mirror of
synced 2025-02-08 16:52:21 +00:00
- needs sv_allow_shaders and hl25 at the moment and it piggybacks off the hl25 overbright shader using the average gamma ramp setting for ns maps.
285 lines
26 KiB
285 lines
26 KiB
"Language" "English"
"GameUI_ReverseMouse" "Invert mouse"
"GameUI_ReverseMouseLabel" "Reverse mouse up-down axis"
"GameUI_MouseLook" "Mouse look"
"GameUI_MouseLookLabel" "Use the mouse to look around"
"GameUI_MouseFilter" "Mouse filter"
"GameUI_MouseFilterLabel" "Smooth out mouse movement"
"GameUI_MouseSensitivity" "Aim sensitivity"
"GameUI_Joystick" "Joystick"
"GameUI_JoystickLabel" "Enable the joystick"
"GameUI_JoystickLook" "Joystick look"
"GameUI_JoystickLookLabel" "Use the joystick to look around"
"GameUI_AutoAim" "Auto-Aim"
"GameUI_AutoaimLabel" "Aims at enemies automatically"
"GameUI_ContentLock" "Content lock"
"GameUI_Content" "Content"
"GameUI_ContentRestart" "Note: changing some content options will cause the game to exit and restart."
"GameUI_ContentLockLabel" "Press this button and enter password to disable visuals inappropriate for younger players."
"GameUI_ContentStatusDisabled" "Enter a password to enable the content lock."
"GameUI_ContentStatusEnabled" "Enter a password to disable the content lock."
"GameUI_Enable" "Enable"
"GameUI_Disable" "Disable"
"GameUI_PasswordPrompt" "Please enter a password"
"GameUI_PasswordDisablePrompt" "Please enter password"
"GameUI_PasswordReentryPrompt" "Re-enter a password"
"GameUI_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_Apply" "Apply"
"GameUI_DemoPlayer" "Demo Player"
"GameUI_LoadDemo" "Choose Demo File"
"GameUI_Load" "Load"
"GameUI_DemoFile" "Demo File"
"GameUI_Map" "Map"
"GameUI_Close" "Close"
"GameUI_NeverShowButton" "Do not show this dialog again"
"GameUI_LoadGameHelp" "Select a saved game in the list below, then press 'Load game'."
"GameUI_LoadGame" "Load Game"
"GameUI_MultiplayerAdvanced" "Natural Selection Options"
"GameUI_MultiplayerCustomize" "Multiplayer Customize"
"GameUI_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer"
"GameUI_OK" "OK"
"GameUI_AdvancedEllipsis" "Natural Selection Options..."
"GameUI_AdvancedNoEllipsis" "Advanced"
"GameUI_PlayerName" "Player name"
"GameUI_PrimaryColor" "Primary color"
"GameUI_SecondaryColor" "Secondary color"
"GameUI_HighModels" "Use high quality models"
"GameUI_PlayerModel" "Player model"
"GameUI_SpraypaintImage" "Spraypaint image"
"GameUI_SpraypaintServerNote" "Changes to your spraypaint image take effect when you join a server."
"GameUI_NewGame" "New Game"
"GameUI_NewGameHelpText" "Select a level of difficulty or the Training\nRoom, then press 'Play'."
"GameUI_NewGameHelpTextUplink" "Select a difficulty level for the main campaign,\nor select Uplink or the Training Room, then\npress 'Play'."
"GameUI_Difficulty" "Select Difficulty"
"GameUI_TrainingRoom" "Training Room"
"GameUI_PlayGame" "Play Half-Life"
"GameUI_PlayGame_Alt" "Play Half-Life: Uplink"
"GameUI_Easy" "Easy"
"GameUI_Medium" "Medium"
"GameUI_Hard" "Hard"
"GameUI_Play" "Play"
"GameUI_EnableEAX" "Enable EAX Hardware Support"
"GameUI_EnableA3D" "Enable A3D Hardware Support"
"GameUI_SoundEffectVolume" "Sound effects volume"
"GameUI_HEVSuitVolume" "HEV suit volume"
"GameUI_MP3Volume" "MP3 volume *"
"GameUI_SoundQuality" "Sound quality"
"GameUI_High" "High"
"GameUI_Low" "Low"
"GameUI_UseDefaults" "Use Defaults"
"GameUI_SetNewKey" "Edit key"
"GameUI_ClearKey" "Clear Key"
"GameUI_Action" "Action"
"GameUI_KeyButton" "KEY/BUTTON"
"GameUI_Alternate" "ALTERNATE"
"GameUI_Windowed" "Windowed mode"
"GameUI_Renderer" "Renderer"
"GameUI_Software" "Software"
"GameUI_OpenGL" "OpenGL"
"GameUI_D3D" "D3D"
"GameUI_Brightness" "Brightness"
"GameUI_Gamma" "Gamma"
"GameUI_Resolution" "Resolution"
"GameUI_VideoRestart" "Note: changing some video options will cause the game to exit and restart."
"GameUI_EnableVoice" "Enable voice in this game"
"GameUI_BoostMicrophone" "Boost microphone gain"
"GameUI_MicrophoneVolume" "Microphone Volume"
"GameUI_ReceiveVolume" "Receive Volume"
"GameUI_TestMicrophone" "Test Microphone"
"GameUI_StopTestMicrophone" "Stop Microphone Test"
"GameUI_VoiceReceiveVolume" "Voice receive volume *"
"GameUI_VoiceTransmitVolume" "Voice transmit volume *"
"GameUI_SaveGame" "Save Game"
"GameUI_SaveGameHelp" "Select 'New Saved Game' in the list to create a new file, or select\na previously saved game to overwrite a file."
"GameUI_Quit" "Quit game"
"GameUI_SteamPassword" "Steam Password"
"GameUI_CreateServer" "Create Server"
"GameUI_Start" "Start"
"GameUI_Console" "Console"
"GameUI_Submit" "Submit"
"GameUI_Options" "Options"
"GameUI_Keyboard" "Keyboard"
"GameUI_Mouse" "Aim"
"GameUI_Audio" "Audio"
"GameUI_Video" "Video"
"GameUI_Voice" "Voice"
"GameUI_Advanced" "Lock"
"GameUI_Server" "Server"
"GameUI_Game" "Game"
"GameUI_SavedGame" "Saved Game"
"GameUI_ElapsedTime" "Elapsed Time"
"GameUI_TimeStamp" "Time Stamp"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettings" "Keyboard settings"
"GameUI_KeyboardSettingsText" "Reset all actions to use their default keys?"
"GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame" "New game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayDemo" "Play demo"
"GameUI_GameMenu_LoadGame" "Load game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_SaveGame" "Save game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer "
"GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers" "Find servers"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Customize" "Customize"
"GameUI_GameMenu_CreateServer" "Create server"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Options" "Options"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Quit" "Quit"
"GameUI_PasswordsDontMatch" "Entered passwords don't match!"
"GameUI_MustEnterPassword" "You must enter a password"
"GameUI_IncorrectPassword" "Incorrect password"
"GameUI_CantDisableContentCtrl" "Can't disable, content control was not set"
"GameUI_Loading" "Loading..."
"GameUI_Disconnected" "Disconnected"
"GameUI_ConnectionFailed" "Could not connect to server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFrom" "You have been disconnected from the server."
"GameUI_DisconnectedFromServerExtended" "You have been disconnected from the server.\nReason: %s1"
"GameUI_EstablishingConnection" "Establishing network connection to server..."
"GameUI_ParseServerInfo" "Parsing server info..."
"GameUI_CheckCRCs" "Validating game resources..."
"GameUI_PrecacheResources" "Loading game resources..."
"GameUI_ParseBaseline" "Parsing game info..."
"GameUI_StartingServer" "Starting local game server..."
"GameUI_DisplayMode" "Display Mode"
"GameUI_AspectNormal" "Normal"
"GameUI_AspectWide" "Widescreen"
"GameUI_CDKey" "CD Key"
"GameUI_EnterCDKey" "Please enter your CD Key, which can be\nfound printed on your CD jewel case."
"GameUI_LoadingDialog_ContentHosting" "Content hosting provided by:"
"GameUI_ColorSliders" "Colors"
"GameUI_ColorPrimary" "Primary"
"GameUI_ColorSecondary" "Secondary"
"GameUI_ColorQuality" "Color Quality"
"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Text" "The CD Key you have entered is invalid."
"GameUI_CDKey_Invalid_Title" "Incorrect CD Key"
"GameUI_CDKey_TooManyTries" "Incorrect CD Key entered too many times. Exiting..."
"GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame" "Resume game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect" "Disconnect"
"GameUI_GameMenu_LeaveGame" "Leave game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_ChangeGame" "Change game"
"GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList" "Player list"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_Title" "Game is out of date"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_URL" "http://www.steampowered.com/autoupdate"
"GameUI_OutOfDate_Msg" "Your game is out of date.\nPress OK to go to Valve's webpage to download the latest updates."
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationTitle" "Quit game"
"GameUI_QuitConfirmationText" "Do you wish to stop playing now?"
"GameUI_ChangeGame" "Change game"
"GameUI_NoOtherGamesAvailable" "There are no other games available to play."
"GameUI_ForceGameRestart" "Changing games will cause the engine to restart."
"GameUI_Miles_Voice" "* Uses Miles Sound System.\nCopyright © 1991-2001 by RAD Game Tools, Inc."
"GameUI_Miles_Audio" "* MPEG Layer-3 playback supplied with the Miles Sound System from\nRAD Game Tools, Inc. MPEG Layer-3 audio compression technology\nlicensed by Fraunhofer IIS and THOMSON multimedia."
"GameUI_MuteIngameVoice" "Mute in-game voice"
"GameUI_UnmuteIngameVoice" "Unmute in-game voice"
"GameUI_AddToFriendsList" "Add to friends list"
"GameUI_PlayerListDialogTitle" "Current players - %s1"
"GameUI_FriendsName" "Friends name"
"GameUI_Properties" "Properties"
"GameUI_AddFriendTitle" "Friends - Add Friend"
"GameUI_FriendAddedToList" "You have added %s1 to your friends list"
"GameUI_AddFriendFailed" "%s1 could not be added to your list.\nThere was either a connection error, or they are not running Friends."
"GameUI_NoOtherPlayersInGame" "There are no other players in the game."
"GameUI_QuickSave" "[quick]"
"GameUI_AutoSave" "[autosave]"
"GameUI_Type" "Type"
"GameUI_ServerName" "Server name"
"GameUI_MaxPlayers" "Max. Players:"
"GameUI_Password" "Password"
"GameUI_DARK" "Dark"
"GameUI_LIGHT" "Light"
"GameUI_VerifyingResources" "Verifying resources..."
"GameUI_VerifyingAndDownloading" "Verifying and downloading resources..."
"GameUI_UpdatingSteamResources" "Updating steam resources"
"GameUI_DownloadFailed" "Could not download %s1"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedZeroLen" "Could not download %s1:\nFile has no data"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedConClosed" "Could not download %s1:\nConnection closed by remote host"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadURL" "Could not download %s1:\nInvalid URL"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedBadProtocol" "Could not download %s1:\nOnly HTTP is supported"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantBind" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot bind a socket"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedCantConnect" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot connect to server"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedNoHeaders" "Could not download %s1:\nCannot get file info from server"
"GameUI_DownloadFailedFileNotFound" "Could not download %s1:\nFile does not exist"
"GameUI_CurrentPlayers" "Current players"
"GameUI_LoadingFilename" "Loading %s1 ..."
"GameUI_EventList" "Event List"
"GameUI_EditDirectorCommand" "Edit director command"
"GameUI_GetTime" "Get time"
"GameUI_GetView" "Get view"
"GameUI_Add" "Add"
"GameUI_Remove" "Remove"
"GameUI_Modify" "Modify"
"GameUI_Goto" "Goto"
"GameUI_Events" "Events"
"GameUI_Save" "Save"
"GameUI_Time" "Time"
"GameUI_CPUPlayerOptions" "CPU Player Options"
"GameUI_MediumBitDepth" "Medium (16 bit)"
"GameUI_HighBitDepth" "Highest (32 bit)"
"GameUI_PrecachingResources" "Precaching resources..."
"GameUI_LoadingSecurityModule" "Loading security module..."
"GameUI_SecurityModule" "Security module"
"GameUI_DownloadingSecurityModule" "Downloading security module"
"GameUI_ErrorLoadingSecurityModule" "Error loading security module."
"GameUI_FailedDownloadSecurityModule" "Failed to download security module."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionTimeout" "Connection to server timed out."
"GameUI_ServerConnectionFailedBadPassword" "Connection to game server refused.\nThe password you entered was incorrect."
"GameUI_SaveGame_NewSavedGame" "New saved game"
"GameUI_SaveGame_New" "New"
"GameUI_SaveGame_Current" "Current"
"GameUI_RandomMap" "< Random Map >"
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer" "Retrying connection to server..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer2" "Retrying connection to server (2)..."
"GameUI_RetryingConnectionToServer3" "Retrying connection to server (3)..."
"GameUI_CouldNotContactGameServer" "Failed to contact game server"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your Steam ticket has expired.\nPlease re-enter your password to continue."
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_UserName" "Account name"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Password" "Password"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Login" "Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_Cancel" "Cancel"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin" "Refresh Login"
"GameUI_RefreshLogin_RememberPassword" "Remember my password"
"GameUI_Login_ErrorTitle" "Refresh Login - Error"
"GameUI_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login Failed. Please try again."
"GameUI_CrosshairDescription" "Crosshair appearance"
"GameUI_Auto" "Auto-size"
"GameUI_Small" "Small"
"GameUI_Large" "Large"
"GameUI_Translucent" "Translucent"
"GameUI_SetSteamCommunityName" "Change your name using the Steam settings dialog"
"GameUI_HDModels" "Enable HD models"
"GameUI_OriginalModels" "Enable original models"
"GameUI_AddonsFolder" "Allow custom addon content"
"GameUI_VSync" "Wait for vertical sync"
"GameUI_RawInputLabel" "Directly access mouse data"
"GameUI_LowLatencyLabel" "Reduce time between input and display"
"GameUI_RawInput" "Raw mouse input"
"GameUI_LowVideoDetail" "Low video quality.\nHelps with slower video cards."
"GameUI_TextureFiltering" "Enable texture filtering"
"GameUI_DetailTextures" "Detail Textures"
"GameUI_LowLatency" "Lower input latency"
"GameUI_UseShaders" "Use shaders"
"GameUI_WidescreenFOV" "Allow widescreen Field of View"
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_NewGame" "Start a new single player game."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_Configuration" "Change game settings, configure controls."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_LoadGame" "Load a previously saved game."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_FindServer" "Search for online multiplayer servers."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_CreateServer" "Host an online multiplayer server for others to join."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_ChangeGame" "Select a different mod to play."
"GameUI_MainMenu_Hint_QuitGame" "Quit playing Half-Life."