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2008-01-19 00:00:00 +00:00
#include maps\_vehicle;
#include maps\_vehicle_aianim;
#using_animtree( "vehicles" );
main( model, type )
build_template( "hind", model, type );
build_localinit( ::init_local );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_woodland" );
build_deathmodel( "vehicle_mi24p_hind_woodland_opened_door" );
// this doesn't happen very much but it's a nicer cleaner format than the case statement.
hind_death_fx = [];
hind_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi24p_hind_desert" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_hind_desert";
hind_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi24p_hind_woodland" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_hind_woodland";
hind_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi24p_hind_woodland_opened_door" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_hind_woodland";
hind_death_fx[ "vehicle_mi24p_hind_chernobyl" ] = "explosions/helicopter_explosion_hind_woodland";
build_drive( %bh_rotors, undefined, 0 );
build_deathfx( "explosions/grenadeexp_default" , "tag_engine_left", "hind_helicopter_hit", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.2, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/grenadeexp_default" , "tail_rotor_jnt", "hind_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 0.5, true );
build_deathfx( "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L" , "tail_rotor_jnt", "hind_helicopter_dying_loop", true, 0.05, true, 0.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion" , "tag_engine_right", "hind_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 2.5, true );
build_deathfx( "explosions/aerial_explosion" , "tag_deathfx", "hind_helicopter_secondary_exp", undefined, undefined, undefined, 4.0 );
build_deathfx( hind_death_fx[ model ], undefined, "hind_helicopter_crash", undefined, undefined, undefined, -1, undefined, "stop_crash_loop_sound" );
build_life( 999, 500, 1500 );
build_team( "axis" );
build_aianims( ::setanims , ::set_vehicle_anims );
build_attach_models( ::set_attached_models );
build_unload_groups( ::Unload_Groups );
build_light( model, "cockpit_blue_cargo01", "tag_light_cargo01", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_red", "interior", 0.0 );
build_light( model, "cockpit_blue_cockpit01", "tag_light_cockpit01", "misc/aircraft_light_cockpit_blue", "interior", 0.1 );
build_light( model, "white_blink", "tag_light_belly", "misc/aircraft_light_white_blink", "running", 0.0 );
build_light( model, "white_blink_tail", "tag_light_tail", "misc/aircraft_light_red_blink", "running", 0.3 );
build_light( model, "wingtip_green", "tag_light_L_wing", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_green", "running", 0.0 );
build_light( model, "wingtip_red", "tag_light_R_wing", "misc/aircraft_light_wingtip_red", "running", 0.0 );
self.originheightoffset = 144; //TODO-FIXME: this is ugly.
// self.fastropeoffset = 760; //blackhawk
self.fastropeoffset = 792; //TODO-FIXME: this is ugly.
//self.delete_on_death = true;
self.script_badplace = false; //All helicopters dont need to create bad places
maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "running" );
//maps\_vehicle::lights_on( "interior" );
set_vehicle_anims( positions )
// positions[ 0 ].vehicle_getinanim = %tigertank_hatch_open;
for( i=0;i<positions.size;i++ )
positions[ i ].vehicle_getoutanim = %bh_idle;
return positions;
#using_animtree( "fastrope" );
setplayer_anims( positions )
positions[ 3 ].player_idle = %bh_player_idle;
positions[ 3 ].player_getout_sound = "fastrope_start_plr";
positions[ 3 ].player_getout_sound_loop = "fastrope_loop_plr";
positions[ 3 ].player_getout_sound_end = "fastrope_end_plr";
positions[ 3 ].player_getout = %bh_player_drop;
positions[ 3 ].player_animtree = #animtree;
return positions;
#using_animtree( "generic_human" );
positions = [];
for( i=0;i<9;i++ )
positions[ i ] = spawnstruct();
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 0 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_idle;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 1 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_clickpannel;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 2 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_lookback;
positions[ 0 ].idle[ 3 ] = %helicopter_pilot1_twitch_lookoutside;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 500;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 100;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 2 ] = 100;
positions[ 0 ].idleoccurrence[ 3 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 0 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_idle;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 1 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_clickpannel;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 2 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_lookoutside;
positions[ 1 ].idle[ 3 ] = %helicopter_pilot2_twitch_radio;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 0 ] = 450;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 1 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 2 ] = 100;
positions[ 1 ].idleoccurrence[ 3 ] = 100;
positions[ 0 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
positions[ 1 ].bHasGunWhileRiding = false;
// 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 6
positions[ 2 ].idle = %bh_1_idle;
positions[ 3 ].idle = %bh_2_idle;
positions[ 4 ].idle = %bh_4_idle;
positions[ 5 ].idle = %bh_5_idle;
positions[ 6 ].idle = %bh_8_idle;
positions[ 7 ].idle = %bh_6_idle;
positions[ 8 ].idle = %bh_7_idle;
// positions[ 9 ].idle = %bh_2_idle;
positions[ 0 ].sittag = "tag_driver";
positions[ 1 ].sittag = "tag_passenger";
positions[ 2 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 3 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 4 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 5 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 6 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 7 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
positions[ 8 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
// positions[ 9 ].sittag = "tag_detach";
// positions[ 0 ].getout = %bh_Pilot_idle;
// positions[ 1 ].getout = %bh_coPilot_idle;
positions[ 2 ].getout = %bh_1_begining;
positions[ 3 ].getout = %bh_2_begining;
positions[ 4 ].getout = %bh_3_begining;
positions[ 5 ].getout = %bh_4_begining;
positions[ 6 ].getout = %bh_5_begining;
positions[ 7 ].getout = %bh_6_begining;
positions[ 8 ].getout = %bh_7_begining;
positions[ 9 ].getout = %bh_2_begining;
// 1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 6
positions[ 2 ].getout = %bh_1_drop;
positions[ 3 ].getout = %bh_2_drop;
positions[ 4 ].getout = %bh_4_drop;
positions[ 5 ].getout = %bh_5_drop;
positions[ 6 ].getout = %bh_8_drop;
positions[ 7 ].getout = %bh_6_drop;
positions[ 8 ].getout = %bh_7_drop;
// positions[ 9 ].getout = %bh_7_drop;
positions[ 2 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 3 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 4 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 5 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 6 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 7 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 8 ].getoutstance = "crouch";
positions[ 2 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 3 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 4 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 5 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 6 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 7 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 8 ].ragdoll_getout_death = true;
positions[ 2 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 3 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 4 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 5 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 6 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 7 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 8 ].ragdoll_fall_anim = %fastrope_fall;
positions[ 2 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 3 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 4 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 5 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 6 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 7 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 8 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
// positions[ 9 ].getoutsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
// positions[ 0 ].getoutloop = %bh_Pilot_idle;
// positions[ 1 ].getoutloop = %bh_coPilot_idle;
positions[ 2 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 3 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 4 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 5 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 6 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 7 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 8 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 9 ].getoutloop = %bh_fastrope_loop;
positions[ 2 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 3 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 4 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 5 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 6 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 7 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
positions[ 8 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
// positions[ 9 ].getoutloopsnd = "fastrope_loop_npc";
// positions[ 0 ].getoutland = %bh_Pilot_idle;
// positions[ 1 ].getoutland = %bh_coPilot_idle;
positions[ 2 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 3 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 4 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 5 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 6 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 7 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 8 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
positions[ 9 ].getoutland = %bh_fastrope_land;
// positions[ 0 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_LE";
// positions[ 1 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_LE";
// 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, & 8
positions[ 2 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_RI"; //1
positions[ 3 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_RI"; //2
positions[ 4 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_LE"; //4
positions[ 5 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_LE"; //5
positions[ 6 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_RI"; //8
positions[ 7 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_LE"; //6
positions[ 8 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_RI"; //7
// positions[ 9 ].getoutrig = "TAG_FastRope_RI";
return setplayer_anims( positions );
//WIP.. posible to unload different sets of people wirh vehicle notify( "unload", set ); sets defined here.
unload_groups = [];
unload_groups[ "left" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "right" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "both" ] = [];
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 5;
unload_groups[ "left" ][ unload_groups[ "left" ].size ] = 7;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 6;
unload_groups[ "right" ][ unload_groups[ "right" ].size ] = 8;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 2;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 3;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 4;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 5;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 6;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 7;
unload_groups[ "both" ][ unload_groups[ "both" ].size ] = 8;
unload_groups[ "default" ] = unload_groups[ "both" ];
return unload_groups;
array = [];
array[ "TAG_FastRope_LE" ] = spawnstruct();
array[ "TAG_FastRope_LE" ].model = "rope_test";
array[ "TAG_FastRope_LE" ].tag = "TAG_FastRope_LE";
array[ "TAG_FastRope_LE" ].idleanim = %bh_rope_idle_le;
array[ "TAG_FastRope_LE" ].dropanim = %bh_rope_drop_le;
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ] = spawnstruct();
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ].model = "rope_test_ri";
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ].tag = "TAG_FastRope_RI";
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ].idleanim = %bh_rope_idle_ri;
array[ "TAG_FastRope_RI" ].dropanim = %bh_rope_drop_ri;
strings = getarraykeys( array );
for( i=0;i<strings.size;i++ )
precachemodel( array[ strings[ i ] ].model );
return array;