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synced 2025-03-06 01:11:44 +00:00
285 lines
26 KiB
285 lines
26 KiB
"Language" "English"
"GameUI_ReverseMouse" "Invert mouse"
"GameUI_ReverseMouseLabel" "Reverse mouse up-down axis"
"GameUI_MouseLook" "Mouse look"
"GameUI_MouseLookLabel" "Use the mouse to look around"
"GameUI_MouseFilter" "Mouse filter"
"GameUI_MouseFilterLabel" "Smooth out mouse movement"
"GameUI_MouseSensitivity" "Aim sensitivity"
"GameUI_Joystick" "Joystick"
"GameUI_JoystickLabel" "Enable the joystick"
"GameUI_JoystickLook" "Joystick look"
"GameUI_JoystickLookLabel" "Use the joystick to look around"
"GameUI_AutoAim" "Auto-Aim"
"GameUI_AutoaimLabel" "Aims at enemies automatically"
"GameUI_ContentLock" "Content lock"
"GameUI_Content" "Content"
"GameUI_ContentRestart" "Note: changing some content options will cause the game to exit and restart."
"GameUI_ContentLockLabel" "Press this button and enter password to disable visuals inappropriate for younger players."
"GameUI_ContentStatusDisabled" "Enter a password to enable the content lock."
"GameUI_ContentStatusEnabled" "Enter a password to disable the content lock."
"GameUI_Enable" "Enable"
"GameUI_Disable" "Disable"
"GameUI_PasswordPrompt" "Please enter a password"
"GameUI_PasswordDisablePrompt" "Please enter password"
"GameUI_PasswordReentryPrompt" "Re-enter a password"
"GameUI_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_Apply" "Apply"
"GameUI_DemoPlayer" "Demo Player"
"GameUI_LoadDemo" "Choose Demo File"
"GameUI_Load" "Load"
"GameUI_DemoFile" "Demo File"
"GameUI_Map" "Map"
"GameUI_Close" "Close"
"GameUI_NeverShowButton" "Do not show this dialog again"
"GameUI_LoadGameHelp" "Select a saved game in the list below, then press 'Load game'."
"GameUI_LoadGame" "Load Game"
"GameUI_MultiplayerAdvanced" "Natural Selection Options"
"GameUI_MultiplayerCustomize" "Multiplayer Customize"
"GameUI_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer"
"GameUI_OK" "OK"
"GameUI_AdvancedEllipsis" "Natural Selection Options..."
"GameUI_AdvancedNoEllipsis" "Advanced"
"GameUI_PlayerName" "Player name"
"GameUI_PrimaryColor" "Primary color"
"GameUI_SecondaryColor" "Secondary color"
"GameUI_HighModels" "Use high quality models"
"GameUI_PlayerModel" "Player model"
"GameUI_SpraypaintImage" "Spraypaint image"
"GameUI_SpraypaintServerNote" "Changes to your spraypaint image take effect when you join a server."
"GameUI_NewGame" "New Game"
"GameUI_NewGameHelpText" "Select a level of difficulty or the Training\nRoom, then press 'Play'."
"GameUI_NewGameHelpTextUplink" "Select a difficulty level for the main campaign,\nor select Uplink or the Training Room, then\npress 'Play'."
"GameUI_Difficulty" "Select Difficulty"
"GameUI_TrainingRoom" "Training Room"
"GameUI_PlayGame" "Play Half-Life"
"GameUI_PlayGame_Alt" "Play Half-Life: Uplink"
"GameUI_Easy" "Easy"
"GameUI_Medium" "Medium"
"GameUI_Hard" "Hard"
"GameUI_Play" "Play"
"GameUI_EnableEAX" "Enable EAX Hardware Support"
"GameUI_EnableA3D" "Enable A3D Hardware Support"
"GameUI_SoundEffectVolume" "Sound effects volume"
"GameUI_HEVSuitVolume" "HEV suit volume"
"GameUI_MP3Volume" "Menu music volume *"
"GameUI_SoundQuality" "Sound quality"
"GameUI_High" "High"
"GameUI_Low" "Low"
"GameUI_UseDefaults" "Use Defaults"
"GameUI_SetNewKey" "Edit key"
"GameUI_ClearKey" "Clear Key"
"GameUI_Action" "Action"
"GameUI_KeyButton" "KEY/BUTTON"
"GameUI_Alternate" "ALTERNATE"
"GameUI_Windowed" "Windowed mode"
"GameUI_Renderer" "Renderer"
"GameUI_Software" "Software"
"GameUI_OpenGL" "OpenGL"
"GameUI_D3D" "D3D"
"GameUI_Brightness" "Brightness"
"GameUI_Gamma" "Gamma"
"GameUI_Resolution" "Resolution"
"GameUI_VideoRestart" "Note: changing some video options will cause the game to exit and restart."
"GameUI_EnableVoice" "Enable voice in this game"
"GameUI_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"GameUI_MicrophoneVolume" "Microphone Volume"
"GameUI_ReceiveVolume" "Receive Volume"
"GameUI_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"GameUI_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"GameUI_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Voice receive volume *"
"GameUI_VoiceTransmitVolume" "Voice transmit volume *"
"GameUI_SaveGame" "Save Game"
"GameUI_SaveGameHelp" "Select 'New Saved Game' in the list to create a new file, or select\na previously saved game to overwrite a file."
"GameUI_Quit" "Quit game"
"GameUI_SteamPassword" "Steam Password"
"GameUI_CreateServer" "Create Server"
"GameUI_Start" "Start"
"GameUI_Console" "Console"
"GameUI_Submit" "Submit"
"GameUI_Options" "Options"
"GameUI_Keyboard" "Keyboard"
"GameUI_Mouse" "Aim"
"GameUI_Audio" "Audio"
"GameUI_Video" "Video"
"GameUI_Voice" "Voice"
"GameUI_Advanced" "Lock"
"GameUI_Server" "Server"
"GameUI_Game" "Game"
"GameUI_SavedGame" "Saved Game"
"GameUI_ElapsedTime" "Elapsed Time"
"GameUI_TimeStamp" "Time Stamp"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettings" "Keyboard settings"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettingsText" "Reset all actions to use their default keys?"
"GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame" "New game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayDemo" "Play demo"
"GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame" "Load game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame" "Save game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer "
"GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers" "Find servers"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Customize" "Customize"
"GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer" "Create server"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "Options"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Quit" "Quit"
"GameUI_PasswordsDontMatch" "Entered passwords don't match!"
"GameUI_MustEnterPassword" "You must enter a password"
"GameUI_IncorrectPassword" "Incorrect password"
"GameUI_CantDisableContentCtrl" "Can't disable, content control was not set"
"GameUI_Loading" "Loading..."
"GameUI_Disconnected" "Disconnected"
"GameUI_ConnectionFailed" "Could not connect to server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFrom" "You have been disconnected from the server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFromServerExtended" "You have been disconnected from the server.\nReason: %s1"
"GameUI_EstablishingConnection" "Establishing network connection to server..."
"GameUI_ParseServerInfo" "Parsing server info..."
"GameUI_CheckCRCs" "Validating game resources..."
"GameUI_PrecacheResources" "Loading game resources..."
"GameUI_ParseBaseline" "Parsing game info..."
"GameUI_StartingServer" "Starting local game server..."
"GameUI_DisplayMode" "Display Mode"
"GameUI_AspectNormal" "Normal"
"GameUI_AspectWide" "Widescreen"
"GameUI_CDKey" "CD Key"
"GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Please enter your CD Key, which can be\nfound printed on your CD jewel case."
"GameUI_LoadingDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:"
"GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colors"
"GameUI_ColorPrimary" "Primary"
"GameUI_ColorSecondary" "Secondary"
"GameUI_ColorQuality" "Color Quality"
"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Text" "The CD Key you have entered is invalid."
"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Title" "Incorrect CD Key"
"GameUI_CDKey_TooManyTries" "Incorrect CD Key entered too many times. Exiting..."
"GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame" "Resume game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect" "Disconnect"
"GameUI_GameMenu_LeaveGame" "Leave game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame" "Change game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList" "Player list"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_Title" "Game is out of date"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_URL" "http://www.steampowered.com/autoupdate"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_Msg" "Your game is out of date.\nPress OK to go to Valve's webpage to download the latest updates."
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "Quit game"
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "Do you wish to stop playing now?"
"GameUI_ChangeGame" "Change game"
"GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "There are no other games available to play."
"GameUI_ForceGameRestart" "Changing games will cause the engine to restart."
"GameUI_Miles_Voice" "* Uses Miles Sound System.\nCopyright © 1991-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc."
"GameUI_Miles_Audio" "* MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from\nRAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology\nlicensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia."
"GameUI_MuteIngameVoice" "Mute in-game voice"
"GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice" "Unmute in-game voice"
"GameUI_AddToFriendsList" "Add to friends list"
"GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "Current players - %s1"
"GameUI_FriendsName" "Friends name"
"GameUI_Properties" "Properties"
"GameUI_AddFriendTitle" "Friends - Add Friend"
"GameUI_FriendAddedToList" "You have added %s1 to your friends list"
"GameUI_AddFriendFailed" "%s1 could not be added to your list.\nThere was either a connection error, or they are not running Friends."
"GameUI_NoOtherPlayersInGame" "There are no other players in the game."
"GameUI_QuickSave" "[quick]"
"GameUI_AutoSave" "[autosave]"
"GameUI_Type" "Type"
"GameUI_ServerName" "Server name"
"GameUI_MaxPlayers" "Max. Players:"
"GameUI_Password" "Password"
"GameUI_DARK" "Dark"
"GameUI_LIGHT" "Light"
"GameUI_VerifyingResources" "Verifying resources..."
"GameUI_VerifyingAndDownloading" "Verifying and downloading resources..."
"GameUI_UpdatingSteamResources" "Updating steam resources"
"GameUI_DownloadFailed" "Could not download %s1"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedZeroLen" "Could not download %s1:\nFile has no data"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedConClosed" "Could not download %s1:\nConnection closed by remote host"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadURL" "Could not download %s1:\nInvalid URL"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadProtocol" "Could not download %s1:\nOnly HTTP is supported"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantBind" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot bind a socket"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantConnect" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot connect to server"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedNoHeaders" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot get file info from server"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedFileNotFound" "Could not download %s1:\nFile does not exist"
"GameUI_CurrentPlayers" "Current players"
"GameUI_LoadingFilename" "Loading %s1 ..."
"GameUI_EventList" "Event List"
"GameUI_EditDirectorCommand" "Edit director command"
"GameUI_GetTime" "Get time"
"GameUI_GetView" "Get view"
"GameUI_Add" "Add"
"GameUI_Remove" "Remove"
"GameUI_Modify" "Modify"
"GameUI_Goto" "Goto"
"GameUI_Events" "Events"
"GameUI_Save" "Save"
"GameUI_Time" "Time"
"GameUI_CPUPlayerOptions" "CPU Player Options"
"GameUI_MediumBitDepth" "Medium (16 bit)"
"GameUI_HighBitDepth" "Highest (32 bit)"
"GameUI_PrecachingResources" "Precaching resources..."
"GameUI_LoadingSecurityModule" "Loading security module..."
"GameUI_SecurityModule" "Security module"
"GameUI_DownloadingSecurityModule" "Downloading security module"
"GameUI_ErrorLoadingSecurityModule" "Error loading security module."
"GameUI_FailedDownloadSecurityModule" "Failed to download security module."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionTimeout" "Connection to server timed out."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionFailedBadPassword" "Connection to game server refused.\nThe password you entered was incorrect."
"GameUI_SaveGame_NewSavedGame" "New saved game"
"GameUI_SaveGame_New" "New"
"GameUI_SaveGame_Current" "Current"
"GameUI_RandomMap" "< Random Map >"
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer" "Retrying connection to server..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer2" "Retrying connection to server (2)..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer3" "Retrying connection to server (3)..."
"GameUI_CouldNotContactGameServer" "Failed to contact game server"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your Steam ticket has expired.\nPlease re-enter your password to continue."
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_UserName" "Account name"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Password" "Password"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Login" "Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin" "Refresh Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_RememberPassword" "Remember my password"
"GameUI_Login_ErrorTitle" "Refresh Login - Error"
"GameUI_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login Failed. Please try again."
"GameUI_CrosshairDescription" "Crosshair appearance"
"GameUI_Auto" "Auto-size"
"GameUI_Small" "Small"
"GameUI_Large" "Large"
"GameUI_Translucent" "Translucent"
"GameUI_SetSteamCommunityName" "Change your name using the Steam settings dialog"
"GameUI_HDModels" "Enable HD models"
"GameUI_OriginalModels" "Enable original models"
"GameUI_AddonsFolder" "Allow custom addon content"
"GameUI_VSync" "Wait for vertical sync"
"GameUI_RawInputLabel" "Directly access mouse data"
"GameUI_LowLatencyLabel" "Reduce time between input and display"
"GameUI_RawInput" "Raw mouse input"
"GameUI_LowVideoDetail" "Low video quality.\nHelps with slower video cards."
"GameUI_TextureFiltering" "Enable texture filtering"
"GameUI_DetailTextures" "Detail Textures"
"GameUI_LowLatency" "Lower input latency"
"GameUI_UseShaders" "Use shaders"
"GameUI_WidescreenFOV" "Allow widescreen Field of View"
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_NewGame" "Start a new single player game."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_Configuration" "Change game settings, configure controls."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_LoadGame" "Load a previously saved game."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_FindServer" "Search for online multiplayer servers."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_CreateServer" "Host an online multiplayer server for others to join."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_ChangeGame" "Select a different mod to play."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_QuitGame" "Quit playing Half-Life."