2008-04-04 00:00:00 +00:00

717 lines
16 KiB

Copyright (C) 2006 HermitWorks Entertainment Corporation
This file is part of Space Trader source code.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "ui_local.h"
static float projMatrix[ 16 ];
static float viewMatrix[ 16 ];
void myGlMultMatrix( const float *a, const float *b, float *out ) {
int i, j;
for ( i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0 ; j < 4 ; j++ ) {
out[ i * 4 + j ] =
a [ i * 4 + 0 ] * b [ 0 * 4 + j ]
+ a [ i * 4 + 1 ] * b [ 1 * 4 + j ]
+ a [ i * 4 + 2 ] * b [ 2 * 4 + j ]
+ a [ i * 4 + 3 ] * b [ 3 * 4 + j ];
static float s_flipMatrix[16] = {
// convert from our coordinate system (looking down X)
// to OpenGL's coordinate system (looking down -Z)
0, 0, -1, 0,
-1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1
static affine_t s_flipAffine =
{ -1, 0, 0 },
{ 0, 0, 1 },
{ 0, 1, 0 }
{ 0, 0, 0 }
static void SetupViewMatrix( vec3_t axis[3], vec3_t origin )
float m[ 16 ];
m[0] = axis[0][0];
m[4] = axis[0][1];
m[8] = axis[0][2];
m[12] = -origin[0] * m[0] + -origin[1] * m[4] + -origin[2] * m[8];
m[1] = axis[1][0];
m[5] = axis[1][1];
m[9] = axis[1][2];
m[13] = -origin[0] * m[1] + -origin[1] * m[5] + -origin[2] * m[9];
m[2] = axis[2][0];
m[6] = axis[2][1];
m[10] = axis[2][2];
m[14] = -origin[0] * m[2] + -origin[1] * m[6] + -origin[2] * m[10];
m[3] = 0;
m[7] = 0;
m[11] = 0;
m[15] = 1;
// convert from our coordinate system (looking down X)
// to OpenGL's coordinate system (looking down -Z)
myGlMultMatrix( m, s_flipMatrix, viewMatrix );
static void SetupProjMatrix( refdef_t * refdef, float projectionMatrix[16] )
float zNear, zFar, depth;
zNear = 0.001F;
zFar = 100000.0F;
depth = zFar - zNear;
projectionMatrix[0] = 1.0F / tanf( refdef->fov_x * M_PI / 360.0F );
projectionMatrix[4] = 0;
projectionMatrix[8] = 0;
projectionMatrix[12] = 0;
projectionMatrix[1] = 0;
projectionMatrix[5] = 1.0F / tanf( refdef->fov_y * M_PI / 360.0F );
projectionMatrix[9] = 0;
projectionMatrix[13] = 0;
projectionMatrix[2] = 0;
projectionMatrix[6] = 0;
projectionMatrix[10] = -(zFar + zNear) / depth;
projectionMatrix[14] = -2 * zFar * zNear / depth;
projectionMatrix[3] = 0;
projectionMatrix[7] = 0;
projectionMatrix[11] = -1;
projectionMatrix[15] = 0;
static refdef_t refdef;
static void TransformPoint( vec4_t out, const float matrix[16], const vec4_t in )
out[0] = matrix[0] * in[0] + matrix[4] * in[1] + matrix[8] * in[2] + matrix[12];
out[1] = matrix[1] * in[0] + matrix[5] * in[1] + matrix[9] * in[2] + matrix[13];
out[2] = matrix[2] * in[0] + matrix[6] * in[1] + matrix[10] * in[2] + matrix[14];
out[3] = matrix[3] * in[0] + matrix[7] * in[1] + matrix[11] * in[2] + matrix[15];
static qboolean SolarSystem_WorldToScreen( const vec3_t p, float r, float *sx, float *sy, float *sz, float *srx, float *sry )
vec4_t vp, pp, rp, tmp;
tmp[0] = p[0];
tmp[1] = p[1];
tmp[2] = p[2];
tmp[3] = 1.0F;
TransformPoint( vp, viewMatrix, tmp );
TransformPoint( pp, projMatrix, vp );
if ( pp[ 0 ] < -pp[ 3 ] ) return qfalse;
if ( pp[ 0 ] > pp[ 3 ] ) return qfalse;
if ( pp[ 1 ] < -pp[ 3 ] ) return qfalse;
if ( pp[ 1 ] > pp[ 3 ] ) return qfalse;
if ( pp[ 2 ] < -pp[ 3 ] ) return qfalse;
if( sx )
*sx = pp[0] / pp[3];
if( sy )
*sy = pp[1] / pp[3];
if ( sz )
*sz = pp[2] / pp[3];
tmp[0] = vp[0] + r;
tmp[1] = vp[1] + r;
tmp[2] = vp[2];
tmp[3] = 1.0F;
TransformPoint( rp, projMatrix, tmp );
if( srx )
*srx = rp[0] / rp[3] - pp[0] / pp[3];
if( sry )
*sry = rp[1] / rp[3] - pp[1] / pp[3];
return qtrue;
float SolarSystem_PlanetTheta( const planetInfo_t *p, float t )
if ( p->dfs > 0 )
return DEG2RAD( p->sa ) + (((float)t / p->op) * 2.0F * M_PI);
return 0;
void SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( const planetInfo_t * p, float t, vec3_t pos )
if ( p->dfs > 0 )
float d = SolarSystem_PlanetTheta( p, t );
pos[ 0 ] = sinf( d ) * p->dfs * 10.0f;
pos[ 1 ] = cosf( d ) * p->dfs * 10.0f;
pos[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
} else
pos[ 0 ] = 0.0f;
pos[ 1 ] = 0.0f;
pos[ 2 ] = 0.0f;
extern float fracf( float f );
static ID_INLINE NOGLOBALALIAS void Vec3_Cpy( vec3_t o, const vec3_t i ) { o[0] = i[0]; o[1] = i[1]; o[2] = i[2]; }
void SolarSystem_LookAtEx( solarsystemEye_t * eye, const planetInfo_t * p, const quat_t ofs, float time )
quat_t q;
if( p )
float theta, R;
vec3_t planet_pos;
theta = SolarSystem_PlanetTheta( p, time );
R = p->dfs * 10.0F;
planet_pos[0] = sinf( theta ) * R;
planet_pos[1] = cosf( theta ) * R;
planet_pos[2] = 0;
Vec3_Cpy( eye->lookAt, planet_pos );
const vec3_t up = { 0, 0, 1 };
Quat_AxisAngle( q, up, -theta + DEG2RAD( 90 ) );
eye->fov = DEG2RAD( 45 );
eye->radius = (p->size * 5.0F) / tanf( 0.5F * eye->fov );
vec3_t ax = { 0, 0, 1 };
Quat_AxisAngle( q, ax, M_PI / 2 );
eye->radius = 50;
VectorSet( eye->lookAt, 0, 0, 0 );
eye->fov = DEG2RAD( 45 );
Quat_Mul( eye->direction, q, ofs );
void SolarSystem_LookAt( solarsystemEye_t * eye, const planetInfo_t * p, float time )
if( p )
const vec3_t up = { 0, 0, 1 };
const vec3_t rt = { 0, 1, 0 };
quat_t qa, qb, qo;
Quat_AxisAngle( qa, up, DEG2RAD( 60 ) );
Quat_AxisAngle( qb, rt, DEG2RAD( 20 ) );
Quat_Mul( qo, qa, qb );
SolarSystem_LookAtEx( eye, p, qo, time );
quat_t i;
Quat_Ident( i );
SolarSystem_LookAtEx( eye, p, i, time );
void SolarSystem_TopDown( solarsystemEye_t *eye, const solarsystemInfo_t *ss, float t, const float angles[2], const float ofs[3], bool center_on_planets )
int i;
float r;
vec3_t pos, center, delta;
VectorClear( center );
#if 1
if( center_on_planets )
vec3_t min, max;
bool first;
first = true;
for( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
const planetInfo_t * p = ss->planets + i;
int j;
float s;
if( !p->visible )
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( p, t, pos );
s = p->size * 2.0F;
if( first )
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
min[j] = pos[j] - s;
max[j] = pos[j] + s;
first = false;
for( j = 0; j < 3; j++ )
if( pos[j] - s < min[j] )
min[j] = pos[j] - s;
if( pos[j] + s > max[j] )
max[j] = pos[j] + s;
if( !first )
VectorAdd( min, max, center );
VectorScale( center, 0.5F, center );
VectorAdd( center, ofs, center );
eye->fov = DEG2RAD( 65 );
r = 0;
for( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
const planetInfo_t * p = ss->planets + i;
float s;
if( !p->visible )
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( p, t, pos );
VectorSubtract( pos, center, delta );
s = sqrtf( delta[0] * delta[0] + delta[1] * delta[1] ) + p->size * 2;
if( s > r )
r = s;
r *= 1.5F / tanf( 0.5F * eye->fov );
vec3_t ax;
ax[0] = sinf( DEG2RAD( angles[0] ) );
ax[1] = cosf( DEG2RAD( angles[0] ) );
ax[2] = 0;
Quat_AxisAngle( eye->direction, ax, DEG2RAD( 90 - angles[1] ) );
eye->radius = r;
Vec3_Cpy( eye->lookAt, center );
qboolean SolarSystem_GetScreenRect( const itemDef_t * item, const vec3_t pos, float r, rectDef_t * rect, float * z )
float sx, sy, rx, ry;
float cw = item->window.rect.w * 0.5F;
float ch = item->window.rect.h * 0.5F;
float cx = item->window.rect.x + cw;
float cy = item->window.rect.y + ch;
if( SolarSystem_WorldToScreen( pos, r, &sx, &sy, z, &rx, &ry ) )
rect->x = cx + (sx - rx * 0.5F) * cw;
rect->y = cy - (sy + ry * 0.5F) * ch;
rect->w = rx * cw;
rect->h = ry * ch;
return qtrue;
return qfalse;
void SolarSystem_LerpEye( solarsystemEye_t * out, const solarsystemEye_t * a, const solarsystemEye_t * b, int rd, float t )
Vec3_Lrp( out->lookAt, a->lookAt, b->lookAt, t );
Quat_SleprEx( out->direction, a->direction, b->direction, t, rd );
out->radius = a->radius * (1.0F - t) + b->radius * t;
out->fov = a->fov * (1.0F - t) + b->fov * t;
void SolarSystem_Draw( solarsystemInfo_t * ss, rectDef_t * r, const planetInfo_t * selected,
const planetInfo_t *current, float time, float zoomFade )
float x = r->x;
float y = r->y;
float w = r->w;
float h = r->h;
int i;
vec3_t eyeDir;
affine_t eyeMat;
refEntity_t re;
qboolean hassun;
UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) );
QuatToAffine( &eyeMat, ss->eye.direction );
AxisCopy( eyeMat.axis, refdef.viewaxis );
VectorSet( eyeDir, -1, 0, 0 );
Affine_MulVec( eyeDir, &eyeMat, eyeDir );
VectorMA( ss->eye.lookAt, ss->eye.radius, eyeDir, refdef.vieworg );
refdef.x = (int)x;
refdef.y = (int)y;
refdef.width = (int)w;
refdef.height = (int)h;
if( w < h )
refdef.fov_x = RAD2DEG( ss->eye.fov );
refdef.fov_y = RAD2DEG( 2 * atanf( (h / w) * tanf( 0.5F * ss->eye.fov ) ) );
refdef.fov_y = RAD2DEG( ss->eye.fov );
refdef.fov_x = RAD2DEG( 2 * atanf( (w / h) * tanf( 0.5F * ss->eye.fov ) ) );
refdef.time = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
memset( &re, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t ) );
re.reType = RT_SKYCUBE;
re.radius = 3184.0f;
re.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "ui/starmap/nightsky" );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
hassun = qfalse;
for( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
if( Q_stricmp( ss->planets[i].name, "sun" ) == 0 )
hassun = qtrue;
for( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
float scale;
planetInfo_t *p = ss->planets + i;
//skip any invisible planets
if( !p->visible )
memset( &re, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t ) );
AxisClear( re.axis );
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( p, time, re.origin );
VectorCopy ( re.origin, re.oldorigin );
scale = PLANET_REST_SCALE;// + 0.2F * PLANET_REST_SCALE * (p == current ? selScale : 0);
vec3_t angles;
//planet sphere
re.reType = RT_MODEL;
re.hModel = p->model;
re.customShader = p->shader;
angles[ PITCH ] = 0.0f;
angles[ ROLL ] = 0.0f;
angles[ YAW ] = fmodf( uiInfo.uiDC.realTime * 0.0025f, 360.0f );
AnglesToAxis( angles, re.axis );
if( !hassun )
re.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
VectorSet( re.lightingOrigin, -0.5, -0.5, 0 );
VectorNormalize( re.lightingOrigin );
VectorClear( re.lightingOrigin );
VectorScale( re.axis[0], (float)p->size * scale, re.axis[0] );
VectorScale( re.axis[1], (float)p->size * scale, re.axis[1] );
VectorScale( re.axis[2], (float)p->size * scale, re.axis[2] );
re.nonNormalizedAxes = qtrue;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
if( p->atmShader )
re.customShader = p->atmShader;
re.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xFF;// (p == current || !ui_spacetrader.integer) ? 0xFF : 0x7F;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
if( Q_stricmp( p->name, "sun" ) == 0 )
re.reType = RT_FLARE;
re.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "ui/starmap/sun_flare" );
re.radius = (float)p->size * scale;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
if( p->dfs > 0 )
re.reType = RT_ORBIT;
re.radius = p->dfs * 10.0f;
re.rotation = DEG2RAD( p->sa ) + (((float)time / p->op) * 2.0f * M_PI) - 0.3F * (float)p->size / (float)p->dfs;
re.renderfx = RF_ORBIT_LINE;
re.width = 3;
re.hModel = 0;
re.shaderRGBA[0] = 127;
re.shaderRGBA[1] = 127;
re.shaderRGBA[2] = 127;
re.shaderRGBA[3] = ui_spacetrader.integer ? 0xFF : 0x70;
re.lightingOrigin[0] = -50.0F * p->dfs;
VectorClear( re.origin );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
if( p == selected || p == current )
re.reType = RT_ORBIT;
re.radius = -(float)(p->size * scale * 1.3F);
re.rotation = DEG2RAD( uiInfo.uiDC.realTime * 0.25f );
re.renderfx = 0;
re.width = 15;
re.hModel = 0;
re.lightingOrigin[0] = (float)p->size * 3.0f * M_PI;
if( p == selected )
re.shaderRGBA[0] = 5;
re.shaderRGBA[1] = 192;
re.shaderRGBA[2] = 5;
re.shaderRGBA[0] = 192;
re.shaderRGBA[1] = 192;
re.shaderRGBA[2] = 5;
re.shaderRGBA[3] = (byte)((ui_spacetrader.integer ? 0xFF : 0x70) * zoomFade);
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( p, time, re.origin );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
SetupViewMatrix( refdef.viewaxis, refdef.vieworg );
SetupProjMatrix( &refdef, projMatrix );
trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef );
planetInfo_t * SolarSystem_Select( solarsystemInfo_t * ss, const itemDef_t * item, float t, float x, float y )
rectDef_t rc;
int i;
planetInfo_t * closestPlanet = 0;
float closestDist = 1E6f;
for ( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
vec3_t pos;
float z;
if( !ss->planets[i].visible || ss->planets[i].decoration )
//skip this planet
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( ss->planets + i, t, pos );
if( SolarSystem_GetScreenRect( item, pos, (float)ss->planets[i].size * PLANET_REST_SCALE * 3 + 10, &rc, &z ) )
if( Rect_ContainsPoint( &rc, x,y ) || Rect_ContainsPoint( &ss->planets[ i ].textRect, x,y ) )
if ( z < closestDist )
closestPlanet = ss->planets + i;
closestDist = z;
return closestPlanet;
void UI_DrawPlanet( solarsystemInfo_t * ss, rectDef_t * r, int planet_id, float time )
float x = r->x;
float y = r->y;
float w = r->w;
float h = r->h;
int i;
refEntity_t re;
float fov;
UI_AdjustFrom640( &x, &y, &w, &h );
memset( &refdef, 0, sizeof( refdef ) );
AxisClear( refdef.viewaxis );
refdef.vieworg[0] = -10.0f;
refdef.vieworg[1] = 0.0f;
refdef.vieworg[2] = 0.0f;
refdef.x = (int)x;
refdef.y = (int)y;
refdef.width = (int)w;
refdef.height = (int)h;
fov = 0.25f;
if( w < h )
refdef.fov_x = RAD2DEG( fov );
refdef.fov_y = RAD2DEG( 2 * atanf( (h / w) * tanf( 0.5F * fov ) ) );
refdef.fov_y = RAD2DEG( fov );
refdef.fov_x = RAD2DEG( 2 * atanf( (w / h) * tanf( 0.5F * fov ) ) );
refdef.time = uiInfo.uiDC.realTime;
memset( &re, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t ) );
re.reType = RT_SKYCUBE;
re.radius = 3184.0f;
re.customShader = trap_R_RegisterShaderNoMip( "ui/starmap/nightsky" );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
for( i = 0; i < ss->planetCount; i++ )
planetInfo_t *p = ss->planets + i;
//skip any invisible planets
if( p->id != planet_id )
memset( &re, 0, sizeof( refEntity_t ) );
AxisClear( re.axis );
SolarSystem_PlanetPosition( p, time, re.origin );
VectorSet( re.origin, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
VectorCopy ( re.origin, re.oldorigin );
vec3_t angles;
//planet sphere
re.reType = RT_MODEL;
re.hModel = p->model;
re.customShader = p->shader;
angles[ PITCH ] = 0.0f;
angles[ ROLL ] = 0.0f;
angles[ YAW ] = fmodf( uiInfo.uiDC.realTime * 0.0025f, 360.0f );
AnglesToAxis( angles, re.axis );
re.renderfx |= RF_LIGHTING_ORIGIN;
VectorSet( re.lightingOrigin, -0.5, -0.5, 0 );
VectorNormalize( re.lightingOrigin );
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
if( p->atmShader )
re.customShader = p->atmShader;
re.shaderRGBA[3] = 0xFF;// (p == current || !ui_spacetrader.integer) ? 0xFF : 0x7F;
trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &re );
trap_R_RenderScene( &refdef );