108 lines
2.3 KiB
108 lines
2.3 KiB
entityDef monster_alien_slave
"spawnclass" "ncMonster"
"model" "models/islave.mdl"
"netname" "Vortigaunt"
"health" "skill:islave_health"
"mins" "-16 -16 0"
"maxs" "16 16 72"
"eye_height" "64"
"team" "2"
"propdata" "actor_alien"
"speed_walk" "72"
"speed_run" "72"
"def_attack_melee" "melee_islave_claw"
"melee_range" "96"
"attack_ranged_range" "512"
"snd_idle" "Vortigaunt.Idle"
"snd_pain" "Vortigaunt.Pain"
"snd_death" "Vortigaunt.Die"
// animation event callbacks
events {
1 "SpawnProjectileDef" "melee_islave_claw"
1 "StartSoundDef" "Vortigaunt.AttackMiss"
2 "SpawnProjectileDef" "melee_islave_claw"
2 "StartSoundDef" "Vortigaunt.AttackMiss"
// beam powerup, both left and right hand
3 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beampowerup 0"
3 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beampowerup 1"
3 "StartSoundDef" "Vortigaunt.ZapPowerup"
// fire a beam towards the target
4 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beamattack 0"
4 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beamattack 0"
4 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beamattack 1"
4 "SpawnDefAttachment" "islave_beamattack 1"
4 "SpawnProjectileDef" "ranged_islave_zap"
4 "StartSoundDef" "Vortigaunt.ZapShoot"
// kill anything parented to us
5 "KillChildClass" "islave_beampowerup"
entityDef islave_beampowerup
"spawnclass" "env_beam"
"texture" "sprites/lgtning.spr"
"rendercolor" "0 0 128"
"renderamt" "64"
"NoiseAmplitude" "80"
"life" "3"
"Radius" "512"
"BoltWidth" "16"
"RadiusScale" "0 1 1"
"spawnflags" "1"
"decal_detonate" "Impact.Shot"
entityDef islave_beamattack
"spawnclass" "env_beam"
"texture" "sprites/lgtning.spr"
"rendercolor" "0 0 128"
"renderamt" "255"
"NoiseAmplitude" "80"
"life" "0.5"
"Radius" "512"
"BoltWidth" "64"
"BeamDir" "512 0 0"
"spawnflags" "1"
"decal_detonate" "Impact.Shot"
entityDef damage_islave_zap
"damage" "skill:islave_dmg_zap"
entityDef ranged_islave_zap
"spawnclass" "ncProjectile"
"mins" "-16 -16 -32"
"maxs" "16 16 32"
"def_damage" "damage_islave_zap"
"health" "0"
"velocity" "9000"
"fuse" "10"
"detonate_on_fuse" "0"
"detonate_on_death" "0"
"detonate_on_world" "0"
"detonate_on_actor" "1"
"impact_damage_effect" "1"
"impact_gib" "0"
entityDef melee_islave_claw
"damage" "skill:islave_dmg_claw"
"delay" "0.25f"
"wait" "0.5"
"attempts" "2"