatsgoingon" );
wait 2.5;
//It's the Ultranationalists. They're killing the villagers.
guy thread anim_single_solo( guy, "killingvillagers" );
wait 3.5;
//Not for long they're not.
level.gaz thread anim_single_solo( level.gaz, "notforlong" );
isModelAttached( modelName, tagName )
qAttached = false;
modelName = tolower( modelName );
tagName = tolower( tagName );
assert( isdefined( modelName ) );
if ( !isdefined( tagName ) )
return qAttached;
attachedModelCount = self getattachsize();
attachedModels = [];
for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModelCount ; i++ )
attachedModels[ i ] = tolower( self getAttachModelName( i ) );
for ( i = 0 ; i < attachedModels.size ; i++ )
if ( attachedModels[ i ] != modelName )
sName = tolower( self getattachtagname( i ) );
if ( tagName != sName )
qAttached = true;
return qAttached;
flashlight_light( state )
flash_light_tag = "tag_light";
if ( state )
flashlight_fx_ent = spawn( "script_model", ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
flashlight_fx_ent setmodel( "tag_origin" );
flashlight_fx_ent hide();
flashlight_fx_ent linkto( self, flash_light_tag, ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
self thread flashlight_light_death( flashlight_fx_ent );
playfxontag( level._effect[ "flashlight" ], flashlight_fx_ent, "tag_origin" );
self notify( "flashlight_off" );
flashlight_light_death( flashlight_fx_ent )
self waittill_either( "death", "flashlight_off" );
flashlight_fx_ent delete();
removeWeaponFromPlayer( weaponName )
assert( isdefined( weaponName ) );
if( level.player HasWeapon( weaponName ) )
level.player takeWeapon( weaponName );
removeWeapon( optionalWeaponName )
if( IsAI( self ) )
self gun_remove();
size = self getattachsize();
for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
model = self getattachmodelname( i );
tag = self GetAttachTagName( i );
if ( isdefined( optionalWeaponName ) )
if ( model == optionalWeaponName )
self detach( model, tag );
if ( issubstr( tolower( model ), "weapon_" ) )
self detach( model, tag );