Luke Barratt
Added form view styling
Improved articles styling
Improved bbcode to html formatting
HTML and CSS refactorings
Moved Extra into concerns
Changed repo URL to read-only for deploys
Fixes quotes in comments
2014-04-12 02:35:42 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Improved forms and error styling
Revert colour changes
2014-04-10 00:43:20 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Improved form element styling
Improved article and comment styling
2014-04-09 21:44:04 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Cleans up articles, comments and widget styling
2014-04-09 01:50:07 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Start to cleanup old assets
Added new ISO country code flag icons to asset pipeline
Lots and lots of new style changes
Began converting to JS to coffeescript
2014-04-09 00:28:53 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Initial HTML refactor
2014-04-07 11:04:56 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Initial work using bourbon, neat, bitters and refills
2014-04-05 17:26:11 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Fixes logo position on forums pages
2014-04-05 02:07:59 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Updated logo to opaque version
2014-04-05 01:57:11 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Fixes repeated shout box submissions. Added delay of 2s between shouts
Fixes admin links
Fixes issue solution formatting
2014-04-05 01:37:52 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Updates to gather pages: Styling & Copy
2014-04-05 01:03:13 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Added 2 hour start date overlap for calendar events
Added new NSL logo
Change default gather passwords
Explicitly add sprockets to the Gemfile
2014-04-04 23:56:22 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Added ability to login with a username that is case insensitive
Added some missing translations
Small CSS tweaks
2014-04-04 20:38:44 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Added timezone based google calendar widget
Updated unicorn and capistrano deployment configuration for the staging environment
HTML formatting
Fixes errors when posting new issues
Added Google Calendar client code
CSS tweaks to layout
Added new .env vars
Layout tweaks
Updated contributors
2014-04-04 17:55:49 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Prevent errors when displaying flag icons for users that have not country set.
2014-03-31 21:57:56 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Removed dynamic_form and country_code_select gems to fold them in as a gem dependencies.
2014-03-30 23:32:11 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Changed newrelic configuration to load from environment variables
Changed login field text
Changed database configuration connection pool size to be configured via dotenv
Use a single BBcode parser library
Added better translations coverage
Code formatting
Increases maximum article text limit
Added database cleaner with the deletion strategy during testing
2014-03-30 20:50:52 +01:00
Luke Barratt
Purged git history and removed sensitive information.
2014-03-23 00:22:25 +00:00