2508 lines
69 KiB
2508 lines
69 KiB
#include maps\_utility;
#include animscripts\utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
// this script handles all major global gameskill considerations
setSkill( reset, skill_override )
if ( !isdefined( level.script ) )
level.script = tolower( getdvar( "mapname" ) );
if ( !isdefined( reset ) || reset == false )
if ( isdefined( level.gameSkill ) )
if ( !isdefined( level.custom_player_attacker ) )
level.custom_player_attacker = ::return_false;
level.global_damage_func_ads = ::empty_kill_func;
level.global_damage_func = ::empty_kill_func;
level.global_kill_func = ::empty_kill_func;
if ( getdvar( "arcademode" ) == "1" )
thread maps\_arcademode::main();
// first init stuff
flag_init( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
flag_init( "player_is_invulnerable" );
flag_clear( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
flag_clear( "player_is_invulnerable" );
level.difficultyType[ 0 ] = "easy";
level.difficultyType[ 1 ] = "normal";
level.difficultyType[ 2 ] = "hardened";
level.difficultyType[ 3 ] = "veteran";
level.difficultyString[ "easy" ] = &"GAMESKILL_EASY";
level.difficultyString[ "normal" ] = &"GAMESKILL_NORMAL";
level.difficultyString[ "hardened" ] = &"GAMESKILL_HARDENED";
level.difficultyString[ "veteran" ] = &"GAMESKILL_VETERAN";
// thread update_skill_on_change();
thread playerHealthDebug();
level.gameSkill = getdvarint( "g_gameskill" );
if ( isdefined( skill_override ) )
level.gameSkill = skill_override;
setdvar( "saved_gameskill", level.gameSkill );
// createprintchannel( "script_autodifficulty" );
if ( getdvar( "autodifficulty_playerDeathTimer" ) == "" )
setdvar( "autodifficulty_playerDeathTimer", 0 );
anim.run_accuracy = 0.5;
logString( "difficulty: " + level.gameSkill );
// if ( getdvar( "autodifficulty_frac" ) == "" )
setdvar( "autodifficulty_frac", 0 );// disabled for now
level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent = [];
level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points = [];
level.auto_adjust_threatbias = true;
thread increment_take_cover_warnings_on_death();
level.mg42badplace_mintime = 8;// minimum # of seconds a badplace is created on an mg42 after its operator dies
level.mg42badplace_maxtime = 16;// maximum # of seconds a badplace is created on an mg42 after its operator dies
// anim.playerGrenadeBaseTime
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeBaseTime", 0.0, 50000 );
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeBaseTime", 0.25, 40000 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeBaseTime", 0.75, 25000 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeBaseTime", 1.0, 13500 );
level.difficultySettings[ "playerGrenadeBaseTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 10000;
level.difficultySettings[ "playerGrenadeBaseTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;
// anim.playerGrenadeRangeTime
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", 0.0, 22000 );
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", 0.25, 20000 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", 0.75, 15000 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", 1.0, 7500 );
level.difficultySettings[ "playerGrenadeRangeTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 5000;
level.difficultySettings[ "playerGrenadeRangeTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 1;
// time between instances where 2 grenades land near player at once( hardcoded to never happen in easy )
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDoubleGrenadeTime", 0.25, 60 * 60 * 1000 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDoubleGrenadeTime", 0.75, 120 * 1000 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDoubleGrenadeTime", 1.0, 20 * 1000 );
level.difficultySettings[ "playerDoubleGrenadeTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 15 * 1000;
level.difficultySettings[ "playerDoubleGrenadeTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;
level.difficultySettings[ "double_grenades_allowed" ][ "easy" ] = false;
level.difficultySettings[ "double_grenades_allowed" ][ "normal" ] = true;
level.difficultySettings[ "double_grenades_allowed" ][ "hardened" ] = true;
level.difficultySettings[ "double_grenades_allowed" ][ "veteran" ] = true;
level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent[ "double_grenades_allowed" ] = 0.75;
add_fractional_data_point( "player_deathInvulnerableTime", 0.25, 4000 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "player_deathInvulnerableTime", 0.75, 1700 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "player_deathInvulnerableTime", 1.0, 850 );
level.difficultySettings[ "player_deathInvulnerableTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 600;
level.difficultySettings[ "player_deathInvulnerableTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 100;
add_fractional_data_point( "threatbias", 0.0, 80 );
add_fractional_data_point( "threatbias", 0.25, 100 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "threatbias", 0.75, 150 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "threatbias", 1.0, 165 );
level.difficultySettings[ "threatbias" ][ "hardened" ] = 200;
level.difficultySettings[ "threatbias" ][ "veteran" ] = 400;
// level.longRegenTime
redFlashingOverlay() controls how long the overlay flashes, this var controls how long it takes
before your health comes back
add_fractional_data_point( "longRegenTime", 1.0, 5000 );
level.difficultySettings[ "longRegenTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 5000;
level.difficultySettings[ "longRegenTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 5000;
// level.healthOverlayCutoff
add_fractional_data_point( "healthOverlayCutoff", 0.25, 0.01 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "healthOverlayCutoff", 0.75, 0.2 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "healthOverlayCutoff", 1.0, 0.25 );
level.difficultySettings[ "healthOverlayCutoff" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.3;
level.difficultySettings[ "healthOverlayCutoff" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.5;
// level.healthOverlayCutoff
add_fractional_data_point( "base_enemy_accuracy", 0.25, 1 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "base_enemy_accuracy", 0.75, 1 ); // original normal
level.difficultySettings[ "base_enemy_accuracy" ][ "hardened" ] = 1.3;
level.difficultySettings[ "base_enemy_accuracy" ][ "veteran" ] = 1.3;
// lower numbers = higher accuracy for AI at a distance
add_fractional_data_point( "accuracyDistScale", 0.25, 1.0 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "accuracyDistScale", 0.75, 1.0 ); // original normal
level.difficultySettings[ "accuracyDistScale" ][ "hardened" ] = 1.0;
level.difficultySettings[ "accuracyDistScale" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.5;
// level.playerDifficultyHealth
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDifficultyHealth", 0.0, 550 );
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDifficultyHealth", 0.25, 475 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDifficultyHealth", 0.75, 275 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "playerDifficultyHealth", 1.0, 210 );
level.difficultySettings[ "playerDifficultyHealth" ][ "hardened" ] = 165;
level.difficultySettings[ "playerDifficultyHealth" ][ "veteran" ] = 115;
// anim.min_sniper_burst_delay_time
add_fractional_data_point( "min_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.0, 3.5 );
add_fractional_data_point( "min_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.25, 3.0 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "min_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.75, 2.0 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "min_sniper_burst_delay_time", 1.0, 1.80 );
level.difficultySettings[ "min_sniper_burst_delay_time" ][ "hardened" ] = 1.5;
level.difficultySettings[ "min_sniper_burst_delay_time" ][ "veteran" ] = 1.1;
// anim.max_sniper_burst_delay_time
add_fractional_data_point( "max_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.0, 4.5 );
add_fractional_data_point( "max_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.25, 4.0 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "max_sniper_burst_delay_time", 0.75, 3.0 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "max_sniper_burst_delay_time", 1.0, 2.5 );
level.difficultySettings[ "max_sniper_burst_delay_time" ][ "hardened" ] = 2.0;
level.difficultySettings[ "max_sniper_burst_delay_time" ][ "veteran" ] = 1.5;
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_health", 0.0, 0.2 );
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_health", 0.25, 0.25 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_health", 0.75, 0.75 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_health", 1.0, 0.8 );
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_health" ][ "hardened" ] = 1.0;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_health" ][ "veteran" ] = 1.0;
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_presstime", 0.25, 415 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "dog_presstime", 0.75, 375 ); // original normal
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_presstime" ][ "hardened" ] = 250;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_presstime" ][ "veteran" ] = 225;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_hits_before_kill" ][ "easy" ] = 2;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_hits_before_kill" ][ "normal" ] = 1;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_hits_before_kill" ][ "hardened" ] = 0;
level.difficultySettings[ "dog_hits_before_kill" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;
level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent[ "dog_hits_before_kill" ] = 0.5;
// anim.pain_test
level.difficultySettings[ "pain_test" ][ "easy" ] = ::always_pain;
level.difficultySettings[ "pain_test" ][ "normal" ] = ::always_pain;
level.difficultySettings[ "pain_test" ][ "hardened" ] = ::pain_protection;
level.difficultySettings[ "pain_test" ][ "veteran" ] = ::pain_protection;
anim.pain_test = level.difficultySettings[ "pain_test" ][ get_skill_from_index( level.gameskill ) ];
// missTime is a number based on the distance from the AI to the player + some baseline
// it simulates bad aim as the AI starts shooting, and helps give the player a warning before they get hit.
// this is used for auto and semi auto.
// missTime = missTimeConstant + distance * missTimeDistanceFactor
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeConstant" ][ "easy" ] = 1.0; // 0.2;// 0.3;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeConstant" ][ "normal" ] = 0.05;// 0.1;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeConstant" ][ "hardened" ] = 0;// 0.04;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeConstant" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;// 0.03;
// determines which misstime constant to use based on difficulty frac. Hard and Vet use their own settings.
level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent[ "missTimeConstant" ] = 0.5;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeDistanceFactor" ][ "easy" ] = 0.8 / 1000; // 0.4
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeDistanceFactor" ][ "normal" ] = 0.1 / 1000;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeDistanceFactor" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.05 / 1000;
level.difficultySettings[ "missTimeDistanceFactor" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;
// determines which missTimeDistanceFactor to use based on difficulty frac. Hard and Vet use their own settings.
level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent[ "missTimeDistanceFactor" ] = 0.5;
add_fractional_data_point( "flashbangedInvulFactor", 0.25, 0.25 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "flashbangedInvulFactor", 0.75, 0.0 ); // original normal
level.difficultySettings[ "flashbangedInvulFactor" ][ "easy" ] = 0.25;
level.difficultySettings[ "flashbangedInvulFactor" ][ "normal" ] = 0;
level.difficultySettings[ "flashbangedInvulFactor" ][ "hardened" ] = 0;
level.difficultySettings[ "flashbangedInvulFactor" ][ "veteran" ] = 0;
// level.invulTime_preShield: time player is invulnerable when hit before their health is low enough for a red overlay( should be very short )
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_preShield", 0.0, 0.7 );
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_preShield", 0.25, 0.6 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_preShield", 0.75, 0.35 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_preShield", 1.0, 0.3 );
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_preShield" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.1;
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_preShield" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.0;
// level.invulTime_onShield: time player is invulnerable when hit the first time they get a red health overlay( should be reasonably long )
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_onShield", 0.0, 1.0 );
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_onShield", 0.25, 0.8 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_onShield", 0.75, 0.5 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_onShield", 1.0, 0.3 );
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_onShield" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.1;
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_onShield" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.05;
// level.invulTime_postShield: time player is invulnerable when hit after the red health overlay is already up( should be short )
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_postShield", 0.0, 0.6 );
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_postShield", 0.25, 0.5 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_postShield", 0.75, 0.3 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "invulTime_postShield", 1.0, 0.2 );
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_postShield" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.1;
level.difficultySettings[ "invulTime_postShield" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.0;
// level.playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay
// The delay before you regen health after getting hurt
add_fractional_data_point( "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay", 0.0, 3500 );
add_fractional_data_point( "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay", 0.25, 3000 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay", 0.75, 2000 ); // original normal
add_fractional_data_point( "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay", 1.0, 1500 );
level.difficultySettings[ "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay" ][ "hardened" ] = 1200;
level.difficultySettings[ "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay" ][ "veteran" ] = 1200;
// level.worthyDamageRatio( player must recieve this much damage as a fraction of maxhealth to get invulTime. )
add_fractional_data_point( "worthyDamageRatio", 0.25, 0.0 ); // original easy
add_fractional_data_point( "worthyDamageRatio", 0.75, 0.1 ); // original normal
level.difficultySettings[ "worthyDamageRatio" ][ "hardened" ] = 0.1;
level.difficultySettings[ "worthyDamageRatio" ][ "veteran" ] = 0.1;
// level.explosiveplanttime
level.difficultySettings[ "explosivePlantTime" ][ "easy" ] = 10;
level.difficultySettings[ "explosivePlantTime" ][ "normal" ] = 10;
level.difficultySettings[ "explosivePlantTime" ][ "hardened" ] = 5;
level.difficultySettings[ "explosivePlantTime" ][ "veteran" ] = 5;
level.explosiveplanttime = level.difficultySettings[ "explosivePlantTime" ][ get_skill_from_index( level.gameskill ) ];
// anim.difficultyBasedAccuracy
level.difficultySettings[ "difficultyBasedAccuracy" ][ "easy" ] = 1;
level.difficultySettings[ "difficultyBasedAccuracy" ][ "normal" ] = 1;
level.difficultySettings[ "difficultyBasedAccuracy" ][ "hardened" ] = 1;
level.difficultySettings[ "difficultyBasedAccuracy" ][ "veteran" ] = 1.25;
anim.difficultyBasedAccuracy = getRatio( "difficultyBasedAccuracy", level.gameskill, level.gameskill );
// in case there are no enties in the map.
level.lastPlayerSighted = 0;
// only easy and normal do adjusting
difficulty_starting_frac[ "easy" ] = 0.25;
difficulty_starting_frac[ "normal" ] = 0.75;
if ( level.gameskill <= 1 )
// if ( aa_should_start_fresh() )
// started over so reset difficulty evaluation
dif_frac = difficulty_starting_frac[ get_skill_from_index( level.gameskill ) ];
dif_frac = int( dif_frac * 100 );
setdvar( "autodifficulty_frac", dif_frac );
setdvar( "autodifficulty_original_setting", level.gameskill );
setsaveddvar( "player_meleeDamageMultiplier", 100 / 250 );
get_skill_from_index( index )
return level.difficultyType[ index ];
if ( level.script == "killhouse" )
return true;
return level.gameskill == getdvarint( "autodifficulty_original_setting" );
apply_difficulty_frac_with_func( difficulty_func, current_frac )
//prof_begin( "apply_difficulty_frac_with_func" );
level.invulTime_preShield = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "invulTime_preShield", current_frac );
level.invulTime_onShield = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "invulTime_onShield", current_frac );
level.invulTime_postShield = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "invulTime_postShield", current_frac );
level.playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay", current_frac );
level.worthyDamageRatio = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "worthyDamageRatio", current_frac );
if ( level.auto_adjust_threatbias )
level.player.threatbias = int( [[ difficulty_func ]]( "threatbias", current_frac ) );
level.longRegenTime = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "longRegenTime", current_frac );
level.healthOverlayCutoff = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "healthOverlayCutoff", current_frac );
anim.player_attacker_accuracy = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "base_enemy_accuracy", current_frac );
level.attackeraccuracy = anim.player_attacker_accuracy;
anim.playerGrenadeBaseTime = int( [[ difficulty_func ]]( "playerGrenadeBaseTime", current_frac ) );
anim.playerGrenadeRangeTime = int( [[ difficulty_func ]]( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", current_frac ) );
anim.playerDoubleGrenadeTime = int( [[ difficulty_func ]]( "playerDoubleGrenadeTime", current_frac ) );
anim.min_sniper_burst_delay_time = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "min_sniper_burst_delay_time", current_frac );
anim.max_sniper_burst_delay_time = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "max_sniper_burst_delay_time", current_frac );
anim.dog_health = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "dog_health", current_frac );
anim.dog_presstime = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "dog_presstime", current_frac );
// we kill the player manually in script when we're ready to do so.
setsaveddvar( "player_deathInvulnerableTime", int( [[ difficulty_func ]]( "player_deathInvulnerableTime", current_frac ) ) );
setsaveddvar( "player_damageMultiplier", 100 / [[ difficulty_func ]]( "playerDifficultyHealth", current_frac ) );
setsaveddvar( "ai_accuracyDistScale", [[ difficulty_func ]]( "accuracyDistScale", current_frac ) );
//prof_end( "apply_difficulty_frac_with_func" );
apply_difficulty_step_with_func( difficulty_func, current_frac )
//prof_begin( "apply_difficulty_step_with_func" );
// sets the value of difficulty settings that can't blend between two
anim.missTimeConstant = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "missTimeConstant", current_frac );
anim.missTimeDistanceFactor = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "missTimeDistanceFactor", current_frac );
anim.dog_hits_before_kill = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "dog_hits_before_kill", current_frac );
anim.double_grenades_allowed = [[ difficulty_func ]]( "double_grenades_allowed", current_frac );
//prof_end( "apply_difficulty_step_with_func" );
apply_difficulty_frac_with_func( ::get_locked_difficulty_val, 1 );
apply_difficulty_step_with_func( ::get_locked_difficulty_step_val, 1 );
//prof_begin( "set_difficulty_from_current_aa_frac" );
// sets the difficulty to be a degree between two difficulty step values
level.auto_adjust_difficulty_frac = getdvarint( "autodifficulty_frac" );
current_frac = level.auto_adjust_difficulty_frac * 0.01;
assert( level.auto_adjust_difficulty_frac >= 0 );
assert( level.auto_adjust_difficulty_frac <= 100 );
apply_difficulty_frac_with_func( ::get_blended_difficulty, current_frac );
apply_difficulty_step_with_func( ::get_stepped_difficulty, current_frac );
//prof_end( "set_difficulty_from_current_aa_frac" );
get_stepped_difficulty( system, current_frac )
// returns the Normal val if the difficulty is above specified percent
if ( current_frac >= level.difficultySettings_stepFunc_percent[ system ] )
return level.difficultySettings[ system ][ "normal" ];
return level.difficultySettings[ system ][ "easy" ];
get_locked_difficulty_step_val( system, ignored )
return level.difficultySettings[ system ][ get_skill_from_index( level.gameskill ) ];
get_blended_difficulty( system, current_frac )
//prof_begin( "get_blended_difficulty" );
// get the value from the available data points
difficulty_array = level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points[ system ];
for ( i = 1; i < difficulty_array.size; i++ )
high_frac = difficulty_array[ i ][ "frac" ];
high_val = difficulty_array[ i ][ "val" ];
if ( current_frac <= high_frac )
low_frac = difficulty_array[ i - 1 ][ "frac" ];
low_val = difficulty_array[ i - 1 ][ "val" ];
frac_range = high_frac - low_frac;
val_range = high_val - low_val;
base_frac = current_frac - low_frac;
result_frac = base_frac / frac_range;
return low_val + result_frac * val_range;
0.5 10 0.7
0.75 100
frac_range 0.25
base_frac 0.2
val_range 90
assertex( difficulty_array.size == 1, "Shouldnt be multiple data points if we're here." );
//prof_end( "get_blended_difficulty" );
return difficulty_array[ 0 ][ "val" ];
return level.auto_adjust_difficulty_frac > 0.75;
getCurrentDifficultySetting( msg )
return level.difficultySettings[ msg ][ get_skill_from_index( level.gameskill ) ];
getRatio( msg, min, max )
return( level.difficultySettings[ msg ][ level.difficultyType[ min ] ] * ( 100 - getdvarint( "autodifficulty_frac" ) ) + level.difficultySettings[ msg ][ level.difficultyType[ max ] ] * getdvarint( "autodifficulty_frac" ) ) * 0.01;
get_locked_difficulty_val( msg, ignored ) // ignored is there because this is used as a function pointer with another function that does have a second parm
return level.difficultySettings[ msg ][ level.difficultyType[ level.gameskill ] ];
return false;
if ( !pain_protection_check() )
return false;
return( randomint( 100 ) > 25 );
if ( !isalive( self.enemy ) )
return false;
if ( self.enemy != level.player )
return false;
if ( !isalive( level.painAI ) || level.painAI.a.script != "pain" )
level.painAI = self;
// The pain AI can always take pain, so if the player focuses on one guy he'll see pain animations.
if ( self == level.painAI )
return false;
if ( self.damageWeapon != "none" && weaponIsBoltAction( self.damageWeapon ) )
return false;
return true;
waittillframeend; // for init to finish
if ( getdvar( "scr_health_debug" ) == "" )
setdvar( "scr_health_debug", "0" );
while ( 1 )
while ( 1 )
if ( getdebugdvar( "scr_health_debug" ) != "0" )
wait .5;
thread printHealthDebug();
while ( 1 )
if ( getdebugdvar( "scr_health_debug" ) == "0" )
wait .5;
level notify( "stop_printing_grenade_timers" );
level notify( "stop_printing_health_bars" );
level endon( "stop_printing_health_bars" );
x = 40;
y = 40;
level.healthBarHudElems = [];
level.healthBarKeys[ 0 ] = "Health";
level.healthBarKeys[ 1 ] = "No Hit Time";
level.healthBarKeys[ 2 ] = "No Die Time";
if ( !isDefined( level.playerInvulTimeEnd ) )
level.playerInvulTimeEnd = 0;
if ( !isDefined( level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout ) )
level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < level.healthBarKeys.size; i++ )
key = level.healthBarKeys[ i ];
textelem = newHudElem();
textelem.x = x;
textelem.y = y;
textelem.alignX = "left";
textelem.alignY = "top";
textelem.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
textelem.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
textelem setText( key );
bar = newHudElem();
bar.x = x + 80;
bar.y = y + 2;
bar.alignX = "left";
bar.alignY = "top";
bar.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
bar.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
bar setshader( "black", 1, 8 );
textelem.bar = bar;
textelem.key = key;
y += 10;
level.healthBarHudElems[ key ] = textelem;
while ( 1 )
wait .05;
for ( i = 0; i < level.healthBarKeys.size; i++ )
key = level.healthBarKeys[ i ];
width = 0;
if ( i == 0 )
width = level.player.health / level.player.maxhealth * 300;
else if ( i == 1 )
width = ( level.playerInvulTimeEnd - gettime() ) / 1000 * 40;
else if ( i == 2 )
width = ( level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout - gettime() ) / 1000 * 40;
width = int( max( width, 1 ) );
bar = level.healthBarHudElems[ key ].bar;
bar setShader( "black", width, 8 );
if ( !isdefined( level.healthBarHudElems ) )
for ( i = 0; i < level.healthBarKeys.size; i++ )
level.healthBarHudElems[ level.healthBarKeys[ i ] ].bar destroy();
level.healthBarHudElems[ level.healthBarKeys[ i ] ] destroy();
// this is run on each enemy AI.
self endon( "long_death" );
self endon( "death" );
//prof_begin( "axisAccuracyControl" );
if ( getdvar( "scr_dynamicaccuracy" ) == "" )
setdvar( "scr_dynamicaccuracy", "off" );
if ( getdvar( "scr_dynamicaccuracy" ) != "on" )
// self simpleAccuracyControl();
for ( ;; )
wait( 0.05 );
waittillframeend;// in case our accuracy changed this frame
//prof_begin( "axisAccuracyControl" );
if ( isDefined( self.enemy ) && isPlayer( self.enemy ) && self canSee( self.enemy ) )
self.a.accuracyGrowthMultiplier += 0.05 * anim.accuracyGrowthRate;
if ( self.a.accuracyGrowthMultiplier > anim.accuracyGrowthMax )
self.a.accuracyGrowthMultiplier = anim.accuracyGrowthMax;
self.a.accuracyGrowthMultiplier = 1;
self setEnemyAccuracy();
//prof_end( "axisAccuracyControl" );
//prof_end( "axisAccuracyControl" );
self endon( "long_death" );
self endon( "death" );
// self simpleAccuracyControl();
if ( self animscripts\combat_utility::isSniper() && isAlive( self.enemy ) )
self setSniperAccuracy();
if ( isPlayer( self.enemy ) )
if ( self.a.missTime > gettime() )
self.accuracy = 0;
if ( self.a.script == "move" )
self.accuracy = anim.run_accuracy * self.baseAccuracy;
if ( self.a.script == "move" )
self.accuracy = anim.run_accuracy * self.baseAccuracy;
self.accuracy = self.baseAccuracy;
// if sniperShotCount isn't defined, a sniper is shooting from some place that's not in normal shoot behavior.
// that probably means they're doing some sort of blindfire or something that would look stupid for a sniper to do.
assert( isdefined( self.sniperShotCount ) );
if ( !isdefined( self.sniperShotCount ) )
// snipers get this error if a dog attacks them
self.sniperShotCount = 0;
self.sniperHitCount = 0;
self.sniperShotCount++ ;
if ( ( !isDefined( self.lastMissedEnemy ) || self.enemy != self.lastMissedEnemy ) && distanceSquared( self.origin, self.enemy.origin ) > 500 * 500 )
// miss
self.accuracy = 0;
if ( level.gameSkill > 0 || self.sniperShotCount > 1 )
self.lastMissedEnemy = self.enemy;
// guarantee a hit unless baseAccuracy is 0
self.accuracy = ( 1 + 1 * self.sniperHitCount ) * self.baseAccuracy;
self.sniperHitCount++ ;
if ( level.gameSkill < 1 && self.sniperHitCount == 1 )
self.lastMissedEnemy = undefined;// miss again
return( 1 + randomfloat( 4 ) );
// make sure the next time resetAccuracyAndPause() is called, we reset our misstime for sure
self.a.missTimeDebounce = 0;
// called when we start a volley of shots.
self resetMissTime();
// self conserveAmmoWhilePlayerIsInvulnerable();
waittime = 0;
if ( !isalive( self.enemy ) )
return waittime;
if ( self.enemy != level.player )
return waittime;
if ( flag( "player_is_invulnerable" ) && !self.a.nonstopFire )
waittime = ( 0.3 + randomfloat( 0.4 ) );
return waittime;
print3d_time( org, text, color, timer )
timer *= 20;
for ( i = 0; i < timer; i++ )
print3d( org, text, color );
wait( 0.05 );
//prof_begin( "resetMissTime" );
if ( self.team != "axis" )
if ( self.weapon == "none" )
if ( !self animscripts\weaponList::usingAutomaticWeapon() && !self animscripts\weaponList::usingSemiAutoWeapon() )
self.missTime = 0;
//prof_end( "resetMissTime" );
self.a.nonstopFire = false;
if ( !isalive( self.enemy ) )
//prof_end( "resetMissTime" );
if ( self.enemy != level.player )
self.accuracy = self.baseAccuracy;
//prof_end( "resetMissTime" );
dist = distance( self.enemy.origin, self.origin );
self setMissTime( anim.missTimeConstant + dist * anim.missTimeDistanceFactor );
//prof_end( "resetMissTime" );
self.a.missTimeDebounce = gettime() + 3000;
setMissTime( howLong )
assertex( self.team == "axis", "Non axis tried to set misstime" );
// we can only start missing again if it's been a few seconds since we last shot
if ( self.a.missTimeDebounce > gettime() )
if ( howLong > 0 )
self.accuracy = 0;
howLong *= 1000;// convert to milliseconds
self.a.missTime = gettime() + howLong;
self.a.accuracyGrowthMultiplier = 1;
// thread print3d_time( self.origin + (0,0,32 ), "Aiming..", (1,1,0), howLong * 0.001 );
//thread player_aim_debug();
self endon( "death" );
self notify( "playeraim" );
self endon( "playeraim" );
for ( ;; )
color = (0,1,0);
if ( self.a.misstime > gettime() )
color = (1,0,0);
print3d( self.origin + (0,0,32), self.finalaccuracy, color );
wait( 0.05 );
self.hurtAgain = false;
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, dir, point );
self.hurtAgain = true;
self.damagePoint = point;
self.damageAttacker = attacker;
/* boltCheck()
// on hard, kar98s dont do quite enough damage to put you into red flashing, so we bias it a bit )
self endon( "death" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", damage, attacker, direction_vec, point, cause );
if ( level.gameSkill != 2 )
if ( cause != "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET" )
ratio = self.health / self.maxHealth;
if ( ratio > level.healthOverlayCutoff )
self setnormalhealth( level.healthOverlayCutoff - 0.005 );
packets = [];
red = ( 1, 0, 0 );
orange = ( 1, 0.5, 0 );
green = ( 0, 1, 0 );
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 5 + 20 * i;
overlay.y = 20;
overlay setshader( "white", 16, 16 );
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.alpha = 1;
overlay.color = ( 0, 1, 0 );
packets[ packets.size ] = overlay;
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "update_health_packets" );
if ( flag( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" ) )
packetBase = 1;
for ( i = 0; i < packetBase; i++ )
packets[ i ] fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
packets[ i ].alpha = 1;
packets[ i ].color = red;
for ( i = packetBase; i < 3; i++ )
packets[ i ] fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
packets[ i ].alpha = 0;
packets[ i ].color = red;
flag_waitopen( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
packetBase = level.player_health_packets;
if ( packetBase <= 0 )
packetBase = 0;
color = red;
if ( packetBase == 2 )
color = orange;
if ( packetBase == 3 )
color = green;
for ( i = 0; i < packetBase; i++ )
packets[ i ] fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
packets[ i ].alpha = 1;
packets[ i ].color = color;
for ( i = packetBase; i < 3; i++ )
packets[ i ] fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
packets[ i ].alpha = 0;
packets[ i ].color = red;
// thread draw_player_health_packets();
level.player_health_packets = 3;
for ( ;; )
flag_wait( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
// change_player_health_packets( - 1 );
flag_waitopen( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
// sarah - readd when SP is using code - driven low health overlay
// if ( getcvarfloat( "hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart" ) == 0 )
// setcvar( "hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart", 0.35 );
// level.healthOverlayCutoff = getcvarfloat( "hud_healthOverlay_pulseStart" );
//prof_begin( "playerHealthRegen" );
thread healthOverlay();
oldratio = 1;
player = level.player;
health_add = 0;
thread player_health_packets();
if ( level.console )
regenRate = 0.01;// 0.017;
regenRate = 0.1;// 0.017;
// regenRate = 0.01;// 0.017;
veryHurt = false;
playerJustGotRedFlashing = false;
level.hurtTime = -10000;
thread playerBreathingSound( level.player.maxHealth * 0.35 );
invulTime = 0;
hurtTime = 0;
newHealth = 0;
lastinvulratio = 1;
player thread playerHurtcheck();
player.boltHit = false;
// player thread boltCheck();
if ( getdvar( "scr_playerInvulTimeScale" ) == "" )
setdvar( "scr_playerInvulTimeScale", 1.0 );
for ( ;; )
wait( 0.05 );
waittillframeend;// if we're on hard, we need to wait until the bolt damage check before we decide what to do
//prof_begin( "playerHealthRegen" );
if ( player.health == level.player.maxHealth )
if ( flag( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" ) )
flag_clear( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
level notify( "take_cover_done" );
// level notify( "hit_again" ); was cutting off the overlay fadeout
lastinvulratio = 1;
playerJustGotRedFlashing = false;
veryHurt = false;
if ( player.health <= 0 )
//prof_end( "playerHealthRegen" );
wasVeryHurt = veryHurt;
ratio = player.health / level.player.maxHealth;
if ( ratio <= level.healthOverlayCutoff && level.player_health_packets > 1 )
veryHurt = true;
if ( !wasVeryHurt )
hurtTime = gettime();
level.hurtTime = hurtTime;
thread blurView( 3.6, 2 );
flag_set( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
playerJustGotRedFlashing = true;
if ( !wasVeryHurt && veryHurt )
if ( player.hurtAgain )
hurtTime = gettime();
player.hurtAgain = false;
if ( player.health / player.maxHealth >= oldratio )
if ( gettime() - hurttime < level.playerHealth_RegularRegenDelay )
if ( veryHurt )
newHealth = ratio;
if ( gettime() > hurtTime + level.longRegenTime )
newHealth += regenRate;
if ( newHealth >= 1 )
newHealth = 1;
if ( newHealth > 1.0 )
newHealth = 1.0;
if ( newHealth <= 0 )
// Player is dead
if ( newHealth > player.health / player.maxHealth )
logRegen( newHealth );
player setnormalhealth( newHealth );
oldRatio = player.health / player.maxHealth;
oldratio = lastinvulRatio;
invulWorthyHealthDrop = oldratio - ratio >= level.worthyDamageRatio;
if ( player.health <= 1 )
// if player's health is <= 1, code's player_deathInvulnerableTime has kicked in and the player won't lose health for a while.
// set the health to 2 so we can at least detect when they're getting hit.
player setnormalhealth( 2 / player.maxHealth );
invulWorthyHealthDrop = true;
if ( !isDefined( level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout ) )
level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout = 0;
if ( level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout < gettime() )
level.player_deathInvulnerableTimeout = gettime() + getdvarint( "player_deathInvulnerableTime" );
oldRatio = player.health / player.maxHealth;
level notify( "hit_again" );
health_add = 0;
hurtTime = gettime();
level.hurtTime = hurtTime;
thread blurView( 3, 0.8 );
if ( !invulWorthyHealthDrop || getdvarfloat( "scr_playerInvulTimeScale" ) <= 0.0 )
/#logHit( player.health, 0 );#/
if ( flag( "player_is_invulnerable" ) )
flag_set( "player_is_invulnerable" );
level notify( "player_becoming_invulnerable" );// because "player_is_invulnerable" notify happens on both set * and * clear
if ( playerJustGotRedFlashing )
invulTime = level.invulTime_onShield;
playerJustGotRedFlashing = false;
else if ( veryHurt )
invulTime = level.invulTime_postShield;
invulTime = level.invulTime_preShield;
invulTime *= getdvarfloat( "scr_playerInvulTimeScale" );
/#logHit( player.health, invulTime );#/
lastinvulratio = player.health / player.maxHealth;
thread playerInvul( invulTime );
//prof_end( "playerHealthRegen" );
//prof_begin( "reduceTakeCoverWarnings" );
if ( isAlive( level.player ) )
takeCoverWarnings = getdvarint( "takeCoverWarnings" );
if ( takeCoverWarnings > 0 )
takeCoverWarnings -- ;
setdvar( "takeCoverWarnings", takeCoverWarnings );
//prof_end( "reduceTakeCoverWarnings" );
if ( getdvar( "scr_debugtakecover" ) == "" )
setdvar( "scr_debugtakecover", "0" );
if ( getdebugdvar( "scr_debugtakecover" ) == "1" )
iprintln( "Warnings remaining: ", getdebugdvarint( "takeCoverWarnings" ) - 3 );
logHit( newhealth, invulTime )
/* if ( !isdefined( level.hitlog ) )
level.hitlog = [];
thread showHitLog();
data = spawnstruct();
data.regen = false;
data.time = gettime();
data.health = newhealth / level.player.maxhealth;
data.invulTime = invulTime;
level.hitlog[ level.hitlog.size ] = data;*/
logRegen( newhealth )
/* if ( !isdefined( level.hitlog ) )
level.hitlog = [];
thread showHitLog();
data = spawnstruct();
data.regen = true;
data.time = gettime();
data.health = newhealth / level.player.maxhealth;
level.hitlog[ level.hitlog.size ] = data;*/
/* level.player waittill( "death" );
println( "" );
println( "^3Hit Log:" );
prevhealth = 1;
prevtime = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < level.hitlog.size; i++ )
timepassed = ( level.hitlog[ i ].time - prevtime ) / 1000;
healthlost = prevhealth - level.hitlog[ i ].health;
println( "^0[ " + timepassed + " seconds passed ]" );
if ( level.hitlog[ i ].regen )
println( "^0Regen at time ^3" + level.hitlog[ i ].time / 1000 + "^0 for ^3" + -1 * healthlost + "^0 damage. Health is now " + level.hitlog[ i ].health );
damage = healthlost;
if ( damage == 0 )
damage = "unknown";
println( "^0Hit at time ^3" + level.hitlog[ i ].time / 1000 + "^0 for ^3" + damage + "^0 damage; invul for ^3" + level.hitlog[ i ].invulTime + "^0 seconds. Health is now " + level.hitlog[ i ].health );
prevtime = level.hitlog[ i ].time;
prevhealth = level.hitlog[ i ].health;
println( "" );*/
playerInvul( timer )
if ( isdefined( level.player.flashendtime ) && level.player.flashendtime > gettime() )
timer = timer * getCurrentDifficultySetting( "flashbangedInvulFactor" );
if ( timer > 0 )
level.player.attackerAccuracy = 0;
level.player.ignoreRandomBulletDamage = true;
level.playerInvulTimeEnd = gettime() + timer * 1000;
wait( timer );
level.player.attackerAccuracy = anim.player_attacker_accuracy;
level.player.ignoreRandomBulletDamage = false;
flag_clear( "player_is_invulnerable" );
if ( self.team == "allies" )
self.grenadeawareness = 0.9;
if ( self.team == "axis" )
if ( level.gameSkill >= 2 )
// hard and fu
if ( randomint( 100 ) < 33 )
self.grenadeawareness = 0.2;
self.grenadeawareness = 0.5;
// normal
if ( randomint( 100 ) < 33 )
self.grenadeawareness = 0;
self.grenadeawareness = 0.2;
blurView( blur, timer )
level notify( "blurview_stop" );
level endon( "blurview_stop" );
setblur( blur, 0 );
wait( 0.05 );
setblur( 0, timer );
playerBreathingSound( healthcap )
wait( 2 );
player = level.player;
for ( ;; )
wait( 0.2 );
if ( player.health <= 0 )
// Player still has a lot of health so no breathing sound
ratio = player.health / level.player.maxHealth;
if ( ratio > level.healthOverlayCutoff )
level.player play_sound_on_entity( "breathing_hurt" );
wait( 0.1 + randomfloat( 0.8 ) );
level.player endon( "noHealthOverlay" );
//prof_begin( "healthOverlay" );
thread compassHealthOverlay();
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 0;
overlay setshader( "overlay_low_health", 640, 480 );
overlay.alignX = "left";
overlay.alignY = "top";
overlay.horzAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.vertAlign = "fullscreen";
overlay.alpha = 0;
wait( 0.05 );// to give a chance for moscow to init level.strings so it doesnt clear ours
//prof_begin( "healthOverlay" );
level.strings[ "take_cover" ] = spawnstruct();
level.strings[ "take_cover" ].text = &"GAME_GET_TO_COVER";
thread healthOverlay_remove( overlay );
thread compassHealthOverlay();
pulseTime = 0.8;
for ( ;; )
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
overlay.alpha = 0;
flag_wait( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
//prof_begin( "healthOverlay" );
redFlashingOverlay( overlay );
level.player endon( "noHealthOverlay" );
//prof_begin( "compassHealthOverlay" );
overlay = newHudElem();
overlay.x = 0;
overlay.y = 35;
overlay setshader( "overlay_low_health_compass", 336, 168 );
overlay.alignX = "center";
overlay.alignY = "bottom";
overlay.horzAlign = "center";
overlay.vertAlign = "bottom";
overlay.alpha = 0;
for ( ;; )
//prof_begin( "compassHealthOverlay" );
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.2 );
overlay.alpha = 0;
if ( !isAlive( level.player ) )
flag_wait( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
if( getdvar( "compass" ) == "0" )
wait .5;
compassFlashingOverlay( overlay );
compassFlashingOverlay( overlay )
level endon( "hit_again" );
level.player endon( "damage" );
//prof_begin( "compassFlashingOverlay" );
fullAlphaTime = gettime() + level.longRegenTime;
zeroAlphaTime = fullAlphaTime + 500;
fadeTime = .2;
fadeFullInterval = .2;
while( isalive( level.player ) )
alpha = 1;
if ( gettime() > fullAlphaTime )
alpha = 1 - ((gettime() - fullAlphaTime) / (zeroAlphaTime - fullAlphaTime));
if ( alpha < 0 )
alpha = 0;
overlay fadeOverTime( fadeTime );
overlay.alpha = alpha;
wait fadeTime + fadeFullInterval;
overlay fadeOverTime( fadeTime );
overlay.alpha = alpha * .8;
wait fadeTime;
//prof_begin( "compassFlashingOverlay" );
if ( alpha <= 0 )
add_hudelm_position_internal( alignY )
//prof_begin( "add_hudelm_position_internal" );
if ( level.console )
self.fontScale = 2;
self.fontScale = 1.6;
self.x = 0;// 320;
self.y = -36;// 200;
self.alignX = "center";
/* if ( 0 )// if we ever get the chance to localize or find a way to dynamically find how many lines in a string
if ( isdefined( alignY ) )
self.alignY = alignY;
self.alignY = "middle";
self.alignY = "bottom";
// }
self.horzAlign = "center";
self.vertAlign = "middle";
if ( !isdefined( self.background ) )
self.background.x = 0;// 320;
self.background.y = -40;// 200;
self.background.alignX = "center";
self.background.alignY = "middle";
self.background.horzAlign = "center";
self.background.vertAlign = "middle";
if ( level.console )
self.background setshader( "popmenu_bg", 650, 52 );
self.background setshader( "popmenu_bg", 650, 42 );
self.background.alpha = .5;
//prof_end( "add_hudelm_position_internal" );
create_warning_elem( ender )
level.hudelm_unpause_ender = ender;
level notify( "hud_elem_interupt" );
hudelem = newHudElem();
hudelem add_hudelm_position_internal();
hudelem thread destroy_warning_elem_when_hit_again();
hudelem thread destroy_warning_elem_when_mission_failed();
hudelem setText( &"GAME_GET_TO_COVER" );
hudelem.fontscale = 2;
hudelem.alpha = 1;
hudelem.color = ( 1, 0.9, 0.9 );
return hudelem;
level endon( "hit_again" );
level.player waittill( "damage" );
self endon( "being_destroyed" );
fadeout = ( !isalive( level.player ) );
self thread destroy_warning_elem( fadeout );
self endon( "being_destroyed" );
flag_wait( "missionfailed" );
self thread destroy_warning_elem( true );
destroy_warning_elem( fadeout )
self notify( "being_destroyed" );
self.beingDestroyed = true;
if ( fadeout )
self fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
self.alpha = 0;
wait 0.5;
self notify( "death" );
self destroy();
mayChangeCoverWarningAlpha( coverWarning )
if ( !isdefined( coverWarning ) )
return false;
if ( isdefined( coverWarning.beingDestroyed ) )
return false;
return true;
fontScaler( scale, timer )
self endon( "death" );
scale *= 2;
dif = scale - self.fontscale;
self changeFontScaleOverTime( timer );
self.fontscale += dif;
fadeFunc( overlay, coverWarning, severity, mult, hud_scaleOnly )
pulseTime = 0.8;
scaleMin = 0.5;
fadeInTime = pulseTime * 0.1;
stayFullTime = pulseTime * ( .1 + severity * .2 );
fadeOutHalfTime = pulseTime * ( 0.1 + severity * .1 );
fadeOutFullTime = pulseTime * 0.3;
remainingTime = pulseTime - fadeInTime - stayFullTime - fadeOutHalfTime - fadeOutFullTime;
assert( remainingTime >= -.001 );
if ( remainingTime < 0 )
remainingTime = 0;
halfAlpha = 0.8 + severity * 0.1;
leastAlpha = 0.5 + severity * 0.3;
overlay fadeOverTime( fadeInTime );
overlay.alpha = mult * 1.0;
if ( mayChangeCoverWarningAlpha( coverWarning ) )
if ( !hud_scaleOnly )
coverWarning fadeOverTime( fadeInTime );
coverWarning.alpha = mult * 1.0;
if ( isDefined( coverWarning ) )
coverWarning thread fontScaler( 1.0, fadeInTime );
wait fadeInTime + stayFullTime;
overlay fadeOverTime( fadeOutHalfTime );
overlay.alpha = mult * halfAlpha;
if ( mayChangeCoverWarningAlpha( coverWarning ) )
if ( !hud_scaleOnly )
coverWarning fadeOverTime( fadeOutHalfTime );
coverWarning.alpha = mult * halfAlpha;
wait fadeOutHalfTime;
overlay fadeOverTime( fadeOutFullTime );
overlay.alpha = mult * leastAlpha;
if ( mayChangeCoverWarningAlpha( coverWarning ) )
if ( !hud_scaleOnly )
coverWarning fadeOverTime( fadeOutFullTime );
coverWarning.alpha = mult * leastAlpha;
if ( isDefined( coverWarning ) )
coverWarning thread fontScaler( 0.9, fadeOutFullTime );
wait fadeOutFullTime;
wait remainingTime;
if ( !isAlive( level.player ) )
return false;
if ( level.gameskill > 1 )
return false;
if ( level.missionfailed )
return false;
if ( !maps\_load::map_is_early_in_the_game() )
return false;
// note: takeCoverWarnings is 3 more than the number of warnings left.
// this lets it stay away for a while unless we die 3 times in a row without taking cover successfully.
takeCoverWarnings = getdvarint( "takeCoverWarnings" );
if ( takeCoverWarnings <= 3 )
return false;
return true;
redFlashingOverlay( overlay )
level endon( "hit_again" );
level.player endon( "damage" );
//prof_begin( "redFlashingOverlay" );
coverWarning = undefined;
if ( shouldShowCoverWarning() )
// get to cover!
coverWarning = create_warning_elem( "take_cover_done" );
// coverWarning may be destroyed at any time if we fail the mission.
// if severity isn't very high, the overlay becomes very unnoticeable to the player.
// keep it high while they haven't regenerated or they'll feel like their health is nearly full and they're safe to step out.
stopFlashingBadlyTime = gettime() + level.longRegenTime;
fadeFunc( overlay, coverWarning, 1, 1, false );
while ( gettime() < stopFlashingBadlyTime && isalive( level.player ) )
fadeFunc( overlay, coverWarning, .9, 1, false );
if ( isalive( level.player ) )
fadeFunc( overlay, coverWarning, .65, 0.8, false );
if ( mayChangeCoverWarningAlpha( coverWarning ) )
coverWarning fadeOverTime( 1.0 );
coverWarning.alpha = 0;
fadeFunc( overlay, coverWarning, 0, 0.6, true );
overlay fadeOverTime( 0.5 );
overlay.alpha = 0;
flag_clear( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" );
level.player thread play_sound_on_entity( "breathing_better" );
//prof_end( "redFlashingOverlay" );
wait( 0.5 );// for fade out
level notify( "take_cover_done" );
level notify( "hit_again" );
healthOverlay_remove( overlay )
level.player waittill( "noHealthOverlay" );
overlay destroy();
setskill( true );
// generates "Get to Cover" x number of times when you first get hurt
// dvar defaults to - 1
isPreGameplayLevel = ( level.script == "training" || level.script == "cargoship" || level.script == "coup" );
if ( getdvarint( "takeCoverWarnings" ) == -1 || isPreGameplayLevel )
// takeCoverWarnings is 3 more than the number of warnings we want to occur.
setdvar( "takeCoverWarnings", 3 + 6 );
level notify( "new_cover_on_death_thread" );
level endon( "new_cover_on_death_thread" );
level.player waittill( "death" );
// dont increment if player died to grenades, explosion, etc
if ( !flag( "player_has_red_flashing_overlay" ) )
if ( level.gameSkill > 1 )
warnings = getdvarint( "takeCoverWarnings" );
if ( warnings < 10 )
setdvar( "takeCoverWarnings", warnings + 1 );
org = level.player.origin;
// thread debug_message( ".", org, 6 );
wait( 5 );
if ( autospot_is_close_to_player( org ) )
level.autoAdjust_playerSpots[ level.autoAdjust_playerSpots.size ] = org;
autospot_is_close_to_player( org )
return distanceSquared( level.player.origin, org ) < ( 140 * 140 );
level.autoAdjust_playerSpots = [];
level.player.movedRecently = true;
wait( 1 );// for lvl start precaching of debug strings
for ( ;; )
thread auto_adjust_difficulty_player_positioner();
level.player.movedRecently = true;
newSpots = [];
start = level.autoAdjust_playerSpots.size - 5;
if ( start < 0 )
start = 0;
for ( i = start; i < level.autoAdjust_playerSpots.size;i++ )
if ( !autospot_is_close_to_player( level.autoAdjust_playerSpots[ i ] ) )
newSpots[ newSpots.size ] = level.autoAdjust_playerSpots[ i ];
level.player.movedRecently = false;
// thread debug_message( "!", newSpots[ newSpots.size - 1 ], 1 );
level.autoAdjust_playerSpots = newSpots;
wait( 1 );
// reduce the difficulty timer when you die
level.player waittill( "death" );
num = getdvarint( "autodifficulty_playerDeathTimer" );
num -= 60;
setdvar( "autodifficulty_playerDeathTimer", num );
// scriptPrintln( "script_autodifficulty", "Set deathtimer to " + num );
// reduce the "time spent alive" by the time between shots fired if there has been significant time between shots
lastShotTime = gettime();
for ( ;; )
if ( level.player attackButtonPressed() )
lastShotTime = gettime();
level.timeBetweenShots = gettime() - lastShotTime;
wait( 0.05 );
if ( lastShotTime < 10000 )
playerDeathTimer = getcvarint( "playerDeathTimer" );
playerDeathTimer = int( playerDeathTimer - lastShotTime * 0.001 );
setcvar( "playerDeathTimer", playerDeathTimer );
hud_debug_add_frac( msg, num )
hud_debug_add_display( msg, num * 100, true );
hud_debug_add( msg, num )
hud_debug_add_display( msg, num, false );
level.hudNum = 0;
if ( isdefined( level.hudDebugNum ) )
for ( i = 0;i < level.hudDebugNum.size;i++ )
level.hudDebugNum[ i ] destroy();
level.hudDebugNum = [];
hud_debug_add_message( msg )
if ( !isdefined( level.hudMsgShare ) )
level.hudMsgShare = [];
if ( !isdefined( level.hudMsgShare[ msg ] ) )
hud = newHudElem();
hud.x = level.debugLeft;
hud.y = level.debugHeight + level.hudNum * 15;
hud.foreground = 1;
hud.sort = 100;
hud.alpha = 1.0;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.fontScale = 1.0;
hud setText( msg );
level.hudMsgShare[ msg ] = true;
hud_debug_add_display( msg, num, isfloat )
hud_debug_add_message( msg );
num = int( num );
negative = false;
if ( num < 0 )
negative = true;
num *= -1;
thousands = 0;
hundreds = 0;
tens = 0;
ones = 0;
while ( num >= 10000 )
num -= 10000;
while ( num >= 1000 )
num -= 1000;
thousands++ ;
while ( num >= 100 )
num -= 100;
hundreds++ ;
while ( num >= 10 )
num -= 10;
tens++ ;
while ( num >= 1 )
num -= 1;
ones++ ;
offset = 0;
offsetSize = 10;
if ( thousands > 0 )
hud_debug_add_num( thousands, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( hundreds, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( tens, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( ones, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
if ( hundreds > 0 || isFloat )
hud_debug_add_num( hundreds, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( tens, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( ones, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
if ( tens > 0 )
hud_debug_add_num( tens, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( ones, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
hud_debug_add_num( ones, offset );
offset += offsetSize;
if ( isFloat )
decimalHud = newHudElem();
decimalHud.x = 204.5;
decimalHud.y = level.debugHeight + level.hudNum * 15;
decimalHud.foreground = 1;
decimalHud.sort = 100;
decimalHud.alpha = 1.0;
decimalHud.alignX = "left";
decimalHud.horzAlign = "left";
decimalHud.fontScale = 1.0;
decimalHud setText( "." );
level.hudDebugNum[ level.hudDebugNum.size ] = decimalHud;
if ( negative )
negativeHud = newHudElem();
negativeHud.x = 195.5;
negativeHud.y = level.debugHeight + level.hudNum * 15;
negativeHud.foreground = 1;
negativeHud.sort = 100;
negativeHud.alpha = 1.0;
negativeHud.alignX = "left";
negativeHud.horzAlign = "left";
negativeHud.fontScale = 1.0;
negativeHud setText( " - " );
level.hudDebugNum[ level.hudNum ] = negativeHud;
// level.hudDebugNum[ level.hudNum ] = hud;
level.hudNum++ ;
hud_debug_add_string( msg, msg2 )
hud_debug_add_message( msg );
hud_debug_add_second_string( msg2, 0 );
level.hudNum++ ;
hud_debug_add_num( num, offset )
hud = newHudElem();
hud.x = 200 + offset * 0.65;
hud.y = level.debugHeight + level.hudNum * 15;
hud.foreground = 1;
hud.sort = 100;
hud.alpha = 1.0;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.fontScale = 1.0;
hud setText( num + "" );
level.hudDebugNum[ level.hudDebugNum.size ] = hud;
hud_debug_add_second_string( num, offset )
hud = newHudElem();
hud.x = 200 + offset * 0.65;
hud.y = level.debugHeight + level.hudNum * 15;
hud.foreground = 1;
hud.sort = 100;
hud.alpha = 1.0;
hud.alignX = "left";
hud.horzAlign = "left";
hud.fontScale = 1.0;
hud setText( num );
level.hudDebugNum[ level.hudDebugNum.size ] = hud;
if ( getdvar( "createfx" ) == "on" )
if ( getdvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
//prof_begin( "aa_init_stats" );
level.sp_stat_tracking_func = maps\_gameskill::auto_adjust_new_zone;
setdvar( "aa_player_kills", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_enemy_deaths", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_enemy_damage_taken", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_player_damage_taken", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_player_damage_dealt", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_ads_damage_dealt", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_time_tracking", "0" );
setdvar( "aa_deaths", "0" );
setdvar( "player_cheated", 0 );
level.auto_adjust_results = [];
thread aa_time_tracking();
thread aa_player_health_tracking();
thread aa_player_ads_tracking();
flag_set( "auto_adjust_initialized" );
flag_init( "aa_main_" + level.script );
flag_set( "aa_main_" + level.script );
//prof_end( "aa_init_stats" );
command_used( cmd )
//prof_begin( "command_used" );
binding = getKeyBinding( cmd );
if ( binding[ "count" ] <= 0 )
//prof_end( "command_used" );
return false;
for ( i = 1; i < binding[ "count" ] + 1; i++ )
if ( level.player buttonpressed( binding[ "key" + i ] ) )
//prof_end( "command_used" );
return true;
//prof_end( "command_used" );
return false;
if ( getdvar( "createfx" ) != "" )
waittillframeend; // so level.start_point is defined
for ( ;; )
//prof_begin( "aa_time_tracking" );
aa_add_event_float( "aa_time_tracking", 0.2 );
if ( IsGodMode( level.player ) || level.start_point != "default" || getdvar( "timescale" ) != "1" )
setdvar( "player_cheated", 1 );
level.sprint_key = getKeyBinding( "+breath_sprint" );
sprinting = false;
sprinting = command_used( "+sprint" );
if ( !sprinting )
sprinting = command_used( "+breath_sprint" );
if ( sprinting )
aa_add_event_float( "aa_sprint_time", 0.2 );
wait( 0.2 );
level.player endon( "death" );
level.player_ads_time = 0;
for ( ;; )
if ( isADS() )
level.player_ads_time = gettime();
while ( isADS() )
wait( 0.05 );
wait( 0.05 );
for ( ;; )
level.player waittill( "damage", amount );
aa_add_event( "aa_player_damage_taken", amount );
if ( !isalive( level.player ) )
aa_add_event( "aa_deaths", 1 );
auto_adjust_new_zone( zone )
if ( getdvar( "createfx" ) == "on" )
if ( !isdefined( level.auto_adjust_flags ) )
level.auto_adjust_flags = [];
flag_wait( "auto_adjust_initialized" );
//prof_begin( "auto_adjust_new_zone" );
level.auto_adjust_results[ zone ] = [];
level.auto_adjust_flags[ zone ] = 0;
flag_wait( zone );
//prof_begin( "auto_adjust_new_zone" );
// already processing this zone?
if ( getdvar( "aa_zone" + zone ) == "" )
setdvar( "aa_zone" + zone, "on" );
level.auto_adjust_flags[ zone ] = 1;
setdvar( "start_time" + zone, getdvar( "aa_time_tracking" ) );
// measure always
setdvar( "starting_player_kills" + zone, getdvar( "aa_player_kills" ) );
setdvar( "starting_deaths" + zone, getdvar( "aa_deaths" ) );
setdvar( "starting_ads_damage_dealt" + zone, getdvar( "aa_ads_damage_dealt" ) );
setdvar( "starting_player_damage_dealt" + zone, getdvar( "aa_player_damage_dealt" ) );
setdvar( "starting_player_damage_taken" + zone, getdvar( "aa_player_damage_taken" ) );
setdvar( "starting_enemy_damage_taken" + zone, getdvar( "aa_enemy_damage_taken" ) );
setdvar( "starting_enemy_deaths" + zone, getdvar( "aa_enemy_deaths" ) );
if ( getdvar( "aa_zone" + zone ) == "done" )
//prof_end( "auto_adjust_new_zone" );
//prof_end( "auto_adjust_new_zone" );
flag_waitopen( zone );
auto_adust_zone_complete( zone );
auto_adust_zone_complete( zone )
//prof_begin( "auto_adust_zone_complete" );
setdvar( "aa_zone" + zone, "done" );
start_time = getdvarfloat( "start_time" + zone );
starting_player_kills = getdvarint( "starting_player_kills" + zone );
starting_enemy_deaths = getdvarint( "aa_enemy_deaths" + zone );
starting_enemy_damage_taken = getdvarint( "aa_enemy_damage_taken" + zone );
starting_player_damage_taken = getdvarint( "aa_player_damage_taken" + zone );
starting_player_damage_dealt = getdvarint( "aa_player_damage_dealt" + zone );
starting_ads_damage_dealt = getdvarint( "aa_ads_damage_dealt" + zone );
starting_deaths = getdvarint( "aa_deaths" + zone );
level.auto_adjust_flags[ zone ] = 0;
total_time = getdvarfloat( "aa_time_tracking" ) - start_time;
total_player_kills = getdvarint( "aa_player_kills" ) - starting_player_kills;
total_enemy_deaths = getdvarint( "aa_enemy_deaths" ) - starting_enemy_deaths;
player_kill_ratio = 0;
if ( total_enemy_deaths > 0 )
player_kill_ratio = total_player_kills / total_enemy_deaths;
player_kill_ratio *= 100;
player_kill_ratio = int( player_kill_ratio );
total_enemy_damage_taken = getdvarint( "aa_enemy_damage_taken" ) - starting_enemy_damage_taken;
total_player_damage_dealt = getdvarint( "aa_player_damage_dealt" ) - starting_player_damage_dealt;
player_damage_dealt_ratio = 0;
player_damage_dealt_per_minute = 0;
if ( total_enemy_damage_taken > 0 && total_time > 0 )
player_damage_dealt_ratio = total_player_damage_dealt / total_enemy_damage_taken;
player_damage_dealt_ratio *= 100;
player_damage_dealt_ratio = int( player_damage_dealt_ratio );
player_damage_dealt_per_minute = total_player_damage_dealt / total_time;
player_damage_dealt_per_minute = player_damage_dealt_per_minute * 60;
player_damage_dealt_per_minute = int( player_damage_dealt_per_minute );
total_ads_damage_dealt = getdvarint( "aa_ads_damage_dealt" ) - starting_ads_damage_dealt;
player_ads_damage_ratio = 0;
if ( total_player_damage_dealt > 0 )
player_ads_damage_ratio = total_ads_damage_dealt / total_player_damage_dealt;
player_ads_damage_ratio *= 100;
player_ads_damage_ratio = int( player_ads_damage_ratio );
total_player_damage_taken = getdvarint( "aa_player_damage_taken" ) - starting_player_damage_taken;
player_damage_taken_ratio = 0;
if ( total_time > 0 )
player_damage_taken_ratio = total_player_damage_taken / total_time;
player_damage_taken_per_minute = player_damage_taken_ratio * 60;
player_damage_taken_per_minute = int( player_damage_taken_per_minute );
total_deaths = getdvarint( "aa_deaths" ) - starting_deaths;
aa_array = [];
aa_array[ "player_damage_taken_per_minute" ] = player_damage_taken_per_minute;
aa_array[ "player_damage_dealt_per_minute" ] = player_damage_dealt_per_minute;
aa_array[ "minutes" ] = total_time / 60;
aa_array[ "deaths" ] = total_deaths;
aa_array[ "gameskill" ] = level.gameskill;
level.auto_adjust_results[ zone ] = aa_array;
msg = "Completed AA sequence: ";
if ( getdvar( "player_cheated" ) == "1" )
msg = "Cheated in AA sequence: ";
msg += level.script + " / " + zone;
keys = getarraykeys( aa_array );
// array_levelthread( keys, ::aa_print_vals, aa_array );
for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
msg = msg + ", " + keys[ i ] + ": " + aa_array[ keys[ i ] ];
logstring( msg );
println( "^6" + msg );
//prof_end( "auto_adust_zone_complete" );
aa_print_vals( key, aa_array )
logstring( key + ": " + aa_array[ key ] );
println( "^6" + key + ": " + aa_array[ key ] );
aa_print_vals( key, aa_array, file )
fprintln( file, key + ": " + aa_array[ key ] );
aa_add_event( event, amount )
old_amount = getdvarint( event );
setdvar( event, old_amount + amount );
aa_add_event_float( event, amount )
old_amount = getdvarfloat( event );
setdvar( event, old_amount + amount );
return_false( attacker )
return false;
player_attacker( attacker )
if ( [[ level.custom_player_attacker ]]( attacker ) )
return true;
if ( attacker == level.player )
return true;
if ( !isdefined( attacker.car_damage_owner_recorder ) )
return false;
return attacker player_did_most_damage();
return self.player_damage * 1.75 > self.non_player_damage;
empty_kill_func( type, loc, point )
auto_adjust_enemy_died( amount, attacker, type, point )
//prof_begin( "auto_adjust_enemy_died" );
Not worth effecting the speed of the game for one spot in one map in one mode
// in case the team got changed.
if ( self.team != "axis" )
if ( isdefined( self.civilian ) )
aa_add_event( "aa_enemy_deaths", 1 );
if ( !isdefined( attacker ) )
//prof_end( "auto_adjust_enemy_died" );
if ( !player_attacker( attacker ) )
//prof_end( "auto_adjust_enemy_died" );
// defaults to empty_kill_func, for arcademode
[[ level.global_kill_func ]]( type, self.damagelocation, point );
aa_add_event( "aa_player_kills", 1 );
//prof_end( "auto_adjust_enemy_died" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "damage", amount, attacker, direction_vec, point, type );
aa_add_event( "aa_enemy_damage_taken", amount );
if ( !isalive( self ) || self.delayeddeath )
self auto_adjust_enemy_died( amount, attacker, type, point );
if ( !player_attacker( attacker ) )
aa_player_attacks_enemy_with_ads( amount, type, point );
aa_player_attacks_enemy_with_ads( amount, type, point )
aa_add_event( "aa_player_damage_dealt", amount );
assertex( getdvarint( "aa_player_damage_dealt" ) > 0 );
if ( !isADS() )
// defaults to empty_kill_func, for arcademode
[[ level.global_damage_func ]]( type, self.damagelocation, point );
return false;
if ( !bullet_attack( type ) )
// defaults to empty_kill_func, for arcademode
[[ level.global_damage_func ]]( type, self.damagelocation, point );
return false;
// defaults to empty_kill_func, for arcademode
[[ level.global_damage_func_ads ]]( type, self.damagelocation, point );
// ads only matters for bullet attacks. Otherwise you could throw a grenade then go ads and get a bunch of ads damage
aa_add_event( "aa_ads_damage_dealt", amount );
return true;
bullet_attack( type )
if ( type == "MOD_PISTOL_BULLET" )
return true;
return type == "MOD_RIFLE_BULLET";
"Name: add_fractional_data_point( <name> , <frac> , <val> )"
"Summary: Adds difficulty setting data for a specific system at a specified fraction. The in game difficulty will be blended between this and the other data points."
"Module: gameskill"
"MandatoryArg: <name>: The system being adjusted."
"MandatoryArg: <frac>: Which fraction from 0 to 1 that this difficulty value exists at."
"MandatoryArg: <val>: The value that this system should be set at when the difficulty is at the specified frac."
"Example: add_fractional_data_point( "playerGrenadeRangeTime", 1.0, 7500 );"
"SPMP: singleplayer"
add_fractional_data_point( name, frac, val )
//prof_begin( "add_fractional_data_point" );
if ( !isdefined( level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points[ name ] ) )
level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points[ name ] = [];
array = [];
array[ "frac" ] = frac;
array[ "val" ] = val;
assertex( frac >= 0, "Tried to set a difficulty data point less than 0." );
assertex( frac <= 1, "Tried to set a difficulty data point greater than 1." );
level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points[ name ][ level.difficultySettings_frac_data_points[ name ].size ] = array;
//prof_end( "add_fractional_data_point" );
waittillframeend; // for everything to be defined
for ( ;; )
lowest_current_skill = getdvarint( "saved_gameskill" );
gameskill = getdvarint( "g_gameskill" );
if ( gameskill < lowest_current_skill )
lowest_current_skill = gameskill;
if ( lowest_current_skill < level.gameskill )
setSkill( true, lowest_current_skill );
wait( 2 );