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synced 2025-03-10 11:02:10 +00:00
git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@168 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
6655 lines
337 KiB
6655 lines
337 KiB
Fatal error: ED_Alloc(); No free edicts()
AMD chipset (both from AMD)
Windows 2000 drivers
AGP registry update
Latest NVIDIA driver
2832 fixes most or all freezing
512 chips ($157) ECC ($197)
1085 (Asus, dual 1.6 MPs, 1 gig standard)
GF3 TI200 - $178
Somerville police
- 617 625-1600
- 220 Washington st.
Pat's autobody
- 617 776-5810
Game objective
Summary: Multiplayer-only Half-life mod where one team plays marines and the other plays aliens. The humans must keep their cool and work together to assault an alien-infested spacecraft
- "First-person strategy" with a real resource model and consequences for actions
- Both sides are genuinely different and together they accommodate different play styles:
1) Fighting skill deemphasized for marines, strategy and communication take their place. Tense, not breakneck action.
2) Hero-based action, intuition and reflexes promoted for aliens. Communication and coordination don't require typing.
- Accessible, fast, mouse-driven interface: no keys beyond those used in Half-life needed
- Simple to learn and play, it is hard-core action/strategy for a mainstream audience
- Innovative social dynamics lead to memorable games
- Emphasis on polish and atmosphere
Get connected to CVS again - DONE 4/3/01
Get online backup working and right for new machine - DONE 4/3/01
Get samba working on new machine - DONE 4/3/01
Check-in all new code - DONE 4/3/01
Make HL look as good as Q3 (run tests with new gamma and Q3 textures) (ongoing)
Get game playable at a very basic level
Add spectator mode
+ Use tutorial - DONE 4/4/01 (still has a couple problems)
- Add collision detection (not immediate priority)
+ Add #spec_mode3, #spec_help and #spec_help2 to titles.txt - DONE 4/5/01
+ How to exit spec mode? Look how TFC handles enter, then do that for most keys.
Ready room
+ Create marine player, alien player (added class/team types instead 4/3/01)
Menu to choose marine, alien or spectator mode
Scratched menus, they are so nasty and convoluted. Using real world metaphor to choose teams.
+ Spawn in at avh_readyroom_start in "ready room". Players are of indeterminate class (what's their model and stuff? if default is used, we could have barneys, marines and aliens all in the ready room. :) ) - DONE 4/6/01
+ Disable weapons, damage and death for players in ready room. - DONE 4/6/01
+ Public chatting and team chatting function identically in ready room. Chat goes to everyone in casual mode, ready room and spectators only in tourny mode. - DONE 4/6/01
+ Type out the MOTD when first joining the server (look into env_message and game_text entities) - DONE 4/6/01
+ Presented with doors, one to join marine team, one to join aliens, one to auto-assign, one to spectate - DONE 4/6/01
+ Choosing marines spawns you in at avh_marine_start, Choosing aliens spawns you in at avh_alien_start - DONE 4/6/01
- Choosing spectator lets you spectate and talk with other spectators, not with people in game. Attach light to spectators in non-tourny mode
+ The marine and alien bases have a door to bring them back to the ready room... - DONE 4/6/01
+ Revisit/cleanup concept of teams
+ Allow any team mate to "purchase" a new teammate? Ie, someone in spectator mode?
+ When a player is in spectator mode with a future class set, don't allow spectator mode to free look and only allow follow of players of his team name
- When in tournament mode, both the marine and alien doors close. Respawns can still be purchased, but only from spectators that were just on a team.
- Tournament mode could even be set by two switches, one at each base. When both are set in the initial pre-game time, it is enabled. (sounds too easy for something so formal as a tournament mode)
- When round restarts, spectators are spawned back in ready room so they can choose teams (if they chose a team and were put into spectator mode, try to spawn in on that team first)
- Show tourny or casual mode on sign in ready room. (blinking "Tournament in progress")
- Allow disabling of spectator mode, so the door closes and people can be recruited from the ready room.
- Auto-assign door is disabled in tourny-mode
- Bug: MOTD doesn't work on net clients
+ Bug: Overbrightening not working on shodan
+ Bug: Players not being damaged outside of ready room (casual/tourny ruleset)
+ Rethink representation of rulesets - DONE 4/9/01
Late joining
"Observer" = Cannot play this match, includes match documenter, commentator (observer cam)
"Reinforcement" = Potentially was playing for a team, has indicated he wants to play on a specific team (fate cam)
Objectives: People get to play as much as possible, while still remaining strategic and still having some tension about sitting out
+ When marine or alien is chosen during pre-game, the team is joined immediately and the player spawns in
+ When chosen mid-game, the player becomes a reinforcement, waiting to join that team.
+ If auto-assign is chosen, the team with the fewest players/spectators is immediately set for that player's future team.
+ In true spectator mode, specatators can watch both teams freely, but they're stuck as spectators. When the next game starts, they'll get a message telling them to hit enter to play. True spectators will always be true spectators for the round, they cannot join the marines or aliens.
+ Reinforcements (those that are spectating because they died during play and couldn't respawn) can only watch their past/future teammates. They can still leave and join in true spectator mode.
+ In tourny mode, reinforcements can never become true spectators or join the other team.
+ In casual mode, any player that has been a spectator cannot join any team until the next game
+ Reinforcements can only start playing when purchased or a new match starts
- In tourny play, reinforcements are only brought in when a teammate purchases them. In casual play, the server will occasionally buy reinforcements for both sides simultaneously (for "free") if there exists compatible reinforcements.
- When a player becomes a reinforcement and is waiting to play, all the players on that team get a message saying "Reinforcements available"
- Show name of player on pie menu that will be brought in if a reinforcement is purchased?
- Add sounds that play when different spawns are used, round starts and round ends?
- Decrement points when calling in reinforcements
+ Add client command for ending the round
- Bug: Figure out why UTIL_Teletype isn't working (string issue?)
+ Only let pie menu be active when play mode == PLAYMODE_PLAYING
Create ultra-basic level
+ Starting points/zones/spawns
- Model basic level (spend a few hours max, two bases, one hall/room to connect)
Create entities at starting points
- Entities
+ Create new entities for alien spawns and marine spawns
- Create entity that indicates starting "building"
- Add code to use these spawns on death?
- Create entity that specifies where "bases" can be built, create a default one
- Check for draw as well (both teams lose within a couple seconds of each other)
Game server update
- Check for game victory: if all of a team's "buildings" are destroyed, that team loses
- Audio/visual countdown before the game starts, so players know to make their choice. Don't start counting until one player has joined each team, count avh_pregamelength after that.
Implement base resource model
+ Every player has point count
+ Award points periodically
+ Display current points on UI
+ Add point cost to all equipment
+ Only allow purchase of equipment when legal
- Only draw resource label when appropriate (fix "default text" as well)
+ When a player dies, check if he has enough points to respawn. If set, decrement them and do so. If not, dump him into reinforcement mode.
- Change this to decrement off commander instead
- Only draw resources if player role is squad leader or commander
(omit: - Draw points in red if not enough to respawn with)
User interface
+ Draw pie menu better so fonts are readable
+ Fade in nodes again
- Add ability to have spaces in text
- Disable nodes that aren't currently being used, draw differently
+ Draw point/info indicator somewhere for upgrades and weapons
+ Draw point cost or hotkey next to it
+ Later: Disable option when not enough points (!!)
+ Change highlighted bar to follow chosen path
+ Text isn't drawing (centered too)
+ Fade out nodes better
+ Space nodes differently in x and y
+ Lines should draw to edge of text (or maybe nodes is ok if filling in background)
o Lines should fade in (not sure FillRBGA can do this)
- Draw lines to disabled nodes in disabled color
+ Color of node should take into account whether selected or not
+ After selecting a node, all nodes light up and they shouldn't
+ Root node is white sometimes (argh, stupid vgui bug), FadingImageLabel to extend Panel instead and draw it's own background
X Increase size of bg image, make it oval and softer? Center image. Update 640 one too.
X New pie node artwork (can't have images)
+ Space out nodes so there is room for lines between them
+ Fix placement bugs that started happening after changing FadingImageLabel to extend Panel
+ Fix it not popping up the first time
+ Make it artificially taller (hard-code constanter bigger than just text height)
+ It's almost centered but not quite
+ Add tons of new impulses for all new actions, then hook 'em up
+ Fix bug where first time it's up it's in the wrong place
+ Add in other pie menus for other roles
+ Fix bug were the pie menu doesn't come up the first time...always!
+ Fix bug where SetRsrces is coming before the HUD is initlialized, sometimes
+ Disable Resources label when appropriate
- Grow hit area around it so it's easier to use
+ Only allow player death when appropriate (while playing the game and after the game has started)
- When siege turret hits something, create nice siege splash effect
- Only have siege turret able to hit a target that it or a teammate can see (so no cloaking)
- Change decals for organic weapons (they are bullet holes right now)
Add team scoreboard
- Show teams on each side
- Show relevant info (ping, rounds played, no frags, etc)
Top-down UI
- Starcraft mini-map is 34% of screen height, 25% of screen width
- Center is 25% of height for roughly 50% of middle of screen
- Right side is 25% of width, 31%
- Changing mouse cursor for marquee (!), one for minerals/gas
- Don't allow scrolling when marquee selecting
Predict gun-empty sound. gEmptySoundEventID
"Don't write any code you won't use."
- mouse dragging in HUD
- generic weapon config
- chain of command in many ways
To make the game playable
+ Enhance pie menu with touching cells
+ Added quick select mode all
- Key bindings:
+ Remove 1,2,3,4,5 commands
+ Add commands for primary weapon, secondary weapon, use equipment? (think this through, maybe just next weapon for now)
- Fix use item commands to use light, use heavy, use other
- Scratched all
+ for now, purchased weapons just use the crap weapons that are in there now
- Add entities that set your desired role
- Need to draw text when role changed "When game starts you will be a squad leader"
- Game starts 15 seconds after each team has at least one person. needs audio/visual countdown (right now you type 'startgame' at the console)
- When a role is chosen, display message that summarizes the role to the player
+ Expand test level to be somewhat playable (make three times the size with more spawns) (use marinestart7?)
+ Fix draw text commands so all these messages show up
+ Revamped messages, now they use titles.txt correctly and nothing is hard-coded
+ Messages for motd, marine roles, observer mode and more are now in
- Ammo...what to do about it?
+ Rework weapons a bit so they have ammo, clips, reload, etc.
+ How about buying an ammo pack that can be dropped and given normally.
- Make sure reload command works (plays sound, animation, takes a little time)
+ Make deployable mines (claymores)
+ Deploy like claymore on wall
+ Deploy like mine on floor (<45 degrees) (no beam)
+ Doesn't go off for teammate, emits beeping sound instead.
+ Fix beeping so it doesn't go off until mine is active, and not too often
- Make mines not cause displace you (so you can't get stuck)
+ Make beams not break for friendlies
- Make a deployable turret
+ Design, make class
+ Deploy it correctly, visually
- Fix collision problems
- Ammo? Damage? Attribute resources correctly on a kill
+ Does it need to be built before activated? Probably want this so turrets can't instantly be bought and deployed.
+ Better sounds (added hooks, sounds just need to be replaced)
+ Refactor current team in AvHPlayer
+ Refactor creation and dropping of ammo
- Bug: Turrets/marines/shotguns aren't hurting players
+ Bug: Can't select mines
- HUDs for each class
- draw current health
- draw resources, if applicable
- get mouse dragging working again to customize nicely (use when all components hidden) (if easy to get working)
+ Add concept of weight for everything that can be added to inventory. Weight changes your max speed. Carrying multiple weapons works differently though: only add the weight of the heaviest weapon you carry.
X add bool to panel that is debug only, never draw components that have debugonly set when this client variable is set
X add label that shows current weight, current top speed (debug only)
+ Print out current weight and speed when it changes
X After purchasing equipment, have concept of "held item"
- Allow "held item" to be dropped
- Add a (blinking?) message on HUD that says "Holding <itemname>. Touch a player to give it to them."
- Fill in pie menu entry to switch between DynDropPurchase to Drop <itemname>
- If leader touches soldier (only in his squad?) (not the soldier touching the leader!) then the equipment is given to the player.
- If the equipment is given, display message to leader and soldier indicating equipment was given.
- If the player can't take it, display message to leader and soldier explaing why it couldn't be given.
- Don't allow purchases until "held item" is dropped or given
- This has changed to just buy and drop the item at once. Less control but a lot easier to add.
X Commander is on the ground like the other roles for now
X Allow leaders to pick up equipment if they aren't holding an item
- Bring in reinforcements automatically (for now)
- For now, there are no separate squads. All marines report to all squads (this can change later, just get it working!)
- Resources on kill:
+ Calculate how many points a kill was worth
+ Split points between squad leader and commander
- Display message to player indicating: "your squad just just earned X points for your side"
- Feedback to leader: "your squad just got x points". Very important not to display to squad leader who got the points.
- Feedback to commander: "DarkBunny's squad just earned x points". Very important to show commander which _squad_ got the points. Rewards squad efficiency, not player efficiency.
- Weapons
+ Get shotgun functional
- Flamethrower
- Think long and hard about how to do this
+ Talk to Brian about it
+ Finish up particle systems so the look good and and relatively bugfree
- Get shotgun puff looking great (waiting for cory)
+ Get light dust cloud looking great (waiting for cory)
+ Fix particle shaking problem
+ Fix orientation of particles (test in observer mode too)
+ Fix particle systems not being added to full pack unless they have a model
+ Fix cone coming in at angle
O Fix "using" problems so they work well as button/use targets (also fix problem where other particle systems turn off)
+ Fix problem where events/particles don't fire every once in a while
+ Make sure .ps can do everything that avh_particles_custom can do (flags come to mind)
- Experiment particle/zbuffering interactions
+ Fix slowdown
+ Fix particle problems when loading a second map
+ Reset server template list
+ Reset client template list
+ Clear all particle systems from manager
+ Reload map
+ Resend templates
O Add knife weapon
+ Remove squad leader (8/8/01)
+ Add weapon buying for commander
+ Add team_command entity for entering and leaving commander mode
+ Fix up so you don't lose your weapons when moving between command mode and ground
+ Move marines to completely team resources
+ Revisit rewards for killing enemys, give team points for marines, individual points for aliens
+ Marines spend points out of team pool
- Movement modes
+ Jetpack
+ Get basics working
+ Fix prediction weirdness with fakelag
+ Add blue dlight
+ on client
+ on server
+ Add sound that plays
+ on client
+ on server
+ Bug: why doesn't the effect play locally depending on weapon you're holding?
- Add smoke spray out bottom
- Add jetpack as attachable model
- Modify jetpack so wishvel is taken into account, like flight
+ Test for victory
+ Victory mode where it says "x team wins" (it's got to be better than this, esp. given the longer length of games)
+ When victory mode ends, reset level and put everyone back in the ready room
- Optimization: check into marking func_waypoint and such with FL_DORMANT so they aren't updated to client ever
+ Tone down alien speeds (8/8/01)
? Lower marine speeds just a little for Lost Temple timing results
+ Have less differentiation for equipment (8/8/01)
- Placing buildings from top down mode
+ Need placement of turrets, phase gates, siege turrets (so models, or particle systems)
+ Desirable to have same code running on client and server, so put it AvHSharedUtil?
+ Maybe this is the same code that traces for right-click? It traces down to a avh_groundfloor?
+ If the client determines a successful placement, it sends request to server
+ Client can put it down immediately, server must send back error to delete it if it wasn't valid (sends message with "turret bought, or turret cancelled")
+ Get phase gate sound looping
O Get turrets rotating after placement
+ Add siege turret
+ Fix them so they fire
+ Add new effect when getting hit
+ Slow ROF, warm-up time
+ Minimum range
- Add camera tower
+ Have the resources affect incremental resources
- Have the resources affect kills
+ Set default incremental resource rate to 0
- Add health to camera tower so it can be destroyed
O Change how weldables look to the welder-wielding player
O Better sounds for turrets, let siege have different sound effects than regular turrets
- Make all buildings solid and fully built in testing mode, buildable in non-testing mode
+ Fix siege turrets to fire again
- AvHCameraTower should take damage
Ideas from Damon and Greg on camping trip:
- Commander micro:
- Allow commander to use power-ups, like originally intended (they cost maybe 1 pt each time they're used, they're all part of level 1 weapons research)
- Let commander build hunter seeker scout thing that he can move around. It doesn't path, just simple moves. It cloaks when still, but only provides LOS when not cloaked.
- Allow aliens to mass by getting picking up eggs off walls of hive and dropping them like dropping a weapon. When a marine comes within a certain distance, the egg opens and an alien attacks. After that tha elien goes back to his post and ventures within a certain distance to engage enemies. Allows aliens to rush, or keep them for defense.
- Damon doesn't like multiple commanders, conflicting orders
- Damon loves the idea of commanders turning turrets, because they can only be effective in a 90 degree angle or so
Tasks before trying to have a real game of marines vs. marines (6+ people)
- Soldiers, general
+ Weapon switching and showing your current inventory clearly
+ Reloading
+ Squad promotion and demotion
+ Fixed client-side prediction errors with weapons (make sure not to use random numbers anywhere!)
- The concept of armor, and heavy armor
- HUDs showing health, ammo, current weapon, armor, etc
+ health
- armor
+ ammo
+ CS hooks to let you play on a CS map
- Smoke puffs and other feedback for weapons
- Flamethrower
- Overwatch
+ Welding gun
+ Shell/boilerplate code
+ Weapon effects
+ One for welding near nothing
+ One for welding an object (smoke, hot glow). Use also for attacking.
+ New entity that represents a weldable item
+ When firing, check if any weldables are in the area. If not, check for target directly in front of us.
+ If welding, increase percentageBuilt by rate dictated by welder and build time of entity
- Welder repairs armor, with status bar
- Show message when near something can be welded, draw line towards it too
+ Get heavy machine gun back in
- New resource model (#4)
- Increase checking rate of claymores
- Revamp marine role messages
+ Fix observer targets
+ Chain of command
- Allow marines to defect
- Player can only become commander when there is at least one squad leader. If at the start of a round there are no leaders, change any commander to leader
- ...
+ Get player models working correctly for each marine, alien and ready room state
- Commanding
- Commander has no body
- Draw every player name on HUD (COC) with leaders at top, soldiers indented below
- Draw box around current squad, depending which is selected
+ When player is firing, draw blinking icon next to his name
- When player is being attacked, draw blinking icon next to his name
+ When player sees lifeform, highlight his name
- Draw player names in color that represents his health
- General LOS: Draw blips when near marines, don't draw elsewhere. When an enemy is in view of a marine, draw it normally (add to PVS)
- Resources allocated correctly, due to squad
- New player models
- Grenades (they should check to make sure they have a clear line to target before doing damage, so they can be used to clear hall while in cover near it)
- gas
- frag
- Leaders
+ All bought items dropped
- Fully develop commander role and communication between him and teammates
- Added "Enemy spotted" and "Requesting orders" for non-commanders
- Give automatic orders that speak to players "build objective", "weld objective", "guard player", "pick up weapon"
- Make it SUPER-clear what your order is. This is one of the big reasons why this approach hasn't worked in the past. My mom should know what to do and where to go.
- Add tons of elevators, doors, buttons, switchable lights, this stuff seems great for commander
- Draw waypoints in yellow when given, green when acknowledged. Yellow waypoints expire after 10 seconds or so (or when "negative")
- Definitely add powerups, they will transform the game
- Draw enemy hive locations on mini-map, draw visible enemies as red dots as well
- The commander can sometimes see red blips on the main view, that doesn't mean they are drawn on the mini-map
- Make aliens move much slower (except scout aliens?) so the micro-ing is useful for marines?
- Add localized description names for each func_waypoint so we can transmit orders like "guard location in the garage", or it speaks "guard location", then blinks arrow and shows "Move to the garage, acknowledge to accept"
- Communicate sub-menu sends trebley voice comms down to selected players (except taunt and a couple global ones)
- double-tap 1 jumps to squad 1, 2 -> 2, 3 -> 3
- Test teams by adding console command that changes renderfx for every entity in the world to yellow for neutral, blue for team1, red for team2
- How to show what can be welded
- Try to add graphical HUD for top-down using sprites
- Add power bar for jetpack and flight
+ Velocity doesn't break cloaking, only user movement and attacking!
+ Add entity that lets commander go into top down mode
Less important:
- Voice acks at start and stop of many actions
- Commander
- Phase gate
- Adrenaline
- Def matrix
- Camera tower/resource building
- Siege turret
- Blaze of glory (or something in its place)
- Life support
- Nuke gun (save until last because it may not fit in the menu if the chain of command doesn't work)
- Promity sensor?
- At beginning of round: (commander player) "Are you ready to give your life for your team?" (all players at slightly different pitches/timings/voices) "Sir, yes sir!"
- Nearby chat
- Laser designator
- Ability to mark a target location or person
- Buy item, hold it, then give it to next player you touch
- Accuracy system: less accurate the faster you're moving (what's this trying to promote?)
- Good first map (using existing map pieces as a start)
- TODO: Override int CHud :: MsgFunc_Damage to really customize damage feedback, ala Carmack!
- Automatic shoulder lights
Finalize mapping technology build
- Add gamma entity
- Make sure it restores when game crashes
+ Make sure it works correctly when map changes
+ Remove ToggleGamma() and command
+ Allow tweaking of gamma in mapper build only? Only if cheats enabled?
+ Allow tweaking of particle systems in mapper build only? Or only if special command line parameter? Only if cheats enabled?
- Include in docs how to modify screenshot using Photoshop using your gamma
- Add screen shot capability using PunkBuster stuff?
O Remove lots of stuff so it's totally unplayable
X Get view entity height working correctly
- Make start/stop commander mode work right, also don't show special commander HUD
- Fix up welding so it looks right on ground and in top-down view, also bring down number and size of particles and test on Shodan for peformance
- Finish documentation
+ Rework visuals, add particle editing docs, update in a big way
- Add section on hacker mode and how to use it (must wait until public release)
- Update commander mode entities (must wait until public release)
- Finalize hacker mode stuff (ie, tweak collision and feedback)
- Fix particle system normal problem
O Have many less assets to keep build small (create formal asset list?)
- Create docs on how to setup Worldcraft for use with it?
- Have separate mapper IDs, up until the mapper build becomes public
- Fix/remove LOS stuff
X Rename all entities to ns_?
O Convert all .rmfs over to NS entities
+ Add listps command that lists particle systems
O Remove support for <mapname>.ps?
- Test triggers that are in place when game starts. Remove trigger_ entities like ns_casualmode_enable?
+ Rename "specialsound" entity
+ Remove or add to glow entity
- Make sure order-giving works through multiple ground floor entities so we can have walkways
+ Rename ground floor to whatever Crinity/I decided to call it
- Finish sample level and all issues that go with it
+ Fix r_speeds with ceilings
- Incorporate into mapping guidelines
+ Fix func_waypoints...finally!
+ Water not showing up in top-down mode (are all entities being culled in top-down mode?)
+ can't cancel building anymore
+ Not smoothly scrolling anymore
+ Fix performance problem on _ground_ (top down works great)...func_seethrough, func_waypoint or clip brushes?
+ Get rid of random water effects?
- Add more shared experience stuff
+ Add hacker-mode stuff for commander
- Fix upper right corner
+ Add ready room
+ Add at least one particle system
+ Add periodic message indicating that game won't start until both teams have players
+ Update victory conditions to end whenever either team has no non-commander players with points and ability to respawn
+ Remove outdated console commands, move couple hard-coded ones into constants
+ Add end game as loss sound
+ Add knife sooner rather than later
- Add recoil system for weapons
- Make base movement without machine gun a bit faster (so going naked is more beneficial)
Alien playable goals
+ Figure out alien interface...pie menu? Gestural stuff? RMB as special? Multiple weapons via HUD?
- Design interface and upgrade system
+ Rework pie menu a bit to allow sprite nodes and connectors
- Fix pie menu to clip vertical connectors correctly
- Add leaf node sprite nubs
- Make spit a ball that collides, not a point
- Get alien weapons to show up on HUD, play a different sound when selecting and choosing
- Get alien weapons to be predicted correctly, something's wrong
- Morphing and upgrade system
- Designed and mostly implemented
- Make upgrades take time? Become an egg when morphing up to other lifeforms?
+ Give aliens some basic attacks so they can fight
+ Hive mind structure that spawns in at random avh_hive_start point
+ Spit weapon
- Dark swarm/gas
- Melee attack for level one
- Fix up flight
- Add effects
- Fix up wall jumping
- Add effects
- Fix up gliding
- Web?
- Wall running (big task I think)
X Egg laying for spawn points
- Acceleration, charging for artlu (takes awhile to get top speed)
- Player hulls for different size aliens
- Universal upgrades
+ Exoskeleton - Armor upgrade
+ Phermones - Increases movement speed
+ Regeneration - All aliens heals damage and armor over time
- Infravision - Player can see heat, even through world geometry (humans only for now...generators, phase gates, firing weapons? placeable heat entities so humans can hide out?)
+ Cloaking - When alien stands still, he fades to near invisibility. Aliens remain cloaked when attacking but not while moving.
- Acid blood - When alien takes damage, he inflicts damage on reflection of attack. Can hurt fellow aliens when team damage is on.
- Allow upgrading multiple abilities at once?
- Alien language/taunting
- Whenever an alien attacks and hits ANY player, he squeals and his adrenaline goes up
- Unified hive mind system
+ Basic system (including for marine side!)
- Draw it better so it's easier to tell the range (fade it?)
- Ideas for alien weapons:
- power up move that makes a sound, then attacks all players in range (like the electricity guys and blink dogs in Half-life)
- an alien ability that can be used to bring another alien back to life?
- some sort of gambling type, double or nothing ability. Each time you use it, you get pumped up more (faster, more damage, etc.) but you lose points of your current AND max health
Bigger tasks
- Nice scoreboard
- Basic system (teams, colors, schemes)
- going to ready room should change team to 0
- Draw team 0 at bottom
- Allow mouse to become visible when scoreboard is up (disable pie menu)
O Colors
- Player ID system
- Sniping
- Stim pack and other commander abilities
- Feedback for melee attacks
- Disable tech buttons when not allowed
- Fixup egg laying
- High jump, wall jump
- Growing melee
- Rework visible orders
- Regen near hive, get ammo near hive
- Friendly fire issues (make sure it works correctly in tournament mode, non-tournament mode)
- "stop-hit", "pull-back" and affecting velocity when hit by weapons
- Heat for marine weapons
- Charging (costs adrenaline, but you'll get it back if you hit!)
- Primal scream (adrenaline)
- Test commander blips
- Revisit tech tree and upgrades
- Voting system
- Turret solidity and build bug
- Make commander waypoints more clear in FP view
- Volumetrics (grenades and flamethrower)
- Eggs that visibly morph into creature
Little tasks (bugs, small improvements)
+ Lower gravity for flying only when jump is held down (allows gliding down)
- Allow WASD scrolling in top down mode
- Make sure area is big enough for gestation
- Fixup selection of welder and grenades
- Fixup grenades
- "Press a key to continue" when screen blocks during death
Possible features
- draw health and more in observer mode?
Ways to play:
- save money, use points for respawns
- seal up the place with welder, buy time, drop resource buildings
After watching Cory:
+ "Build turret" buys it and starts building it
+ "Next weapon" should be disabled when appropriate
+ Mousewheel should cycle weapons
+ Type out message: Activate the turret by pressing your "use" key on it. Say this whenever you're near an unbuilt turret, not just after buying one!
+ Bug: enemies aren't displaying message when killed
After watching Nate
- Put ladders in corners or near obstacles so they can't easily be overshoot when trying to use
Other stuff
- How to know whether your team is "winning"?
- When near a turret (or holding a turret before placing), draw circle showing it's area of effect
- How to look at another player and know their role and relation to you?
- Put chain of command back in
- Update to not use experience level but desired role
- Draw much smaller, use small font to do so
- Find bugs in it
- Manual reinforcements
- Sudden death mode where reinforcements aren't allowed after a certain point
- team scoreboard when holding tab
- ammo/healing (?)
- audio/visual victory, then observers/reinforcements respawn in ready room, those in game stay in the game
- basic level using new entities with ready room and two bases
Deferred/No longer needed:
- visual effects while building bases (you have to "use" the building kind of like the HEV recharge stations. after you use it long enough, it comes online and starts humming. multiple people can help to build it faster. I want the building to fade into view. also lets people have non-combat builder roles, esp. if allowing repair, or skilled building)
- ability to destroy bases to reduce resource intake (not working for some reason)
- equipment can be purchased any time but is only given when near/touching base (promotes falling back and planning)
First-person reaver-like cannon for aliens, can hit clusters, can outrange turrets, sneak past mines/trips
- Maybe have it do more damage to closer the target is? So it can outrange stuff but takes longer, or get really close for high-impact
Aliens need weapons that require cleverness and have neat side effects
- Things like blowing up ammo, affecting speed, damage multipliers, limpets, shooting projectiles that you can view from
Add lines to trace along to weld? Damn that'd be cool....
+ Write documentation that describes how to build levels using these entities
- Incorporate Zassert into rest of game
- Before MOD expo application
- New cursors (just waiting for Jason)
- New commander UI, polishing and tweaking for 1024x768
- Fix cursor behavior over commander UI
- Order giving (only if movie being made)
- Drawing orders better in first-person
O Pretty up marine UI (resources/reinforcements...hide for now?)
- Implement colorful and helpful mini-map
- Design and get working
- Add hooks for map-makers to customize? Specify minimum width/height for important entities so they show up?
- Add minimum view height to shading is right?
- Now that the aspect ratio is preserved, fix AvHTeamHierarchy
- Spruce how how marines look when selected
- Added spinning model that is colored according to player health
- Alien view model
- Take screenshots Tuesday night with mini-playtest
- Before MOD expo
- Fix every single crash
+ Add func_useables entity so commander doesn't have to click tiny buttons, he can click on the entities themselves!
- Tech release
t.calder@home.com, by tomorrow evening
kwarismian@home.com, icq: 5350815, MrBlonde (PolyFighter guy)
O Fix up mouse cursor disappearing issues
- Allow right mouse to mute players when menu is up
O Fix up particle editing
O Mouse issues
O Slider bugs
O Nubs too big
O Moving one slider changes another
- Everything should reset properly
- Welds
- Appearance isn't restored yet (won't matter for tech release because no welder)
O Breakables
- Door positions
O Weird issue with them
- Clear decals
- D3D commander mode compatibility
- Software commander mode compatibility
- Spawn in wrong place bug
- Mouse click "bounce"
- Fix up assert dialog
- Report symbols
O Make it simpler and easier to read, mouse cursor notification
O fmod.dll issues (ask to overwrite)
O Document trigger_random
O Add UI artwork for each resolution
- Tweak fonts for each resolution
+ Add installer
O Background art
O Readme indicating release status (only for mappers)
- Have NS verify it's own installation
- Make weldable areas obvious
- Movement keys while using commander mode
- Capture mouse in minimap
X Make sure weapons can be placed (changed: weapons aren't part of the build)
- func_waypoint building placement bug in ns_spacestation
- Make func_waypoints non-solid if possible
- Very last things
- Fix some schemes so they don't have background
+ Add message indicating that particle editing won't work in the ready room? Moved messages so they can be seen better also.
+ Fix raindrop
ftp.todaysclan.com, port 21
- Bugs to fix in first patch
O build minimap error...is there a max number of network messages? Change task to: remove old network messages.
O commander-only flag to func_doors?
O rewrite slider control
O Upside-down particles bug
- Culling/cleaning of particle systems
- allow particle editing before joining
- fix particle system network message overflow
- Cory fix blue textures
- Add mapper name and e-mail to fade in when map starts
- First hive should emit sound
- Gradual hive spawning effect (not sudden, more intuitive, give players an idea it's coming)
- Weldable drawing (hint text)
Before REAL MOD expo
+ AvHClient entities shouldn't draw
O Final click-bounce issues
O Fix popping sound when game starts
O Fix "goto alert" bug
- New waypoint system
+ Basic work
O Fix infinite loop
- Shouldn't allow building on steep surfaces
- Turrets sinking through the ground
- Fix overflow issues
- Add LOS for webs and eggs
O Get particle animation events working
- Disable nodes that are researched or can't be researched (not obvious right now)
O Polish up alien melee feedback so you know when you're hitting something
- Marine eyebeam lights
- Fix turret and building bugs
- Reorganize HUD a bit
- Big time reworking of order giving
- Get waypoints working again
- Ability to give "pickup thing" order to player
- Selection discrepencies
- Make blips useful and looking cool
- Ability to give a movement order to a bot
- I also want no crash bugs at all
- Replace really blatantly recognizable sound effects.
- Non-smooth scrolling issues
- Minimap accuracy/usability issues
- Make sure it works again with new system
- Do something different if no map extents are specified?
- Be able to weld any door (other things too?)
- NSTR2 -
O Token too long bug
- Into docs: instructions for converting particle systems:
1. Get a recent .map version of your .rmf. Do this by exporting your .rmf if needed. If this .map was last exported using the previous ns.fgd, you can skip step #3.
2. Open up your .map in a text edtior like notepad.
3. Search for env_particles_custom. Delete any lines that you see any of the following lines in:
- "particlesMaxAlpha"
+ Find someone to update mapping guidelines continually from the forum (tell them to e-mail me and Monsieur when it happens)
O Hulls.txt for CSG
- Welder, welding
- Feedback showing what is weldable
- Particle lifetime bug (Merks)
- the slider for particle system lifetime doesnt have a -1 setting, so if you edit a ps with a lifetime, and then edit one which is set to never die, then it uses the current value on the slider for the PS lifetime
<Merkaba> and of course once its died, u cant get it back again
- New mapping guidelines
- Visual rework (Mike)
O Add timing (a default marine takes 30-40 seconds to run between marine start and each hive, and between each hive)
- Define alpha sprites guideline
O Minimum frame rate, new r_speeds
- Particle velocities, use description from Relic in the forums (http://www.natural-selection.org/cgi-bin/UltraBoard/UltraBoard.cgi?action=Read&BID=4&TID=3343&SID=15832)
O Integrate commander mode EARLY, not later (Chromeangel - "Build your maps with commander mode from the start, don't try and add it later as that's a real nightmare.")
O .mp3 water sound fix
O Update .wad with Relic's textures
- Test func_nowaypoint and func_waypoint backwards-compatibility
- func_door seethrough entity
- Allow it to be hacked by checking for commander alpha
- command station targets
- If you have Photoshop, you can fake the gamma with Image->Adjust->Levels, then change input levels to 0, 1.00, 128 (for gamma ramp of 2)
O trigger_presence docs
O Include hive
O remove team_leavegame
O Update all sample maps
O Get mappers online to provide new samples
O Fix old textures
O Update to new entities
O Streamline build to use nshulls.txt and one examples.rad
- ns_solar?
O Quark update? (waiting for response)
O Auto-help hookup
O Add turret and ammo to tech tree for mapping build
- Make sure turrets and ammo can be built
+ Make sure people can't join when tournament mode enabled
- Turn off cheats by default (why is this set?)
- func_door bug (not opening when touched)
- New hulls problem (crouching in general?) (wrote Zoner)
- Ducking weirdness
- Level 5 not causing collisions
X Missing sprite on spacestation?
O Update .fgd to not say "Aliens vs. Humans"
O Update server.cfg and listenserver.cfg to be right for NSTR
O Remove player1.mdl (change to Gordon?)
O Add player sizes to mapping guidelines
O Welding
O Including building repair
O Get all assets
+ Get welder to show up in HUD selector
O Fix up team damage
O New particle docs from Merk (after it's released)
O Make phase gates round-robin
O Particles disappearing bug
O trigger_hurt not doing damage bug (looks like a hull issue, recompile with -hullfile)
- Crouching animation issues
O Most of it
- Sinking too far
- Problems with item placement via commander mode
- Works on bast, but not on hera or commander_mode
- Minimap scale issue
- It's better now, definitely not perfect
- Welder delay weirdness
- Shouldn't have to be on a team to edit particles
O Bring hive collision size up a bit
O Hives will no longer spawn in on top of you
O Bring alien speed down a bit
- Particles not generated properly from moving entities
- particle system lifetime bug?
- Fix alt-tab bug when asserting?
X Automatically e-mail maybe?
ftp://milkchug:jimmytheswitch@ftp.todaysclan.com/html/natural/ - you only have access to this folder. Address is http://milkchug.todaysclan.com/natural/
Tasks for PC Gamer
O Make MG presentable (also spawn in with MG)
- Change ready room model to marine
O Have all weapons use HMG animation
- Lots of hints
O Wall running
O Flight
O Explain hives
O Builder alien
O Help text for hacking
O Help text for welding, picking up items and attacking
- Help text for purchasing stuff and researching
- Show messages after a build ammo/item
O Show message after a build structure
O Tell players to use pie menu
- Fixup voice chat if I'm gonna demo it to them
O Allow talk from commander
- Make commander icon a special icon or color?
O Fixup building placement
O Transparent things (like dome in hera)
O Basic placement issues
O Improve marine weapon feedback and effects
O Add view window for minimap
O The map is displayed slightly off center still
- Fixup view window so it takes scale into account
- Clip view rectangle to component
O Research should make nodes go away
- Clean up appearance of disabled nodes
O Disappearance of nodes after researching
- Buy reinforcements, not infantry portal
O Make equipment purchases cost money
X Alien pie menu sprites aren't getting reset when "map ns_hera" after running game with bast
- Explain leap attack (or make it work right)
- Change alien weapon sprites to anything else?
- Draw resources for players
- Draw semi-nice alien resource level
O Play "you require more minerals" appropriately
- Don't ever let players get stuck
- Alien morphing
O Virus scan EXE before sending
O Make install
O Set up config
O Test on other machine
O Test with Mike or others in MP?
O Overflow fix
O Allow late-join no matter what for now
O Player ID
O Remove ping
- Draw health for friendly?
O Draw in different colors for enemy for friendly?
O Make commander mode useable (without using buildings)
- Add grenade?
- Receive updates or bast and/or hera
- Tripmine is huge
- Tool tips for alien pie menu
- Make webs more significant (increase ensnare time and allow webs to be cumulative?)
- Move chat up for commander?
- Team scoreboard + colors (esp. after death)
Fixes for NSTR2
- Lots of stuff. Hulls fixed, crouching fix, particle system isn't deleted until all particles are, welder is in and working, minimap scale fix, hives don't spawn in on players anymore, welder shows up on HUD, aliens are slower, team damage works better, buildings can be repaired with welder, phase gates operate round-robin (instead of random)
Effective micromanagement
Ideas about making micro-management as powerful as possible.
1. When the commander issues an attack order, his target's location is revealed to him, even if he can't see the target and even as it moves (because
the soldier will see the waypoint on his HUD).
2. I'm thinking of adding a "stimpack" type abiliity, where the currently selected player(s) gain speed (and maybe a damage bonus, ala Starcraft) for a
short time. This would probably cost points instead of health, not sure. Of course, if it cost something else other then points, that would encourage the
commander to micro even more. The hard part is not making it prone to abuse. If it costs health, a dickhead commander could kill off his team.
3. There is a full LOS in NS, so that means the commander can only see enemy units and structures when he's got a "unit" on the ground that can see it. Otherwise,
it's not drawn. Currently though, the commander can sometimes see "blips" that his players can't see. This happens when a player is close to an enemy player
or structure but can't see it. The commander can still issue orders to these blips and can act accordingly.
4. I'm thinking of some way the commander can mark areas as dangerous...like maybe he could quickly mark the mouth of a ventilation shaft as dangerous,
so the commander can use his knowledge of the environment to help players he's nearby.
5. Maybe if a player hits the unit/building he's targetting, it can acquire a "lock" and he'll do more damage? This is a bit artificial-sounding but this
could really go a long way towards effective microing.
6. The commander can "drop" weapons, ammo and possibly healthpacks to players. These items phase in almost instantly.
7. Possibly an ability the commander can research to allow a player to become invulnerable (but maybe immobile also?) for a short time.
8. Phase gates can be dropped in, providing a quick escape for players.
What I'm really looking for here is a way for the commander to affect the outcome of a combat. Like in Starcraft, there's this great thing where
you're constantly telling units to attack, run away, marine dance, attack new targets as they become visible, etc. You're always assessing combat too,
so you know whether to retreat or not. In NS, that doesn't exist yet, but I think it will with some more work. All the player move speeds are a bit
slower then most FPS games, so troops can be deployed with intention, people aren't just running the map wildly and also so the commander can actually select
players and give orders.
From Shackes:
"The only really viable professional game on the horizon is Warcraft 3, and that's not an fps. Because of that, the CPL is probably going to be "stuck"
with Counter-Strike for awhile. Doom 3 and Quake 4 are a long way away. So where do we go now?"
"The best thing that can happen over the next year of the CPL-CounterStrike relationship is to see the Counter-Strike community mature into something that
has stable clans and a plethora of players that are committed to being professional gamers, regardless of platform. That way, when a new CPL-worthy game comes
out there will be a huge community of clans and players that will compete hard at it. The serious Quake players and the serious Counter-Strike players, ideally,
will merge into one thing and the core community will balloon. Gamers will be unified, and the competition will be fierce. "
- From DOD map submission guidelines:
WADS and textures:
ALL textures will be inlcuded in either the .bsp file, or in a wad file with the SAME NAME AS THE MAP. No textures will be included in this .wad that are not in the map. The map will not point to other WAD files, only it's personal wad file.
ALL map models will go in:
ALL sprites will go in:
Sounds will go in a subdirectory of:
This subdirectory will have the same name of the map. So, each map will have its own
directory for sounds.
This includes flag models. If your objective system uses flags, then use the flags included with dod - No 600 poly waving flags that everyone seems to use. If a non-flag model is used for objectives, that's fine - as long as it's not high-poly.
NO INSTALLER FILES PLEASE. We here at the dod team know how to unzip a file! You don't need to include a useless installer that takes up extra space and clutters our program menu
with uninstall options! Just put your files in zip format, preferably unzippable to /dod/, not /half-life/.
Do not clutter your map submissions with useless filler! File size will be a MAJOR consideration in what maps we choose - if a file is too large, or not CRUCIAL to your map, leave it out or cut it down! (i.e., you don't need a 2 meg sound file to play during different points of the map!)
If you use sounds, textures, or models from ANY OTHER GAME OR MOD, you must note it in your readme.txt. If we catch people using textures from other games, and we're not told about it by the mapper, we won't hesitate a second to remove your map from 2.0 consideration.
BE WARNED: We have ALOT of submissions, so if your map submission doesn't follow these rules carefully, it probably won't even be put into testing rotation.
Features not to forget
- Blend on server, animation.cpp: "Like Adrian said, if you're doing custom player model blending on the client, you need to mirror that blending on the server or your hitboxes will not match." Digest, Vol #247 and #248
- Locational damage
- Recoil
- Medic role
- Add something a stationary marine can do for fun, to encourage waiting for orders instead of running off, when the commander's attention is elsewhere?
- Viewing health/ammo as commander
- Speaking to only selected players
- Players being slowed down when hit
- Slowing down marines
- Non-active items don't weigh as much (ala CS)
- Comm sat/scanner sweep
- Increase speed of spectators, big time
- Limit spectators to box in map
- Some way to prevent players from quitting the game, then coming back in on the other team as a reinforcement (track IPs of players that joined a game. If they leave the server and try to come back, don't let them back in until game finishes?)
- Display # of reinforcements ("empty slots", or the ability to join the team) on the scoreboard while in the ready room? Only allow auto-join after game starts?
- Marines slowing down when really wounded
- Check Tribes to get a really clear waypoint
- "trickjumps" for aliens
- Design a way for events to happen (needed for real community)
- Published skill levels for servers (more fun for all, anti-cheating too, but requires admins)
+ user.scr and settings.scr
- Spraypaint images
+ Call for action
- Look through, collate, test in game
- Add to .final wad
- Profile and optimize network usage
X CS seems to use about 1.5k in and out generally, NS is around double that (even with just one player) -- CORRECTION: This was when running the server and is comparable to CS actually
Exporting the db
export QUERY_STRING="action=DoLogin&Username=Flayra&Password=phar0ah"
export QUERY_STRING="CP=++&SID=24623&action=DoBackup&FORM_DESCRIPTION=&FORM_PACK=1&FORM_UPLOADS=1&Username=Flayra&Password=phar0ah"
<form action="UltraBoard.cgi" name="form" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="CP" value=""><input type="hidden" name="SID" value="24623"><input type="hidden" name="action" value="DoBackup"></td></tr></table>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="FORM_PACK" value="1" class="checkbox"></td><td width="100%"><font class="body">Compress the backup into tar.gz or tar format.</font></td></tr></table></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="FORM_UPLOADS" value="1" class="checkbox" checked></td><td width="100%"><font class="body">Backup all uploaded files.</font></td></tr></table></td>
<td width="60%" nowrap><input type="submit" value="Backup" class="button"> <input type="reset" value="Cancel" class="button"></td>
Set variable QUERY_STRING = "whatever=whatever&whatever=whatever" (may need \&) (or + instead of " ")
Type set when done and you don't want to see quotes
AAron: write down the "name" and "value" 's of each input that is "type=hidden" and those that you would interact with.
AAron: The interaction ones could be type=radio, type=button, type=checkbox or no type at all which is same as type=text.
AAron: just search for "<input" to find all the inputs.
AAron: remember you must include the "type=hidden" ones.
su - httpd (- is important)
script <enter> (like nothing happened, exit will drop you back to previous shell and tell the filename that it was saved to)
- Tech tree -
/ -> Turret factory (research for siege) -> <Chem lab (stim, pain management)>
Command center -> Infantry portal -> Armory (research for advanced armory) -> Arms lab (research armor, damage) -> Prototype lab
| \-> resources \-> Observatory (phase gates) \-> <Medlab (also allows healing weapon)>
\--> Auxillary command center
Select Command center
Build menu
(resource thingie) Infantry portal Weapon factory
Turret factory Ammo
Advanced menu
Turret factory Armory Medlab
Advanced weapon factory Observatory Phase gate
Nuke plant
Select Turret factory
Build turret Build siege turret Research siege turret
Select Weapon factory
Build shotgun Build welder Build mines
Build medkit (req. medlab)
Select Advanced weapon factory
Build HMG Build grenade gun (req. armory)
Select Armory
Three armor upgrades
Three damage upgrades
Select Prototype lab (allows new armor droppables from equip menu, placeable within range of any prototype lab)
Research jetpacks Research heavy armor
Select Observatory (allows scanning from equip menu)
Research motion-tracking
Select a marine (see health, ammo, weapons including current)
- Number of turret factories and distance to nearest factory together determine turret build time
This week (week of 1/14/02)
O Dentist
O Demo NS for Seven for XSR coverage and interest
- Export forums for Monsieur
O Get CGIs working
- Fix out-of-memory problem
- Laptop for Andy
O Reformat and install Win98
- Need a mouse
- Basic config
- Free ISPs
- Figure out what some people's issues are (JayDog, Eric, Joshes)
O Wrote Relic twice
O Heard from Josh M, Westward
- Talk to Paul Ruskay for meeting next week
O Email Lani
O Call Lani tonight or tomorrow early afternoon
- E-mail Jeremy?
- Write up hive mind specs for Cory
O Sign off on level 1 model
O Talk to Jeff about work he should be doing
O Mom visiting Friday, Saturday
Week of 1/21/02
O Call Lani, Monday, 5pm (8pm here)
- Safety deposit box (and recent backup)
- Mojo
O Email with model and task
- Talk with Mojo/team about animation
- Spec out image stuff with Matt
- Export forums for Monsieur
O Get CGIs working
- Fix out-of-memory problem
- Call WebAxxs again to export
O Call Monday
- Call and ask for Avelino Tuesday, 2:30pm
- Laptop for Andy
O Need a mouse
- Working copy of Word
- Basic config
- Free ISPs
- Max viewable entities problem
O Emailed Valve
O Tried my own culling
O Refactored AddToFullPack 1/22
O Particles don't draw 1/22
O Command station not drawing ever 1/22
O Some doors don't draw after being opened (doors that start down and move up) 1/22
- New site
O Installed Ikonboard 1/22
O Configured colors setup user groups, forums, titles 1/22
O Tested new site to make sure there are no dead links 1/22
- Get icons for new site (Posted note on dev, MonsE asking Comprox)
O Switch over IP to HostRocket account 1/23
O Lots more forum work (new icons, avatars, more) 1/23
- Fix HUD
O Fix drawing of non-square sprites 1/24
X Give commander invisible view model, hook drawing after that 1/24
O Convert commander UI 1/24
O Convert evolving graphic 1/24
X Change mini-maps 1/24
- Scaled sprites aren't drawing correctly in software, one of the engine calls probably returns something different (has to do with amount to project and z-buffer depth?)
O Fix ordering giving, building dropping, etc. 1/25
O Don't decrement points when cheats are on 1/29
O Scale NS sprite correctly 1/28
O Remove debug drawing 1/28
O Remove mp_drawall variable 1/28
O Document visibility scheme 1/29
O Allow visibility distance to be customized by maps 1/29
O Refactor map extents in a big way first 1/29
O Work on text schemes 1/29
- Allow different error codes for waypoints, so the mini-map looks better
O First pass 1/30
- Needs more work after mappers have a look at it
- Document F10 for mappers
- Document particle system propagation, one every .5 seconds
O Add setculldistance for mappers 1/29
- Document it
O Remove overwatch for NSTR 1/29
X Add bite gun 1/29
O Remove help for mapper's build 1/29
O Doubled mouse-cursor on scoreboard 1/29
O Allow voice between everyone in NSTR 1/29
O Add wpn_denyselect-a.wav to NSTR (also remove egg) 2/1
- Document particle entity field name changes
O Fix sprite HUD drawing so it doesn't move when the view angle hints (from damage or falling) 1/28
O Brightness in sprite drawing 1/29
O Modify top-down background drawing to draw smaller, not the whole map (may fix software issues) 2/1
O Have welder use other animation for NSTR only 1/31
O Restore turret to it's old state before releasing NSTR 1/31
X Fix up map extents, so you can't scroll commander origin to edge
O Fix PAS problem with .mp3s 1/28
O Propagate PAS for commander? 1/28
- Don't update context-sensitive cursor when over the UI
- Remove references to ns_solar from the mapping guidelines
- Add sky, clip and trigger textures to ns.wad
O Posted about in on forum 2/1
O Add 'high-detail only' option for particle systems (defaults to on) (lower-priority) 1/28
O func_illusionary flags 1/28
- Add note about doors changing their render mode from additive to textured, ask Relic to verify correct behavior
O Add quick fog entity (bad Charlie!) 1/23
O Moved turret and siege turret constants into skill.cfg 1/30
O Update all maps for new entities, test compile and test 1/31
O Removed sounds that we shouldn't be redistributing from NS, NSTR and install
O Fixed high_detail particle system creation bug (how did that ever work so well?) 1/31
- Comprox offered server for playtesting on http://www.artofwarcentral.com/ 2/2
Week of 2/4
- Andy computer
- Install Word (tried to, only one disk)
- Install new ISP stuff and test
- Send it out
- Pay rent and gas 2/5
- Save/restore gamma ramp for NSTR2 2/5
- Allow non 1.0 gamma on desktop
- Now gamma multiplies with your current gamma, so this seems correct (assumes that gamma set on your desktop is there to compensate for you monitor and/or your own eyes)
- Abstracted it into own class, much better now
- Resource towers
- Implement base 2/4
- Have concept of occupied func_resource?
- Selection issues
- All working 2/4
- More forum shit
- Called again 2/5
- Ticket # for WebAxxs: 63391 (1-877-932-2997)
- Found out results for export, discussed solution with MonsE 2/5
- Talked to Cory about open-sourcing artwork and his tasks 2/5
- Talked to Merk about func_resource and final NSTR2 issues 2/5
- Playtesting forum
- Conceptualized, created 2/5
- CVS repository stuff 2/6
- Make directories: c:\projects and c:\projects\StratHL
- checkout strathl\strathl to c:\projects
- checkout strathl\cl_dll to c:\projects\StratHL (continue for common, dlls, dedicated, engine, external, HPB_bot, linux, lua, mod, particles, pm_shared, testbed, textrep, ui, util, utils)
- checkout game_shared to c:\projects\StratHL
- checkout zhlt to c:\projects\StratHL (not engine!)
- Get laptop setup for NS
- CVS 2/6
- Experiment with different drivers for windowed mode, try debugging in full screen 2/6
- NS isn't running now, figure out why
- Write Isabelle at Turbine for Skit 2/6
- Updated and posted new art asset list 2/5
- Write Comprox about new button task
- Final final for NSTR2
- Draw scaled doesn't work for fov other then 90
- Allow particle editing when not on a team
- End game problems when player is commander
O Add trigger on build, trigger on destroy for func_resource 2/6
- Test 2/6
- Fix crash in software
O Investigated, posted thread on forum 2/1
- Test more
O Remove speed settings from trigger_presence 2/6
O Fix event playback 2/8
O Emailed Yahn 1/24 or 1/25
O Emailed Yahn 1/28
O Experiment with commander event playback 2/8
O Fixes for entity placement 2/11
O Shorten .fgd descriptions to fit in box 2/6
x Rename env_gamma to env_overbright?
** Fix infinite loop when scrolling around
- Add Merks final docs and samples to install
- Update .qrk when Howling has it
- Test uninstall
Week of 2/11
- Talked to Cory about Relic, Comprox, new tasks 2/11
- Implemented camera HUD view (bad Charlie)
O Fix triangle drawing of black background 2/11
O Fix selection problem when overriding angles 2/11
O Fix other weird drawing problems 2/11
O Line up in UI 2/11
O Added cl_hudcam 2/11
- Add special code to propagate info for players when they are selected
- Add special code to allow all selectables to show their view_ofs and angles properly
- Docs
- Remove speeds from trigger_presence docs
- Add Merk's recent post to mapping guidelines
- As everyone should know, the level 1 alien (Bob) is able to climb walls, and sit on ceilings. There is a small problem concerning this, due to the way halflife determins the brightness of a model. It takes the brightness setting by looking at the floor directly below it, meaning that if your ceiling is in darkness, but your floor is brightly lit, an alien sitting on the ceiling will also be brightly lit. This, of course, poses a problem. It might only be a temporary problem as it could be that Flay finds a way to take the brightness from the wall the alien is attached to, but for the mean time, be cautioned that dark ceilings and bright floors aren't a good mix.
- In various places of Hera, I have pipes/girders running along the ceiling but leaving a 64 unit gap or so above them, so aliens can run along them without being seen, and having the correct light level applied to them. This of course also means the pipe has to be made a func_seethrough (Unless its not a large obtrusion), but that shouldn't be a problem.
- The level 5 alien is a large creature, which means that it can only travel through large corridors. I suggest you try and at the least have a direct route between all 3 hive rooms which is large enough for the level 5 to pass through. Also bear in mind, though, that marines must have at least a 30 second walk between the hives. (unless they have jetpacks/welder, which can be used to open up / take alternative routes, if you do so wish to implement such a strategy in your map.)
- Fix in mapping guidelines: The caveats with the line of sight computations: sounds and weapon effects are still played for the commander normally. This means the commander can still deduce information about an area that he can't see. If he's hovering over a ventilation shaft with a noisy alien inside, he'll be able to hear the alien if he's close enough. If the alien fires, the commander will see his weapon effect, but not the alien itself
O Research mods from mod college
O Worked with Mojo to get sentry into game, also tweaked sizes and model data for siege 2/13
O Laundry before Vegas
O E-mail Casey or otherwise contact him
Week of 2/18
O Play Warcraft III beta 2/18
O Waste time on forums, showing WCIII to Skit, and hanging out with Skit 2/19
O Bills after Vegas 2/19
O Pack and mail computer to Andy 2/19
O Pack and mail forgotten cable to Andy 2/20
- Document new func_seethrough (door now) in mapping guidelines
O Updated resume, print to .pdf, sent to Erik Johnson 2/21
- Added back in old func_seethrough, added func_seethroughdoor
- Submit new build to Monsieur, then test it when ready
O NSPatch.exe in startup folder?
O I broke fog, I need to fix it. 2/22
O NS logo doesn't draw when player is an alien. 2/22
- NS logo shakes with view (this was fixed too!)
O Fix problem with spawning in general (esp. when there are no active hives) 2/22
O Spawning without hive stuff 2/22
O Fix up sample.rmf to be playable for aliens, compile and test 2/22
O Allow spawning in on alien start pos without active hive if cheats are on 2/22
O Merks maps may not be drawing correctly, due to recent change in func_seethrough and func_seethroughdoor
O Fix selection circle when selecting world brushes (0,0,0 problem) 2/22
Week of 2/25
O Update mapping guidelines for NSTR2 release 2/25
O Update env_fog too and re-upload 2/25
O Add func_seethroughdoor entity docs 2/25
O Update NS.org 2/24
- Update ns.org downloads section tonight
O Updated NSTR forum description 2/25
O Call mom
O Check-in
O Check in everything in NSTR2 2/25
- Tag it
O Post note to dev
- Write thank you note tonight to mappers that helped out
- Wasted the day drinking coffee outside, reading the forums, playing some SC, showing NS to Julian, grocery shopping, chatting with Mugsy and Autolycus, talking with Chaminda, drinking wine, and 2 hours of design work
- More alien design work
- Added new alien building (infrastructure, new base class for building weapon, contemplated AvHCompositeWeapon)
- Cleaned room
- Greg came over for dinner, Q2, etc.
- Link lifeforms to # of hives
- Add upgrade buildings
O Add weapons, placeholder art 2/28
O Add upgrade messages 2/28
O Track unspent upgrade categories and upgrades, propagating to player 2/28
O Different construction sounds for aliens, only let builders build 2/28
O When upgrade buildings are finished, give the upgrade to the team! 3/1
- HUD work
O Draw icons for unspent upgrade categories 2/28
O Draw icons for current upgrades 2/28
- Rework alien pie menu
- Draw blinking icon for pending upgrade category
- Draw blinking icon in pie menu for pending upgrade category
O Draw icons for upgrades in pie menu 2/28
- Distinguish purchased from available?
- Auto-buy last upgrade in a category
- Draw icons better in HUD
O Refactor AvHBuildable, AvHResourceTower, etc. so alien buildings are AvHBaseBuildables and there isn't any redundant code 2/28-3/1
O When killing an alien building, remove upgrade capacity and random a upgrade from every alien 3/1
- Alien resource tower only on func_resource
- Phase gates and alien buildings sinking through floor
O Fixup bots so they morph and buy upgrades on their own 3/1
- Buildings only within bacterial stream
- Error message or other notification when not in stream
- Add all new upgrades
- Defensive
- Offensive
- Movement
- Sensory
- Add bacterial stream "gun" for builder
O Add projectile attack for builder (non-hitscan bullets?) 2/28
O Call Phiroze 2/28
O Pay rent 3/2
- Add bacterial stream
- Plan it first
- Guts
- Graphics
- Add alien score (buildings and kills)
- Remove marine score
Esp. for Iron Lore:
Highest priority at top:
O Put new buildings in 3/14
O Tweak building time (it's way too long in general) 3/14
O Make sure hera works without visibility problems (good as I can get it) 3/14
O Test and improve spawn code (I think it's better, can't repro horrible bugs from last night though) 3/14
O Add minimaps for hera_10_3 3/14
O Fixed hive sight 3/14
O Buildables take damage correctly (was the problem for melee only?) 3/14
O Fix turrets again 3/14
- Make sure "blocked by" error doesn't show up
O Phantom weapon 3/14
- Scoreboard
- Fix placement in bast if possible
O Moved marine radar to right side 3/14
Changed assets:
- Code
- New hera_10_3 minimaps
- New alien buildings
- skill.cfg
- titles.txt
- ui.txt
- sprites/crosshairs.spr
- sprites/640mw1.spr
- sprites/640mw1-s.spr
- games/half-life/ns/liblist.gam
X Allow pie menu to be bound to non mouse key 3/11
X Now fix mouse part again
O Unified hive sight for all 3/12
O Marine upgrades present after death (handle team-wide upgrades for everything) 3/12
O Fix new selection issues 3/12
- Alien resource model affected by resource towers (alter hive spawn time too)
- Getting stuck in resource towers
O For marines 3/12
- Hive drawing bug
- Step into morphing/alien-building enough-room code
O Fix marine resource tower placement 3/12
- Fix niggle where you select building as it's placed
O Bug where components and pie menu go away after being reinforced 3/13
O Fix tech nodes disappearing 3/12
O Tone down spit damage and range 3/12
O Draw resource costs for lifeforms 3/12
O Draw current # resources for alien players 3/12
O When spawning, make sure the area is free or choose another spawn! 3/12
O Don't mark webs as enemy 3/13
- Check that the right hulls are being used (flier weirdness)
- Give buildings tons more health (res tower 3 hits with flier bite)
O Lots of people, game restarted, "all spawns in use", crash (I THINK I got this) 3/13
- Infantry portal functional
O Get new artwork in, scale it down, precache, etc. 3/1
- Spawning model
- Menu
- Periodic spawning
- Button to allow reinforcement immediately (later add name of player that will be respawned?)
- New system
O Don't respawn player after death or when joining team, set player as reinforcement
O Gamerules::UpdateReinforcements():
O For each hive, if there are any reinforcements, spawn the one waiting the longest, play animation, play effect for player
O For each infantry portal, if there are any reinforcements, spawn the one waiting the longest, set position on top, play phase effect
O Change observer cam to only allow spectating of team when you are a reinforcement. Handle case where only player left is in top-down mode.
- Infantry portals research reinforcements on their own when there are people waiting and not in tourny mode
- Fix phantom weapon
O Remove old ensnare gun
O Test/fix upgrading of resource towers 3/12
- Fix building placement on bast (just bite the bullet, it'll take 10 minutes)
O Revisit resources in general 3/13
O Fix spamming use sounds when building stuff 3/13
O Joining game with cheats off after it starts, only sets desired team, not full team (scoreboard is off, no valid chase camera targets) 3/12
O Rework upgrades completely (oops, bad timing) 3/11
O Test all alien movement modes 3/12
O Test all alien upgrades
O Add gestation times to skill.cfg 3/13
- Scoreboard
O Understand this thing first 3/5
O Get teams right 3/5
O Don't reset players that are already in ready room at the end of a match 3/5
O Show DEAD indicator in scoreboard 3/6
O Show Commander indicator in scoreboard 3/6
O Show score correctly for marine team 3/8
- Color changing bug?
- Show score correctly for aliens
O Increment score after building you bought is created (tricky) 3/5
O Decrement score after building you bought is killed (tricky) 3/5
O Increment score after a kill 3/5
- Reset score after leaving team
- Draw "reinforcing" status
- Armor and ammo upgrades
O Make sure upgrades are still present after death 3/12
O Jetpacks (do they still work?) 3/12
- Double check numbers
- Show alien resource costs for stuff
O Grant hive sight automatically 3/12
O ** Fix placement of resource towers
O ** Aliens getting stuck in buildings, walls or other players **
O Bug where switching roles while pie menu is up makes it go away temporarily 3/12
O Ability do disable ASSERTs on server via variable 3/11
O Delete all buildables on game reset 3/11
- Sniper weapon
O Added shell of weapon 3/9
- Add automatic zoom
- Adjust ammo, ROF, damage, sound effects
O Add crosshairs 3/13
- Paralysis weapon
O Added basic functionality 3/9
O Add crosshairs 3/13
- Better frozen effect
- Adjust ammo, ROF
- Add other sensory upgrades
O Post TODOs for next playtest (art and levels) 3/4
- Alien upgrades
O Created placeholder art for all upgrades 3/4
O Draw blinking icon when upgrade is available 3/4
O Remove empty grid, draw icons properly 3/4
O Fix HUD drawing so it doesn't bounce around 3/5
- Defense
O Armor, regen 3/4
O Pull-back issues 3/4
- Offense
- Make these work
- Movement
O Speed 3/4
O Adrenaline 3/4
O Silence
O Leaving water sounds 3/4
O Falling sound 3/4 (made falling sound for aliens too)
- Sensory
O Hive mind 3/4
O Cloaking 3/4
- Hearing
- Add another instead of hive mind (make that default)
O Fix pie menu so it draws correctly (finally!) 3/4
O Add help text for each upgrade 3/4
O Write Mojo to make sure he's checking the boards 3/4
O Updated mapping guidelines with info_gameplay 3/5
O Test out recent work posted on mapping forum, provide feedback 3/5
O Write Paul and Brian about playtest details 3/5
O Put in real healths for different buildings 3/7
O Put in destruction effect for all buildings 3/7
- Write Westward to ask what he needs to get marine in
- Make sure basic tech tree is running
- Selection problems (where you can't select commander station every again)
- Draw bounding boxes around all entities in testing mode to fix floating buildings
- Tech tree and building stuff
O Allow cancelling of research (2/3 * timepassed refund) 3/6
O Don't allow building or building of anything if structure isn't fully built 3/6
O Select command station when becoming commander, remove selection when logging out 3/6
O Make sure menus and buttons operate correctly, even when status changes while selected 3/6
O Draw "not built" when unbuilt buildings are selected 3/7
- Fix resource tower not showing up on menu
O Fix RESEARCH_CANCEL costing 2 points 3/7
O RESEARCH_SIEGE in titles.txt 3/7
- Mouse cursor change over a building?
O Server infinite loop in AvHSHUServerTraceWaypoint()
- Some way of making the buildings much more obvious on the ground and for the commander
- Draw them one way when not built, another way when built
- Moving outline, yellow when not built, green when built?
- Draw health for selection
- Make sure buildings can't be placed on top of each other
- Buildings floating above the ground
O Deal with down forums 3/7
O Fix up player ID problems 3/7
O Elited interview 3/6
O Valve interview response and associated jubiliation 3/6
O Alien buildings too big 3/7
- Spawn problem with marines spawning in alien base
X Getting 2 points for a kill instead of 1
- Aliens cloaking and not decloaking even while moving (bots do this)
O Remove wall-crawling for level 2 3/7
O ASSERT after building structure (overflow) 3/7
O Rework visibility determination. Now it works properly and cleanly for all entities. (check bottom of AvHGamerules::UpdateVisibility()) 3/7
O Fix welding again 3/10
O Fix spawnhive command 3/10
- Alien weapons
O Make web shoot projectile 3/8
O Ensnaring is now cumulative, and players gradually recover 3/8
- Fix bug where strands can't be cut
- Tone down range and damage for spit
- At least 3 new ones
- Sinking through floor bugs 3/6?
- Spawn bugs
- Intuitive placeholder art for buildings
- Infantry gate into game
- Alien buildings and sizes
O Added motion-tracking upgrade 3/7
O Come up with list for building animations, post it, get Mojo to use it for all buildings 3/7
- NOTE: I play generic deploy, research, death and fire sounds, though we will probably move to embedding sound events in the animations for diversity and accuracy later
- NOTE: Many models won't have unique animations for all these. All animations should exist though and should at least have a good default keyframe. All animations are always played.
- NOTE: The order is important. I play animations by their offsets. For consistency, let's keep all the building animation names the same. $include these animations to they are all the same.
- spawn (1 frame, not really animated, closed-looking)
- deploy (blends from spawn to idle, can take .5 - 2 seconds) (I play generic deploy sound, we will probably move to sound events on deploy later)
- idle (blends from deploy, optional)
- idle2 (blends from deploy, optional)
- researching (pistons moving, spewing smoke, etc. Looping.)
- active (spawning reinforcement for infantry portal, creating alien for hive, most will be empty. If you don't know if it should loop or not, make it loop.)
- fire (turret, siege turret, most buildings won't need this. Looping.)
- die forward
- die left
- die backward
- die right (most models will have identical death animations, but maybe small models will have all these)
- Hive animations
- Turret factory animations
- Gestation model from Cory
- Don't allow spinning in place
- Overwatch (remove or make less powerful)
- Tried to make players in dark not visible, but it always returns 128
- Show hive progress indicator (goes down whenever a player respawns, grows faster with multiple resource towers)
O Added "hightech" cheat 3/7
O GDC plane tickets and hotel 3/9
- Put in some new weapon effects from Scott H.
- Alien animations
O Talk with Mojo about code changes 3/7
- Generic death animation
- Wall-running
Early this week:
X Gamedev meeting
O Call Rich 3/2
- Call Hersh
Week of 3/25
O Catch up on post-GDC e-mail and forums 3/26
O PHL interview
O Spice it up, send it off 3/26-3/27
O Meet with Jon for dinner, coffee and SC 3/26
- Contact Paul Ruskay
- Listen to more HW music and samples
- Get Steam SDK
O Write Rick Ellis
- Player animation list for Mojo
O Write up tech tree button and order icon specs 3/26
- Call Andy
- Call Jeremy!
- Keep calling Jeremy
- ICQ Humbled
- Decide on 4MB limit or not, and change guidelines
- Write letter to Ted Kennedy about internet music
O Checkin playtest code
O Post Wazz's picture when forums are back up 3/28
O Post in general about lack of map update for Monsieur
O Oil change Friday, 7:30am 3/29
Great quote
"If you want to build a ship, don't drum up people together to collect wood or assign them tasks and
work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea." -- Antoine de Saint Exupery
Before playtest, Friday, April 5th (maybe Saturday instead?)
- Fix ALL selection issues
O Turn off prediction 4/3
O Turn click-selection into lasso selection 4/3
- Fix issues
O Don't allow multiple building selection 4/3
O One problem left: don't select building locally on a build action 4/3
- When there are multiple selections queued, don't change local selection
- Fix visibility again (mp_drawinvisibleentities 1)
O Remove performance optimization first and see if that fixes it. Nope. 4/4
- Hmmm?
O Can't join alien team without cheats on
O Fix observing stuff 4/4
- Find and fix overflow error?
O Investigate server logging 4/4
O Add network message logging 4/4
O Add logging for assert 4/4
- Spawn hive bug where two hive models were in the same place?
O Problem where hive isn't drawn/spawned when game starts? 4/4
- Game balancing
- Make sure everything needed is in skill.cfg and is clean
O Add tons more values 4/4
- Test this
O Formulate game pacing on paper 4/5
- Forumulate resource model and pacing in spreadsheet
- Start working on spreadsheet 4/5
- Learn how to use excel
- Ongoing
O Remove text that shows current command 4/4
O Hive healing 4/4
O Implement
O Slow down
O Test regular player regen again
- Remove armory researchables after researched (and motion-tracking)
- Fix AvHTeam ASSERT in th17
- Scoreboard problems
O Ability to see chat text in commander mode 4/4
O Level 3 view height 4/5
O Enable music 4/5
O Increase click size when selecting a unit 4/4
O Fix motion-tracking 4/4
- Hive gives you a few points, buildings give you a couple
- Draw cost when selecting a weapon?
O Update team page 4/4
O Sniper gun should be in slot 3, with semi-real sprite
O Shotgun rate of fire 4/4
- Killing last hive, then killing alien gets "allspawns full" bug then assert or crash
- Fix bug where prereqs aren't being recalculated when menu is open
O void AvHCommanderModeHandler::Update(const AvHTechNodes& inTechNodes, int inNumPoints)
- Shuffle alien weapons around to get level 4 playable for playtest
- Get sniper weapon working for level 4
- Add a couple more abilities for level 4?
O Fix gamma resetting after game ends 4/4
O Put time limit and point cost on webs 4/4
- Pie menu not on mouse button
- Tried to fix and failed, put off until more important things are fixed 4/4
O Fix floating buildings 4/2
O Doesn't work if I copy most spawn code from turret into Buildable 4/2
O DOES work if drop a turret instead of a buildable alien building (!) 4/2
O What if I inherit AvHBaseBuildable from CSentry? Nope, that didn't work. 4/2
O Does movement chamber work with the sentry model? Nope. 4/2
O Does movement chamber work with sentry size? Yep! 4/2
O Func_resources shouldn't be selectable or viewable unless marine nearby 4/3
O Don't allow selection of anything that's not visible 4/3
O Reset frags (score) at start of match
- Water hive can't be built on hera (blocked by seethrough)
O Allow morphing down 4/3
- Alien damage upgrades
O Melee 4/2
O Ranged 4/2
- Ignore piercing for now?
O Profile server 4/1
O Download, install VTUNE 4/1
O Fixed performance problems (resource, visibility) 4/1
O Spawn players in with more ammo
O April Fool's press release 4/1
O Catch up on forums 4/1
O Alien melee weapons must have button pressed each time 4/2
O Send present to mom 4/2
- Fix up HMG
O Add M&D to MSN Messenger 4/1
O Talk to MonsieurEvil about trip 4/2
O Tell MonsieurEvil about NS World 4/2
O Better build options for commander (select players) 3/29
O Add turret and sisege turret to player build list
O Write Mojo about playtest tasks 4/2
- Remove the level 5 (jack up the price)
- Fix placement issues (on bast and elsewhere)
- Balance down builder
- Range on spit
** Reservations at Christopher's ** 4/1
O Take 30 seconds by default to respawn in as alien 4/2
O Decrement alien respawn cost for aliens, if possible 4/2
- Builders spawn hives
O Add basic weapon
O Mail Merks about sprite
O Make animation visible
O Add error messages and make using it intuitive
O Fix bug where view model goes away and doesn't redeploy for builders 4/2
O Buildings and hives grow automatically 4/2
O ...but can be helped by builders only 4/2
O Make sure all alien buildings fade in when building on their own
- Alien resource towers should build on their own
- Play building sounds
O Make regen much less powerful 4/1/02
- Spawn problems when late-joining (wrong team? desired team?)
- Team isn't set to the team that we want to join
- Not allowed to join aliens for some reason
- Test with fakelag beforehand
- Possibly fix overwatch
- Player ID functionality for buildings
O Missing health bug 4/2
- Tuesday, 6pm, IRC, Frank and N@rby
Week of 4/8/02
O Web site update (playtest, April Fool's) 4/8
- Car junk
O Transfer insurance (phone) 4/1
O Go to Liberty Mutual for form, fill out form 4/11
O Go to DMV, new registration 4/11
- Inspection, photo inspection (within 7 days of 4/11)
- Get parking sticker, pay parking tickets
- Renew registration
O Taxes
O Do Taxes 4/11
O Check back to confirm 4/12
O Postmortem Tuesday
-- Internet playtest #2 --
O Crash when hitting tab in ready room (maybe only when there is no one on any team?) 4/9
O Crash when hitting ESC to go to menus 4/9
O Overflowing: 4/10
x SZ_GetSpace: overflow on netchan->message
O Implement special system for handling all reliable messages 4/10
O Look into sending data as unreliaable?
O Make very general purpose
- Release to HLcoder list
O Visibility problems (maybe they'll go away when ladders are fixed?). Fixed. 4/11
O Visibility now computed twice a second 4/12
O Particle systems no longer visible to commander unless a player is nearby 4/12
O New pistol model (thanks Mike)
O Pie menu going away, coming back during/after death 4/11
O Make hive sight on by default (hive sight upgrade now non-functional) 4/9
O Fixed up chat between observing, ready room, and game 4/9
O Bunny-hopping allowed with speed upgrade 4/9
O New mouse cursors, new order sprites (thanks Relic!) 4/9
O Givepoints works in commander mode 4/9
O Hive too weak 4/9
O Respawn problems
O Use different key for going back to ready room
O If joining marine team, join as reinforcement (added mp_latejointime) 4/9
O Scoreboard reports REIN and DEAD, as well as ready room and spectator state properly 4/9
- One last case: when spectating, you sometimes see REIN
- One more: player death doesn't send down message to update scoreboards
O When observing as a reinforcement, you can never follow an enemy 4/9
O No 2 second delay when spawning into gate 4/9
O Added mp_latejointime (# of seconds after game starts that players are still allowed to join a team normally, currently 25 seconds) 4/9
O func_resources not resetting properly 4/12
O Number of resources 4/12
O Particle system 4/12
O New way of doing particle systems (also allows you to look at a resource to see about how many resources are left)
O Increased health for level 1 to 70 HP 4/9
O Ability for players to look at a node and see how many RPs are left (one big step towards this with new particle system behavior)
O Evolve times adjusted 4/10
O ASSERT (timeout) when hitting ESC when playing
O Missing bast sounds
O Web strands made less visible 4/10 (great idea, Wurmspawn!)
O Double clip size for machine gun, or 2.5 4/6
O Friendly fire off by default (tournament mode off by default)
O Leaving commander, then immediately logging back in kicks everyone 4/9
O Weaker builder (decreased health) 4/9
- Known new problems
- There is some network weirdness that happens in the first 5-8 seconds of the game starting. It's not serious
- Weldables reset at the end of the round better (no more weird textures and they actually function), but they come back invisible now.
- Mid playtest #2 patch
- Commander voice now goes to everyone, not just selected units
- Movement chamber now creates a turret (just like marines'!) instead of the movement chamber (this is a big gameplay test)
- Turret range is now 500, instead of 1000 (note that siege range is 1500, so it can be used to take out turrets)
- Turret damage is now 5, instead of 10 (per bullet)
- Initial alien points is 30, instead of 10
- Alien respawn time is 15, instead of 30
- Alien respawn cost is 0, instead of 6
- Files: hl.dll, skill.cfg
Week of 4/15/02
O Catch up on forums 4/15
O Talk to Cory about art progress in general 4/15
O Call Chris and Elaine about sink, be here for it to be fixed 4/16
O Check-in code 4/16
O Parking sticker on Wednesday
O Inspection (insurance photo inspection too) on Wednesday
O Release network meter source code to HLCoders and Off-topic 4/19
- Game tasks
O Prediction errors 4/16
O Ladders
O Ready room spawns
- Add nuke 4/16
O Get it working 4/16
- Fix explosion sound
- Fix ticking sound
O Unbreak alien resource model (top alien gets twice the points) 4/16
O Add code to compensate for tied players 4/18
O Add droppable health (!) 4/16
O Turrets should be tougher, but more expensive 4/16
O Connect, disconnect sound effects 4/16
O Hive should regen players faster 4/16
O Regeneration doesn't make a sound unless you're at a hive (nice tactically, but grating) 4/17
O Improve cloaking to actually be invisible, not to be glowy/additive (thanks Relic) 4/17
- Alien abilities (2 days worth)
- Wall-jumping
O Blinking
O Hooks for weapon 4/17
O Implement body of weapon 4/18
O Add effects, debug 4/18
- Make it more useable somehow
- Umbra (puff to block turret sight)
O Hooks for weapon 4/17
- Implement body of weapon
O Level 1 2nd ability
O Parasite, means marine is marked on hive sight (until healed? forever?) 4/17
- Also, if level 1 hits enemy, he should be parasited too?
O Level 1 3rd ability...divine wind! 4/17
O Resource towers made more expensive (for both sides) 4/17
O Grammatical error fixed when near a friendly hive (WHEW!) 4/17
O No longer allow more then three of each type of alien upgrade building 4/19
- Add scanner sweep!
O Get it working 4/18
O Have it turn off cloaking 4/18
- Allow it to be built even on water
- Get one point for killing buildings, 2 for turrets, 3 for siege 4/19
O Give crosshairs to alien weapons 4/19
O Need two hives for level4, three hives for level5 4/19
- Hive sight improvements
O Hive gun showing up for everyone 4/19
O Show different status for players under attack 4/19
- Why isn't this working?
- Show sayings for friendlies
- Hive sight should show when target is being attacked (hives, players, buildings), also on by default
- Fix welding (using Relic's test map)
O Givepoints removed 4/19
O Marines always get a minimum of one resource point every injection interval 4/19
O Get score for parasiting 4/19
O Cloaking sound reduced more 4/19
- Turrets should unacquire targets that are cloaked
- Resource particles disappearing when looking away
- Turrets not spinning
O *Fix third hive placement in hera
- Only do visibility culling for commander
- *Fix droppable alien weapons, and aliens picking up marine weapons
- Fix problem where build-hive shows up for everyone now
O Draw hive sight always
O *Don't allow marines to pick up weapons they already have 4/18
- Make phase gates usable vs. early rushes (allow marines to attack aliens, but beam back easily)
O Allow building with multiple marines selected
- Minimap rework
O Automatic reinforcements 4/16
- Marines should start with resource tower
- Allow all doors to be welded (and the welds destroyed)
- Draw circles around all marines and buildings, fill circle when selected
- Add/switch more marine sayings: <20>Incoming<6E> , <20>Stick together<65> and <20>Need backup<75>. (also, people didn't seem to use "help!" too much)
- Add alien communication options on pop-up menu (esp. attack coordination)
- Building/player feedback when hit (audio and visual)
- Hotgrouping
- Building sizes, to allow buildings to function like walls
- Builder spray
- Scoreboard info that's wrong
- Add some effect for redemption (sound, sprite, something)
- Floating resource tower
O Cloaking sound way too loud, cloaked players are visible too
- Overwatch
- Allow slowly moving while cloaked (for anti-turret and general freakiness)
- New files:
O Nuke stuff
O connect.wav, disconnect.wav
O health pickup, health model
O ammo model w_ammo (used to be w_chainammo in the .pak)
O Assets for parasite, umbra, blink, divinewind (not umbra)
O maps/ns_bast.bsp, ns_bast.wad, sound/ambience/hotspark.wav, sound/doors/doormove6.wav, models/tripod1.mdl
O liblist.gam
O ns.ps
O sprites/640aw*.spr
O ui.txt, and 6 alien sayings
- All weapon_.txt files
-- Internet playtest #3 --
- Big performance problems
- Take out bot thinking, profile game with tons of bots
- Can't seem to repro performance spikes.
- Try VTUNE (ugh)
- Try Microsoft profiling (ugh ugh)
- Try QueryPerformanceCounter and timeGetTime()
- Tone down alien resource model (so builders don't suck resources from everyone)
- Level 1 is way too weak
O Increased health 4/9
- Add ability for slot #2?
- Draw points costs to the right of the weapon sprite
- Fix commander mode selection problems (when selecting command station, or when first using it)
- "the occasional null response from the UI was very deterring and I did not want to hinder those who were my responsibility" - Wurmspawn
- Add more help messages, and make this system a bit more sophisticated (lots of people said these were helpful)
- Possibly allow only one alien upgrade from each category to be chosen?
- The sensory structures should act as nodes for hivesight (Wurmspawn!)
- Ready room chat
- Bast minimap
- AvHPlayer::line 5007 (assert numupgrades)
- Infantry gates can cause people to get stuck when the respawn (check above when placing and also when respawning)
- The alien pie...of course worked fine (<except> when some dufus hadn't built 4 defense upgrades, trapping me in that upgrade menu)
- Constant HUD info showing name of current commander "Commander: KungFuSquirrel"
- Indicate growth of hive (else it's not obvious that it's growing)
- Allow alien menus to show cost of aliens, even if higher then your current resource count
- Allow alien abilities to be seen and selected, but not used (looks like out of ammo) when hives aren't present?
- Inf gates should respawn players automatically, for free, every so often
- New welder sprite
- Revisit either alien upgrade system or upgrade placement
- Remove respawn cost for aliens
- "The hive cluster is under attack" should happen much less often
- Add hives to hive sight
- Draw things in hive sight differently when being attacked
- Top problems everyone has
- "Which alien am I?"
- ""
- Updated files for patch
O titles.txt
O client.dll, server.dll
O bast sound files
O pistol view model
O listenserver.cfg, server.cfg
O New bast .bsp
O New ns_bast.wad
O sprites/order*.spr, sprites/640order*.spr
O sound/weapons/hg-*.wav (four new sounds)
O hera.bsp
O hera minimap sprites
O ui.txt
O selectioncircle.spr
X assets for chatting in ready room (?)
O new bast minimaps
O c:\games\half-life\ns\liblist.gam
Week of 4/22
- Gamehelper interview
- Write Josh and Cory, talk about alien view models
- Post open animator position on NS.org news
- Write Cory about new "position"
- Write back artists and have them work with Cory
O Write Mojo with player animation list 4/22
- Update art asset list, send to Cory (prioritize?)
- Update screenshots on web site with playtest pics
- Forward Mojo work to Cory
O Bills (health insurance Wed.)
O Meet with Cory on phone 4/22
O Meet with Mike on phone 4/22
- Call Jeremy Soule and get moving on sound
O Called 4/22
- Write him e-mail, send him tons of work samples
- Features and fixes
- Right-click to cancel building, not just ESC (Bilko)
- Space cycles through last few alerts (Bilko, War III)
- Scrolling around via WASD (everyone)
- Indicate that alien resources are yours, not the team's (Ecks)
- Test NS with HL1109
- Fog seems like it might be broken
- Get rid of chat/team-chat on pie menu, move some stuff around, add req. health
O Onscreen indication to show you when commander is present, and when you're commanderless 4/26
- Onscreen indication to show when you're parasited
O "Team resources", "Your resources"
- Command station selection
O Start selected 4/23
- Remove idea of selecting it somehow?
O Builder spit at top of menu 4/23
- Flier changes
- Slow down flier a bit
O Make spores come later 4/23
- Add sniper weapon
O Hive sight tweaks (new artwork, tweak distances, draw when in sight) 4/23
- Add/fix "under attack" hive sight
O Increase damage on LMG 4/23
O Reduce builder power 4/23
O Remove UpdateMasks(), then disable network queueing, make a few network calls non-reliable and see if that fixes overflowing 4/23
- Tech tree images!
O Implement 4/23
O Get Relic to rearrange icons into bigger sprites, then fix code to get under 128 sprite HUD limit 4/23
O Code changes to make this work, test in multiple resolutions 4/23
O Get Relic to add build, advanced, comms and cancel sprites 4/23
O Sprites are black in-game 4/24
O Get Cory to change commander UI artwork so sprites are square (blurry in the meantime) 4/26
O Cleanup health, pistols, nukes at end of round 4/25
- Helpful entity sprites
O Implement basic system 4/23
O Scale up, remove building progress bar for commander and marines 4/23
- Don't draw buildable/researchable command station
- Scale techhelp correctly, so it doesn't look so weird (orders too)
- Offset icon, then add line that draws from icon to help target origin (draw box around it?)
O Fixed bug where ammo was piling up at landing pad on hera 4/25
O Loud, long alien build noises 4/25
O Fix for playing incorrect sounds (alien sounds for marines) 4/25
O Updated FAQ (release date, anti-cheat, playtest questions, team positions) 4/25
- Fix turrets
O Rewrite the bastards completely, make them AvHBaseBuildables 4/25
O Damage, target acquisition 4/25
O Not aiming down
O Floating in air when dropped
O Sinking/flying ground when hit
O Adjust hit points 4/25
O Test siege 4/25
O Firing animation
O New marine UI! 4/26
O Everything but pie menu
O Adjust death messages for each mode
O New marinescheme for all scheme files
- New commander UI artwork
O Highlight logout button 4/26
O Blinking alert button 4/26
- Red for attack, orange for notification
O Add commander button artwork, does nothing yet 4/26
- Test in multiple resolutions
O Add "alert" console command for testing 4/26
O Fixed floating resource towers! 4/25
O Fixed bug where hive sight and other HUD elements were drawing when dead 4/26
O Performance logging only if more then 10ms 4/26
- Add help icons for special entities
O Breakables 4/23
O Command station 4/23
O Hive 4/23
O Weldables 4/23
- Useables (mark buttons and stuff with user3_useable)
- Pickup stuff (make sure all items are getting user3_marine_item)
- Add text along with it?
- Make it look nicer, by changing it to use scaled sprite code, not SPR_ stuff (fixes orders too)
- Disable view movement when gestating so gestate model looks right
- Floating player models?
- Add/switch more marine sayings: <20>Incoming<6E> , <20>Stick together<65> and <20>Need backup<75>. (also, people didn't seem to use "help!" too much)
- Visible entities problems
- Fix particle system culling first
- Assets
O .dlls
O sprites/techtree/*.spr
O models/gestate/gestate.mdl
O sprites/helpicon-*.spr
O ui.txt, config.cfg, server.cfg, listenserver.cfg, titles.txt, skill.cfg, liblist.gam
O models/b_armor*.mdl
O New hive sight sprites (friendlyblip.spr, enemyblip.spr, enemyblip2.spr)
O sound/vox/ssay41.wav
O sprites/healthring.spr
O gfx/shell/newest stuff
O gfx/env/mars*.*
O New hera (rename ns_hera)
O Hera minimaps
O sound/misc/a-build*.wav
//- sprites/overwatch*.spr
//- sprites/marinenode.spr
O sprites/mainhud.spr
O sprites/hud.txt
O sprites/640hud7.spr
//- sprites/crosshairs.spr
O *textscheme*
O sprites/commandstatus.spr
O sprites/logout.spr
O sprites/topdowntop.spr
O sprites/topdownbottom.spr
O sprites/commandbutton.spr
Changes for NSIPT6
O Better install process: automate .zip creation with asset list 5/15
O Rename server dll to ns.dll and update build process 5/15
O Level 1 bite more powerful, less energy 5/15
O Less energy to fly, more on spores 5/15
O Alien chat obscured (write test case?)
- Fix alien spores?
- Make sure AvHBaseBuildables are being removed from world on death 5/15
O Unhacked AvHBasePlayerWeapon::AddToPlayer() (finally) 5/15
O Resource scalar for aliens, little/no resource cost to respawn for aliens 5/15
- Refactor mines to be marine weapons
O Mines no longer make beeping noises as often, and only when players are touching them
O Mines won't go off before game starts either
- Mine rate of fire
O Fix shotgun spread, new effects
O Aliens not-respawning bug 5/17
O Crash hard drive 5/17
O Decide on and purchase new computer 5/17
O Install motherboard in old computer 5/17
O Reinstall everything 5/17
O Order sound effects CDs 5/17
O Aww yeah!
O E-mail madness
O Debug network freezing 5/17
O Get new mail setup under Outlook 5/17
- Work with Chris on backups
O First pass 5/17
- Fix grenade launcher
O Nuke cost increased to 40 points 5/17
- Prediction issues for leap and knife (after it was just deployed)
O Brought down spore cloud radius from 300 to 250, brought damage from 8 down to 7 5/17
O Fixed leap so you don't have to jump 5/15
O Clean up decals (entity limit!)
O Removed them client-side 5/15
O Remove them server-side 5/15
- Buildable command station
O Basic code change
O Notify mappers of the change
- Wait for their new maps
- Move command station back to brush-based entity for now
O Level 1 can now outrun marines 5/17
O Level 1s should be able to catch up to marines, without the speed upgrade
O Victory condition bug for aliens
O Fixed bug where going back to ready room doesn't take you off the team (you could cause game to start by joining and leaving each team) 5/17
- Weapons, ammo, health, should decay, webs stay longer (entity problems, visibility problems, too easy for marines to come back)
- Picking up alien weapons (put a breakpoint in the touchground, drop(), spawn for the weapon maybe?)
- Marines don't see when they pickup weapons/health
O Random (bell-curve) starting resources system for aliens (please don't work around this, use what you're given, it's a playtest!) 5/17
- Spit killing welds bug
- Respawn delay fix for infantry gates
- Verify adrenaline help text is correct
- Don't take energy if alien building couldn't be built
O Fixed bug where all speed upgrades weren't being used 5/17
- Infantry portal should be more obvious (light, sound, more expensive too)
- Upgrade buildings for advanced versions (cuts down on art and entities too!)
O Regeneration is twice as fast now (now 2/4/6 points per second) 5/17
- Show health, weapons, ammo when selecting marines
- Make sure I'm using tri strips instead of quads everywhere, it's probably faster
- Mines blow each other up, should be more expensive too
- Backpedalling marines should be slower (along with strafing)
- Keeping your weapons selection & energy after gestating an upgrade would be nice
- Rebind pop-up menu
- Silence should affect your weapons as well
O Figure out sound deal once and for all 5/15
O Decided on sound lib and Scott 5/15
- Create sound asset list for Scott
Changes for NSIPT7
O Redo repository and get @Backup setup again 5/22
O Fixed max entities problem (this was the main server crash we saw) (maybe this fixes overflow?) 5/22
O Rework hive sight 5/23
O Web stuff 5/23
O Webs now affect friendly aliens in tournament mode
O Webs are now permanent
O Web energy cost increased to .2
O There is now a team limit on webs, if you try to build more, you'll get a message saying your team is at the max
O Webs slow down marines more
O Do scan to make sure there aren't too many webs in one area
O Solidity problems for web...how to destroy yet not block the player? Welder removes webs now!
O Moved resource tower gun to second slot, as 1 hive is needed
Buildable command stations!
O Fix command station entity (make it functional, stop it from floating)
O Menus, costs
O When command station is destroyed, only allow kick out commander if there are none left for team
O Make command stations buildable, but first one starts built
Allow building recycling for cash
O Get half points back, unless it's destroyed before it finishes
O Works for most buildings, but not turrets...fix
- Test recycling
O Added first pass of shotgun artwork 5/24
Fix problem where selecting command station didn't change the menu
- Add alien turret (using offensive chamber)
- Added basic code...but it's crashing
- Try marine model
- Fixed it, it was a NULL ping sound (note to self: random crashes in the engine occur when playing a NULL sound name)
- Now it's firing, but it's blocking itself
O Fix hive respawning (again)
O Fix marine respawning (ASSERT)
Rework minimap
O Refactor naming to "entity" instead of "player" 5/23
Fixed bug where "couldn't play sound "/" message displayed when using the level 4 melee
Added first pass of level 4 artwork (thanks a ton Mojo!)
Added first pass of shotgun (thanks Def_One!)
Added first version of ns_penumbra (thanks Yamazaki!)
Added second version of ns_freon (thanks Narby!)
Not yet:
Add button that sets current menu to that of command station
Add minimap to soldier view (!)
Changes for NSIPT8
O Hive hitpoints tripled (6000) 5/27
O Added secondary alien building functions 5/27
O Spike attack energy cost increased slightly, web rate of fire increased to 2 web per second instead of 1 per 2 seconds
- Rework siege turrets into real artillery role
O Remove them for now
- Track slowly, slightly inaccurate, can only directly hit non-moving targets
- Draw visible rocket, maybe Quake 1 rocket speed
- Fix mine placement
Rework minimap
- Add player location to info that's propagated
- Use this player info to draw
- Remove rectangle, add sprite nub instead
- When clicking, make sure you go to exactly the place you expect to
O Marine armor and damage upgrades toned down considerably
O Marine respawn cost higher
O Alien resource tower and hive costs increased
O Resource nodes now have 150 resources instead of 300
O Ammo pack cost reduced to 1 point (was 2)
O Playtester contact list
O Tweaked weapon speeds (welder weighs, slow grenade launcher, lighten shottie, etc.)
- Building refactor
O Rename armory to arms lab
O Rename weapons factory to arsenal
- Remove adv. weapons factory, add upgrade instead?
O Add ability for marines to get more ammo by using the arsenal
O Sound effect list back to Scott
O LMG artwork and animations
O HMG artwork and animations
O Pistol artwork and animations
O Including empty reload
- Fix non-predicted reload
- Networking issues, could this be related to the problems with swimming, ladders, func resources and buildings?
- Test vanilla delta.lst on Basespace
- Still have these problems, points to pm_shared changes?
- Shotgun artwork and animations
O Artwork and base animations
- Special reload
- Don't allow remote command stations to build remote command stations!
O Show level of alien in scoreboard
O Also, don't show rank for opposing teams
- Give points for building a hive (to 5)
O Increased points for building resource towers also (3)
- Refactored hive to be an AvHBaseBuildable
- Weapons factory changes (rename Arms Factory?)
O Gives ammo to current weapon slowly when used
O Help message when near
- Only allow construction of weapons within its radius
O Write Relic about particle creation problem and sticking points in engine room, also ask about weapon icons (player AKs player2)
- Tons more alien sounds, some other high-tech sounds
- The LMG, HMG, pistol and shotgun, fully animated and working perfectly (shots, reloads, etc.).
O Hive sight that shows you EVERYTHING under attack. If something comes under attack all the way on the other side of the map, it will blink red so you can do something about it. It's not just players and hives anymore, it's everything. I haevn't been able to repro the hive sight not showing up bug, but that will likely be fixed as well.
O Showing state for aliens (LVL1, LVL2, GEST, DEAD, etc.). The state for a player only shows for his team.
O Movement chamber must be "used" to teleport.
O Help messages for both friendly and enemy alien structures.
O Def chambers should heal everything on your team
O Tons of balance changes (hive hitpoints way up, marine respawn cost up, weight/speed tweaks, tons more)
O The ability to walk up to the arsenal (what used to be the weapons factory) and hold your use key to resupply your current weapon with ammo, slowly.
- Fixed mines, with brand new mine artwork
X Buildable command stations can't build other command stations
- Tweaked alien turrets
O They fire smoothly (Client-side alien turret effect)
- They fire more accurately
- Fix bug where you sometimes can't select any buildings
- Always cloaked bug
O Level 4 regenerating
O Defensive chambers now also heal other buildings, hives, etc.
- Resetting of buttons (test on lights in bast marine start)
- Fix getting stuck when morphing
O Hive animations (two idle animations, two flinches when attacked, death animation, scared when touched by enemy on other team)
- Fix increasing lag/performance problem
- Draw hive icons where there is no hive, don't draw them where this is a hive
- Hive sight not always visible
- Remove some more sprites?
- New version of hera
- Minimap on bast sometimes gone?
- Remove hive sight radius check, experiment
- Cut down on some sprites via tech help, didn't seem to help
- Fix grenade launcher aiming
O For Iron Lore, just put in fixed server-side grenades again, with fixed aiming
- Add a temp entity
- Fix aiming
- Add trailing smoke?
O Play HUD sounds quieter
O Weapon selection
O select.wav
Files to remove from the install:
O Movement chamber should only activate with use key
O Put in help message for this
- Ammo, health and weapons should always fade out (but it should take awhile when placed by the commander, or if it's within range of a marine building?)
O Level 1 spiky footsteps
O Increase hive sight to be unlimited
O Fixed bug where rebuilt hives weren't full health when spawned
- Disallow "model x" command
- Remove leap cheat
O Level 1 view model for bite, parasite, leap and divine wind!
- Get more sound effects
- Highest machine gun upgrade sound gets cut off
O Replace regular alien footsteps
O New footsteps for level 1
- Make clear which hives are coming online, and which are online
O Added icon for arsenal
- Allow building recycling when building hasn't been built
- Turret factory
- Only allow turret construction within radius
O Turret ping is quieter
O HMG does more damage now
- Armory upgrades
- Select marine and choose upgrade level (energy armor, exoskeleton, or jetpack)
- Menu changes
- Top three don't change, they are like tabs for rest of menu
- Build, Advanced, Equip
- Equip has health, ammo, weapons (shotgun, welder, mines, hmg, grenade gun)
O Fixed breakables, func_doors, func_door_rotatings, and func_buttons receiving damage 5/30
- Draw current upgrades on screen (this will help find pistol upgrade sound problem too)
- Clean up use icon clutter
- Voice command spam
- Remove view shake when hit and not taking damage (knife)
O Hive spawn in 3 minutes now, sentries down to 500 hp instead of 1000
Before Valve
End of game respawn issues
Hive sight sprite problems, minimap sprite problems
Minimap rewrite
Alien useability:
- Where are hive locations (draw in different color for hive sight, draw faded and shrunk before it's planted, more help text)
- Pie menu shows you what upgrades you can get
- Draw "resources" above resource level
- Describe hive sight to new players
Look at building, to get name of it and status/health (for both sides)
Tell them to run in OpenGL, D3D doesn't work
Overflow errors
Menu for ready room, team switching, etc.
Level 5 alien
- Artwork
- Charging
- Paralysis
Tell players when they are going to respawn
Make it more obvious what's giving you resources
Marine upgrade icons
Rebinding command menu (remember, every Valver that tries this will have a bad game)
Minimap rewrite
O Send multiple network messages so message size doesn't exceed 192
O Smaller reticle
- Make easier to see
- Fixup colors better (bright colors, green for players, blue for buildings, white for resources, grey for welds)
- Add killed location
- Animated effects when firing, when an enemy is viewed, etc.
O When firing
O Request
O Enemy sighted
O Draw hives on map correctly
O Draw invisible entities or scanning makes blips permanent
O First pass, still problems?
- Minimap generation just a tad off
O Test at other resolutions
- Soldier changes
- Fix for soldiers (off by minx and miny?)
X Draw rotated map for soldiers
O Draw subset of map for soldiers
O Drawing faded white for soldiers
O Gamma change, works after a setgamma
O Draw background black
O Reticle off on bast (aspect ratio)
O Don't draw everything as effects, draw as sprites (avoids blinking)
- Scale menu for soldiers
O Hive locations should draw whether active or not
- New commander menu!
O Make a 3x4 grid
- Adjust artwork if necessary
O Fix problem when choosing build menu a research building selected
- Draw name of building that you're hovering over in pop-up help ("Need arsenal" but there's the arsenal?)
O Make sure arms lab and turret menus work
- Customizable hotkeys
- Center commander view such that the view centers in the middle of the viewable area, not the middle of the screen
O Components not getting first gamma change (minimap esp.)
O Fix entities disappearing in some congested areas (!)
O Fix hive sprites not showing up
O Fix minimap not showing up (?)
O MG clip increased to 50 bullets
O Grenade launcher increased to 300 points damage (up from 145)
- ** Restart round problem (not going back to ready room!)
- Arrow keys for commander movement
O Decide how hotkeys will work
- Allow movement keys, plus alternates
O Removed marine blood, made alien blood yellow
O Tried old-skool particle effect when spawning
O Removed slowdown when hit, until thought through
O Player model work with Mojo (figured out the floating problem, fixed the front-arms-not-playing-in-gaitsequence problem, got the level 1 and level 5 looking good in-game)
O Knife model in!
O Builder view model in!
O Changed bot names to they don't mess with stats
O New version of bast: tweaks to prevent getting stuck in the engine room and on the slanted elevator
O Many more webs are allowed now (now that visible entities problem is fixed)
O Builder chambers moved around: Sensory chamber with 1 hive, def chamber with 2, movement and offense with three
O Level 1 no longer floating, his animations are fixed. He shouldn't poke through the walls and actually looks somewhat fearsome now!
- Leap doing damage
O Fix bug where commander that's disconnected still blocks command station 6/10
O Add map location entity
O Test 6/10
O Give out to mappers 6/10
Tutorial mode
O Lightly design on paper 6/10
- Get shell to recognize it, add dummy map to test with
O Move alien buildings to pop-up menu
- Rework pop-up menus to allow multiple images (disabled, allowed, selected)
- Add in new marine artwork
- Add in alien categories
- Disable/enable alien upgrades when available
O Draw "resources" near resources (only when cl_autohelp enabled)
O Draw "energy" near energy (only when cl_autohelp enabled)
- Add help messages that point out HUD items (easy!)
- Don't add and remove weapons, just disable them
O Do this for both marines and aliens, also for ensnare state
O Means weapons can be moved around easier just by editing AvHItemInfo.cpp
- Don't allow switching to weapon when not enabled (this will still allow marine weapons to work)
- Change random blinking icon to blinking category, blinking in place where upgrade will go
- Added error messages when trying to build structures when not a builder, or when not enough structures
O A hive is now needed to gestate into flier
O Towers and hives always available, alien turrets need 1 hive, defense and movement chambers require 2 hives, sensory chambers require 3 hives
O New grenade model for grenade launcher
O New world/player handgun model
O New projectile for acid launcher and spikes
O Fixed freezing bug (with looping sound, during scenes of action!)
- Changes for new shotgun model
- Add mines in
- Remove nukes, jetpacks
- ** Updated motd.txt and maplist.txt when new .bsps come in
O Fixed memory overwrite bug in SDK in scoreboard
O Reworked player animations now many more are played, no more "airplane marines"! Thanks for the anims, Mojo and Guy! (there are even a couple death animations in there!)
O Removed egg_die on gestate (now play real sound)
O Add sparks for marines when they are hit
O Added smooth resource adjustment (instead of just setting the number/bar-level, it smoothly increments towards it)
O Added realistic fall damage by default
O Fixed bug where game wouldn't end if a team suddenly had no players
O Inactive hives are now drawn for aliens, so they can find where they're supposed to be created
O Added timelimit command -> When game ends, if timelimit has been reached, it switches the map (as opposed to switching maps in the middle of a game)
O Late join time (mp_latejointime) changed to minutes (not seconds) and now defaults to 1 minute
O Added numeric indicators and labels for alien resources and energy
O Updated {alien_alpha to have less blue edges (Merks)
O Updated ns.wad with Terawatt's transition textures
- Level 1
O Make leap do damage
O Added flavor animation (picking teeth)
O Remove cheat where anyone can leap
- Add predicted/client-side damage feedback sound when touching player?
O Changes for new view model
O Add visual indication to parasite
- Added code, but it doesn't show up?
- Level 2
O Give builder web first, instead of spit
O Removed point cost for webs
- Change builder spit to be corrosive spit, does damage over time, esp. to welds (give it with 3 hives)
- Add new view model artwork
- Do it again
- Add healing/energy weapon
- Everything working but event
- Needs one more ability...
- Level 3
O New view model (spikes, spores, bite and transition animations)
- Think about bite more (1)
O Add new weapon (last one?!)
O Add artwork
- Spikes (2)
- Animations
- Shoot fast spike model (alternate left/right when shooting)
- Spores (3)
- Animations
- Bombs (4)
- Level 4
- Add double-jump
- Rocket-launcher instead of spikes (2)
O Add basic code
O Get the artwork for it started
O Make it explode in goo when it hits
- Make sure it doesn't hurt self in tournament mode (at least not when it leaves launcher)
- Make it look nice
- Change blink to be like BZII blink! (3)
O Rewrite
- Fix problems getting stuck
O Make it easier to blink (don't trace hull, just end point)
- Add visual indicator?
- Better sound effects, feedback
- Umbra (with three hives) (4)
- Basic code
- Make it block turrets...and bullets?
- Make it look better with new artwork and sounds
- Figure out a new ability for this, the turret thing is a bit hacky and hard to do
- Level 5
- Artwork
- Bounding box, size, cost, speeds
- Huge hitpoints
- Galloping? (the longer you go in a straight line, the faster you can go?)
- Add basic speed code
- Make sound effects
- Melee (add some spice here...knockback?) (1)
- Charging attack (2)
O Got basic thing working
- Paralysis (3)
O Seems to be working, though a bit boring right now
- Primal scream (4)
- (swallow weapon?)
- Fix iteminfo problem with acidrocket (the mID value is too high, what to do?)
O Try consolidating all the building IDs down into one ID (ugh, didn't work)
O Write Valve?
O Move build actions to pop-up menu!
O Remove hacky help system
O Now all resources are spent off menu, never from weapons
O Room for other builder abilities
O New builder UI
O All buildings are on the pop-up menu now, so anything that costs points is on the menu
O Cleans up clutter of weapon icons, makes interface more clear
O Uses menu help instead of separate help system
O Workaround for 32 max weapons problem (engine limitation)
O Update help text to be more descriptive
- When pop-up menu is disabled properly, this will make hive and resource building more clear
- Add icons from Merkaba
O New named locations tell players where they are (also works for commander)
O Draw info_location text nicely
O Added sprite for soldiers
O Tweaked position for commander and aliens
O Don't draw health while gestating
O Spit damage upped from 20 to 28
O Added custom button sounds (button1->button10.wav)
O New flashlight sound
O New launcher sounds, brightened launcher artwork (temporary)
O Play special animation when builder is building
- Only plays once, how to keep playing it?
O New version of bast (locations)
O New version of hera (new warehouse, new layout changes, locations, more)
- New resource model
- Remove rank-based alien stuff
- Remove costs to respawn on both sides
- Slow down trickle for both sides
- Add rewards for kills on both sides (and for building on alien side?)
- Make resource towers much more noticeable
- Address problem where players are waiting around
- Sucking resources from nozzle?
- Hurt self for resources?
- Alien tech tree changes
- Add sound effect when placing buildings
- When can offense chambers be built? How about other buildings? Try choice-based tech tree?
O Add advanced weapons factory as research
O Rename arsenal to armory first
O Add new upgrade command
O Add code to handle upgrade
O Build times changed (30 secs to build armory, 120 to upgrade to adv. armory)
- Tweak code that converts it, it thinks it's buildable and stuck at 0%
- Player animations
O Create constants from info sent to Mojo
O Start integrating
O Walk, run
O Fix marines quickly for NSIPT10?
O Fix bug where deaths aren't reset when game is
- Valve build 1 day after NSITP10
O Both sides now get points for killing enemies! This should speed up the game. More points are given for bigger aliens.
O There is no respawn cost for either side now. This should speed up the game.
O Victory condition fixed (bug #111)
O Machine gun damage increased from 10 to 12 points
O Leap damage reduced to 20
O Acid rocket rate of fire decreased dramatically
O Spore damage reduced from 50 to 45
O Spore radius reduced from 300 to 250 (to line up with artwork)
O Level 5 cost reduced from 100 to 75
O Acid rocket awards points to owner correctly now
O Shotgun range dropped from 4000 to 1000, damage decreased from 27 to 23
O Turret damage reduced from 50 to 43
O Base points awarded for a kill reduced from 5 to 4
O Getting stuck when evolving as a level 5 (bug #113)
O Getting stuck when evolving in small places ()
O Updated models:
O Enlarged grenade
O Updated healing spray sprite
O Fixed bug #130 (parasite works while in commander mode)
O Reduced stepsize for level 5 (so he doesn't walk over marines instead of charging into them)
O Fixed bug #115 (weapons sometimes red when they shouldn't be on both sides)
O Temporarily removed buggy sensory chamber sight, it was causing players to show up when not visible
O Fixed bug #82 (ghost building not updating when changing your mind about what to build)
O Acid rocket doesn't leave phantoms anymore, works better now also
- Level 5 morphing
- F4 to switch teams
- sound looping
- One marine must be commander. Walk up to the command station and press your use key to command.
- Marines build structures by pointing at the structure and holding their use key.
- Don't place buildings in walls or on top of other buildings, you could get stuck
- Place infantry portals in large open areas, or players could get stuck when they spawn out of them
NSIPT11 (RC1!)
O Builder level 4 ability
O Babblers!
- Limit them?
O Primal scream
O Damage upgrades!
O Speed upgrades!
O ROF upgrades!
O Umbra ability
O It's working!
O Added sound when it's effective
O Bile bomb
O Kind of like a mortar!
- Work on visuals a bit more
O New HMG model
O Animations
O All view shaking affects players in air as well
O New siege turret role
O Siege rumbles screen if you're near it when it fires
O Added siege splash effect
O Just put them back in, aliens have artillery now as well
O Added concrete and metal sounds when bullets hit them
O Make them quieter, normalization
O Sensory chamber ability
- Screams when enemies are nearby?
O Parasites anyone who touches it
O Increase its health tons
O Sensory chamber must be built before becoming active
O Gibs are now off by default (but can be turned on via server config)
O Limit turret placement to radius around turret factory
O Limit weapon placement to radius around armory/adv-armory
O Draw radius around building
O Limit infantry portals to range of command station (to prevent hiding them)
O Draw range of building when selected
O Draw range of turrets when selected
O Draw min/max range for siege turret when selected
O Put infantry portals only near command center
O Removed overwatch (until there's time to do it properly)
O Marine backpedalling and strafing slowed down (I want feedback on this!)
O Fixed bug where dropping your weapon made it look like you weren't either a marine or alien player
O Ladder speed reduced for all players
O A slow-moving marine is slightly faster (frustrating)
O Level 1 speed increased, fixed alien speed upgrade bug (where 2 levels of speed upgrade was faster then 3)
O Added new hive vision mode for the aliens! Press your flashlight key to see...
O Hive sight now only draws for entities out of sight (back the way it originally was, see if you like it better this way)
O Marines now see enemy blips with new artwork
O Two new sensory upgrades
O New vision mode, works on enemies
O Scent of fear
O New mine artwork oriented properly (a little big and floaty still)
O Freeze bug when shooting a hive
- Client or server? Client.
- hive_wound3.wav seems bad? It's frozen there twice.
- Yep, that was it! Strange.
O Hive sight icons aren't being reloaded on a level load (and other "invalid sprite x" errors)
O Fix precache error that happens occasionally (move player assets into weapons.cpp)
O Network logging code to track down overflow one and for all
O Networking, overflow and performance enhancements.
- Resource model tweaks
O Remove alpha-male double resources
- Make resource towers figure more prominently into incoming resources
- Start each side with fixed resources
O Hive building problems fixed (on ns_nothing)
O Bug: remove alien vision mode when you're a marine
O Autobuild for resource towers and offensive chambers
O Don't allow hive building to be sped up
O Turret range reduced (too big for commander)
- Rotate level 1
- Clinging/roosting for level 3?
- Jumping ability for level 4?
- Fix alien turrets
- Make them able to aim straight up or straight down...because they're alien
Post RC2
- Fix armor display
O Now it draws
- Make current armor change proportionally when max changes
O Siege damage much reduced
O Throttled networking more to combat overflows (4000 to 3000)
O Removed flashlight battery message
O Grenade damage lowered, mine damage lowered, bile bomb damage increased
O Grenade clip lowered, grenade max ammo lowered
O HMG damage increased
O Fixed permaweb bug, bug #167, bug #178, bug #128 (check for dupes first guys, just type a word and hit search, super-fast)
O Limit amount webs a marine can receive,
O Removed ability for builder to use webs offensively by hitting players, bug #141
O Changed primal scream HUD color to green instead of red (people were getting rightly confused about their weapons being unuseable), bug #165
O Removed "bodysplat" sound when level 1 falls a long distance (bug #142)
O Added code to detect that a level has the right amount of spawns. This information is printed to the console on level load. (bug #187, bug #169, bug #112)
O Weird "underwater" issues for commander above hera landing pad (bug #49)
O Removed use of "model" command (set the model every tick) (bug #211)
- TODO: Also remove default model in RR?
O Addressed commander crashing when selecting things (bug #173)
- Added mp_teamresourcehandicap (if set to 1, biases team with less players with extra resources) (bug #202)
O Changed func_resource to represent resources as a float
- Fixed problem where selection effects sometimes draw after leaving command station (bug #219)
- Bite and spit started could go through walls, as their attacks emanated too far from the player origin (bug #177)
O Reduced spike damage for level 3 (bug #207)
O Don't auto-switch to an empty weapon (bug #194)
O Fixed bug where particle systems weren't being reset properly after a game end, causing wrong or no particles to emit (bug #125)
O Increased spike energy cost by 25%
O Spent a long time narrowing down the jiggling while standing on buildings, it's in Valve's court at the moment
- Got e-mail back from Yahn, now investigate
O New smaller mine artwork (still a bit floaty)
O Fixed crash when placing tripmines on doors (bug #222)
O Fixed command station healing players (also, retain armor value) (bug #137)
O Started addressing cheating (leap exploit to start) though it's not fixed yet. You should hear a beep ("invalid.wav") when the game detects that you're doing something illegal, though it doesn't do anything about it yet. Validated selection, research, building, hotgroups, lifeform morphing, upgrade evolution, etc.) (bug #118)
O Primal scream duration and cost increased significantly, for a more game-altering moment (bug #205)
O Closed bug #101 (blinking no longer goes through walls)
O Don't white-out commander when nukes detonate (bug #91)
O Closed out ladder-speed bug (bug #28)
O Fixed melee attacks not working up or down (bug #117)
- func_buttons now reset properly (bug #4)
- Lots of stuff has changed reset-wise, but some lifts and doors don't reset right anymore, others work better
O Reworked marine weapons to add randomness to their shots (Machine gun, pistol, shotgun, HMG) (bug #236)
O Increased pistol damage from 18 to 25
O Redemption tweaks (it triggers more often, it won't pull you back if you have no hives, plays a "invalid" sound when it tries to pull you back but you have no hives, it will now pull you back even if not in combat) (bug #238)
O Removed sickness-inducing view shakes when hit with melee, but not taking damage, anti-llama (bug #230)
O Builder healing spray damage/healing increased from 15 to 20
O HMG damage increased from 22 to 28 and range increased about 20% (now that it has such a wide spray)
- Added ready room command and commander voting to pop-up menu so console should never have to be used (bugs that will be fixed not withstanding)
O Added temporarily invulnerable time (default is .1 minutes -> 6 seconds). Players glow their team color during this time and can't be hurt. (bug #237)
- TODO: Draw this on view model as well
O Fixed commander ability to change weapons (!) (bug #239)
O Fixed marine progress indicators not always showing up after a map change (bug #24)
O New buggy behavior: the command menu now longer works for MOUSE2! The code is half-way to being fixed, need to work with Valve on this. Bind it to a key in the meantime, sorry!
O Moved soldier info_location out of minimap and to bottom of screen for consistency and to get around problems where it doesn't line up under different resolutions
O Fixed bug where hitting "use defaults" in control setup would delete your settings
O Overflow and HUD lag issues
O Disable network buffering to see if that's the HUD latency (set to -1)
O Log all network traffic by default
O HUD lag should be gone from now on, but we might see more overflows
O Addressed various respawning issues (the problem will now be easier to find if it's not fixed). Respawning changed significantly, (though it should behave the same), so be on the lookout for spawning problems.
O New command center model! I think you'll agree with me that this rules. Thanks Squeal and Mojo!
O New armory model! Newly animated as well. Looks different for the basic and the advanced versions. Thanks Erex and Mojo!
O New HMG model! Animated and sized properly now (I need to change some code to make the fire animation look right). Thanks BathroomMonkey and DefOne!
O A bunch of new sound effects (xenocide, spit, blink, refilling at armory, grenade bounce, shotty, siege, spores, more)
O New version of ns_nancy!
O First version of ns_shaft from Ekaj!
O New version of ns_tanith from tommyd!
O New MUSIC! This is a fairly significant milestone for us. This is official music for NS. There's more on the way. Please do NOT give this to anyone under any circumstances, we are keeping it quiet right now.
O Fixed marine build sound looping occasionally, divine wind looping sound problem, sample conversion warnings in console (bug #270)
- Post post-installation image guidelines
O Fixed hearing voice comm of enemies when dead (bug #274)
O Fixed missing chat while dead (bug #280)
O Fixed victory condition issue (bug #171)
- Capture good overflow and performance logging
- Figure out cause of overflows
O Looks like network messages are being added faster then they can be sent...this is a big problem
O Removed errant "Battery" message!
- Looks like bullet decals could be a problem too...if all marines are firing LMGs and missing, 10 bullets a second*13*bytes*16 players
- Remove bullet decals first
- Removed texture sounds playing on server and client
- Bots marked returning TRUE for IsNetClient(), fix this too
O Toned down level 5 stepsize (bug #255)
O Workaround for -console problems on NVIDIA cards (bug #269)
O Add spike hit sounds
O Added graphical effect back in for spikes also
- Optimization: don't send particles to a player that already has them on a game reset
O Fix ambient sound problems (bug #126)
O Fix particle visible particles (bug #127, bug #216)
- Write Chuck Olson about imminent build
- Write ArsTechnica
- Write N@rby's VISA recommendation
- Talk Linux with Leon and Alfred
- Consolidate alien sprites
O Work with Merks
- Implement
- Update installer/touch
- Invulnerability should show on view model (bug #303)
- Selection issues (waypoints not visible, very frustrating)
- Invisible webs
- Max web effect is too wimpy
- Resource model changes
- Really think through this and work in excel on a new model
O Random resources for aliens (pick a few random cards from hand, these are percentages from pool)
X Remove trickle for marines (they can recycle)
O No resources for kills, it's a closed system
O Start with fixed resources don't add as they join
O Pool resources for the hive (aliens have team resources AND individual resources)
O When a player leaves the game, their points go back to pool (or half their points? only in non-tournament mode)
X When joining after the game starts, you always get fixed (minimum?) points
O Remember points given to player while connected to server (to prevent joining/leaving repeatedly)
O Increase hitpoints for all towers for bigger battles
- Towers acquire resources, adding them to pool every so often. This level is visible by looking at it. When giving points to pool, the numbers are shown ("+10 resources") (for both marines and aliens)
- If a player has full resources, the extra stay in the pool, to be redistributed to the rest of the team
- The total resource pool (half of it?) is split among all players every 30 seconds or so
O Portals should have lots more hitpoints (1000 to 2000)
O Max alien resources now 50
- Scoring: marine score is always the total score divided by # of players
- What stops the aliens from rushing hard in the beginning? If they die, they just come back, because the marines can't easily counter-rush. The chance
of aliens taking out marine emplacements early is definitely worth it. Cost the hive some points to respawn the player? Then what happens if all the aliens
rush, they can't respawn because there are no more points...the game just sits there with everyone dead? Draw all alien hives to see if this fixes the problem
(it will also force the marines to attack, and let them move to intercept builders)
O Allow hives to be hurt while spawning
- TODO: Grow in hitpoints as it spawns (it's a buildable now, so refactor)
- Add message for both sides when a tower has been depleted (kill the alien tower for them or show them where?)
O Display message when parasited
O The most recently dead would respawn before older dead (bug #200)
- Implement commander voting down
O Remember players that have been voted down, don't let them become commander
- Implement voting
- When a vote is received, tell everyone on team that a vote has started
- After x seconds, say that vote has ended and give results
O Allow aliens to build more then 3 upgrade buildings
O Reduced level 1 speed (just too fast for meaningful marine tactics)
O Added smooth energy transition
O Allow aliens to build any upgrade building to start
- Need to propagate this to pop-up menu feedback
- Resource tower upgrades take longer, cost more, and speed resource acquistion less
O Alien turrets fixed! (bug #119)
O Cloaking is effective against turrets (turrets won't fire at a cloaked target)
O Alien turret projectiles are faster
O Level 5 redemption problems (bug #312)
O Reduced redemption probability slightly
O Turrets can be built before building is finished (bug #271)
O Fixed bug where ghost buildings sometimes showed when at an invalid build location
O Building and active hives are now always visible to marines
O Acid rocket and spike models shrunk
O Level 4 view model in!
O Reduce ROF, increase damage, increase energy cost on swipe (to synch with art)
O New version of ns_nothing!
O Gestation model no longer floats
- TODO: lock it so it doesn't rotate
- Buildable command station bug (bug #308)
- Overlapping health/armor (bug #281)
- Commander console slips around (bug #263)
- Orient acid rocket and spikes properly
New tech tree
/--> Bunker (other option for defense besides turrets, mines, motion-tracking, or marines with shotties)
/ / -> Turret factory -> Nuke plant (build nuke)
/ / /-> Prototype lab
/ / /--> Arms lab (research armor, damage, power armor) -> Medlab
Command center -> Infantry portal ---------------> Armory -> Advanced armory (research)
\-> Resource tower \-> Observatory
- Mines, shotties, welder
Advanced armory:
- HMGs, Grenade guns (req. arms lab)
Arms lab:
- All armor and weapon upgrades
- Scanning, motion-tracking, distress beacon (req: armory), phase gates (req. prototype lab)
Prototype lab
- Jetpacks, stimpack, power armor
Research from turret factory
Nuke plant
- UI, titles.txt, constants for:
- Stimpack (disable by default)
- Distress beacon
- Faster reinforcements
- Power armor
O Power armor
O Auto-healing armor for everyone on team
O Draw cool effect when they have it
O Power armor regens faster when you're using less energy (when you're still), promoting leap-frogging (ala Halo?)
O Tone down alien turrets
O Adjust various alien costs
O Cranked up the damage on the HMG (watch out for this aliens!)
O Cranked up grens again (ha!)
O Marine buildings strengthened, many costs tweaked
O Add lightspeed reinforcements?
- TODO: Make spawning kill anyone standing on the portal
O Added stimpack: increases marine speed dramatically
O Many tech tree changes
- Don't allow too many alien buildings in one area, as per webs?
O Allow welder to heal armor
- Add distress beacon (what does it do?)
- Doesn't do anything yet
- Modify victory conditions: aliens lose when they lose all their hives?
- Stress marine upgrades a bit more?
- Make marines respawn at nearest portal (if portal is empty or if faster reinforcements is researched)
O Fixed jetpack energy (?)
O Observatories now detect nearby aliens and don't allow them to cloak
O Draw marine upgrades on HUD
- Why are they blinking? Same reason why some weapons sounds don't play the upgraded version occasionally?
O Removed invul effect in ready room
O Alien turret range brought down, it's now the same range as a sentry
O Alien turret damage reduced
O Siege turrets can be built anywhere (until they are mobile), and they can be recycled
- Try making siege pushable
O Siege no longer shoot at players, ever
O Siege damage increased wildly, splash reduced
- Extend off pushable
- Put in action to deploy and undeploy
- Sounds, anims
- Marines can now build their advanced weapons properly
- Acid rocket fire lessened
- Alien max resources back up to 100, lots of costs changed
- Phase gates now must be built and can be destroyed like every other building
- "Parasite detected" text moved up a bit
- Grenade launcher icon won't be enabled until it's actually valid (bug)
- Level 4 slash attack energy lessened slightly
- Lowered level 1 armor from 30/50 to 10/30 (he regularly takes out squads of marines and he's only 2 points!)
- Added distress beacon! Immediately respawns all dead marines at base.
- Add TRAINER var
File list: client.dll, sound/misc/distressbeacon.wav
O Siege turrets don't need LOS anymore, they can fire through walls (test)
O Builder's healing spray can only damage players
O 128 HUD sprites fixed again, and a couple new alien UI sprites (thanks Merks) (bug #352)
O Alien balance!
O Spawn tower at nearest resource node for team
O Command station doesn't spawn in when game starts, but before
O Aliens can now donate their points to the team! Any alien can hold their +use key on an active hive to donate points back into the pool.
O Resources adjusted again. Resource towers contribute 3 points every 5 seconds, and have a total of 240 points each (lasts 5 minutes unless upgraded). Other then upgrading, towers work identically for both sides.
O Draw player name and location on hive sight
O Add nice aliens sayings ("Comprox is attacking", "KidC is buiding here", etc.)
O Draw tech descriptions for commander (and updated some descriptions)
O Fixed problems where it looked like the commander could build but couldn't (rough terrain currently prevents building, but at least you'll now generally see the building draw red)
O Drawing location text for marines centered under minimap (again)
O New tanith
-Buildings are built at random angles now for visual interest
- Fix this up so the angles are chosen properly
- Fixed marine flashlight (this is a BS setting I realized)
- TODO: Fix angled surface build problems
- TODO: Don't draw spectator health
- TODO: Fix observer problems
in PM_CatagorizePostion
<MrBlondyman> change the check to this:
<MrBlondyman> if(tr.ent > 0 && !pmove->physents[tr.ent].model)
<MrBlondyman> pmove->onground = tr.ent; // Standing on a point entity
<MrBlondyman> else if ( tr.plane.normal[2] < 0.7 )
<MrBlondyman> else
<MrBlondyman> pmove->onground = tr.ent; // Otherwise, point to index of ent under us.
File list:
sprites: upgrades, categories, aliens, 320aliennode, mainhud.spr
base: titles.txt, ui.txt, skill.cfg
Alien names
Alien names, referred to out of game by all (website, forums) and in-game, by the marines:
Species name: The Rot
Generic name for an alien of any level: Rot, Rottie
Level 1: Claw
Level 2: Maker
Level 3: Flier
Level 4: Fade
Level 5: Bull
Alien names, referred to "scientifically" and in-game, by the aliens (this is "alien-speak", how the aliens refer to themselves through non-speech):
Species name: Progenitors (capital P, indicating significance and respect like God)
1. A direct ancestor. See Synonyms at ancestor.
2. An originator of a line of descent; a precursor.
"And reverence thee their great progenitor." --Milton.
Level 1: Skulk
Level 2: Gorge
Level 3: Lerk
Level 4: Scathe
Level 5: Ohnos
O Fixed pre-spawned towers floating (bug #365)
O Increased siege splash
O Added muzzle flash to siege, made muzzle flash always show for sentries
O Visual turret radii are now correct (ignores height difference when calculating turret range)
O Random building orientations for visual interest
O Make sentries a bit more effective by speeding their turn rate, decreasing their cost from 20 to 16 and increasing their health from 600 to 800, also increased their range from 700 to 800
- Fix infantry portal placement issues (don't allow it to be placed where players can't spawn out of it)
- Don't allow buildings to be built on top of each other
- Don't allow a resource tower to be built an an occupied node
- Don't allow any buildings but resource towers to be built on nodes
- Scoreboard needs to be fixed for real
O Put missing tanith locations in titles.txt
- Siege firing anims
O Hive no longer plays "flinch" animation when dead
O Umbra now blocks only 7 out of 8 bullets
O Make new .wad
- Post on mapping forum, write e-mail back to Mecha
O New install process, lots of sounds and sprites removed
O Fixed one of two "shaky" problems when standing on or near buildings or func_resources (thanks MrBlonde!)
O Updated .wad (replaced Quake III placeholder texture)
O New sounds for the level 3 bite, bilebomb, divine wind, parasite and umbra. This marks the completion of all the non-vocal sounds!
O New ns_caged!
O New song!
O Removed eclipse and shaft until they are more complete
O Show why you can't build something somewhere (when trying to evolve to an illegal lifeform, make error message closer to center or otherwise way more obvious)
O Linux fixes needed
O Write FindFirst/FindNext functionality for AvHSoundListManager
O Waiting on Albert
- Write AvHSUTimeGetTime() (not really necessary)
O Fix reading of textrep for particles
- Allow more/all cheats to work for dedicated server
O Wallclimbing changed to jump key for consistency (yes, he can still jump normally)
O New marine texture and model, with jetpack (known bug: it always displays)
O New welder model and anims (texture is rainbow right now)
O Added text messages for when you receive health, ammo, when you do damage, and when a resource tower harvests resources for your team
O New ammo model, new health model (thanks Merkaba!)
O New level 1 animations (thanks Mojo!)
O New level 2 and animations (thanks Guy and Def One!)
O New version of tanith (thanks Tommy!)
O New level 5 view model, and many animations! (thanks Cory and Def One!)
O Level 5 melee attack ROF increased
O Siege don't fire at babblers
O Resource towers slowed down, take 10 mins to fully harvest for both sides (though marines can speed this up via tower upgrades)
O Save state of alien vision mode during gestations
O Fixed bug where vision mode sometimes persisted in ready room or after switching teams
O Networking changes. We may see more overflow, less HUD lag, or neither.
O New ns_nothing (thanks Ken!)
Difficulties that must be addressed
- DOD/Valve playtest
- Maybe 5v5 DOD and Valvers, maybe 2 hours worth
- No one understood aliens
- Marines just ran off without building
- Allow marines to get weapons themselves?
- Show real path to get someplace
- Show players how to upgrade to new lifeforms and new abilities (blinking to show new abilities have been added)
- Show number of hives and hive status, including location (unborn, growing %, alive, under attack)
- Tutorial is nice, but for this to really work, it has to be all in-game
- Waypoints should have text showing what the waypoint means, and text to show where it is (just like alien hive sight)
- Describe marines as "teamplayers" and aliens as "loners/regenades"
* Show names of buildings, show built/unbuilt/progress/health : reticle shows you building name, health, status text, explanation, ability/function
- Reticle over player shows you player name, type of marine/alien (level). For same team, it shows you the weapon their holding, and their health as well.
- Reticle over hive shows you name, status, health
- Need an easy in-game (automatic) way to tell a player what an ability does (siege, bile bomb, umbra, etc.)
O Show how many resources a tower is giving your team, ala WCIII/EE
O Show damage feedback whenever you do damage to a building (to players too)
O Show why you can't build something somewhere (when trying to evolve to an illegal lifeform, make error message closer to center or otherwise way more obvious)
* Respawn timer
- Scoreboard
- Label or distinguish subnodes for alien pop-up menu
- Before Valve's next playtest
- Too many sounds played
O One shot of the shotgun, often with the MG (are these ricochet sounds then?)
- Improve waypoints
O "Move to location", range, location
O "Build sentry turret", range, location
O Correct artwork now
O Make them go away automatically
O Build orders should go away when built
O Attack orders should go away when target is killed
- Fix selection issues (disable client-selection to start)
O Fixed incorrect sprites drawing for orders (verify)
- Tons of pop-up help for everything. Make it as clear and "over the top" sounding as possible, then you'll realize that it's really not much work
O Help for every weapon, including different color text for damage and rate of fire
O Make text fade in and out nicely
- Icons, arrows and text pointing out every structure
- Tag and color bits (design first)
- Health bar
- Show status of structure? (Status: Needs to be built/Building, Status: Functional)
- Fix for hive in first-person
- Test for aliens and their structures
O Fix for built structures in top-down
O Draw help text like this for tech help
O Fix players getting stuck when using phase gates
O Turned off damage drawing by default
O Overflow stuff
- Tried reducing overflows at end of level
- Overflow fixes
- Look at logs, decide if it's really particles or not
- Refactor particle systems so they don't propagate after every round, only sent when joining or on a map change
- Refactor so ns.ps is read on the client and only map particles are sent
- Fix getting stuck in buildings
- Fix for marines
- Fix for aliens
O Make "your hive is under attack" play a lot less often, and allow alerts to be tracked on a per-entity basis
O Alien turrets more powerful
O Wall-running is back to crouch
O Fix level 5 redemption bug
O Disabled for now
- New tooltips
O Verify pop-up menu text is working
- Messages disappearing too quickly in CM (only when there are other players!)
- Add more help messages, esp as beginner alien and as beginner commander
- Remove or update outdated messages
O Added under attack, research complete, upgrade complete messages
O Added messages explaining resources, energy, building structures, pending upgrades
Before FOR LAN
O Fixed jetpack energy problem
O Toned down MG, HMG and shottie a little bit
O Increased effectiveness of webs again (back the way it was awhile ago)
- Stop blinking upgrade icon problem, make HUD look nicer
O Fix chat text blocking hints
O Update news page
- Hive status help
- Change UIDrawVariableBarSpriteHoles to use tri API, to fix D3D issues, doesn't look like Valve will. Need to scale them anyways.
- Client crash?
O Tweaked level 3 flight to be more controllable in mid-air
O Reduced energy costs for all alien melee attacks so they can take out buildings without having to wait
O Reduced flier's flapping cost slightly, reduced fliers spike attack slightly
O Removed stimpack (it is opposite of the marines mentality, it'll come back in a different form later)
O Hives are no longer visible at game start (not having problems getting marines out of their base these days...glad to have this back)
O Lots of weapon effect tweaks: ricochets, texture sounds, shotgun works right, puffs of smoke
O New font, consistent with NS logo (thanks Merks!)
O New eclipse!
O New hera!
O New caged!
O New tanith!
Post FOR LAN, Pre Tribes LAN
O Wall-running is now on by default, you can disable it by holding or tapping your crouch key
- Jumping ramifications?
O Freeze players in place before game starts
O Fixed alien death animations
O Shaky ghost building bugs (when placing any buildings with any amount of lag)
O Fix That Damned Scoreboard!
O Draw all effective player classes when observing
O Get team headers right
O All but "ready room when respawning"
O Get colors right
O Extra category for respawning players
O Drawing respawning players slightly differently (noticeable for other team)
O Don't order marines by score, do it alphabetically or by time in game (ent #?)
O Fix bugs when switching teams and score doesn't revert
O Put back in feature where your old model is preserved after a game (your size is also preserved, let's hope there aren't people getting stuck in any ready rooms)
O Fix jetpack feel...Tribes players!
O Observatory cost lowered to 16 points (from 25)
O Scanner duration tripled
O Weapon bugs
O Pistol can be fired quickly after drawing, so can knife
O Button must be pressed repeatedly for knife, like other melee attacks
O MG deploys faster
O Fix bug were weapons can't fire immediately
O Removed invulnerability when spawning (by default, server can still enable it)
O Add particles back to phase in event (test)
O Level 3 flight maneuverability reduced some
O Phase gate cost halved, hitpoints doubled
O Building on resource towers (fixed bug where you could build resource towers on top of other towers)
O Command stations now are completely destroyed and can't be welded to be restored (have to figure out a better way to solve this, because welder journeys were great, but invisible command stations are unacceptable)
O Bile bomb damage reduced from 70 to 45, energy cost also reduced from .3 to .25 (they should be used for attrition and anti-building, less vs. players)
O Newly reskinned shotgun (thanks Beaner, SLAP, Def One!)
O New shotgun reloading behavior
O Basics implemented
- Still glitches with sounds and anims
O Marines can only have one primary weapon now
O Moved grenade launcher to primary weapon slot
O Increased weight of shotgun from 5 to 7
O Decreased weight of HMG and GL to 11 (from 16 and 13, respectively)
O Fixed bug where using the "drop" console command allowed aliens to drop their weapons, and allowed marines to drop them in a different and disconcerting fashion
O Spruced up textures for the infantry portal and phase gate, to make them look more Coryized (thanks a ton Merks!)
- Selection issues
O Removed selection prediction. Selection may feel slightly lagged, but it should work better. Let me know if this is a good tradeoff.
- Selecting a building, then build/advanced/equip causes menu to act strangely
- Fix phase gates
O Effects play properly (particles, lines telescoping in, sound)
- Spawning
- Players getting stuck in buildings bugs (reduced the chances of this a lot, but it can still happen)
- Make pop-up menu more accessible (do whatever it takes for mouse2)
- Finding hive locations
- Observing bugs
- Attack and move right go to next target, attack2 and move left go to previous target
- Soldier minimap additions
- Pop-up menu visuals and disabling of tech (rework a bit, very much needed)
- High-light buildings and build state
- Layout HUD
- Highlight players, always draw player names in top-down
- D3D compatibility (people WILL run it on D3D, whether I realize it or not, just like software)
Before leaving
- Backup everything before leaving
- Clean keyboard/mouse
O ATM/laundry
Post Tribes LAN
O Fixed grenade launcher sprite sometimes disappearing
O Add health indicator for buildings and players, differentiate from build indicator (so now it's easy to see when something isn't built) (thanks Relic!)
O Draw circle when reticle is on something (for commander, this is like mouseover in War III)
- TODO: Draw armor rating somehow
O Make welders functional for repairing buildings and armor
O Show when buildings aren't built yet, even when relatively far away from players
O Performance optimizations for calculating visibility and LOS (blips)
O Rings around buildings and players draw at better sizes, so they are more easily viewable
- Rework pop-up menu
- Draw scaled, so same size at all resolutions
- Ability to draw text and draw an image
- Ability to grey out or disable areas
- Draw normal instead of additively?
O Removed junky little blue selection circles, replaced with new health-circles
O Fixed bug where victory sound would always play, now it plays the losing sound for players that lost
O Hud sounds shouldn't be cut off anymore (under attack, countdown, research complete, victory/loss, etc.)
O End game time is now 10 seconds (after victory is announced, this is how long the game keeps running until the map resets)
O Sound replacements (new songs for victory and loss, replaced countdown sound)
O Fixed bug where a marine resource tower and an alien resource tower can occupy the same node (bug #367)
O BIG balance change: all weapon damage reduced by 80%, to slow down combats and to have less player death in general (also reduced turret, siege and offensive chamber damage)
O Fixed command-station not resetting properly (bug #471)
O Removed "give" cheat (only works with cheats on)
- Add "Need attention" blinking icon for signalling commander
O Call Todd
O Visit Matt and Chad
- Feedback on Comprox's IRC guidelines
O Feedback on latest manual iteration
O Add nice alert sounds for tooltips
O Webs don't break on friends in tournament mode
O Fixed bug where killing the command station didn't eject commander, and command station is permanently screwed up
O New shotgun world and player models!
O New welder view, world and player models!
O Fixed those pesky selection problems! Selection prediction is re-enabled, let me know if there are still any selection problems (show me how to repro too)
O New ns_tanith!
-reduced file size, created ns_tanith.wad
-fixed spawning in map instead of RR (duh, i left info_player_start in the map last time)
-turned the map around 180 degrees so the marines start facing NORTH (makes a lot more sense)
-enclosed outside satellite section with a forcefield (had to do this because aliens could build structures on the sky)
-increased distance between MS and sat comm hive (makes laser strike more lucrative)
-made cargo storage more defensible for the aliens
-weldable vents only last 3 minutes instead of a permanent closure
-removed some clip brushes (since aliens can build structures that 'sink' into clip brushes)
-added a few more signs
-added a tactical map of the level in the ready room (!)
-removed placeholder music in the ready room (you can add your own mp3, rename any mp3 to 'tanith_rr.mp3' and place it in ns/sound/ns_tanith dir to listen)
O New ns_caged!
- Added new readyroom
- Made some further texture changes
- Brightened up a few areas further
- Fiddled a bit of stuff to make the commanders view easier
- Altered the ambient sounds a little
- Altered some location names
- Partially rebuilt the larger service tunnel area
O Added new alien nicknames in scoreboard (in order: Skulk, Gorge, Lerk, Fade, Ohnos) (PLEASE keep these under wraps until we know for sure, die Bob, die)
O New damage types!
- Normal damage -> Full damage against all targets
- Piercing damage -> Full against players, half vs. buildings
- Blast damage -> Full against buildings, half vs. players
- Organic damage -> Does full damage vs. organic targets, does nothing against everything else (organic == players, babblers, hives, alien buildings)
- A point of armor blocks two points of damage.
- Armor soaks 30% of incoming damage with no upgrades, then 50%, 70% and 90%
- Power armor soaks 60% of incoming damage with no upgrades, then 70%, 80%, 90%
Normal: Spit, knife, pistol, HMG, claws, welder, mines, swipe, bite2 (NS_DMG_NORMAL)
Piercing: bite, spikes, LMG, shotgun, sentries, offensive chambers, leap (NS_DMG_PIERCING)
Blast: Siege, grenades, xenocide, babbler blast, babbler bite, bile bomb, charging (NS_DMG_BLAST)
Organic: Parasite, healing spray, spores, acid rocket (NS_DMG_ORGANIC)
O Bile bomb increased from 36 to 80 damage (but explosive now so it won't be killing players as much as it used to)
O Level 3 bite damage increased from 32 to 50
O Paralysis energy cost brought down from .2 to .13
O Tuned level 5 charge sound
O Increased damage of charge and increased energy cost as well (shorter, more meaningful charges)
O Webs prevent jumping and jetpacks
O Fixed bug where hives got twice the armor bonus they should
O Draw "webbed" notification like "parasite detected"
O Umbra is now a level 3 ability (requires three hives)
O Blink now requires only two hives
O Bile bomb is now a level 4 ability
O Spores damage changed (for future alien vs. alien combat)
O Parasite damage is 10 points now (organic)
O Removed "give" cheat
O HUD sounds no longer cut each other off (they won't play instead of cutting off another sound)
O Removed overwatch code
O Webs now prevent jumping and jetpacking
- Big balance change: all weapons reduced by 20% damage
- Decide to bring computer, or bring Archos and set it up nicely
- Charge Archos
- Bring SmartFTP
O Check settings for HLDir and NSBuildDir (environment)
- Check-in code so repository is up to date
- Legal junk
O Talk to Brian and/or Paul about legal stuff
O Get NDA from Paul
O Insert copyright headers in all source
O Send NDA to VALVe and ask for theirs
X Get NDA from Morgan
- Car stuff
O Talk to dad about NDA and car stuff
Complete exhaust (a-pipe, b-pipe and muffler) $675
Front rotors and pads $321
Master cylinder $287
CV boots $290
O Pick up car, then park it for trip
- Park car off the street, or talk to Brandy?
- Renew parking permit ASAP
- env_fog issues
O Wash sandals, mousepad
- Haircut
O Scott H. on Thursday, 6:30
- Get more clans in on PTs
- Get MonsE to make easy way for me to mail PTs
- Write Jim C. before VALVe
O Send in health insurance before VALVe
O Bills
O Buy some new clothes
O Print out my NDA and VALVe's NDA
O Call mom
O Postmortem on Tuesday
O Write Ido
O Write Phil
O Write Mark Terrano
O Write Jeremy
O Write Lani and get the ball rolling
O Write Jason Mitchell
O New pop-up menus! (disables invalid options, is much clearer now (no longer graphical, but usability takes precedence over artistic desires in this case, and people are absolutely baffled by the old alien pop-up)
O Fixed pop-up menu (!) Works for any mouse button, and any key. Also allows you to click a mouse button to choose an option.
O Performance improvements for CM, hive sight, motion-tracking, marine upgrades (Plaguebearer, let me know if you see a difference)
O Damage types removed, except blast damage on grenades, bile bomb and siege
O 20% damage adjustment removed (back to old damage amounts)
O Orienting temp entities
O Siege must be built within range of a turret factory (not an advanced turret factory though)
O HMG rounds increased to 150, max pistol ammo now 30
O MG and pistol feel improved (thanks Gooseman!)
O Moveable CC bug fixed
O Release mode (should be a noticeable performance improvement on client and server, for everyone)
O Map name (and author?) on scoreboard
O Visible resources not resetting when switching roles (or on game reset)
O No longer lose 1 point losing a building
O Grens explode on impact with enemy team entities, bounce otherwise
O Grenades, bile bombs, acid rockets and other weapons can generally hurt the launching player
O New MG, sounds for anims as well
O New prototype lab model (goodbye HL grenade!) (this thing looks seriously amazing, thanks Squeal and Mojo!)
O Fixed grenade model trying to play anim it doesn't have (printed error to console)
O New shell (thanks Fam!)
O Reduced flier armor from 100/125 to 60/100
O Decreased def chambers from 6 points a second to 5
O Lerk scaled up by approximately 20%
O Removed nuke and nuke plant (and references to medlab and medkit)
O Welder cost reduced from 15 to 10
O Teammate health now draws properly for commander (when players are selected)
O No longer drawing any HUD or UI in demo playback mode (temporary workaround for recording footage)
O Fixed D3D problems for energy, resources and jetpack energy (draws to scale now, and works in D3D)
- Jetpack energy still needs work
O Make orders blinking
O Draw orders (and help icons) scaled to world, so they are smaller when far away. Decrease overall size of orders.
- Draw text below it proportionally
O New weapon sounds when reloading, deploying, etc.. Some of these obviously don't fit quite right yet or aren't synched up. (thanks Def One!)
O New MG model ("I condensed it down to 3 256x256 maps, and then added some detail: graphically, the textures are more contrasted, the vid screen is closer in color to Cory's, and there are other various nick-nacks and refinements. Polygonally, I've removed some pieces that bugged me, and used the extra space to add things like a proper bolt, and a casing around the clip port", "cleaned up a few polys (I went with the leaner look), polished up the maps, and here it is-- ready to swap") (thanks Bathroom!)
O New player model for MG, new HMG view model (thanks Def One!)
O New marine model animations! (thanks Def One!)
O New animated alien buildings! (thanks Mojo)
O New death animations for the level 4! (thanks Mojo)
O New version of fmod (potential improved efficiency or compatibility for .mp3 playback)
O New hera!
- Walkway broken, hopefully more conenctivity.
- New entrance lift which won't screw up.
- Ladders at all the slow lifts; an attempt to speed up the action around the marine start area.
- A few vents removed
- Cosmetic changes here and there, including chairs in front of all the computer terminals.
- New lifts in general; no more of those 'U' shaped lifts.
- Lightning is out, thunder is still in.
- Lots of other little changes, eg join signs in readyroom are now the standard green signs, and the scrolling red line is on the floor instead of the ceiling now. (It's easier to see.)
O New bast!
O New caged!
- "Fixed a ton of minor shaz that only I'd notice ... texture things, little bits of brushwork yada yada"
O New ns_nothing!
- "bug fixes such as the weldable behind the MS, sound goofs, condensed info_location names, etc."
O New nancy!
- "File size is waaaaay down. I moved some resources nozzles and added 1 extra. Each "start" has its own nozzel (1 by each hive, and the marine bridge has 1) and the rest are scattered evenly across the map so whoever controls most of the map, will control most of the nozzels. I also took out the cantina wav from the start and took care of a few texture alignments."
O Fixed intermittent client-crash that happened in large battles
O Don't send help messages for weapons that are selected but disabled
O Now players must wait 3 seconds getting in line to respawn, so death animation player properly
* Tried go-solid building fix to prevent players from getting stuck in buildings
* Refactored sensory chamber spawn/setconstructioncomplete to be uniform with other buildables
* Updated release project settings
* Reworked alien update message (got rid of old UI junk) in preparation for propagating hive info to alien players
* Removed ancient has-jetpack can-respawn variables on client and server (stored in upgrade var)
* Attempted to fix building sizes, but still doesn't work. Keep values in there for when bug is fixed.
* Added Steam-friendly versions of FindFirst/FindNext. Not using them yet though, until NS works with current goldsrc.
* New pop-up menu drawing! Scales properly and easier to read (waiting for artwork now).
- Software problems
O Removed FOV changes for aliens, because of bug in software rendering where view model wasn't drawing (they will come back when engine is fixed)
O Fix alien energy and resources
- Indexalpha problem (topdown, builder spit, energy/resource indicators, mouse cursor)
- Pop-up menus are totally broken, draw differently in software mode
- Drawing progress indicators around bases of building are wack
O Crash in CHud::DrawHudString
- Music getting choked out because of CPU?
O Fixed pop-up menu corruption
O Fixed command station floating
O Fixed building ring scale
O Fixed floating resource towers
O Fixed z-fighting for inf portal (?)
O Blinking upgrades
O Fixed occasional incorrect wrong playing weapon sound (due to upgrades)
O Added back in "upgrade lost" sound for aliens
O Chat text time changed from 6 to 10 seconds
O Implement eject-commander voting
O Draw blips, help icons, order icons and selection/build effects for demo watchers and spectators
O Fixed marine scores sometimes showing in scoreboard
O Fixed phase gates (they link up properly, and don't teleport you anywhere unless you have at least two)
O Increased command station health from 2500 to 3500
O HMG damage reduced from 28 to 23
O Fix tooltips not expiring
O Commander scoring (commander now has a score equal to his team average, rounded up)
O Make commander label blink when no commander is present
O Commander has voice precedence
O Jetpack energy drawing tweaked
O Lowered alien respawn time from 20 seconds to 10 seconds
O Lingering jetpack sound bug after game end
O Fixed permaweb bug (whoops!)
O Gorge spit energy cost reduced from .18 to .12, damage increased from 23 to 30
O Players slow down when hit some (so players don't go flying away when bitten) (this is the old system, not the extreme system in CS)
O Sensory chambers now detect enemies within range (they no longer do damage when touched though)
O Offensive chambers shoot faster projectiles, hitpoints increased from 600 to 800
O Hive spawn time reduced from 300 to 200 seconds
O Gestation health and armor increased (to allow more in-battle morphing)
O Hive animations play less often
O Screen fade on death back in
O Healing spray can no longer heal players over max health
O Healing spray can now heal armor (energy cost reduced)
O Healing spray now plays regeneration sound when healing players or buildings (it also heals buildings faster then players, to allow builders to save buildings)
O Put back in pauses between music tracks
O Improved blink a bit (shouldn't require jumping anymore, no longer "arrive" farther off the ground then you should be)
O Fixed incorrect help icons for weldables, command station, and others
O New idle animations for alien upgrade buildings (!)
O Don't generally play building animations when they interrupt another animation
O Changed FOV to 90 for all aliens (used to be 110 for skulk, 100 for gorge, 80 for level 5). This is necessary for software rendering support. Let me know if you think it really detracts from the game or if you don't even notice.
O New observatory model! (thanks Erex and Mojo!)
O Added view offset when firing babblers, so they fire successfully more often when standing on the ground
O Reduced siege upgrade time from 140 to 60 (seconds)
O Reduced movement chamber build time from 50 to 30 (not seconds, unitless)
O "Webbed" message now blinks
O Extensive information about current number of hives, building status for hives, and upgrades linked to hives. Enjoy.
O Right-clicking will keep the pop-up menu open, until something is selected (makes it easier for players to stumble onto the menu instead of it disappearing too fast)
O Fixed reticle help text color not always set properly (when using pop-up menu before changing weapons)
O D3D (black edges) fixed
O Armor and ammo level 1 upgrade time increased from 30 to 60
O Orders no longer blink for the commander
O Fixed missing sprite when using welder
O Welder damage reduced from 30 to 14
O Parasites are reptions on round reset (New: parasites are meant to be able to be used on buildings as well)
O Updated sprite files and the babblers icon.
- Babblers
- New mine sprite
- New grenade launcher sprite (Got rid of HLs grenade)
- New knife
- New welder
O Observatory fixes (got rid of 48 polys that were doubled over on the back, also fixed all the uvws on the back so they used the correct part of the texture. deploy animtions also looks much cleaner.)
O Base marine speed decreased 20%
O All alien base speed increased slightly, speed upgrades lessened a bit (whoops, I overcompensated last time)
O HMG damage reduced from 23 to 18
O Rent
O Pay bills
O Send Jeff titles.txt (and techtree?)
O Create base hud.txt and get Merks going on death messages
O Phase gating through unbuilt gates
O Secondary CC not able to be built
O Removed tournament-mode rule where hives couldn't be respawned once they are destroyed
O Hives now become solid when they start spawning, so they can be shot before coming online
- They no longer animate when not spawning
- They are solid when spawning or active, translucent otherwise
- They can be damaged while spawning.
O Write Jeremy about using music for trailer, and telling him about gold date
O Fixed respawning order for both sides
O Energy cost for umbra reduced from 85% to 70%
O Siege damage reduced from 500 to 400
O Faster reinforcement is now half the regular respawn time
O Respawn times fixed (both aliens and mariens were 15, now aliens are 10, marines are 15)
O Reduced level 5 stepsize to default
O No more scoring for parasite
O New marine skin! Now there are both black and white marines! (picks one randomly when you join the server)
O Updated all marine view models to use different skins as well (thanks Cory and Def One!)
O Added setskin cheat command for testing (setskin 0 or setskin 1)
O Update low-res sprites
O Wrote Merks about this
O Babbler sprites
O Parking tickets
O IRC guidelines
- Voiceovers
O Meet with Jeff
O Write prelim note to Lani
O Create formal and final voiceover document
O Write Lani
O Wait for e-mail back, talk to her on phone
O Talk to her again on Monday, talk to people about commander voice this weekend
O Wait for samples back from Lani
O Post samples on forum, send to Scott H, wait for their feedback and Scott's post before proceeding on marine/commander choice
O Try Max and Lani's sounds in-game, make final decision
- Put Lani's finish CC voiceovers in-game
- Write back Marc and Jon and thank them for the samples
O Lowered siege damage from 400 to 320
O Build circle artwork tweaked to be more intuitive (color doesn't fade away at end of "trail")
O Slow down resources on both sides a bit (to force more thought/consequence for resource tower placement, and to slow down tech on both sides)
O Primary resource towers start fully built for both sides
O Added death messages
O Death messages hitting hive info
O Droppable heavy armor (200 armor, plus 30 per armor upgrade level, armor absorbs 80% of damage, player movement much slower)
O Droppable jetpacks
O New NS icon (thanks Relic)!
O Fixed problem where victory/loss sounds weren't in the right format
O Fixed spores damaging buildings
O Fixed bug where alien defensive upgrades sometimes also gave damage upgrades (!)
O Added "command station online" sound when becoming commander
O Carapace and marine armor upgrades now absorb less damage (used to absorb 30% + 20% per upgrade, now it's 30% + 10% per upgrade)
O Lerk armor changed from 60/100 to 50/75
O Updated metamod with new jetpack and heavy entities
O Removed power armor, added heavy armor icon
O Fixed bug where grenade launcher looked available when it really wasn't (for commander)
O Turret factory health raised from 800 to 3000
O Arms lab health raised from 1000 to 2200
O Prototype lab health raised from 100 to 2000 (whoops)
O Armory health raised from 1200 to 2400
O When the server rotates to a new level, it now waits 12 seconds in the ready room first (used to be 5)
O Removed faster-reinforcements upgrade until it can be reworked into something meaningful and unique
O Fixed bug where sometimes players got stuck in limbo between readyroom and a team
- IRC ops forum
O Create and do initial setup
- Get MonsE to set up permissions and groups
- Demo playback
O Lots more stuff is being saved and restored, but old demos won't work anymore. Still doesn't work properly but it's better.
- Try to get it working better for trailer
O Load/save initial HUD state so you can start recording at any time
- Get mouse working properly with pop-up menu
- Get scoreboard data seeded
- HUD not being updated properly problem
- Topdown mode won't work
- Learn about recording HLTV demos
O Alien donation problem
O Removed donation
O Builders get resources at three times the rate of other aliens
O Aliens have a max number of resources, given number of hives, but builders always have 100 max (so they can build hives)
O Lerk cost reduced from 35 to 33 (so he can be chosen with one hive)
O Gorge cost reduced from 18 to 13 (now that players will be spending more time as gorge)
O Fix "last" of the overflows! (also significantly less network usage on game reset)
O Don't resend particles every game to fix or reduce overflowing
O Fix client crash when particles are still drawing on a map change
O Removed unused particle effects (less data to send)
O Fixed builders getting twice the points for some buildings (movement chamber, maybe all upgrade chambers)
O HMG smoke emission removed
- Fix only two upgrades bug
- Fix get-all upgrades bug
O Hives drawing when not visible
O Fixed command-station alert for commander
O Added "attackcs" cheat to test
O New special CC under attack sounds
O Removed HMG and shotgun particle effects, they looked bad
O Turret factories now must be upgraded to advanced turret factories to build siege
O Cost reduced from 40 to 25
O Time reduced from 60 to 30
O Look at ISPs and pick one
O Looked at them and talked to their online people, let MonsE make the choice
O Pull together scripting care package for Ned
O Announce planned site outage
- Alien build and health rings (thanks Relic!)
O Alien buildings no longer fade in as they build, they are always solid
O Remove progress bar for alien building
- Adjust scaling for all buildings
- Allow all aliens (or builder only) to see health of aliens
- Z-buffering issues
O Fixed problem where top-half of marine played wrong animation in ready room (now it plays walk/run for whole body when no holding a weapon)
O All structures give one point to player, except resource towers which give 3 points (used to be that marine towers only gave one point, invalidating stats)
- NOTE: points go to builder if he creates the structures, points go to the marine team if the commander gets them built (awarded when structure is fully built)
O New tanith!
-increased overall brightness 15%
-changed big 'tanith' sign to a model
-hive location names are now post-rc6b compatable
-improved the tactical map in the readyroom
-removed mp3 music from the readyroom
-removed alien-only grates from the central tunnels
O New bast!
- Hopefully, this fixes 2 things: 1) people getting inadvertantly killed by the airlock, and 2) blocking the airlock with buildings.
- The airlock still does damage for those who insist on really trying hard to stop the airlock with their bodies, but you'll see that it's a lot harder to do that now. I put down a func_nobuild that extends a little outside the bounds of both sides of the airlock to prevent anyone from building close enough to it that the building would halt the airlock's rotation
O New caged!
- Minor visual stuff and a few ambient sounds
O New nancy!
1) Overhead grates in locker room removed. Allows for some Bob ceiling climbing and the comander to drop items correctly in room.
2) Vents redone near Marine Spawn and ones that stay mostly over hallways for more friendly commander interface
2a) Part of the same lines, I'm particularly found of the new vent opening near the marine spawn from the ground. It looks quite yummy (you'll know it when you see it)
3) Various little dents, dings various ambient brushwork to add to the overall setting.
4) A few more texture fixes
- Make minimap more functional for soldiers
- Draw map correctly
- Draw blips (teammates, enemies, buildings)
- Draw names?
- Aliens with jetpack effects from previous game
O Temporarily removed jetpack effects
- Rework...add smoke while in there?
O Fixed bug where the welder stopped you from using your jetpacks (and probably had other very nasty side effects) (bug# 509)
O Only allow resource towers on resource nodes (don't allow non-resource buildings to block access to nodes, pro-newbie, anti-llama)
O Set first alien resource node as built when game starts (same for marines?)
O Print out basic stats to log (victory team number, victory team type, map name, game length, game version)
- Change time to minutes, seconds, include server name, IP?
O Add blinking "paralyzed" message
O Fixed problem where motion-tracking upgrade didn't show on marine HUD
O When drawing armor, draw armor symbol using knowledge of current lifeform and max armor, not assuming 100
O Fixed incorrect/loud ricochet sounds for lerk spike attack
O Remove min range for siege
X Change armory to give you ammo automatically when you're in range
- Make sure it works properly when firing
- Undone?
O Ready room can't see voice
O Slow down the player to a near standstill when using the HMG. Also, the HMG can only be fired while on the ground. Bumped damage from 17 to 19 to compensate.
O Death animations now playing properly!
O Slow down resources on both sides a little bit, to allow a little more momentum coherence in (esp. in beginning)?
- Sanity check this with many bots before releasing
O Capped pistol speed (6.66 shots per second)
O Pistol damage changed from 25 to 20
O Slowed down level5 charging so it doesn't look quite so comical
O Hooked up gestation animations (looping gestate, flinching, death animation) (thanks Mojo!)
O Write Lani about alien direction
O Write Mark about soldier and commander direction
O Respond to Ned about PR stuff
O Tell Def One about ability slots for anims, also projectile for paralyze, ask for gore animation
O Write Hugo about walk and idle for skulk, tell him about ability slots for anims
X Write Hanz about doing spike hit sprite
O Write Relic about special effects
- Marine-crouching-suddenly bug for Mike
O Check .wavs for Lani
O Write Lani (send guidelines for alien voice, send any other samples for cc, discuss rate)
O Write Max (send guidelines for soldier voice, discuss rate)
O New particle effects (thanks Relic!)
O Resource nozzles: used different sprite and tweaked particle system values. Not a huge difference, but it looks nicer to me.
O Blink: Uses new umbra sprite (see below) ie: looks like he appears in a cloud of sulfurous fume now
O Spike hit!
O Spores: Modified the sprite to make it play smoother and look a little better. Sporeclouds are a nice shade of alien green now.
O Umbra: Modified the sprite to make it play smoother and look a little better.
O Weld stuff: changed the sprites used for smoke, plasma, and droplets to create a more blue (and less obscuring) weld effect
O Phasegate: Changed the sprite used. If it's too 'fairydust' for you, try using the "welddrip.spr" instead (don't forget to change the # of frames to 1). As you know, I couldn't properly test this one because the particles refused to obey and went about on their own agenda.
O Teleport/reinforcement spawn: Tried a different approach. You might want to double-check me on this, but is the flag value for "constrain pitch" on a particle system equal to 128? I used this as an assumption, got a totally different result than I had intended, but liked the accidental result. See what you think. I also made a custom sprite for this.
O Fixed bug where blink effect wasn't playing at both start and end of blink
O Hives not taking damage before they're fully built
O All turrets (sentries, siege, offensive chambers) now reacquire closest target periodically (ie, turret firing at hive will turn to fire at incoming enemies if closer).
O Fixed lighting for skulk (tried using ceiling light level instead but that doesn't work most of the time)
O Skulk bite damage reduced from 88 to 70. Before you freak out, realize that it will still mean two bites to kill 85% of all marines! This just means heavy marines don't die in .5 seconds vs. skulks (it also means one skulk can't rip through an entire base of buildings).
O Play spike ricochet sounds less often and quieter (> 16 sounds with spikes esp.)
O Play less shotgun ricochet sounds
O Removed marine and alien points-received sounds (old placeholders, didn't need to be replaced)
O Distress beacon cost lowered from 30 to 15
O Phase gates no longer require prototype labs, just the observatory, cost for gates raised from 15 to 25
O New soldier model, with aiming and firing animations! New p_models for weapons! Touched up view models for skulk, onos and hmg! (thanks DefOne!)
O New heavy model and new level 5 model! (thanks DrHugo!)
- Voice acting
- How much caricature, how much gravel, don't yell because you're using the mic
- Very specific, don't say "bad-ass", say "add more gravel"
- John st. John, If he's too radio (he's Duke Nukem)
- E-mail: stjohn4voice@sbcglobal.net (949) 492-1892 home, (323) 533-1689 cell
- Don't talk money until I know he's the one
- Talk with Lani before I talk money
- Tell him that I'm doing it for low cost, that it could lead to something bug
- Tell him no accent, lots of gravel
- $150 for marines and commanders
- Ask him to strip compression, record flat, our sound eng. will do it
- Max McGill (937) 435 2976
- reasonable rates
- maxtoo@earthlink.net
- Great new voice not heard on games
O Sent clips, awaiting samples
- From Lani: sneer, faster
- Command station voice
- South African
O All new CC sounds! These were recorded by Lani "I sense a soul in search of answers" Minella. She's done work for Blizzard, Epic and tons of other companies.
O Command station online
O Command station under attack
O Research complete
O Commander ejected
O Tower low on resources (only give this once per node per game)
O Squad # sounds
O Need portal
O Press jump key to go to alert (only once per commander per game)
O Soldier needs ammo (plays for commander when soldiers uses pop-up menu, press jump key to go to alert)
O Soldier needs health (plays for commander when soldiers uses pop-up menu, press jump key to go to alert)
O What are you waiting for? (when idle)
O Soldier lost
O Select your troops and give them orders
O Sentry firing
O Sentry taking damage
- Soldier needs help
O Change all occurences of "building" with "structure" for clarity (some players get confused about buildings, because they assume they should be bigge)
O Marine equipment spawning issues
O Never remove equipment dropped by commander
O Anything dropped by a player lasts for 30 seconds (set by server as mp_weaponstaytime, in minutes)
X Wall climbing orientation
O Started work on it, wrote Brian
O Use his response to make this work
O Changes undone
O In ready room, use regular walk/run animations (not walk_noweaponname) so upper body looks right
O Draw range of observatory and sensory chambers when selected by commander
O Observatory and sensory chamber ranges now act in 2D (like siege), so commander can see what regions are affected
O Stop giving points for building on alien side (or give them for marines too)
O Revisit onos view model to make sure Def's new changes work properly
O Healing spray no longer sprays through walls or buildings, you need line of sight
O Much improved teleport effect, changed spawn effect, improved performance for blink, tweaked spore sprite, toned down alien health/build rings (Relic)
O Changed hud.txt a little bit to fix some issues where the killsprites of certain weapons were displayed incorrectly and came out garbled (thanks Rhoads!)
O Heavy armor now absorbs 100% of damage instead of 80%
O Marines can now move full speed sideways (used to be 80%)
O Acid rocket damage changed from 80 to 60
O Spore range reduced from 80 to 60
O Spore damage reduced from 36 to 30
O Alien resource tower health lowered from 2000 to 1000
O Updated nancy (moved resource node in hive so it allows hive building)
O Big resource model change as an experiment:
O Resource towers are essentially infinite, but give resources much more slowly (2000 points each, giving out one point every six seconds instead of 360 points, 2 points every 5 seconds).
O Kill Grendel if you hate this model. That is all.
O Commander idle sounds play less frequently
O New acid rocket effect, new bacterial spray effect (thanks Relic!)
O Command station health increased from 3500 to 9000
O All new final soldier sounds!
O All new final commander sounds!
O Removed "use target" order
O Only trigger phase gate help when phase gate is built
O Special select sound for aliens (in pop-up menu)
O Added new sound for aliens getting equipped (instead of marine sound)
O Removed extra sounds from install
O Many player footsteps
O Many sounds in sound/items
O Fixed shotgun ricochet (too loud and playing too many sounds)
O Added three new sayings for soldiers
O Marine armor increased from 50 + 30 per upgrade to 100 + 20 per upgrade
O Waypoints blink but are visible more often
O Typing kill in console for commander no longer does anything weird
O Moved choices on alien pop-up menu a bit so it's harder to go back to the ready room by accident
O Revisit building placement
O Allow ammo, health, scans, armor and weapons to go anywhere (including on top of players and buildings), not just flat areas
O Allow waypoints on slanted terrain
O Fix problem where ghost building sometimes draws behind walls
O Reworked hive sight messages
O The blip message closest to your reticle (and only that one) draws
O Allows player to see where other players are without an alert
O Stops cluttering the screen
O Reworked reticle message and help text (center player id works properly now, and autohelp can be disabled without losing player under the reticle)
O Take into account gamma when drawing things in HUD color (fonts should be the right color now)
O Draw blips while gestating
O Don't draw various UI elements during time between dying and getting in line to respawn (armor, hive info, resources, tooltips, etc.)
O Draw health for building or entity you're looking at, no matter the distance (instead of scanning immediate area for buildings). Possible noticeable client performance improvement here.
O Gorges get to see health for teammates
O Server optimization: turrets search for new enemies less frequently (from 10 times a second to once every .8 seconds)
O Server optimization: defensive chambers heal twice as much, but half as often
O Server optimization: frame rate independent player updating
O Fixed server ASSERT when aliens "ask for ammo"
-> Server password: br1ng1t
O New main screen artwork (thanks Squeal!)
O Update FAQ
O Acid rocket and teleport effects updated (my bad, thanks Relic!)
O Don't allow commander to select units on other team (fixes health ring issues)
O Removed every last placeholder sound (most alien sayings don't play sounds right now, no pain/death sounds for marines, these will be replaced)
O Added new console backdrop (thanks Squeal!)
O Aliens with no hives have a max of 33 resources, not 0
O In an effort to shorten games and have less random node grabbing, resource nodes are now destroyable. If a tower is successfully built on a node and then destroyed, the node can no longer give resources to either side for the rest of the game. A node that's been destroyed in this manner will no longer allow towers to be built on them.
O Resource towers take longer to build, cost more, and are harder to destroy. This may be the right solution for the rampant resource trading we've been seeing.
O Healing spray no longer damages non-players
O Get code off UW
O Removed HL "flatline" sound on death
O Refactor hard-coded hive sight network message limit
O Turrets track closer to the way they used to
O Marines in heavy armor are slightly faster
O More HP for phase
O Swap spores and umbra
O Movement chambers now teleport you to the farthest hive (!)
O Toned down primal scream (rate of fire, energy acquisition, +30% damage instead of %40%)
O Lerk bite and fade swipe icons display properly (thanks Merks)
O Grenade gun max clip increased from 4 to 6
O Fixed problem where help icons weren't drawing
O Made voting percentage and min votes server variables (mp_votepercentneeded and mp_minvotesneeded)
O Added heavy view models! There are still some problems with the left hand and arm in some of these. (thanks Def and Cory!)
O Fix order giving once and for all
O Players always see them
O Build orders always go away when structure is built
O Fixed problem were wrong action was being displayed
O Waypoint drawing in wrong location for entities
O Waypoint text obscured
O Waypoints a bit big
O Order completion is now an alert, so pressing jump key will go to it
O Make sure orders expire properly in all circumstances
O Don't play order complete sounds when order failed
O Wrong order icons
O Fix welding completion (mWelded)
O Only allow order giving when player(s) selected
O Movement order not expiring?
O Draw correct minimum resource amount on HUD (instead of 100 all the time)
O Flight/jumping and ladder issues (don't allow airborne lerks to use ladders)
O Distress beacon no longer needs armory, motion-tracking and phase gates now require armory (oops)
O New tech tree sprites
O Added knife flourish
O New soldier model strafes/twists properly (thanks Def One!)
O Acid rocket ASSERT
O Removed all knockback, slowdown and forces applied from melee or ranged weapons
O Don't disable alien pop-up nodes that are too expensive (allows quick help)
O Put in tooltip that explains the object of the game
O Higher HP for siege (1000 to 2000)
O Moved alien death messages
O Allow people to move around server until countdown starts. When countdown starts, reset server so hive hasn't been discovered.
O Draw alien energy max at 100, not max resource level
O Fix skin problems in release/online (setskin is now allowed by players for testing ("setskin 0" for white marine, "setskin 1" for black))
O Fixed bug where using alien abilities sometimes played the "illegal action" sound
O Addressed exploits where alien abilities could be bound to keys (player is immediately killed)
O Move alien health into fuser2, alien energy is now fuser3, make sure gestation progress bar still works
O Don't draw health rings for enemies when you're a gorge
O Fixed alien building health not updating
O Fixed # sign in location text in non-official maps
O Updated community links page
O Final eclipse (thanks KungFu!)
O Soldier sayings and other HUD sounds increased in volume (they weren't normalized)
O Play "more resources" sound when not enough for building or evolving
O Dropping ammo at world origin when spawning
O Fixed shakiness while frozen before game start
O Allow right-click to cancel building in CM
O Armory's upgradin' message
O Added team sounds when game starts
O New hera (thanks Merks!)
O Beefed up turret acquisition time again (halfway between old and new)
O Hives can never be blocked by presence of resource nodes (the anti-llama tactic)
O Profiling code for Linux
O Linux build updated
O New skulk model (head turns properly when strafing, new death anim) (thanks Mojo!)
O New caged!
O Fixed areas where players could get stuck in the Ventilation System Hive room and the Generator Stability Monitoring room.
O Tweaked architecture and lighting in Central Hub, Sewer Vestibule and Freight Elevator areas.
O Added some other bits n pieces of detail and visual niceness: coronas, some accent lighting blah blah.
O Finally fixed Fam's floating button!
- Alien voiceovers
O Direct Lani
O Get Scott set up with them
O Work with Scott on them
- Add new voiceovers
- Incoming enemies (for sensory chamber)
O Game start sound
O Hive is complete
O Low resources
? New trait available
O Hive is dying
- Funny ones
O Send back to Scott for more post
O Removed "fetch config from URL"
O Write VALVe with final update
O Hera crash
O Resource model is messed (dang, a missing "c" causes so many problems...)
O Make alien sounds louder (normalized)
O Call Mike Friday
O Fixed floating gestation sacs
O Fixed bug where extra resources were sometimes being wasted on the alien team
O Siege damage reduced from 400 to 350, range reduced from 500 to 400
O Aliens now fall all the way to ground during countdown (instead of floating and shaking)
O Added missing gunpickup2-a.wav
O Soldier armor reduced back to 50 + 20 per upgrade (instead of 100 + 20). Means two skulk bites to kill.
O Fixed bug where commander was getting "command station is under attack" when something else is under attack
O Write mappers about final map acceptance and deadline
O Opinion poll first
O Choose maps, post on forums
O Write mappers
O Write Narby
RC9 - final
- Password: l4stw33k
- Server password: k1ck1t
O Marine tower cost reduced from 50 to 35
O New ns_nothing (just info_location stuff)
O New voiceicon.spr from Relic
O Marine tower cost changed from 50 to 35
O Resources sped up just a hair
O Shotgun damage reduced from 20 to 18 per bullet
O Umbra lets through 1 in 7 bullets instead of 1 in 8
O Send detailed manual feedback to Jeff
O Revisit construction time and make sure it works (approximately) in seconds
O Touched up some alien and marine sounds (Onos footsteps, new alien death, mg and hmg upgraded shots, increased resource tower idle volume)
O Moved and removed many sounds, most of them duplicates or placeholders.
O Don't allow name changing mid-game (queue up changes and change when valid)
O Fixed bug where sometimes you couldn't switch to next player while spectating (happened when buttons were held down on death)
O Reduced leap and charge damage a bit
O Level 5 and alien health issues ("looping" past 0, make sure health color takes into account max health of player)
O Add damage ring for target building when close (doesn't work for alien resource tower, it's not working for reticle help either)
O Can no longer change skin via console unless cheats are on
O Alien energy problems (esp. with leap)
O Make sure alien abilities can't be abused by binding them
O Add "you need more resources" alert for aliens
O Get cable
O Pay Lani
O Send Avis receipt to Denise at VALVe
O Rent
O Bills
O Health/build-status rings should display when pointing
O Test waypoint visibility during a PT sometime
O PTs found cases where it doesn't work
O Fixed problems they found
O Send some NS radio clips to DJs
O Write Def One with new tasks
? Get Def to add reload sounds for HMG and GG
O Soldier crouch should be lower, going through ceilings
? Soldier crawl is going through the floor
- Scale up lerk a bit
- Soldier run
O New bast (updated sound locations, ladder to get out of breakable grate pit near furnace)
O Write Scott with new tasks
O Feedback on Citixen's story
O Make sure console commands require cheats if needed
O Make sure keybinds match up
O Fixed bodygroup jetpack problem (thanks Necro!)
O Mines are now visible when dropped, but still oriented wrong
O E-mail to Scott
O Out of game UI sounds
O Go through mg and hmg sounds
O bite2.wav (rework to sound cohesive with bite.wav)
O bitekill.wav/blinkfail.wav
O Replace mine_charge.wav, mine_deploy.wav (send sounds and explain timing)
O select.wav (and select_node_forward.wav and select_node_backward.wav) should be less abrasive if possible
O Touchup hud/you_lose.wav and hud/you_win.wav (fade in/out or otherwise improve)
O Create pickup_heavy.wav and pickup_jetpack.wav?
O Recreate fade sounds? (all the role6 sounds except role6_spawn)
O Alien sayings
O send blink sounds and verify that they are his
O divinewindexplode.wav is clipping, need old one back
O Precache error for team_advarmory
O General purpose particle event
O Add new xenocide effect
O Clean up e-mail
O Fix MOTD.txt not propagating
O Remove mp_demoing
O Add generic sound when alien building dies (little squish/scream)
O Fixed refilling mines at armory bug
O Sensory chamber health increased
O Sensory chamber cost reduced, offensive chamber cost increased
O Ask AAron/MonsE about https and writing a backend script/db
O Removed the sound/ns_bast folder, integrated Relic's sound changes into the sound/ambience folder. You may want to verify that your map's sounds are still correct.
O New particle effect for bile bomb
O Movement chambers take 3 seconds instead of 2 seconds to become usable after being built (to lessen chance of gorges jumping through by accident)
O Decide on software rendering: it's out until a future HL patch
O Building sizes: it is a problem with the engine, it'll be fixed in a future HL patch
O New sound and effects for distress beacon
X Display building range when dropping ghost building
O Reduced alien resource tower from 30 to 25
O Reduced shotgun range from 1000 to 7000
O New launcher sounds (thanks Scott!)
X Work with EricS on VAC and building problems
O Can't be fixed for v1.0.
O Fixed ammo/health alerts for soldiers, so the commander is notified (hit space to go to it)
O Added order requests as an alert for the commander (hit space to go to it)
- Add Lani's new sample
O Pistol, welder, and tripmines are now secondary weapons (only allow one)
O E-mail Slappy about metamod update for tonight
? Visibility tweak: enemies aren't "detected" unless they're moving. This means the commander can only see nearby moving blips, and marines with motion-tracking won't see still aliens that are detected because they're nearby. This also means webs won't show up when nearby.
? Fixed motion-tracking picks up unmoving players
O Added WON authentication IDs in scoreboard (must type "auth" in console for it to display an icon for you, auth again will toggle it off)
O Remove drawing over class name
O Fix weird memory problem
O Decide how server ops can specify their IDs (server variable, delimited with ;'s?)
? Get Relic to create icons
? Get Dev WON ids via forums
? Get Guide WON ids from Bilks
x Add any extra powers for those authed? endgame, voting?
? Add "auth" command (it should reset when player disconnects but not between games)
? Tweak colors
O E-mail Jeremy about trailer music
O Talk to Cory and write Relic first
O Changed hive ambient sound to use version in HL
O Change primal scream to not use green, but to draw blinking primal scream text
O Added "In umbra" indicator
- Misc sound tasks
O Verify that there aren't any broken or placeholder sounds anywhere
O Go through alien deaths and idles
X Add soldier talking to traile r
X Bite death sound (Starcraft?)
O Phasegate.wav in?
O Marine resource tower sounds in?
O Add vibrato to alien voiceovers? Lani used: Effects->Chorus->Vibrato2 (default settings) (feedback 40%, chorus 5/2. -6, input gain 0, mod depth 8%)
O sound/doors...include which ones?
X Merge mg-1.wav into two bullets?
? Add chargekill
O Scott's or SC's?
X misc/a-building1.wav and misc/a-building2.wav
X misc/distressbeacon.wav
O hud/countdown.wav
O kn-hit-3.wav kn-hit-4.wav (remove)
O Consolidate bitehit and bite2hit
x Make sure explode1.wav and explode2.wav (deep in engine)
O Replace bitekill.wav with bite2kill.wav
O Add bite2kill (uses bitekill.wav)
O Remove abilities_granted and abilities_lost
O hive_death is in?
O Egg gestation sounds played more regularly
O Updated ns_nancy, ns_caged and ns_eclipse with info_locations
O Change launcher so it's multiplayer only
O Allow phase gates to be recycled
O Phase gate now plays looping sound
O Removed hotgroup support until it can be done properly
O Verify not crashing when creating hotgroups quickly
O Removed HMG slowdown, it can be fired from air again (too confusing and weird)
O New fade and onos models (anims tweaked)
O Removed upgrade sounds for weapons (unnecessarily confusing and doesn't warrant space/memory)
O Don't allow +using movement chambers while gestating. Are there any other exploits?
O Last remaining new sounds!
O New alien vocals
O New mine sounds
O New pickup jetpack/heavy sounds
O New blink sounds
O New lerk bite sounds, new bitekill sounds
O New fade sounds
O New particle system for phase in
O Increased scan duration
O Removed parasite projectile
O Fixed "Need ammo" and "need health" alerts, now they fire for commander
O Offense chamber health increased from 800 to 1100
O New scanner sweep effect (gorgeous Relic!)
O Added face up particle flag, updated .fgd
O Post b_scan.mdl task for Def
O Adjusted scan timing
O Valve Anti-Cheat fully integrated!
O Preserve model from previous game in ready room
O New Onos footsteps
O Fixed bug where gestating on elevators turned off collision
O Fixed acid rocket problems!
O Orienting and scaling temp entities (lerk spikes, added paralysis projectile)
O Allow hives to be hurt while building (bounding box issue)
O Fixed hive building exploit
O Fixed bug where ghostly view model appears after building and entering command station
- Remaining Lani tasks
O Email her with "Soldier needs order", redo the annoying ones (structure is under attack), alien flavor
- Remaining Max tasks
O Emailed him with "There's something you don't see every day", "Why am I so good" and pain, death sounds
- Performance issues
- Turrets
- General performance
- Regular bots should think like regular players for easily profiling
- VTune pointed out AvHDetermineVisibility and some of the casting in there, but not sure if I believe it
- Performance with many bots seemed identical to that of many players, then I rebooted and now game performance with even 25 bots is minimal (?)
RCX - final
X Potential installer issues (happened to me at least, probably my environment)
X mouse2 wasn't bound to popup
X music volume was 200
O Use -console or -nointro?
? slide show should indicate that it transitioned to aliens (all of a sudden, everything's different and it's strange)
? Using old icon for shortcuts
O Jetpacks lose energy slower
O Acid rocket damage changed from 60 to 50
O Fade armor reduced from 125/150 to 90/215
O Addressed alien building spam, now you can't have more then 8 buildings of a specific type within a 1000 radius (half that of webs)
O Gamma washing out auth icons
O Don't reset spectators on game reset
O Fixed unlimited HMG ammo bug
O Fixed nodes not being buildable
O Fixed server crash when MOTD.txt is too long
O Make weapon priorities for shotty/HMG/GG equal
X Don't allow skulk to use ladders
O Fixed client crash that happened only as an alien, when players leave the server!
- Server optimization
? Do what VTune says: AvHDetermineVisibility. This is probably more due to the number of entities, and less due to this actual function.
- Get linux server working with compiler optimizations
O Buildables not fully built
X Try removing particle stuff on server
- Track only entities that need visibility calculations
- Buildables
- Players
- Webs
- CBasePlayerItems
O Found real problem: InternalHelpThink()!
- Onos issues
O Onos getting stuck when evolving
O Crouch bug
? Allow redemption to work
- Getting stuck occasionally while moving (?)
- Needs to crouch to do damage
O Avis info for car when at VALVe: Rental number: 669122985 Car number: 6140761, Aug 16 through 29, $632.41, 800-352-7900
? Added alien easter eggs
O New fade and onos models, no more floating (thanks DefOne!)
O Tweaked xenocide, bilebomb, blink for performance and aesthetics (thanks Relic!)
O Updated location names on hera to have less "processing" and "computers" (thanks Merks!)
O Reduced marine tower cost from 25 to 22
O Reduce portal cost from 25 to 15
O Reduced phase gate cost from 25 to 20
O Reduced HMG cost from 28 to 23
O Reduced grenade launcher from 33 to 27
O Reduced alien resource tower cost from 24 to 22
O Increased marine turret health from 800 to 1000
O Increased skulk bite from 70 to 75 (two-bite kill)
O Increased heavy armor speed scalar from .82 to .88
O Reduced jetpack tech cost from 50 to 25 (haven't seen jetpacks once since they've been droppable!)
O Reduced jetpack cost from 15 to 9
O Increased fade cost from 40 to 44
O Reduced builder morph time from 15 to 13
O Reduced lerk morph time from 20 to 18
O Reduced fade morph time from 25 to 23
O Reduced onos morph time from 34 to 30
O Decreased builder cost from 13 to 10
O Reduced heavy armor damage percentage from 100% to 95% (so you'll take some damage to your health)
O Reduce motion-tracking research time from 180 to 100
O Reduced portal build time from 30 to 22
O Reduced shotgun damage from 18 to 16
O Increased siege range from 1100 to 1250
O Increased HMG damage from 19 to 20 (double the power for regular MG)
O Fixed armory texture (not sure what was wrong though)
O New bast with particle performance fixes
O Added door sounds back in again
O New optimizations
? Allow players to change name after game started, as long as they haven't left the ready room
? Fixed gamma correction for auth icons
? Slow down particle propagation to fix timeouts?
? Bast particle performance
O Scan effect not visible in current build (missing/bad ParticleEvent.sc, scan.spr or particle name in ns.ps)
O Zero velocity of players going through phase (reduces chance of falling into hole after going through)
O Missing door sounds
O Replaced pistol sound with beefier one
? Respawn with full energy instead of 0 energy
? Added alert for sensory chambers ("The enemy approaches")
? Added alert for builders. Now it only plays every 30 seconds and won't play if you have builders or players that are evolving to builders, or not enough alive players.
O Fixed bug where scanning also issues an order
O Look into network messages being sent on an endgame (redundant messages or something is causing overflows still)
O Updated spectator mode with new text and new camera distance for more cinematic feel
O Updated auth icons (thanks Relic!)
O Resized lerk
O MG, pistol and HMG muzzle-flashes now emit from the correct locations, new muzle flash sprites
O Update marine hud sprite
O Info_Location
O New mainhud.spr from Relic
O Limit # of buildings in an area (do generically)
O Change upgraded weapon sounds
O Emailed Scott H about making new ones
O Fixed client-side crash on changelevel and removed all "no such sprite" errors
O Has to do with particles drawing on map change, possibly with invalid sprites? Possibly lag-related, test with fakelag?
? Write Relic about last particle effects
- Turret smoke
? Add new jetpack effects
O Welder performance
O New blink effect (better performance)
O Doubled grenade launcher rate of fire (improves feel and spam isn't an issue now)
O Skins are now working properly after a map change or reset
O Removed placeholder Q3 texture (nos_wall3) from ns_bast.wad
? Aliens not playing their death anims sometimes?
O DIE_BACKWARD not working for skulk or gorge. Posted list of art fixes to forum.
? Add particle effect for commander hacking (not working properly yet)
O New alien sounds for "structure under attack", "resource tower under attack" and "lifeforms under attack" (a bit calmer, less grating)
O New and final hera
- All ladders should now be walkable on by skulks.
- New weldable into the back entrance to Data Core Delta, accessable from the seizure corridor. (Tell me if there's any speed problems there, although there shouldn't be.)
- New path from Maintenance to Processing. (Extention of the small corridor.) Level5s can only crawl through these corridors, mind.
- Archiving Hive now has a 2nd entrance on floor level, accessable with a welder.
- Marine Start Warehouse door can now be opened from the marine side, but only once the panel on the other side has been welded.
- Floor panels in the Holoroom are now solid.
- Marine Command Centre now very much protected, as you'll see. Commander can also build up there, although most of the floor is still invisible so he can see the area below.
- Replaced all momentary_doors with normal doors because I'm suspicious that they might not be working satisfactorily. (I would recieve "found momentary_door 'labdoor03', firing." style messages constantly, for all the different doors.)
- Not sure if this is new or not, but the Data Core Delta resource node has been moved much nearer.
- Security Door welds have been cosmetically changed to fit in with the rest of the welds in the map.
- New door textures for marine start. Woo!
- Various tweaks here and there, as usual.
- **Print out and send in OLM credit card info (or cancel?)
- **Bills
O Deposits at bank
- Cancel BounceWEB and HostRocket
O Filled out trouble tickets for both
O Confirm HR
O Wrote back BounceWEB, trying to cancel
O Unleased MonsE on them
? Wait a bit longer
? Server crashes
? Minimap infinite loop
O On endgame with 20+ people
O Figure out how to repro...it's this overflow: "SZ_GetSpace: overflow without FSB_ALLOWOVERFLOW set on Server Reliable Datagram"
? Don't send sound names or map extents except on connect or map change
? Don't reset gamma on map reset
? Flag effective player class changes instead of sending redundant messages
? Flag effective team changed and send once
? Removed carried resources update
O MessageBegin:
- 74 -> UTIL_ShowMessage
- 82 -> gmsgScoreInfo (EffectivePlayerClassChanged)
- 83 -> gmsgTeamInfo (CHalfLifeTeamplay::ChangePlayerTeam)
- 95 -> screen fade
O Make sure gamma level message is supressed normally
O Added ns_authicons server var
O Fixed CD key problem when hosting NS on a LAN (default variables weren't being set right, so sv_lan was 0)
O New countdown sound
O Custom muzzle flashes (rotate MG one by 90 degrees so it doesn't block small targets)
- Easter eggs
O "Now, we donce"
O "My hive"
O "I see dead people"
O "This place is a mess"
O "Need better players"
- "Not bad for a human"
O Fix skin color changing every time you spawn
O Fixed bug where muzzle flash played even when firing on empty
O Disabled useable and breakable icons, because I couldn't display them in a non-ugly fashion
O Fixed bug where sometimes two hives would support the same technology
O Removed ejected casings from grenade launcher
O Final tanith
O Removed skymap .bmps because software model isn't supported
O New heavy marine view models (thanks DefOne!)
O Players can no longer kill themselves with the "kill" command unless cheats are on
O Increased cost of observatory from 16 to 25
O Acid rocket energy cost increased from .2 to .26
O Update titles.txt with grammatical pass from Jeff
O Final pass at listenserver.cfg, server.cfg, user.scr and settings.scr
O Make inactive hives show up on hive sight
O Remove F1/F2 and F3 from shipping config.cfg
O No longer draw "energy" or numeric data for alien energy
O Tooltips no longer intersect marine upgrades or alien energy
O Fixed up particle culling, should see better client performance and many less disappearing entities
? Move help text to client (CPU and network performance)
O Make player ID visible in ready room and spectator mode
O New eclipse
- Made a couple texture switches in accordance with the modified ns.wad
- -wadincluded ns_eclipse.wad (so don't include that file anymore)
- fixed a func_illusionary railing
- and made the doors to marine spawn reset quicker.
O Removed extra textures in wall_lab.wad to reduce download size (thanks KFS and Merks!)
O Reduced welder damage from 14 to 10
O Removed upgrade resource tower button
O Fixed bug where hive kept playing wound animation after it died
O Clean up heavy armor and jetpacks at the end of the round
O Fixed marines health circle when dead (used to draw fully sometimes)
O Recycled IP doesn't reset reinforcing player
O Change self-damage to 50%
O Removed builder scoring. Score should be kills only (though commanders have a score equal to their average team score, rounded up). Sorry MonsE, your reign of terror is over. Builders now get points for their own turret kills.
O Spawning issues
O Make sure players spawn at random hive spot, so they can't be camped easiily, and also make sure the area isn't blocked by something
O Infantry portal and phase gate now kills any players too close to the respawning player
O Fixed blink effect playing multiple times
X Bug/exploit when joining team and hitting F4 at the same time
- Can't repro
O Dead aliens don't receive hive sight updates, maybe this will fix occasional alien/death overflow
O Fixed possible cause of last alien client crash
O Updated ns.wad has Cory's last texture
O Lowered build time for alien resource towers slightly
- New hera
- New ready room
- New weldables
- More marine-friendly
O Fixed bug where players could get more then one upgrade of each category
O Fixed acid rocket and bilebomb projectile orientation
? Possibly fixed progress indicators sometimes not visible
O Tweaked selection to make it easier/possible to select buildings when close together
O Fix shotgun weirdness when reloading and firing
O Playing idle animation in middle of reload causing hitch (it's doing this because the reload is happening server side, so mSpecialReload isn't set on the client)
O Faster reload
O Fixed bug where it refilled instantly sometimes
O Team resources label not visible when joining team
O Voting messages should now be sent properly
O New health/armor HUD sprites for low resolution, removed "CS" from an ammo sprite
O Revisit HUD in general, and layout everything properly (put all constants in one file)
O Move current commander text to left slightly
O Move commander text and resource labels up slightly
O Adjusted info location for low-res
O Move chat so it doesn't block resource text as alien
O Alien reticle help blocking "resources"
O Armor and health icons overlapping
O Move marine tooltip help to left, past these upgrades
O Only draw one damage and one armor upgrade, one jetpack/heavy upgrade, and align towards bottom (prevents collision with voice)
- Decrease font size for lower resolutions (#489)
- Test in all resolutions
Less then 640 - Tooltip font way too big, info location text isn't positioned properly, hive info icons and text crappy, weapon icons show snarks, crosshairs aren't the same, commander text and team resource text too low, icons for health and armor aren't updated
RCX patch - Final gold
O Fix for various marine HUD elements not showing up (team resources, etc.)
O Doom, TommyD auth icons
O Mines using p-model or something when held
O Missing muzzle flash sprites
O New version of caged with some wad changes and fixes for some messed up clipnodes near the sewer hive
O If you join the readyroom while dead (f4) you spawn into the map, yet as a readyroom type player is still in. I did it in hera, tonight. You need to rejoin the server, to get to the RR again.
O Binding for jetpack, not nuke
O Remove disconcerting "unable to open commandmenu.txt" message
O Find and fix telefragging issues
O Added "auth" confirmation (ON/OFF message)
? Gamma doesn't reset when quitting at console
- Only happens with VAC. Wrote e-mail to ES and EJ, awaiting response
O Added auth mask confirmation messages
- Overflow with 22 players or so and a fair number of buildings (10 marines, 12 aliens I think)
- Only happens with real players, not bots
- Interesting fix: only propagate entities with non-team of 0 for players that aren't in the ready room?
Make sure icons are right
Created 3 shortcuts on my desktop that went away on their own after 2 mins
Default music level should 200, should be 90
O Fixed jetpacks and HA being able to be picked up by aliens
O Increased Onos claw range so he can hit targets without crouching
O Info locations aren't clearing/resetting properly always
O See if I can get gamma resetting without atexit()
O Removed donating text from friendly hive description
O Fixed liblist.gam size
O Umbra disappearing after a few seconds (I think this is the cull time!)
- Rick Raymo (714) 227-2060 rick@ism-agency.com "agent"
- limelightmedia.com for quote format, send paragraph to Lani
- Hive spawn problems (has to do with choosing random spawn at hive?)
- Sent e-mail to Relic
- Death animations still not always playing
- Phantom waypoints
"Could the waypoint bug be the order-completion bug? I've noticed that when you order a marine to build a structure, completion of the structure sometimes causes the "build structure at waypoint" comm to be played again, rather than the "got it done" or another completion comm. "Phantom" waypoints might be the same bug."
- AddToFullPack server optimization
- Revisit building placement #2
O Allow hives to be attacked
- Make sure these items don't fall through world on slanted surfaces
- Merks' problem on slanted floors on hera
- Server optimizations
O Got remote access on Underworld, now wait for MSVC
O Setup MSVC and build process there
O Install TrueTime or other profiler
O Some server optimizations, not sure how effective yet (AddToFullPack)
- Linux performance
- AddToFullPack
webid: nsdl
web pass: j0ystick
installer pass: g0neg0ld
server pass: hallow33n
- Getting stuck while blinking
- Building alien structures in vents going through the world
- Building alien structures on self
- Unable to build upgrade chamber bug (#423)
O Can't repro
- Look at hitboxes
- Level 5 needs to crouch to hit
- Level 5 not doing damage when not crouched
- Crouched players in vents not taking damage
- Moving backwards while firing spit/rocket/spikes causes it to hit yourself
- Building structures and getting stuck in them
- Fix broken gun animation after exiting command station until next deploy
- Optimize hive sight messages to possibly fix overflows
- Can't bind CAPSLOCK in out of game UI
- Upgrade status bars?
- Paul Drew "SolarCurve" -> 972-691-3739
NS v1.01
O Moved all gameplay constants into server code, so economy and balance will be identical on all servers
O Added auto team-balance: you are not allowed to join a team if joining it would give that team more then 2 players more then the other team.
O Increased server performance by 20-30% (should result in slightly less lag, more changes coming here)
O Dropped health and ammo packs now expire after 30 seconds
O Sentry cost increased from 16 to 19
O Sentries and siege turrets now need a functioning factory to stay operational. They will power down and become inactive there are no factories nearby. If a new factory is built nearby, they will power back up.
O Offensive chamber health increased from 1100 to 1200
O Lessened siege damage from 350 to 330
O Acid rocket rate of fire increased from .66 to 1.0 (shots per second)
O Increased fade armor from to 90/125 to 125/150
O Increased acid rocket damage from 50 to 60
O Increased base speed of fade from 210 to 240
O Changed regeneration upgrade from fixed number to percentage of alien max health. Alien also emits regen sound when healing.
O Grenade damage reduced from 200 to 180 (still does blast damage), clip size reduced to 4, rate of fire decreased slightly
O Increased research time for heavy armor from 80 to 100
O Increased HMG cost from 23 to 25
O Increased grenade launcher cost from 27 to 33
O Increased cost of heavy armor from 20 to 25
O Lower cost for offensive chambers from 16 to 14, and build time from 40 to 30
O Friendly fire now does 33% damage instead of full damage (tournament mode only)
O Lessened HMG damage from 20 to 18
O Numeric indicator at resource towers now shows how many actual resources were contributed to your team (minimum 1)
NS v1.02
O Fixed bug where parasite could hurt own team
O Fixed bug which allowed players to damage their own structures with gunfire
O Updated code to be more compatible with Adminmod under win32 (dynamic cast issues). It may still not work under some configurations and work continues on it.
O Enhanced hive sight changed so it's useful at upgrade levels 1 and 2
O Updated NS to use the HL standard logging specification for server ops and for PsychoStats compatibility (http://www.hlstats.org/logs). More work may be needed for better Psychostats compatibility.
O Removed draw numeric damage events
O Sighted buildings no longer show in hive sight (still show up with parasite, but prevents flood when alien views heavily populated area)
O Fixed exploit where +using a building could speed up research of a technology
O Preserve health and armor percentages when evolving
O Don't allow gorge to heal buildings before they are built
O Reduced chance of server overflow (crash) when large games (24+ players) end
O Fixed marine armor upgrades (previously, researching armor upgrades wouldn't give you that armor unless you were welded first)
O Added mp_logdetail (0-3)
O Changed the alien ability anti-exploit code to try to co-exist with scripters
O Turned off team-balance when in tourny mode
O Renamed ns_authicons to mp_authicons, renamed ns_eastereggchance to mp_eastereggchance for consistency
O Defensive chambers now only heal up to three nearby buildings or players per tick (prevents undestructible Walls of Lame). Targets are chosen randomly.
O Cleanup babblers on game reset
O Built with compiler optimizations (linux)
O Spectators now hear spectators, their observer target and teammates of their observer target
O Networking changes that could result in CPU performance improvements (instead of tracking, storing and queuing network messages, they are sent immediately)
O All players can all hear all other players talking before countdown starts
O Tournament mode start changes to make it easier to coordinate and start a game. It will only start when players are on both teams, when the teams are equal, and when both teams have said they are ready. A team is ready when one member of their team says "team x ready" (case not important, x is 1 or 2).
O Spectators get end-game victory sound and message
Please make sure to put "1.02" somewhere in your server name so players know if you've updated. The patch is 1.8 megabytes and contains both the linux and win32 versions.<br>
skill.cfg (needed to include v1.01)
dedvars.cfg (needed to include v1.01)
O Revert to old AddToFullPack, but use new caching
O Didn't work (but performance was still good)
O Update SetupVisibility to cache at same rate as AddToFullPack
X Check client to make sure it has the same data as server
- Try removing network buffering as next/final big optimization
NS v1.03
O Fix mail/Netflix problem
O Visit Zach, Iron Lore with Chris and Chad
O Groceries
O Bills (Friday)
O Laundry (Friday)
O Pack summer clothes, unpack winter clothes
O Cancel Bounceweb crap (Friday)
O Jump car (Friday)
O Stamps (Saturday)
O Figure out what to repair on car (Weekend)
O Fixed Adminmod compatibility problems. It should work great now under all configurations. Let me know if you're still having crashes.
O Added mp_version variable for better filtering with All-Seeing Eye and other third-party programs and scripts.
O Changed siege cost from 15 to 25 (this was a typo, not meant to be a balance change).
O Changed team join to not allow teams to have more then 1 player difference. Affects casual model only.
O Fixed readyroom bug/exploit while spectating (hitting F4 while REIN made you an invulnerable "ghost" player that could confuse others).
O Added support for model and sound consistency checking. If you run your server with mp_consistency 1 (the default), it will require that all NS models and sounds are unchanged from the distribution. This allows servers to disable custom models or sounds, and exploits that can result from them.
O Fixed infinite cloaking bug (occured when last sensory chamber lost while player was cloaked).
O Addressed alien leave/join resource exploit (joining a team you've already been on makes the player wait to respawn, as if he had been killed).
O Addressed early team-switch exploit to find hive (you can no longer switch teams after playing or observing).
O Aliens now lose health when all their hives are gone (damages every 2 seconds, all players hear countdown, ignores armor). This is done to speed up the end game and prevent llamas from hiding in vents to prolong game. If at least one hive is growing, players won't be damaged.
O Fixed various problems when building turrets, mines, offensive chambers, etc. then team-switching.
O Fixed explosion bug! Siege, bilebombs, grenades and xenocide weren't doing damage properly. Now they do. Goodbye, farms of all kinds.
O Moved mp_drawinvisibleentities to debug builds only.
O Fixed mp_timelimit problems (I think, please test)
O Fixed Onos charging crash bug (I think, please test by playing with lots of Oni)
O Reduced knife range from 50 to 35 (not balance, this was a bug).
O Fixed melee weapon problems in vents (I think, please test)
O Fixed lastinv command. Players can now bind a key to this (even though their menu will say it's not implemented).
O Fixed bug where players did friendly fire damage to some world objects (ie, doing 33% instead of 100% to doors and switches).
O Fixed turret factory abuse, where turrets became active after recycling the nearby turret factory before turret was fully contructed.
O Fixed bug where siege turrets became re-activated after building a regular turret factory nearby.
O Default mp_timelimit is now 60 (even for listen server).
O A team now automatically wins if they have 5 or more players then another team (generally because the losing team starts quitting). Affects casual mode only.
O Fixed bug where a vote could affect a commander that logged in after a vote had been started.
O Fixed armor bug where carapace protected aliens even after all armor was gone
O Fixed bug where gorges evolving upgrades (usually temporarily) lost resources above the hive maximum. It will still count down to 33, but will immediately count back up to your resource count (this is just a visual problem on the client).
O Fixed timelimit bug (broken in 1.03b)
O Make sure current health and armor percentages are preserved when evolving
O When the alien team no longer has any growing or active hives, all aliens slowly take damage. This is done to speed up the end game and prevent hiding llamas.
O Include shells.mdl (should fix consistency errors that were preventing players from joining server)
- Adminmod and SQL patch
- Commander PAS issues
- Webstrand/vision-mode bug
- Aliens being stuck in structures
- Marines being stuck in structures
- Fix weird circle on advanced armory
- Entities not being cleaned up totally on a map reset?
- Evolve to skulk while stuck under lift on nothing causes server crash (?)
- Server op command to kick the commander?
- Marine building limit like aliens
- Load bast, weld the vent, then break it, and start a new round. The weld will be inoperably stuck at broken. Ditto for the lights, as I recall.
- Game start problems (with no players or 1 player)
- Remove mp_networkrate variable?
- Logging issues
- ** Psychostats fixes, everything he mentioned **
- There exists a logging bug, where all kills are being logged twice.
L 11/17/2002 - 15:14:04: "[DSSGR]Bubbabooye<548><2398808><marine1team>"
killed "El Beeno<546><2852477><alien1team>" with "heavymachinegun"
L 11/17/2002 - 15:14:04: "[DSSGR]Bubbabooye<548><2398808><marine1team>"
killed "El Beeno<546><2852477><alien1team>" with "heavymachinegun"
Its for every kill from what I can tell.
- Also, its not logging player ID's properly. As you can see the player ID is 548 where as my server can only handle up to a max of 24 playerid's at this point, so there is a secondary bug which is elevating the playerId's instead of rolling over and taking empty slots.
- Files
- Interviews
- Sebastian Pech interview (Tomas "samot" Hansson)
- Fragbite interview
- Lan-Z Chile interview
- Investigate Linux core dump crash (from Funka!)
- Half-life.nu interview (from Namron)
- Ozgn interview
O Fixed "stopcommandermode" exploit (allowed aliens to look like marines and fire marine weaponry)
O Changed max machine gun ammo to 250 (used to be 300, though it would only display 250)
O Fixed commander weapon exploit (using inventory commands). Weapon commands in general (drop, switch, last) won't work for commanders. This can no longer be exploited by building near the command station as well.
O 3rd party entities are never propagated to client (ie, adminmod_ entities). This could fix an occasional crash (thanks Alfred)
O Moved auto-concession on unfair teams into server variable (mp_autoconcede: if set to greater then 0, then if teams are ever different by this many players, that smaller team loses immediately)
O Dead players can now talk to their teammates in both casual and tourny mode (needed to prevent team from getting an advantage by using external voice program in CAL)
O Fixed problem where ammo could be picked up while holding mines
O Aliens without any hives no longer take damage when the server is in tournament mode
O Add more triggers (for Psychostats and 3rd party program support)
O Added "player built x" (for commander and aliens)
O Added "recycled x"
O Added "started research x"
O Added "cancelled research x"
O Update to use StormTrooper's recent notes
O Fixed visual problem where advanced armory had weird build circle
O Reduced radius of acid rocket splash from 200 to 165
O Alien respawn time reduced from 10 to 8
O Reduced shotgun cost from 20 to 16
O Reduced welder damage from 10 to 7
O Armory can now give out ammo while upgrading to advanced armory
O Increased cost of infantry portal from 15 to 22
O Increased cost of phase gate from 20 to 25
O Decreased health of phase gate from 3500 to 2000
O Increased scan cost from 1 to 3
O Umbra now blocks 3 out of 4 bullets instead of 6 out of 7 (86% -> 75%)
O Arms lab reduced from 50 to 45 points
O Reduced siege cannon range from 1250 to 1100
- The green circle that appears when the siege cannon is selected by the commander is using the old range, but this will be fixed in v1.1.
- This is the value siege range was for most of our internal playtesting (hence the bast and hera issues that suddenly arrived with v1.0)
O Siege cannon targets now must be sighted to be hit (in view of friendly player or scanned by commander)
O Hives now spawn with full health instead of having to heal up to full health on spawn
? Fix bug where advanced turret factories don't have full health
? Acid rocket showing damage icon when not taking damage? Range working right?
O The advanced armory now has 2400 health instead of 1500 (same as regular armory, this is a fixed bug, not a balance change)
O Fixed bug where tournament mode caused some damage to be reduced more then it should be (acid rocket vs. any alien structures)
O Fixed bug where hive would sometimes play wound sound/animation when it got hit but didn't take damage
O Removed lingering "organic" damage type for acid rocket and spore cloud (fixes bug where acid rocket wasn't doing damage properly to organic structures)
O Aliens donate only half their points back to their team resource pool when they leave the team (less exploitable, but this will be revisited in v1.1)
O Fixed non-visible motion sensor and proximity "blips" (linux only)
O Defense chambers no longer heal themselves
O Removed gibbing of corpses (off by default, but some servers had enabled it). This means death animations always play, so no more disappearing models when using high-powered weapons.
O Alien health circles seen by gorge now take armor into account (so gorge knows when player is fully healed)
O Morphing resets your health again (preserves percentage of armor when evolving carapace too)
O Fixed logging bug where model name was reported instead of team name for say and and say_team
O Fixed problem where aliens could gain resources by joining and leaving the team repeatedly (also caused problems by "carrying over" resources from one game to the next). Now if an alien leaves the team, half his points go back into the pool, and half are lost. This is a compromise and may need to be revisited.
O When hive is constructed, have it check to see if technology should be supported automatically (exploit for getting extra upgrades after a hive is killed and rebuilt)
O Observers can hear other observers and players on the screen, and can chat with each other
O Fixed various problems with holding mines while building or using command station
O Changed cloaking so it deactivates when a player moves faster then a certain speed, fixing an exploit. Moving very slowly should allow an alien to remain cloaked.
O Added "highdamage" cheat for testing (sv_cheats must be 1, all damage is x100 vs. buildings, x10 vs. players)
O Added "slowresearch" cheat for testing (sv_cheats must be 1, research takes full time instead of normal 2 seconds when cheats are on)
O Phase gates now must be +used instead of just touched (less frustrating when trying to attack them or fight nearby)
O Don't play "select your troops, and give them orders" commander hint if you have no other players on your team
O Grenades and mines are now affected by arms lab damage upgrades (this will make grenades and mines more powerful when upgraded, but the damage values of these weapons haven't been touched)
O Fixed exploit where multiple upgrades from the same category could be purchased by jamming hotkeys (thanks localhost!)
O Fixed bug where trying to exploit alien abilities could crash the server
O Fixed bug where server name wasn't displayed on scoreboard
O Reduced "intermission" time after game ends before mp_timelimit is checked. Disabled mp_timelimit map-switching for tournament mode.
O Put in 2 second wait time for phase gates so you aren't phased immediately (also changed similar functionality for movement chamber to 2 seconds instead of 3)
O Phase gates now only play their effects (particles, sound, light) when there another active phase gate (so a player can look at a phase gate and know if he can go through it)
? Fixed end-game server crash for large games
O Fixed rounding errors for level 3 arms lab upgrades for marine weaponry (thanks Kitsune and Comprox!)
O Fixed bug where babbler and xenocide damage wasn't being applied properly (babbler damage was halved, xenocide wasn't doing blast damage)
O Fixed bug where laser-style mines sometimes wouldn't go off when touching the base
X Re-enabled siege minimum range (10% of range, )
O Turret factory cost reduced from 25 to 20
O Siege turret cost reduced from 25 to 20
O Lerk spike damage increased from 16 to 18 (big lerk changes coming in v1.1, this is a hold-over)
? Fixed problem where dead players can sometimes hear spectator or enemy team voice comm
O Fixed problem where mines sometimes blow up on their own for no apparent reason after they are placed
- Introduced new problem where they don't blow up when their are on entities that start to move
- Mines shouldn't blow each other up or hurt their own team in any way
O Added "detectall" cheat for testing motion-tracking and marine blips
O All entities can hurt themselves (allows 1-hive alien team to battle siege)
O Allow siege turrets to see targets themselves (no spotter needed if in sight of the turret)
O Fix problem where killing a phase gate doesn't turn off it's ambient sound
O Tweaked armories to refill your primary ammo supply before your clip
O Stats changes for Stormtrooper - Changed role change
X Stats changes for Stormtrooper - Add research_end or research_finished
O Stats changes for Stormtrooper - Added structure_destroyed
O Stats changes for Stormtrooper - Added structure_built for hives
O Send Stormtrooper log of with full technology on both sides
O Fade cost increased from 44 to 54
O Movement chambers now teleport to aliens to a hive that's under attack, or the farthest active hive if none are under attack.
O Carapace now slowly gives out extra armor points with upgrade level, instead of giving it out all at once. For example, a skulk with 0/1/2/3 carapaces has armor of 10/16/22/30. All other properties of carapace remain the same.
O Regeneration upgrade now heals approximately twice as fast
O Redemption increased in effectiveness slightly
O Hive now heals nearby players faster in effort to allow aliens better chance to hold off early marine rush (20 points per second instead of 8)
O Added ability for guides to send hint tooltips to individual players
O Cloaking changed so higher levels make it faster to cloak. All levels now make the alien equally invisible (not quite invisible, but very close)
O 2nd hive building bug (problem with -O2)
- Fix problem where you can't see enemies as commander under linux (again)
- The siege guns sometimes just decide NOT TO FIRE when they're in complete line of sight
- Introduce variable hive respawn time for larger team sizes
O A webbed marine can hop in the CC, and his gun will come come up, allowing him to shoot
X A marine who is building, can hop in the CC before his gun is up, and shoot
O Grenades not hurting the firer, grenade damage sounds low
- Pistol rate of fire (script abuse)
/////Jump/Bite Script -- By Rat
echo Bite Jump Loaded.
alias bjump "+jump; +attack; wait; -jump; -attack; wait; +jump; +attack;
wait; -jump; -attack; wait;"
alias bjumpoff "bind space +jump"
alias bjumpon "bind space bjump"
alias p3 "bjumpon; developer 1; echo Bite Jump Activated!; developer 0; bind
v p4"
alias p4 "bjumpoff; developer 1; echo Bite Jump Disabled!; developer 0; bind
v p3"
bind space p3
- Siege idle/targetting issues (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=19635&s=1676545791a8627fbb9a9937692e7de6)
O Increased delay on phase gates so a player can only use one every 2 seconds (reduces chance of telefrag exploit)
O Test alien impulses (make sure they don't crash server)
O Fixed bug where hive death animation kept looping after hive was dead
O 1 bullet to kill hive bug (win)
O Fixed all problems with motion-tracking and visibility under linux
O Search code for other problems with this (AddToFullPack has some but there are no problems there yet)
? Make sure hives have 0 velocity
O Fixed bug where offensive chambers hurt themselves when firing in tourny mode
O Fixed turret factory upgrade problem (where factory had to be +used after upgrade before siege could be built)
O Tweaked animation for upgraded turret factory and armory
O Reverted armory resupply change due to reloading weirdness (and it didn't really fix the problem)
X Reset crash under linux with Adminmod
O Players are allowed to join teams freely in tournament mode
- Add r_drawviewmodel enforcing
O Write Jay Patel
O Feedback on Jeff's resume
- Write to GDP mailing list
- Decide on NCsoft interview
- Write arena.net again
- Call Ned 9pm EST
- Consider adding ability for aliens to donate to other aliens or to the hive (and doing so marks them as not getting resources for a minute or so?)
- Give all aliens 33 resources to start?
- Send quote to Lani
- Fix bug where countdown sound was heard from readyroom after a game ended
- Permacloak exploit:
Bind a button to +strafe (say it was alt)
Get cloak and wait for 3 sensory chambers
Stand still until you cloak
Hold the bound button and move around with your mouse
? Intermittent server crash with 20+ players on end-game (reset half players, wait, then the other half)
O Maps not changing anymore? Linux only?
X Glitch where linux build said v1.03 instead of v1.04
- Dual logging bug?
- Using readyroom bug to run around as godmode player and harass people and block doorways
- Limit mines (200+ causes server to crash? Just too many entities?)
X Mines can now be blown up if they take enough damage
X Mines blowing up after they become armed (I think they're touching a world entity?)
- Increase lerk spike damage and decide on role vs. buildings (maybe it should do blast damage?)
X If you upgrade a turret factory & it gets destroyed then you cannot upgrade any other turret factories for the rest of the game.
- Adv. turret factory bug?
<Grendel> JarHedz is working perfectly except for this:
<Grendel> After upgrading Turret Fac to Advanced TFac, you then need to rebuild it.
<Grendel> Was a bug in about RC4 or 5.
- Remove building stacking for both sides
- Fix getting stuck in alien resource towers
- Rework welds
- Resetting
- Taking damage
- Parasite and spit killing them? (bast weld near airlock)
X Chat text flooding to crash server (couldn't repro)
Linux stuff
O Update linux code to use GCC (talk to Joev)
- Test tournament mode and no-hive countdown under linux (forgot to check it in I think)
O Blips under Linux don't work (motion-tracking and commander mode blips, also commander mode aliens)
O Make sure motion-tracking is still working and working properly (linux)
- Server crash from Josh Beeler (11/27 core dump) (linux)
NS v1.1
Balance, playability, depth
- Address issues in Eats' write-up
- Make lerk nastier with one hive (spike damage, lessen flight energy?) or change him to support only
- Tighten HMG cone to make better vs. ranged fades/oni and harder to respond to skulk chomping on leg
- Possible energy change: allow energy to come back much faster (2x?) when standing still (to reduce annoying chomp-on-stationary-thing syndrome, to speed up fades/lerks vs. buildings)
- Reduce initial marine points by making them scale? (makes early game aliens more equal)
- Address problem where more gorges == slower growth (non-intuitive): More gorges should increase alien growth speed (increases value of scouting and probing heavily, means less waiting and problems for newbie aliens, gives more interesting configurations and builds for aliens)
- This may very well allow the removal of the 33/66/100 limit for each hive too!
- Experiment with larger starting resources for aliens and slightly slower growth, so they have more options to start and less overall waiting
- Make changes to allow earlier hives but with less resources coming in (right now it's not really viable...perhaps making 1-hive lerk viable will change this)
- Allow resources to run out (need some kind of alert for gorges at least though)
- Starting resources problem where it doesn't scale properly for all games (100 vs. 10 per player)
- Make resources run out (balances multiple gorges, means marines can't play the turret and wait game) (add "resources running low" alert for both sides)
- Consider adding a "phase gate tech" upgrade on observatory that's required for phase gates
- Consider changing scanner sweeps to only be used every so often (would promote building multiples as well)
- Change map guidelines and tell mappers not to place hives/CC such that they can be attacked from outside the room or from an easily defended remote location (ns_nothing)
- Aliens hitting F4 or reconnecting to return resources to team (still present, or resolved with balance changes?)
- Remove nuke binding in config
- Change OCs to shoot spikes instead of spit
O Add new graphic effect for when alien structures are killed
- Make multiple observatories viable
- Increase range on observatory so they can be forward built when sensory chamber is detected (may have to decrease cost for it though, and add the phase gate research instead)
- Make multiple armories viable (only two people can re-arm at a time or too annoying?)
- Check/draw scanner range to make sure it feels right
O Tweaked alien field of view for immersiveness (skulk and gorge can see slightly more, onos can see slightly less). This was in the game for a long time, but was removed when attempting to support software.
- Make orders expire properly
? <EdL|plex> you should knock out ex_ commands in the next release
- Little green bars on weapon HUD icons don't show max ammo right for MG (probably others too)
- Draw weapon pickup icons for marines
- Alien upgrade adjustments to make non-defense viable in early game
- Replace Scent of Fear with "Danger sense". Any enemy players within range of a player show up on hive sight (as if they were parasited). Each level increases range.
- Movement chambers move you to random hive under attack. If none are under attack, it moves you to farthest hive or hive site (including unbuilt hives). If you are near a hive that's under attack when using it, it won't teleport you there?
- Make all alien structures slowly regenerate so def chambers aren't used everywhere
- Increase regeneration upgrade speed to make more viable
- Silence upgrade quiets attacking and drop-from-ceiling sounds
- Change all levels of cloaking to make you just as invisible, but each level decreases the time it takes to activate cloaking
- Allow sensory chambers to parasite marines in sight (like a turret?). Make it sound like a skulk parasiting you so marines don't immediately look for it (make ROF quite slow and variable so not everyone is 'sited and not regularly). Or allow sensory chambers to cloak on their own, and cloak nearby players?! Remove "incoming enemies" sound.
- Verify that cloaked aliens aren't showing up on proxmity for marines (only with scan)
- Revisit attacking while cloaked (if attack mainly does damage, it should uncloak, otherwise it shouldn't?) Perhaps reduce energy cost for parasite so cloaked skulks can hold off one or two LMGers
O Tone down carapace a tad
- Add effect for when redemption kicks in (both on vanishing and reappearing...add for movement chambers also? Make same as blink?)
- Make team limit option toggleable for v1.1
- Add sv_restartround, mp_teamlimit, timeleft (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=8&t=13081&hl=restart&s=97f3f757a04b563108dba0cb5acd3729)
- mpw@idkconsulting.com (Matt/Dextrous/Brit that called me)
- Test out removal of alien upgrade limit (they are all always buildable)
x Put pictures next to each download on n-s.org
O Post Jeff's resume
O Make announcement to mailing list
O Call Gavin
O Write Erik about NS on Steam
O Call Mom tonight
- Call Jeremy
- Launch Constellation program
O Write Mike for web site update
O Write Relic25 for new icon
- Write Mike again
- Move to HLSDK 2.3
O Support for sv_alltalk
- Mouse issues
O Muting
O Spectating
- Particle editing
- Bringing up scoreboard while commanding makes mouse disappear forever
- Fix player muting
? Make sure only one player is banned when clicked
- Make sure commander can mute
? Topdown camera transform not being used in cl_dlls/view.cpp
? Acceleration
? Mouse and ghost building aren't aligned
- "spectate" command is now used in dlls/client.cpp
- ShowMenu duplicated in dlls/client.cpp and somewhere else?
- Motd.txt -> motdfile (dlls/multiplaygamerules.cpp)
- gmsgSpectator removed
- Get rid of choose team menu when spectating
X remove dlls/observer.cpp from project
O remove schedule.cpp, scientist.cpp, scripted.cpp, scripted.h, squad.h, squadmonster.h, stats.cpp, talkmonster.cpp, tempmonster.cpp,
? Address Host_Say -> IsObserver() stuff in dlls/client.cpp
? Observer visibility in SetupVisibility in client.cpp and CanPlayerHearPlayer (search for m_hObserverTarget everywhere)
- Authids are now strings, talk with Joev and fix GetAuthenticationMask and GetServerPlayerData
- Sequence out of bounds errors when spectating
- Missing titles when spectating
- Ladder problems
- HLTV support
O No entities are visible
O Verify FL_PROXY set and HLTV proxy getting everything
O Could it be that bots aren't being propagated? But no entities are drawing either...
O Verify that entities are still working properly normally after SDK switch
O Fixed
O Fix: icons draw below map
O Make icons work when spectating after death
O Add Spect_map constant
? Put in spectating rules on server (can't view other team, limit modes)
O Draw view model for first-person mode
O Being set, but for some reason it's not being drawn. Where is it drawn normally? From the engine?
O Integrate fade view models so this will work
- Get mouse clicking working
- has to do with toggleditps I'm sure
O Add health, armor and hud color to first-person perspective
O Decide way to draw it such that it doesn't overlap letterbox
? Add hive sight, motion-tracking, and alerts to spectator view
- Get sprite drawing when third-person chase enabled
- Don't draw view model when dead, also fade out player?
? Add reload anims (and precise idle anims, and get clean up AvHEvents by not having to know about specific predicted weapons!)
? Add deploy animations too!
? Don't draw "no commander" when in observing
? Don't target player we're observing when doing player trace
- Rework alien upgrades and tech
- Don't make defensive so powerful
? Improve hive regeneration speed so def not needed (improved by 50%)
- Counter by mobility? (one obs, phase gates, or siege)
- Sensory changes
? Sensory chamber cloaks all structures and players nearby, if they don't move or attack
? When cloaked structures fire or activate, they become uncloaked. Players can move freely while cloaked, but attacking will break it.
? Fade structures in and out smoothly
? Cloaked structures are essentially invisible for enemies, but faded out for friends
? Touching or scanning a cloaked structure will uncloak it (sensory on touch)
? Sensory chambers themselves are always cloaked
? Cloaking or uncloaking structures don't make sounds like cloaking/uncloaking players
? Even cloaks the hive and resource towers!
- Spawning players should spawn in cloaked if in range of sensory to fight spawn camping?
- Remove "incoming enemies"
? Don't draw rings or help text for cloaked structures
? Change other two abilities
? Scent of fear should detect players that are nearby
? Enhanced sight -> Pheromones
- Counter with observatory (or multiples), scanning, motion-tracking
- Improve movement upgrades
? Increase speed boost from celerity upgrade (by 40%)
? Change silence so attacks are silent too
? Building sounds should take it into account also
- Maybe increase adrenaline recovery in range of movement chambers
- Counter with higher damage, more powerful weapons
O Remove hive requirement for higher lifeforms
O Bringing up scoreboard moves minimap away
? Clear spores on game reset
? Change armory resupply code back the way it was
? Typing "give item_health" now works right (health can be picked up by all marines, regardless of team)
? Updated LMG model to obscure the screen less. It has been moved down and the muzzle flash has been shrunk
? Updated the skulk view model so it doesn't obscure the screen as much when biting. It now bites twice as fast.
- Fix alien-vision mode web bug (I bet it's client-side now that I think about it)
- Fix bug where you can be redeemed and then die
- Think about moving primal scream to lerk
- Increase frequency of sounds when in primal scream
O Announce NSR interview
O Meet on IRC noon or before
O Added more "acknowledged" sounds for soldiers
O Announce v1.1 deadline on mapping forum
- Address pistol rate of fire/scripting
O Big entity optimizations (removing all spawns)
- Map entity counts (numents) (after map optimzations, info_locations and spawn optimizations)
- new tanith 251 282 (?)
- ns_shaft_b1 281 171
- ns_lost 312 196
- ns_veil 330 232
- ns_atomicmass 342 234
- ns_caged_1_1 355 260
- New eclipse 384 264
- ns_nancy 386 293
- ns_kt214 390 281
- ns_delta 391
- ns_cilrais_1229 473 346
- (old) ns_nothing 476 347
- new ns_bast 553 433
- (old) ns_caged 636
- ns_hera 723 616
- ns_fenris 757 363
O Write Grendel with map feedback
O Call Phiroze to confirm flight plans
O Mail portfolio and Netflix
O Grocery shopping
O Move car during storm
- Rules
- Opposing tier one higher needs to have hard counter (cheaper, as easy to execute or easier)
- Like tiers should be competitive (like skill, like points)
- Opposing higher tiers can also enhance lower tiers to make competitive units no longer competitive (primal scream could make HMGs/siege fall, or tier-2 spores could work against scaled groups of tier-1 marines)
- Assuming equal resources, skill and scouting, both sides should be able to get to the same tiers in the same amount of time
- Tech tree changes:
O Inf portal no longer required for anything (iron man!)
O Phase gates need research at observatory
O Scanning needs research at observatory (same as phase?)
- Prototype lab needs advanced armory
O Small upgrade for deployable health required at command center
- Each observatory capable of one scan every x seconds, once researched
- Siege tech researched, then siege can be built at any turret factory (?)
- Time/cost for jetpack/HA research increased to make it tier 3
- Only advanced armory and advanced proto lab can build advanced stuff (unlike siege). This way they can be destroyed to knock stuff out of production for awhile.
- Hives need to be cheaper to make it easier for aliens to get them earlier, and to allow aliens a choice of build order (though maybe extra resources at start compensate)
O Add electrical upgrade for TFs and nodes to prevent lone skulk from taking them out.
- Increase cost of advanced armory, decrease weapons cost?
- Healing spray should be able to corrode welds after a time
- Think about hotkeys to make sure they work with this new model (they do)
- Now that games are shorter, resource nodes may need to be more expensive (?)
- ** Alien lifeforms are unchained from hives, to compensate from location-dependence of alien tech tree. Notably, this means a tier-1 onos (though hard to get), could counter tier-2 marine tech (HMGs) and maybe be competitive with tier-3 marine tech
- Remove blast damage on xenocide, possibly change damage, possibly change energy requirement and countdown time to make it good vs. HMGs
- Maybe jetpacks need to slowly heal armor/health automatically to give them a chance vs. acid
O Movement chambers give energy instead of teleport
O Bile bomb doesn't damage players ("structural damage")...is this going to feel weird?
O Remove spike gun
O Change OCs to fire spikes
- New Onos movement physics?
- This should work for marine/marine and alien/alien too
- Bite, parasite, leap (?), xenocide (?) (currently, skulks just get better, they don't really counter anything, though late-game zerglings do the same)
- Spit (tweak to make more useful or interesting? Slow enemy?), healing spray, bile bomb substitute, web
- Bilebomb changed to be slower and non-parabolical
- Bite2, spores (weaker, as support role), umbra, primal scream (ROF slightly, damage upgrades, all affected immediately make squealing noises)
- Swipe, blink, hive-teleport (or teleport to blip under attack? Rejuvenate, to get health/energy back? Launch moth from cannon that flies attacks and distracts targets? Ability converts health to energy <"digest", "expend", "deplete", "amplify", "heighten", "guzzle">?), acid rocket
- Gore, Stomp, Devour, Charge
- Devour
O Knocks person out of combat for a bit while they're digested, though they appear again if Onos dies
O Show "Being digested..."
O Change sound effects while inside
O Make screen go black, change HUD
O Show "Devouring MonsieurEvil" with status bar
- Progress bar is 0
O Aiming issues
- View model issues (wait for new view model to fix)
- Stomp
- Enemies on ground within radius get view shaken hard, can't move or fire for short time
O New research tech/icons
? Deployable health tech (use medlab icon)
? Phase tech (needed for both phase and scanning)
? Electrical defense
? Don't show upgrades that can be researched multiple times when already researched (advanced armory, advanced turret factory)
? Don't show upgrades that can't be researched multiple times after started researching or researched
- Animation changes:
O Lerk: add primal scream
- Fade: add "guzzle"
- Onos: add devour, stomp
- Waiting for view model
- New sounds:
- Primal scream adapted for lerk?
- Bile bomb sounds changed to sound like it's dissolving structures?
- Guzzle sound (liquidy, metabolic)
- Devour sounds (one for attack, one for onos-killed and guy pops out, one for devour finished <burp?>)
- Ground stomp
- Electrical sound
Add damage effects to marine structures
- Light smoking after small damage
- Sparking with medium damage
- Catching fire and dark smoke with heavy damage
Skulk - Basic ground, scouting, versatile at later hives
Gorge - Growth, siege, structure support (healings, welds, forward-building)
Lerk - Combat support
Fade - Versatile medium combat (anti-air, beats T1 marines, competitive with T2 marines, implies lowering his health/armor)
Onos - Heavy ground
Basic marine - Basic ground, ranged
HMG - Heavy offense
HA - Heavy ground
Jetpack marine - Air, versatile
GL - Versatile siege, visibility not needed, works better against players, no build time
ASC - Static siege
Resource changes:
? Remove resource limit depending on hives
? Every alien starts with enough resources to go gorge and then build a tower
? Marines start with 75 resources or so (100 lets you climb too much, but is a nice round number)
? In big games this means aliens will start with more total points, but the marines can build towers as fast as they want as well (because each tower immediately starts contributing)
? Gorges don't get any extra resources over other players
? Do resources from towers scale? Perhaps not.
Bigger games will require more gorges. Smaller games can still accomodate more gorges. Many gorges won't adversely affect your team, not if they can stay alive.
- Move commander UI to tech slot model
? Integrate basic code and get hotkeys working again
? Added new research (electrical, phasegate tech, health)
? Distinction between available and enough points (calculate points on client?)
? Handle menus properly
? Add highlighting for current menu and when hotkey hit
? Set menu default when entering and leaving CC
- Fix recycle icon
- Show recycle progress indicator?
- Fix research problem with siege and health (keep researching)
- Send current menu to server for spectating/replays?
- Fix "jump to alert"
- Commander hotgroups!
? Basic system
? Remove buildings and players when destroyed or leaving team
? Get number drawing on icons
- Needs to be nicer looking
- Fix problem where one marine selected won't let menu change
- Hitting jump should go to last alert, including pending requests (and should remove the request normally)
? Add config binds for idle soldiers and requests
? Change hotgroups to draw proper icon for group
? Refactor highlighting
- Add visual way to create hotgroups?
- Draw hotgroups even when not created?
- Draw hotgroups when under attack
? Send sound to players added to squad
? Draw visual squad indicator for soldiers
? Make groups function properly when players in groups leave server or switch teams
- Fix tracking
? New system that tracks nearest entity in group
? Allow commander to talk to selection only (when holding duck key)
? Can't build structures when player is selected
? Draw ghost building in red if not enough cash (or don't draw)
? Draw current hotgroup as highlighted in status bar
- Allow arrows to scroll
- Next player on top menu bar
- Select all on top menu bar
- Draw health circles for all buildings and players all the time (or otherwise make them show up better)
- Allow order-giving to minimap
- Allow one click on player list to select player, two clicks to select and go to player
- Make resource towers run out again
- Always draw marine names for commander
? Indicate which marines are parasited
? Draw selected marines slightly differently to accentuate
? Don't draw stuff over UI
- Make structures and players easier to see
- Try drawing friendly ents additively
- Try drawing their health circles always
Before 1.1 PT
- Get new tanith from TommyD (mention delta crash also)
- Wrote him
- Caged info_locations and IP problems when placing near CC
- Wrote him
O Replace new sound effects
O Added new sprites in from Relic (pop-up cursors, stomp)
- Shaft overview and ready room
- Wrote him
? Check in current code for Max before weekend
- Frame-rate dependence exploits
- New Fade weapon/ability
- New blink ability that moves you super-fast forward
- Get tracking working right or remove it
- CM tweaks
? Reformat button grid and hotkeys to line up properly
? Add "selectall" button with tooltip
? Sent art request to Cory
- Occasionally not able to fire bug after commanding
? Fill auth system with real data
O Reported bugs to Joev
O Filled in majority of data
O Sent out e-mail to those that need to send their WON ids
- Test versioning and auth system
- Think of security holes or issues
- Versioning not working quite right yet (parsing error)
? Death notices getting logged twice when mp_logdetail > 0
? Recycling not removing tech (scanning)
? Menu doesn't update if recycling structure selected
? Allow recycling of unbuilt structures
? Not playing proper weapon animation after commanding
- Auth is now enabled by default (?)
? Onos view model changes
- Stomp
- Sound work
- Delay attack a bit
- Player model animation work
- Devour
- Stomp
- Lerk flight
- Lerk death
- Orient bile-bomb projectile
- Armory and phase gate animations are still messed up
- Armories and alien resource towers don't draw rings (collision sizes I think)
- Enforce entity limit of some kind to prevent/reduce overflows?
- Remove commander mouse-over for players (now that names always display)
- Check alerts ("hit jump to go to alert")
- Test demos, decide on backwards-compatibility
- Fade third-person anims are messed?
- Siege/observatory visibility bug
- Update titles.txt
- Damage values for weapons
- Changes in upgrade chambers
? Cheating death icon
O Commander can talk to only selected players by holding crouch key
- Clean up timer on scoreboard
- Blink should be fixed
- Tweak sentry smoke anims (or remove)
O Sensory upgrades (change scent of fear to be anyone in range, change enhanced site somehow)
? Heavy armor footsteps
O HMG tweaks
O Animation changes
O Waiting for Def to send updated model again
- Delta, lost, shaft, veil
- Make sure particle editing is working properly
- VACize
? Fade losing players out to black on game end
- 1.1 rollout
- Initial playtesting with PTs
- Find obvious problems (missing files, stuff that isn't fun at all)
- Iterate until things are right conceptually and big-picture wise
- Rollout to vet players
- Start working on balance and exploits
- Once very big holes are patched
- Rollout to beta server ops
- Work out performance, compatibility and 3rd party issues
- Increase # of playtests through all these servers (open beta if people want it?). Use auth system to prevent people from joining a team if they aren't a PT/vet?
- Get PR movie completed, and hype to sites. Get PTs and clan people to write previews and spread the info?
O Remove 'the enemy approaches'
O Put back in movement chamber teleport
? Remove commander "light"
? Primal scream has less range, lasts about as long as the sound does and has higher rate of fire
- Lose upgrades when structure is lost (motion-tracking, upgrades)
X Add graphic effect for primal scream (or draw icon above their head like voice?)
? Primal scream now makes affected aliens scream back in defiance
- Show health for selected marines and structures (draw icons somewhere?)
? Structures playing their anims when they come on screen (observatory and CC, not resource tower)
? CC not playing anims properly
? Observatory not playing anims properly
? Electric anim for TF
? Researching anims for all
- Reconcile umbra visuals and gameplay effect
? Parasite range doubled
O Spores draw while flying. Spores can no longer damage players through walls.
- Move skulk view offset to be closer to actual (so your nose doesn't poke out when you don't realize)
? Fix walking
- Fix strafing while walking
O Draw tournament mode timer to scoreboard, not to general HUD, draw it even without tourny mode?
? Change commander name so you can read it
- Draw number of nodes that team has (draw info for both teams when spectating). Draw shadows showing which nodes were last seen to be controlled by enemy. (or more simply, just draw +x which is how much was received last tick?)
- Change alien upgrades to draw icon and then number, instead of layers
? Medpacks take parasite away
? Increased jetpack cost
? Lowered pistol rate of fire to prevent scripting abuses
? Added sv_alltalk
- Ammo packs go to "best" weapon
- **Extra skulk death anims
? Server ops can always switch teams regardless of team size
? Draw current squad indication on HUD
- Don't draw crosshairs when pop-up menu is open
O Swap sides for "ready room" option
- Rework welding role (or show how much armor someone has when looking at them)
? Increase shotgun ROF
? Increase bile bomb speed
- Consistency check on ambience sounds?
? Alien structures regenerate slowly
- Lessen the importance of carapace
- Weapons dropped near armory don't expire
? Smooth fade-out effect for cloaking players
- Speed cap for flying players
? Make sure cloaking and sensories work right with commander proximity and turrets
? Remove alien frags in non-tourny mode
? Preserve alien classes in ready room
? Each level of carapace now slows aliens by 3% (because of heavier shell)
- Keep old assets in game so old demos work?
? Disable +use for commander so he can't build structures
? Distribute any models that consistency was complaining about (shell.mdl, pshell.mdl)
O Fixed bug when F4ing while in new observer mode
- Commanding tweaks
? When clicking pending request, change selection to him also
? Fix up scrolling (finally)
? Draw pending requests number properly
? Clicking hotgroups no longer works
- Selecting a single marine and trying to build equipment
- RESEARCH_HEALTH not going away
- Auth icons
O Got all PTs and devs
- Just need new PTs
O Put drawdamage back in as server option (tradeoff for finding bugs)
O Remove mp_teamhandicap, and spawn invulnerable time from menu, removed other stuff and added new handicaps and stuff
? Fix jump to go to alerts
? Change config from selectall to impulse
- Marine resource tower rings
? Client crash when selecting marine weapons
? Observer tweaks so you don't switch players while hitting left/right while flying around
? Make sure you can always join both teams, like cheats are enabled (I think)
? Using cloaking upgrade doesn't change view model
? stomp sound
x Change paralyze sprite -> stomp
x Change babbler sprite -> devour
? Onos too slow
? Don't change self with alternate vision mode
? Have to aim down to devour
? Show progress bar for devour
O Change view model for devour, don't allow it to fire again while digesting
- Make sure mp_uplink is getting set to 1 every tick
- Some tech node label is visible in ready room
- Change observatories and distress beacon to have energy
? Work for generic system
? When not having enough energy, the tech node should show as red, not disabled
- Prereq text not printing when energy showing
- Energy doesn't show when full
O Decreased time needed to start respawning after death (make sure it works with death anims)
O Spit ROF and damage increased noticeably (overall power roughly doubled)
O Tweaked weapon and ammo weights (promote non-HA use of heavy weapons, promote shotgun as point, make marine weapons feel more responsive)
O Added option to disable flashing effects for photosensitive players
O Messages from server always show up, even if tooltips are off (voting messages, adminmod messages, etc.). Turning off tooltips no longer disables help icons.
- Make announcement when ready to start soliciting veterans (put up demo FTP also)
- My basic strategy will be to hang out in #nsscrim and watch games. Sometimes I'll watch demos also, but mostly I'm interested in seeing clans that do the following:
- Scrim multiple times per week
- Can get along well with the other clans, and can talk about balance, strategy, etc. while remaining pleasant and respectful
- Will continually try new strategies and try to "break" the balance
- Can compete with the other top clans that are selected
- Client downloads, 3/29/03
- Gamehelper: 4829
- Computergames.ro: 77806
- Fileplanet: 59,391
- Ozfiles.net: 29173
- Khabal.com: 10468
- Halflife.nu: 41878
- Gamershell: 37616
- Ausgamers.com: 32032 (telstra: 7435)
- extremeplayers.de: 27649
- Multiplayer.it: 2747
- Daddeln.de: 22980
- Fileshack: 14752
total: 368,756 (many missing mirrors though)
- Round reset problems
- Jobabob's analysis: http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=4&t=24222
- Welding changes
? Make them reset properly every time
- Only take damage from the right things (healing spray)
- Really think about their role
O Alien turret changes
O They shoot spikes intead of spit
O Their idle animations play without hitching (3 different idles)
O They play take damage animations also
O Show spike sprite when projectile hits it
- Lerk physics changes
- Try flying in whatever direction you're looking
? Lerks no longer take falling damage
- Korean push
- Find someone to translate (asked Jason Robar)
- Anything other usability in SC/War III NS is missing?
Time line:
Game start -> Marine Tier 0, Alien Tier 1
~30 seconds -> Marine Tier 1
~1 minute -> Advanced Tier 1
4 minutes -> Tier 2
~5 minutes -> Advanced Tier 2
8 minutes -> Tier 3
~9 minutes -> Advanced Tier 3
- Marine Tier 0
- LMG, pistol, knife, without capability for more extra ammo
- Alien Tier 0
- Bite, spit
- Marine Tier 1
- Deployable ammo
Advanced -> mines, sentries, deployable health, distress beacon, resource towers, welder/welding, shotguns, Siege cannons
- Alien Tier 1
- Parasite, healing spray
Advanced -> Offensive chambers, spikes, spores, sensory/movement/defensive upgrades, resource towers, blink, onos-1
mines > rush (competitive with fades)
If enough money is pumped in:
onos > sentries, deployable ammo/health > OCs
shotties > skulks/gorges
siege > sentries/OCs
onos > LMGs
lerks competitive with shotties (> in defense role)
mines competitive with fades, onos
alien upgrades allow aliens to become more powerful for cash, just like shotties/mines/welders
welder competitive with healing spray
Gorge have ability to remove welds (takes the same time as welding, allow it to be welded back and forth?)
Massed spores should beat armory-teching marines, but should fall once advanced weapons arrive
- Marine Tier 2
- Level 1 ammo/armor
Advanced -> HMGs, GLs, motion-tracking, phase gates (with new prerequisite upgrade), scanning (if upgrade added), armor/ammo upgrades
- Alien Tier 2
- Leap, gorge bile bomb
Advanced -> Umbra, fade ability, second set of upgrades
Tier 3 GLs beat umbra
Marines get scanning to counter hive-1 sensory
Marines get siege to counter hive-1 defense
Motion-tracking or phase gates vs movement chambers (vs. silence and celerity)
Bilebomb beats sentries
HMGs counter tier 1 skulks/gorges, competitive with tier 2 lerks and fades (umbra, esp. with def chambers/regen)
Umbra/skulks beats LMGs, sentries
Scanning beats Alien Tier 1 (current sYn tactic)
Leap vs. ?
Tier 2 onos competitive with
- Marine Tier 3
- Level 2 ammo/armor
Advanced -> Heavy armor, jetpacks, level 3 ammo/armor
- Alien Tier 3
- Xenocide, web
Advanced -> primal scream, acid rocket, third set of upgrades
Webs strong vs. jetpacks (though hard to use in practice with vulnerable gorge on frontlines)
Jetpacks counter onos (make sure devour only works if player is on ground?)
Onos beat HA/HMG (with charge)
GL beats umbra
Acid rocket strong vs. jetpacks, and JP/HMG (though a little more expensive)
Acid rocket beats tier-2 HMG
Tier-3 HA/HMG should beat acid rocket (but not hard counter, implies reduction in acid damage and increase in splash radius)
Level 3 ammo/armor upgrades competitive with fades (esp. at marine spawn)
Primal scream helps beat tier 2 marines
Leap-Xenocide vs. HMG/GLs (esp. with cost)
* Make gorges slightly more costly or take longer to morph to, so losing gorges is still bad, and going all gorge is risky (in light of new resource model changes)
Problem: alien team will generally have all lifeforms, because it doesn't cost anything to explore a technology. This means fades/onos will always be present at tier 3. Fix this by making alien lifeforms initially more expensive and then cheaper as they continue to be evolved to? Or first cost and then cost after that? Say, 80 for first onos, then 50 after that? Or one cost if there exists none of that lifeform, and another if there are multiples? Cheaper and cheaper?
? Resource nodes now run out
? They give alerts when nearly empty
- They need to always show, even when visible and not within range?
? They stomp making sounds and pumping when they are empty
? Takes 10 minutes to run out, resources harvest evenly no matter the team size, they also show accurate non-float numbers when harvesting (unless handicap is activated)
O Added volunteer handicap for teams in tourny mode. Removed team size handicapping now (team limit enforcement is enough).
- Alien menu improvements
- Show cost for OC, Hive, resource tower, upgrade chambers
- Show disabled nodes (esp. upgrades) more clearly
- Make invalid nodes obvious without moving to them
- Move tooltip back near mouse?
O Make chooseable nodes clear (upgrade nodes aren't obvious)
O Rework nodes to do so
- Add changing cursor for all valid end nodes
O Added lifeforms change
O Added marine change (need new cursor though?)
- Change cursor for other alien options (get artwork from Relic)
- Remove or rework alien comms
- Draw chatting/status alien blips even if not pointing at them?
- Remove ready room off pop-up for both sides
- Allow cancelling of morphs?
- Unify marine and alien upgrades by drawing at the same place if possible
- Allow server to csay without autohelp enabled (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=5&t=23194)
- Force "hive construction complete" sound
- Low-resolution support (weapon sprites, theme.txt)?
? Make sure advanced turret factory can be recycled
O Relaxed gestation requirements to avoid annoying "you must be on ground to gestate" errors
O Scent of Fear now shows nearby enemies, not nearby damaged enemies
- Make sure to show build rings for structures on mouseover
- Change leap to not hurt buildings?
- Move PT auth icon status "above" guide icon status
- Move auth system after mp_authicons is loaded from .cfg
? Offense chamber hurting themselves in tourny mode
- Fix or rework blink
- Go through NS Bugs mail folder and fix as many of those as possible
O Resource tower "targetOnBuild" only fires once now
- Remove info_location z-checking. Remove info_locations from map after loaded to reduce entity count (make sure map reset still works)
- Add client-side temp grenade for grenade launcher
- Display message when cheats are enabled
- Include cheating death icon from prodigy, add auth mask as well
- Leap exploit: when binding leap impulse with two hives (energy must be decremented in AvHPlayer::ExecuteMessage instead of weapon::DeductCostForShot
O Integrate new tech icons
O Use red frame for structure under attack
O Use red frame for not enough cash
- Armory exploit:
From Swirl, via forum PM: "When a marine stands next to an armoury and presses his use key to get ammo, its quite slow getting ammo, but when you press your use key + flashlight repetitively, the speed that you gain ammo at is incredibly fast. I dont know if you know about this, and I hope you will fix it for 1.1 . Ill send you a demo of this if my explanation is a bit vague"
O Collision fixes
O func_resources still jitter
O Resource nodes don't lie flush
X Turret factory could be wider
O Observatory and resource tower and alien resource tower cause jitters
O Hives aren't the right size? (getting stuck when spawning)
X Alien resource tower not tall enough
X Still crouch/jittering when holding duck on certain sides of buildings (regardless of facing)
- Easier learning curve
- Perfect world: there's a full single-player campaign that teaches all the basic mechanics...but this doesn't solve the strategy part
- Simple SP level that gets player to learn the very basics, then
- queries n-s.org for list of training servers, and asks the user if they would like to connect one of them (it would need a certain number of players with x status and have a ping of y or less)
- gets them to configure their mic first, if at all possible (Steam, or add voice control myself and set sv_loopback for a moment)
- get training servers by all servers running special training maps (nst_?) or get sponsored servers and allow player to choose one
- add GUI for trainers to let them easily run things
- Turn on/off damage for players, reset the game, enable alltalk, allow them to spectate first-person for a player, build a structure anywhere, mute players temporarily so they have the floor
- Allow players to report abuse
- Allow trainers to move players between teams (put all this on the scoreboard?)
- Only allow trainers that have been authenticated as such
- Add features that encourage players to add others as friends when playing on Steam
- Allow trainers to signal for more trainers
- Allow trainers to take control of other players (hard for commanding though)
- Remove/disable thirdperson commands (from Tau hang10)
cam_command 1
cam_idealyaw 0
then do a retry to the server
im pretty sure this is client side only
? Physics exploits
? Bunnyhopping (from iwa.plex)
- sv_airaccelerate 0
- sv_airmove 0
? ex_ exploits:
- ex_maxerrordistance 0
- ex_interp 0.01
- Address lerk and jetpack physics after disabling airmove
- Potential vets
Kenneth Lee (ksl4@georgetown.edu), STD-Ardesco
- Eve, eR,
- cornesm@bellsouth.net (RED-Tiki)
- sYn/HAM
- (Steve Meenehan <smeene@yahoo.com>)
- Ackz (AcKz666@hotmail.com)
- solarcurve@msn.com (SolarCurve)
- hang10@myway.com (hang10)
- XoverZero
- archhaven@sbcglobal.net <archhaven@sbcglobal.net>
- TE?
Seraphic8x (Mrfranz16@aol.com)
do0bie[TE] (Ben Wolf)
- Need a couple Euro clans?
- Misc. people
WeRRa|Torhu (on IRC, S. Korean guy, stuwon@Hotmail.com)
- CAL folks
- Othell <othell@caleague.com>
- boeckelmann@caleague.com
- eric@doticon.com
- bralph82@yahoo.com
- UGL folks?
- UGL|SeanA
- Please e-mail me your full name, handle, clan name, and WON id
- Changing clans won't affect your vet status, but you won't be able to bring all your new clan mates in as vets
- Confirmed vets (0 = forum and auth, ? means auth but not enabled, - means no forum no auth)
-> FoR admins: bitchslap@fistsofra.com; nicuss@yahoo.com; jcram@wideloader.com; berilane@adelphia.net; benwolf@comcast.net; smeene@yahoo.com; darkgoosey@yahoo.com; andersond030@hawaii.rr.com; mogg_4@hotmail.com; pw3@njit.edu; akiro@attbi.com, sugarmyownchurro@hotmail.com, mogs18@swfla.rr.com
mp_serverops: "3777810;141957;3237836;331066;1160592;7154;2884666;3243397;2377185;2817243;1492447;536458;81383;3048748"
- Current server ops:
-> SuicideDog, CrackerJack, Joev, Prodigy
-> swheet@mhcuc.org;cracker@covertoral.com;joev@dspsrv.com;jcouzens@uhfco.net
O Kanwei "#cri.ogenics" Li, 3598159 (New wonid, fix it for constallation too)
O *Nick "#cri.Nicuss" Chebeleu, 3237836
O Andrew "#cri.tical" Hammett, 3221707
- Gu<47>rin "#cri.Draco" Christophe, 1773753
- Tylor Yeung, "cx.cypher", 162108 (leader of cx, founder of NSA)
O Kenneth "cX.Screamer" Wunderlich handle, 203409
O Anthony "cX.Mr Radical Ed" Guevara, 37306
O Marvin "cX.Vinin", "something" 2065255
O *Jerry "cX.TheNaySayer", 331066 (NSA owner)
O Justin "er.IcE-" Goodman, 110613
O Lane "er.Lux" LaRue, 42770
O *Brett "eR [ Erilane ]" Erilane, 1160592
O *Ben "eve.doobie" Wolf, 7154
O Paul "eve.seraphicx" Franz, 829329
O Daniel "eve.hang10" Garza, 3196484
O John "eve.romano^_^" Romans, 80973
O Brad J Rosin "eR [ lagger ]", 155580
O *Stephen "HAMBONE" Meenehan, 2884666
? Michael Moorman "STEAMEDHAM" (WonID: 3508091)
? Christopher Meenehan "SMOKEDHAM" (WonID: 2244778)
- josh resendiz "SHAMPOO" (WonID: 978045) (or -> ? Tim Ang "GREENEGGSANDHAM" (WonID: 170749) )
O *Josh "STD-Goosey*" Szepietowski, 3243397
O Kenneth "STD-Ardesco*" Lee, 144891
O Josh "STD-Slash*" Keats, 59932
O Logan "STD-Kalmah*" Reeves, 3162858
O Tae "[ReD]TaE" Kim, 633578
O *D. "[ReD]boobs" Anderson, 2377185 (leader)
? Michael "[ReD]Knight" Choe, 124911
O Dean "[ReD]Dean" Kovacs, 39960
O *Joe Shanahan, [ReD]mogg, 2817243
X James "sYn | FatKao" Thomas Milko, 538967 (forum name: FatKao)
O Amit "sYn | Uubu" Shah, 690509
O Fred "sYn | Terminotaur" Lewis, 51510
- sYn | Zykosis, 2155820
- Firewater?
O *Phillip "sYn | Borf" Whang, 1492447
O *Kyle "ue.akiro" Hallenbeck, 536458
O Josh "ue.theoryhat" Porte, 958962
O Jacob "ue.eisen" Smith, 589464
O Anthony "ue.jdub" Carpio, 741488
O John Strickler, ue.optikal, 992223 - Old head of nG, close to top members of NS community, got scrim channel for us (!)
O *Jonathan "UGL|Jon" Green, 1032836
O *Paul Fisch "Eats", 1271383
O Tim Manns "kenichi", 556510
O *Andreas Carlos Serna "pandas|churro", 81383
O Chris "pandas|3-toed_sloth" Mann, 2418057.
O Alex Kong "pandas|Tare", 303687
O Shozo "pandas | snakpak^p.rP" Hirano, 109722
O Hugh "[one]arch" McDonald, 395278
O *David "[one]Toasty!!" Rodriguez, 3048748
O Devan "[one]froggeh" Laska, 1074623
? Matt "[one]cinderous" Bloom, 3533692
O *Othell, 83473
O Brad "CAL|Brad" Ralph, (pandas | mcclane), 518141 (forum: mcclane)
O *Paul "Solarcurve" Drew
O Benoit "Naxo" Richter, 379698 (NS Clanbase supervisor)
O Michael E. Boeckelmann, handle: chem^ten, wonid: 10222, CAL|Boeckelmann on gamesnet
Potential new vets
- apex|lego - Brian1095@mailcity.com - From nG, "Beaten sg tied ue, beaten one, beaten x over zero, tied eve, and it will get better... were just not league atm =("
O Removed "if you're new to NS, play marines first" tooltip (to get balance numbers in line?)
O Fixed view "jog" when releasing pop-up menu key in windowed mode
O Fixed stretching problems for soldier minimap
- Remove "try morphing to gorge" tooltip"
- Change tooltips so server messages can still be sent
- Remove listening for hive bug, necessary for HMG rush to not be over-powered
- **Crash when joining marine team before particles come down on hera
- Same with delta?
O Lerks no longer take falling damage
- Logging stuff
- Commander-wins
- Time research finished ("time to arms lab", "time to HA")
O Add option to disable flashing effects for epileptic players (cl_photosensitive)
O Changed FOV for different aliens for immersion. Added checkbox for forcing default FOV (cl_forcedefaultfov).
? Migrate FOV code back in
- Put check in for software rendering too, or if usedefaultfov is checked
O Added extra flavor animations to alien resource tower
O Fixed problems where marine and alien resource towers weren't animating smoothly
- Change spectator name color from black
? Added authentication system for registered users, playtesters
O Implement basic system
- Get Joev to add a special user-name password for it in the protectdl section so it can be monitored
- Ask Joev about what path to use for IP instead of using DNS
- Ask Joev if this is secure or if user/password will be obvious to people
- Look into getting a security certificate and using ssl
- Look into financial backend on n-s.org
joev: PK is an 'id' but auto incremented (better for MNySQL to optimize indexes that way)
joev: here's the schema:
Flayra: Great, I was just thinking wonid would be a crappy id
joev: int id, char name, bigint wonid, int rank, smallint authorized.
joev: the 'auth' table is then joined on the rank field with the rankings table which is:
Flayra: Great. The rank is just a bitmask in the code right now (used for drawing the icon), so a player can have multiple ranks (dev, pt, etc.)
joev: int id, char ranktitle.
joev: yes.. but as I say, if you make your code stop looking when it hits the wonid, then the player get's the icon of the highest rank for that wonid :)
Flayra: Sounds great, though I don't know enough about dbs that I know why you'd join the two instead of putting all that info into one table
Flayra: Well I have to download the whole file so it won't matter when I stop looking
Flayra: (and I'm splitting the whole thing up when I first fetch it)
joev: the why is this: easier to add ranks without munging up the setup :)
Flayra: Rocking, you know bizest
- Sound tasks for Scott
? Emailed Scott
- Heavy marine footsteps: http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=1&t=21797&s=809717bf921544be3ec003fafb17d9a1
- Directions to Mike:
Mike: ok . . . red line to broadway
Mike: then you have to go over the broadway bridge and onto albany
Mike: then albany onto harrison
Mike: and we're 580 harrison, fourth floor
Mike: we'll have to let you in
Mike: it's about a 10 minute walk
Mike: or so
- Install and configure ArticleManager
- Write honest review for Fraser: fraser@interactivetools.com
- CAL support
? Team score shows number of resources accumulated (show for both teams to start, remove if not cool)
? Show marine kills/deaths in tourny mode
? mp_timelimit in tournymode shows countdown for everyone and ends the game afterwards (looking at team resources when setting the victory condition)
- Add support for draw game
- Make timelimit blink red when almost done
- Don't display team resources for enemy team
- Log game end specially (score)
- Enhanced demo playback
- Particles
O Added support
- Figure out why they are only drawing sometimes
- Spawn particles aren't oriented towards viewer, probably because of vofs crap
- Building health circles
O Gamma
? Weapon info
- Minimap for marine
- Music (?)
- Pop-up menus
- Don't playback when HLTV menu is up
- Tech slots
O Teams
- Non zbuffered stuff
- Orders
- Hive sight
- Need VALVe help here
- Commander mode
- Reload map HLTV images for demo playback
- Job search
O Send e-mail to Josh Resnick
O Pinged Arena.net and S2games via gamejobs.com
O Talk to DAM and get things moving for Monolith
O Apply to Big Blue Box
O Apply to Intrepid
O Send followup e-mail to Arena.net
- Send e-mail to CCPGames.com
- Remedy -> Max Payne (www.remedy.fi)
O http://www.dperry.com/ -> Lots of UK listings
O Rework commander hotkeys so they're hardcoded but work well
- Menu is now 4x3 (new category for orders, 4 rows no longer needed with new armory/equipment model)
- Get artwork scaled (maybe I can do this) and tweak values so it looks right
O Add new category
O QWER, ASDF, ZXCV match up to menu intuitively
O Added customization support in advanced config
- Armory changes
- Put equipment into production
- Research shotty production, HMG production, GL production
- Each armory slowly creates a weapon of that type in range every 20-30 seconds (up to three weapons around each structure?)
- Same goes for the prototype lab (jetpacks and HA)
! Don't forget to always propagate entities to commander if they are selected
- Advantages
- Frees up room on the UI for new hotkey system
- Less commander frustration
- No more whining about "HMG/HA plz"
- Means multiple armories and prototype labs are useful (as well as specialized bases)
- Means heavy weapons are more viable without super high costs
- Means armories might be targetted
- Perhaps an appropriate advantage against new faster growing aliens
- Binds technology to an area ("shotties at sewer" or "grenades outside refinery")
- Consistent with high-level duties, scales well to games of all sizes
- Disadvantages
- Commander can't reward individual players easily
X Pain to implement
- Fundamental balance change
- If marines have no arms lab, they lose those upgrades as well (make arms lab a bit tougher probably)
O Adjusted voice comm icons to position above models properly. Updated HUD voice icons to use same as world voice icon.
? Fix problem where adv. armory factory doesn't show circle
m Slant Wall Hack from Hang10
m Hitbox issues
? Leap exploit (Max fixed)
- Drowning bug/exploit (healthbug.dem, from Comprox)
- Commander building exploit (e-mail from Mike Hodgkinson)
- One of regulars found an exploit which could be used on NS as commander where he could build structures while in the commandchair.
- I saw hi doing this on ns_missilecommand_final3, it looked like the structure was being built by no one.
- He told me how to do it, you centre your view over the structure and hold "use", builds just as fast as if a marine was building it. This makes sense as I understand thier is a commghost entity. Im thinking of disabling comms from being able to press thier "use" while they are in the commchair with a metamod plugin, but I thought it may be important to advise you of.
? mp_logdetail 2/3 every kill message is reported twice
- Minimap fixes
? Max fixed stretching
- Status bar issues when using gorge
- PR
- Talk to SolarCurve
- Talk to iwa-dec for promotion (DOG, gotfrag people)
? Add alien building destruction effects
? Add turret smoke effects
? Renamed mp_authicons to mp_uplink
? mp_uplink now controls versioning too
? Put in basic throttling to prevent ridiculous abuse
? Updated default .cfgs
- What's bandwidth for this?
Assume 1000 servers, average game length is 20 minutes
3000 queries per hour, roughly one per second
Change this to only allow updates every hour, so one every three seconds
? Added "select all" command
- Add to config
? Fixed guide tooltip bug where it wouldn't work for any player but the first
? Made tweaks to fade view model (needed for HLTV, new animation for smoothly switching between cannon and swipes)
? Added idle animations to acid rocket and bilebomb
? Weapon reloading, deploying issues with new event model
? Add player reload animation support
- Frame-rate dependence
? Building (change to gpGlobals->frametime)
? Jetpacks (ask Quietmischief or Seraphic8x)
- HMG firing rate (looks like all weapons too?)
O Wrote Eric and VALVe
- Remove or revisit recycling
- Get particle editing working again
- Logging out of the command chair in HA repairs all armor damage.
- Increase initial alien points
- Increase late-game power of marines (defending nodes/structures)
- Add alert that marines can hear?
- Info_location optimization (delete itself on the server when loaded)
- Info_player_location optimziations (!)
- 160 entities removed
- Balance
? Tightened HMG cone from 10 degrees to 6 degrees (allows HMGs to battle fades)
? Aliens now start with 20 points instead of 10
? Marine resources now scale, with each player contributing 15 points to the pool
- Make it non-exploitable and really think through all the ramifications of this
X Send new credit card # to Webaxxs (Weekend)
O Send trademark changes in (Weekend)
- CC recycle bug (demo from Joev)
- Map reset doesn't work for welds
- Weldable damage by spit, parasite
? Fix generate on collision particle systems
- Experiment with resource model changes:
- More gorges mean more resources and faster growth (ie, not on a share system)
- Internationalization from Nem
- Spanish
- mouse3 for comm
- New site
- Credits on site (Josh, others)
- Shader lab textures credit (ydnar)
- Josh credits
- PR art pack
- Add map pics
- Add NS banner
- Release
O Show player score in tourny mode?
O Fixed problem where adv. turret factory doesn't show circle
- Fix weapon hud sprites for very small resolution (Merks)
- Cursor bug: If you are in the menu when the game ends you are brought back out to the waiting room, but you still have a selection cursor that you can't get rid of (and thus can't walk around or look if you have those keys bound to the mouse). If you join a game in this state, you are shown a blank menu that you can't get rid of. I tried escaping to the game main menu and going back in the game, but the menu was still there. I finally had the exit the game completely and go back in.
- Voogru: I dont know if you know about this or not but the advanced armory doesnt show the health becuase the fuser2 on the armory is reset to 0. I fixed this by simply doing this:pEntity->v.fuser2 = pEntity->v.health/2.4;I know it probally will be different with how you have it setup but i think its becuase of the fuser2 getting reset.Just trying to help out.-voogru(BTW, your PM box is full!)
- PAS stuff
- Team score = total resource gathered
- Speed up harvesting a little (scale resources for both sides)
- Fix resource max on client for evolving gorges (it will still count down to 33, but will immediately count back up to your resource count (this is just a visual problem on the client)
- Fade looking up/down bug (e-mail from Peterson Roald)
- Set r_drawviewmodel to 1 every frame, or don't send move when it's 0 (cvar_t* m_pCvarDrawEntities = IEngineStudio.GetCvar( "r_drawviewmodel" );)
X Allow bots to use command station (for Paul)
- Blast damage differences between game and manual
- Verify that tooltips and manual values are updated with v1.3 and beyond (change system to dynamically display values like costs?)
- Change webs to not be placed with same normals (ie, on floor)
- Change xenocide to charge up a progress indicator instead of triggering once?
O Change contact info on team page to filter mail
- Patch server performance
O Bills
O Forum work
O Burn CD and return CD for/to Adam
O ESR interview
O DOG interview
O HomeLAN interview
- Use shotgun animation when holding shotgun, instead of machine gun anims
- Add speech binds in config screen
- Allow pop-up menu to execute regular HL commands? Like maybe 'node4 = 4/2/2/#MenuCovering/$"impulse 8;say_team I'm covering you!"' instead of just "node4 = 4/2/2/#MenuCovering/8"?
- Add visible number of resource nodes (eg, 3/9 <node sym bol)
- Particle editing fixes
- VAC support
- Fix fonts for low-res
- Add hotgroups "You are squad 1"
- Show player names for commander
- Cycle to next player hotkey
- Select all button
- Voice squelching
- Spectator tweaks
- Draw death messages
- Marines getting RPs too fast?
- "Incoming enemies" fix
- Sensory chamber giving infinite cloaking
- Files
Next client patch
- Allow admin_ messages to always display even with help off
- Increase spit velocity
After gold
O Announce AZ party
O Manual stats
X Move repository to n-s.org?
O Create readme
- Credits page on web site
O Add feedback@natural-selection.org to site
O Rework forums
- Post IRC guidelines on n-s.org?
- DrHugo WON id: 162839
- Store
O Talk to Cory about it
- Setup my part of store
- Link to site somehow
After ship, before Ned leaves
- Setup automatic backup for n-s.org
O Uncensor "Bob"
O Add strategy/tactics forum
- Minimap reworking
- Not drawing properly for soldier
- Scaling
- Z-buffering
- Correct sprites when firing, seeing enemy, etc.
- Infinite loop (redesign or rethink algorithm)
- Residual blips
O Get blips drawing for soldier
- Draw self differently, with direction?
- Allow respawning after hitting mouse button (3 secs)
- New soldier sounds
- Replace taunts
- Add pain/wound/death sounds
X Add HPB_bot for download
- Send quick start guide ideas
- Player view is tilted after game over in commander mode
? Look into fading pop-up menu again
- Allow player voice to be squelched
- Get squelching working in ready room
- Get mouse input working after joining a game
- Revisit recycling (either discard, or get the anims going and resolve the unresolveds with it (turret factories, resource towers))
O Move buttons to new lower right (4x4 now)
- Leap/wallrun problem
- Test Xenocide
- Fix last weapon functionality
- Occasional selection problems (when buildings are close together?)
- Try to fix particle collision problems
- Add tooltip explaining that you can hold duck to disable wall-walking
- Add "webbed" viewmodel-weapon so playermodel and view model look right?
- Add server option where spectators are visible, as cameras?
- Don't draw health rings when mouse is over enemy structure
- Fix PAS problems allowing commander to "cheat"
- Look into force unmodified
- Feedback on Grendel's document
- Charge attack doesn't keep ramming spikes out
- Fix problem where blips sometimes linger (ASSERT)
- Draw health circles for spectator
- r_drawviewmodel 0 issue
- Allow keyboard scrolling in CM
- Make CC respawn?
- Nudged bug
- func_buttons resetting
- Guide tooltip?
- Select all hotkey for commander
- Order-giving tweaks
- Don't allow guarding self
- Pickup order still not working
- Allow previous target with +popupmenu
- Overlapping health and armor
- Aliens take damage when they have no hives left?
- Gamma ramp compatibility
- Rewrite using DirectX8
- Test to see if compatibility is better, if so, use it
- Test to see if gamma reverts on crash
- Write to GDP
- Write to Jason Mitchell
- Software rendering
O FOV changes
- Alpha test problems
O Can't be fixed without HL patch
- Pop-up menu problems
- Warped build circles
- Buildings sizes bug
- Respawn timer
- Always draw health circles for commander (easier to see)
- Breakables that keep breaking (mess hall glass, explodables outside water hive on hera)
- Remove weapon categories 4 and 5 for marines
- Offensive turrets need idle and should shoot spikes
- Want less turrets in general
- Switching to free-roaming mode should start where you were in non-free-roaming
- Play leaphit and leapkill sounds
- Add to IRC guidelines: you shall not publically question ops or their behavior, ever
- Turrets rotating too slowly
- Siege turret animation problems
- Finish up trademark application
- Calling URL from Win32:
- Remove alien vision-mode for software mode compatibility
- New sensory evolutions
- Blur?
- Revenge spore
- Hunter sense
- Inhabit host
- Make "flayra sees incoming enemies" automatic
- Add healing spray particle effect whenever any player is regenerated by hive or otherwise?
- Make infantry portal button blink when needed
- Send message to all team members when someone becomes commander, indicating who it is
- Allow commander to talk to just a squad (when hotgroup is created and selected)
- Play special message when a commander leads the team to victory
- Add alert when marine is standing at empty resource node?
- Automatic sounds for soldiers
- We need a commander
- Contact
- Add special gestate anims depending on morph target (ie, seeing spikes grow slowly out for level 4)
- Histogram of where people are (can tell what areas to rework or remove, for most simple for most bang)
Bugs that VALVe can help with, or are better solved while here:
- Steam
- One precache problem, work with Erik on it
- Now we know the problem, but I don't think it can be easily fixed without updating headers to main
- Test internally or find way to test externally?
- Get content tool setup at home?
O Got everything setup in perforce, Eric S. started this, finish while I'm home
O Wrote e-mail to Eric
O Get NS in Perforce
- Get copy for home?
O Pop-up menu problem
O Fix drawing so image is used, and so it's more readable
O Got it to draw scaled image finally!
O Unhack test code so sprites and enabled state are read neatly
- Laggy buildings problem
- Work with Adrian on Monday...he didn't have time
- Building sizes problem
- Work with Adrian on Monday...he didn't have time
- D3D problems
- Black edges (is this really a problem, or is it a driver issue?)
O Cliprect not working (move this to tris anyways)
O Move energy, resources and jetpack to new function
O Touchup artwork or ask Relic to
- Still a bit shaky
X Get NS assets in VSS
- Demo playback
O Disable HUD for now
O Don't create tooltips
- Fix engine error when back on hl1110
- Write Martin
- Wait for Martin
- Integrate spectator code
O Release build
- Work on in spare time here, due to fast build times
O Orienting temp entities
NS Retail
Extras: A printed manual, printed maps of the maps, the missing tutorial level of dewm, extra ingame MP3 music, a cuddly onos beanie baby would all make it worthwhile (Commando)
Lani Minella
3823 69th st.
San Diego, CA 92115
Effects->Chorus->Vibrato2 (default settings) (feedback 40%, chorus 5/2. -6, input gain 0, mod depth 8%)
Jamey Scott www.dramaticaudio.com
Fix problems getting stuck in buildings once and for all (Robin's getting stuck in buildings fixes)
Current #/location/status of hives
Fix phase gates
AFK on inf portal
Remove "commander" in front of commander name
Add blinking icons for players when they request help
Shorten many tooltips
Heavy weapons should be permanent on ground (or adjusted)
Allow redemption for level 5
Health overlapping
2 join messages
Ready room bug
Voice while dead
Steam precaching problem
- Fix via making random sounds part of minimum footprint
Still some SC sounds
Respawn order
Respawn timer
Player names in commander mode
#423 is somewhat a problem, #512 is huge, and sometimes I get a afterimage from the popup menu.
CM needs more feedback, hotkeys, usability stuff
- Demo playback
- Lagging HUD at all times
- Try writing v_origin (didn't work)
- Mouse cursor isn't visible
- Save current cursor state at all times (didn't work)
- Something to do with hacky DummyPanel?
- Button presses in commander mode aren't recorded
- Building a marine structure doesn't show the circle around it
- General
- Ready room
- Alien
- Learn about the existence of the pop-up menu and how to use it
- Switching weapons (people don't know to look)
- Alien resource model
- Energy
- Movement modes for aliens
- Hive sight
- Changing lifeforms
- How upgrades work
- How to get more hives
- OK, what are my goals? What can I do?
- What does parasite do? Umbra?
- When do I respawn?
- Victory conditions
- Soldier
- Learn about the existence of the pop-up menu and how to use it
- What are all these buildings?
- How to get more ammo, weapons
- Waypoints
- What commander does. How to become commander. How to remove the commander.
- When do I respawn?
- Victory conditions
- Commander
- Hit "jump" to go to alert
- Playground to explore tech tree
- See how building radii work
- Upgrading resource towers
- Giving orders to players
- Hotgroups
Software mode compatibility
- FOV means view model doesn't draw in right place
- Builder spit looks wrong (not setting or resetting mode?)
- Drawing scaled sprites doesn't always work (but sometimes does)
- Pie menu doesn't draw
- Alternate vision mode isn't really additive
- Build progress circle is screwed
- Mouse cursor doesn't seem to draw
Direct3D compatibility
- SPR_EnableScissor() doesn't work (for drawing energy and resource indicators)
- Edges of textured quads have black lines (try triangles instead? should be faster anyways)
- Even using SPR_DrawHoles() results in black edges (energy and resource indicators)
- Pop-up menu is drawing lines on top of textured connectors (actually, GL is doing this too I believe maybe just more obvious in D3D somehow?)
Week of 3/29
- Gamehelper interview
- Write Cory about new "position"
- Write back artists and have them work with Cory
O Write Mojo with player animation list 4/22
- Update art asset list, send to Cory (prioritize?)
- Update screenshots on web site with playtest pics
- Get ball rolling on player animations
O Work with Mojo 4/1
- HomeLAN
O Get more info about them 4/1
O Play on their servers a bit 4/1
O Write them e-mail 4/1
O Massive IPT3/4 checkin 3/30
O Catch-up with with Mike and AdrenalineZone 4/1
O Drink tea at Tealuxe, read CGSP (wrong issue, thought NS was in this one!) 4/1
O Play chess with Elliot at the square briefly 4/1
- Jeremy Soule
O Talked with for hours 3/29
- Followup e-mail, send him tons of work samples
Current playtest mailing list:
mike@squarewaveinteractive.com, joshuamchugh@hotmail.com, jp00jp@hotmail.com, merkaba@btinternet.com, mojo@planethalflife.com, relic25@ec.rr.com, cory.strader@verizon.net, t.calder@shaw.ca, greedo386@readyroom.org, moleculor@yahoo.com, hivefiction@readyroom.org, HA_KIR_SpyderMonkey@ha.homelan.com, kyletsetso_25@yahoo.com, malavi@vt.edu, chromeangel@btopenworld.com, cd1f@yahoo.com, danj@princeton.edu, nick@switchboom.com, alastorx@hotmail.com, cyonpro@yahoo.com, alien_51@hotmail.com, milo@milo.cc, doomaniac@cox.net, gimpy_prophet@attbi.com, ekaj_niop@hotmail.com, fam@box7.co.uk, freestyler_8@hotmail.com, al@demiurgestudios.com, graheim@yahoo.com, david1625@hotmail.com, captain684@aol.com, humbaba10@aol.com, samc@defnow.com, dfm_onefleaarmy@hotmail.com, jcroisan@insightbb.com, pepperjack38@hotmail.com, ken20banks@yahoo.com, daws4442@bellsouth.net, joelak@ptd.net, aweldon@planethalflife.com, manah@planethalflife.com, mmcguire@ironlore.com, kwarismian@attbi.com, chrisa@gearboxsoftware.com, nemes1szer0@gmx.de, bsharp@ionstorm.com, rhoads2nw@comcast.net, quarry.b@neu.edu, sshoemak@vt.edu, tf_soldier@hotmail.com, grabiller@3dvf.net, stalkallez@hotmail.com, tjd159@psu.edu, voidstar@womer.org, wazz@planethalflife.com, wurmspawn@hotmail.com, bdorner@sympatico.ca, brujahaphrodite@hotmail.com, monsieurevil@readyroom.org, forumadmin@natural-selection.org
Beran Peter
Terminal Services Client
#l337g34r (redbaran is Beran)
- XP approach to NS -
- Get value from code ASAP
- Does this mean open beta, now? No, not quite, but close. I don't want a situation where people don't see what the game is trying to do, or where there are so many vocal dissidents that it ruins it for others. Missing crucial features could be considered bugs, and I'm wasting people's time by giving them buggy software.
- But still, get value ASAP. There is a value in people spreading the word and seeing what the game will be soon. What's different about after release then the day before the release? How about the day before that? Where do you draw the line? Why choose to draw the line so late, when people obviously want to see bits of it now?
- So, show it to people as soon as it's fun and as soon as it's representative of the final product. Representative means, representative of the gameplay and quality of the final product. This means it can't be full of bugs, and the gameplay must at least be similar, though not necessarily as full-realized, as the final product.
- When is this?
- Missing map areas are fine, so long as the map is representative of it's final state
- Missing weapons are fine
- Bad artwork isn't great
- Missing systems that are crucial to the gameplay are not
- The systems that are required are the alien buildings, the builder, the bacterial stream, resource towers, basic alien abilities
- Code statistics, 2/27/02 -
Recent line count:
mod: 38757, 7174
ui: 5281, 1268
util: 1570, 400
Code I wrote for NS (not base particle system, not HL code): 55,000 lines, including whitespace
cl_dll: 27420, 5333
dlls: 89646, 7427
HL game code, roughly: 130,000
- Tasks for feature-complete -
- Commander mode tech (1/11/02)
- Continue working with Merk
O Get drawing of entities working
- Get selection working (1/14/02)
O Build version of NSTR2 for Merk so he can test
- Test performance on ns_hera when Merk is done (1/15/02)
O Add black background for commander mode, drawn at minviewz (allow it to be disabled also) (1/15/02)
O Update mapping docs (1/15/02)
O Add player alpha, commander alpha to func_illusionary
O Decide whether system will work 2/8
- Marine resources (technology)
- Add func_resource to maps
O Only allow resource towers to be built on func_resources (snap them to the func_resource center) 2/4
O Make upgrading towers functional 2/4
O Add concept of fixed # of resources 2/4
O Allow func_resources to be selected, showing resources left 2/4
O Show "resources depleted" 2/4
O Show names for all selected buildings 2/4
O Don't show actions for buildings that are busy (make sure to catch this server-side too) 2/4
- Draw ghost buildings if necessary
- Particle tweaking?
- Update mapping docs
- Explain on forums
O Solidity for models, so func_resource can be completed 2/1
X Tried to get Adrian to help 1/29
O Wrote the hlcoder list 2/1
- Marine tech tree
- Get selection working right for buildings, players, world items (almost)
- Hives should contribute to hive sight
- Quick fix for selection of buildings and things for NSTR (where to build turret from? where to build welder from?)
O Draw commander HUD scaled
O Investigate scaling of sprites (ask randomnine?) (1/14/02)
O Get sprite scaling working (1/14/02)
O Draw commander HUD
O Unified hive mind
O Get working with new sprite scaling
O Placeholder artwork
O Release NSTR2 2/25
O Prereq: "marine resources"
O Prereq: "commander mode tech"
X Prereq: "software mode issues"
O Installer (send info to Monsieur) 2/11
O Updated docs from Merk
O Test installer and update mechanism (Monsieur is doing this, ongoing)
O Switching map from commander mode problems (mouse, spawning, other?) 2/20
O Fix bug where players can't be hurt in the NSTR 2/21
O Get .fgd updated by Howling again
O Sent it to him 2/21
O Received it
O Remove hotgrouping stuff for NSTR 2/21
O Test minimap creation again now that placement code changed
O Add new sentry artwork to build, test it 2/21
O Turn off fog when drawing particles (but it doesn't seem to fix it?) 2/21
O Allow particle editing without joining a team first 2/21
O Checkin code 2/25
- Present
- New marine tech tree
O Placeholder ("crate") buildings
- Infantry portal
- Add button that allows paying to spawn
- Tweak jetpacks
- Make sure players keep upgrades after respawning
- Add cool smoke effect
- Acquire semi-real building artwork
- Add cheat that makes buildings complete when dropped
- Add cheat that enables all tech
- Buildings shouldn't allow actions when they aren't built
- Don't show action buttons
- Server-side (at tech tree level)
- More general case of not showing tech buttons for tech not researched yet (done?)
- Add hotkey selection of players and buildings
O Basic system 2/12
- Fix existing selection issues
O Make work server only 2/12
O Add selection prediction back in 2/12
- Fix order giving
O Don't draw for cl_hudcam 2/12
- Make sure to draw when behind player
O When double-tapping, go to selection 2/12
- Alien building technology
- Base resource model
- Hives accumulate resources over time, then split them up among all alive alien players every so often
- Resource nodes acquire resources directly into the hive. They are built by the level 2 aliens.
- After a team has harvested x resources, a new hive is built. After x more resources, another hive is built. If no resource nodes are built, the amount of
time it will take for each new hive to come online is around 8 minutes.
- Resources are not given to either team by kills. Kills still go on the scoreboard for alien players.
- Builders (level 2 aliens)
- Builder aliens can shoot a short ranged projectile, build resource nodes, upgrade resource nodes, build evolutionary sacs and build static defenses.
- Builders can hold their use key to project the bacterial stream onto a target building or creature. This builds or heals a building, and builds or heals a player.
It could also speed up evolution into a new lifeform.
- Multiple builders can work on the same player/building to speed up the process
- Buildings can only be placed within sight and range of another building. If at any time, a building's link to the source of the bacterial stream, the building
will cease to function. The exceptions to this rule are hives and resource towers, which generate the bacterial stream.
- The current upgrade system goes away (where each alien purchases his own upgrades). This is done to ensure technology coherence in the alien team, for more strategy.
- Buildings include:
- Resource node (which can be upgraded multiple times by a builder)
- "Plant" turret (fairly weak)
- Four different evolutionary sacs (currently cloaking, regeneration, speed, armor).
- Multiple buildings (up to three of each type) can be built to provide a new level of ability. For example:
- 1 cloaking sac built - All aliens get current cloaking ability
- 2 cloaking sacs built - All aliens can cloak, but also remain cloaked while moving
- 3 cloaking sacs built - All aliens remain cloaked at all times, even when moving and firing
- 4 cloaking sacs built - No additional abilities (but if one sac is destroyed, the aliens still have 3 so they don't suffer any reduced ability)
- Some type of heavy defense (gas turret?)
- Alien respawning
- Egg laying is gone. No one understood this and it doesn't make much sense anyways.
- A hive gives birth every 8 seconds or so. It gives birth to the player that has been been out of play the longest (including late-joiners). When a hive
is in the process of giving birth, it plays a special animation. Recently birthed players appear next to the hive as a level 1 alien.
- If the game hasn't started, or the game time just started, the birthing time is only one second.
- Any alien near a hive becomes linked to the bacterial stream and regenerates (maybe visual, maybe not)
- Ammo for aliens
- All aliens have an "energy" bar that starts out full. When using most of their weapons or abilities, this bar goes down. Weapons or abilities can
only be used if the alien has enough energy.
- At any time, an alien player can pay a flat point cost to refill his energy bar. There is no way to get energy back for "free". Maybe this can
only be done when the alien is accessible by the bacterial stream?
- Unlocking abilities
- There are exactly three hive locations per map.
- The level 1 and level 2 lifeforms are always available.
- The level 3 lifeform is only available when the alien team has at least one active hive.
- The level 4 lifeform is only available when the alien team has at least two active hives.
- The level 5 lifeform is only available when the alien team has at least three active hives.
- All alien weapons and abilities are listed in the weapon groups (1-5), ala standard Half-life
- All passive movement abilities are always available
- The weapons and abilities in category 1 are always available
- The weapons and abilities in category 2 are only available when the alien team has at least one active hive
- The weapons and abilities in category 3 are only available when the alien team has at least two active hives
- The weapons and abilities in category 4 are only available when the alien team has at least three active hives
- There probably won't be any weapons and abilities in category 5 for now, but if they are added later, they will likely be linked up to the "alpha male".
- The alien player with the highest score is the "alpha male" and gets access to his category 5 weapons and abilities as a bonus!
- Ramifications
- This means can grow quickly by building resource nodes and can "tech up" by at the expense of other upgrades, static defenses, and some offense. It also
means that if no aliens want to be builders, new hives will still grow.
- This also means that builder aliens can heal turrets, hives, players or other buildings while they are being attacked, enriching their support role. It also
means they could function effectively near the front line.
- The energy bar means aliens will always be trying to optimize their weapon and ability usage. It also limits abuse of webs, leaping, etc. A great player
could continue to optimize his usage of energy, pushing for an earlier lifeform upgrade.
- Strategic strikes against hives or specific upgrade buildings could change all aliens capabilities immediately. A alien "supply line" could also be attacked,
by attacking a structure in the middle of a chain. Aliens could also build redundant bacterial links to prevent this.
- New hives are the key to radical new tech and lifeforms. Keeping the hives under control will be an immediate priority for the enemy.
- New alien weapons and abilities
O Implement unlocking of abilities with new hives 3/9
- Create resource buildings on func_resource
- Create plant turrets
- Design alien ammo/energy (and draw on HUD) (allow "reloading", but it costs points to refill, promotes waiting until almost empty, also promotes minimal use of firepower to get the job done)
- Draw alien membrane scaled
- Alien weapons and abilities
- An alien gun that fires both when you press the button and also when you release
- A tongue-spike that goes through walls and floors
- A spike gun that fires multiple spikes at once, at slightly different angles (around 30 degrees difference) (good players could hit multiple targets)
- A grenade-type weapon that inherits your velocity and also your angular velocity, so you can spin and whip it up onto balconies
- An alien gun that fires as fast as you can press the trigger
- A gun that charges, Melnorme style (it blocks whatever hits it, it grows bigger the longer you hold down, it is shot when released, it does more damage the bigger it is). It only recharges when you don't have it held down, always takes same amount of energy to start. Great vs. turrets!
- Dark swarm that blocks all visibility and turret fire!
- Phasing/teleport for level 4
- Ollying ability for level 4
- Alien resource model
- First real system: building a structure or making a kill increased score by 1. When resources are allocated, it is done proportionally by score, but with a minimum of 1 share per person.
- Show point costs for each icon
- Display current points
- Kills from structures increase score as well. If a structure dies, the player that built it loses a point off their score. This means players will want to protect their own structures. Other players will want to also, because the loss of it means loss of a personal upgrade or future points.
- Loss of a structure removes the upgrade that the aliens have the most of. Ie, if 3 aliens have pull back and armor, and 2 have pullback and regen, pullback will be removed first. If this can't be removed from a player, a random upgrade from that player is removed. This means the largest possible cohesive effect will be seen when structures are destroyed (suddenly, there are no cloakers, ie, the upgrade that was most "successful" and prominent)
- This means that builders won't build structures in dumb places, it would cost them
- Draw score on the UI somehow. When a player has the highest score on their team, they should get a special designation (glistening?). Maybe something for 2nd place also?
- When hive can spawn someone in, it spawns person with the highest score. Spawning doesn't cost resources, except those lost on lifeform, which makes killing level 1s somewhat pointless.
O Fixup grenade launcher (aiming is broken)
- Fix up overwatch so it's not so accurate and deadly
- <test at Iron Lore here>
- Menu screen that lets you go back to the ready room (or otherwise switch teams)
- Do voting and other admin stuff from here?
- Add ability to fire turrets by issuing them an order (!)
- Software mode issues
- Crashing
- Try to decide if we want to support it
- Fog of war?
- Ability to hotkey buildings
- Commander abilities
- Stim pack
- Teleport
- Shoulder cannons
- Commander selection issues
- Make it easier to give attack-enemy orders (bounding spheres?)
- Highlight buildings to make easier to see for commander and players
- Recoil and/or overheating
- Firing through walls with upgrades (maybe allow different depths according to upgrade?)
- Allow for aliens as well
- Polish and improve waypoints
- Experiment with using gamma
- Flash red when you're hit
- Green alien vision?
- <test at Adrenaline Zone here?>
Linux tar
Make tar:
tar zcvf tarball.tar.gz .
Unzip and untar:
tar -xzvf tarball.tar.gz
- Particle system features -
- Allow editing of multiple particle systems with the same name (affect them all)
- Add customizable gravity (for acceleration effect)
- Add trigger that's fired when a particle collides
Design ways for marines to participate with relying too heavily on combat (healing, building, ammo running, scouting, gate maintenance, etc.)
Scouting for marines:
By product of a few rules
- Move faster without weapons/armor
- Purchase a HUD enhancement (scanner) that remembers the last position for an alien that was viewed
Tourny quality:
- "Games need no configurable options. No obscure console based network settings and the like, just the game controls, a brightness slider and a
connection selecter. I think this should be a high priority in the next <20>cpl game<6D>."
- These game options could be stored at a URL. Tourny mode makes it easy for people to sit down in front of machine, type their URL to download their base settings, then tweak their mouse sensitivy, gamma, monitor and stuff. Make this part of the ready room?!
- Allow calling of time-outs. Screen goes black, all chat becomes team-only. Show countdown (configurable time). Each team can call x timeouts per y rounds. Only commander can call time-out, he does it in-game, it happens before the next round.
- Tournament mode where an administrator can view through anyone's eyes, record demo, pause the game, check people's configs remotely. The best part would be if a player crashes, he could pause the game and wait for the person to reboot, reconnect and get back in, with same resources and everything, mid-game
- Have a tweaking map where everyone can run around and easily change their mouse sensitivity, try either side, set their binds, have access to all upgrades and abilities. From here, the game should be able to be started on any map by the admin (they walk through door indicating they are ready to play) (maybe just ability for admin to give RUs, upgrades and lifeform to any player while paused)
- Disallow console access in tourny mode once game has started. Checking .cfgs is one thing, but people will change it when the admin leaves!
Actively think of ways the marine players will feel closer to each other after a game
- Importance of repair role
- The feeling that you know you're going to die if a person near you dies, or doesn't do something well
- Gestures, communication, expressiveness.
- This is the hardest part but potentially the most rewarding one. Prevent that feeling of frustration you have when you feel you just can't do or express what you want to do in other games. Doesn't happen as much in RTS, mostly FPS where the action is frantic and you have a persona (?).
- Custom skins, configurable sayings? Ie, text to speech or custom chat sayings?
Develop musical theme that is common throughout game (ala eXistenZ or Gladiator) (it should be the same theme for aliens and humans)
- "Blizzard's music wizards Jason Hayes (sound lead on new unannounced, did zerg voices, protoss music I think, 318 984-7772), Glenn Stafford (War III) and Matt Uelman"
-Angelus in medio ignis By Eric Serra.
(Great Choir work, done for the movie "the messenger")
-The good o'll "Panzerlied"
(Gets me all the time)
- Aria - 'Oceania, 'Tis for Thee' by Dominic Muldowney
(Sounds a bit like the Soviet party Hymn songs, and therefore it sounds great)
Marines ability to fire depends on time spent looking in that direction (promotes alien flanking behavior, discourages marine DM behavior)...a bit unnatural though
When a player disconnects from the server, have the model fade away slowly mid-action and play a phasing sound (or he walks back to base and disappears into spawn point area?). Give some points back to the commander (half of what he's worth?)
Report in - Updates marine's position with rest of teammates (like Aliens' HUD but is manual and not as up to date)
"Reporting in" - moving
"In position" - still
"Sarge!", "Help!" or "AIghghg!!" - being attacked
Marines only hear members in their own squad, and all superiors report in (though they still get update on HUD)
All communication and chat updates position as well
Any marine in view is automatically updated continuously, and for a few seconds after leaving sight
Use text to speech capabilities for prototyping all comms
Draw chat text on top of player via bubble to show who just said it
Design marine training camp
- Human instructors
- Safe metagame
- Shooting range
- Give instructor full power for upgrades
- Place to try out jetpack jumping
- Area to be damaged slowly, surely
- Demonstrate what commander does (instructor becomes commander, everyone gets his view)
- Show what it's like for an alien to walk into an overwatched marine (put player into alien costume, he walks around corner...immersive ricocheting sounds, damage feedback)
- Military playground with buttons, elevators, glass, fans, etc
- No human can be damaged (except in danger area to test out lifesupport, healing/repair)
- Give instructor ability to transport others to server he goes to (they follow him)
- Check psychology references to see what kinds of environments people learn best in (no fear of failure, safe, clear source of direction)
- Drill Sargent: "What, you only got 50% accuracy with the AWP? That just earned you 300 pushups and 20 laps around the base, SOLDIER!"
- Allow stats in the training mode.
- Make training camp useful for newbies, but also a way that clans could practice
Design one-click play
- Starts game on clean, safe spaceship
- Access computers to train (on other server) or embark on a voyage (play). Ping isn't nearly as important for training, so query for list of training servers from master and return an appropriate one automatically and quickly?
Figure out a way for the aliens to cut the power ("What do you mean, THEY cut the power?")
Alien base labrinth
- Multiple entrances and exits in a big mound of carbon stuff
- The base model has multiple doors and expansion nodes have names, link doors to these named expansion nodes, nydus style
- Means an alien can build one, then immediately receive reinforcements. Remove warp gate? Allow warp gate to be shot through?!! (big advantage for projectile-based marines)
After first release:
- Have an official map of the week/month. Post it super-prominently on the front page and it gives incentive for people to
submit maps and put new ones in the rotation
Extra features to investigate
- Ability for the commander to call a time-out between rounds
- Subliminal images of the aliens when they are near by (flash an image for a microsecond!)
- Show tournament mode or casual mode in ready room
- Add "Awaiting orders" or "Require assistance" and have them blink for commander's attention (hit space to go to)
- When a player takes damage, play a "We're under attack" message, allow space to go to it
When shipping:
- Write Agent-Hunter for German mirror (www.blackmesa.de, agent@blackmesa.de)
- Write ArsTechnica for followup
- Write "excel", Joe Hoseman, of InVision Interactive 2 weeks before releasing first version of NS, he'll help out (InVision Interactive)
- Write Bill Dugan at Sierra: Bill.Dugan@Sierra.com (tell him that it's released)
- E-mail Max McGill telling him when the game is released
- Write Tom Chick
Yeah this is my home ICQ (Chad) Hmm, well he might be at blizzard now then, although Bungie was after him too (on the forums).
Might of been from here: (*** warning you can waste alot of time here ***)
http://gallery.cgtalk.com/ or http://www.gd-world.com/
I did find his demo-real. Nice - it has music from run-lola-run. Here is link
http://www.cbsp.com.br/3d/Pictures/Fausto/repfausto.mp4 |