Spoike c0680334c7 What could possibly go wrong?...
Multiple consoles can now be printed/cleared via extra con commands.
Fixed the tab-completion alignment, by adding support for \t characters.
Changing the download mechanisms. Don't try downloading an ftp:// file. It'll probably crash you for now.
Trying to fix load time issues on q3bsps with a lot of curves.
Fixed sprites.
Added warning prints/spam where the new backend is bypassed, thus marking things that still need to be fixed.
QTV proxy fixed to not sit on qw servers unless someone is actually watching. Will ping for status requests still.
QTV proxy now supports ipv6.
QTV proxy now attempts to use the fte browser plugin.
Reworked the browser plugin code, now uses threads instead of ugly hacks. This should make cooperation with other such plugins work. Fixes unresponsiveness of opera, and gives an API that can be used from any other bit of software you want, tbh (read: internet explorer/activex plugins).

git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/fteqw/code/branches/wip@3516 fc73d0e0-1445-4013-8a0c-d673dee63da5
2010-03-14 14:35:56 +00:00

454 lines
10 KiB

#include "quakedef.h"
#include "fs.h"
#include <zlib.h>
#include "unzip.c"
typedef struct
char name[MAX_QPATH];
int filepos, filelen;
bucket_t bucket;
} zpackfile_t;
typedef struct zipfile_s
char filename[MAX_OSPATH];
unzFile handle;
int numfiles;
zpackfile_t *files;
hashtable_t hash;
vfsfile_t *raw;
vfsfile_t *currentfile; //our unzip.c can only handle one active file at any one time
//so we have to keep closing and switching.
//slow, but it works. most of the time we'll only have a single file open anyway.
int references; //and a reference count
} zipfile_t;
static void FSZIP_PrintPath(void *handle)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
if (zip->references != 1)
Con_Printf("%s (%i)\n", zip->filename, zip->references-1);
Con_Printf("%s\n", zip->filename);
static void FSZIP_ClosePath(void *handle)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
if (--zip->references > 0)
return; //not yet time
if (zip->files)
static void FSZIP_BuildHash(void *handle)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++)
if (!Hash_GetInsensative(&filesystemhash, zip->files[i].name))
Hash_AddInsensative(&filesystemhash, zip->files[i].name, &zip->files[i], &zip->files[i].bucket);
static qboolean FSZIP_FLocate(void *handle, flocation_t *loc, const char *filename, void *hashedresult)
zpackfile_t *pf = hashedresult;
int i, len;
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
// look through all the pak file elements
if (pf)
{ //is this a pointer to a file in this pak?
if (pf < zip->files || pf >= zip->files + zip->numfiles)
return false; //was found in a different path
for (i=0 ; i<zip->numfiles ; i++) //look for the file
if (!stricmp (zip->files[i].name, filename))
pf = &zip->files[i];
if (pf)
len = pf->filelen;
if (loc)
loc->index = pf - zip->files;
strcpy(loc->rawname, zip->filename);
loc->offset = pf->filepos;
loc->len = pf->filelen;
unzLocateFileMy (zip->handle, loc->index, zip->files[loc->index].filepos);
loc->offset = unzGetCurrentFileUncompressedPos(zip->handle);
// if (loc->offset<0)
// { //file not found, or is compressed.
// *loc->rawname = '\0';
// loc->offset=0;
// }
return true;
return false;
static void FSZIP_ReadFile(void *handle, flocation_t *loc, char *buffer)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
int err;
unzLocateFileMy (zip->handle, loc->index, zip->files[loc->index].filepos);
unzOpenCurrentFile (zip->handle);
err = unzReadCurrentFile (zip->handle, buffer, zip->files[loc->index].filelen);
unzCloseCurrentFile (zip->handle);
if (err!=zip->files[loc->index].filelen)
Con_Printf ("Can't extract file \"%s:%s\" (corrupt)\n", zip->filename, zip->files[loc->index].name);
static int FSZIP_EnumerateFiles (void *handle, const char *match, int (*func)(const char *, int, void *), void *parm)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
int num;
for (num = 0; num<(int)zip->numfiles; num++)
if (wildcmp(match, zip->files[num].name))
if (!func(zip->files[num].name, zip->files[num].filelen, parm))
return false;
return true;
Takes an explicit (not game tree related) path to a pak file.
Loads the header and directory, adding the files at the beginning
of the list so they override previous pack files.
static void *FSZIP_LoadZipFile (vfsfile_t *packhandle, const char *desc)
int i;
int nextfileziphandle;
zipfile_t *zip;
zpackfile_t *newfiles;
unz_global_info globalinf = {0};
unz_file_info file_info;
zip = Z_Malloc(sizeof(zipfile_t));
Q_strncpyz(zip->filename, desc, sizeof(zip->filename));
zip->handle = unzOpen ((zip->raw = packhandle));
if (!zip->handle)
Con_TPrintf (TL_COULDNTOPENZIP, desc);
return NULL;
unzGetGlobalInfo (zip->handle, &globalinf);
zip->numfiles = globalinf.number_entry;
zip->files = newfiles = Z_Malloc (zip->numfiles * sizeof(zpackfile_t));
for (i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++)
if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo (zip->handle, &file_info, newfiles[i].name, sizeof(newfiles[i].name), NULL, 0, NULL, 0) != UNZ_OK)
Con_Printf("Zip Error\n");
newfiles[i].filelen = file_info.uncompressed_size;
newfiles[i].filepos = file_info.c_offset;
nextfileziphandle = unzGoToNextFile (zip->handle);
if (nextfileziphandle == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE)
else if (nextfileziphandle != UNZ_OK)
Con_Printf("Zip Error\n");
zip->references = 1;
zip->currentfile = NULL;
Con_TPrintf (TL_ADDEDZIPFILE, desc, zip->numfiles);
return zip;
int FSZIP_GeneratePureCRC(void *handle, int seed, int crctype)
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
unz_file_info file_info;
int *filecrcs;
int numcrcs=0;
int i;
filecrcs = BZ_Malloc((zip->numfiles+1)*sizeof(int));
filecrcs[numcrcs++] = seed;
for (i = 0; i < zip->numfiles; i++)
if (zip->files[i].filelen>0)
unzGetCurrentFileInfo (zip->handle, &file_info, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, 0);
filecrcs[numcrcs++] = file_info.crc;
unzGoToNextFile (zip->handle);
if (crctype)
return Com_BlockChecksum(filecrcs, numcrcs*sizeof(int));
return Com_BlockChecksum(filecrcs+1, (numcrcs-1)*sizeof(int));
typedef struct {
vfsfile_t funcs;
vfsfile_t *defer;
//in case we're forced away.
zipfile_t *parent;
qboolean iscompressed;
int pos;
int length; //try and optimise some things
int index;
int startpos;
} vfszip_t;
void VFSZIP_MakeActive(vfszip_t *vfsz)
int i;
char buffer[8192]; //must be power of two
if ((vfszip_t*)vfsz->parent->currentfile == vfsz)
return; //already us
if (vfsz->parent->currentfile)
unzLocateFileMy(vfsz->parent->handle, vfsz->index, vfsz->startpos);
if (vfsz->pos > 0)
Con_DPrintf("VFSZIP_MakeActive: Shockingly inefficient\n");
//now we need to seek up to where we had previously gotten to.
for (i = 0; i < vfsz->pos-sizeof(buffer); i++)
unzReadCurrentFile(vfsz->parent->handle, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
unzReadCurrentFile(vfsz->parent->handle, buffer, vfsz->pos - i);
vfsz->parent->currentfile = (vfsfile_t*)vfsz;
int VFSZIP_ReadBytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, void *buffer, int bytestoread)
int read;
vfszip_t *vfsz = (vfszip_t*)file;
if (vfsz->defer)
return VFS_READ(vfsz->defer, buffer, bytestoread);
if (vfsz->iscompressed)
read = unzReadCurrentFile(vfsz->parent->handle, buffer, bytestoread);
if (vfsz->parent->currentfile != file)
VFS_SEEK(vfsz->parent->raw, vfsz->pos+vfsz->startpos);
vfsz->parent->currentfile = file;
read = VFS_READ(vfsz->parent->raw, buffer, bytestoread);
vfsz->pos += read;
return read;
int VFSZIP_WriteBytes (struct vfsfile_s *file, void *buffer, int bytestoread)
Sys_Error("VFSZIP_WriteBytes: Not supported\n");
return 0;
qboolean VFSZIP_Seek (struct vfsfile_s *file, unsigned long pos)
vfszip_t *vfsz = (vfszip_t*)file;
if (vfsz->defer)
return VFS_SEEK(vfsz->defer, pos);
//This is *really* inefficient
if (vfsz->parent->currentfile == file)
if (vfsz->iscompressed)
{ //if they're going to seek on a file in a zip, let's just copy it out
char buffer[8192];
unsigned int chunk;
unsigned int i;
unsigned int length;
vfsz->defer = FS_OpenTemp();
if (vfsz->defer)
vfsz->parent->currentfile = NULL; //make it not us
length = vfsz->length;
i = 0;
vfsz->pos = 0;
while (1)
chunk = length - i;
if (chunk > sizeof(buffer))
chunk = sizeof(buffer);
if (chunk == 0)
unzReadCurrentFile(vfsz->parent->handle, buffer, chunk);
VFS_WRITE(vfsz->defer, buffer, chunk);
i += chunk;
vfsz->parent->currentfile = NULL; //make it not us
if (vfsz->defer)
return VFS_SEEK(vfsz->defer, pos);
if (pos < 0 || pos > vfsz->length)
return false;
vfsz->pos = pos;
return true;
unsigned long VFSZIP_Tell (struct vfsfile_s *file)
vfszip_t *vfsz = (vfszip_t*)file;
if (vfsz->defer)
return VFS_TELL(vfsz->defer);
return vfsz->pos;
unsigned long VFSZIP_GetLen (struct vfsfile_s *file)
vfszip_t *vfsz = (vfszip_t*)file;
return vfsz->length;
void VFSZIP_Close (struct vfsfile_s *file)
vfszip_t *vfsz = (vfszip_t*)file;
if (vfsz->parent->currentfile == file)
vfsz->parent->currentfile = NULL; //make it not us
if (vfsz->defer)
vfsfile_t *FSZIP_OpenVFS(void *handle, flocation_t *loc, const char *mode)
int rawofs;
zipfile_t *zip = handle;
vfszip_t *vfsz;
if (strcmp(mode, "rb"))
return NULL; //urm, unable to write/append
vfsz = Z_Malloc(sizeof(vfszip_t));
vfsz->parent = zip;
vfsz->index = loc->index;
vfsz->startpos = zip->files[loc->index].filepos;
vfsz->length = loc->len;
vfsz->funcs.Close = VFSZIP_Close;
vfsz->funcs.GetLen = VFSZIP_GetLen;
vfsz->funcs.ReadBytes = VFSZIP_ReadBytes;
vfsz->funcs.Seek = VFSZIP_Seek;
vfsz->funcs.Tell = VFSZIP_Tell;
vfsz->funcs.WriteBytes = NULL;
vfsz->funcs.seekingisabadplan = true;
unzLocateFileMy(vfsz->parent->handle, vfsz->index, vfsz->startpos);
rawofs = unzGetCurrentFileUncompressedPos(zip->handle);
vfsz->iscompressed = rawofs<0;
if (!vfsz->iscompressed)
vfsz->startpos = rawofs;
VFS_SEEK(zip->raw, vfsz->startpos);
vfsz->parent->currentfile = (vfsfile_t*)vfsz;
return (vfsfile_t*)vfsz;
searchpathfuncs_t zipfilefuncs = {