2008-01-19 00:00:00 +00:00

1401 lines
44 KiB

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;
type = "blackhawk";
deathfx = loadfx ("explosions/tanker_explosion");
precacheModel( model );
level.vehicle_deathmodel[model] = model;
precacheitem( "cobra_FFAR_mp" );
precacheitem( "hind_FFAR_mp" );
precacheitem( "cobra_20mm_mp" );
level.cobra_missile_models = [];
level.cobra_missile_models["cobra_Hellfire"] = "projectile_hellfire_missile";
// level.cobra_missile_models["cobra_Sidewinder"] = "projectile_sidewinder_missile";
precachemodel( level.cobra_missile_models["cobra_Hellfire"] );
// precachemodel( level.cobra_missile_models["cobra_Sidewinder"] );
// helicopter sounds:
level.heli_sound["allies"]["hit"] = "cobra_helicopter_hit";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["hitsecondary"] = "cobra_helicopter_secondary_exp";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["damaged"] = "cobra_helicopter_damaged";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["spinloop"] = "cobra_helicopter_dying_loop";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["spinstart"] = "cobra_helicopter_dying_layer";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["crash"] = "cobra_helicopter_crash";
level.heli_sound["allies"]["missilefire"] = "weap_cobra_missile_fire";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["hit"] = "hind_helicopter_hit";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["hitsecondary"] = "hind_helicopter_secondary_exp";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["damaged"] = "hind_helicopter_damaged";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["spinloop"] = "hind_helicopter_dying_loop";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["spinstart"] = "hind_helicopter_dying_layer";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["crash"] = "hind_helicopter_crash";
level.heli_sound["axis"]["missilefire"] = "weap_hind_missile_fire";
// generate path graph from script_origins
// collecting all start nodes in the map to generate path arrays
path_start = getentarray( "heli_start", "targetname" ); // start pointers, point to the actual start node on path
path_dest = getentarray( "heli_dest", "targetname" ); // dest pointers, point to the actual dest node on path
loop_start = getentarray( "heli_loop_start", "targetname" ); // start pointers for loop path in the map
leave_nodes = getentarray( "heli_leave", "targetname" ); // points where the helicopter leaves to
crash_start = getentarray( "heli_crash_start", "targetname" ); // start pointers, point to the actual start node on crash path
assertex( ( isdefined( path_start ) && isdefined( path_dest ) ), "Missing path_start or path_dest" );
// for each destination, loop through all start nodes in level to populate array of start nodes that leads to this destination
for (i=0; i<path_dest.size; i++)
startnode_array = [];
// destnode is the final destination from multiple start nodes
destnode_pointer = path_dest[i];
destnode = getent(, "targetname" );
// for each start node, traverse to its dest., if same dest. then append to startnode_array
for ( j=0; j<path_start.size; j++ )
toDest = false;
currentnode = path_start[j];
// traverse through path to dest.
while( isdefined( ) )
nextnode = getent(, "targetname" );
if ( nextnode.origin == destnode.origin )
toDest = true;
// debug ==============================================================
debug_print3d_simple( "+", currentnode, ( 0, 0, -10 ) );
if( isdefined( ) )
debug_line( nextnode.origin, getent(, "targetname" ).origin, ( 0.25, 0.5, 0.25 ) );
if( isdefined( currentnode.script_delay ) )
debug_print3d_simple( "Wait: " + currentnode.script_delay , currentnode, ( 0, 0, 10 ) );
currentnode = nextnode;
if ( toDest )
startnode_array[startnode_array.size] = getent( path_start[j].target, "targetname" ); // the actual start node on path, not start pointer
assertex( ( isdefined( startnode_array ) && startnode_array.size > 0 ), "No path(s) to destination" );
// load the array of start nodes that lead to this destination node into level.heli_paths array as an element
level.heli_paths[level.heli_paths.size] = startnode_array;
// loop paths array
for (i=0; i<loop_start.size; i++)
startnode = getent( loop_start[i].target, "targetname" );
level.heli_loop_paths[level.heli_loop_paths.size] = startnode;
assertex( isdefined( level.heli_loop_paths[0] ), "No helicopter loop paths found in map" );
// leave nodes
for (i=0; i<leave_nodes.size; i++)
level.heli_leavenodes[level.heli_leavenodes.size] = leave_nodes[i];
assertex( isdefined( level.heli_leavenodes[0] ), "No helicopter leave nodes found in map" );
// crash paths
for (i=0; i<crash_start.size; i++)
crash_start_node = getent( crash_start[i].target, "targetname" );
level.heli_crash_paths[level.heli_crash_paths.size] = crash_start_node;
assertex( isdefined( level.heli_crash_paths[0] ), "No helicopter crash paths found in map" );
// heli_trig = getent( "heli_obj", "targetname" );
// if ( !isdefined( heli_trig ) )
// return;
path_start = getentarray( "heli_start", "targetname" ); // start pointers, point to the actual start node on path
loop_start = getentarray( "heli_loop_start", "targetname" ); // start pointers for loop path in the map
if ( !path_start.size && !loop_start.size)
precachehelicopter( "vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly" );
precachehelicopter( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" );
// array of paths, each element is an array of start nodes that all leads to a single destination node
level.chopper = undefined;
level.heli_paths = [];
level.heli_loop_paths = [];
level.heli_leavenodes = [];
level.heli_crash_paths = [];
thread heli_update_global_dvars();
// helicopter fx
level.chopper_fx["explode"]["death"] = loadfx ("explosions/helicopter_explosion_cobra");
level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"] = loadfx ("explosions/aerial_explosion_large");
level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"] = loadfx ("explosions/aerial_explosion");
level.chopper_fx["smoke"]["trail"] = loadfx ("smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli");
level.chopper_fx["fire"]["trail"]["medium"] = loadfx ("smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli");
level.chopper_fx["fire"]["trail"]["large"] = loadfx ("fire/fire_smoke_trail_L");
// update helicopter dvars realtime
for( ;; )
// heli_update_dvar( dvar, default ) returns value
level.heli_loopmax = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_loopmax", "1" ); // how many times helicopter will circle the map before it leaves
level.heli_missile_rof = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_missile_rof", "5" ); // missile rate of fire, one every this many seconds per target, could fire two at the same time to different targets
level.heli_armor = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_armor", "500" ); // armor points, after this much damage is taken, helicopter is easily damaged, and health degrades
level.heli_rage_missile = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_rage_missile", "5" ); // higher the value, more frequent the missile assault
level.heli_maxhealth = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_maxhealth", "1100" ); // max health of the helicopter
level.heli_missile_max = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_missile_max", "3" ); // max number of missiles helicopter can carry
level.heli_dest_wait = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_dest_wait", "2" ); // time helicopter waits (hovers) after reaching a destination
level.heli_debug = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_debug", "0" ); // debug mode, draws debugging info on screen
level.heli_targeting_delay = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_targeting_delay", "0.5" ); // targeting delay
level.heli_turretReloadTime = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_turretReloadTime", "1.5" ); // mini-gun reload time
level.heli_turretClipSize = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_turretClipSize", "40" ); // mini-gun clip size, rounds before reload
level.heli_visual_range = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_visual_range", "3500" ); // distance radius helicopter will acquire targets (see)
level.heli_health_degrade = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_health_degrade", "0" ); // health degradation after injured, health descrease per second for heavy injury, half for light injury
level.heli_target_spawnprotection = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_target_spawnprotection", "5" );// players are this many seconds safe from helicopter after spawn
level.heli_turret_engage_dist = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_turret_engage_dist", "1000" ); // engaging distance for turret
level.heli_missile_engage_dist = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_missile_engage_dist", "2000" ); // engaging distance for missiles
level.heli_missile_regen_time = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_missile_regen_time", "10" ); // gives one more missile to helicopter every interval - seconds
level.heli_turret_spinup_delay = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_turret_spinup_delay", "0.75" ); // seconds it takes for the helicopter mini-gun to spin up before shots fired
level.heli_target_recognition = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_target_recognition", "0.5" ); // percentage of the player's body the helicopter sees before it labels him as a target
level.heli_missile_friendlycare = heli_get_dvar_int( "scr_heli_missile_friendlycare", "256" ); // if friendly is within this distance of the target, do not shoot missile
level.heli_missile_target_cone = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_missile_target_cone", "0.3" ); // dot product of vector target to helicopter forward, 0.5 is in 90 range, bigger the number, smaller the cone
level.heli_armor_bulletdamage = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_armor_bulletdamage", "0.3" ); // damage multiplier to bullets onto helicopter's armor
level.heli_attract_strength = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_attract_strength", "1000" );
level.heli_attract_range = heli_get_dvar( "scr_heli_attract_range", "4096" );
wait 1;
heli_get_dvar_int( dvar, def )
return int( heli_get_dvar( dvar, def ) );
// dvar set/fetch/check
heli_get_dvar( dvar, def )
if ( getdvar( dvar ) != "" )
return getdvarfloat( dvar );
setdvar( dvar, def );
return def;
spawn_helicopter( owner, origin, angles, model, targetname )
chopper = spawnHelicopter( owner, origin, angles, model, targetname );
chopper.attractor = Missile_CreateAttractorEnt( chopper, level.heli_attract_strength, level.heli_attract_range );
return chopper;
// spawn helicopter at a start node and monitors it
heli_think( owner, startnode, heli_team, requiredDeathCount )
heliOrigin = startnode.origin;
heliAngles = startnode.angles;
if ( heli_team == "allies" )
chopper = spawn_helicopter( owner, heliOrigin, heliAngles, "cobra_mp", "vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly" );
chopper playLoopSound( "mp_cobra_helicopter" );
//chopper = spawn_helicopter( owner, heliOrigin, heliAngles, "cobra_mp", "vehicle_cobra_helicopter_fly" );
chopper = spawn_helicopter( owner, heliOrigin, heliAngles, "cobra_mp", "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" );
chopper playLoopSound( "mp_hind_helicopter" );
chopper.requiredDeathCount = owner.deathCount; = heli_team;
chopper.pers["team"] = heli_team;
chopper.owner = owner;
chopper thread heli_existance();
//chopper thread heli_trig_interval( level.heli_trigger, level.heli_hardpoint_timer );
level.chopper = chopper;
// TO DO: convert all helicopter attributes into dvars
chopper.reached_dest = false; // has helicopter reached destination
chopper.maxhealth = level.heli_maxhealth; // max health
chopper.waittime = level.heli_dest_wait; // the time helicopter will stay stationary at destination
chopper.loopcount = 0; // how many times helicopter circled the map
chopper.evasive = false; // evasive manuvering
chopper.health_bulletdamageble = level.heli_armor; // when damage taken is above this value, helicopter can be damage by bullets to its full amount
chopper.health_evasive = level.heli_armor; // when damage taken is above this value, helicopter performs evasive manuvering
chopper.health_low = level.heli_maxhealth*0.8; // when damage taken is above this value, helicopter catchs on fire
chopper.targeting_delay = level.heli_targeting_delay; // delay between per targeting scan - in seconds
chopper.primaryTarget = undefined; // primary target ( player )
chopper.secondaryTarget = undefined; // secondary target ( player )
chopper.attacker = undefined; // last player that shot the helicopter
chopper.missile_ammo = level.heli_missile_max; // initial missile ammo
chopper.currentstate = "ok"; // health state
chopper.lastRocketFireTime = -1;
// helicopter loop threads
chopper thread heli_fly( startnode ); // fly heli to given node and continue on its path
chopper thread heli_damage_monitor(); // monitors damage
chopper thread heli_health(); // display helicopter's health through smoke/fire
chopper thread attack_targets(); // enable attack
chopper thread heli_targeting(); // targeting logic
chopper thread heli_missile_regen(); // regenerates missile ammo
self waittill_any( "death", "crashing", "leaving" );
level notify( "helicopter gone" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
for( ;; )
debug_print3d( "Missile Ammo: " + self.missile_ammo, ( 0.5, 0.5, 1 ), self, ( 0, 0, -100 ), 0 );
if( self.missile_ammo >= level.heli_missile_max )
self waittill( "missile fired" );
// regenerates faster when damaged
if ( self.currentstate == "heavy smoke" )
wait( level.heli_missile_regen_time/4 );
else if ( self.currentstate == "light smoke" )
wait( level.heli_missile_regen_time/2 );
wait( level.heli_missile_regen_time );
if( self.missile_ammo < level.heli_missile_max )
// helicopter targeting logic
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
// targeting sweep cycle
for ( ;; )
// array of helicopter's targets
targets = [];
// scan for all players in game
players = level.players;
for (i = 0; i < players.size; i++)
player = players[i];
if ( canTarget_turret( player ) )
if( isdefined( player ) )
targets[targets.size] = player;
// no targets found
if ( targets.size == 0 )
self.primaryTarget = undefined;
self.secondaryTarget = undefined;
debug_print_target(); // debug
wait ( self.targeting_delay );
else if ( targets.size == 1 )
update_player_threat( targets[0] );
self.primaryTarget = targets[0]; // primary only
self notify( "primary acquired" );
self.secondaryTarget = undefined;
debug_print_target(); // debug
wait ( self.targeting_delay );
else if ( targets.size > 1 )
assignTargets( targets );
debug_print_target(); //debug
// targetability
canTarget_turret( player )
canTarget = true;
if ( !isalive( player ) || player.sessionstate != "playing" )
return false;
if ( distance( player.origin, self.origin ) > level.heli_visual_range )
return false;
if ( !isdefined( player.pers["team"] ) )
return false;
if ( level.teamBased && player.pers["team"] == )
return false;
if ( player == self.owner )
return false;
if ( player.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return false;
if ( isdefined( player.spawntime ) && ( gettime() - player.spawntime )/1000 <= level.heli_target_spawnprotection )
return false;
heli_centroid = self.origin + ( 0, 0, -160 );
heli_forward_norm = anglestoforward( self.angles );
heli_turret_point = heli_centroid + 144*heli_forward_norm;
if ( player sightConeTrace( heli_turret_point, self) < level.heli_target_recognition )
return false;
// IMPORTANT: the following if statement will take 5 server frames to process
if( player improved_sightconetrace( self ) < level.heli_target_recognition )
return false;
return canTarget;
// assign targets to primary and secondary
assignTargets( targets )
for( idx=0; idx<targets.size; idx++ )
update_player_threat ( targets[idx] );
assertex( targets.size >= 2, "Not enough targets to assign primary and secondary" );
// find primary target, highest threat level
highest = 0;
second_highest = 0;
primaryTarget = undefined;
secondaryTarget = undefined;
// find max and second max, 2n
for( idx=0; idx<targets.size; idx++ )
assertex( isdefined( targets[idx].threatlevel ), "Target player does not have threat level" );
if( targets[idx].threatlevel >= highest )
highest = targets[idx].threatlevel;
primaryTarget = targets[idx];
for( idx=0; idx<targets.size; idx++ )
assertex( isdefined( targets[idx].threatlevel ), "Target player does not have threat level" );
if( targets[idx].threatlevel >= second_highest && targets[idx] != primaryTarget )
second_highest = targets[idx].threatlevel;
secondaryTarget = targets[idx];
assertex( isdefined( primaryTarget ), "Targets exist, but none was assigned as primary" );
self.primaryTarget = primaryTarget;
self notify( "primary acquired" );
assertex( isdefined( secondaryTarget ), "2+ targets exist, but none was assigned as secondary" );
self.secondaryTarget = secondaryTarget;
self notify( "secondary acquired" );
assertex( self.secondaryTarget != self.primaryTarget, "Primary and secondary targets are the same" );
wait ( self.targeting_delay );
// threat factors
update_player_threat( player )
player.threatlevel = 0;
// distance factor
dist = distance( player.origin, self.origin );
player.threatlevel += ( (level.heli_visual_range - dist)/level.heli_visual_range )*100; // inverse distance % with respect to helicopter targeting range
// behavior factor
if ( isdefined( self.attacker ) && player == self.attacker )
player.threatlevel += 100;
// class factor - projectile weapon class has higher threat
if ( isdefined( player.pers["class"] ) && ( player.pers["class"] == "CLASS_ASSAULT" || player.pers["class"] == "CLASS_RECON" ) )
player.threatlevel += 200;
// player score factor
player.threatlevel += player.score*4;
if( isdefined( player.antithreat ) )
player.threatlevel -= player.antithreat;
if( player.threatlevel <= 0 )
player.threatlevel = 1;
// resets helicopter's motion values
self clearTargetYaw();
self clearGoalYaw();
self setspeed( 60, 25 );
self setyawspeed( 75, 45, 45 );
//self setjitterparams( (30, 30, 30), 4, 6 );
self setmaxpitchroll( 30, 30 );
self setneargoalnotifydist( 256 );
self setturningability(0.9);
heli_wait( waittime )
self endon ( "death" );
self endon ( "crashing" );
self endon ( "evasive" );
//self thread heli_hover();
wait( waittime );
//self notify( "stop hover" );
// hover movements
// stop hover when anything at all happens
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "stop hover" );
self endon( "evasive" );
self endon( "leaving" );
self endon( "crashing" );
original_pos = self.origin;
original_angles = self.angles;
self setyawspeed( 10, 45, 45 );
x = 0;
y = 0;
// random hovering movement loop
for( ;; )
for( idx=0; idx<10; idx++ )
heli_speed = 10+randomint(10);
heli_accel = 10+randomint(5);
self setspeed( heli_speed, heli_accel );
x -= randomInt(5);
x += randomInt(5);
y -= randomInt(5);
y += randomInt(5);
self setvehgoalpos( original_pos+( x, y, randomInt(10) ), 0 );
//self setgoalyaw( self.angles[1]+randomint(10), 45, 45 );
self waittillmatch( "goal" );
wait ( 1+randomInt(2) );
self setvehgoalpos( original_pos, 0 );
//self setgoalyaw( original_angles[1], 45, 45 );
self waittillmatch( "goal" );
// accumulate damage and react
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
self.damageTaken = 0;
for( ;; )
// this damage is done to which isnt used to determine the helicopter's health, damageTaken is.
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, P, type );
// self notify( "damage taken" ); // not used anywhere yet
if( !isdefined( attacker ) || !isplayer( attacker ) )
heli_friendlyfire = maps\mp\gametypes\_weapons::friendlyFireCheck( self.owner, attacker );
// skip damage if friendlyfire is disabled
if( !heli_friendlyfire )
if( isDefined( self.owner ) && attacker == self.owner )
if ( level.teamBased )
isValidAttacker = (isdefined( attacker.pers["team"] ) && attacker.pers["team"] !=;
isValidAttacker = true;
if ( !isValidAttacker )
attacker thread maps\mp\gametypes\_damagefeedback::updateDamageFeedback( false );
self.attacker = attacker;
if ( type == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" || type == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" )
if( self.damageTaken >= self.health_bulletdamageble )
self.damageTaken += damage;
self.damageTaken += damage*level.heli_armor_bulletdamage;
self.damageTaken += damage;
if( self.damageTaken > self.maxhealth )
attacker notify( "destroyed_helicopter" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "leaving" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self.currentstate = "ok";
self.laststate = "ok";
self setdamagestage( 3 );
for ( ;; )
if ( self.health_bulletdamageble > self.health_low )
if ( self.damageTaken >= self.health_bulletdamageble )
self.currentstate = "heavy smoke";
else if ( self.damageTaken >= self.health_low )
self.currentstate = "light smoke";
if ( self.damageTaken >= self.health_low )
self.currentstate = "heavy smoke";
else if ( self.damageTaken >= self.health_bulletdamageble )
self.currentstate = "light smoke";
if ( self.currentstate == "light smoke" && self.laststate != "light smoke" )
self setdamagestage( 2 );
self.laststate = self.currentstate;
if ( self.currentstate == "heavy smoke" && self.laststate != "heavy smoke" )
self setdamagestage( 1 );
self notify ( "stop body smoke" );
self.laststate = self.currentstate;
// play loop sound "damaged"
//self playloopsound ( level.heli_sound[]["damaged"] );
if ( self.currentstate == "heavy smoke" )
self.damageTaken += level.heli_health_degrade;
level.heli_rage_missile = 20; // increase missile firing rate more
if ( self.currentstate == "light smoke" )
self.damageTaken += level.heli_health_degrade/2;
level.heli_rage_missile = 10; // increase missile firing rate
if( self.damageTaken >= self.health_evasive )
if( !self.evasive )
self thread heli_evasive();
if( self.damageTaken > self.maxhealth )
self thread heli_crash();
// debug =================================
if( self.damageTaken <= level.heli_armor )
debug_print3d_simple( "Armor: " + (level.heli_armor-self.damageTaken), self, ( 0,0,100 ), 20 );
debug_print3d_simple( "Health: " + ( self.maxhealth - self.damageTaken ), self, ( 0,0,100 ), 20 );
wait 1;
// evasive manuvering - helicopter circles the map for awhile then returns to path
// only one instance allowed
self notify( "evasive" );
self.evasive = true;
// set helicopter path to circle the map level.heli_loopmax number of times
loop_startnode = level.heli_loop_paths[0];
self thread heli_fly( loop_startnode );
// attach helicopter on crash path
self notify( "crashing" );
// fly to crash path
self thread heli_fly( level.heli_crash_paths[0] );
// helicopter losing control and spins
self thread heli_spin( 180 );
// wait until helicopter is on the crash path
self waittill ( "path start" );
// body explosion fx when on crash path
playfxontag( level.chopper_fx["explode"]["large"], self, "tag_engine_left" );
// along with a sound
self playSound ( level.heli_sound[]["hitsecondary"] );
self setdamagestage( 0 );
// form fire smoke trails on body after explosion
self thread trail_fx( level.chopper_fx["fire"]["trail"]["large"], "tag_engine_left", "stop body fire" );
self waittill( "destination reached" );
self thread heli_explode();
// self spin at one rev per 2 sec
heli_spin( speed )
self endon( "death" );
// tail explosion that caused the spinning
playfxontag( level.chopper_fx["explode"]["medium"], self, "tail_rotor_jnt" );
// play hit sound immediately so players know they got it
self playSound ( level.heli_sound[]["hit"] );
// play heli crashing spinning sound
self thread spinSoundShortly();
// form smoke trails on tail after explosion
self thread trail_fx( level.chopper_fx["smoke"]["trail"], "tail_rotor_jnt", "stop tail smoke" );
// spins until death
self setyawspeed( speed, speed, speed );
while ( isdefined( self ) )
self settargetyaw( self.angles[1]+(speed*0.9) );
wait ( 1 );
self endon("death");
wait .25;
self stopLoopSound();
wait .05;
self playLoopSound( level.heli_sound[]["spinloop"] );
wait .05;
self playSound( level.heli_sound[]["spinstart"] );
// TO DO: Robert will replace the for-loop to use geotrails for smoke trail fx
// this plays single smoke trail puff on origin per 0.05
// trail_fx is the fx string, trail_tag is the tag string
trail_fx( trail_fx, trail_tag, stop_notify )
// only one instance allowed
self notify( stop_notify );
self endon( stop_notify );
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
playfxontag( trail_fx, self, trail_tag );
wait( 0.05 );
// crash explosion
self notify( "death" );
forward = ( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ) ) - self.origin;
playfx ( level.chopper_fx["explode"]["death"], self.origin, forward );
// play heli explosion sound
self playSound( level.heli_sound[]["crash"] );
level.chopper = undefined;
self delete();
// helicopter leaving parameter, can not be damaged while leaving
self notify( "desintation reached" );
self notify( "leaving" );
// helicopter leaves randomly towards one of the leave origins
random_leave_node = randomInt( level.heli_leavenodes.size );
leavenode = level.heli_leavenodes[random_leave_node];
self setspeed( 100, 45 );
self setvehgoalpos( leavenode.origin, 1 );
self waittillmatch( "goal" );
self notify( "death" );
level.chopper = undefined;
self delete();
// flys helicopter from given start node to a destination on its path
heli_fly( currentnode )
self endon( "death" );
// only one thread instance allowed
self notify( "flying");
self endon( "flying" );
// if owner switches teams, helicopter should leave
self endon( "abandoned" );
self.reached_dest = false;
pos = self.origin;
wait( 2 );
while ( isdefined( ) )
nextnode = getent(, "targetname" );
assertex( isdefined( nextnode ), "Next node in path is undefined, but has targetname" );
// offsetted
pos = nextnode.origin+(0,0,30);
// motion change via node
if( isdefined( currentnode.script_airspeed ) && isdefined( currentnode.script_accel ) )
heli_speed = currentnode.script_airspeed;
heli_accel = currentnode.script_accel;
heli_speed = 30+randomInt(20);
heli_accel = 15+randomInt(15);
// fly nonstop until final destination
if ( !isdefined( ) )
stop = 1;
stop = 0;
// debug ==============================================================
debug_line( currentnode.origin, nextnode.origin, ( 1, 0.5, 0.5 ), 200 );
// if in damaged state, do not stop at any node other than destination
if( self.currentstate == "heavy smoke" || self.currentstate == "light smoke" )
// movement change due to damage
self setspeed( heli_speed, heli_accel );
self setvehgoalpos( (pos), stop );
self waittill( "near_goal" ); //self waittillmatch( "goal" );
self notify( "path start" );
// if the node has helicopter stop time value, we stop
if( isdefined( nextnode.script_delay ) )
stop = 1;
self setspeed( heli_speed, heli_accel );
self setvehgoalpos( (pos), stop );
if ( !isdefined( nextnode.script_delay ) )
self waittill( "near_goal" ); //self waittillmatch( "goal" );
self notify( "path start" );
// post beta addition --- (
self setgoalyaw( nextnode.angles[1] );
// post beta addition --- )
self waittillmatch( "goal" );
heli_wait( nextnode.script_delay );
// increment loop count when helicopter is circling the map
for( index = 0; index < level.heli_loop_paths.size; index++ )
if ( level.heli_loop_paths[index].origin == nextnode.origin )
if( self.loopcount >= level.heli_loopmax )
self thread heli_leave();
currentnode = nextnode;
self setgoalyaw( currentnode.angles[1] );
self.reached_dest = true; // sets flag true for helicopter circling the map
self notify ( "destination reached" );
// wait at destination
heli_wait( self.waittime );
// if still alive, switch to evasive manuvering
if( isdefined( self ) )
self thread heli_evasive();
fire_missile( sMissileType, iShots, eTarget )
if ( !isdefined( iShots ) )
iShots = 1;
assert( > 0 );
weaponName = undefined;
weaponShootTime = undefined;
defaultWeapon = "cobra_20mm_mp";
tags = [];
switch( sMissileType )
case "ffar":
if ( == "allies" )
weaponName = "cobra_FFAR_mp";
weaponName = "hind_FFAR_mp";
tags[ 0 ] = "tag_store_r_2";
assertMsg( "Invalid missile type specified. Must be ffar" );
assert( isdefined( weaponName ) );
assert( tags.size > 0 );
weaponShootTime = weaponfiretime( weaponName );
assert( isdefined( weaponShootTime ) );
self setVehWeapon( weaponName );
nextMissileTag = -1;
for( i = 0 ; i < iShots ; i++ ) // I don't believe iShots > 1 is properly supported; we don't set the weapon each time
if ( nextMissileTag >= tags.size )
nextMissileTag = 0;
if ( isdefined( eTarget ) )
eMissile = self fireWeapon( tags[ nextMissileTag ], eTarget );
eMissile = self fireWeapon( tags[ nextMissileTag ] );
self.lastRocketFireTime = gettime();
if ( i < iShots - 1 )
wait weaponShootTime;
// avoid calling setVehWeapon again this frame or the client doesn't hear about the original weapon change
if ( !isdefined( self.owner ) || !isdefined( self.owner.pers["team"] ) || self.owner.pers["team"] != )
self notify ( "abandoned" );
self thread heli_leave();
//self thread turret_kill_players();
self thread attack_primary();
self thread attack_secondary();
// missile only
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
for( ;; )
if ( isdefined( self.secondaryTarget ) )
self.secondaryTarget.antithreat = undefined;
self.missileTarget = self.secondaryTarget;
antithreat = 0;
while( isdefined( self.missileTarget ) && isalive( self.missileTarget ) )
// if selected target is not in missile hit range, skip
if( self missile_target_sight_check( self.missileTarget ) )
self thread missile_support( self.missileTarget, level.heli_missile_rof, true, undefined );
// lower targets threat after shooting
antithreat += 100;
self.missileTarget.antithreat = antithreat;
self waittill( "missile ready" );
// target might disconnect or change during last assault cycle
if ( !isdefined( self.secondaryTarget ) || ( isdefined( self.secondaryTarget ) && self.missileTarget != self.secondaryTarget ) )
// reset the antithreat factor
if ( isdefined( self.missileTarget ) )
self.missileTarget.antithreat = undefined;
self waittill( "secondary acquired" );
// check if owner has left, if so, leave
self check_owner();
// check if missile is in hittable sight zone
missile_target_sight_check( missiletarget )
heli2target_normal = vectornormalize( missiletarget.origin - self.origin );
heli2forward = anglestoforward( self.angles );
heli2forward_normal = vectornormalize( heli2forward );
heli_dot_target = vectordot( heli2target_normal, heli2forward_normal );
if ( heli_dot_target >= level.heli_missile_target_cone )
debug_print3d_simple( "Missile sight: " + heli_dot_target, self, ( 0,0,-40 ), 40 );
return true;
return false;
// if wait for turret turning is too slow, enable missile assault support
missile_support( target_player, rof, instantfire, endon_notify )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
if ( isdefined ( endon_notify ) )
self endon( endon_notify );
self.turret_giveup = false;
if ( !instantfire )
wait( rof );
self.turret_giveup = true;
self notify( "give up" );
if ( isdefined( target_player ) )
if ( level.teambased )
// if target near friendly, do not shoot missile, target already has lower threat level at this stage
for (i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++)
player = level.players[i];
if ( isdefined( player.pers["team"] ) && player.pers["team"] == && distance( player.origin, target_player.origin ) <= level.heli_missile_friendlycare )
debug_print3d_simple( "Missile omitted due to nearby friendly", self, ( 0,0,-80 ), 40 );
self notify ( "missile ready" );
player = self.owner;
if ( isdefined( player ) && isdefined( player.pers["team"] ) && player.pers["team"] == && distance( player.origin, target_player.origin ) <= level.heli_missile_friendlycare )
debug_print3d_simple( "Missile omitted due to nearby friendly", self, ( 0,0,-80 ), 40 );
self notify ( "missile ready" );
if ( self.missile_ammo > 0 && isdefined( target_player ) )
self fire_missile( "ffar", 1, target_player );
self notify( "missile fired" );
if ( instantfire )
wait ( rof );
self notify ( "missile ready" );
// mini-gun with missile support
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
for( ;; )
if ( isdefined( self.primaryTarget ) )
self.primaryTarget.antithreat = undefined;
self.turretTarget = self.primaryTarget;
antithreat = 0;
last_pos = undefined;
while( isdefined( self.turretTarget ) && isalive( self.turretTarget ) )
// shoots one clip of mini-gun none stop
self setTurretTargetEnt( self.turretTarget, ( 0, 0, 40 ) );
// if wait for turret turning is too slow, enable missile assault support
if( self missile_target_sight_check( self.turretTarget ) )
self thread missile_support( self.turretTarget, 10/level.heli_rage_missile, false, "turret on target" );
self waittill( "turret_on_target" );
self waittill_any( "turret_on_target", "give up" );
if( isdefined( self.turret_giveup ) && self.turret_giveup )
self notify( "turret on target" );
self thread turret_target_flag( self.turretTarget );
// wait for turret to spinup and fire
wait( level.heli_turret_spinup_delay );
// fire gun =================================
weaponShootTime = weaponfiretime("cobra_20mm_mp" );
self setVehWeapon( "cobra_20mm_mp" );
// shoot full clip at target, if target lost, shoot at the last position recorded, if target changed, sweep onto next target
for( i = 0 ; i < level.heli_turretClipSize ; i++ )
// if turret on primary target, keep last position of the target in case target lost
if ( isdefined( self.turretTarget ) && isdefined( self.primaryTarget ) )
if ( self.primaryTarget != self.turretTarget )
self setTurretTargetEnt( self.primaryTarget, ( 0, 0, 40 ) );
if ( isdefined( self.targetlost ) && self.targetlost && isdefined( self.turret_last_pos ) )
//println( "Target lost ---- shooting last pos: " + self.turret_last_pos ); // debug
self setturrettargetvec( self.turret_last_pos );
self clearturrettarget();
if ( gettime() != self.lastRocketFireTime )
// fire one bullet
self setVehWeapon( "cobra_20mm_mp" );
miniGun = self fireWeapon( "tag_flash" );
// wait for RoF
if ( i < level.heli_turretClipSize - 1 )
wait weaponShootTime;
self notify( "turret reloading" );
// end fire gun ==============================
// wait for turret reload
wait( level.heli_turretReloadTime );
// lower the target's threat since already assaulted on
if ( isdefined( self.turretTarget ) && isalive( self.turretTarget ) )
antithreat += 100;
self.turretTarget.antithreat = antithreat;
// primary target might disconnect or change during last assault cycle, if so, find new target
if ( !isdefined( self.primaryTarget ) || ( isdefined( self.turretTarget ) && isdefined( self.primaryTarget ) && self.primaryTarget != self.turretTarget ) )
// reset the antithreat factor
if ( isdefined( self.turretTarget ) )
self.turretTarget.antithreat = undefined;
self waittill( "primary acquired" );
// check if owner has left, if so, leave
self check_owner();
// target lost flaging
turret_target_flag( turrettarget )
// forcing single thread instance
self notify( "flag check is running" );
self endon( "flag check is running" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "crashing" );
self endon( "leaving" );
self endon( "turret reloading" );
// ends on target player death or undefined
turrettarget endon( "death" );
turrettarget endon( "disconnect" );
self.targetlost = false;
self.turret_last_pos = undefined;
while( isdefined( turrettarget ) )
heli_centroid = self.origin + ( 0, 0, -160 );
heli_forward_norm = anglestoforward( self.angles );
heli_turret_point = heli_centroid + 144*heli_forward_norm;
sight_rec = turrettarget sightconetrace( heli_turret_point, self );
if ( sight_rec < level.heli_target_recognition )
wait 0.05;
if( isdefined( turrettarget ) && isdefined( turrettarget.origin ) )
assertex( isdefined( turrettarget.origin ), "turrettarget.origin is undefined after isdefined check" );
self.turret_last_pos = turrettarget.origin + ( 0, 0, 40 );
assertex( isdefined( self.turret_last_pos ), "self.turret_last_pos is undefined after setting it #1" );
self setturrettargetvec( self.turret_last_pos );
assertex( isdefined( self.turret_last_pos ), "self.turret_last_pos is undefined after setting it #2" );
debug_print3d_simple( "Turret target lost at: " + self.turret_last_pos, self, ( 0,0,-70 ), 60 );
self.targetlost = true;
self.targetlost = undefined;
self.turret_last_pos = undefined;
// debug on screen elements ===========================================================
if ( isdefined( level.heli_debug ) && level.heli_debug == 1.0 )
// targeting debug print
if( isdefined( self.primaryTarget ) && isdefined( self.primaryTarget.threatlevel ) )
primary_msg = "Primary: " + + " : " + self.primaryTarget.threatlevel;
primary_msg = "Primary: ";
if( isdefined( self.secondaryTarget ) && isdefined( self.secondaryTarget.threatlevel ) )
secondary_msg = "Secondary: " + + " : " + self.secondaryTarget.threatlevel;
secondary_msg = "Secondary: ";
frames = int( self.targeting_delay*20 )+1;
thread draw_text( primary_msg, (1, 0.6, 0.6), self, ( 0, 0, 40), frames );
thread draw_text( secondary_msg, (1, 0.6, 0.6), self, ( 0, 0, 0), frames );
debug_print3d( message, color, ent, origin_offset, frames )
if ( isdefined( level.heli_debug ) && level.heli_debug == 1.0 )
self thread draw_text( message, color, ent, origin_offset, frames );
debug_print3d_simple( message, ent, offset, frames )
if ( isdefined( level.heli_debug ) && level.heli_debug == 1.0 )
if( isdefined( frames ) )
thread draw_text( message, ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 ), ent, offset, frames );
thread draw_text( message, ( 0.8, 0.8, 0.8 ), ent, offset, 0 );
debug_line( from, to, color, frames )
if ( isdefined( level.heli_debug ) && level.heli_debug == 1.0 && !isdefined( frames ) )
thread draw_line( from, to, color );
else if ( isdefined( level.heli_debug ) && level.heli_debug == 1.0 )
thread draw_line( from, to, color, frames);
draw_text( msg, color, ent, offset, frames )
//level endon( "helicopter gone" );
if( frames == 0 )
while ( isdefined( ent ) )
print3d( ent.origin+offset, msg , color, 0.5, 4 );
wait 0.05;
for( i=0; i < frames; i++ )
if( !isdefined( ent ) )
print3d( ent.origin+offset, msg , color, 0.5, 4 );
wait 0.05;
draw_line( from, to, color, frames )
//level endon( "helicopter gone" );
if( isdefined( frames ) )
for( i=0; i<frames; i++ )
line( from, to, color );
wait 0.05;
for( ;; )
line( from, to, color );
wait 0.05;
// cpu friendly version of sight cone trace performs single trace per frame
// 1/4 second delay
improved_sightconetrace( helicopter )
// obtain start as origin of the turret point
heli_centroid = helicopter.origin + ( 0, 0, -160 );
heli_forward_norm = anglestoforward( helicopter.angles );
heli_turret_point = heli_centroid + 144*heli_forward_norm;
draw_line( heli_turret_point, self.origin, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 5 );
start = heli_turret_point;
yes = 0;
point = [];
for( i=0; i<5; i++ )
if( !isdefined( self ) )
half_height = self.origin+(0,0,36);
tovec = start - half_height;
tovec_angles = vectortoangles(tovec);
forward_norm = anglestoforward(tovec_angles);
side_norm = anglestoright(tovec_angles);
point[point.size] = self.origin + (0,0,36);
point[point.size] = self.origin + side_norm*(15, 15, 0) + (0, 0, 10);
point[point.size] = self.origin + side_norm*(-15, -15, 0) + (0, 0, 10);
point[point.size] = point[2]+(0,0,64);
point[point.size] = point[1]+(0,0,64);
// debug =====================================
draw_line( point[1], point[2], (1, 1, 1), 1 );
draw_line( point[2], point[3], (1, 1, 1), 1 );
draw_line( point[3], point[4], (1, 1, 1), 1 );
draw_line( point[4], point[1], (1, 1, 1), 1 );
if( bullettracepassed( start, point[i], true, self ) )
draw_line( start, point[i], (randomInt(10)/10, randomInt(10)/10, randomInt(10)/10), 1 );
//wait 0.05;
//println( "Target sight: " + yes/5 );
return yes/5;