mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 15:41:16 +00:00
592 lines
18 KiB
592 lines
18 KiB
export maledict {
options -prefix MAL_ -sourcedir models/monsters/d3xp_maledict/cycles -destdir models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict -parent tongue1 Head
mesh maledict.ma
anim maledict_bossfight.mb -range 0 0 -dest idle_down
anim maledict_bossfight.mb -dest attack_a
anim maledict_bossfight_j2.mb -dest attack_a1
anim maledict_attack_b.mb -dest attack_b
anim maledict_attack_c.mb -dest attack_c
anim maledict_swoop_a.mb -dest swoop_a
anim maledict_swoop_b.mb -dest swoop_b
anim maledict_swoop_c.mb -dest swoop_c
anim maledict_perch.mb -dest perch
anim maledict_charge.mb -dest charge
anim maledict_forgotten.mb -dest forgotten
anim maledict_swoop_horiz.mb -dest horiz
anim maledict_swoop_vert.mb -dest vert
model monster_boss_d3xp_maledict {
mesh models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/maledict.md5mesh
skin skins/models/monsters/maledict.skin
channel legs ( *origin )
anim idle models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/idle_down.md5anim
anim attack_a models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/attack_a.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 30 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 61 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 112 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 56 create_missile tongue1
frame 57 sound_voice snd_mal_fire
frame 57 launch_missile tongue1
frame 60 create_missile tongue1
frame 60 sound_voice2 snd_mal_fire
frame 61 launch_missile tongue1
frame 64 create_missile tongue1
frame 63 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 65 launch_missile tongue1
frame 120 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 130 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
anim attack_a1 models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/attack_a1.md5anim {
frame 1 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 30 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 61 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 112 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 219 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 27 create_missile tongue1
frame 28 sound_voice snd_mal_fire
frame 28 launch_missile tongue1
frame 64 create_missile tongue1
frame 65 sound_voice2 snd_mal_fire
frame 65 launch_missile tongue1
frame 104 create_missile tongue1
frame 105 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 105 launch_missile tongue1
frame 140 create_missile tongue1
frame 141 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 141 launch_missile tongue1
frame 152 create_missile tongue1
frame 153 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 153 launch_missile tongue1
frame 164 create_missile tongue1
frame 165 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 165 launch_missile tongue1
frame 176 create_missile tongue1
frame 177 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 177 launch_missile tongue1
frame 188 create_missile tongue1
frame 189 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 189 launch_missile tongue1
frame 200 create_missile tongue1
frame 201 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 201 launch_missile tongue1
frame 223 create_missile tongue1
frame 224 sound_body2 snd_mal_fire
frame 224 launch_missile tongue1
frame 230 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 240 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
anim swoop_horiz models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/horiz.md5anim {
frame 5 sound_voice2 snd_mal_swoop
frame 48 sound_weapon snd_mal_flamestart
frame 48 object_call flame_wall
frame 48 sound_item snd_mal_flamewall
frame 60 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
anim swoop_vert models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/vert.md5anim {
frame 5 sound_voice snd_mal_swoop
frame 48 sound_weapon snd_mal_flamestart
frame 48 object_call flame_wall
frame 48 sound_item snd_mal_flamewall
frame 60 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
anim perch models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/perch.md5anim {
frame 20 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 112 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 153 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 180 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 238 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 293 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 319 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 336 sound_body2 snd_mal_flapdown
frame 95 sound_body3 snd_mal_land
frame 110 call map_hell::rof_hurt_on
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_1
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_2
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_3
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_4
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_5
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_6
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_7
frame 110 trigger mal_firering_emitter_8
frame 110 object_call asteroid_attack
frame 190 sound_voice2 snd_mal_scream
frame 290 sound_voice snd_mal_scream
frame 350 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
frame 254 call map_hell::rof_hurt_off
anim charge models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/charge.md5anim {
frame 5 sound_voice snd_mal_swoop
frame 20 sound_weapon snd_mal_flamestart
frame 20 sound_item snd_mal_flamewall
frame 20 object_call flame_wall
frame 32 sound_body3 snd_mal_whoosh
anim forgotten models/md5/monsters/d3xp_maledict/forgotten.md5anim {
frame 10 sound_voice mal_forgotten_summon
frame 20 create_missile tongue1
frame 21 launch_missile tongue1
frame 30 create_missile tongue1
frame 31 launch_missile tongue1
frame 70 sound_voice2 mal_forgotten_summon
frame 70 create_missile tongue1
frame 71 launch_missile tongue1
frame 80 create_missile tongue1
frame 81 launch_missile tongue1
entityDef monster_boss_d3xp_maledict {
"inherit" "monster_default"
"scriptobject" "monster_boss_maledict"
"model" "monster_boss_d3xp_maledict"
"size" "48 48 80"
"anim" "idle"
"skin" "skins/models/monsters/maledictnohead2.skin"
"use_aas" "aas48"
"team" "1"
"rank" "2"
"def_projectile" "projectile_maledict_fireball"
"attack_cone" "180"
"attack_accuracy" "1"
"forceMuzzle" "1"
"mass" "600"
"gravityDir" "0 0 0"
"animate_z" "1"
"health" "1500"
// ==================
// Define sounds here
// ==================
"snd_mal_scream" "mal_scream"
"snd_mal_flapdown" "mal_flapdown"
"snd_mal_fire" "mal_fire"
"snd_mal_whoosh" "mal_whoosh"
"snd_mal_swoop" "mal_swoop"
"snd_mal_flamestart" "mal_flamestart"
"snd_mal_flamewall" "mal_flamewall"
"snd_mal_land" "mal_land"
"skin_precache" "skins/models/monsters/maledict_burning_nohead.skin"
"def_flamewall" "maledict_flamewall1"
"def_flamewall2" "maledict_flamewall2"
"def_flamewall3" "maledict_flamewall3"
"def_flamewall_sound" "maledict_flamewall_sound"
"def_asteroid" "projectile_maledict_asteroid"
"def_asteroid2" "projectile_maledict_asteroid2"
"def_asteroid3" "projectile_maledict_asteroid3"
"def_asteroid4" "projectile_maledict_asteroid_huge"
The primary projectile
entityDef projectile_maledict_fireball {
"spawnclass" "idProjectile"
"mins" "-6 -6 -6"
"maxs" "6 6 6"
"model" "maledict_fireball.prt"
"def_damage" "damage_maledict_fireball"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_maledict_fireball_splash"
"launchFromBarrel" "1"
"health" "35" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed)
"velocity" "825 0 -350" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0)
"angular_velocity" "0 0 0" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun
"thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model)
"thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating
"thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating
"linear_friction" "0" // "air" friction
"angular_friction" "0"
"contact_friction" "0"
"bounce" "0" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce.
"mass" "500"
"gravity" "0" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it.
"fuse" "20" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance).
"detonate_on_fuse" "0" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out
"detonate_on_death" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out)
"detonate_on_world" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle
"detonate_on_actor" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game
"impact_damage_effect" "0" // whether projectile causes blood splats from characters that bleed
"impact_gib" "1" // whether projectile can gib a character or not (for example: bullets don't gib, but rockets do)
"mtr_detonate" "textures/decals/ballburn01"
"decal_size" "75"
"smoke_fly" "imp_trail2.prt" // particle effect while in the air
"smoke_detonate" "" // particle effect when detonates
"smoke_residue" "" // particle effect while in the air
"smoke_bounce" "" // particle effect when bounces
"smoke_fuse" "" // particle effect when removed from fuse expiring
"model_detonate" "maledict_explosion.prt"
"debris_count" "3"
"def_debris" "debris_largeshrapnel"
"def_shrapnel" "debris_shrapnel"
"mtr_light_shader" "lights/impflyflash"
"light_color" "0.9 0.7 0.05"
"light_radius" "160"
"light_offset" "0 0 0"
"mtr_explode_light_shader" "lights/impflash"
"explode_light_color" "3.6 3.0 0.5"
"explode_light_radius" "320"
"explode_light_fadetime" "1"
"snd_explode" "monster_demon_imp_fireball_explode"
"snd_fly" "monster_demon_imp_fireball_flight" // particle effect while in the air
Projectile damage defs
entityDef damage_maledict_fireball {
"damage" "18"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "10"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
entityDef damage_maledict_fireball_splash {
"damage" "18"
"radius" "160"
entityDef damage_maledict_fireball_catch {
"damage" "250"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "10"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
Maledict's FIRE WALL
entityDef damage_maledictfirewall {
"damage" "13"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "60"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
"kick_time" "500"
"kick_amplitude" "2"
"dv_time" "300"
entityDef maledict_flamewall_sound {
"spawnclass" "idSound"
"s_shader" "archvile_fireloop"
entityDef maledict_flamewall_base {
"spawnclass" "idTrigger_Hurt"
"size" "164 164 128"
"cylinder" "6"
"def_damage" "damage_maledictfirewall"
entityDef maledict_flamewall1 {
"inherit" "maledict_flamewall_base"
"model" "maledict_flamewall.prt"
entityDef maledict_flamewall2 {
"inherit" "maledict_flamewall_base"
"model" "maledict_flamewall2.prt"
entityDef maledict_flamewall3 {
"inherit" "maledict_flamewall_base"
"model" "maledict_flamewall3.prt"
Maledict's ASTEROIDS
entityDef damage_maledict_asteroid {
"damage" "15"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "10"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
entityDef damage_maledict_asteroid_splash {
"damage" "20"
"radius" "256"
// ===========================================================================
// After an asteroid is thrown by the Grabber, it uses the following damageDef
// ===========================================================================
entityDef damage_maledict_asteroid_catch {
"damage" "400"
"kickDir" "1 0 0"
"mtr_blob" "genericDamage"
"blob_time" "300"
"blob_size" "400"
"blob_offset_x" "400"
"knockback" "10"
"kick_time" "400"
"kick_amplitude" "1"
"dv_time" "100"
"smoke_wound_flesh" "bloodwound.smoke"
entityDef projectile_maledict_asteroid {
"spawnclass" "idProjectile"
"mins" "-18 -18 -18"
"maxs" "18 18 18"
"model" "models/patj/meteor1.lwo"
"def_damage" "damage_maledict_asteroid"
"def_splash_damage" "damage_maledict_asteroid_splash"
"launchFromBarrel" "1"
"health" "15" // amount of damage projectile can take if damaged (0 means it can't be destroyed)
"velocity" "-1000 0 -1000" // how fast the projectile leaves the gun (or distance if fuse is 0)
"angular_velocity" "10 -10 10" // how the projectile is rotating when it leaves the gun
"thrust" "0" // the rate of acceleration (always in the direction of the projectiles model)
"thrust_start" "0" // when to start accelerating
"thrust_end" "0" // when to stop accelerating
"linear_friction" "0.0" // "air" friction
"angular_friction" "0.4"
"contact_friction" "0.1"
"bounce" "0.4" // how much speed a projectile retains when it bounces off of objects (coefficient of restitution). 0 means no bounce.
"mass" "100"
"gravity" "100" // how much gravity affects the trajectory. gravity direction is same as the entity that fired it.
"fuse" "8" // how long before the projectile is removed or self-detonates. Use 0 for beam weapons (velocity == distance).
"detonate_on_fuse" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's fuse runs out
"detonate_on_death" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it's "killed" (health runs out)
"detonate_on_world" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits an obstacle
"detonate_on_actor" "1" // whether projectile should detonate when it hits a character in the game
"impact_damage_effect" "0" // whether projectile causes blood splats from characters that bleed
"impact_gib" "1" // whether projectile can gib a character or not (for example: bullets don't gib, but rockets do)
"mtr_detonate" "textures/decals/ballburn01"
"decal_size" "75"
"smoke_fly" "meteor_trail.prt" // particle effect while in the air
"smoke_detonate" "" // particle effect when detonates
"smoke_residue" "" // particle effect while in the air
"smoke_bounce" "" // particle effect when bounces
"smoke_fuse" "" // particle effect when removed from fuse expiring
"model_detonate" "maledict_asteroid_explosion.prt"
"debris_count" "3"
"def_debris" "debris_largeshrapnel"
"def_shrapnel" "debris_shrapnel"
"mtr_light_shader" ""
"mtr_explode_light_shader" ""
"snd_explode" "mal_asteroid"
"snd_fly" "monster_demon_imp_fireball_flight" // particle effect while in the air
entityDef projectile_maledict_asteroid2 {
"inherit" "projectile_maledict_asteroid"
"model" "models/patj/meteor2.lwo"
entityDef projectile_maledict_asteroid3 {
"inherit" "projectile_maledict_asteroid"
"model" "models/patj/meteor3.lwo"
entityDef projectile_maledict_asteroid_huge {
"inherit" "projectile_maledict_asteroid"
"model" "models/patj/meteor_huge.lwo"
fx fx/maledict_asteroid
{ // spawn fx
delay 0
name "particle2"
duration 2.0
restart 0
rotate 0.1
model "meteor_spawn.prt"
offset 0, 0, 0
fadeOut 2.0
delay 1
launch "projectile_maledict_asteroid"
duration 10
fx fx/maledict_asteroid2
{ // spawn fx
delay 0
name "particle2"
duration 2.0
restart 0
rotate 0.1
model "meteor_spawn.prt"
offset 0, 0, 0
fadeOut 2.0
delay 0.5
launch "projectile_maledict_asteroid2"
duration 10
fx fx/maledict_asteroid3
{ // spawn fx
delay 0
name "particle2"
duration 2.0
restart 0
rotate 0.1
model "meteor_spawn.prt"
offset 0, 0, 0
fadeOut 2.0
delay 2
launch "projectile_maledict_asteroid3"
duration 10
fx fx/maledict_asteroid_huge
{ // spawn fx
delay 0
name "particle2"
duration 2.0
restart 0
rotate 0.1
model "meteor_spawn.prt"
offset 0, 0, 0
fadeOut 2.0
launch "projectile_maledict_asteroid_huge"
duration 10
entityDef maledict_smoke {
"no_damage" "1"
"inherit" "env_ai_dummy"
"SmokeParticleSystem" "maledict_burning-joint1"
entityDef maledict_smoke2 {
"no_damage" "1"
"inherit" "env_ai_dummy"
"SmokeParticleSystem" "maledict_burning2-joint1"
} |