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synced 2025-03-02 06:51:58 +00:00
## 1.5.0 2020-09-28 * Drum note length expanding is now supported in real-time mode (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Added support for OPNA chip with Neko Project II Kai YM2602 emulator usage (Thanks to [Jean Pierre Cimalando](https://github.com/jpcima) for a work!) * Added VGM file dumper which allows to output OPN2 commands into VGM file. (A new MIDI to VGM tool is now created with basing on libOPNMIDI) * Fixed an incorrect work of CC-121 (See https://github.com/Wohlstand/libADLMIDI/issues/227 for details) * Internality has been refactored and improved
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
#include "resampler.hpp"
enum Stereo
LEFT = 0,
static const size_t SMPL_BUF_SIZE_ = 0x10000;
namespace chip
for (int pan = LEFT; pan <= RIGHT; ++pan) {
destBuf_[pan] = new sample[SMPL_BUF_SIZE_]();
for (int pan = LEFT; pan <= RIGHT; ++pan) {
delete[] destBuf_[pan];
void AbstractResampler::init(int srcRate, int destRate, size_t maxDuration)
srcRate_ = srcRate;
maxDuration_ = maxDuration;
destRate_ = destRate;
void AbstractResampler::setDestributionRate(int destRate)
destRate_ = destRate;
void AbstractResampler::setMaxDuration(size_t maxDuration)
maxDuration_ = maxDuration;
sample** LinearResampler::interpolate(sample** src, size_t nSamples, size_t intrSize)
// Linear interplation
for (int pan = LEFT; pan <= RIGHT; ++pan) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < nSamples; ++n) {
float curnf = n * rateRatio_;
int curni = static_cast<int>(curnf);
float sub = curnf - curni;
if (sub) {
destBuf_[pan][n] = static_cast<sample>(src[pan][curni] + (src[pan][curni + 1] - src[pan][curni]) * sub);
else /* if (sub == 0) */ {
destBuf_[pan][n] = src[pan][curni];
return destBuf_;
const float SincResampler::F_PI_ = 3.14159265f;
const int SincResampler::SINC_OFFSET_ = 16;
void SincResampler::init(int srcRate, int destRate, size_t maxDuration)
AbstractResampler::init(srcRate, destRate, maxDuration);
void SincResampler::setDestributionRate(int destRate)
void SincResampler::setMaxDuration(size_t maxDuration)
sample** SincResampler::interpolate(sample** src, size_t nSamples, size_t intrSize)
// Sinc interpolation
size_t offsetx2 = SINC_OFFSET_ << 1;
for (int pan = LEFT; pan <= RIGHT; ++pan) {
for (size_t n = 0; n < nSamples; ++n) {
size_t seg = n * offsetx2;
int curn = static_cast<int>(n * rateRatio_);
int k = curn - SINC_OFFSET_;
if (k < 0) k = 0;
int end = curn + SINC_OFFSET_;
if (static_cast<size_t>(end) > intrSize) end = static_cast<int>(intrSize);
sample samp = 0;
for (; k < end; ++k) {
samp += static_cast<sample>(src[pan][k] * sincTable_[seg + SINC_OFFSET_ + (k - curn)]);
destBuf_[pan][n] = samp;
return destBuf_;
void SincResampler::initSincTables()
size_t maxSamples = destRate_ * maxDuration_ / 1000;
if (srcRate_ != destRate_) {
size_t intrSize = calculateInternalSampleSize(maxSamples);
size_t offsetx2 = SINC_OFFSET_ << 1;
sincTable_.resize(maxSamples * offsetx2);
for (size_t n = 0; n < maxSamples; ++n) {
size_t seg = n * offsetx2;
float rcurn = n * rateRatio_;
int curn = static_cast<int>(rcurn);
int k = curn - SINC_OFFSET_;
if (k < 0) k = 0;
int end = curn + SINC_OFFSET_;
if (static_cast<size_t>(end) > intrSize) end = static_cast<int>(intrSize);
for (; k < end; ++k) {
sincTable_[seg + SINC_OFFSET_ + (k - curn)] = sinc(F_PI_ * (rcurn - k));