2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
//menu that configues r_particledesc according to the files available in the particles/ subdir, including the (known) internal effects.
class particlesmenu : mitem_frame
string thelist;
void() particlesmenu =
thelist = cvar_string("r_particledesc");
virtual void() item_remove =
cvar_set("r_particledesc", thelist);
//to reconfigure colours for when something changees.
nonvirtual void() UpdateSelections =
float sc = tokenize(thelist);
for (mitem ch = item_children; ch; ch = ch.item_next)
ch.item_rgb = '1 0.5 0.5';
for (float i = 0; i < sc; i++)
if (!strcasecmp(argv(i), ch.item_command))
ch.item_rgb = '1 1 1';
virtual void(mitem fromitem, string cmd) item_execcommand =
float sc = tokenize(thelist);
for (float i = 0; i < sc; i++)
if (!strcasecmp(argv(i), cmd))
thelist = strtrim(strcat(strtrim(substring(thelist, 0, argv_start_index(i))), " ", strtrim(substring(thelist, argv_end_index(i), -1))));
if (strstrofs(cmd, "\t") >= 0 || strstrofs(cmd, " ") >= 0 || strstrofs(cmd, "\"") >= 0 || strstrofs(cmd, ";") >= 0 || strstrofs(cmd, "\n") >= 0)
thelist = strtrim(strcat(thelist, " \"", cmd, "\""));
thelist = strtrim(strcat(thelist, " ", cmd));
string(string fname, string dflt) GetFirstLineComment =
float f = fopen(fname, FILE_READ);
if (f < 0)
return 0;
string l = strtrim(fgets(f));
if (!strcasecmp(substring(l, 0, 9), "//private"))
return 0;
if (!strcasecmp(substring(l, 0, 8), "//hidden"))
return 0;
if (!strcasecmp(substring(l, 0, 7), "//desc:"))
return strtrim(substring(l, 7, -1));
// if (substring(l, 0, 1) == "#")
// return strtrim(substring(l, 1, -1));
return dflt;
nonstatic void(mitem_desktop desktop) M_Options_Particles =
float y = -8;
float h;
//create the menu, give it focus, and make sure its displayed over everything else.
mitem_exmenu m = spawn(mitem_exmenu, item_text:_("Particles Options"), item_flags:IF_SELECTABLE, item_command:"m_options");
desktop.item_focuschange(m, IF_KFOCUSED);
//figure out the size of the stuff
// h = sizeof(binds) / sizeof(binds[0]);
// h *= 8;
h = 200;
h *= 0.5; //and halve it
//draw title art above the options
mitem_pic banner = spawn(mitem_pic, item_text:"gfx/ttl_cstm.lmp", item_size_y:24, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN);
m.add(banner, RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MID | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MID|RS_Y_MAX_PARENT_MID, [banner.item_size_x*-0.5, -h-32], [banner.item_size_x*0.5, -h-8]);
//spawn a container frame for the actual options. this provides a scrollbar if we have too many items.
particlesmenu fr = spawn(particlesmenu, item_flags: IF_SELECTABLE, frame_hasscroll:TRUE);
//FIXME: this stuff should be listed in order of selection, to reflect the priorities given to the various effects.
//FIXME: these should not be listed if its a no-compat/no-legacy build. this'll do for now, but its a bit wrong
if (checkextension("FTE_PART_NAMESPACE_EFFECTINFO"))
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"Classic Particles", item_command:"classic", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
2020-07-13 21:11:22 +00:00
if (engine==E_FTE)
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"High Quality", item_command:"high", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:"TimeServ's Shaft", item_command:"tsshaft", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
string efi = GetFirstLineComment("effectinfo.txt", "Effectinfo");
if (efi)
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:efi, item_command:"effectinfo", item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
float fs;
fs = search_begin("particles/*.cfg", TRUE, TRUE);
for (float c = search_getsize(fs), float i = 0; i < c; i++)
string fname = search_getfilename(fs, i);
string iname = substring(fname, 10, -5);
string dname = GetFirstLineComment(fname, iname);
2016-02-10 23:23:43 +00:00
if (dname && !fr.findchildcmd(iname))
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:dname, item_command:iname, item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
fs = search_begin("particles/*/*.cfg", TRUE, TRUE);
for (float c = search_getsize(fs), float i = 0; i < c; i++)
string fname = search_getfilename(fs, i);
string iname = substring(fname, 10, -5);
string dname = GetFirstLineComment(fname, iname);
2016-02-10 23:23:43 +00:00
if (dname && !fr.findchildcmd(iname))
2016-01-18 05:22:07 +00:00
fr.add(spawn(mitem_text, item_text:dname, item_command:iname, item_scale:8, item_flags:IF_CENTERALIGN), RS_X_MIN_PARENT_MIN|RS_Y_MIN_PARENT_MIN | RS_X_MAX_PARENT_MAX|RS_Y_MAX_OWN_MIN, [0, y+=8], '0 8');
//and give us a suitable menu tint too, just because.