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synced 2025-02-22 19:51:06 +00:00
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vertex lights become dark after map transition (vid_restart fixes)
- FIXED, caused by allocating 0x800000 max size for md2 models
crash on darksun1.bsp when vertexlight/vertexlightbase fields not properly allocated (Hunk_Alloc problem?)
- FIXED, caused by allocating same size for each poly in a surface
crashes when loading a game that has a target_text box open
- FIXED by clearing textdisplay pointer in each client struct during load process
skin name the same as player model name duplicated in skin display list
- FIXED with better filename checking
2D disappearing when in 3rd person mode w/ projection shadows
- FIXED by clearing z coordinate in vertex array
drops to console (SV_DemoCompleted, SV_Nextserver called twice) when changing from demo to normal map in a nextserver sequence (Belly of the Beast, SOG)
- FIXED by clearing sv.demofile file handle in SV_DemoCompleted
models with bad skinnums rendered as invisible (0 alpha?)
- FIXED by checking skinnum before assgning renderparms
alpha test textures not displaying properly on ATI cards (lightmap blended into alpha channel?)
- FIXED by setting alpha in lightmap to 255
memory leak on vid_restart / map change
- FIXED by freeing JPG file buffer
no audio in Q2 intermission cinematics
- FIXED by better order-of-operations handling in snd_dma.c->S_RawSamples
plats with spawnflag PLAT_LOW_TRIGGER breaking with high lip value set
- FIXED by setting tmin[2] differently for this spawnflag
door and plat looped sounds can get stuck on when blocked by a monster
- FIXED by clearing looped sound for all cases in door_hit_top()/door_hit_bottom() and plat_hit_top()/plat_hit_bottom()
fatal error when loading too many md2 models (VirtualAlloc reserve failure)
- FIXED by implementing new ModChunk_ memory allocation system for models
game menu text doesn't show when connected to RA2 server
- FIXED by allowing CS_STATUSBAR to overflow thru CS_AIRACCEL-1
Thirdperson player shadow not drawn correctly at times (start of hangar1)
depthhacked model appearing at player origin in Lazarus model test map
Acebot dead bodies have interpolation glitch on respawn
- FIXED by setting oldorigin in ACESP_PutClientInServer()
invalid player models causing crashes?
- likely caused by corrupt or missing player models
Filelists not downloading all pak files (brazen)
- FIXED by preventing HTTP download of the first pak in a filelist from aborting other paks
Maps.lst on disk override same filename inside pak?
- FIXED by adding check against tryExtFirst files in FS_FileInPakBlacklist(), then testing for local file on disk
Text color codes not handled properly by Con_Print()?
- FIXED by adding formatting tracking for console line feed