609 lines
18 KiB
609 lines
18 KiB
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
main( bScriptgened, bCSVgened, bsgenabled )
if ( !isdefined( level.script_gen_dump_reasons ) )
level.script_gen_dump_reasons = [];
if ( !isdefined( bsgenabled ) )
level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ level.script_gen_dump_reasons.size ] = "First run";
if ( !isdefined( bCSVgened ) )
bCSVgened = false;
level.bCSVgened = bCSVgened;
if ( !isdefined( bScriptgened ) )
bScriptgened = false;
bScriptgened = true;
level.bScriptgened = bScriptgened;
level._loadStarted = true;
if ( !isdefined( level.flag ) )
level.flag = [];
level.flags_lock = [];
// for script gen
flag_init( "scriptgen_done" );
level.script_gen_dump_reasons = [];
if ( !isdefined( level.script_gen_dump ) )
level.script_gen_dump = [];
level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ 0 ] = "First run";
if ( !isdefined( level.script_gen_dump2 ) )
level.script_gen_dump2 = [];
if ( isdefined( level.createFXent ) )
script_gen_dump_addline( "maps\\mp\\createfx\\" + level.script + "_fx::main();", level.script + "_fx" ); // adds to scriptgendump
if ( isdefined( level.script_gen_dump_preload ) )
for ( i = 0;i < level.script_gen_dump_preload.size;i ++ )
script_gen_dump_addline( level.script_gen_dump_preload[ i ].string, level.script_gen_dump_preload[ i ].signature );
if (getDvar("scr_RequiredMapAspectratio") == "")
setDvar("scr_RequiredMapAspectratio", "1");
thread maps\mp\gametypes\_tweakables::init();
thread maps\mp\_minefields::minefields();
thread maps\mp\_shutter::main();
thread maps\mp\_destructables::init();
thread maps\mp\_destructible::init();
VisionSetNight( "default_night" );
lanterns = getentarray("lantern_glowFX_origin","targetname");
for( i = 0 ; i < lanterns.size ; i++ )
lanterns[i] thread lanterns();
level.createFX_enabled = ( getdvar( "createfx" ) != "" );
thread maps\mp\_createfx::fx_init();
if ( level.createFX_enabled )
if ( getdvar( "r_reflectionProbeGenerate" ) == "1" )
level waittill( "eternity" );
thread maps\mp\_global_fx::main();
// Do various things on triggers
for ( p = 0;p < 6;p ++ )
switch( p )
case 0:
triggertype = "trigger_multiple";
case 1:
triggertype = "trigger_once";
case 2:
triggertype = "trigger_use";
case 3:
triggertype = "trigger_radius";
case 4:
triggertype = "trigger_lookat";
assert( p == 5 );
triggertype = "trigger_damage";
triggers = getentarray( triggertype, "classname" );
for ( i = 0;i < triggers.size;i ++ )
if( isdefined( triggers[ i ].script_prefab_exploder) )
triggers[i].script_exploder = triggers[ i ].script_prefab_exploder;
if( isdefined( triggers[ i ].script_exploder) )
level thread maps\mp\_load::exploder_load( triggers[ i ] );
exploder_load( trigger )
level endon( "killexplodertridgers" + trigger.script_exploder );
trigger waittill( "trigger" );
if ( isdefined( trigger.script_chance ) && randomfloat( 1 ) > trigger.script_chance )
if ( isdefined( trigger.script_delay ) )
wait trigger.script_delay;
wait 4;
level thread exploder_load( trigger );
maps\mp\_utility::exploder( trigger.script_exploder );
level notify( "killexplodertridgers" + trigger.script_exploder );
// Hide exploder models.
ents = getentarray( "script_brushmodel", "classname" );
smodels = getentarray( "script_model", "classname" );
for ( i = 0;i < smodels.size;i ++ )
ents[ ents.size ] = smodels[ i ];
for ( i = 0;i < ents.size;i ++ )
if ( isdefined( ents[ i ].script_prefab_exploder ) )
ents[ i ].script_exploder = ents[ i ].script_prefab_exploder;
if ( isdefined( ents[ i ].script_exploder ) )
if ( ( ents[ i ].model == "fx" ) && ( ( !isdefined( ents[ i ].targetname ) ) || ( ents[ i ].targetname != "exploderchunk" ) ) )
ents[ i ] hide();
else if ( ( isdefined( ents[ i ].targetname ) ) && ( ents[ i ].targetname == "exploder" ) )
ents[ i ] hide();
ents[ i ] notsolid();
//if ( isdefined( ents[ i ].script_disconnectpaths ) )
//ents[ i ] connectpaths();
else if ( ( isdefined( ents[ i ].targetname ) ) && ( ents[ i ].targetname == "exploderchunk" ) )
ents[ i ] hide();
ents[ i ] notsolid();
//if ( isdefined( ents[ i ].spawnflags ) && ( ents[ i ].spawnflags & 1 ) )
//ents[ i ] connectpaths();
script_exploders = [];
potentialExploders = getentarray( "script_brushmodel", "classname" );
for ( i = 0;i < potentialExploders.size;i ++ )
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder ) )
potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder = potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder;
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder ) )
script_exploders[ script_exploders.size ] = potentialExploders[ i ];
potentialExploders = getentarray( "script_model", "classname" );
for ( i = 0;i < potentialExploders.size;i ++ )
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder ) )
potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder = potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder;
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder ) )
script_exploders[ script_exploders.size ] = potentialExploders[ i ];
potentialExploders = getentarray( "item_health", "classname" );
for ( i = 0;i < potentialExploders.size;i ++ )
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder ) )
potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder = potentialExploders[ i ].script_prefab_exploder;
if ( isdefined( potentialExploders[ i ].script_exploder ) )
script_exploders[ script_exploders.size ] = potentialExploders[ i ];
if ( !isdefined( level.createFXent ) )
level.createFXent = [];
acceptableTargetnames = [];
acceptableTargetnames[ "exploderchunk visible" ] = true;
acceptableTargetnames[ "exploderchunk" ] = true;
acceptableTargetnames[ "exploder" ] = true;
for ( i = 0; i < script_exploders.size; i ++ )
exploder = script_exploders[ i ];
ent = createExploder( exploder.script_fxid );
ent.v = [];
ent.v[ "origin" ] = exploder.origin;
ent.v[ "angles" ] = exploder.angles;
ent.v[ "delay" ] = exploder.script_delay;
ent.v[ "firefx" ] = exploder.script_firefx;
ent.v[ "firefxdelay" ] = exploder.script_firefxdelay;
ent.v[ "firefxsound" ] = exploder.script_firefxsound;
ent.v[ "firefxtimeout" ] = exploder.script_firefxtimeout;
ent.v[ "earthquake" ] = exploder.script_earthquake;
ent.v[ "damage" ] = exploder.script_damage;
ent.v[ "damage_radius" ] = exploder.script_radius;
ent.v[ "soundalias" ] = exploder.script_soundalias;
ent.v[ "repeat" ] = exploder.script_repeat;
ent.v[ "delay_min" ] = exploder.script_delay_min;
ent.v[ "delay_max" ] = exploder.script_delay_max;
ent.v[ "target" ] = exploder.target;
ent.v[ "ender" ] = exploder.script_ender;
ent.v[ "type" ] = "exploder";
// ent.v[ "worldfx" ] = true;
if ( !isdefined( exploder.script_fxid ) )
ent.v[ "fxid" ] = "No FX";
ent.v[ "fxid" ] = exploder.script_fxid;
ent.v[ "exploder" ] = exploder.script_exploder;
assertEx( isdefined( exploder.script_exploder ), "Exploder at origin " + exploder.origin + " has no script_exploder" );
if ( !isdefined( ent.v[ "delay" ] ) )
ent.v[ "delay" ] = 0;
if ( isdefined( exploder.target ) )
org = getent( ent.v[ "target" ], "targetname" ).origin;
ent.v[ "angles" ] = vectortoangles( org - ent.v[ "origin" ] );
// forward = anglestoforward( angles );
// up = anglestoup( angles );
// this basically determines if its a brush / model exploder or not
if ( exploder.classname == "script_brushmodel" || isdefined( exploder.model ) )
ent.model = exploder;
ent.model.disconnect_paths = exploder.script_disconnectpaths;
if ( isdefined( exploder.targetname ) && isdefined( acceptableTargetnames[ exploder.targetname ] ) )
ent.v[ "exploder_type" ] = exploder.targetname;
ent.v[ "exploder_type" ] = "normal";
ent maps\mp\_createfx::post_entity_creation_function();
if (!isdefined(level._effect["lantern_light"]))
level._effect["lantern_light"] = loadfx("props/glow_latern");
maps\mp\_fx::loopfx("lantern_light", self.origin, 0.3, self.origin + (0,0,1));
signatures = getarraykeys( level.script_gen_dump );
for ( i = 0;i < signatures.size;i ++ )
if ( !isdefined( level.script_gen_dump2[ signatures[ i ] ] ) )
level.script_gen_dump[ signatures[ i ] ] = undefined;
level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ level.script_gen_dump_reasons.size ] = "Signature unmatched( removed feature ): " + signatures[ i ];
// initialize scriptgen dump
script_gen_dump_checksaved();// this checks saved against fresh, if there is no matching saved value then something has changed and the dump needs to happen again.
if ( !level.script_gen_dump_reasons.size )
flag_set( "scriptgen_done" );
return;// there's no reason to dump the file so exit
firstrun = false;
if ( level.bScriptgened )
println( " " );
println( " " );
println( " " );
println( "^2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- " );
println( "^3Dumping scriptgen dump for these reasons" );
println( "^2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- " );
for ( i = 0;i < level.script_gen_dump_reasons.size;i ++ )
if ( issubstr( level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ i ], "nowrite" ) )
substr = getsubstr( level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ i ], 15 );// I don't know why it's 15, maybe investigate - nate
println( i + ". ) " + substr );
println( i + ". ) " + level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ i ] );
if ( level.script_gen_dump_reasons[ i ] == "First run" )
firstrun = true;
println( "^2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- " );
println( " " );
if ( firstrun )
println( "for First Run make sure you delete all of the vehicle precache script calls, createart calls, createfx calls( most commonly placed in maps\\" + level.script + "_fx.gsc ) " );
println( " " );
println( "replace:" );
println( "maps\\\_load::main( 1 );" );
println( " " );
println( "with( don't forget to add this file to P4 ):" );
println( "maps\\scriptgen\\" + level.script + "_scriptgen::main();" );
println( " " );
// println( "make sure this is in your " + level.script + ".csv:" );
// println( "rawfile, maps / scriptgen/" + level.script + "_scriptgen.gsc" );
println( "^2 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- " );
println( " " );
println( "^2 / \\ / \\ / \\" );
println( "^2scroll up" );
println( "^2 / \\ / \\ / \\" );
println( " " );
/* println( " " );
println( " " );
println( "^3for legacy purposes I'm printing the would be script here, you can copy this stuff if you'd like to remain a dinosaur:" );
println( "^3otherwise, you should add this to your script:" );
println( "^3maps\\\_load::main( 1 );" );
println( " " );
println( "^3rebuild the fast file and the follow the assert instructions" );
println( " " );
filename = "scriptgen/" + level.script + "_scriptgen.gsc";
csvfilename = "zone_source/" + level.script + ".csv";
if ( level.bScriptgened )
file = openfile( filename, "write" );
file = 0;
assertex( file != -1, "File not writeable( check it and and restart the map ): " + filename );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "// script generated script do not write your own script here it will go away if you do." );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "main()" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "{" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tlevel.script_gen_dump = [];" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "" );
signatures = getarraykeys( level.script_gen_dump );
for ( i = 0;i < signatures.size;i ++ )
if ( !issubstr( level.script_gen_dump[ signatures[ i ] ], "nowrite" ) )
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\t" + level.script_gen_dump[ signatures[ i ] ] );
for ( i = 0;i < signatures.size;i ++ )
if ( !issubstr( level.script_gen_dump[ signatures[ i ] ], "nowrite" ) )
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tlevel.script_gen_dump[ " + "\"" + signatures[ i ] + "\"" + " ] = " + "\"" + signatures[ i ] + "\"" + ";" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tlevel.script_gen_dump[ " + "\"" + signatures[ i ] + "\"" + " ] = " + "\"nowrite\"" + ";" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "" );
keys1 = undefined;
keys2 = undefined;
// special animation threading to capture animtrees
if ( isdefined( level.sg_precacheanims ) )
keys1 = getarraykeys( level.sg_precacheanims );
if ( isdefined( keys1 ) )
for ( i = 0;i < keys1.size;i ++ )
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tanim_precach_" + keys1[ i ] + "();" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tmaps\\\_load::main( 1, " + level.bCSVgened + ", 1 );" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "}" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "" );
///animations section
// level.sg_precacheanims[ animtree ][ animation ]
if ( isdefined( level.sg_precacheanims ) )
keys1 = getarraykeys( level.sg_precacheanims );
if ( isdefined( keys1 ) )
for ( i = 0;i < keys1.size;i ++ )
// first key being the animtree
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "#using_animtree( \"" + keys1[ i ] + "\" );" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "anim_precach_" + keys1[ i ] + "()" ); // adds to scriptgendump
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "{" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tlevel.sg_animtree[ \"" + keys1[ i ] + "\" ] = #animtree;" ); // adds to scriptgendump get the animtree without having to put #using animtree everywhere.
keys2 = getarraykeys( level.sg_precacheanims[ keys1[ i ] ] );
if ( isdefined( keys2 ) )
for ( j = 0;j < keys2.size;j ++ )
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "\tlevel.sg_anim[ \"" + keys2[ j ] + "\" ] = %" + keys2[ j ] + ";" ); // adds to scriptgendump
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "}" );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, "" );
if ( level.bScriptgened )
saved = closefile( file );
saved = 1; // dodging save for legacy levels
// CSV section
if ( level.bCSVgened )
csvfile = openfile( csvfilename, "write" );
csvfile = 0;
assertex( csvfile != -1, "File not writeable( check it and and restart the map ): " + csvfilename );
signatures = getarraykeys( level.script_gen_dump );
for ( i = 0;i < signatures.size;i ++ )
script_gen_csvdumpprintln( csvfile, signatures[ i ] );
if ( level.bCSVgened )
csvfilesaved = closefile( csvfile );
csvfilesaved = 1;// dodging for now
// check saves
assertex( csvfilesaved == 1, "csv not saved( see above message? ): " + csvfilename );
assertex( saved == 1, "map not saved( see above message? ): " + filename );
// level.bScriptgened is not set on non scriptgen powered maps, keep from breaking everything
assertex( !level.bScriptgened, "SCRIPTGEN generated: follow instructions listed above this error in the console" );
if ( level.bScriptgened )
assertmsg( "SCRIPTGEN updated: Rebuild fast file and run map again" );
flag_set( "scriptgen_done" );
script_gen_csvdumpprintln( file, signature )
prefix = undefined;
writtenprefix = undefined;
path = "";
extension = "";
if ( issubstr( signature, "ignore" ) )
prefix = "ignore";
if ( issubstr( signature, "col_map_sp" ) )
prefix = "col_map_sp";
if ( issubstr( signature, "gfx_map" ) )
prefix = "gfx_map";
if ( issubstr( signature, "rawfile" ) )
prefix = "rawfile";
if ( issubstr( signature, "sound" ) )
prefix = "sound";
if ( issubstr( signature, "xmodel" ) )
prefix = "xmodel";
if ( issubstr( signature, "xanim" ) )
prefix = "xanim";
if ( issubstr( signature, "item" ) )
prefix = "item";
writtenprefix = "weapon";
path = "sp/";
if ( issubstr( signature, "fx" ) )
prefix = "fx";
if ( issubstr( signature, "menu" ) )
prefix = "menu";
writtenprefix = "menufile";
path = "ui / scriptmenus/";
extension = ".menu";
if ( issubstr( signature, "rumble" ) )
prefix = "rumble";
writtenprefix = "rawfile";
path = "rumble/";
if ( issubstr( signature, "shader" ) )
prefix = "shader";
writtenprefix = "material";
if ( issubstr( signature, "shock" ) )
prefix = "shock";
writtenprefix = "rawfile";
extension = ".shock";
path = "shock/";
if ( issubstr( signature, "string" ) )
prefix = "string";
assertmsg( "string not yet supported by scriptgen" ); // I can't find any instances of string files in a csv, don't think we've enabled localization yet
if ( issubstr( signature, "turret" ) )
prefix = "turret";
writtenprefix = "weapon";
path = "sp/";
if ( issubstr( signature, "vehicle" ) )
prefix = "vehicle";
writtenprefix = "rawfile";
path = "vehicles/";
sg_precachevehicle( vehicle )
if ( !isdefined( prefix ) )
if ( !isdefined( writtenprefix ) )
string = prefix + ", " + getsubstr( signature, prefix.size + 1, signature.size );
string = writtenprefix + ", " + path + getsubstr( signature, prefix.size + 1, signature.size ) + extension;
ignore, code_post_gfx
ignore, common
col_map_sp, maps / nate_test.d3dbsp
gfx_map, maps / nate_test.d3dbsp
rawfile, maps / nate_test.gsc
sound, voiceovers, rallypoint, all_sp
sound, us_battlechatter, rallypoint, all_sp
sound, ab_battlechatter, rallypoint, all_sp
sound, common, rallypoint, all_sp
sound, generic, rallypoint, all_sp
sound, requests, rallypoint, all_sp
// printing to file is optional
if ( file == -1 || !level.bCSVgened )
println( string );
fprintln( file, string );
script_gen_dumpprintln( file, string )
// printing to file is optional
if ( file == -1 || !level.bScriptgened )
println( string );
fprintln( file, string );