Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/id-Software/DOOM-3-BFG.git synced 2025-03-16 15:41:16 +00:00
2022-08-27 13:19:29 +02:00

917 lines
28 KiB

entityDef cin_base {
"inherit" "func_animate"
"editor_color" "1 .5 .3"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 32"
"editor_copy2" "anim"
"spawnclass" "idAnimated"
"cycle" "1"
"wait" "-1"
//E3 Teaser...
export fred {
camera models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/roar3.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/e3teasercam
options -prefix HK_ -parent drool jaw -parent backtongue jaw -parent upsaliva head -parent losaliva jaw
mesh models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/roar3.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/e3teaserhk_mesh
anim models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/roar3.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/e3teaserhk
entityDef cin_e3teaser_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim e3teasercam" "models/md5/cinematics/e3teasercam.md5camera"
model cin_e3teaser_hk {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/e3teaserhk_mesh.md5mesh
anim e3teaserhk models/md5/cinematics/e3teaserhk.md5anim {
frame 1 call e3teaserhk_drool
entityDef cin_e3teaser_hk {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "e3teaserhk"
"model" "cin_e3teaser_hk"
//Logo Camera...
export fred {
camera maps/fred/e3/logo/logo.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/logo/logocam
entityDef cin_logo_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim logocam" "models/md5/cinematics/logo/logocam.md5camera"
//Planet Mars Space Shot...
export fred {
camera maps/fred/mars/mars.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/mars/marscam
options -prefix FLARE_
mesh maps/fred/mars/mars.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/mars/flaremesh
anim maps/fred/mars/mars.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/mars/flaremove
entityDef cin_mars_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim marscam" "models/md5/cinematics/mars/marscam.md5camera"
model cin_mars_flare {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/mars/flaremesh.md5mesh
anim marsflare models/md5/cinematics/mars/flaremove.md5anim {
frame 92 sound e3_voiceover_line1
entityDef cin_mars_flare {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idAnimated"
"model" "cin_mars_flare"
export fred {
camera maps/fred/e3/shake/shake.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shakecam
options -prefix SHAKE_
mesh maps/fred/e3/shake/shake.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shake
anim maps/fred/e3/shake/shake.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shake
entityDef cin_shake_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim shakecam" "models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shakecam.md5camera"
model cin_shake {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shake.md5mesh
anim shake models/md5/cinematics/roomshake/cin_shake.md5anim {
frame 9 trigger func_fx_1
frame 22 trigger shake_fire1
frame 32 trigger func_fx_2
frame 72 trigger func_fx_3
frame 99 trigger func_fx_4
frame 107 trigger shake_fire2
frame 116 trigger func_fx_5
frame 117 trigger break_shake
frame 146 trigger func_fx_6
frame 149 trigger shake_fire3
entityDef cin_shake {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "shake"
"model" "cin_shake"
//teleport room
export fred {
camera maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/telecam
// ghost skull and ghost skull3 mesh
options -prefix SKULL1_
mesh maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skull3mesh
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullone
options -prefix SKULL2_
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skulltwo
options -prefix SKULL3_
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullthree
options -prefix SKULL4_
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullfour
options -prefix SKULL5_
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullfive
options -prefix SKULL6_
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullsix
options -prefix SKULL7_
mesh maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skull7mesh
anim maps/fred/e3/teleport/tele2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullseven
entityDef cin_tele_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim e3telecam" "models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/telecam.md5camera"
/* FIXME: Can't call frame commands on camera anims
"frame e3telecam:3" "trigger teleporter_explosion"
"frame e3telecam:7" "trigger tim_func_fx_1"
"frame e3telecam:19" "trigger tim_func_fx_2"
"frame e3telecam:15" "call e3_teleporter_nobs"
"frame e3telecam:16" "call e3_teleporter_none"
"frame e3telecam:18" "call e3_teleporter_nobs"
"frame e3telecam:21" "call e3_teleporter_none"
"frame e3telecam:24" "call e3_teleporter_nobs"
"frame e3telecam:28" "call e3_teleporter_none"
"frame e3telecam:30" "call e3_teleporter_nobs"
"frame e3telecam:33" "call e3_teleporter_none"
"frame e3telecam:37" "call e3_teleporter_nobs"
"frame e3telecam:43" "call e3_teleporter_full"
"frame e3telecam:61" "trigger ken_teleporter_fx"
"frame e3telecam:61.1" "trigger ken_light_1"
model cin_tele_skull7 {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skull7mesh.md5mesh
anim skull7tel models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullseven.md5anim {
frame 7 trigger tim_func_fx_1
frame 19 trigger tim_func_fx_2
entityDef cin_tele_skull7 {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "skull7tel"
"model" "cin_tele_skull7"
// possessions
export fred {
// security
options -prefix SECURITY1_ -keep face1stare face2stare TOO -parent Rpistol Rhand -parent face1neck Shldrs -parent face2neck Shldrs -parent helmetneck Shldrs -parent goggles face2head -parent face1stare face1head -parent face2stare face2head -parent TOOF face2head -parent TOOF2 face2jaw -range 1 295
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/sec
// zombie security
options -prefix ZSEC_ -keep Barrel -parent Barrel Rpistol -parent Rpistol Rhand -parent Neck_Base Shldrs -parent camera Head
mesh maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/zsecmesh
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/zsec
// ghost skull
options -prefix SKULL_
mesh maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/skullmesh
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull
// ghost skull2
options -prefix SKULL2_
mesh maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull2mesh
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull2
// camera security
camera maps/fred/e3/posession/pos2.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/secposcameras
// imp
options -prefix IMP_ -keep camera -keep Rmissile Lmissile -parent Rmissile Rhand -parent Lmissile Lhand -parent Rwing Chest -parent Lwing Chest -parent camera Head
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos3.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/imppos
// camera imp
camera maps/fred/e3/posession/pos3.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/cam2anim
// hellknight
options -prefix HK_ -parent drool jaw -parent backtongue jaw -parent upsaliva head -parent losaliva jaw
anim maps/fred/e3/posession/pos5.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/hkanim
// camera hellknight
camera maps/fred/e3/posession/pos5.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/posession/cam5anim
model cin_posess_sec {
skin skins/security/face2.skin
mesh models/md5/cinematics/lobby/cinsecurity.md5mesh
anim secpos models/md5/cinematics/posession/sec.md5anim {
frame 1 skin skins/security/face2.skin
frame 80 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 81 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 145 skin skins/security/dface.skin
frame 145 call setShaderTime
frame 243 skin skins/security/face2blood.skin
entityDef cin_posess_sec {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "secpos"
"model" "cin_posess_sec"
model cin_posess_zsec {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/posession/zsecmesh.md5mesh
anim zsecpos models/md5/cinematics/posession/zsec.md5anim {
frame 364 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 405 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 449 sound player_sounds_footstep
entityDef cin_posess_zsec {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "zsecpos"
"mesh" "cin_posess_zsec"
entityDef cin_posess_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim poscam" "models/md5/cinematics/posession/secposcameras.md5camera"
model cin_posess_skull {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/posession/skullmesh.md5mesh
anim skullpos models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail.fx
entityDef cin_posess_skull {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "skullpos"
"model" "cin_posess_skull"
model cin_posess_skull2 {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull2mesh.md5mesh
anim skull2pos models/md5/cinematics/posession/skull2.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail.fx
entityDef cin_posess_skull2 {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "skull2pos"
"model" "cin_posess_skull2"
model cin_posess_skull3 {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skull3mesh.md5mesh
anim skullone models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullone.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
anim skulltwo models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skulltwo.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
anim skullthree models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullthree.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
anim skullfour models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullfour.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
anim skullfive models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullfive.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
anim skullsix models/md5/cinematics/teleporter/skullsix.md5anim {
frame 1 fx fx/skulltrail2.fx
entityDef cin_posess_skull3 {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "skullone"
"model" "cin_posess_skull3"
entityDef cin_posess2_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim pos2cam" "models/md5/cinematics/posession/cam2anim.md5camera"
model cin_posess_imp {
mesh models/md5/monsters/imp/imp.md5mesh
anim imppos models/md5/cinematics/posession/imppos.md5anim
entityDef cin_posess_imp {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "imppos"
"model" "cin_posess_imp"
entityDef cin_posess3_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim pos3cam" "models/md5/cinematics/posession/cam3anim.md5camera"
model cin_posess_hk {
mesh models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/idle1.md5mesh
anim poshk models/md5/cinematics/posession/hkanim.md5anim
entityDef cin_posess_hk {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "poshk"
"model" "cin_posess_hk"
entityDef cin_posess5_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim pos5cam" "models/md5/cinematics/posession/cam5anim.md5camera"
export fred {
options -prefix HK_ -parent drool jaw -parent backtongue jaw -parent upsaliva head -parent losaliva jaw
anim models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/walkbydoor.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hkwalkbydoor
model cin_hk_walkbydoor {
mesh models/monsters/hellknight/cycles/idle1.md5mesh
anim walkbydoor models/md5/cinematics/hkwalkbydoor.md5anim {
frame 2 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 21 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 35 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 57 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 77 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 117 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 142 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 161 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 180 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 200 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 220 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 244 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 267 sound monster_demon_hellknight_footstep
frame 67 sound monster_demon_hellknight_chatter
frame 91 sound monster_demon_hellknight_chatter
entityDef cin_hk_walkbydoor {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "walkbydoor"
"sound_bone" "hips"
"model" "cin_hk_walkbydoor"
// Commandos
export fred {
// camera
camera maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_camanim
// player
//options -prefix UACM_ -keep Gun1 -parent neckhelmet Shldrs -parent neckface Shldrs -parent Gun1 Lhand
options -prefix UACM_ -keep Gun1 Barrel MGUN mgunflash locator1 -parent Barrel Lhand -parent locator1 headhelmet -parent neckface Shldrs -parent joint1 mgunflash -parent joint2 mgunflash -parent joint3 mgunflash -parent joint4 mgunflash -parent neckhelmet Shldrs -parent MBod MGUN -parent MExt MGUN -parent MTrig MGUN -parent joint1a Barrel -parent joint2a Barrel -parent joint3a Barrel -parent joint4a Barrel -parent Trig Gun1 -parent Ext Gun1 -parent Bar Gun1 -parent Bod Gun1 -parent Cli Gun1 -parent Gun1 Lhand
mesh maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_uac
anim maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_uac
// zombie commando tentacle
options -prefix ZCT_ -parent Tentacle Rhand
anim maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_tent -range 1 231
// zombie commando chaingun
options -prefix ZCC_ -keep barrel eject target -parent barrel barrelbone -parent eject chaingunbone -parent chaingunbone Lhand
mesh maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_chain
anim maps/fred/e3/chain/chain.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_chain
entityDef cin_chain_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim cameras" "models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_camanim.md5camera"
model cin_chain_uacm {
skin skins/player/machinegun.skin
mesh models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_uac.md5mesh
anim caught models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_uac.md5anim {
frame 6 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 19 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 32 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 46 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 60 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 72 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 89 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 101 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 306 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 317 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 331 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 345 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 358 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 373 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 418 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 427 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 438 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 443 trigger chain_fx_1
frame 443 trigger csteam_1
frame 447 trigger chain_fx_2
frame 447 trigger csteam_2
frame 449 trigger chain_fx_3
frame 449 trigger csteam_3
frame 462 sound e32_commando_bodyroll
frame 470 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 473 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 490 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 501 sound player_sounds_footstep
frame 512 sound player_sounds_footstep
entityDef cin_chain_uacm {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "caught"
"sound_bone" "Hips"
"model" "cin_chain_uacm"
model cin_chain_zct {
mesh models/monsters/zombie/zct/cycles/ZC_tent_R.md5mesh
anim ambush models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_tent.md5anim {
frame 126 sound monster_zombie_commando_tentacle_out
frame 155 sound monster_zombie_commando_tentacle_in
frame 160 sound monster_zombie_commando_smellfear
entityDef cin_chain_zct {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"sound_bone" "Head"
"anim" "ambush"
"model" "cin_chain_zct"
model cin_chain_zcc {
skin skins/zcc/muzzle_flash.skin
mesh models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_chain.md5mesh
anim ambush models/md5/cinematics/commandos/cin_commandos_chain.md5anim {
frame 280 sound snd_footstep
frame 281 sound snd_chains
frame 289 sound snd_footstep
frame 290 sound snd_chains
frame 298 sound snd_footstep
frame 299 sound snd_chains
frame 307 sound snd_footstep
frame 308 sound snd_chains
frame 317 sound snd_footstep
frame 318 sound snd_chains
frame 328 sound snd_footstep
frame 329 sound snd_chains
frame 338 sound snd_footstep
frame 339 sound snd_chains
frame 348 sound snd_footstep
frame 349 sound snd_chains
frame 357 sound snd_footstep
frame 358 sound snd_chains
frame 368 sound snd_footstep
frame 369 sound snd_chains
frame 375 sound snd_footstep
frame 380 sound snd_bleed
frame 381 sound snd_chains
frame 384 sound snd_footstep
frame 385 sound snd_chains
frame 386 sound snd_footstep
frame 388 sound snd_chains
frame 390 sound snd_windup
frame 400 call zcc_cine_fire
frame 401 fx fx/chaingunfire.fx
frame 406 sound snd_chains
frame 460 sound snd_winddown
entityDef cin_chain_zcc {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "ambush"
"model" "cin_chain_zcc"
"sound_bone" "Hips"
"snd_bleed" "monster_zombie_commando_bleed"
"snd_fire" "monster_zombie_commando_fire"
"snd_winddown" "monster_zombie_commando_winddown"
"snd_windup" "monster_zombie_commando_windup"
"snd_footstep" "monster_zombie_commando_footstep"
"snd_chains" "monster_zombie_commando_cgun_chains"
// Elevator
export fred {
// camera
camera maps/fred/e3/elevator/elevator.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_cam
// player
//options -prefix PLAYER_ -keep elevator door -parent ALL elevator -parent Neck Shldrs -parent neckface Shldrs
//options -prefix PLAYER_ -parent Neck Shldrs -parent neckface Shldrs
options -prefix PLAYER_ -keep camera1 Gun1 MGUN -parent Neck Shldrs -parent MBod MGUN -parent MExt MGUN -parent MTrig MGUN -parent Trig Gun1 -parent Ext Gun1 -parent Bar Gun1 -parent Bod Gun1 -parent Cli Gun1 -parent Gun1 Lhand -parent camera1 Head -parent stump Shldrs
mesh maps/fred/e3/elevator/elevator.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_uac
anim maps/fred/e3/elevator/elevator.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_uac
options -prefix ELEV_
mesh maps/fred/e3/elevator/elevator.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_elev
anim maps/fred/e3/elevator/elevator.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_elev
entityDef cin_elevator_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim elevatorcam" "models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_cam.md5camera"
model cin_elevator_player {
skin skins/player/nowep.skin
mesh models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_uac.md5mesh
anim elevator models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_uac.md5anim {
frame 1 sound snd_elevator_start
frame 12 sound snd_oneman_voice
frame 152 sound snd_elevator_thud
frame 153 sound snd_player_elevator
frame 165 sound snd_elevator_door_open
//frame 192 sound snd_elevator_door_thud
frame 196 sound snd_footstep
frame 209 sound snd_footstep
frame 225 sound snd_footstep
frame 432 sound snd_helmet
entityDef cin_elevator_player {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "elevator"
"model" "cin_elevator_player"
"snd_player_elevator" "e31_elevator_player"
"snd_oneman_voice" "e31_elevator_oneman_voiceover"
"snd_elevator_thud" "e31_elevator_thud"
"snd_elevator_door_open" "e31_elevator_door"
//"snd_elevator_door_thud" "nosound"
"snd_footstep" "player_elevator_sounds_footstep"
"snd_elevator_start" "e31_elevator_ride"
"snd_helmet" "e31_elevator_helmet"
model cin_elevator_elev {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_elev.md5mesh
anim elev models/md5/cinematics/elevator/cin_elevator_elev.md5anim
entityDef cin_elevator_elev {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "elev"
"model" "cin_elevator_elev"
//Dragged Zombie
export fred {
options -prefix ZOMBIE1_
addoptions -parent loneck shoulders
addoptions -parent Jaw head
addoptions -parent waist Hips
addoptions -parent Luparm Lshldr
addoptions -parent Lloarm Luparm
addoptions -parent Ruparm Rshldr
addoptions -parent Rloarm Ruparm
addoptions -keep loneck head R_cheek L_cheek Up_lip Lbrow1 Lbrow2 Rbrow1 Rbrow2 llolid luplid rlolid
addoptions -keep ruplid waist chest shoulders Rshldr Lshldr L_shirt R_shirt Back_shirt Luparm loarm_reg
addoptions loarm_stump lrip2 lrip3 lrip1 lrip4 Lloarm Lhand Lcarp Lindex1 Lindex2 Lthumb0
addoptions Lthumb1 Lthumb2 Lthumb3 Lfings1 Lfings2 Lfings3 Lcarp1 Lindex1a Lindex2a Lcarp2
addoptions Lindex1b Lindex2c Ruparm rloarm_reg rloarm_stump rrip1 rrip2 rrip3 rrip4 Rloarm
addoptions Rhand Rcarp Rindex1 Rindex2 Rthumb0 Rthumb1 Rthumb2 Rthumb3 Rfings1 Rfings2 Rfings3
addoptions Rcarp1 Rindex1a Rindex2a Rcarp2 Rindex1b Rindex2b Hips Lupleg Lloleg Lankle_r Lball_r
addoptions Ltoe_r Rupleg Rloleg Rankle_r Rball_r Rtoe_r Jaw Lo_lip
addoptions -nomesh
anim models/monsters/zombie/zombie01/cycles/dragaway.ma -range 1 2 -dest models/md5/monsters/zombies/zmaint/zombdragidle
anim models/monsters/zombie/zombie01/cycles/dragaway.ma -range 2 90 -dest models/md5/monsters/zombies/zmaint/zombdraganim
model cin_zombie_drag {
mesh models/monsters/zombie/zombie01/cycles/ref_fullskin.md5mesh
anim zombidle models/md5/monsters/zombies/zmaint/zombdragidle.md5anim
anim zombdrag models/md5/monsters/zombies/zmaint/zombdraganim.md5anim
entityDef cin_zombie_drag {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "zombidle"
"model" "cin_zombie_drag"
export fred {
options -prefix FATTY_
anim maps/fred/bathroom/fatdrag.mb -range 1 2 -dest maps/fred/bathroom/fatdragidle
anim maps/fred/bathroom/fatdrag.mb -range 1 133 -dest maps/fred/bathroom/fatdraganim
options -prefix PINKY_
mesh maps/fred/bathroom/fatdrag.mb -dest maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdragmesh
anim maps/fred/bathroom/fatdrag.mb -range 1 133 -dest maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdraganim
anim maps/fred/bathroom/fatdrag.mb -range 1 1 -dest maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdragidle
model cin_fat_drag {
mesh models/monsters/zombie/fatty/Animation/cycles/facepain.md5mesh
anim fatdragidle maps/fred/bathroom/fatdragidle.md5anim
anim fatdraganim maps/fred/bathroom/fatdraganim.md5anim {
frame 1 sound e3_bathroom_fatdrag
frame 28 sound monster_demon_pinky_chatter_combat2
frame 36 sound e3_bathroom_fatdrag_02
entityDef cin_fat_drag {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "fatdragidle"
"model" "cin_fat_drag"
model cin_pink_drag {
mesh maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdragmesh.md5mesh
anim pinkdragidle maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdragidle.md5anim
anim pinkdraganim maps/fred/bathroom/pinkdraganim.md5anim
entityDef cin_pink_drag {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "pinkdragidle"
"model" "cin_pink_drag"
//HellKnight Feast...
export fred {
camera maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_playerdeath.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_deathcam
camera maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_headrip.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_ripcam
camera maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_endroar.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_endroarcam
//options -prefix UAC_HELM_ -keep camera1 -parent camera1 Head
options -prefix UAC_HELM_ -keep camera1 Gun1 MGUN -parent Neck Shldrs -parent MBod MGUN -parent MExt MGUN -parent MTrig MGUN -parent Trig Gun1 -parent Ext Gun1 -parent Bar Gun1 -parent Bod Gun1 -parent Cli Gun1 -parent Gun1 Lhand -parent camera1 Head -parent stump Shldrs
mesh maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_playerdeath.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacdeath
anim maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_playerdeath.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacdeath
//options -prefix UAC_HELM_ -keep camera1 -parent stump Shldrs -parent camera1 Head
options -prefix UAC_HELM_ -keep camera Gun1 MGUN -parent Neck Shldrs -parent MBod MGUN -parent MExt MGUN -parent MTrig MGUN -parent Trig Gun1 -parent Ext Gun1 -parent Bar Gun1 -parent Bod Gun1 -parent Cli Gun1 -parent Gun1 Lhand -parent camera1 Head -parent stump Shldrs
mesh maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_headrip.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacrip
anim maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_headrip.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacrip
options -prefix HK_ -parent drool jaw -parent backtongue jaw -parent upsaliva head -parent losaliva jaw
mesh maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_headrip.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_hk
anim maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_headrip.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_hk
anim maps/fred/e3/hellknight/hkfeast_endroar.mb -dest models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hkend_hk
entityDef cin_hkdeath_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim deathcam" "models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_deathcam.md5camera"
entityDef cin_hkrip_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim ripcam" "models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_ripcam.md5camera"
entityDef cin_hkendroar_cam {
"editor_color" "1 .5 0"
"editor_mins" "-16 -16 0"
"editor_maxs" "16 16 64"
"spawnclass" "idCameraAnim"
"anim endroarcam" "models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_endroarcam.md5camera"
model cin_hkdeath_uac {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacdeath.md5mesh
anim uacdeath models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacdeath.md5anim {
frame 1 trigger bloodonfloor
entityDef cin_hkdeath_uac {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "uacdeath"
"model" "cin_hkdeath_uac"
model cin_hkrip_uac {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacrip.md5mesh
anim uacrip models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_uacrip.md5anim {
frame 1 trigger ken_hk
frame 353 fx fx/headsplat.fx
frame 371 fx fx/headspurt.fx
frame 384 trigger bloodonwall
frame 388 fx fx/headsplat.fx
frame 410 fx fx/headsplat.fx
entityDef cin_hkrip_uac {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "uacrip"
"model" "cin_hkrip_uac"
model cin_hk_hk {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_hk.md5mesh
anim hkanim models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_hk.md5anim {
frame 15 sound monster_demon_cin_hellknight_footstep2
frame 60 sound monster_demon_cin_hellknight_footstep2
frame 120 sound monster_demon_cin_hellknight_footstep2
frame 130 sound monster_demon_cin_hellknight_footstep2
entityDef cin_hk_hk {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "hkanim"
"model" "cin_hk_hk"
model cin_hkendroar_hk {
mesh models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hk_hk.md5mesh
anim hkendanim models/md5/cinematics/hellknightfeast/cin_hkend_hk.md5anim
entityDef cin_hkendroar_hk {
"inherit" "cin_base"
"anim" "hkendanim"
"model" "cin_hkendroar_hk"