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# About
**dhewm3** is a source port of the original Doom3 (**not** *Doom3 BFG*, for that you may want to
try [RBDoom3BFG](https://github.com/RobertBeckebans/RBDOOM-3-BFG/)).
It's known to work on Windows, Linux, macOS, [FreeBSD](https://freebsd.org),
[OpenBSD](https://openbsd.org) and [AROS](http://www.aros.org/),
but it should work (or be easily portable to) on any system that supports OpenGL 1.4 with
[ARB shaders](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ARB_assembly_language),
[SDL](http://libsdl.org) and [OpenAL](http://openal.org).
Compared to the original version of Doom3, dhewm3 has many bugfixes, supports EAX-like sound effects on
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all operating systems and hardware (via [OpenAL Softs](http://openal-soft.org/) EFX support), has better
support for widescreen resolutions and it has 64bit support.
However, it currently does not support old Mods that require their own game DLL or the integrated
(Windows-only) editors.
Note that while the Doom3 source code has been released under GPL, you still need to legally own the
game and provide dhewm3 the game data to play. See the [How to Install](#how-to-install) section for
more information.
# News
2018-07-10 22:01:11 +00:00
#### 2018-07-11: _dhewm3.org launched_
dhewm3 now has an official homepage!
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I guess it makes sense to be a bit less dependent on Github (especially as
it has been bought by Microsoft, but also in general), so I decided to create
this homepage with a domain I control.
Another advantage is that it has some screenshots and more user-centric documentation
than the [README.md](https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/blob/master/README.md).
We'll continue to use Github for hosting the code and issues (and indeed this
page via github pages), but if we need to migrate to another hoster some day,
[dhewm3.org](http://dhewm3.org) will still be reachable and will link to the
new code repo and issue tracker instead.
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#### 2016-06-18: _dhewm3 1.4.1 released_
Fixes/improvements since 1.4.0:
* Fixed some (kinda rare) crashes due to assertion errors, especially observed in the last
boss fights of both doom3 and the Resurrection of Evil Addon.
* Improved compatibility with AZERTY keyboards (the row of keys with 1...9, 0 is now usable)
* Fixed a crash (at least on FreeBSD) when loading Resurrection of Evil's last level
* Compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
* Video resolutions in menu now sorted, added 2880x1800
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* Support for up to 8 mouse buttons (on Linux this needs SDL2 2.0.4 or newer to work)
# How to Install
2018-07-11 01:59:59 +00:00
## Getting the Doom3 Game Data
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You'll need the game data from a Doom3 installation patched to 1.3.1.
Specifically, you'll need the following .pk4 files for the main game:
2018-08-15 18:15:09 +00:00
Filename Size MD5-sum
----------------- ------ ------------------------------------
base/pak000.pk4 337MB `71b8d37b2444d3d86a36fd61783844fe`
base/pak001.pk4 220MB `4bc4f3ba04ec2b4f4837be40e840a3c1`
base/pak002.pk4 398MB `fa84069e9642ad9aa4b49624150cc345`
base/pak003.pk4 303MB `f22d8464997924e4913e467e7d62d5fe`
base/pak004.pk4 227MB `38561a3c73f93f2e6fd31abf1d4e9102`
base/pak005.pk4 540KB `2afd4ece27d36393b7538d55a345b90d`
base/pak006.pk4 214KB `a6e7003fa9dcc75073dc02b56399b370`
base/pak007.pk4 118KB `6319f086f930ec1618ab09b4c20c268c`
base/pak008.pk4 12KB `28750b7841de9453eb335bad6841a2a5`
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2018-07-11 01:59:59 +00:00
... and (optionally) these .pk4 files for the *Resurrection of Evil* addon:
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2018-08-15 18:15:09 +00:00
Filename Size MD5-sum
2018-07-10 22:01:11 +00:00
----------------- ------- ------------------------------------
2018-08-15 18:15:09 +00:00
d3xp/pak000.pk4 514MB `a883fef0fd10aadeb73d34c462ff865d`
d3xp/pak001.pk4 98KB `06fc9be965e345587064056bf22236d2`
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### ... from CD/DVD + Patch
If you bought the game on CDs/DVD, base/pak000.pk4 - pak004.pk4 and d3xp/pak000.pk4
can be copied from the disks, the other files are from the patch.
On **Linux** (and probably other **Unix-like** systems and maybe even Windows with a mingw shell) you can
extract the needed files from [the official 1.3.1 patch for Linux](https://files.holarse-linuxgaming.de/native/Spiele/Doom%203/doom3-linux-
> `sh /path/to/doom3-linux- --tar xvf --wildcards base/pak* d3xp/pak*`
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On **Windows** you can just install the game and [the official 1.3.1 patch for Windows](https://archive.org/details/Doom_3_1.3.1)
and then get the files from the installation directory (or copy dhewm3 in there).
### ... from Steam
First you need to buy [Doom3](http://store.steampowered.com/app/9050/) of course
(and the [Resurrection of Evil Addon](https://store.steampowered.com/app/9070/),
if you want that too; Note that the Addon is not available in Germany).
Thankfully the game from Steam is already fully patched to 1.3.1.
On **Windows**, *just install* it and copy the game data from there (see above for what files are needed).
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On **Linux/OSX** unfortunately you can't just install the game (unless you run Windows Steam in Wine),
because it's Windows-only on Steam.
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However, you can still download it with **[SteamCMD](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD)**.
See [this description for Linux](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#Linux)
or [here for OS X](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/SteamCMD#OS_X)
on how to install SteamCMD on your system. You won't have to create a new user.
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Then you can download Doom3 with
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> `./steamcmd.sh +@sSteamCmdForcePlatformType windows +login <YOUR_STEAM_LOGIN_NAME> +force_install_dir ./doom3/ +app_update 9050 validate +quit`
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(replace `<YOUR_STEAM_LOGIN_NAME>` with your steam login name)
When it's done you should have the normal windows installation of doom3 in `./doom3/`
and the needed files in `./doom3/base/`
It should be possible to get the *Resurection of Evil* data in the same way,
by replacing `9050` with `9070`; the files should be in `./doom3/d3xp/` then.
By the way, that number is the "AppID" of Doom3/RoE; if you wanna use this to
get the data of other games you own, you can look up the AppID at [SteamDB](https://steamdb.info/).
## Getting dhewm3 executables
On **Windows** you can just download the Win32 binaries from the [Download page](https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/releases/latest).
You can either extract them into your Doom3 installation directory, or into a fresh
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directory and copy the needed game data ([see above](#getting-the-doom3-game-data)) in there.
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On Linux and *BSD it might be that your package manager provides a dhewm3 package/port that
you can install; please refer to that packages documentation on where to put the game data.
You could also try telling dhewm3 where to find the game data with:
> `dhewm3 +set fs_basepath /home/HansWerner/Games/doom3`
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(adjust the path to your needs)
If your package manager does not provide dhewm3 (or you're on macOS/OSX and there is none),
or you want to use the very latest code, you'll have to compile it yourself.
It's not super hard, see [the README](https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/blob/master/README.md#compiling)
for details on compiling and [the FAQ](https://github.com/dhewm/dhewm3/wiki/FAQ#where-do-i-need-to-put-the-game-data-files)
on where to put the game data.