"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" // Ignored: locations are colour coded
"ForegroundTexture" "locationBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "locationBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudLocation2"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"pinCorner" "3"
"xpos" "85" //85 x pos controlled by HudLocation
"ypos" "447"
"wide" "640" //256
"tall" "480" //32
"ForegroundTexture" "locationBoxFG2"
"BackgroundTexture" "locationBoxBG2"
"fieldName" "HudHealth"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "3"
"ypos" "431"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "32"
"digit_xpos" "44"
"digit_ypos" "8"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumLarge"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "healthBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "healthBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudPlayerAddHealth"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "3"
"ypos" "406"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "32"
"HealthFont_xpos" "32"
"HealthFont_ypos" "8"
"HealthFont" "HudAddHealth"
"TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black
"HealthFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG"
"ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudArmor"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "87"
"ypos" "431"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "32"
"digit_xpos" "38"
"digit_ypos" "18"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "armourBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "armourBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudPlayerAddArmor"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "87"
"ypos" "406"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "32"
"ArmorFont_xpos" "32"
"ArmorFont_ypos" "18"
"ArmorFont" "HudAddHealth"
"TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black
"ArmorFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG"
"ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1"
// Added by AfterShock - for displaying weapon icon in bottom right
"fieldName" "HudWeaponInfo"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
// xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be
"xpos" "r124" //x pos controlled by HudAmmoInfo2
"ypos" "447"
"zpos" "2"
"wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then.
"tall" "480"
"ammo_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"ammo_ypos" "18" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TextFont" "HudNumbers"
"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"IconFont" "WeaponIconsHUD" // Defines which Font to look in for the icons
"AmmoFont" "AmmoIconsSmall" // Defines which Font to look in for the icons
HudAmmoInfo // should be weapon item glyphs in lower right
"fieldName" "HudAmmoInfo"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r124" //x pos controlled by HudAmmoInfo2
"ypos" "447"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //64
"text1_xpos" "0"
"text1_ypos" "0"
"TextFont" "HudNumbers"
"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"IconFont" "weaponglyphssmall"
"ForegroundTexture" "weaponBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "weaponBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudAmmoInfo2"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r42"
"ypos" "447"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //64
"ForegroundTexture" "weaponBoxFG2"
"BackgroundTexture" "weaponBoxBG2"
"fieldName" "HudAmmo"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r152" //488
"ypos" "447"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //32
"digit_xpos" "4"
"digit_ypos" "19"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "ammoCarriedBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "ammoCarriedBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudAmmoClip"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r149" //491
"ypos" "430"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //32
"digit_xpos" "16"
"digit_ypos" "8"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumLarge"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "ammoLoadedBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "ammoLoadedBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudGrenade1"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r91" //549
"ypos" "414"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //32
"digit_xpos" "33"
"digit_ypos" "18"
"icon_xpos" "10"
"icon_ypos" "25"
"icon_font" "StatusGlyphsSmall"
"icon_color" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "grenPrimaryBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "grenPrimaryBoxBG"
HudGrenade2 // far right glyph
"fieldName" "HudGrenade2"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r47" //593
"ypos" "414"
"wide" "640" //128
"tall" "480" //32
"digit_xpos" "35"
"digit_ypos" "18"
"icon_xpos" "10"
"icon_ypos" "25"
"icon_font" "StatusGlyphsSmall"
"icon_color" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"NumberFont" "HUD_NumSmall"
"NumberColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "grenSecondaryBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "grenSecondaryBoxBG"
HudRoundInfo // top center item glyph, fucked by non 4:3 aspect ratio, new settings seem to stay in center, but text needs fixin
"fieldName" "HudRoundInfo"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "c-60" //256
"ypos" "1"
"wide" "120" //128 , 120
"tall" "128" //128
"MapNameFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo"
"MapNameColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"MapNameX" "32" //32
"MapNameY" "3"
//"center_x" "1" // center text horizontally
//"RightJustify" "1"
"TimerFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo"
"TimerColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"TimerX" "43" //45
"TimerY" "18"
"ForegroundTexture" "RoundInfoBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "RoundInfoBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudTeamScores"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
// xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be
"xpos" "c-120" // Right in the middle of the damn screen
//"xpos" "130" // Right in the middle of the damn screen
"ypos" "7"
"wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then.
"tall" "480"
"TeamScoreBlue_xpos" "0" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TeamScoreBlue_ypos" "0" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TeamScoreRed_xpos" "200" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TeamScoreRed_ypos" "0" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TeamScoreYellow_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TeamScoreYellow_ypos" "22" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TeamScoreGreen_xpos" "195" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TeamScoreGreen_ypos" "22" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TeamScoreBlueFont" "HudTeamScore"
"TeamScoreRedFont" "HudTeamScore"
"TeamScoreYellowFont" "HudTeamScore"
"TeamScoreGreenFont" "HudTeamScore"
"TextColor" "Black"
"ForegroundTexture" "TeamScoreBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "TeamScoreBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudPlayerTotalScore"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
// xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be
"xpos" "0" // Right in the middle of the damn screen 20
"ypos" "0" //20
"wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then.
"tall" "480"
"TotalDescFont_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TotalDescFont_ypos" "3" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TotalScoreFont_xpos" "5" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"TotalScoreFont_ypos" "15" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"TotalScoreFont" "HudPlayerScore"
"TotalDescFont" "HudPlayerScoreDesc"
"TotalScoreFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG"
"TotalDescFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreDescBG"
"TextColor" "Black"
"ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudPlayerLatestScore"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
// xpos and ypos define where the top left corner of the panel will be
"xpos" "0" // Right in the middle of the damn screen
"ypos" "0" //
"wide" "640" // This stuff is proportional, so 640x480 is actually the size of the whole screen at any resolution. Unless, that is, you have a non-4:3 monitor. Vgui is a pain in the ass to get right then.
"tall" "480"
"DescFont_xpos" "13" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"DescFont_ypos" "33" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"ScoreFont_xpos" "8" // Note that these positions are relative to the position of the panel
"ScoreFont_ypos" "43" // i.e. 0,0 is the top left corner of the panel
"ScoreFont" "HudBonusScore"
"DescFont" "HudBonusScoreDesc"
"ScoreFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreBG"
"DescFontBG" "HudPlayerScoreDescBG"
"TextColor" "255 255 255 255" //black
"ForegroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxFG1"
"BackgroundTexture" "playerScoreBoxBG1"
"fieldName" "HudOverpressure"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "3"
"ypos" "404"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "128"
"text1_xpos" "34"
"text1_ypos" "12"
"image1_xpos" "3"
"image1_ypos" "4"
"bar_width" "75"
"bar_height" "24"
"TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall"
"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" //overridden by teamcolor of disguise
"ForegroundTexture" "CooldownBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "CooldownBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudCellCount"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "r198"
"ypos" "447"
"xpos" "3"
"ypos" "404"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "128"
"text_xpos" "19"
"text_ypos" "19"
"image_xpos" "3"
"image_ypos" "18"
"IconFont" "AmmoIconsSmall"
"TextFont" "HUD_TextRoundInfo"
"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default"
"ForegroundTexture" "CellCountBoxFG"
"BackgroundTexture" "CellCountBoxBG"
"fieldName" "HudSpyDisguise"
"visible" "1"
"enabled" "1"
"xpos" "3"
"ypos" "404"
"wide" "128"
"tall" "128"
"text1_xpos" "34"
"text1_ypos" "12"
"image1_xpos" "3"
"image1_ypos" "4"
"bar_width" "75"
"bar_height" "24"
"DisguiseFont" "ClassGlyphs"
"TextFont" "HUD_TextSmall"
"TextColor" "HUD_Tone_Default" //overridden by teamcolor of disguise