231 lines
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231 lines
6.3 KiB
!!permu BUMP
!!permu SKELETAL
!!permu FOG
!!cvarf r_glsl_offsetmapping_scale
!!cvardf r_glsl_pcf
//this is the main shader responsible for realtime dlights.
//texture units:
//s0=diffuse, s1=normal, s2=specular, s3=shadowmap
//custom modifiers:
//CUBEPROJ(projected cubemap)
//SPOT(projected circle
#undef CUBE //engine cannot load cubemaps properly with d3d yet.
#ifndef r_glsl_pcf
#error r_glsl_pcf wasn't defined
#if r_glsl_pcf < 1
#undef r_glsl_pcf
#define r_glsl_pcf 9
#define UPPER
#define LOWER
struct a2v
float4 pos: POSITION;
float4 tc: TEXCOORD0;
float3 n: NORMAL;
float3 s: TANGENT;
float3 t: BINORMAL;
struct v2f
float4 pos: SV_POSITION;
float2 tc: TEXCOORD0;
float3 lightvector: TEXCOORD1;
float3 eyevector: TEXCOORD2;
float3 vtexprojcoord: TEXCOORD3;
#include <ftedefs.h>
v2f main (a2v inp)
v2f outp;
float4 wpos;
wpos = mul(m_model, inp.pos);
outp.pos = mul(m_view, wpos);
outp.pos = mul(m_projection, outp.pos);
outp.tc = inp.tc.xy;
float3 lightminusvertex = l_lightposition - wpos.xyz;
outp.lightvector.x = -dot(lightminusvertex, inp.s.xyz);
outp.lightvector.y = dot(lightminusvertex, inp.t.xyz);
outp.lightvector.z = dot(lightminusvertex, inp.n.xyz);
float3 eyeminusvertex = e_eyepos - wpos.xyz;
outp.eyevector.x = -dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.s.xyz);
outp.eyevector.y = dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.t.xyz);
outp.eyevector.z = dot(eyeminusvertex, inp.n.xyz);
outp.vtexprojcoord = mul(l_cubematrix, wpos).xyz;
return outp;
Texture2D tx_base : register(t0);
Texture2D tx_bump : register(t1);
Texture2D tx_spec : register(t2);
TextureCube tx_cube : register(t3);
Texture2D tx_smap : register(t4);
Texture2D tx_lower : register(t5);
Texture2D tx_upper : register(t6);
SamplerState ss_base : register(s0);
SamplerState ss_bump : register(s1);
SamplerState ss_spec : register(s2);
SamplerState ss_cube : register(s3);
SamplerComparisonState ss_smap : register(s4);
SamplerState ss_lower : register(s5);
SamplerState ss_upper : register(s6);
#ifdef PCF
float3 ShadowmapCoord(float3 vtexprojcoord)
#ifdef SPOT
//bias it. don't bother figuring out which side or anything, its not needed
//l_projmatrix contains the light's projection matrix so no other magic needed
vtexprojcoord.z -= 0.015;
return (vtexprojcoord.xyz + float3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
//#elif defined(CUBESHADOW)
// vec3 shadowcoord = vshadowcoord.xyz / vshadowcoord.w;
// #define dosamp(x,y) shadowCube(s_t4, shadowcoord + vec2(x,y)*texscale.xy).r
//figure out which axis to use
//texture is arranged thusly:
//forward left up
//back right down
float3 dir = abs(vtexprojcoord.xyz);
//assume z is the major axis (ie: forward from the light)
float3 t = vtexprojcoord.xyz;
float ma = dir.z;
float3 axis = float3(0.5/3.0, 0.5/2.0, 0.5);
if (dir.x > ma)
ma = dir.x;
t = vtexprojcoord.zyx;
axis.x = 0.5;
if (dir.y > ma)
ma = dir.y;
t = vtexprojcoord.xzy;
axis.x = 2.5/3.0;
//if the axis is negative, flip it.
if (t.z > 0.0)
axis.y = 1.5/2.0;
t.z = -t.z;
//we also need to pass the result through the light's projection matrix too
//the 'matrix' we need only contains 5 actual values. and one of them is a -1. So we might as well just use a vec4.
//note: the projection matrix also includes scalers to pinch the image inwards to avoid sampling over borders, as well as to cope with non-square source image
//the resulting z is prescaled to result in a value between -0.5 and 0.5.
//also make sure we're in the right quadrant type thing
return axis + ((l_shadowmapproj.xyz*t.xyz + float3(0.0, 0.0, l_shadowmapproj.w)) / -t.z);
float ShadowmapFilter(float3 vtexprojcoord)
float3 shadowcoord = ShadowmapCoord(vtexprojcoord);
// #define dosamp(x,y) shadow2D(s_t4, shadowcoord.xyz + (vec3(x,y,0.0)*l_shadowmapscale.xyx)).r
// #define dosamp(x,y) (tx_smap.Sample(ss_smap, shadowcoord.xy + (float2(x,y)*l_shadowmapscale.xy)).r < shadowcoord.z)
#define dosamp(x,y) (tx_smap.SampleCmpLevelZero(ss_smap, shadowcoord.xy+(float2(x,y)*l_shadowmapscale.xy), shadowcoord.z))
float s = 0.0;
#if r_glsl_pcf >= 1 && r_glsl_pcf < 5
s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);
return s;
#elif r_glsl_pcf >= 5 && r_glsl_pcf < 9
s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);
s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);
return s/5.0;
s += dosamp(-1.0, -1.0);
s += dosamp(-1.0, 0.0);
s += dosamp(-1.0, 1.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, -1.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, 0.0);
s += dosamp(0.0, 1.0);
s += dosamp(1.0, -1.0);
s += dosamp(1.0, 0.0);
s += dosamp(1.0, 1.0);
return s/9.0;
float4 main (v2f inp) : SV_TARGET
float2 tc = inp.tc; //TODO: offsetmapping.
float4 base = tx_base.Sample(ss_base, tc);
#ifdef BUMP
float4 bump = tx_bump.Sample(ss_bump, tc);
bump.rgb = normalize(bump.rgb - 0.5);
float4 bump = float4(0, 0, 1, 0);
float4 spec = tx_spec.Sample(ss_spec, tc);
#ifdef CUBE
float4 cubemap = tx_cube.Sample(ss_cube, inp.vtexprojcoord);
#ifdef LOWER
float4 lower = tx_lower.Sample(ss_lower, tc);
base += lower;
#ifdef UPPER
float4 upper = tx_upper.Sample(ss_upper, tc);
base += upper;
float lightscale = max(1.0 - (dot(inp.lightvector,inp.lightvector)/(l_lightradius*l_lightradius)), 0.0);
float3 nl = normalize(inp.lightvector);
float bumpscale = max(dot(bump.xyz, nl), 0.0);
float3 halfdir = normalize(normalize(inp.eyevector) + nl);
float specscale = pow(max(dot(halfdir, bump.rgb), 0.0), 32.0 * spec.a);
float4 result;
result.a = base.a;
result.rgb = base.rgb * (l_lightcolourscale.x + l_lightcolourscale.y * bumpscale); //amient light + diffuse
result.rgb += spec.rgb * l_lightcolourscale.z * specscale; //specular
result.rgb *= lightscale * l_colour; //fade light by distance and light colour.
#ifdef CUBE
result.rgb *= cubemap.rgb; //fade by cubemap
#ifdef PCF
result.rgb *= ShadowmapFilter(inp.vtexprojcoord);
//TODO: fog
return result;