
148 lines
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# Demonstration procedural texture description file.
# Comment lines begin with '#'.
# All files MUST begin with "ATD1" on the very first line.
# By default, procedural textures have
# - bilinear filtering turned ON
# - mipmapping turned OFF
# so try to make sure the texture
# is never viewed from too far away.
# type = animation
# colortype = <1,2,3,4> (luminance, lum-alpha, rgb, rgba)
# width = <2^n> (output width, default=1)
# height = <2^n> (output height, default=1)
# bilinear = <0|1> (turn on or off bilinear filtering)
# !bitmap
# file = <filename>
# !frame
# next = <framenum>
# wait = <seconds>
# x = <offset>
# y = <offset>
# bitmap = <bitmapnum>
type = animation
colortype = 3
width = 256
height = 256
bilinear = 1
# here we list all the bitmaps we will reference
# 0
file = textures/joey/anim/twinway.png
# 1
file = textures/joey/anim/kawaii1.png
# 2
file = textures/joey/anim/kawaii2.png
# 3
file = textures/joey/anim/kawaii3.png
# 4
file = textures/joey/anim/kawaii4.png
# 5
file = textures/joey/anim/kawaii5.png
# and now we define all animation frames
# 0
next = 1
wait = -1
bitmap = 0
# 1
next = 2
wait = 0.2
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 1
# 2
next = 3
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 2
# 3
next = 4
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 3
# 4
next = 5
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 4
# reverse loop!
# 5
next = 6
wait = 0.2
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 5
# 6
next = 7
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 4
# 7
next = 8
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 3
# 8
next = 1
wait = 0.1
x = 25
y = 25
bitmap = 2