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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?).
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef _QERTYPE_H
#define _QERTYPE_H
#define MAXPOINTS 16
class texdef_t
name = "";
shift[0] = shift[1] = 0.0;
rotate = 0;
scale[0] = scale[1] = 0;
value = 0;
if ( name && name[0] ) {
delete []name;
name = NULL;
void SetName( const char *p )
if ( name && name[0] ) {
delete []name;
if ( p && p[0] ) {
name = strcpy( new char[strlen(p)+1], p );
else {
name = "";
texdef_t& operator =(const texdef_t& rhs)
if ( &rhs != this ) {
shift[0] = rhs.shift[0];
shift[1] = rhs.shift[1];
rotate = rhs.rotate;
scale[0] = rhs.scale[0];
scale[1] = rhs.scale[1];
value = rhs.value;
return *this;
//char name[128];
char * name;
float shift[2];
float rotate;
float scale[2];
int value;
// Timo
// new brush primitive texdef
//typedef struct brushprimit_texdef_s
// float coords[2][3];
//} brushprimit_texdef_t;
class brushprimit_texdef_t {
float coords[2][3];
brushprimit_texdef_t() {
memset(&coords, 0, sizeof(coords));
coords[0][0] = 1.0;
coords[1][1] = 1.0;
class texturewin_t
texturewin_t() {
memset(&brushprimit_texdef.coords, 0, sizeof(brushprimit_texdef.coords));
brushprimit_texdef.coords[0][0] = 1.0;
brushprimit_texdef.coords[1][1] = 1.0;
~texturewin_t() {
int width, height;
int originy;
// add brushprimit_texdef_t for brush primitive coordinates storage
brushprimit_texdef_t brushprimit_texdef;
int m_nTotalHeight;
// surface plugin, must be casted to a IPluginTexdef*
void* pTexdef;
texdef_t texdef;
#define QER_TRANS 0x00000001
#define QER_NOCARVE 0x00000002
typedef struct qtexture_s
struct qtexture_s *next;
char name[64]; // includes partial directory and extension
int width, height;
int contents;
int flags;
int value;
int texture_number; // gl bind number
// name of the .shader file
char shadername[1024]; // old shader stuff
bool bFromShader; // created from a shader
float fTrans; // amount of transparency
int nShaderFlags; // qer_ shader flags
idVec3 color; // for flat shade mode
bool inuse; // true = is present on the level
// cast this one to an IPluginQTexture if you are using it
// NOTE: casting can be done with a GETPLUGINQTEXTURE defined in isurfaceplugin.h
// TODO: if the __ISURFACEPLUGIN_H_ header is used, use a union { void *pData; IPluginQTexture *pPluginQTexture } kind of thing ?
void *pData;
//++timo FIXME: this is the actual filename of the texture
// this will be removed after shader code cleanup
char filename[64];
} qtexture_t;
//++timo texdef and brushprimit_texdef are static
// TODO : do dynamic ?
typedef struct face_s
struct face_s *next;
struct face_s *original; //used for vertex movement
idVec3 planepts[3];
idVec3 orgplanepts[3]; // used for arbitrary rotation
texdef_t texdef;
idPlane plane;
idPlane originalPlane;
bool dirty;
idWinding *face_winding;
idVec3 d_color;
const idMaterial *d_texture;
// Timo new brush primit texdef
brushprimit_texdef_t brushprimit_texdef;
// cast this one to an IPluginTexdef if you are using it
// NOTE: casting can be done with a GETPLUGINTEXDEF defined in isurfaceplugin.h
// TODO: if the __ISURFACEPLUGIN_H_ header is used, use a union { void *pData; IPluginTexdef *pPluginTexdef } kind of thing ?
void *pData;
} face_t;
typedef struct {
idVec3 xyz;
float sideST[2];
float capST[2];
} curveVertex_t;
typedef struct {
curveVertex_t v[2];
} sideVertex_t;
#define MAX_PATCH_WIDTH 64
// patch type info
// type in lower 16 bits, flags in upper
// endcaps directly follow this patch in the list
// types
#define PATCH_GENERIC 0x00000000 // generic flat patch
#define PATCH_CYLINDER 0x00000001 // cylinder
#define PATCH_BEVEL 0x00000002 // bevel
#define PATCH_ENDCAP 0x00000004 // endcap
#define PATCH_HEMISPHERE 0x00000008 // hemisphere
#define PATCH_CONE 0x00000010 // cone
#define PATCH_TRIANGLE 0x00000020 // simple tri, assumes 3x3 patch
// behaviour styles
#define PATCH_CAP 0x00001000 // flat patch applied as a cap
#define PATCH_SEAM 0x00002000 // flat patch applied as a seam
#define PATCH_THICK 0x00004000 // patch applied as a thick portion
// styles
#define PATCH_BEZIER 0x00000000 // default bezier
#define PATCH_BSPLINE 0x10000000 // bspline
#define PATCH_TYPEMASK 0x00000fff //
#define PATCH_BTYPEMASK 0x0000f000 //
#define PATCH_STYLEMASK 0xffff0000 //
struct brush_s;
typedef struct brush_s brush_t;
typedef struct {
int width, height; // in control points, not patches
int horzSubdivisions;
int vertSubdivisions;
bool explicitSubdivisions;
int contents, flags, value, type;
const idMaterial *d_texture;
idDrawVert *verts;
//idDrawVert *ctrl;
brush_t * pSymbiot;
bool bSelected;
bool bOverlay;
int nListID;
int nListIDCam;
int nListSelected;
idDict * epairs;
// cast this one to an IPluginTexdef if you are using it
// NOTE: casting can be done with a GETPLUGINTEXDEF defined in isurfaceplugin.h
// TODO: if the __ISURFACEPLUGIN_H_ header is used, use a union { void *pData; IPluginTexdef *pPluginTexdef } kind of thing ?
void * pData;
ID_INLINE idDrawVert &ctrl( int col, int row ) {
if ( col < 0 || col >= width || row < 0 || row >= height ) {
common->Warning( "patchMesh_t::ctrl: control point out of range" );
return verts[0];
else {
return verts[row * width + col];
} patchMesh_t;
enum {
typedef struct brush_s
struct brush_s *prev, *next; // links in active/selected
struct brush_s *oprev, *onext; // links in entity
brush_t * list; //keep a handy link to the list its in
struct entity_s *owner;
idVec3 mins, maxs;
idVec3 lightCenter; // for moving the shading center of point lights
idVec3 lightRight;
idVec3 lightTarget;
idVec3 lightUp;
idVec3 lightRadius;
idVec3 lightOffset;
idVec3 lightColor;
idVec3 lightStart;
idVec3 lightEnd;
bool pointLight;
bool startEnd;
int lightTexture;
bool trackLightOrigin; // this brush is a special case light brush
bool entityModel;
face_t *brush_faces;
bool bModelFailed;
// curve brush extensions
// all are derived from brush_faces
bool hiddenBrush;
bool forceWireFrame;
bool forceVisibile;
patchMesh_t *pPatch;
struct entity_s *pUndoOwner;
int undoId; //undo ID
int redoId; //redo ID
int ownerId; //entityId of the owner entity for undo
// TTimo: HTREEITEM is MFC, some plugins really don't like it
int numberId; // brush number
HTREEITEM itemOwner; // owner for grouping
int numberId;
DWORD itemOwner;
idRenderModel *modelHandle;
// brush primitive only
idDict epairs;
} brush_t;
#define MAX_FLAGS 8
typedef struct trimodel_t
idVec3 v[3];
float st[3][2];
} trimodel;
// eclass show flags
#define ECLASS_LIGHT 0x00000001
#define ECLASS_ANGLE 0x00000002
#define ECLASS_PATH 0x00000004
#define ECLASS_MISCMODEL 0x00000008
#define ECLASS_PLUGINENTITY 0x00000010
#define ECLASS_PROJECTEDLIGHT 0x00000020
#define ECLASS_WORLDSPAWN 0x00000040
#define ECLASS_SPEAKER 0x00000080
#define ECLASS_PARTICLE 0x00000100
#define ECLASS_ROTATABLE 0x00000200
#define ECLASS_CAMERAVIEW 0x00000400
#define ECLASS_MOVER 0x00000800
#define ECLASS_ENV 0x00001000
#define ECLASS_COMBATNODE 0x00002000
#define ECLASS_LIQUID 0x00004000
typedef struct evar_s {
int type;
idStr name;
idStr desc;
} evar_t;
typedef struct eclass_s
struct eclass_s *next;
idStr name;
bool fixedsize;
bool unknown; // wasn't found in source
idVec3 mins, maxs;
idVec3 color;
texdef_t texdef;
idStr comments;
idStr desc;
idRenderModel *modelHandle;
idRenderModel *entityModel;
int nFrame;
unsigned int nShowFlags;
idStr defMaterial;
idDict args;
idDict defArgs;
idList<evar_t> vars;
} eclass_t;
extern eclass_t *eclass;
** window bits
#define W_CAMERA 0x0001
#define W_XY 0x0002
#define W_XY_OVERLAY 0x0004
#define W_Z 0x0008
#define W_TEXTURE 0x0010
#define W_Z_OVERLAY 0x0020
#define W_CONSOLE 0x0040
#define W_ENTITY 0x0080
#define W_CAMERA_IFON 0x0100
#define W_XZ 0x0200 //--| only used for patch vertex manip stuff
#define W_YZ 0x0400 //--|
#define W_MEDIA 0x1000
#define W_GAME 0x2000
#define W_ALL 0xFFFFFFFF
// used in some Drawing routines