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924 lines
26 KiB
Copyright (C) 1997-2001 Id Software, Inc.
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Mr. Hyde and Mad Dog
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL ((void *)0)
typedef unsigned char byte;
typedef float vec_t;
typedef vec_t vec3_t[3];
#define LUMP_ENTDATA 0
#define LUMP_PLANES 1
#define LUMP_VERTEX 2
#define LUMP_VISLIST 3
#define LUMP_NODES 4
#define LUMP_TEXINFO 5
#define LUMP_FACES 6
#define LUMP_LEAFS 8
#define LUMP_EDGES 11
#define LUMP_MODELS 13
#define LUMP_BRUSHES 14
#define LUMP_POP 16
#define LUMP_AREAS 17
#define LUMP_HEADER 19
#define MAX_MAP_AREAS 256
#define MAX_MAP_MODELS 1024
#define MAX_MAP_ENTITIES 2048
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHES 8192
#define MAX_MAP_TEXINFO 8192
#define MAX_MAP_PLANES 65536
#define MAX_MAP_NODES 65536
#define MAX_MAP_BRUSHSIDES 65536
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFS 65536
#define MAX_MAP_VERTS 65536
#define MAX_MAP_FACES 65536
#define MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES 65536
#define MAX_MAP_PORTALS 65536
#define MAX_MAP_EDGES 128000
#define MAX_MAP_SURFEDGES 256000
#define MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING 0x40000
#define MAX_MAP_LIGHTING 0x200000
#define MAX_MAP_VISIBILITY 0x100000
// 0-2 are axial planes
#define PLANE_X 0
#define PLANE_Y 1
#define PLANE_Z 2
// 3-5 are non-axial planes
#define PLANE_ANYX 3
#define PLANE_ANYY 4
#define PLANE_ANYZ 5
#define DVIS_PVS 0 // vis.bitofs[][0]
#define DVIS_PHS 1 // vis.bitofs[][1]
typedef unsigned char byte;
// Entire BSP Tree Structures
typedef struct {
float normal[3]; // normal to this plane
float dist; // used with normal to determine front/back of plane
int type; // type of plane, (see: PLANE_X ... PLANE_ANYZ)
} plane_t;
typedef struct {
float origin[3]; // location of this vertex
} vertex_t;
typedef struct {
float blend[2][4]; // [s/t][4] - see q2 blend[] // Maj++ renamed
int flags; // miptex flags (See SURF_* flag types)
int value; // light emission
char texture[32]; // texture name (ie, "SKY")
int nexttexinfo; // next texinfo (-1 = end of chain)
} texinfo_t;
typedef struct {
byte lightchar[1];
} lightdata_t;
typedef struct {
short planenum; // map->plane[]
short side; // 0 or 1 -1=none
int firstedge; // map->edge[]
short numedges; // total edges associated with this face
short texinfo; // map->texinfo[]
byte lightstyle[4];// see Q2 lightstyles..
int lightofs; // map->lightdata[]
} face_t;
typedef struct {
int planenum; // map->plane[]
int right; // child[0]: -1=leaf[-(right+1)],otherwise index to child node
int left; // child[1]: -1=leaf[-(left+1)], otherwise index to child node
short mins[3]; // minsize of this node (for tracing).
short maxs[3]; // maxsize of this node (for tracing).
short firstface; // map->face[]
short numfaces; // total faces associated with this node
} node_t;
typedef struct {
int portalnum; // number of this areaportal
int nextarea; // connected area[]
} areaportal_t;
typedef struct {
int numareaportals; // total areaportals associated with this area
int firstareaportal; // map->areaportal[]
} area_t;
typedef struct {
short dleaffaces[MAX_MAP_LEAFFACES]; // map->face[]
} leafface_t;
typedef struct {
short planenum; // map->plane[]
short texinfo; // map->texinfo[]
} brushside_t;
typedef struct {
int firstbrushside;// map->brushside[]
int numbrushsides; // total brushsides associated with this surface
int contents; // pointcontents of this surface..
} brush_t;
typedef struct {
short dleafbrushes[MAX_MAP_LEAFBRUSHES]; // map->brush[]
} leafbrush_t;
typedef struct {
int numclusters; // ????
int bitofs[8][2];// ????
} vis_t;
typedef struct {
int contents; // pointcontents of this leaf
short cluster; //
short area; //
short mins[3]; // size of leaf
short maxs[3]; // size of leaf
short firstleafface; // map->leafface[]
short numleaffaces; // total leaffaces associated with this leaf
short firstleafbrush; // map->leafbrushes[]
short numleafbrushes; // total leafbrushes associated with this leaf
} leaf_t;
typedef struct {
short v[2]; // vertex[xy] of this edge
} edge_t;
typedef struct {
int dsurfedges[1];// map->edge[]
} surfedge_t;
typedef struct {
byte dpop[256]; // ???????
} pop_t;
typedef struct {
float mins[3]; // size of model
float maxs[3]; // size of model
float origin[3]; // location of model
long rootnode; // start of BSP tree
long firstface; // map->face[]
long numfaces; // total faces associated with this model
} model_t;
typedef struct {
char entchar[MAX_MAP_ENTSTRING]; // map entities??? Maj++
} entdata_t;
typedef struct cplane_s {
vec3_t normal; // normal vector
float dist; // distance
byte type; // for fast side tests
byte signbits; // direction of normal
byte pad[2]; // unused
} cplane_t;
// BSP Header Structures
typedef struct {
int fileofs;
int filelen;
} lump_t;
typedef struct {
char string[4];
long version;
lump_t lumps[LUMP_HEADER];
} header_t;
header_t header;
// Map structure (w/o header)..
typedef struct map_s {
int num_entdatas;// count of entdata_t's.
entdata_t *entdata; // 0=LUMP INDEX
int num_planes; // count of plane_t's
cplane_t *plane; // 1=LUMP INDEX
int num_vertexs;
vertex_t *vertex; // 2
int num_viss;
vis_t *vis; // 3
int num_nodes;
node_t *node; // 4
int num_texinfos;
texinfo_t *texinfo; // 5
int num_faces;
face_t *face; // 6
long int num_lightchars;
lightdata_t *lightdata; // 7
int num_leafs;
leaf_t *leaf; // 8
int num_leaffaces;
leafface_t *leafface; // 9
int num_leafbrushes;
leafbrush_t *leafbrush; // 10
int num_edges;
edge_t *edge; // 11
long int num_surfedges;
surfedge_t *surfedge; // 12
int num_models;
model_t *model; // 13
int num_brushes;
brush_t *brush; // 14
int num_brushsides;
brushside_t *brushside; // 15
int num_popchars;
pop_t *pop; // 16
int num_areas;
area_t *area; // 17
int num_areaportals;
areaportal_t *areaportal; // 18
} map_t;
map_t *map;
//========== MEMORY ALLOCATION ROUTINES ============
void *xmalloc(unsigned long size) {
void *mem;
mem = malloc(size);
if (!mem){
fprintf(stderr, "xmalloc: %s\n", strerror(errno));
exit(1); }
return mem;
//============= DATA BUFFER READING ================
unsigned long getp; // Location of pointer in buffer
unsigned long numbytes; // Size of buffer (in bytes)
unsigned char *buffer; // Pointer to buffered data.
// Move num bytes from location into address
void getmem(void *addr, unsigned long bytes) {
memmove(addr, buffer+getp, bytes);
getp += bytes;
// LUMP 0 - Read all BSP entdata chars from buffer.
entdata_t *read_entdata(void) {
entdata_t *entdata;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of entdata_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_ENTDATA].fileofs;
// How many entdata chars are there?
map->num_entdatas = header.lumps[LUMP_ENTDATA].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "entdata count=%d\n",map->num_entdatas);
if (map->num_entdatas <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 entdata_t structure
entdata = (entdata_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(entdata_t));
// Sequentially read entchar[] chars from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_entdatas; i++)
getmem((void *)&entdata->entchar[i],sizeof(entdata->entchar[0]));
return entdata;
// LUMP 1 - Read all BSP plane structs from buffer.
// Modified to use cplane_t instead
cplane_t *read_planes(void) {
cplane_t *plane;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of plane_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_PLANES].fileofs;
// How many plane_t records are there?
map->num_planes = header.lumps[LUMP_PLANES].filelen/sizeof(plane_t);
fprintf(stderr, "plane count=%d\n",map->num_planes);
if (map->num_planes <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all plane_t structures for num_planes
plane = (cplane_t *)xmalloc(map->num_planes*sizeof(cplane_t));
// Sequentially read plane_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_planes; i++) {
getmem((void *)&plane[i],sizeof(plane_t));
plane[i].signbits=(int)(plane[i].normal[0] < 0.0F);
if (plane[i].normal[1] < 0.0F)
plane[i].signbits |= 2;
if (plane[i].normal[2] < 0.0F)
plane[i].signbits |= 4;
plane[i].pad[0] = 0;
plane[i].pad[1] = 0; }
return plane;
// LUMP 2 - Read all BSP vertex structs from buffer.
vertex_t *read_vertexs(void) {
vertex_t *vertex;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of vertex_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_VERTEX].fileofs;
// How many vertex_t records are there?
map->num_vertexs = header.lumps[LUMP_VERTEX].filelen/sizeof(vertex_t);
fprintf(stderr, "vertex count=%d\n",map->num_vertexs);
if (map->num_vertexs <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all vertex_t structures for num_vertexs
vertex = (vertex_t *)xmalloc(map->num_vertexs*sizeof(vertex_t));
// Sequentially read vertex_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_vertexs; i++)
getmem((void *)&vertex[i],sizeof(vertex_t));
return vertex;
// LUMP 3 - Read all BSP vis structs from buffer.
vis_t *read_vis(void) {
vis_t *viss;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of vis_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_VISLIST].fileofs;
// How many vis_t records are there?
map->num_viss = header.lumps[LUMP_VISLIST].filelen/sizeof(vis_t);
fprintf(stderr, "vis count=%d\n",map->num_viss);
if (map->num_viss <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all vis_t structures for num_viss
viss = (vis_t *)xmalloc(map->num_viss*sizeof(vis_t));
// Sequentially read vis_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_viss; i++)
getmem((void *)&viss[i],sizeof(vis_t));
return viss;
// LUMP 4 - Read all BSP node structs from buffer.
node_t *read_nodes(void) {
node_t *node;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of node_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_NODES].fileofs;
// How many node_t records are there?
map->num_nodes = header.lumps[LUMP_NODES].filelen/sizeof(node_t);
fprintf(stderr, "node count=%d\n",map->num_nodes);
if (map->num_nodes <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all node_t structures for num_nodes
node = (node_t *)xmalloc(map->num_nodes*sizeof(node_t));
// Sequentially read node_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_nodes; i++)
getmem((void *)&node[i],sizeof(node_t));
return node;
// LUMP 5 - Read all BSP texinfo structs from buffer.
texinfo_t *read_texinfo(void) {
texinfo_t *texinfo;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of texinfo_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO].fileofs;
// How many texinfo_t records are there?
map->num_texinfos = header.lumps[LUMP_TEXINFO].filelen/sizeof(texinfo_t);
fprintf(stderr, "texinfo count=%d\n",map->num_texinfos);
if (map->num_texinfos <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all texinfo_t structures for num_texinfos
texinfo = (texinfo_t *)xmalloc(map->num_texinfos*sizeof(texinfo_t));
// Sequentially read texinfo_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_texinfos; i++)
getmem((void *)&texinfo[i],sizeof(texinfo_t));
return texinfo;
// LUMP 6 - Read all BSP face structs from buffer.
face_t *read_faces(void) {
face_t *face;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of face_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_FACES].fileofs;
// How many face_t records are there?
map->num_faces = header.lumps[LUMP_FACES].filelen/sizeof(face_t);
fprintf(stderr, "face count=%d\n",map->num_faces);
if (map->num_faces <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all face_t structures for num_faces
face = (face_t *)xmalloc(map->num_faces*sizeof(face_t));
// Sequentially read face_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_faces; i++)
getmem((void *)&face[i],sizeof(face_t));
return face;
// LUMP 7 - Read all BSP lightdata chars from buffer.
lightdata_t *read_lightdata(void) {
lightdata_t *lightdata;
lightdata_t templight;
long int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of lightdata_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_LIGHTDATA].fileofs;
// How many lightdata chars are there?
map->num_lightchars = header.lumps[LUMP_LIGHTDATA].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "lightdata count=%d\n",map->num_lightchars);
if (map->num_lightchars <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 lightdata_t structure
lightdata = (lightdata_t *)xmalloc(map->num_lightchars*sizeof(templight.lightchar[0]));
// Sequentially read all lightchar[] chars from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_lightchars; i++)
getmem((void *)&lightdata->lightchar[i],sizeof(lightdata->lightchar[0]));
return lightdata;
// LUMP 8 - Read all BSP leaf structs from buffer.
leaf_t *read_leafs(void) {
leaf_t *leaf;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of leaf_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFS].fileofs;
// How many leaf_t records are there?
map->num_leafs = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFS].filelen/sizeof(leaf_t);
fprintf(stderr, "leaf count=%d\n",map->num_leafs);
if (map->num_leafs <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all leaf_t structures for num_leafs
leaf = (leaf_t *)xmalloc(map->num_leafs*sizeof(leaf_t));
// Sequentially read leaf_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_leafs; i++)
getmem((void *)&leaf[i],sizeof(leaf_t));
return leaf;
// LUMP 9 - Read all BSP leafface structs from buffer.
leafface_t *read_leaffaces(void) {
leafface_t *leafface;
leafface_t tempface;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of leafface_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES].fileofs;
// How many leafface_t records are there?
map->num_leaffaces = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFFACES].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "leafface count=%d\n",map->num_leaffaces);
if (map->num_leaffaces <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 leafface_t structure
leafface = (leafface_t *)xmalloc(map->num_leaffaces*sizeof(tempface.dleaffaces[0]));
// Sequentially read all dleafface[] chars from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_leaffaces; i++)
getmem((void *)&leafface->dleaffaces[i],sizeof(leafface->dleaffaces[0]));
return leafface;
// LUMP 10 - Read all BSP leafbrush chars from buffer.
leafbrush_t *read_leafbrushes(void) {
leafbrush_t *leafbrush;
leafbrush_t tempbrush;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of leafbrush_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES].fileofs;
// How many leafbrush_t records are there?
map->num_leafbrushes = header.lumps[LUMP_LEAFBRUSHES].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "leafbrush count=%d\n",map->num_leafbrushes);
if (map->num_leafbrushes <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 leafbrush_t structure
leafbrush = (leafbrush_t *)xmalloc(map->num_leafbrushes*sizeof(tempbrush.dleafbrushes[0]));
// Sequentially read all dleafbrushes[] chars from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_leafbrushes; i++)
getmem((void *)&leafbrush->dleafbrushes[i],sizeof(leafbrush->dleafbrushes[0]));
return leafbrush;
// LUMP 11 - Read all BSP edge structs from buffer.
edge_t *read_edges(void) {
edge_t *edge;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of edge_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_EDGES].fileofs;
// How many edge_t records are there?
map->num_edges = header.lumps[LUMP_EDGES].filelen/sizeof(edge_t);
fprintf(stderr, "edge count=%d\n",map->num_edges);
if (map->num_edges <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all edge_t structures for num_edges
edge = (edge_t *)xmalloc(map->num_edges*sizeof(edge_t));
// Sequentially read edge_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_edges; i++)
getmem((void *)&edge[i],sizeof(edge_t));
return edge;
// LUMP 12 - Read all BSP surfedge chars from buffer.
surfedge_t *read_surfedges(void) {
surfedge_t *surfedge;
surfedge_t surftemp;
long int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of surfedge_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES].fileofs;
// How many surfedge_t records are there?
map->num_surfedges = header.lumps[LUMP_SURFEDGES].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "surfedge count=%d\n",map->num_surfedges);
if (map->num_surfedges <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 surfedge_t structure
surfedge = (surfedge_t *) xmalloc(map->num_surfedges*sizeof(surftemp.dsurfedges[0]));
// Sequentially read all dsurfedges[] chars from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_surfedges; i++)
getmem((void *)&surfedge->dsurfedges[i],sizeof(surfedge->dsurfedges[0]));
return surfedge;
// LUMP 13 - Read all BSP model structs from buffer.
model_t *read_models(void) {
model_t *model;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of model_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_MODELS].fileofs;
// How many model_t records are there?
map->num_models = header.lumps[LUMP_MODELS].filelen/sizeof(model_t);
fprintf(stderr, "model count=%d\n",map->num_models);
if (map->num_models <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all model_t structures for num_models
model = (model_t *)xmalloc(map->num_models*sizeof(model_t));
// Sequentially read model_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_models; i++)
getmem((void *)&model[i],sizeof(model_t));
return model;
// LUMP 14 - Read all BSP brush structs from buffer.
brush_t *read_brushes(void) {
brush_t *brush;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of brush_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_BRUSHES].fileofs;
// How many brush_t records are there?
map->num_brushes = header.lumps[LUMP_BRUSHES].filelen/sizeof(brush_t);
fprintf(stderr, "brush count=%d\n",map->num_brushes);
if (map->num_brushes <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all brush_t structures for num_brushes
brush = (brush_t *)xmalloc(map->num_brushes*sizeof(brush_t));
// Sequentially read brush_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_brushes; i++)
getmem((void *)&brush[i],sizeof(brush_t));
return brush;
// LUMP 15 - Read all BSP brushside structs from buffer.
brushside_t *read_brushsides(void) {
brushside_t *brushside;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of brushside_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_BRUSHSIDES].fileofs;
// How many brushside_t records are there?
map->num_brushsides = header.lumps[LUMP_BRUSHSIDES].filelen/sizeof(brushside_t);
fprintf(stderr, "brushside count=%d\n",map->num_brushsides);
if (map->num_brushsides <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all brushside_t structures for num_brushsides
brushside = (brushside_t *)xmalloc(map->num_brushsides*sizeof(brushside_t));
// Sequentially read brushside_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_brushsides; i++)
getmem((void *)&brushside[i],sizeof(brushside_t));
return brushside;
// LUMP 16 - Read all BSP pop chars from buffer.
pop_t *read_pop(void) {
pop_t *pop;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of pop_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_POP].fileofs;
// How many pop chars are there?
map->num_popchars = header.lumps[LUMP_POP].filelen;
fprintf(stderr, "pop count=%d\n",map->num_popchars);
if (map->num_popchars <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate 1 pop_t structure
pop = (pop_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(pop_t));
// Sequentially read dpop[] bytes from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_popchars; i++)
getmem((void *)&pop->dpop[i],sizeof(pop->dpop[0]));
return pop;
// LUMP 17 - Read all BSP area structs from buffer.
area_t *read_areas(void) {
area_t *area;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of area_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_AREAS].fileofs;
// How many area_t records are there?
map->num_areas = header.lumps[LUMP_AREAS].filelen/sizeof(area_t);
fprintf(stderr, "area count=%d\n",map->num_areas);
if (map->num_areas <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all area_t structures for num_areas
area = (area_t *)xmalloc(map->num_areas*sizeof(area_t));
// Sequentially read area_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_areas; i++)
getmem((void *)&area[i],sizeof(area_t));
return area;
// LUMP 18 - Read all BSP areaportal structs from buffer.
areaportal_t *read_areaportals(void) {
areaportal_t *areaportal;
int i;
// Set GET pointer to start of areaportal_t data
getp = header.lumps[LUMP_AREAPORTALS].fileofs;
// How many areaportal_t records are there?
map->num_areaportals = header.lumps[LUMP_AREAPORTALS].filelen/sizeof(areaportal_t);
fprintf(stderr, "areaportal count=%d\n",map->num_areaportals);
if (map->num_areaportals <= 0) return NULL;
// Allocate all areaportal_t structures for num_areaportals
areaportal = (areaportal_t *)xmalloc(map->num_areaportals*sizeof(areaportal_t));
// Sequentially read areaportal_t structs from buffer
for (i=0; i < map->num_areaportals; i++)
getmem((void *)&areaportal[i],sizeof(areaportal_t));
return areaportal;
// Reads entire BSP file into map_t struct.
void load_bsp_map(char *filepath) {
FILE *f;
long size;
f = fopen(filepath, "rb");
if (!f) {
fprintf(stderr, "fopen: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return ; }
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_END);
if (errno) {
fprintf(stderr, "fseek: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return ; }
size = ftell(f);
if (errno) {
fprintf(stderr, "ftell: %s\n", strerror(errno));
return ; }
fseek(f, 0L, SEEK_SET);
fread(buffer, 1, size, f);
// Read BSP header
// Allocate entire map_t struct
map = (map_t *)xmalloc(sizeof(map_t));
map->entdata = read_entdata();
map->plane = read_planes();
map->vertex = read_vertexs();
map->vis = read_vis();
map->node = read_nodes();
map->texinfo = read_texinfo();
map->face = read_faces();
map->lightdata = read_lightdata();
map->leaf = read_leafs();
map->leafface = read_leaffaces();
map->leafbrush = read_leafbrushes();
map->edge = read_edges();
map->surfedge = read_surfedges();
map->model = read_models();
map->brush = read_brushes();
map->brushside = read_brushsides();
map->pop = read_pop();
map->area = read_areas();
map->areaportal = read_areaportals();
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
char t;
fprintf(stderr, "BSP Tree contains: \n");
fprintf(stderr, "----------------------\n");
fprintf(stderr, "----------------------\n\n\n\n");
printf("waiting for your input ");
return 0;