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git-svn-id: https://unknownworlds.svn.cloudforge.com/ns1@277 67975925-1194-0748-b3d5-c16f83f1a3a1
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What's left for 2.1
Steam support
O Fixed ex_maxerrordistance
O Added new dummy sprites
O Debugging environment
O media\gamestartup.mp3
O Overflow issues
O Could not load tech0s.spr over and over
O New background
- ESC while commanding
- Pop-up menu corruption (not the connector sprite)
O Alfred is looking into this
- Corrupted fonts (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?s=49a95b2b5ced1b68c86341f6b632a946&act=ST&f=19&t=48042&st=15)
- Experience sprite and cursor not drawing properly
? Talk to Max and Alfred
O Players go through players and hives
- Crosshair still visible when pop-up menu is open (reported on Mantis)
- Host_Error: UserMsg: Not Present on Client 57 (dropped all players in middle of game)
? Added network debug data to build
- Reported on Mantis
O WONids to SteamIDs
- Use WON id
- If it returns -1, use SteamID
- Returns "BOT" for fake clients
- There may be a delay before SteamID is available on connect
- LAN play returns STEAM_ID_PENDING
- Local player returns STEAM_ID_LOOPBACK
O Added ready room option below disconnect (and moved it off the pop-up menu)
O Ask hlcoder list
O Reworked pop-up menus to remove ready room option
O Take care of translation technical details first
O Updated all Combat maps and minimaps, and removed HLTV overview files
O Try mapping local build directory drive to avoid @ errors
O Update titles.txt and translations for Nem
? Write and debug script
O Manual automation update! Now manual can be updated from Balance.txt automagically.
O Added in security, so players will get kicked off server if they aren't authorized
- Update docs to explain that mp_gametime sets the match time in tourny mode and the time after which the aliens win in Combat. If running iron man, use mp_ironmantime (recommended at 5).
- Quick guide
? Wrote XP-Cagey, wait for 1st draft
? Got first draft, sent feedback
- Think about adding Perl statement tags to process data (eg, Combat experience table and percentages)
O Reworked resupply, scan and distress beacon to be automatic. They are cued by the "commander" when you're low in health or ammo, when there's a cloaked alien in view, or when a large portion of your team is dead.
? Don't allow sayings to be spammed (bug #8)
O New level up sound (thanks MadMaxx)
- IMPORTANT: Add game goal tooltips or messages so new players won't be confused the first time it transitions into a new mode
- Finalize ranks
- Tooltip help on mouse-over
- Think about story and context
- Client crash?
General bugs
O Fix dropping hives
? Recycling is much faster with cheats on (bug #2)
O Melee attacks never cause a player to be moved (bug #4)
O 128 HUD sprites
? Removed a handful of old sprites, consolidated alien mouse cursor
- Merge tech sprites
- iplayerdead, comm-blip, should be removed or consolidated
General NS balance
O Fade blink adjustment
O Brought cost of health packs and ammo down to 1
- Other alien adjustments
<pandas|RoQ> Aliens need Hive, 2 fades, 4 forges, 3 res towers, 3 D's, that adds up to 255 res
<pandas|RoQ> For us to compete against that on marines... we need....
<Flayra|NS-Steam> I'm talking to churro right now about this
<pandas|RoQ> 4 res, 1 ip, 1 armoury, 1 upgraded armoury, arms lab, 2/1, proto, jp, 4 jp's, 4 shotguns
<pandas|RoQ> 435 res
General features
O New spectator UI (thanks Max!)
O This new UI is more simple, informative and easier to use then the old UI. HLTV overviews have been discarded completely, and they are no longer needed at all. They have been replaced the NS minimap. The UI should be especially for great for referees and commentators, as access to the entire map is granted, along with display of all structures. It is also easy to jump to a single player's view.
O Publish screenshots
- Fix PIP rendering
? Fixed scaling of all but health/armor and overview
- Verify behavior with 0 players
O New scoring system
O Enabled and chose values (get score for building structures, or for killing players or structures).
O 5 for CC or hive, 3 for RT, 2 for other structures.
O 1 for base Marine or Skulk, 2 for Gorge, 3 for Lerk, 4 for Fade, 5 for Onos, 3 for marine with Jetpack, 4 for marine with HA.
O Draw changes on scoreboard, so players can see how many points they get for actions
- Translations
O Waiting for Alfred on titles.txt fix
O Release to hlcoder list
- German
- Spanish
- Turkish
- French
Playtest new maps (X means visually not good enough to be considered)
X ns_scifailure
X co_sirius
X ns_terra (didn't include co_baal.wad, 291 entities)
? co_tasium
X co_hyper (flawed layout IMHO)
X co_futile (just eww)
? ns_ayumi (295 entities)
? ns_mystic (266 entities, high r_speeds at a few points, up to 1000 on the ground at map center)
? ns_delta
X co_diortem (Great Matrix ready room, too boring otherwise, just big halls)
X ns_nirvana (390 entities, lighting isn't great, it's pastelly and too bright)
X ns_unknown (390 entities, massive and kinda cool though)
? ns_mazion_2 (really need to respond to Mazy) (468 entities!)
? co_nano (from Nemesis)
X ns_hydrosity (317 entities)
? co_core
- co_nour
X Fix 3rd-person reloads
? Added missing code
O Put off until a future release
- Fix crouching
- Missing grenadegun_reload
- Shotgun reload
- HMG reload needs to be much longer
- Add reload sounds?
X Add fun extra flavor sounds ("contact")
X Fix repetitive crash script
? Fix gamma reset on game crash, and on VAC exit (added _onexit)
- Wait until Steam and 2.1 are solid, then VACize and test
- Fix recycle timing exploit that could lead to an invincible commander (from Roger Dodger)
O Selectall now selects dead players too
O Increased charge and leap damage
O Fixed devour aiming problems and possibility for exploitation (thanks Revenge)
- Fix bug where players could change their name into something that as translated from titles.txt (CheezyPeteza)
- Lock ex_extrapmax to default (around 1.2?) (DXO, Othell)
- Sentries aren't spinning right when searching for a target
- Make sure primal scream doesn't affect enemies
NS: Combat
- Core representation
? Use AddTechNode? Looks pretty good.
? Experience gets stored in vuser4.z
? Parse current level out of experience
? Change player upgrade to increment health with each level
? Weapons can no longer be dropped (check impulse and don't drop on death)
? When a player spawns, they get all their stored upgrades again
? When a player is killed, find friends in range and split experience among them
? Fill in AvHPlayer::ValidateClientMoveEvents
? Spawning in waves
? Victory conditions
? Time limit
? Hive killed
? All players killed
- Client menus
? Use formatted tooltip that parses tech nodes
? Draw it in team color
? Have it slide in from the side
? Players press one of their weapon select keys to choose. Code emits impulse, which is stored in a list in the player (unless ammo or health, which is a one-shot)
- UI changes
? Remove pop-up menu
? Remove HUD elements (resources, map?)
? Remove hive info text
? Draw current level and title/rank
? Remove active resource nodes message (but keep handicapping)
? Draw player level when looking at them
? Draw experience (bar)
- Remove/change tooltips
- Draw timer on screen?
? Draw experience bar prettier
? Make sure alien upgrades and gestations come back when respawning
? Test distress beacon
X Scoreboard changes?
? Set default timelimit and test it
? Fade/oni getting stuck
X When picking up ammo, allow it to go to your primary weapon even if not deployed (increased item stay time instead)
? Map parsing/checking
- Code to switch between the two modes
- New server variable that switches automatically
- Level change keeps current mode preserved (searches for ns_ or co_ only)
- Misc.
? Turn off hints
? Fix alien gestations
? Fix health increase
? Added slight speed increase per level
- Fix marine upgrades
? Don't fetch from team every tick
- What else is wrong?
- Fix alien upgrades
? Draw multiple upgrades of the same type next to each other
- Make sure aliens get level 3 of each upgrade
- Remove/lower gestation time for upgrades
? Fix alien ability unlocking
? HUD blinking in issue
? Reset experience when switching teams
? Health/ammo upgrades (random distribution to start)
? Make sure menu works right when a player gains multiple levels (make the menu appearance server-side, so the menu doesn't go away when there isn't enough room to gestate)
- Level up effect
? Sound effect
- Particle system
- Play sound when picking upgrade?
- After first PT
O Alien upgrades not coming back
X Make sure aliens always spawn with full health
X Move upgrades to F-keys
O Fixed percentage display on status bar
O Fix problem where you don't get your weapons on respawn
O Make sure multiple rounds work after killing a hive
O Scoreboard is now sorted by kills
O Added new experience bar artwork for each side
O Move alien health display left because resource bar not displayed in Combat
O Changed default time limit to 5 minutes
O Changed ammo/health to "resupply". No longer creates huge numbers of entities. Can no longer be spammed. This should fix some of the network choke issues and server crashes.
O Changed experience system a bit to reduce the "slippery slope" effect a bit
O Show current level/rank of player you're spectating (it was showing your local level/rank)
O Killing a hive means instant-win now. Aliens can't lose any other way. Marines can still lose if all players are dead.
- After second PT
- <[ReD]Lego> Anyway what i was saying is, right at end of round on alien if you evolve. You stay in game i guess like a spectator bug.
- <[ReD]Lego> So have one upgrade right before round ends click it evo, bam stuck in map you dont go to ready room
X Move upgrade menu to 6-0 (and make bindable)
X Get rid of scan?
? Disabled invalid structures in Combat mode
? Fixup scoreboard
? Fix up menu
? Check out Enemy Territory
? Add voices again
? Reduced devour and gestation time
? Always draw alien upgrades flush if possible
? Remove unnecessary MESSAGE_NULLs when pop-up menu is decided on
? Removed Gorge
? Fix priority problems (mines/welder, heavy/jp)
? Fade/Onos/spawning/equipment
? Don't allow "lower" gestations
? Pop-up menu changes for lifeforms and ability unlocking
? Fixed experience problem which caused faster levelling as targets got to higher levels, instead of slower levelling
? Fixed not being able to spawn on late-join
- Experience given for making a kill: 80 + (targetlevel - 1)*15
- Experience is split evenly among all friendly players near killing player
- Experience needed for each level:
1 - 0
2 - 100
3 - 220
4 - 360
5 - 520
6 - 700
7 - 900
8 - 1120
9 - 1360
10 - 1620
- After third PT
O Fixed exploit on alien menu (Shampoo, Romano)
O Make sure marines are 2 bites to kill
- Look into this more seriously to ensure regular NS balance isn't affected
O Decreased tech slope a bit, and spread out marine armor/damage upgrades
O Allow all players one level to spend immediately
O All guns get two clips of ammo on spawn
O Fixed bug where resupply wasn't giving health
O Make alien gestate after evolving 2nd/3rd hive ability
O Added co_pulse (thanks tommyd!)
O New version of co_angst (thanks ChromeAngel!)
O Updated co_daimos to beta3 (thanks Hypergrip!)
- Completely reworked Marine Start to allow faster choice of routes.
- Fixed bug where players got stuck on the pipe at hive (thx Aioros).
- After fourth PT
O Allow structures to be placed in maps
? Move persistent flag out of CommandStation and into AvHBaseBuildable
? Check whether built or not
? Set owning team
? Make sure map reset works
- Allow weapons to spawned as well (set groundTime, -1 is infinite)
O Reworked tech tree again for balance (and added our favorite pudgy alien back in)
O Update victory conditions (killing marine team no longer wins, but killing their CC does)
? Decide on initial level to spend or not (removed)
O Mines now give credit to owner on kill (also give res on regular NS)
O Display correct death icon when killing with mines
O Fixed pre-game jittering
O Extra experience is now given out when there are more players in range of a kill.
- Each player used to get: (80 + (target experience level - 1)*15)/number friendlies nearby
- Now each player gets: ((55 + target experience level)*15/number friendlies nearby) + 10
- Result: same XP for soloing, but some extra experience given out to offset slower leveling for groups. Also fixes problem where level 2 targets didn't give more XP then level 1.
O Radius for friendly players increased from 400 to 500
O Slowed leveling slightly (20% increase per level to 30%)
O Marine scoreboard is now sorted properly by kills
O Fixed bug where you could evolve to a higher lifeform even when disabled on your menu
O Reduced blink power by 25% (less force is applied when you blink)
O Added "Iron-man" variation (mp_ironman 1)
O Lose all levels and upgrades on death
O Experience comes in faster (currently 2x)
O Get full health back on level up
O New version of co_pulse
O First version of co_sepulcher build 1 (from KungFuSquirrel, the ns_eclipse and ns_veil guy)
X - Unfinished geometry work in central cavern/room
X - No lighting
X - Unoptimized geometry
X - Hive area to be re-structured to a human manufactured/infested area
X - Minimap seems broken
X - Map sucks
X - No major landmarks (to be remedied by implementing more structure in place of rock/dirt)
- After fifth PT
O mapcycle.txt now specifies number of players for each map type, so servers automatically switch between Combat and NS (14 max for Combat, 12 player min for NS)
O Added min/max player defaults to mapcycle.txt. When the timelimit is hit, the map/gamemode chosen next will depend on the # of players on the server.
O Removed screen darkening for losers in Combat mode
O Changed pop-up menu to reflect JP/HA after level 2 armor
O New version of co_angst with CC, armory, and expanded marines start
O Player collision fixes (thanks Max!)
O New version of co_angst
O New version of co_daimos
O New map! co_kestrel, from the creator of ns_nancy (DevilDog)
O Added spawn invulnerability for Combat mode (currently 3 seconds, set by "mp_spawninvulnerabletime seconds"). Also protects player from stomp, webs, etc.
O Combat timelimit is disabled by default
O Mines are now a "one-shot" (they don't come back when you spawn, like resupply, scan, distress-beacon)
O Number of webs allowed in an area reduced from 16 to 8 in both NS and NS:Combat. Max webs on your team lowered from 60 to 30.
O Increased wave spawn time slightly to lessen stomp/shotgun camping annoyance, and to promote spawning in waves (10 to 12 seconds)
O Increased XP needed to gain levels (from 30% more XP per level to 40%). This should alleviate the slippery slope a bit.
O Show health on HUD while gestating
O Added new NS map for playtesting (ns_metal, by quazilin). This thing looks fantastic.
O Added alert for marines when their CC is under attack (this change takes effect in regular NS mode as well)
O Verify/fix authentication (make sure it works for WON too)
O Fixed resource tower particle system
O Fixed problem where using the switch command didn't spawn you immediately
O Level-up tooltip message now goes away after a short time
O Combat timelimit turned off by default
O Fixed mine/owner bug that allows mines to hang in mid-air
O Replaced level up sound with a spare legitimate one
O After sixth PT (final combat beta)
? Levelup sound request to Madmaxx
? If players aren't authorized, kick them off server
O Draw unspent levels on HUD
? Keep experience and purchased upgrades after leaving server
O Set mapcycle defaults to Combat on 0 players, and other good defaults
O New co_kestrel
Elevator shafts changed a bit to cut down on vertical travel
Elevator shafts have double ladders now
CC moved out of alcove
2nd armory placed where CC was
Vent to old back way into hive lowered to let marines crawl in
the old "lower" back way hall removed
New "back" way into hive created (much faster travel time now, still goes through EDS room)
A few halls and doors more ohno friendly
Assorted texture fixes
O Fixed bug where aliens don't spawn with full health
-get damaged
-gestate with a new trait
-respawn with the same health after previously gestating
O Fixed bug where welding progress bar overlapped other screen elements
O Added hive health percentage to status bar (when you look at it). Works in regular NS as well.
- After seventh PT
O Fixed scanning problem so it only scans when it detects cloaked players nearby
O Remember spectator settings fully
O Fixed problem where numents and entityinfo weren't printing info properly (worked for debug code, but not in released NS)
? Changed iron man variation
O Same experience curve, but only life per game
X Can spectate both sides
? set mp_ironmantime to minutes after which, aliens win
- don't let players rejoin after they've been killed, before latejoin elapses
- Write EJ every day this week
O Fix network metering to track down error
- Test full install
O Fixed turrets (broke with placeable CCs and structures)
O Fixed problem where light damage showed blinking O on HUD, and spit showed a HL icon
O NS Balance
O Health pack staying at 2, ammo down to 1
O Fade cost up to 60
O Recycling unbuilt/built structures now gives 100%/50% resources back, instead of 80%/40%
O TF reduced from 15 to 10
O Armory reduced from 15 to 10
O Increased sentry health from 1200 to 1300
O Reduced motion-tracking cost from 45 to 35
O Only show hive health friendly players
O Distress beacon now respawns friendly alive players back at base as well (could be abuseable, but I think it's worth the risk)
O Pheromones replaced with "Enhanced Hearing". This upgrade allows aliens to "listen" to nearby enemy build/drop/research messages (level 1 = 500, level 2 = 700, level 3 = 900).
X Occasional respawning problem from ElvenThief
O Fixed live particle editing (bug #39). Also fixed annoying problem where toggling the edit PS screen jarred your view.
O Fixed siege targetting, and turrets targetting structures
O Fixed bug where observatory couldn't be used to target for siege (and in fact blocked siege)
- Need new levelup sound
? Wrote MadMaxx
X Norman Chan PC Gamer quotes
O Make sure iron man doesn't affect regular NS
O When speccing first-person, don't draw our own unspent levels
O Fixed bug where Lerk didn't require Gorge first in Combat
O Fixed problem where light damage showed blinking O on HUD
O Added ability for servers to add custom icons for members (mp_customicon of "AAAARGB" where the custom icon is gfx/vgui/640_AAAA.tga, using color components RGB (each are 0-9). Use player authentication mask is 512.)
O Fixed problem where mines are doing damage to friendly players and structures (bug #26). Affects mines, grenades, xenocide and bileomb, so watch out that they didn't break.
O Fixed problem where marine upgrades weren't being drawn in NS mode
O Fixed problem where mines could be stacked (bug #34). They are now solid, with the following ramifications:
O They can be stacked on each other, but it is immediately obvious. A stack of mines now looks like a stack of mines.
O Mines are can be stood upon.
O Mines can be killed by regular projectiles, including parasites and friendly fire. Mines have 30 health.
- Fonts
- Corruption
? Build notifications
? Occasional missing first upper-case character in location, and autohelp on right (alien only?)
- Popup menu and your "rank" that appears when you go up a level are still corrupted, but will be fixed with a Steam update next week
- Reduce 1024x768 font size (CC help text interferes with location as marine)
- Missing bitmap font: gfx\vgui\fonts\640_OverwatchScheme.tga
O Showing enemy names shouldn't work on cloaked players (bug #32)
? Recycling TF/Siege problems (recycling a TF while nearby turrets were recycling prevents turrets from ever finishing recycle)
O Make MT blips appear on minimap for commander and marines (bug #31)
O Don't draw motion-tracking circles for soldiers any more (just blips on their map)
O Turrets now animate smoothly (bug #41)
O Fixed recycling TF/Siege problems (bug #36)
O Turrets and siege turrets now play their "power-down" animation when they recycle, instead of their attack animation
O Updated co_pulse and co_faceoff
O Added polish to first-person spectating, including highlight on mouseover, next/prev player buttons, and the ability to click players on the overview to switch to their view
O Fixed bug where players gestating on entities could sometimes fall through them
O New levelup sound (supposed to be a rush of energy)
O Fixed all hitbox issues (Max, you da man!). This should fix the problems where players crouching behind structures could become harder to hit ("Crouching Skulk, Hidden Damage"). Bug #84.
O HLTV/model problems, where sometimes the wrong model would be drawn
O Manual script should allow division or multiplication by a number
O Don't scan or resupply in Combat while being digested (bug #69)
O New game_menu NS logo from Def One
O Fixed bug where typing "kill" as commander meant you were unkillable even after killing CC (bug #74)
O Updated ns_metal
* Removed 2 res nodes
* More particle effects
* More ambience sounds
* Bug fixes
* Fixed ladder bug (thanks Ekaj)
* More vents/hiding places
O New map for playtesting: ns_agora_beta3. Please give feedback in BI forum, I'll e-mail to the mapper ("kawaak").
O Fixed: Siege cannons no longer fire on "detected" targets, only on visible targets
? Addressed "57" bug by not messaging players when a player is booted for not being authorized (not sure if this is the problem, but it seems reasonable)
O Siege cannons no longer fire on "detected" targets, they must be visible.
O Removed entity "detection" when near players and moving. While originally used to allow the commander to detect threats before players can see them, it no longer works with the minimap.
X Decide whether to recompile all maps for Onos/respawn change or not
O Removed automatic detection of moving players in Combat mode (just affects minimap)
O Updated co_core minimap because it was out of date
O Moved both mines and the welder to slot 4. This means you can hold your pistol along with one of them. However, you still can't have both mines and a welder.
O Removed debug code that spawned player as Onos
O Fixed bug where typing "kill" as commander meant you were unkillable even after killing CC (bug #74)
O Fixed Command station not ejecting the commander on death (introduced with mapper-placed structures)
O Added missing sound for aliens getting resources
O Put back in knockback for bite, claws, gore and swipe (it affects balance too much to remove without careful testing)
O Fixed tech tree dependency problems (bug #37)
O Cloaked players are barely decloaked when touched (bug #59)
O Fixed bug where players were uncloaking without fading in smoothly
O Don't allow mines to be placed func_doors, func_door_rotatings, or 3rd-party entities (bug #64)
O Fixed "cannot click 'need' icons in commander mode" (bug #73)
O Removed the overview file loading which isn't needed in the new spectator mode (bug #104)
O Removed many unused sprites, which should fix the "128 HUD sprites" error
O Fixed bile bomb / acid rocket / stomp can be fired through thin walls (bug #67)
O Fixed players gestating "through" things (bug #33).
O Fixed bug where authentication queries were happening too often (every hour instead of every 2 hours)
O Secure playtest servers now update authentication data every 10 minutes or so, resulting in less chaos and frustration for last-minute SteamID updaters (bug #109)
O Fixed bug where armory and phase gates useable while being recycled (bug #65)
O Replaced Enhanced Hearing with "focus". Each level of focus slows your weapon/ability rate of fire by 30%, and increases effectiveness (damage, duration) by 10%. Doesn't currently give a benefit to use of umbra or blink.
O Update Constellation DB and e-mails
O Fix focus issues where marine weapons could be affected
O Each level of focus now slows attacks by 20% instead of 30%
O It's now impossible for primal scream to affect marine weapons (couldn't repro the bug, but it can't happen any more)
O Removed locational damage
O Check out co_nour from RoQ
O Try out new levelup sound and decide
O Removed Pheromones effect
O Fixed bug #77: When a player hits ESC to get to the root menu, the text "#Menu_ReadyRoom" appears instead of "Ready Room".
? Update security to allow Constellation members
? Disable/remove auto-director checkbox when not in HLTV mode (Max)
O Fixed "Gestating while leaping causes crash" (bug #102) (thanks Alpha & the whole GaB-Clan!)
O Restore default menu after recycling a structure (bug #86)
O Removed hive locations and hives not under attack from hive sight (now that they are on map)
O Any unauthorized player that tries to spectate will now be kicked as if they tried to join a team (bug #23)
O Removed legacy "frost" damage icon shown after being digested and while drowning (bug #68)
O "Transient" entities (ammo, health, weapons, scans) no longer show up on commander minimap (bug #92)
O Fixed shotgun reloading problems (we think). Bug #27.
O Removed display of a lot of non-essential error tooltips with autohelp off
O New version of co_ulysses
O Rewrote entire font rendering engine to get rid of Steam corruption (go Max!)
O Onos armor increased from 100 to 300 (hitbox compensation)
O Fade armor increased from 50 to 100
O Resupply doesn't help out as much at the higher levels
O Some font fixes and experience bar fixes
X Overviews in Combat are messed up, disable for Combat?
O Added view interpolation while gestating (!)
O Fixed font drawing (there's a new chat system). Affects chat and death messages. Please give feedback in the forum.
O New player/entity collision system so that entities can use more accurate, oriented bounding boxes (bug #35).
O Fixed skulk wallwalking on entities (it was accidentally broken at some point).
O Changed resupply to only give one health or ammo pack at a time (gives out health first, then ammo)
O Sped up evolve time of alien upgrades in Combat mode
O Fixed jetpack energy not drawing
O Removed speed increase with levels in Combat
O A team can now wins in "iron man" mode when all players on the other team are dead. Aliens win after two minutes if the hive isn't destroyed and they are still alive.
O Increased Onos armor from 300 to 400
O Sped up gestations for ugprades in Combat
O New version of agora (mapname: ns_agora)
O Focus upgrade now says "Focus" on pop-up menu instead of "Pheromones"
O Reverted motion-tracking back to old way, so it shows up on your HUD again (needed for Combat, and more useful in NS)
O New level up sound for marines, added different sound for alien level up as well
O Fixed bug where hive construction could be sped with +use (bug# 139)
O Fixed bug where gorges could construct chambers in Combat using impulses (bug# 145)
O Fixed bug where aliens didn't always respawn with full health (bug# 143)
O Gamma is now reset when hitting ESC to Steam menu from in-game, or when hitting alt-tab!
O New version of co_ulysses
O Crash bug(s)
- http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?act=ST&f=18&t=48187&hl=&s=1ce7269981ff8047764fa0004efcdf7a
Confirmed: Duffy crashes on WON, under 2.0 and 2.01 every time on ns_eclipse, by joining marines. GF4 MX, XP-Pro. Crashes every time.
Screen freezes, sound loops. I have to Ctrl+Alt+Del it.
There are a couple of frames of animation before it dies. Sometimes the black fade-in is completely opaque, sometimes I can slightly see through it. The health, armor, ammo is all there. So is the view model (and it goes through a couple of frames). The extra LMG and Pistol ammo is obtained (and indictated by the pickup sprites on the right).
Shortcut: C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike\cstrike.exe -console -game ns (Starts in: C:\Sierra\Counter-Strike)
Tested under HL too, it happened
NS v2.1m
Geforce FX, Win XP, SP1, detonator 6.14.0010.4469
<SantaClaws> well i can reproduce mine every time basically
<SantaClaws> not the first game...
<SantaClaws> but any game after that, if i go into rines as the first player
<SantaClaws> someone joins aliens, i crash
<Sandrock> I randomly crash even when in the readyroom, not in a join portal
<SantaClaws> actually i think if i get into rines b4 any aleins comes in i crash
<SantaClaws> hehe yeah then sometimes i'll crash in ready room too
<SantaClaws> may only be when i've been on aliens but i cant confirm that
<SantaClaws> ooer we have a winner
<Sandrock> hehe
<Sandrock> santa joined marines, i joined aliens with bind = crash
<SantaClaws> :)
<SantaClaws> every time i tell you
Doesn't crash if one person goes aliens, then you're the first person to join marines
Crashes 90% of the time when one person goes aliens, and he's the first person to join marines
<Moebius|naacg> i have never crashed
<Moebius|naacg> i have a geforce4 mx 440 with agp8x, version:
Some are crashing to desktop, others get nvogl error screen
Spec: XP1 Pro SP1, Audigy Platinum (drivers 383 - latest webupdate), GeForce 3 Ti w 52.21, VIA KT333 mobo with 1,0 Gig.
Crashing to desktop
<Immacolata> I have no error screen, its straight to my desktop
<Immacolata> I have had one OCCASSIONALLY
<Immacolata> but I havent seen the box for a long while now
<Immacolata> it might be from an earlier build
<Immacolata> frequency, predictably if I join marines as the first
<Immacolata> at least two times today when we tested
<Immacolata> (not a lot to make sure fire statements on!)
<Immacolata> BTW I play with 32 bpp, EAX 1 , both igh and low quality but that didnt seem to change it
<jacksonj04|> Radeon 9600 crashed on NS:C when present on a team for the start of a round (2.1m)
it was a crash to desktop, which happened on co_pulse (I think) when joining marines.
it happened if i was in the marine start area as a round started
O Fixed bug that ended a Combat game prematurely if everyone on the team died
O New version of ns_metal
* Res node location changes
* Named: Cargo -> Storage D
* More details.
O New ns_veil
O Removed Monitoring Pods
O Fixed floating clip brush o' doom
O Fixed doorways with Onos movement issues
O Small lighting tweaks
O Contemplating additional route just north of dual nozzle - either a vent or hallway. Not sure yet. Need feedback on this point.
O Fixed gamma correction on HUD text
O Fixed the bug which prevented living players from seeing dead players' chat messages (bug #10)
O Fixed jetpack fuel meter not displaying in regular NS mode -- hopefully for real this time (bug #72).
O Fixed bug where Steam UI would steal the mouse cursor in spectator mode (bug #15).
O Fixed bug where Steam UI would create a double cursor in commander mode (bug #97).
O Fixed ability to jam doors with mines by having them explode whenever a door runs into them. Doors now blow up mines when they are jammed by them. Allow mines to be closer to invalid targets like conveyor belts and lifts now. (bug #88)
O Fixed bug where mines started with 10 reserve ammo in Combat mode (bug #156)
O Fixed bug where using the kill command and then jumping into the comm chair did Bad Things (bug #74)
O Fixed problem on ns_eclipse where marine start in commander mode penetrated the ceiling (bug #146)
O New optimized ns_ayumi (should seriously decrease server CPU and associated lag)
O Disabled "kill" command in Combat (as there's no way you can get stuck, it can only be abused)
O Fixed bug where semicolons would truncate chat messages (bug #176)
O Fixed gestation overlay not being drawn while in Steam UI (bug #45)
O Fixed popup menu stealing crosshair.
O Fixed view jog when releasing the popup menu or returning from the Steam UI.
O Fixed colors for death messages.
O Updated server.cfg and listenserver.cfg to set "mapchangecfgfile", so the .cfg is executed after a map change (this will solve the sv_maxspeed and Commander Mode scrolling problem)
O Added default sv_region value to server.cfg and listenserver.cfg (if not set, it won't show up in Steam server browser)
O mp_friendlyfire variable is now used in non-tournament mode (though tournament mode ignores it, and acts the way it always has). Bug #44.
O giveupgrade and removeupgrade now work with cheats enabled (for grep/testing only)
O Fixed bug where marine structures played a bad-looking animation when they take damage
O Now marine structures play their deploy animation backwards when they are recycled (bug #53)
O Recycling strucures now show rings
O Allow recycling of non-occupied CCs
O When a structure is successfully recycled, draw a rising indicator showing the number of resources received
O New optimized ns_ayumi (down to 175 entities, should seriously decrease server CPU and associated lag)
O Distress beacon no longer affects commander
O Distress beacon now removes webbed and stomp effect (bug #58)
O Double-check network debug isn't being included somehow
O Fixed new bug where if all players on a team are dead, the round ends (non-ironman). Bug #172.
O Fixed bug where +popupmenu gets stuck if active while changing modes
O Nodes sometimes stay visible when much lag is present (300+ ms). Bug #168.
O Fixed bug where jetpack and HA interacted strangely, and other upgrades that invalid previous upgrades didn't act right (bug #124)
O Fixed HP/armor popup text never goes below 1% (bug #56)
O Fixed jetpack energy emptied when exiting command console (bug #46).
O Fixed stuck after gestating from fade to gorge while ducking (bug #122hh)
O Probable fix for nasty resetgame/skin crash bug! (bug #7)
O Reduced HMG damage from 20 to 18
O Fixed ESC in chat (bug #188).
O Fixed ESC in commander mode.
O Fixed chat for non-US keyboard layouts.
O New version of co_pulse (removed one armory, easier access to CC)
O New version of co_faceoff (streamlined, new vent, killer new ready room!)
O Fixed sv_region bug which caused servers not to be visible in the browser
O New ns_agora
O The surrounding of the marine start are reduced a lot (all the corridors arround).
O so the layout has changed a bit
O sewer's hive has moved (downward) and there is a new siege room (not finishes yet..)
O this siege room has a funcO weldable to "evacuate" the water and allow the comm to build in it
O "The pit" is "retextured" with more "cleaver"(brillant) textures, and i've added more crates in it.
O some nex things (textures, lightings..) almost everywhere
O Fix for lerk flying animation going into the ceiling (bug #152) (Thanks def_one!)
O Improved the chat visuals (changed the font and colors and moved it so that it doesn't overlap other HUD elements) (bug #174).
O Fixed chat and death messages not showing up while being digested (bug #161).
O Fixed right clicking not properly canceling a building in commander mode (bug #197).
O Fixed bug where spectators couldn't see living player's chat (bug #10).
O Re-added lerk bite in place of spikes!
O Tweaked lerk physics to allow more control
O Fixed entity leak, resulting in nasty server performance. (bug #183)
O Locked cl_rate to 9999 to prevent exploits
O Changed focus to affect only slot 1
O Increased hive healing rate in Combat mode
O Webbed players can now be unwebbed by welding them
O Added "catalysts" to marine tech tree!
O Research at arms lab, allows dropping of "cat-packs"
O A marine that touches pack, gives +25% movmement speed and +25% rate of fire for 8 seconds. The marine also takes damage equal to 25% of his max health, but it will never kill him.
O Increased hive health from 6000 to 7000
? Write Eric S.
? Quick guide response to Jeff
- Quick guide work with Karl
- Need to add damage types
- Jeff: add note on commander ejection at end of the commander section
? Post to dev about team changes
- Make preliminary team changes
O Get flayra@natural-selection working right, and get HAMBONE set up with steve@natural-selection.org
O Updated mapping guidelines with BB/CC rules (also alien RT rules)
O Weapons have no weight in Combat? (weight seems to be working properly)
O "Disabled" software rendering mode to prevent exploits (bug #208).
O Fixed the bug where phase gates can be blocked by alien chambers. Now any structures on the phase gate (except a hive) will be killed when someone goes through. (bug #190).
O Enabled +showmap in combat (bug #202).
O Fixed chat text overlaps command minimap (bug #220).
O Fix for keys not being released properly while the chat window was open.
O Changed chat so that it does not go between the ready room and observers.
O Fixed team chat bug
O Fixed bug where lerk bite was doing damage of skulk bite (75 instead of 50). However, the bite still does 75 currently, until balance indicates otherwise. Bug #344.
O Fixed bug where cloaked structures other than SC weren't uncloaking properly which touched (bug #134)
O Fixed focus ROF issues
O Add CS-like hotkeys to spectator mode (jump to switch view modes, left to go to previous player, right for next player)
O Updated version of ns_metal from quazilin
Map has currently 7 resource nodes.
+ update-4
* One res node removed
* Cooling sys - Res node location changed
* Little tweaks
* Cooling hive easier to heal now
O New co_daimos
O Reworked Hive Area.
O "Repaired" ladder at Marine Start to give Aliens easier access this way.
O Lowered ceilings in some areas a bit.
O Added additional lights to Cargo Area, Upper Tram Area and Central Sewer Area.
O New catalyst pack sound
O Removed health increase for each level in Combat. If this sucks hard, we'll put it back in. Hopefully this will both prevent jetpacks/resupply from being all-powerful, and allow more alien diversity. It also means combat is closer to NS mode.
O When you level up in Combat, you get 20% of your health back (increases heroics, soloing, and reduce dependence on hive/resupply).
O Fixed commander mode exploit for research trasference to wrong building (bug #199)
O Fixed bug where you couldn't +use (switches, phasegates) anything when reloading, or use sayings. Bug #116. (also fixes bug #182: "HMG sometimes not received immediately if purchased while reloading shotgun", also fixes "unspent level could added back after being spent" (bug #209), also fixes "joining a game causes temporary loss of HMG or GL" (bug #166))
O Swapped spit and health spray back to 2.0x configuration (so spit is focusable, healing spray isn't)
O Fixed bug where givepoints plays a sound in combat mode (cheats only, bug #153)
O Refactor "set commander" message, fixing problem where current commander couldn't always be seen by late-joiners and HLTV spectators (bug #195).
O Removed "active node count" messages. I think I'd like to test it without. This was originally a tool for finding big balance problems, and as we got closer to the 2.0 ship date, it was too risky to remove. Now is the time to remove it, to see how it plays without it. (bug #231)
O Reduced size of Onos "ring"
O Fixed various problems with mines and commander mode (bug #95)
O Fixed bug which was preventing mines from getting damage upgrades
O Fixed "catalysts don't require research" (bug #223)
O Increased jetpack energy cost by around 30% to make it more close to 2.01 levels
O Fixed sprite/font rendering artifacts in Direct3D mode (bug #234)
O Stop-gap collision fixes (fixes resource towers for now)
O Lerk Flight v2.0! Has both Flying (tap jump) and Gliding (hold jump). We have more work to do here, but I think you'll see that Max made him MUCH more maneuverable. Make sure to press in the direction you want to fly while flapping.
O Fixed bug where you couldn't talk or +use while you were reloading (finally!)
O Scoreboard v2.0
O Don't show enemy scores (bug #28)
O Add kills column (so both kills and score are shown)
O Sort players by score, which is non-combat points + kills - deaths (bug #224)
O Free up room to display tracker icon
O Gamma-corrected scoreboard labels
O Don't draw +/- score when going to ready room
O Items, weapons and structures will no longer fall through sloped surfaces or stairs! There is still a problem with railings that we're working on.
O Code to get ready for changing the grenade launcher to reload like the shotgun, this should be in 2.1r
O Fixed bug where aliens can see some "health received" and "ammo received" messages (bug #61)
O Fixed problem where "ready" didn't set team ready in tourny mode (maybe a side effect of the new chat system?)
O Refactored shotgun into AvHBaseReloadableWeapon, in preparation of extending grenade launcher off this (as soon as the artwork is done)
O Fixed bug where "phase tech" research option not disabled after research completed (bug #75)
O Charge damage increased from 240/second to 320/second
O Leap damage increased from 60/second to 80/second
O Fixed "hive is under attack" sound not played soon/often enough (fixes other important alerts too) (bug #48)
O Fixed bug where "hive is complete" sound rarely plays (bug #43)
O Fixed "frozen" turrets/siege turrets bug (bug #83)
O Fixed bug where recycling unbuilt structures doesn't return correct amount of resources (was going to be 100%, but needs to be lower for gameplay reasons). Now it returns 80% of the cost. (bug #204)
O Added alien resource overflow (bug #87)
O Fixed "alien 'use' sound played during failed attempt to use marine radio command (bug #159)
O Reduced time to wait before reusing the command station from 12 seconds to 5 seconds (if we start seeing overflow issues, I'm going to change this back)
O Increased electricity range, to encourage alternate defense, and in anticipation of new structure spacing (also fixes problems where tricky aliens could sometimes munch electrified targets without taking damage)
O Fixed bug where loss of arms lab upgrades if armory is recycled (bug #185)
2.1q part deux
O Clamped airspeed for all players (this came undone somehow). Rolled back jetpack energy cost to compensate.
O No longer subtract deaths from score to avoid commonly negative scores. Also, in case of tie score, sort by least # of deaths.
O Fixed ultra-fast welding
O Lowered rate of fire on lerk bite
O Changed lerk flight so that flapping "up" uses the world space up direction and not the object space up direction.
O Added new version of co_ulysses
O Added a minimum build radius for marine buildings. Increased electricity distance slightly to compensate.
O Fixed a bug which caused the client to crash if ESC was pushed in the Steam UI before a game was joined.
O Some minor player/object collision improvements (so players can fit through gaps more easily)
O Test delta when commanding
O Fixed min build distance problem
O Test ns_depths
? Fixed bug where incorrect GL auto-reload sequence played when fewer than 4 rounds in reserve (bug #151)
O Test co_exit_b1
O Test co_dawn
- -console -maxplayers -game nsp -port aslj +map
O New agora
_in Marine-Start: Window removed, and downward entrance modified to resolve some FPS issue
_in M-S: Lowered the platform
_in M-S: moved the "Ressource point" near the crates
_"The Pit" is modified and reduced (a bit)
_the "Steam tunnel" is completely removed (so there is only one acces to "Cargo Hive" for marines, but there is still 3 vents for aliens/jetpack)
_Ressource Point in "U-turn" has moved into "Tunnel" (the side near U-Turn)
_"U-turn" is reduced and has a new name: "C-Blue LT21"
_The corridors to acces "Tunnel Hive" are redesigned
_The room between "Tunnel" and "Freight Elevator Acces" has now a name: "Piping's System 42b"
_New textures in "Pumping Station 01" , the "underwater acces" is a bit modified.
_Ready Room's lighting modified
_Typo's error (info_location) fixed
_Added more sounds and 2 particles systems
O Added votemap system (especially for vet program) that works just like in CS. Type votemap for a list of maps and their current votes. Type votemap # to cast your vote for a map. Servers can disable by setting mp_mapvoteratio to -1, or can set the percentage of players needed for a vote to succeed by setting mp_mapvoteratio from 0-1.
O Fixed bug in umbra that was causing it to block 1 in 3 bullets, instead of letting through 1 in 3 bullets
O Minor tweaks to the sprite rendering to fix missing pixels on certain font characters.
O Fixed bug where players couldn't be muted via the scoreboard (mouse behavior) (bug #211).
O Fixed one pixel border on some of the minimaps (bug #275)
O Changed the font on the popup menu so that it fits in the nodes better.
O Changed the mouse input to invert the horizontal axis if the camera is upside down (this is neat if you are flying and you set cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown to 1000)
O Fix for "lines" showing up on the minimap.
O Change marine resource and commander status labels to use the NS font drawing routines so that they have a more consistent appearance with the rest of the HUD.
O Fixed the bug where items and buildings would drop through the floor if they were placed on railings (bug #125) (!!)
O Fixed structures sinking when placed in vents (bug #148) (!!)
O Fixed hive spawning bug
O Added catalyst-pack artwork
O Fixed airspeed cap problems (back to 2.1o)
O Lowered lerk bite damage from 75 to 60 to avoid hard to stop one-bite focus kills
O Tweaked lerk flight energy cost, physics and ground speed (to not feel quite so heavy, and to be able to really soar)
O Fixed issues with blinking while on the ground (bug #221)
O Fixed bug where HA footsteps didn't play when armor 3 was researched (bug #49)
O "numents" command now works with cheats on, or in playtest builds (this is for you Grep)
O Fixed problem with bullets not hurting teammtes with mp_friendlyfire 1
O Combat issues
O Changed wave spawning so there is a minimum wait of 8 seconds before respawning (ie, you will spawn with the next wave). This will make respawning groups smaller, allowing bases to be attacked more easily.
O Players now gain full health and armor on a level-up
O Increased amount of experience needed to go up each level from 40% to 50% (so players level up slightly slower, and higher levels significantly harder to get)
O Removed minimap from Combat
X Aliens now gain Combat experience when alive
O Players now get experience for damaging hive or CC
O Profiling enhancements
O Write Galen about kestrel improvements
O Fixed lurching skulk movement on func_seethroughs, in water, on ladders, and more! (bug #140, bug #103, bug #313) (Thanks Mouse and Khaim!). THIS IS HUGE.
O Server CPU work (blasted turrets). This should fix all the lagginess and bad server performance we've been experiencing in NS mode (bug #278). THIS IS ALSO HUGE.
O Fixed players getting stuck in vents after gestating to a fade (bug #209)
O Fixed players getting stuck when gestating from onos to skulk on a ramp (bug #205)
O Now players get XP for welding the CC or healing the hive (if it gets abused in tourny mode, I can fix it). Only give experience for hurting enemy structures or repairing friendly structures.
? Scan is now more effective in Combat (cloaked player no longer has to be in sight, only in range)
O Mine kills no longer share experience to players that happen to be nearby to the mine owner when they detonate
O Focus now slows down your rate of fire more, making it more of a finesse/anti-player upgrade (it's original intent)
O Lowered XP for damaging (or repairing) objective slightly
O Added "player voted for x" message on votemap
O Fixed problem where players wait more then 20 seconds to spawn, while waiting for someone else to die
O Fixed bug where hive is gimped if killed and rebuilt (bug #292). You will not be forgotten, Surface Access Hive.
O Resupplying at the armory is now at the correct speed (faster then it was in 2.0x, but slower then in 2.1r)
O Fixed bug where structures could be knocked around by a melee attack (bug #4)
O Fixed problem where overview mode still available by pressing your jump key to cycle modes
O Fixed problem where overview mode wasn't available in NS mode
O Fixed problem where leaving an NS map and going to a Combat map let you use overviews briefly
O Fixed bug where spectators could sometimes suicide (bug #303)
O Included agibs.mdl and hgibs.mdl with install so mp_consistency always works (bug #297)
O Test manual changes
- Focus damage
- Cloaking upgrade speed
- Leap and charge
- Leap and charge autohelp damage
- All alien abilities
- Aliens ROFs
- Max webs in area, max alien structures of same type in area
- Redemption
O News post on UGS
O Constellation memberships
O Fix car with dad
O Announce v3.0 (and UGS)
O Send out PR to news sites?
X Weapon rate of fire problem
O Vet mailing list and tools for HAMBONE
O Waiting on Joe
v3.0a (For NS LAN)
O Fixed bug where aliens sometimes appear as a marine player and then turn into a skulk. when dying, sometimes an alien player will briefly appear as a marine (bug #193)
O Fixed turrets/OCs targeting anomalies (bug #329)
O Fixed music playback (updated to FMOD 3.7.1)
O Fixed problem where music stops playing on map change
O Fixed problem where music stops playing when going to third person camera
O Fixed grenade launcher reload animations
O New siege deploy animation and "inactive" state (thank Mojo!)
X Focus not working on win32 (build in release, Max)
? Near-final version of ns_agora.
O Just 1 big change in this version concerning the second acces to Cargo Hive (re-added especially for you ;) )
O Added 2 or 3 crates in "The Pit" and "C-Transport" and 1 vent to acces "Analysis Lab".
O Fixed format of sounds (giving conversion errors)
O Added missing xsmoke1.spr sprite
O Fixed acid rocket colliding with attacker when moving forward (bug #163)
O Fixed bile bomb, acid rocket and stomp able to be fired through thin walls (bug #67)
O Added new hive flinch anims for when hive is building (thanks Mojo!)
O Updated infantry portal artwork to get rid of z-buffering issues (thanks Mojo!)
O Fixed welding/healing exploit in Combat (bug #328)
O Renamed version to v3.0 :)
O Removed spawn invulnerable time by default in Combat (as a test)
O Updated co_angst (ChromeAngel)
- New sounds, a new sky, changed lighting, more sensitive doors and warning sights on the closed doors.
- Can you give me some feedback on the lighting and check the terms of use in the skybox use are compatible with NS before I send in the MAP and the rest of the gubbins.
- I<>m thinking of moving the doorway from the bridge to the observatory further towards the back of the bridge, I think this might work around a VIS glitch in the observatory. Since no-one else appears to have noticed and it could cause an r_speed jump elsewhere it I<>m not sure it<69>s worth doing.
- Write about nebula skybox (get Chalupa to create?)
O Updated co_kestrel (DevilDog)
- There is a new way into the hive. When taking the Subhangar 5 route, after passing through the subhangar, and going through the elevator shaft, you turn left normally. I've opened up the right side door now as well which uses a small corridor that dumps you into the hive - right under it in fact, where the closed door use to be. This leaves a total of 4 ways into the hive now.
- I widened the hall from the hive to the comm room.
- Moved the hive up so the room is clear and move friendly.
- The hangar I dropped portion of the floor (turned it into a lift) and tucked the CC down in it. Its open enough so its not like it was before when it was in that alcove originally, but the lowering of the floor gives it cover from respawning marines (They need to run up to it and look down).
O Updated co_ulysses (Blueman)
:: New RR (still needs some work)
:: New MS cause many people hated old one.
:: Added another vent (4 in total)
:: Changed lighting all over the map.
- Last TODO before LAN:
? Talk to PAQ and get build to Web2zone
O Get server build ready for transport
- Print directions to Max's house
? Release 3.0a officially
O CM note
O Forum post in BI
O Build to Joe
- More 3.0 PR to other bigger sites?
O Music problem (decided not to bring fmod.dll, or to have two installers?)
? Look into licensing
O Make build
355 12.99x10.74x1.17
460 12.69x10.38x1.25
O Updated HPB_bot so bots will morph again
- Evaluate/respond co_machina03
X Kevin Heller Newsweek thing
? Notebook design ideas to Cory
? Test co_rebirth and respond to him
? Sent feedback
O Fixed some structure bounding boxes where parts of them couldn't be hit (bug #247)
O Removed walking dependence on cl_forwardspeed
O Fixed "shooting-the-egg" crash
O Fixed the bug where items (medpacks, ammo, weapons, etc.) couldn't be dropped directly on players.
O Combat tuning
O Removed health/armor on level up
O Removed distress beacon
O Removed gorges
O Removed experience for welding (didn't want to remove welding totally)
O Added cat-packs to Combat (players are catalysted a short time after they make a kill, if they aren't currently catalysted)
O Mines are no longer give you 5 mines once, but give you one mine per life (can't suicide in Combat so it shouldn't be abusable)
O Added hand-grenades (thanks BrigadierWolf!)
O Grenades don't detonate on contact, only after 4 seconds.
O Available in Combat as regular upgrade (1 per life).
O Available in regular NS as upgrade at armory. After researched, all marines spawn with a single grenade.
O Lowered lerk flap energy cost slightly
O Removed new hitbox code to see if it lessens server crashing
O Fixed bug where "impulse 1" does not cycle through slot 4 marine weapons (bug #178)
O Increased Onos health/armor from 500/400 to 900/500 to compensate for new 4x hitbox
O New co_kestrel
O I removed the "roof" over the CC and brought it out just a touch away from the wall (its still down in the elevator). This should solve the virtual invicibility that skulks have hiding behind it in which marines have to jump down in and often die to protect the CC. Marines should be able to now just look down and shoot.
O Generate new minimap sprite
O Playtesting new map: co_rebirth
Hambone: i think onos health should go back to how it used to be
Hambone: 500/350
Hambone: and they should get a small speed increase
Hambone: i think gorges should be put back in, but I realized something crucial which is
Hambone: not only did the hive heal itself at an astounding rate
Hambone: but gorges healed the hive at a much faster rate than normal
Hambone: so i say put gorge healing back to normal and put them back in
Hambone: i think hand grenades should be exact replicas of grenade launcher grenades
Hambone: explode on impact and same dmg
Hambone: i think cloaking should be 10% visibility or something like that
Hambone: and I think that cloak-walking should get taken out
Hambone: if you arent going to nerf web, maybe put spawn invul back in for marines (i'd prefer to nerf web)
Hambone: stomp is too good although its always been too good
Hambone: i still think you should go back to the old faster spawning system
Hambone: and i think you should raise the speed cap
O Server performance (cache AvHPlayer::GetAuthenticationMask() to see if it improves server CPU noticeably)
- Work with bots on dedicated server
- Looks like two problems
- 1. 1+% per human player overhead, which isn't present with bots
- Test with live people, using profiling to figure out what main loop is causing it.
- 2. 20+ bots starts to really spike.
- 40% of this seems to be kUpdateWorldEntitiesProfile
- Chunk is kUpdateWorldEntitiesUpdateBlips
- Optimized slightly, see if measurable
- A chunk seems to be AvHPlayer::PreThink
- 8 people in RR
- mp_performance of 0 results in 1% per player, about CS levels
- removing just AddToFullPack gives about 1% per player back
- Removing player thinking in RR, results in 1-2% total less CPU
- Up to 1% less by removing the world update
- 3. 16 players on ns_caged, on AA, on 2.01 under Steam, average of .5%, spiking to 1.5-3% (AA 2.1s was 20-25% avg, same people). 15 players, 2.01, steam, avg of 15%.
- Could it be that errant health message, or extra messages in general?
- Next step: keep reverting builds until we get to 2.01, or until there's no change (bisect)
- v2.0 under Steam (dedicated server .zip), 5 people in RR or so, negligble server CPU (ns_caged)
- v2.1a under Steam, 5 people or so, negligible server CPU (ns_caged) (.06%-.15%)
- v2.1b under Steam, 7 people or so, .10% CPU, in RR and even with a commander and micro-game (ns_caged)
- v2.1c had auth errors, no one could connect
- v2.1d has auth errors, as does 2.1e
- v2.1f, 9 people in RR, .08% average
- v2.1g, 6 people playing, .11% average, 1.5% max (ns_caged)
- v2.1h (full), 8 people in real NS game, .28% average
- v2.1i,
- v2.1m, 14 players in real game, average 12%, max of 20% (AA, ns_caged). This is too high, as LB's 2.01 steam server avg's 0%
- v2.1a, again, 12 people, semi-real game of NS, average is .45%
- v2.1b, 14 people, semi-real game, average is .45%
- v2.1f, 14 people, semi-real game, average is 2.7%. 16 players at two hives go to 20% or so (STEAM I believe) (**BAD**)
- v2.1c, 14 people, semi-real game, average is .237% (game time at 5 mins) WON (**GOOD**)
- v2.1d, 10 people, semi-real game, average is .095% or less (game time 4 mins or so) WON (**GOOD**)
- v2.1e, 13 people, real game, average is .5%, max of 6.2% (game time is 15 mins) WON (**GOOD**)
- v2.1f, 13 people, full game (very marine-sided though), less then 1% CPU, WON (**GOOD**)
- v2.1f, 10 people, semi-real game, less then 1% CPU, Steam
- Next day:
- v2.1g, Steam, couldn't get it to run, skipping it
- v2.1h (full install), Steam, 13 people (2 are spectating), real game, .66% average (turrets, phase, d-chambers, etc.). Then we got to 14 people, and some turrets were built. The CPU started responding drastically to more sentries, but not to more entities.
- v2.1f Steam,
- v3.0b Steam, 22 players, co_kestrel,
- readyroom CPU is .13%
- Joining teams without game starting (tourny mode), CPU averages 25%
- After game starts, CPU averages 22% or so
- same but on ns_caged
- v2.1q: 18 players, ready room was fine, even teams before game started is 13%. Game started without doing anything, up to 19% or so.
- v2.1h: 14 players, 5 specs, 9% before game starts, after games starts
- v3.0b: 26 players, before game starts, profile build, Steam:
- CPU is at 43%!
- mp_performance of 534 (no AddToFullPack), down to 12% maybe? (crash)
- Remember that numbers aren't absolute, as Profile build changes it:
- v3.0b: 26 players, before game starts, profile build, Steam: (ns_caged)
- 35%, down to 10% with mp_performance of 534
- ns_kestrel, 25 players, before game starts:
- 13%, down to 0 without AddToFullPack
- ns_tanith (394 ents)
- 50%, down to 30% without AddToFullPack
- 26% without marine/alien thinking
- ns_eclipse (305 ents)
- 33%, down to 7% without AddToFullPack, 14% withtout marine/alien thinking
- 37% to 27% without gamerules thinking
- co_faceoff (213 entities)
- 11% before game starts on teams, 4% without AddToFullPack (this should be the amount we can fix is my guess, with the other part being profile-related and entity-based/unavoidable)
- all marines, 25 people still, 1.1% (this may not have been 1023)
- all aliens, 8.5%!!!! Even with alien thinking off, it's still 8%
- all marines with 1023, 5%, all aliens is 16%
- Ideas:
- Alerts
? Status bar (lower update time)
? For every entity, GetIsRelevant() blocks (change for gamestarted)
x Phase gate blocking
? Visibility enhancements
- Make sure entity caching is in effect
O Fixed sighting through transparent surfaces (sighting for siege behaves very oddly in certain locations. most importantly, it seems to fail through any kind of glass, such as the hera glass tube, bug #361)
O Reduced skulk armor from 20 to 10. Explanation - Now that the skulk hitbox is fixed, it's half the height that it used to be, making skulks much harder to hit.
O Encourage marines to move out by adding slow alien XP gain over time (currently 1 XP every three seconds)
O Made respawn times scaleable for small games. If x is the number of players on your team, respawn waves happen every x seconds.
O Removed minimum spawn time because it felt like a bug. Generally spawning is faster now.
O Server performance improved! Thanks to everyone in #nstest that put in many long hours to find this. (bug #278)
O Added missing co_rebirth.wad
O Moved the skulk model so that it rotates around its center rather than its hind legs. This should look more natural when wall walking and the make the skulk's head stick out less when hiding (Thanks Mojo!)
O Fixed mouse focus problems with commander minimap and alert buttons (bugs #357 and #335)
O Fix for mouse pointer disappearing sometimes when switching between programs using the taskbar (bug #363)
O Took out "special", "_special" and "wait" commands to prevent abusive scripts from being written (especially bunny-hopping scripts)
O If both Vet and Constellation access, show Constellation (new order of preference: Custom, Developer, Playtester, Guide (unused), Constellation member, Beta server op, Veteran, Cheating Death)
O Reduced web potency by reducing min/max ensnare times from 4/10 to 2/5
O New version of co_ulysses (mostly tweaked marine start and hive room)
O Updated hand grenade model to prime faster
O Added in grenade roll animation when crouched
O Lowered force and gravity or make them bounce less
O Don't allow grenade ammo to be refilled from armory/resupply
O Fixed problem where incorrect animations sometimes played
O Lowered stomp stun duration from 2 seconds to 1 second
O Armory now occasionally gives health back when used
O New version of ns_tanith
-> waste hive more accessable for aliens/onos
-> new unweldable vent to waste
-> onos no longer has to crouch anywhere
-> added weld for top vent in reactor room
-> removed water vent weld in reactor room
O ns_metal revision 6
-> Small layout change
-> Tweaks and bugfixes
-> Added res nodes
O New version of co_rebirth
-> Added two armories at the marine start
-> Built a new command room for marines (bigger, higher)
-> Increased the size of a stockage room for JetPacks and lerks.
-> Increased the size of the hive, it was too small and marines had the possibility to shoot it from a far corridor
O Fixed problems with server authentication issues (increased length of timeout, don't clear existing icons if it does timeout)
O Fixed votemap on vet servers (thanks Puzl!)
O Removed "given by commander" light/particle effect when getting health at armory (because it's not given by commander)
O Fixed problem where resources from kills weren't overflowing properly (bug #87)
x Resupply and scanning interval shortened slightly (increased in power)
O Reduced Onos armor from 500 to 400
O Cat-packs are now always given on kill (used to be 50% chance)
O Fixed weird effect when using jointeam binds while on a team (also fixes problem where players sometimes join teams dead in tourny mode) (bug #137)
O Fixed problem where plays cannot join any team if difference between teams is mp_limitteams (bug #302)
O Fixed bug where unlocking abilities longer then evolutions in Combat (bug #314)
O Fixed cloaking problems (bug #236)
O Fixed bug where alien structures within observatory range are not decloaked (bug #272)
O Uncloaking now always takes 1/2 a second for all players and structures
v3.0e (01/02/04)
O Xmas/New Year's
O UWE web site (phoned in 12/29/03)
O Confirmation #: 9510
O Update DNS at Network Solutions: ns1.worldaxxs.net
O Add e-mail addresses and forward properly
O Make default UWE page
O Update n-s.org news
O Write Bob Wallace
O Persistent spec for Joev
O Update downloads page with Steam beta info
O Update news with link to UWE
? Respawn waves every 3 seconds
? Change minimum player spawn time to theNumPlayersOnTeam*(.3 + (1/8)*thePlayersSpentLevel) seconds
? 1v1 should go from 1 to 8 (+0-3)
? 16v16 should go from 1 to 24 (+0-3)
? (1.0f + (numPlayers/16)*2)*(thePlayersSpentLevels/maxLevels)*8
? slope = max(min(numPlayers/5.0f, 1), 3.0f)
? (thePlayersSpentLevels/10.0f) * 8
O Fixed problem introduced in 3.0d where alien res grows totally out of control (bug #87, already updated on servers around Xmas time)
O Fixed problem where alien alerts play in rapid succession..your hive is under attack, your h-h-hive... (bug #299)
O Fixed problem where alien "under attack" warning messages not played frequently enough. Now they are played up to every 6 seconds, just like the marine warnings. (bug #300)
O Fixed problem where marine "upgrade complete" alert wasn't playing (bug #402)
O Fix bug where bile bomb / acid rocket / stomp can be fired through thin walls (bug #67)
O Fixed mines so that they cannot be placed on top of each other (bug #225)
O Fixed recent bug where structures under attack do not appear on hive sight (bug #354)
O Fixed bug where grenade research option was not available at advanced armory (bug #386)
O Fixed recent bug where healspray has very radius and was ignoring z-axis (bug #359)
O More server performance enhancements (visibility, and turret target acquisition)
? Fixed bug where players can still be parasited, devoured, and pushed by melee attacks before while they were spawn-invulnerable (bug #259)
O Fixed bug where Onos stomp caused players climbing ladders to continue to climb them (bug #200)
O Added/fixed subtle white screen flash when stunned by stomp
O Fixed bug where players didn't drop to floor when spawning in
O Fixed bug where commander-mode impulses didn't work when bound to keys (bug #338)
O Select all marines
O Go to health request
O Go to ammo request
O Go to order request
O Changed Onos to 600/500 health and armor (makes regen less powerful, makes him more susceptible to # of hives, trying to strike the right balance between Combat and NS)
O Fixed bug where incorrect xp given in combat mode for damaging hive/CC with certain weapons (bug #392)
O Fixed bug where structures could be built while hand grenade is primed (bug #394)
O Fixed bug where you couldn't use other weapons after firing xenocide (bug #395)
O Fixed bug where extra hand grenades given in combat mode (bug #373)
O Fixed Combat bug where JP / HA could be given to incorrect player (bug #212)
O Tweaks to lerk flight and lowered energy cost.
O Celerity upgrade is meaningful again (bug #345).
O Lerk can now fly backwards.
O Diving is now more effective (bug #352).
O Added cl_showspeed command when cheats are enabled
O Fixed bug where egg hp/ap calculated incorrectly in combat mode (bug #398)
O Fixed the delay when switching between weapons in high lag situations (bug #265)
O Fixed the (apparent) super fast rate of fire in high lag situations.
O Fixed bug where Onos shifts laterally when standing up after ducking (bug #298)
O Alien chuckle sound update from Madmaxx (placeholder that slipped through)
O Removed slow alien XP growth in Combat
O Experiment: if mp_ironman is 2, it's regular Combat with a twist: purchased upgrades are lost on death. You keep your levels, but you have to respend them. Everything else is the same.
O Increased lerk bite rate of fire (increases effectiveness vs. jetpacks without increasing frequency of one-bite kills)
O Disabled caps lock for chat messages because some people use caps lock to activate voice comm (bug #344)
O Fixed bug where lastinv could be used while webbed (bug #379)
O Fixed bug where a player could reload or use lastinv while stunned (bug #380)
O Removed cl_pitchup and cl_pitchdown because they are exploitable/stupid.
O Changed spawn system to spawn in players with more spent levels slower.
O ns_metal version 7
O Lowered "Storage D" ceiling
O Small bug fixes
O Tweaks
O Updated ns_agora
O Modified the hive "Cargo Storage" (now you can't siege it from the platform in "The Pit")
O Added some crates in "Cargo Storage"
O Added 1 more vent in "The Pit"
O Fixed all the "Onos stuck problems"
O Fixed the second underwater's vent in the "Abandonned Corridor" (for the Onos)
O New co_faceoff
- tweaked readyroom
- moved armory to near CC
- new weldable in MS leads to another armory
- added clip brushes to MS to make slopes easier to maneuver
O Files/backup final work
O Move all docs to laptop, but how to have them backed up every night (@backup from only one machine)?
O Orgnized art and misc NS data, put into repository
O Backup solutions
O Perforce respository mirrored on n-s.org
O Laptop data backed up nightly
O Set up VPN to UWE/Ripley
O Forum post about NemesisZero's new responsibilities
- Quick guide
O Finish Quick Start Guide edits and send to Karl/Jeff
- Armor performance according to hive #
- Note about healing spray coefficient vs. structures
O Call Luce, et al, work with Kevin more
O Plan trip to Raleigh
O Call Scott R. again
O Talk to Jason R. about Atari, and send phone schedule
O Change paypal@overmind.org to paypal@unknownworlds.com
O GDC pass and IGDA membership
O Look into some Combat upgrades costing more then one level
? Is it technically feasible?
? Is it overly complex?
- Validate/invalidate nodes properly
- Disable upgrades on server in NS mode when chambers not built
? Disable current lifeform in all modes
? Disable structures when not Gorge
- If it works, plot out upgrades perfectly
? Temporarily removed ns_hera until entity count is under control
O Write Merkaba huge mail about this first
O Wrote him again
- Wait for his response
- ns_metal: 211
- ns_caged: 273
- ns_lost: 200
- ns_nothing: 315
- ns_mineshaft: 216
- ns_tanith: 314
- ns_veil: 222
- ns_eclipse: 219
- ns_ayumi: 209
- ns_delta: 326
- ns_agora: 235
- ns_bast: 458
- ns_hera: 475
- Remove info_location entities (!)
- Remove info_player_start entities (!)
- Remove info_team_start entities (!)
- hera/bast decision
- Save hera
? 36 particle systems
? 48 env_sprites
? 46 ambient_generic
? 13 env_glow
- 28 func_button
- 74 func_illusionary
- 475 currently
- 339 after removing particles, sprites, ambient_generics, and glows
- 257 after removing particles, sprites, ambient_generics, env_glows and func_illusionaries
- Move resource nozzles into hive rooms
- Move small ledge above node in Maintenance, so Comm can get at it
- Bring CC down to floor, and don't enclose it in a cage (it's much easier to guard, though it doesn't seem like it).
- Get rid of "extra" rooms and routes (I realize you can't necessarily just delete geometry and easily patch things together, but if you can, I would)
- Data Core Alpha
- Make Maintainance Corridor more direct (as it's too risky for the reward atm)
- Remove Hera Entrance Walkway, or make it more direct (just unnecessarily long)
O Write Kaeo with fyi
O Write Rob Heubner with fyi
? Contact Vancouver lawyers
- Unify tech tree
O Combat: don't cost res, cost levels
X Combat: don't display levels if 1
? Combat: invalidate nodes already evolved, keep tech nodes separate per player
? Make pop-up menu aware of tech nodes (researched and unresearchable grey)
- Write the BC-Canada Business Service Centre
- 800 959-5525 (employer's guidelines)
- Employment standards: 800 663-3316
- 800-661-2112 - Worker's compensation
- http://www.cic.gc.ca
- Program set up by Canada: www.businessimmigration.gov.bc.ca
O One more pass at Perforce
O Add account for Max on Ripley, make sure only certain directories are shared, give him the VPN info
O Remove files that will never change, put in group data directory on Ripley
O Work with Def One on trailer
O Write Cory about command chair concepting
- Hambone Combat suggestions
- 800/400 Onos and maybe remove claws blast damage
- Slow down focus animation or play pause before
- Cat-packs reload speed
- Gore range a bit (hit JPs on the ceiling, 3/4s)
- Add in experiment to not spend your upgrades automatically
- Removing CC and adding time limit back in
- Dramatic voice-over for time intervals
- No guarding, simpler
- Moves game out of marine start
- Solves camping problem for marines
- Shorter games
- Games sometimes end just as it gets fun
- Gorges or boring healing role forced?
- Game can't end early for aliens, only for marines
- $250/hour Canadian for Melanie for NAFTA
- Immigration
- Company history
- Educational background
Map Sadness, Gladness and Madness(TM)
O Removed ns_bast due to loss of map source and high entity count (may you R.I.P, we love you)
O Re-added complete remake of ns_nancy! For those that have seen this already, here are the updated changes:
O Clip errors in subspace that could make people get stuck to the pillar if flying around it.
O Air Filtration System room has been completely redone and is now infested. It looks better than I thought it would come out to be.
O Ambient noises added to make even more like the old.
O Now when looking out of the window in port engine you can see the side of the ship like in the old one.
? New co_ulysses
:: Removed ladder in hive and placed a ramp.
:: Vent from hive to low hive entrance.
:: Added detail at the hive.
:: Fixed movement issues at hive.
:: Added atmospheric elements to the map (sounds and FX all over the map, including drips and steam)
O Updated ns_eclipse:
O Fixed weldable health issues
O Replaced Horseshoe electric effect with 1.0 release version
O Updated ns_nothing:
O General point/brush entity optimizations (315 entities down to 268)
O Updated ns_veil
O New corridor new double node
O New location called "North Loop"
? co_rebirth version 4-5
O Added some new textures in co_rebirth.wad
O Added an ambiant_generic ( sound ) in the Ready Room.
O Changed some details everywhere for esthetic or optimisation.
O Increased the size of an important acces (door) and built stairs for a better flow.
O Added a little room in the way to the hive, to get a little bit hidden a few seconds.=>screen2
O Built a new acces to spectate in the Ready Room (bigger) => the two doors drive now to random team (essentialy because of players AFK who blocked the access) =>screen1
O Added some few things like thanks to playtesters in the co_rebirth.txt ;)
O Increased size of hive room
O Waiting for updated map with updated sound name
O Waiting for smoke sprite
O ns_metal update-8
* Tweaks
* Two more vents
* Removed one res (Heating room)
* More infestation near hives
O Lerk flight tweaks.
O Turning does not slow you down as much.
O Energy cost of flapping increased slightly.
O Allow fakeclients to use impulses to initiate leap, blink and charge (to help bot writers)
O Fixed getting stunned with primed grenade causes it to be dropped (bug #390).
O Fixed primed grenade not getting holstered when player is webbed.
O Fixed grenade prediction problems.
O Added 3rd person grenade animations.
O Changed hand grenades so they explode on contact
O Added grenade sprite artwork (thanks Hackepeter and Max!)
O Reworked tech tree to allow different Combat upgrades to cost different numbers of levels. Lerk, jetpack and Onos now each cost two levels to purchase.
O Improved pop-up menu to more accurately show you what's available and when (for aliens)
? HUD sound precedence issues (bug #402)
O Important note: alien armor is affected by the number of hives you have. 1 hive means armor is worth 1.6 points of health, 2 hives means it's worth 2 points of health, 3 hives means it's worth 2.4 points of health. It's been this way since the first version of 3.0, but keep this in mind when attacking.
O Increased Onos health from 600 to 700
O Reduced Onos cost from 100 to 75
O Reduced Fade cost from 60 to 50
O Increased build-hive score from 5 to 8
O Increased Combat spawn times a bit more (max wait is 45 seconds, up from 30).
O Reduce Onos gore range from 130 to 90 (he shouldn't be able to pick JPs out of the air)
O Fixed lerk death animations (bug #276)
O Added anti-scripting code (activated when mp_blockscripts is 1). When enabled, it blocks any command with wait, _special, exec or a ; in it. This is off by default.
O New primal scream sprite with a lerk instead of an onos (Thanks CoolCookieCooks!)
O Fixed problem where players taking melee damage while spawn-invulnerable were still pushed around
O Changed parasite to organic damage (only hurts living targets), so they can't be used against mines. The "parasite-hit" sound only plays when you newly parasite a player or structure, or when you do damage to a target.
? Gameplay test: with Hambone mode enabled, res towers give a resource point every 2 seconds, instead of every 4.
O Tournament mode no longer necessarily includes friendly fire (mp_friendlyfire controls it completely).
O Cleaned up and unified server.cfg and listenserver.cfg.
O Removed some extraneous server variables.
O Removed unpopular server and game options from the UI
O Added dynamic loading of FMOD DLL from the ns mod directory (to eliminate compatibility problems with other mods).
O Fixed bug where players sometimes crash when joining marine team (bug #404, introduced in changelist 1895). Grepdashv, you rule!
O Fixed bug where cloaked aliens are visible to marines who are spectating while waiting to respawn. Dead players now see cloaked entities as the person they are watching does. True spectators see cloaked targets when they are spectating a person in non-first-person mode. (bug #295)
O Fixed bug where hive wouldn't spawn if blocked by player (bug #391)
O Removed mp_version variable. Now the version is reported in the game description.
O Fixed bug where commander logged into non-primary CC wasn't ejected when it was destroyed (bug #422)
O Increased heal spray range from 250 to 300, in order to make it easier to heal hives (bug #414)
O Fixed marines able to +use while stunned (bug #441)
O Fixed bug where weird recycling can cause inability to buy arms lab upgrades (bug #186)
O Fixed bug where aliens sometimes appear as a marine when they die or spawn (bug #193)
O Update asset list with final map list
O Removed HPB_bot.dll from asset list
? If SteamID authentication data isn't prefixed by "STEAM_", add it
Before public release:
O Get Constellation mailing list fully up to date and working
O Announce other mailing lists
O Fixed grenade problem introduced in 3.0f (but #452)
? Updated command station grenade upgrade sprite (thanks Hackepeter!)
O Fixed problem where jetpacks cost one level instead of two
O Fixed new bug where Combat levels weren't spent properly as marine (reworked how purchases are validated and made)
? Fixed authentication problem caused by duplicate WONids
O Fixed bug where a selectable ghost structure was left behind when original CC was recycled (bug #445)
O Fixed bug where CC started out unbuilt in the next round if it was recycled last round (bug #445)
O Fixed alien melee attacks often cannot break grates at pointblank range (bug #440)
O Fixed problems with commander unable to drop some items on top of other items (bug #291)
O Changed references to sv_cheats on the client to use the new server variable system (particle system editing and cl_showspeed).
? Fixed problem where grenade assets weren't included properly
O Fixed bug where number of hives didn't affect alien armor properly (bug #453)
? Updated co_angst to fix end of game spawn problems (bug #421)
O Reverted config.cfg to reasonable default
O Removed cl_forwardspeed, cl_backspeed, cl_sidespeed (bug #438)
O Changed alien armor value from 1.6, 2, 2.4 to 2, 2.5, 3 (this will help late-game fade and onos considerably without boosting him too much in Combat)
O Increased alien armor absorption with more hives, to make sure there is never armor left over (armor takes 70% of damage at hive 1, 80% at hive 2, 90% t hive 3, used to be 70% for all)
O Reduced lerk base speed from 200 to 175
O Increased speed boost lerk gets from celerity (8.3 to 25)
? Fixed bug that was causing redemption to be way too effective
O New ns_nancy
? Included ns_nancy overview sprite
O Fixed horrible ladder bug that would throw players up into the air.
O Air Filtration System fan no longer can be built on and no longer spins the commander view.
O Texture alignment fixes.
O Lighting tweaks
O Raised Subspace vent and made it so you can weld it shut on Subspace side.
O Fixed bug where Combat exploit allows a single earned level to be spent repeatedly (bug #466)
O Fixed bug in Combat where respawn time circumvented using ready room (bug #467)
NS v3.0 beta 2
O Write Will Day about metamod update
? Tweaked Combat respawn times to faciliate shorter games (slightly longer minimum respawn time, slightly shorter maximum respawn time)
? From roughly 0 - 45 seconds (depending on size of game and number of spent levels) to 5 - 40 seconds
- Spawn system:
- Want people to spawn in waves, though without such an advantage that they can repel any force. Waves allow them to attack in unison though.
- Is there any reason to increase spawn time for high-level players? Used to be for Oni, but that should be fixed now.
- Still need to scale on team size though
X Check into Combat entity leak (co_daimos, 306 ents in an NS:C game.. 280 of which are not even cleared on map change...)
X Attempted to fix problem where gamma wasn't being set properly on dual-monitor systems (bugs #b62 and #364, dual users, please report back)
O Changed Combat respawn system. Players now respawn in bigger waves, and time to wait depends only on team size (so smaller games spawn faster). Spawn times vary from 4 seconds (1v1) to 25 seconds (16v16).
O The return of the Gorge to Combat! This should address the problem where marines can heal their CC easily while the aliens cannot.
O Fixed bug in UTIL_SharedRandomFloat that fixes bug where bullet holes were firing with perfect accuracy for everyone but the shooter (bug #233)
O Changed catalyst packs so they no longer do damage to recipient
O Fixed bug where holding walk key while cloaked sometimes allowed you to move too fast and uncloak you
O Halved acid rocket damage and energy cost (to make rockets more fun to use)
O Fixed bug where lerk sometimes showed spike model
O Fixed bug where aliens sometimes spawned with the wrong weapon selected (bug #249)
O Increased Fade stats from 250/100 to 300/150 (+33% damage capacity)
O Increased Onos stats from 700/500 to 700/600
O Increased cost of heavy armor to 2 levels (Combat)
O Increased redemption chance from 30% per second per level to 35% per second per level
O Experience is again awarded for repairing the CC or healing the hive (currently 1/3 the amount). Removed faster hive healing in Combat to compensate.
O Changed welder to have a random ROF (gameplay effects should be unchanged)
O New welder sound
O Electricity damage reduced from 25 to 20 (to compensate for increased range)
O Scan upgrade can no longer be purchased multiple times in Combat (bug #478)
O Fixed bug where options on the pop-up menu looked like they were available before they actually were (also bug #478) (should also fix bug where prices weren't shown in NS mode)
O Fixed issues with alien pop-up menu in NS mode (bug #471)
O Fixed bug where aliens with level 3 movement upgrades were taking 1/2 damage from turrets (Thanks Fortuna Wolf!)
O Added missing credits list to ns_agora
O Fixed bug where Metabolize interfered with regeneration (bug #356)
O Fixed bug where Metabolize cost more energy to use then energy it gave back
O Changed hive healing so it now scales healing by the target's hitpoints (the hive now heals 6% of a player's hitpoints per second)
O Changed "kills" to be actual number of players killed, not adjusted for type/level of lifeform (thanks Lux!)
O Removed mp_spawninvul variable (it defaulted to 0 before so this won't change most servers)
O Installer fixes (WON/multiple Steam ids)
O Temporarily removed playback of intro movies until we figure out how to encode them properly
O Updated ns_metal (thanks quazilin!)
* Tweaks
* Fixed crash bug when cheats were enabled
O Updated ns_nancy (thanks Lazer!)
O Added ladder to vent outside of Marine Start. (the "death vent")
O Port Hive lowered a little, south wall moved back in to be a little more like the 1.x version.
O Made Subspace vent even more gorge friendly.
O Better clipping on ceilings of hallways so getting into the ceiling vents becomes a lot more possible without leap.
O Lowered r_speeds, and other assorted tweaks.
O Added a few things to the readyroom... :]
O Updated co_pulse (thanks tommyd!)
- improved marine spawn point locations
- added more room to the marine start
O Updated ns_tanith (thanks tommyd!)
- removed welds near waste hive to prevent marine camping
- fixed in-the-void siege/building exploit near fusion hive
- fixed vent-siege-building in new vent by waste hive
v3.0 beta 3
O Combat respawning change: only 1/4 of the team can respawn at a time (waves last 5-11 seconds, depending on team size). This reduces Combat game length significantly, and gives much more importants to player death.
O All new ns_hera (massive server CPU optimizations and balance changes) (thanks Merkaba!)
O Data Core Alpha replaced with old Hera material which allows easier attack on the archive hive (no lifts)
O Marines can now go from the marine start to the warehouse without having to weld open anything.
O Warehouse is now connected to the holoroom via a small corridor.
O No more vents lead into marine start.
O Two more resource nodes added to the map. One in the fog corridor, and one in Systems Handling (where data core alpha used to be). The old node in that area has been moved into the Archiving hive.
O Archiving a little wider now, so the upper level isn't so cramped.
O Total entity count is now < 240
O Walkway no longer in an ineffecient U shape.
O Fog Corridor shortened.
O Various little fixes and touchups.
O Readyroom changes (shorter MS start, no egg)
O Added "Xfire" support to the installer (optional). This is an instant messenger for gamers, and will auto-update full NS support later this week. Visit www.xfire.com for more information.
O Updated hand grenade sounds (new explosion, bounce, prime, etc.)
O Fixed bug where grenade launcher grenades death messages used hand grenade sprite
O Sped up resupply time at armory slightly
O Reduced mine health to 20 (so gorges can easily take them out with spit and marines can detonate them in combat with FF)
O Purchasing mines now gets you 4 mines instead of 5
O Hand grenades now do less damage then grenade launcher grenades (100 instead of 125)
O Increased rate at which hives heal friendly players (from 6% per second to 15% per second)
O Fixed bug where heal spray wasn't working for many hives
O Removed preservation of experience when leaving the team because of abuse
O Updated co_kestrel (thanks DevilDog!)
O Extended existing vent near subhangar to also allow access to MS
O Added "Hangar 7 Control" room which sits above and looks into the MS. This provides another way into the MS for a total of 2 normal, 1 accessible by all but Ohnos, and 1 vent
O Hive slightly moved and a vent added from the ladder that goes up to the escape pod that "looks" at the hive. This serves as a perch to allow gorges to heal the hive (they can't reach it from the ground).
O Couple of texture fixes
O Updated ns_ayumi (thanks DrunkenMonkey!)
O The elevator outside marine start is replaced with a ramp.
O A new weldable just outside the "AE35" hive that open up a door to "Gorges Hideout".
O A new ladder in "Star Child".
O The rails are gone in "Eastern Entrance" to make the room more open, and also is the hallways that leads to that room remade.
O The "Hamasaki" hive have gotten a new exit.
O The hive in "Pressure Control" have been raised a little bit, so it can no longer be blocked by structures.
O A new vent in "Pressure Control".
O New sky.
O New ambient sounds in all of the three hives.
O Lots of tweaks all over the map, to make it easier and more fun to play.
O Updated co_ulysses (thanks Blueman!)
O Fixed clip error at the hive
O Added co_ulysses back into the mapcycle
O Fixed clipping problems on ns_nothing (thanks KungFuSquirrel!)
O Updated co_rebirth (thanks IAN!)
O A big change with this version, because I built a new level just under the marine start, trying to encourage marines to get out.
O Increased the size of corridors just next the rebirth room, built a little vent inside the MS for skulks and lerks (I enjoy the idea they could be hidden in the ms itself) and I built a place for gorges in the Hive room to heal the hive and perhaps will it help marines too.
O Doors in general stay open longer
O Updated co_angst (thanks ChromeAngel!)
O Revamped marine start
O Other unlisted changes that were apparently favorably received by playtesters
O Fixed incompatibility with server mod menus (bug #482).
O Fixed cannot type text into the chat box while CTRL is pressed (bug #491)
O New co_daimos, to help fix problem where Oni have trouble spawning sometimes (thanks Hypergrip!)
v3.0 beta 4
O Worked with Network Solutions to finalize naturalselection.com transfer and to safeguard and consolidate other domains
? First version of UPP
- #ifdefed out?
? Moved NS to multithread libraries for UPP
- Added UPP into Perforce and got Karl on it
? Delete Max
? Switched to STL port
- atexit() server shutdown
? compete.natural-selection.org
? Get basic account set up with Harry
? Get basic site set up andn announce
? Make way to communicate with everyone (mailing list?)
? Post programmer position on n-s.org
- Task contributors
- Hambone
- Philip Searle
- ElvenThief
O E-mail const list about Friday morning PT session
X Spike/spore/umbra change?
? Spike/bite transition anims
? Spore/umbra changes
? Change "in umbra" to "in spores"
? Energy costs and durations and damage and ROFs (including particle system)
O Talk to Hambone about this first, and watch demo
O Combat changes
O Removed wave spawn to shorten game length (only one person spawning at a time).
X Increased Combat spawn wait time slightly to shorten game times (makes it more of a disadvantage when you die). Minimum spawn time increased from 5 to 7 seconds.
O Increased unlock hive ability 3 cost from 1 to 2
O Aliens now gain experience slowly over time
O Bast is back!! Completely-remade ns_bast, with much better server performance/pings (thanks Mendasp and the entire crew!)
- Make sure all assets are in installer
O ns_metal update from Quazilin (update 10)
* New "Supply way"
* Smaller "Storage D"
* New res
* More infestation/Tweaks
* Added steam bursts with sfx
O Lerk gestation time lowered from 28 to 20 seconds
O Fixed bug where player angles weren't set properly on spawn (bug # 559, thanks XP-Cagey!)
O Phase 1 of the Big Unannounced System
O Fixed bug where joysticks weren't able to rotate the player view (thanks XP-Cagey!)
O Fixed voice comm labels so they can be read more easily (always black text).
O Changed commander voice comm label to white to differentiate him (soldiers are blue).
O Reduced number of entities in ns_tanith from 394 to 264 for improved server performance (thanks tommyd!)
O No longer play client-side sparks or bullet impact particles on client when shotgun pellets hit a player or water (graphical bug only)
O Fixed bug where lone marines tended to spawn at some spawns more then others (Combat)
O Fixed bug where pop-up menu costs weren't visible for alien players (NS mode, bug #471)
O Removed unneeded HL commands (third-person camera exploit, timerefresh, gl_monolights, gl_overbright, gl_clear, cl_nosmooth, cl_smoothtime). Bug #101.
O Fixed bug where marines could phase to a recycling phase gate (bug #554)
O Final version of ns_agora (thanks Kawak!)
- Added more covers in Tunnel and Cargo
- Added new vents
- New Sewer Hive and New "Main Generator" (so there is some changes in the layout for this side of the map)
- Added a ladder near "Freight Elevator Access" , but Marines need to weld a door to acces it.
- The vent leading to "The Wedge" from tunnel is now weldable.
- Fixed "Onos getting stuck" in "The Pit"
- Added/modified lots of little things here and there..
O Removed energy cost for lerk flight (to encourage flight while using abilities)
O Lag no longer allows exploit where research is done on wrong building / current comm chair can no longer be recycled (bug# 199)
O New welder, machine gun, pistol, hmg, metabolize and shotty sounds from MadMaxx
- Tweak welder ROF for variety
- Hand grenade sounds
O Improved HLTV support. Blips still aren't drawing on the overview map, and some of the UI controls don't work very well, but it should be useable. More to come.
O Updated ns_eclipse (thanks KungFuSquirrel!)
- New vent added between South Loop/Maintenance Vent and Keyhole
- New vent added between South Loop and Computer Core
- New weldable added on South Loop/Computer Core vent
- Old Triad pits/effects restored
- Old skylights near marine spawn restored
- Restored ns_eclipse.wad
- Various texture usage optimizations
- Adjusted Triad layout to allow better res defense (experimental)
- Restored doors in marine spawn
- restructured active side of Marine Spawn
- Moved Marine spawns closer to CC
- CC moved out of alcove
- Atmospheric adjustments to hives
O Updated ns_veil (thanks KungFuSquirrel!)
- Expanded Marine Spawn
- Lowered "Pink Monster" in Marine Spawn
- Fixed embarrassing "Eclipse Logo Backwards in my Own Map" problem... Doh.
- Removed North Loop
- Texture usage optimizations
- Repaired remaining Onos stick points (I hope!)
- Removed all chairs in front of computer panels
- New vents (find/learn them yourselves ;) )
- Some added infestation in hive areas
- Layout/architecture tweaks near Pipeline
- Weldables added to Nanogrid Status
O Updated ns_nothing (thanks KungFuSquirrel!)
O Elevators changed to func_doors
O Upgrading a turret factory no longer restores all its hit points (bug #539)
O Items no longer sink through the world when placed against slopes, items can now be placed at up to 45 degrees, on stairs, etc. (bug #291, bug #527)
Beta 4a
O Combat changes (near final!):
-> Aliens no longer grow in experience over time (we didn't have time to test this properly last week)
-> There is now a time limit (like old Combat builds!), which by default is 10 minutes. Aliens automatically win after time expires, or if they take out the CC. Marines win by taking out the hive.
-> This time limit can be adjusted using mp_combattime
-> Moved game timer off of scoreboard and onto HUD
-> When there is less then a minute left, the game time readout blinks (both Combat and NS/tournament mode)
-> Focus cost increased from 1 to 2 levels
-> Because marines lose if timelimit is reached, sped marine spawning by 1 second to compensate
O Fixed demo recording crash
O Improved server performance (for programmers: we built using a debug version of STLport by accident). There may still be a problem with escalating pings we're still looking into.
O Reduced umbra power so it now blocks 1 out of 2 bullets (down from 2 out of 3)
O Grenades no longer teleport into the void before exploding when they are shot into vents (bug #530)
O Abbreviated "Natural Selection" in Steam server list so it's easier to filter by version
O Removed mp_gametime server variable as it is no longer needed
O Fixed gamma problems on map change for maps that didn't specify an env_gamma (usually custom maps)
O Fixed exploit where weapons can be nearly instantly reloaded (bug #334)
O Fixed bug where death messages overlapped spectator UI
O Rewritten structure collision detection from XP-Cagey should mean many less sinking items!
O Lerk flight costs energy again (1/2 the energy cost of beta 3)
O Fixed missing textures in beta 4 (goodbye random pink-checkerboards)
O Removed consistency checking of unnecessary files (mp_consistency 1) (thanks mahnsawce!) (bug #297)
O Updated ns_nancy (helpful for CAL)
-> You should no longer be able to siege Port/Subspace without spotting it.
-> In an attempt to add a little more balance to the map the vent outside of Port has been turned into a hallway and the stairs to Mother Interface from Messhall were removed.
-> Added a couple crates in the Mother Interface area for cover.
-> Removed unnecessary side room in the Marine Start area. All it did was add a chance of the commander spawning way too far from the CC and had no game purpose.
-> Misc. other smaller changes
O sv_restart now works with cheats on (so you can execute it via rcon by setting cheats first)
O Equipment is now easier to drop on players, buildings can no longer be dropped on players.
O Fixed bug where multiple res towers were allowed to be dropped on the same node (appeared in early versions of 4a)
O Rewrote EntityInfo and NumEnts printout formats to make them more useful to mappers.
-> EntityInfo was reporting the first N entity slots of information instead of the first N valid entities.
-> Marked several types of entities (player slots, bodyque, weapons) as "dynamic" -- for now at least, they don't count towards the mapping limit
Beta 5
- TODO: Add mp_combattime to quick start guide and documentation if it stays
X Entity leak?
- 802-658-3842 (VT E-bay guy)
- Bug where after game ends your role isn't preserved
- Sparks/crosshair problem
- Infinite ammo exploit
Beta 5
- Overlapping countdown timer in 640x480
- Weird spawning bug (http://www.natural-selection.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=69007) (bug #421)
? Distress beacon
- Joining teams
- Game reset
- Ending digestion
? Redemption
- Need to refactor spawning completely
- Remove spawn checking dependency on player
- Don't call CBasePlayer::Spawn() at all
- Refactor SetPlayMode() to not perform spawning at all. Everyone that calls it should check if the player can spawn first, and if so, call set play mode and spawn them there.
- Lerks cannot fly backwards (bug #522)
X if you get killed while you are gestating, you'll respawn at low health values (querty@sandwaves.org)
- HLTV support (http://www.natural-selection.org/bt/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=0000256)
- Problem:
X g_iUser1 isn't set on client, because human players aren't being propagated to themselves under HLTV
X Human players aren't in AddToFullPack in HLTV (but bots are)
? g_iUser1 needs to be initialized to 1
? Fix check-boxes
? Fix overview checkbox
? Fix player picker (server-side problem?)
- vgui_TeamFortressViewport, line 2230 (g_PlayerExtraInfo is not being filled in)
- How to send gmsgTeamInfo messages to spectators?
- Auto-director button (server-side problem?)
- Blips on overview (server-side problem?)
- Crouch-blinking
- Fade +duck hitbox bug. When a fade is crouching they are really really hard to hit. I thought that fades were overpowered and their health or armor should be lowered a little but seeing as how bugged it is, its hard to say
- Re-size model
X Remove skulk/bite knockback? Check beta information forum for discussion.
<Forlorn> Also you should consider 75/10 stats for skulks
<Forlorn> This would mean one bullet stronger in the early game
<Forlorn> but with lv. 1 weapons skulk dies in 1 bullet less
<Forlorn> Right now lv. 1 weapons gives no advantage against a basic skulk
<Forlorn> There is no reason to go lv. 1 weapons before lv. 1 armor
<Forlorn> Also I think that a skulk could use one more bullet
- **Update create server options
- Document mp_custom icon in server.cfg and listenserver.cfg
- guide.natural-selection.org
- Set it up
- Find head guy, establish rules, let them run mailing list
- Add more folks, talk to #nstrain
- Add new rank and account
- Read through mailing list
- Choose a leader, talk with on Skype
- login: guide
- password: 37andnf7a
? Constellation survey
? Freeze Constellation
? Send Paypal data to Lars
? Output e-mail addresses and send to Lars
? Patch dates and other significant dates
? E-mail my address
? Add new temporary e-mail account for his friend (survey@unknownworlds.com)
- www.naturalselection.com
- Constraints
- Use whole page
- Anti frame-set
- If flash used, then optional and decorative only (don't ever ask to download anything)
- Server-side template for menu (Server-side include or other)
- Menu that's displayed on every page should not take up a lot of screen real-estate
- Rebuild slowly and launch with 3.0 final?
- Need updated screenshot section
- Updated Team section
- UPP unveiling
- UWE only, or different domains for different games?
- UPP pages won't be that detailed
- Launch with UPP/login area
- Probably PHP based (Karl will write a C++ library that PHP will use)
- Most active servers, best servers
- Automated Constellation area
- Updated mailing list page
- Game/player stats
- Fixed Fade and Lerk so they pivots correctly (looking up makes him look up). Thanks Cloud'King!
- Fix bug where death messages drawn behind overview map
- Delarosa as modeller/animator?
- co_core maintainer?
- Parasites can operate switches and buttons again
- Fix auth data getting propagated too much
- "kill" in Combat (remove "kill" override and assume kill delay?)
* exploit: scanning with observatory for free
* "under attack" warning messages not played frequently enough
* greatly increase frequency of visual alerts on commander minimap
* regen effects do not apply to health and armor in the same tick
* remove melee push for all weapons except onos gore (claws), and make that have a random direction; current ugly example: a marine can shove an onos around with a knife
* make umbra clouds have the same duration as spore clouds
important changes and balance tweaks:
* revert welder RoF back to non-random behavior until a real "fix" for the sounds can be implemented
* make armory healing non-random but a much smaller value
* de-randomize res-for-kills (making it 2rp for every kill)
* revert mine cost to 10rp for 5 mines
* eliminate energy cost for slot1 weapons
* change healspray back to slot1 for gorge
* remove leap damage
* make the following visually distinct (color/shape): parasited marines; parasited structures; marines on SoF; marines detected by SCs (this may sound minor but would be hugely beneficial)
* allow re-upgrading at full cost (e.g., an alien with silence can bay 2rp for adrenaline instead)
* increase base onos speed significantly; it's currently far too slow to be effective without celerity
other important fixes:
* primal scream doesn't increase player movement speed
* primal scream does not increase damage from xenocide or parasite (double-check other weapons?)
* devour often fails
* redemption fails too often (check more frequently and/or increase chance of success after every failed check?)
* rework parasite
* weapons not dropped properly upon death
* [combat] resupply not effective for HMG or pistol
* restore the SC effect where enemies show up on hive sight (as if parasited) when within SC range (remove audible warning "the enemy approaches")
* weapon upgrades do not affect turrets
- 57 bug -
- 547 (resupply HMG)
- 539
- 538
- 534
- 535
- 330
- 497
- 496
- Adding jetpack to scoreboard
- 493
- Muting a player, will sometimes mute other players along with it [ bug ]
- Make sure you can mute players that aren't on your team
- Apparently you can shoot through the CC , perhaps should be fixed. But then again, it does make sense, since there is a gap in the CC
- When the game ends, and when you're an alien, it seems that you are viewing from a Marine model, rather than a skulk model - inwhich is lower to the ground.
- Fixed bug where hive can't be built if blocked by a chamber
- ** Update readme.txt before ship
- Change to "ns" directory (for Steam/metamod) (wait for Steam info back from Eric S. first)
- Movie conversion
- Fix bug where lerks can no longer fly backwards
- Changed lerk gliding so it's default (hold jump to drop, instead of holding it to glide)
- Fixed bug where ammo upgrades weren't affecting hand grenades (?)
- Finalize titles.txt and get to Nemesis for translation
- Add "visit www.natural-selection.org" tooltip
- Add "visit www.unknownworlds.com" tooltip
- Add Combat-specific tooltips, and remove NS tooltips from Combat
- **Add manual to near final installer?
- Added gunsmoke to weapons? (thanks BrigadierWolf!)
- Updated ns_hera
- Add to mapcycle again, check assets
x Remove co_tasium from asset list
- Lerk flying anim
Hambone: mp_blockscripts 0 blocks no scripts
Hambone: mp_blockscripts 1 blocks _special
Hambone: mp_blockscripts 2 blocks everything
- Add co_evan for playtesting
- Fixed bug where Commander "hacking" didn't work (clicking useables) (bug #376)
- Fixed bug where bottom of commander HUD is transparent to mouse clicks (bug #270)
- Write Mark Terrano with fyi
- Ability to upload screenshots (or community-content to gallery)
- More server performance work?
- HLTV work and testing
- Hambone feedback
Hambone: just a few things
Hambone: onos are way too good
Hambone: i think combat would be really good if onos wasnt so good
Hambone: a few other things you could change
Hambone: lerk flight and jetpacks should be a little faster
Hambone: still feels to slow
Hambone: i dont like how aliens gain res
Hambone: didnt change anything
Hambone: moving the skulks POV forward but not reducing his range makes the range feel much larger
Hambone: i really think there should be no or almost no speed cap
- E-mail Karl updated map requirements that everyone whose anyone knows
- Resource nozzle
- Gestation egg armor and health for XP-Cagey
- Add
- Add co_ether (after changes)
- Make it more obvious which side won a game in Combat
- Look at co_exit again
- Randomize spawns on pulse
- Test co_machina5 again
- Art task: Focus icon
- Art task: Primal scream icon should show lerk instead of Onos
- Bring down structure radius a tad if possible
- Fix HLMP integration
- Any placed structure retains parasite
- Combat menu protrudes
- Don't redeem gestating
- Keep % health/armor of egg, not of pre-egg
- Test co_phobia and decide whether to include
- Test new ns_mystic
? Reworked record/playback (bug #40)
? Commander name
- Draw build/health circles
- Commander black background
- Scoreboard
- Team names
- Locations?
- Alien mouse cursor
- Spectator all loused up
- Morgan e-mail
- Think about making cat-packs damage temporary (ie, drowning damage)
? Removed auth command
- Look at co_nano and decide to test or not
- Patch bunnyhopping script
O Check ns_spellbound (not pretty enough)
<Hybrid-Jason> Ftp-
<Hybrid-Jason> Domain: aushybrid.com ( )
<Hybrid-Jason> U: hybrid
<Hybrid-Jason> P: chit
<Hybrid-Jason> ^^ FTP details
<Hybrid-Jason> <--- use that for host
- Move death messages down a bit, they overlap the marine overlay while speccing in letterbox (they assume y viewport offset is 0)
X Change marine health bonus to armor bonus in Combat?
- Unknown command: cl_centerplayerid
- Play commander drop event locally
- Predict hotgroups
- Update installer to default to a CO_ map (co_pulse?)
- Think about adding TSA and Kharaa skins to installer? (or add them to n-s.org at least?)
- Dedicated server and mp_consistency
- Double-check mapcycle.txt values (esp. hera, bast and faceoff)
- Add ability to propagate mp_ strings to client
Marc (S2 games): 269-207-6556
Jim phone: 802 482-2460
My SteamID: STEAM_0:0:131785
News mailing list
NS fans: joev@natural-selection.org; monsieurevil@natural-selection.org; cory.strader@verizon.net; news@planethalflife.com; soopafly@punkassfraggers.com; eryx@ns-fr.com; eneale1@bigpond.net.au; Eaglec@dsl.pipex.com; mcooper@wildtangent.com; prodigy@lanvancouver.com; haven@thehavennet.org.uk; alexcl@charter.net; D_Snikch@natural-selection.co.nz;topper@flawedexistence.com; D_Snikch@flawedexistence.com; suicidal@guns4back2school.com; roly@dawazou.com; emmanuel.marseille@skynet.be; eliteguard@thehivemind.org; bobwc@free.fr; toor@torment-gaming.com; mike@cstrike.no; pistolonly@ukns.org; irsprint@aol.com; news@ausns.org; lachiep@optusnet.com.au; plasmatico@uol.com.br; naxo@dawazou.com; imdence@optushome.com.au; gunny@thegunslinger.de;hoppelhase@readyroom.de;olisc@readyroom.de; kali@das-interessiert.de; wigg@iinet.net.au; news@readyroom.org
General sites: newsroom@3dgamers.com; news@gamingnexus.com; jonas@dailygame.net; news@gamemarshal.com; editor27@frictionlessinsight.com; gswebmaster@idg.cz; admin@gengamers.com; news@wargamer.com; pr@gaminghorizon.com; webmaster@gamezone.com; news@vaultnetwork.com; news@avault.com; rcumine@gamebiz.com.au; comments@stratosgroup.com; news@gamershell.com; news@worthplaying.com; assassin@computergames.ro; info@gameplex.ch; letters@happypuppy.com; lanparties@clara.co.uk; jakob@boomtown.net; Editor@CuttingTheEdge.com?subject=News; content@homelanfed.com; aburnes@ve3d.com; ripclaw@gamerspulse.com; steerpike@fourfatchicks.com; mark@gamezilla.com; sgibson@gamingillustrated.com; Elphin@warcry.com; trog@qgl.org; finger@telefragged.com; team@nofrag.com; pr@ferrago.ltd.uk; shawn.w@gamingnext.com; news@gamesxtreme.net; news@gamechronicles.com; contact@gamesdomain.com; hx@ggmania.com; chrisl@totalvideogames.com; joule@factornews.com; jackal@battle-fields.com; news@tothegame.com; news@gameaxis.com; news@elited.net;
falcon@canadiangamer.ca; info@escmag.com; marcus@firingsquad.com; news@gamerifts.com; Jesse@Nettowa-Ku.Com; jdiaz@loadedinc.com; news@pcgameworld.com; webmaster@cybergamingnet.com; pr@gaminghorizon.com;
evilavatar@evilavatar.com; press@entdepot.com; info@gamingworldx.com; lasermouse@worldnet.att.net; admins@alloutgames.com; whatever@projectwonderboy.com;
tom@accelenation.com; news@tothegame.com; sriach@game-over.net; gwjnews@gamerswithjobs.com; news@hardavenue.com; editor27@frictionlessinsight.com; kenbarnes@rewiredmind.com;
news@hlgaming.com; webmaster@3dgames.com.ar; hood@aixgaming.com; joran@gamers.nl; venom@rnp.ca; snypa@cgnation.net;
Info from Alfred
- GameMenu.res is completely ignored under vgui1, TrackerRes.res is used instead
- "Tracker" used to refer to just the Friends list, now it refers to any out-of-game UI
- preface "engine" to allow console commands in game menu
- titles.txt is backwards-compatible and works like it used to, except for one detail: if the text it translates to starts with #, it is referred to resources/modname_language.txt (this file must be Unicode).
CPL success
- Mostly game popularity, and compatible genre, definitely biased towards FPS
WCG success
- Game popularity, general suitability towards clan play, and probably sponsorship, seems biased towards what's new/cool
X Battle.net