"GameUI_EnterPresetName" "Please enter a name for the preset."
"GameUI_ErrorPresetNameTitle" "Preset name error!!"
"GameUI_ErrorPresetNameEmpty" "The preset's name cannot be blank, please enter a name."
"GameUI_ErrorPresetNameDuplicate" "The preset's name must be unique, enter another name."
"HudPanel_NotBuilt" "Not Built"
"HudPanel_Building" "Building..."
"HudPanel_BuildableState" "Buildable Status"
"HudPanel_SentryGun" "Sentry Gun"
"HudPanel_Dispenser" "Dispenser"
"HudPanel_ManCannon" "ManCannon"
"HudPanel_Detpack" "Detpack"
"HudPanel_CrosshairInfo" "Crosshair Info"
"HudPanel_Speedometer" "Speedometer"
"GameUI_Size" "Size"
"GameUI_Red" "Red"
"GameUI_Green" "Green"
"GameUI_Blue" "Blue"
"GameUI_Alpha" "Alpha"
"GameUI_Horizontal" "Horizontal"
"GameUI_Vertical" "Vertical"
"GameUI_InvertHorizontal" "Inverted Horizontal"
"GameUI_InvertVertical" "Inverted Vertical"
"GameUI_Right" "Right"
"GameUI_Center" "Center"
"GameUI_Left" "Left"
"GameUI_Top" "Top"
"GameUI_Middle" "Middle"
"GameUI_Bottom" "Bottom"
"GameUI_X" "X"
"GameUI_Y" "Y"
"GameUI_Custom" "Custom"
"GameUI_Stepped" "Intensity Stepped"
"GameUI_Faded" "Intensity Faded"
"GameUI_TeamColored" "Team Colored"
"GameUI_Shape" "Shape"
"GameUI_Text" "Text"
"GameUI_Columns" "Columns"
"GameUI_Offset" "Offset"
"GameUI_Alignment" "Alignment"
"GameUI_Width" "Width"
"GameUI_Height" "Height"
"GameUI_BorderWidth" "Border Width"
"GameUI_ItemMargin" "Item Margin"
"GameUI_ColorMode" "Color Mode"
"GameUI_CustomColor" "Custom Color"
"GameUI_Panel" "Panel"
"GameUI_Show" "Show"
"GameUI_DropShadow" "Drop Shadow"
"GameUI_CopyDefault" "Copy Default"
"GameUI_UseDefault" "Use Default"
"GameUI_UseGlobal" "Use Global"
"GameUI_Global" "Global"
"GameUI_PrimaryCrosshair" "Primary Shape"
"GameUI_SecondaryCrosshair" "Secondary Shape"
"GameUI_UseGlobalAll" "Use global crosshair for all"
"GameUI_TimerHelp" "By copying a wav file into the sound/timers/ directory you can select it here to use ingame. \n\nTimers need to be 4 seconds long."
"GameUI_KillBeepHelp" "By copying a wav file into the sound/player/deathbeep/ directory you can select it here to use ingame. \n\nThis sound is played when you kill someone."
"GameUI_Positioning" "Positioning"
"GameUI_Items" "Items"
"GameUI_HeaderText" "Header Text"
"GameUI_HeaderIcon" "Header Icon"
"GameUI_Text" "Text"
"GameUI_Bar" "Bar"
"GameUI_BarBorder" "BarBorder"
"GameUI_BarBackground" "BarBackground"
"GameUI_Icon" "Icon"
"GameUI_Label" "Label"
"GameUI_Amount" "Amount"
"GameUI_FortressGameModes" "FORTRESS GAME MODES"
"GameUI_Scenarios" "Scenarios"
"GameUI_Training" "Training"
"GameUI_Bots" "Bots"
"GameUI_Map" "Map"
"GameUI_AllowedClasses" "Allowed classes..."
"GameUI_DLightOptions" "Dynamic Lighting Options"
"GameUI_MaxDLights" "Max DLights"
"GameUI_DL_Explosion" "Explosion"
"GameUI_DL_MFlash" "Muzzle Flash"
"GameUI_DL_Flamer" "Flamethrower"
"GameUI_DL_PlayerBurn" "Ignited Player"
"GameUI_DL_Napalm" "Napalm Fire"
"GameUI_DL_IC" "IC Projectile"
"GameUI_DL_Rocket" "Rocket"
"GameUI_DL_Rail" "Rail"
"GameUI_DL_Conc" "Conc Grenade"
"GameUI_DL_Flashlight" "Flashlight"
"GameUI_DL_Generic" "Generic"
"GameUI_DL_Scale" "Radius percentage scales of dlights from various sources (0 disables)"
"Spec_PlayerItem_Team" "%s1 (%s2 | %s3)"
"Training_Title" "Fortress Forever Movement Training"
"Training_Desc" "Learn how to concussion jump, rocket jump, bunnyhop, air control, double jump, rampslide, and more."
"FF_CLOSE" "Close"
"FF_Timelimit" "Time Limit"
"TEAM_STATS" "Score:\nPlayers:\nAvg. Ping:"
"FF_HELLO" "Welcome to Fortress Forever!"
"FF_HELP_SCOUT" "Fast and lightly armored, the scout has virtually no weaponry and specialises almost compeletly on moving flags and objectives."
"FF_HELP_SNIPER" "Long range class that can one-shot enemies using high powered headshots."
"FF_HELP_SOLDIER" "Fairly slow and heavily armored with an explosive rocket launcher capable of stopping even the fastest of classes and dealing high burst damage."
"FF_HELP_DEMOMAN" "Quick reactions are required, setting pipe-traps on key objectives to prevent anyone touching the objective. Fairly weak."
"FF_HELP_MEDIC" "Attacking class based around concussion grenades and fast speed, with more firepower and armor than the scout"
"FF_HELP_HWGUY" "Slowest and heaviest armor, with a minigun which can deal consistently high damage over short or long ranges. His special ability releases pressure to stop fast-moving players in their tracks."
"FF_HELP_PYRO" "Combines 3 flame-based weapons to multiply burn damage on enemies. Medium speed and armor."
"FF_HELP_SPY" "Can turn invisible, disguise as enemy team, and instantly kill enemies with 1 stab to the back. Can also hack into enemy sentry guns to turn them on teammates."
"FF_HELP_ENGINEER" "Can build automated sentry guns to defend obejctives, although are very weak and must be defended by teammates. Reliant on collecting metal to upgrade and repair."
"FF_HELP_RANDOM" "Random Playerclass"
"FF_Combat_Title" "Combat Bindings"
"FF_Attack1" "Primary attack"
"FF_Attack2" "Secondary / special attack"
"FF_Gren1" "Throw Primary Grenade"
"FF_Gren2" "Throw Secondary Grenade"
"FF_ToggleGren1" "2-tap Primary Grenade"
"FF_ToggleGren2" "2-tap Secondary Grenade"
"FF_TeamOptions" "Team Options"
"FF_ChangeTeam" "Change Team"
"FF_CHANGECLASS_LATER" "After dying, you will return as a %s1"
"FF_DiscardAmmo" "Discard Unneeded Ammo"
"FF_DropItems" "Drop items (flag, etc)"
"FF_FlagInfo" "See the status of the flags"
"FF_Reset_View" "Center your view"
"FF_Mouse_Look" "Use mouse to look around"
"FF_Keyboard_Look" "Use keyboard to look around"
"FF_HintCenter" "Hint Center"
"FF_MapShot" "Map overview"
"FF_MedEngyMenu" "Call for help quickmenu"
// CTF
"FF_YOUCAP" "You captured the enemy flag!"
"FF_TEAMCAP" "Your team captured the enemy flag!"
"FF_OTHERTEAMCAP" "The enemy team captured the flag!"
"FF_YOUPICKUP" "You have the enemy flag!"
"FF_TEAMPICKUP" "Your team has the enemy flag!"
"FF_OTHERTEAMPICKUP" "The enemy team has your flag!"
"FF_YOUDROP" "You dropped the enemy flag!"
"FF_TEAMDROP" "Your team dropped the enemy flag!"
"FF_OTHERTEAMDROP" "The enemy team dropped your flag!"
"FF_TEAMRETURN" "Your flag has returned!"
"FF_OTHERTEAMRETURN" "The enemy flag has returned!"
// AD
"FF_ROUND_60SECWARN" "60 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_45SECWARN" "45 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_30SECWARN" "30 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_15SECWARN" "15 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_10SECWARN" "10 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_5SECWARN" "5 Seconds until round starts!"
"FF_ROUND_STARTED" "The round has started!"
"FF_MAP_600SECWARN" "10 Minutes Remaining!"
"FF_MAP_300SECWARN" "5 Minutes Remaining!"
"FF_MAP_120SECWARN" "2 Minutes Remaining!"
"FF_MAP_60SECWARN" "60 Seconds Remaining!"
"FF_MAP_30SECWARN" "30 Seconds Remaining!"
"FF_AD_TAKE1" "Take flag to command point ONE!"
"FF_AD_TAKE2" "Take flag to command point TWO!"
"FF_AD_TAKE3" "Take flag to command point THREE!"
"FF_AD_CAP1" "BLUE team secured command point ONE!"
"FF_AD_CAP2" "BLUE team secured command point TWO!"
"FF_AD_BLUEWIN" "BLUE team captured RED base!"
"FF_AD_REDWIN" "RED team holds RED base!"
"FF_AD_GATESOPEN" "Gates are now open!"
"FF_JOINTEAM" "Join a team old chap!"
"FF_CHANGECLASS" "Class Selection"
// Push
"FF_YOUSCORE" "You captured the ball!"
"FF_TEAMSCORE" "Your team captured the ball!"
"FF_ENEMYSCORE" "The enemy team captured the ball!"
"FF_YOUHAVEBALL" "You have the ball! Take it to the enemy goal!"
"FF_TEAMHASBALL" "Your team has the ball!"
"FF_ENEMYHASBALL" "The enemy team has the ball!"
"FF_YOUBALLDROP" "You dropped the ball!"
"FF_TEAMBALLDROP" "Your team dropped the ball!"
"FF_ENEMYBALLDROP" "The enemy team dropped the ball!"
"FF_BALLRETURN" "The ball has returned!"
"FF_MENU_SCOUT" "&1. Scout"
"FF_MENU_SNIPER" "&2. Sniper"
"FF_MENU_SOLDIER" "&3. Soldier"
"FF_MENU_DEMOMAN" "&4. Demoman"
"FF_MENU_MEDIC" "&5. Medic"
"FF_MENU_PYRO" "&7. Pyro"
"FF_MENU_SPY" "&8. Spy"
"FF_MENU_ENGINEER" "&9. Engineer"
"FF_MENU_CIVILIAN" "&0. Civilian"
"FF_MENU_RANDOM" "Random Class"
"FF_PREMATCH" "Prematch ending in %s1 seconds..."
"FF_READYTOSPAWN" "Ready to respawn! Go!"
"FF_CANTSPAWN" "Can't spawn for %s1 seconds..."
"FF_CHANNEL_GLOBAL" "Global Voice"
"FF_CHANNEL_A" "Channel A"
"FF_CHANNEL_B" "Channel B"
"FF_SPY_ALREADYFEIGNED" "You are already feigned!"
"FF_SPY_NOTFEIGNED" "You aren't feigned"
"FF_SPY_DISCOVERED" "You have been discovered!"
"FF_SPY_CANTFEIGNSPEED" "You need to stop in order to feign"
"FF_DISPENSER_ENEMIESUSING" "Enemies are using your dispenser!"
"FF_DISPENSER_DESTROYED" "Your dispenser was destroyed!"
"FF_SENTRYGUN_DESTROYED" "Your sentrygun was destroyed!"
"FF_DETPACK_DEFUSED" "Your detpack was defused!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_MANCANNON_ALREADYBUILT" "You already built a jump pad!\nClick again now to destroy it!"
"FF_MANCANNON_DESTROYED" "You destroyed your jump pad!"
"FF_MANCANNON_TIMEOUT" "Your jump pad timed out!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_DETPACK_ALREADYSET" "You already have a detpack set!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_DISPENSER_ALREADYBUILT" "You already have a dispenser built!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_SENTRYGUN_ALREADYBUILT" "You already have a sentrygun built!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_DISPENSER_NOTENOUGHAMMO" "You need 100 cells to build a dispenser!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_SENTRYGUN_NOTENOUGHAMMO" "You need 130 cells to build a sentrygun!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_DETPACK_NOTENOUGHAMMO" "You do not have a detpack!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_NOBUILD" "You cannot build in this area!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_MUSTBEONGROUND" "You must be on the ground to build!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_MULTIPLEBUILDS" "You can only build one item at a time!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_NOPLAYER" "Can not build because!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_WORLDBLOCK" "Can not build because an object is in the way!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_GROUNDSTEEP" "Can not build because the ground is too steep!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_GROUNDDISTANCE" "Can not build because the ground is too far away!"
"FF_BUILDERROR_GENERIC" "Can not build because!"
"FF_CANTCLOAK_MUSTBEONGROUND" "You cannot cloak while off the ground!"
"FF_CANTCLOAK_TIMELIMIT" "You cannot cloak so soon!"
"FF_CANTCLOAK" "You cannot cloak right now!"
"FF_SILENTCLOAK_MUSTBESTILL" "You cannot cloak silently while moving!"
"FF_CLOAK" "You are now cloaked!"
"FF_UNCLOAK" "You are no longer cloaked!"
"FF_SPY_NODISGUISENOW" "You cannot disguise right now!"
"FF_SPY_DISGUISING" "You are disguising!"
"FF_SPY_LOSTDISGUISE" "You lost your disguise!"
"FF_SPY_FORCEDLOSTDISGUISE" "You lost your disguise!"
"FF_SPY_DISGUISED" "You are now disguised!"
"FF_SPY_BEENREVEALED" "Your disguise has been revealed!"
"FF_SPY_REVEALEDSPY" "You revealed a spy's disguise!"
"FF_SPY_BEENREVEALEDCLOAKED" "Your cloak has been revealed!"
"FF_SPY_REVEALEDCLOAKEDSPY" "You revealed a cloaked spy!"
"FF_SABOTAGEREADY" "Sabotage ready!"
"FF_SABOTAGERESET" "Sabotage reset!"
"FF_SABOTAGERESETTING" "Sabotage resetting in %s1 seconds.."
"FF_SABOTAGEDETONATING" "Sabotaged buildable detonating in %s1 seconds.."
"FF_SENTRYSABOTAGEREADY" "Sentry sabotage ready!"
"FF_SENTRYSABOTAGERESET" "Sentry sabotage reset!"
"FF_SENTRYSABOTAGERESETTING" "Sentry sabotage resetting in %s1 seconds.."
"FF_SENTRYSABOTAGEDETONATING" "Sabotaged sentry detonating in %s1 seconds.."
"FF_LOCATION_CP10_PATH" "Path to CP10"
// The Hints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sniper
"FF_HINT_SNIPER_SPAWN" "Sniper is most effective at long range. If you find yourself dying quickly look for better places to snipe from and use your teamates for help."
"FF_HINT_SNIPER_HEADSHOT" "Headshot! The sniper rifle is the only weapon in the game that deals more damage to the head. Aim for the eyes!"
"FF_HINT_SNIPER_LEGSHOT" "Legshot! Shooting an enemy in the leg slows their movement based on the damage dealt. Points are rewarded for slowing enemies even if you can't finish them off."
"FF_HINT_SNIPER_SR" "The sniper rifle has a unique charging mechanism: Press and hold your attack button to charge your shot. The longer the charge, the more damage dealt. A fully charged shot is 7 seconds."
"FF_HINT_SNIPER_NOCHARGE" "Remember you can charge your shots for more damage. Press and hold your attack button to charge, release to shoot. Master this and you will be the bane of your enemies!"
// HWGuy
"FF_HINT_HWGUY_SPAWN" "You're fat! Use the big gun for mass murder. You can't move as fast as the other classes, especially when firing the assault cannon. Remember this and pick your firing positions wisely."
"FF_HINT_HWGUY_OVERHEAT" "Limit the amount you hold fire to keep the assault cannon from overheating. It is possible to maintain a high rate of fire without overheating if done correctly."
// Scout
"FF_HINT_SCOUT_SPAWN" "Scouts are used for their speed and ability to move the flag. Don't worry about your death column or stopping to fight, avoid enemies and get to the objective!"
"FF_HINT_SCOUT_CONC1" "Concussion grenades will dizzy enemies, but can also be used to jump for a big boost. The outer edge of a concussion explosion will provide the most push to dislodge friend and foe alike; use this to your advantage!"
"FF_HINT_SCOUT_RADAR" "The scout radar is powered by cells. Use it as a snapshot of the enemy positions ahead."
"FF_HINT_SCOUT_MANCANNON" "The jump pad can launch a player a great distance. Try dropping one in the yard to help your slower teammates attack faster!"
// Medic
"FF_HINT_MEDIC_SPAWN" "Medic is most effective in an offensive role. Use your concussion grenades to jump across open areas for faster attacks on the enemy. Speed and grenade timing is key."
"FF_HINT_MEDIC_NOINFECT" "This enemy player was recently healed from an infection and is immune for a short time."
"FF_HINT_MEDIC_GOHEAL" "A friendly player nearby is requesting medical attention. Select your medpack with the {slot1} key and press your attack button at close range to heal."
// Soldier
"FF_HINT_SOLDIER_SPAWN" "Soldier can be useful in many roles on the team. Use choke points (doorways, narrow hallways) on defense to maximize the impact of your rockets and to keep enemies in front of you. On offense, clear a path for your teamates!"
"FF_HINT_SOLDIER_LASERGREN" "Laser grenades are especially effective against sentryguns covering chokepoints."
"FF_HINT_SOLDIER_PLAYTIME" "The RPG can be used as a movement tool. While looking down, fire and jump at the same time to propel yourself upwards. Try other angles, experiment!"
"FF_HINT_SOLDIER_SENTRY" "Remember, laser grenades excel at taking out sentry guns. Toss one at the sentrygun with the {gren2} key."
// Demoman
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_SPAWN" "The demoman is a master of explosives: The grenade and pipe launcher excels at holding choke points and laying pipetraps, while the mirv grenade and detpack can clear entire rooms."
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_PL" "This is the pipelauncher: You can lay a maximum of 8 pipes on the ground at any one time. These pipes can be detonated by pressing the {attack2} key."
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_GL" "This is the grenade launcher, the demoman's most effective weapon in close range combat: Its blue grenade projectiles explode on impact with friend and foe."
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_DETPACK" "The detpack is a giant explosive device that can be used to open alternate routes on some maps, but you will need protection to set one in the midst of battle. Press and hold the {attack} key to begin setting the detpack."
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_FIREPL" "Pipes are not armed until they cease glowing red. Try to use the geometry of the map to bounce pipes and overcome their arming delay. If you're feeling risky you can explode and jump off of pipebombs to reach higher areas."
"FF_HINT_DEMOMAN_SETDET" "Release the {attack} key when you've selected the fuse time. When it's set, run for cover!"
// Pyro
"FF_HINT_PYRO_SPAWN" "So you want to burn things? Pyro is most effective when all his weapons are used together. Learn how each works and remember to always keep moving and keep your enemies burning. Burn baby, burn."
"FF_HINT_PYRO_FLAMER" "The flamethrower excels as a short range weapon, particularily against the heavier classes."
"FF_HINT_PYRO_IC" "The incendiary cannon excels at raining fire from afar, use it to bombard enemies from safety."
"FF_HINT_PYRO_PLAYTIME" "The pyro's IC cannon can be used to aid manueverability. Try to use its push effect to help reach different places around the map."
"FF_HINT_PYRO_ROASTHW" "Try to close the gap on the Hwguy and circle around him using the flamethrower."
// Spy
"FF_HINT_SPY_SPAWN" "Spy has many abilities to learn. Explore the weapons and class menu and be sneaky. When attacking, try to stay hidden and use your teammates' attacks on the enemy to increase you chance of success."
"FF_HINT_SPY_NODISGUISE" "Bring up the class menu by holding the {attack2} key to see your disguise options. Try to blend in with the other team while disguised as one of them."
"FF_HINT_SPY_KNIFE" "Backstabbing enemies with the knife results in an instant kill. Close range only; try to be sneaky!"
"FF_HINT_SPY_LOSEDISGUISE" "Running into an enemy spy or scout class will remove your disguise."
"FF_HINT_SPY_GANKDISGUISE" "By landing the killing stab while disguised, you have now taken on the disguise of your dead foe. Use this to your advantage!"
"FF_HINT_SPY_TRANQ" "Use the tranquilizer gun to drug enemies, slowing them and reducing their ability to see."
"FF_HINT_SPY_SPLAT" "As a Spy, you can use the {+duck} key to crouch when landing from a high fall. You will make less noise and take less damage."
"FF_HINT_SPY_LOSECLOAK" "Running into an enemy scout class will remove your cloak."
"FF_HINT_SPY_SGCLOAK" "Sentry guns can spot cloaked Spies, but not if you're disguised!"
// Engy
"FF_HINT_ENGY_SPAWN" "The engineer is normally a defensive class; he can build sentry guns to defend an area. Once you've found a good spot, press {slot5} then {attack} to begin building."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_DISPENEMY" "An enemy is using your dispenser! You can detonate a dispenser to kill enemies. The more supplies it holds the bigger the explosion."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_BUILDDISP" "You are building a dispenser, this will generate ammo and armor to replenish other players."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_BUILDSG" "You are building a sentry gun. Retrieve packs to stock, upgrade, or repair your gun. 130 cells upgrades your gun to the next level."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_BUILTDISP" "You can add to the dispenser's stock by gathering supplies and hitting it with your wrench. Beware, a fully stocked dispenser can be a dangerous weapon!"
"FF_HINT_ENGY_BUILTSG" "To aim your sentry gun, look where you want it to point, hold {attack2}, and select aim sentry."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_NOUPGRADE" "You need more power cells to upgrade this sentry gun. Gather packs until you have 130 cells. Your cell count is visible in the lower right."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_GOSMACK" "A friendly player nearby is requesting armor. Select your wrench with the {slot1} key and use it at close range to repair their armor."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_DISPDAMAGED" "Your dispenser is damaged; repair it with your wrench."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_SGDAMAGED" "Your sentry gun is under attack! Take out the enemy or try to repair your gun with your wrench."
"FF_HINT_ENGY_TEAMSG" "A teammate near you is building a gun. You can help upgrade or repair other friendly sentry guns with your wrench."
// Global (all classes)
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_DEFENDSG" "A friendly engineer near you is setting up a sentry gun. Guard the engineer against incoming enemies as the engineer builds."
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_EMPDEATH" "If you see an EMP grenade headed your way, try to avoid ammo bags lying around on the ground. The EMP grenade detonates any ammunition in the vicinity so discard excess ammo by pressing the {discard} key."
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_NOPRIME1" "Grenades are primed by holding down the {+gren1} key or {+gren2} key. Release to throw. Be careful, you want it to explode in an enemy's face not yours!"
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_NOPRIME2" "Grenades are primed by pressing the {toggleone} key or {toggletwo} key. Press each key again to throw. Be careful, you want it to explode in an enemy's face not yours!"
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_NOLASTINV" "The {lastinv} key can be used to quickly switch between the last two weapons used."
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_GRENDEATH" "You can throw grenades by pressing the {+gren1} or {+gren2} keys. There are many types of grenades in Fortress Forever!"
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_MAP" "You can hold the {+mapshot} key to get an explanation of the map’s objectives."
"FF_HINT_GLOBAL_CTOC" "You can change teams by pressing the {changeteam} key. You can change classes by pressing the {changeclass} key."
"FF_HINT_INTRO_HINT" "Welcome to Fortress Forever! This is the hint and message center. Holding the {+hintcenter} key and clicking on the back and forward arrows allows you to review old messages."
// End hints -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
"FF_CM_DISGUISEFRIENDLY" "Disguise as friendly..."
"FF_CM_DISGUISEENEMY" "Disguise as enemy..."
"FF_CM_DISGUISEBLUE" "Blue team..."
"FF_CM_DISGUISERED" "Red team..."
"FF_CM_DISGUISEYELLOW" "Yellow team..."
"FF_CM_DISGUISEGREEN" "Green team..."
"FF_CM_CLOAK" "Cloak"
"FF_CM_SCLOAK" "Silent Cloak"
"FF_CM_SMARTCLOAK" "Smart Cloak"
"FF_CM_SABOTAGESENTRY" "Sabotage Sentry"
"FF_CM_SABOTAGEDISPENSER" "Sabotage Dispenser"
"FF_CM_AIMSENTRY" "Aim sentrygun"
"FF_CM_BUILDDISPENSER" "Build dispenser"
"FF_CM_BUILDSENTRY" "Build sentrygun"
"FF_CM_DISMANTLEDISPENSER" "Dismantle dispenser"
"FF_CM_DISMANTLESENTRY" "Dismantle sentrygun"
"FF_CM_DETDISPENSER" "Detonate dispenser"
"FF_CM_DETSENTRY" "Detonate sentrygun"
"FF_CM_DETPACK5" "5 second fuse"
"FF_CM_DETPACK10" "10 second fuse"
"FF_CM_DETPACK20" "20 second fuse"
"FF_CM_DETPACK50" "50 second fuse"
"FF_Attackers" "Attackers"
"FF_Defenders" "Defenders"
"AD_FlagCarriedBy" "Flag is being carried by"
"AD_FlagReturn" "Flag will return in"
"AD_FlagReturnBase" "Flag will return to base in"
"AD_FlagIsAt" "Flag is at"
"AD_ASpawn" "Attacker Spawn"
//Don't forget the space on the end.
"AD_Cap" "Capture Point "
"AD_Defend" "Defend this capture point!"
"AD_FlagAtBase" "Flag is now at base!"
"AD_30SecReturn" "30 Seconds until flag returns"
"AD_10SecReturn" "10 Seconds until flag returns"
"ADZ_30SecWarning" "Gates open in 30 seconds!"
"ADZ_10SecWarning" "Gates open in 10 seconds!"
"ADZ_Defend" "Defend this zone!"
"ADZ_NoScore" "The offense did not score any points last round!"
"ADZ_Switch5Min" "5 minutes until team switch!"
"ADZ_Switch2Min" "2 minutes until team switch!"
"ADZ_Switch1Min" "1 minute until team switch!"
"ADZ_Switch30Sec" "30 seconds until team switch!"
"ADZ_Switch10Sec" "Team switch in 10 seconds!"
"ADZ_Switch" "Round over - teams switch roles!"
"ADZ_Round" "Round"
"ADZ_End5Min" "5 minutes until map ends!"
"ADZ_End2Min" "2 minutes until map ends!"
"ADZ_End1Min" "1 minute until map ends!"
"ADZ_End30Sec" "30 seconds until map ends!"
"ADZ_End10Sec" "Map ends in 10 seconds!"
//I don't feel that these below are very translation friendly.
//Word orders aren't the same in every language you know?!
//Thus glueing to parts of a sentence together doesn't work.
//score in:
"ADZ_ScoreNotice" "score in:"
//are in
//the zone!
"ADZ_AreIn" "are in"
"ADZ_TheZone" "the zone!"
//open in:
"ADZ_GATES" "Gates"
"ADZ_OPENIN" "open in:"
"FF_RED_SEC_60" "Red Security Deactivated for 60 Seconds"
"FF_RED_SEC_40" "Red Security Deactivated for 40 Seconds"
"FF_RED_SEC_30" "Red Security Deactivated for 30 Seconds"
"FF_RED_SEC_10" "Red Security Online in 10 Seconds"
"FF_RED_SEC_ON" "Red Security Online"
"FF_BLUE_SEC_60" "Blue Security Deactivated for 60 Seconds"
"FF_BLUE_SEC_40" "Blue Security Deactivated for 40 Seconds"
"FF_BLUE_SEC_30" "Blue Security Deactivated for 30 Seconds"
"FF_BLUE_SEC_10" "Blue Security Online in 10 Seconds"
"FF_BLUE_SEC_ON" "Blue Security Online"
"FF_BLUE_GRATEBLOWN" "Blue grate has been blown up!"
"FF_RED_GRATEBLOWN" "Red grate has been blown up!"
"FF_BLUE_GENBLOWN" "Blue generator has been destroyed!"
"FF_RED_GENBLOWN" "Red generator has been destroyed!"
"FF_BLUE_GEN_OK" "Blue generator is up and running!"
"FF_RED_GEN_OK" "Red generator is up and running!"
"FF_BLUE_GENWALL" "Blue generator room wall has been breached!"
"FF_RED_GENWALL" "Red generator room wall has been breached!"
"HINT_NOJUMPPAD" "This is no place for a jump pad."
"HINT_BURNINGGENERATOR" "You can't repair the generator while it's still burning. Wait until the fire is out!"
"FF_UPDATE_STATUS_ERROR" "Error while checking for updates"
"FF_UPDATE_STATUS_CONFLICT" "Conflicting server version"
"FF_UPDATE_STATUS_CHECKING" "Checking for updates..."
"FF_UPDATE_TITLE_OUTOFDATE" "Your Fortress Forever is out of date!"
"FF_UPDATE_TEXT_OUTOFDATE" "A new update for Fortress Forever is available. You may have trouble connecting to servers until you have updated."
"FF_UPDATE_TITLE_CONFLICT" "Your Fortress Forever differs from the server's!"
"FF_UPDATE_TEXT_CONFLICT" "The server you may or may not have successfully connected to is running a different version of Fortress Forever than you. Fortress Forever may not work properly on that server (if at all) until it is updated to the correct version. In the mean time it is recommended to play on other servers."
"FF_UPDATE_DOWNLOAD" "Download and install update"