/* * libADLMIDI is a free MIDI to WAV conversion library with OPL3 emulation * * Original ADLMIDI code: Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Joel Yliluoma <bisqwit@iki.fi> * ADLMIDI Library API: Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Vitaly Novichkov <admin@wohlnet.ru> * * Library is based on the ADLMIDI, a MIDI player for Linux and Windows with OPL3 emulation: * http://iki.fi/bisqwit/source/adlmidi.html * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #ifndef ADLMIDI_PRIVATE_HPP #define ADLMIDI_PRIVATE_HPP #define OPNMIDI_UNSTABLE_API // Setup compiler defines useful for exporting required public API symbols in gme.cpp #ifndef OPNMIDI_EXPORT # if defined (_WIN32) && defined(OPNMIDI_BUILD_DLL) # define OPNMIDI_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) # elif defined (LIBOPNMIDI_VISIBILITY) && defined (__GNUC__) # define OPNMIDI_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility ("default"))) # else # define OPNMIDI_EXPORT # endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define NOMINMAX 1 #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # undef NO_OLDNAMES # include <stdint.h> # ifdef _MSC_VER # ifdef _WIN64 typedef __int64 ssize_t; # else typedef __int32 ssize_t; # endif # define NOMINMAX 1 //Don't override std::min and std::max # else # ifdef _WIN64 typedef int64_t ssize_t; # else typedef int32_t ssize_t; # endif # endif # include <windows.h> #endif #include <vector> #include <list> #include <string> #include <map> #include <set> #include <new> // nothrow #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <cmath> #include <cstdarg> #include <cstdio> #include <cassert> #include <vector> // vector #include <deque> // deque #include <cmath> // exp, log, ceil #include <inttypes.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <limits> // numeric_limit #ifndef _WIN32 #include <errno.h> #endif #include <deque> #include <algorithm> /* * Workaround for some compilers are has no those macros in their headers! */ #ifndef INT8_MIN #define INT8_MIN (-0x7f - 1) #endif #ifndef INT16_MIN #define INT16_MIN (-0x7fff - 1) #endif #ifndef INT32_MIN #define INT32_MIN (-0x7fffffff - 1) #endif #ifndef INT8_MAX #define INT8_MAX 0x7f #endif #ifndef INT16_MAX #define INT16_MAX 0x7fff #endif #ifndef INT32_MAX #define INT32_MAX 0x7fffffff #endif #include "file_reader.hpp" #ifndef OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER // Rename class to avoid ABI collisions #define BW_MidiSequencer OpnMidiSequencer #include "midi_sequencer.hpp" typedef BW_MidiSequencer MidiSequencer; #endif//OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER #include "chips/opn_chip_base.h" #include "opnbank.h" #define OPNMIDI_BUILD #include "opnmidi.h" //Main API #include "opnmidi_ptr.hpp" #include "opnmidi_bankmap.h" #define ADL_UNUSED(x) (void)x #define OPN_PANNING_LEFT 0x80 #define OPN_PANNING_RIGHT 0x40 #define OPN_PANNING_BOTH 0xC0 #define OPN_MAX_CHIPS 100 #define OPN_MAX_CHIPS_STR "100" extern std::string OPN2MIDI_ErrorString; /* Sample conversions to various formats */ template <class Real> inline Real opn2_cvtReal(int32_t x) { return static_cast<Real>(x) * (static_cast<Real>(1) / static_cast<Real>(INT16_MAX)); } inline int32_t opn2_cvtS16(int32_t x) { x = (x < INT16_MIN) ? INT16_MIN : x; x = (x > INT16_MAX) ? INT16_MAX : x; return x; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtS8(int32_t x) { return opn2_cvtS16(x) / 256; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtS24(int32_t x) { return opn2_cvtS16(x) * 256; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtS32(int32_t x) { return opn2_cvtS16(x) * 65536; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtU16(int32_t x) { return opn2_cvtS16(x) - INT16_MIN; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtU8(int32_t x) { return opn2_cvtS8(x) - INT8_MIN; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtU24(int32_t x) { enum { int24_min = -(1 << 23) }; return opn2_cvtS24(x) - int24_min; } inline int32_t opn2_cvtU32(int32_t x) { // unsigned operation because overflow on signed integers is undefined return (uint32_t)opn2_cvtS32(x) - (uint32_t)INT32_MIN; } class OPNMIDIplay; /** * @brief OPN2 Chip management class */ class OPN2 { friend class OPNMIDIplay; public: enum { PercussionTag = 1 << 15 }; //! Total number of chip channels between all running emulators uint32_t m_numChannels; //! Just a padding. Reserved. char _padding[4]; //! Running chip emulators std::vector<AdlMIDI_SPtr<OPNChipBase > > m_chips; private: //! Cached patch data, needed by Touch() std::vector<opnInstData> m_insCache; //! Cached per-channel LFO sensitivity flags std::vector<uint8_t> m_regLFOSens; //! LFO setup registry cache uint8_t m_regLFOSetup; public: /** * @brief MIDI bank entry */ struct Bank { //! MIDI Bank instruments opnInstMeta2 ins[128]; }; typedef BasicBankMap<Bank> BankMap; //! MIDI bank instruments data BankMap m_insBanks; //! MIDI bank-wide setup OpnBankSetup m_insBankSetup; public: //! Blank instrument template static const opnInstMeta2 m_emptyInstrument; //! Total number of running concurrent emulated chips uint32_t m_numChips; //! Carriers-only are scaled by default by volume level. This flag will tell to scale modulators too. bool m_scaleModulators; //! Run emulator at PCM rate if that possible. Reduces sounding accuracy, but decreases CPU usage on lower rates. bool m_runAtPcmRate; //! Enable soft panning bool m_softPanning; //! Just a padding. Reserved. char _padding2[3]; /** * @brief Music playing mode */ enum MusicMode { //! MIDI mode MODE_MIDI, //! Id-Software Music mode MODE_IMF, //! Creative Music Files mode MODE_CMF, //! EA-MUS (a.k.a. RSXX) mode MODE_RSXX } m_musicMode; /** * @brief Volume models enum */ enum VolumesScale { //! Generic volume model (linearization of logarithmic scale) VOLUME_Generic, //! OPN2 native logarithmic scale VOLUME_NATIVE, //! DMX volume scale logarithmic table VOLUME_DMX, //! Apoge Sound System volume scaling model VOLUME_APOGEE, //! Windows 9x driver volume scale table VOLUME_9X } m_volumeScale; //! Reserved bool m_lfoEnable; uint8_t m_lfoFrequency; //! Category of the channel /*! 1 = DAC, 0 = regular */ std::vector<char> m_channelCategory; /** * @brief C.O. Constructor */ OPN2(); /** * @brief C.O. Destructor */ ~OPN2(); /** * @brief Checks are setup locked to be changed on the fly or not * @return true when setup on the fly is locked */ bool setupLocked(); /** * @brief Write data to OPN2 chip register * @param chip Index of emulated chip. In hardware OPN2 builds, this parameter is ignored * @param port Port of the chip to write * @param index Register address to write * @param value Value to write */ void writeReg(size_t chip, uint8_t port, uint8_t index, uint8_t value); /** * @brief Write data to OPN2 chip register * @param chip Index of emulated chip. In hardware OPN2 builds, this parameter is ignored * @param port Port of the chip to write * @param index Register address to write * @param value Value to write */ void writeRegI(size_t chip, uint8_t port, uint32_t index, uint32_t value); /** * @brief Write to soft panning control of OPN2 chip emulator * @param chip Index of emulated chip. * @param address Register of channel to write * @param value Value to write */ void writePan(size_t chip, uint32_t index, uint32_t value); /** * @brief Off the note in specified chip channel * @param c Channel of chip (Emulated chip choosing by next formula: [c = ch + (chipId * 23)]) */ void noteOff(size_t c); /** * @brief On the note in specified chip channel with specified frequency of the tone * @param c Channel of chip (Emulated chip choosing by next formula: [c = ch + (chipId * 23)]) * @param hertz Frequency of the tone in hertzes */ void noteOn(size_t c, double hertz); /** * @brief Change setup of instrument in specified chip channel * @param c Channel of chip (Emulated chip choosing by next formula: [c = ch + (chipId * 23)]) * @param volume Volume level (from 0 to 127) * @param brightness CC74 Brightness level (from 0 to 127) */ void touchNote(size_t c, uint8_t volume, uint8_t brightness = 127); /** * @brief Set the instrument into specified chip channel * @param c Channel of chip (Emulated chip choosing by next formula: [c = ch + (chipId * 23)]) * @param instrument Instrument data to set into the chip channel */ void setPatch(size_t c, const opnInstData &instrument); /** * @brief Set panpot position * @param c Channel of chip (Emulated chip choosing by next formula: [c = ch + (chipId * 23)]) * @param value 3-bit panpot value */ void setPan(size_t c, uint8_t value); /** * @brief Shut up all chip channels */ void silenceAll(); /** * @brief commit LFO enable and frequency */ void commitLFOSetup(); /** * @brief Set the volume scaling model * @param volumeModel Type of volume scale model scale */ void setVolumeScaleModel(OPNMIDI_VolumeModels volumeModel); /** * @brief Get the volume scaling model */ OPNMIDI_VolumeModels getVolumeScaleModel(); /** * @brief Clean up all running emulated chip instances */ void clearChips(); /** * @brief Reset chip properties and initialize them * @param emulator Type of chip emulator * @param PCM_RATE Output sample rate to generate on output * @param audioTickHandler PCM-accurate clock hook */ void reset(int emulator, unsigned long PCM_RATE, void *audioTickHandler); }; /** * @brief Hooks of the internal events */ struct MIDIEventHooks { MIDIEventHooks() : onNote(NULL), onNote_userData(NULL), onDebugMessage(NULL), onDebugMessage_userData(NULL) {} //! Note on/off hooks typedef void (*NoteHook)(void *userdata, int adlchn, int note, int ins, int pressure, double bend); NoteHook onNote; void *onNote_userData; //! Library internal debug messages typedef void (*DebugMessageHook)(void *userdata, const char *fmt, ...); DebugMessageHook onDebugMessage; void *onDebugMessage_userData; }; class OPNMIDIplay { friend void opn2_reset(struct OPN2_MIDIPlayer*); public: explicit OPNMIDIplay(unsigned long sampleRate = 22050); ~OPNMIDIplay() {} void applySetup(); void partialReset(); void resetMIDI(); /**********************Internal structures and classes**********************/ /** * @brief Persistent settings for each MIDI channel */ struct MIDIchannel { //! LSB Bank number uint8_t bank_lsb, //! MSB Bank number bank_msb; //! Current patch number uint8_t patch; //! Volume level uint8_t volume, //! Expression level expression; //! Panning level uint8_t panning, //! Vibrato level vibrato, //! Channel aftertouch level aftertouch; //! Portamento time uint16_t portamento; //! Is Pedal sustain active bool sustain; //! Is Soft pedal active bool softPedal; //! Is portamento enabled bool portamentoEnable; //! Source note number used by portamento int8_t portamentoSource; // note number or -1 //! Portamento rate double portamentoRate; //! Per note Aftertouch values uint8_t noteAftertouch[128]; //! Is note aftertouch has any non-zero value bool noteAfterTouchInUse; //! Reserved char _padding[6]; //! Pitch bend value int bend; //! Pitch bend sensitivity double bendsense; //! Pitch bend sensitivity LSB value int bendsense_lsb, //! Pitch bend sensitivity MSB value bendsense_msb; //! Vibrato position value double vibpos, //! Vibrato speed value vibspeed, //! Vibrato depth value vibdepth; //! Vibrato delay time int64_t vibdelay_us; //! Last LSB part of RPN value received uint8_t lastlrpn, //! Last MSB poart of RPN value received lastmrpn; //! Interpret RPN value as NRPN bool nrpn; //! Brightness level uint8_t brightness; //! Is melodic channel turned into percussion bool is_xg_percussion; /** * @brief Per-Note information */ struct NoteInfo { //! Note number uint8_t note; //! Is note active bool active; //! Current pressure uint8_t vol; //! Note vibrato (a part of Note Aftertouch feature) uint8_t vibrato; //! Tone selected on noteon: int16_t noteTone; //! Current tone (!= noteTone if gliding note) double currentTone; //! Gliding rate double glideRate; //! Patch selected on noteon; index to bank.ins[] size_t midiins; //! Is note the percussion instrument bool isPercussion; //! Note that plays missing instrument. Doesn't using any chip channels bool isBlank; //! Patch selected const opnInstMeta2 *ains; enum { MaxNumPhysChans = 2, MaxNumPhysItemCount = MaxNumPhysChans, }; /** * @brief Reference to currently using chip channel */ struct Phys { //! Destination chip channel uint16_t chip_chan; //! ins, inde to adl[] opnInstData ains; void assign(const Phys &oth) { ains = oth.ains; } bool operator==(const Phys &oth) const { return (ains == oth.ains); } bool operator!=(const Phys &oth) const { return !operator==(oth); } }; //! List of OPN2 channels it is currently occupying. Phys chip_channels[MaxNumPhysItemCount]; //! Count of used channels. unsigned chip_channels_count; Phys *phys_find(unsigned chip_chan) { Phys *ph = NULL; for(unsigned i = 0; i < chip_channels_count && !ph; ++i) if(chip_channels[i].chip_chan == chip_chan) ph = &chip_channels[i]; return ph; } Phys *phys_find_or_create(uint16_t chip_chan) { Phys *ph = phys_find(chip_chan); if(!ph) { if(chip_channels_count < MaxNumPhysItemCount) { ph = &chip_channels[chip_channels_count++]; ph->chip_chan = chip_chan; } } return ph; } Phys *phys_ensure_find_or_create(uint16_t chip_chan) { Phys *ph = phys_find_or_create(chip_chan); assert(ph); return ph; } void phys_erase_at(const Phys *ph) { intptr_t pos = ph - chip_channels; assert(pos < static_cast<intptr_t>(chip_channels_count)); for(intptr_t i = pos + 1; i < static_cast<intptr_t>(chip_channels_count); ++i) chip_channels[i - 1] = chip_channels[i]; --chip_channels_count; } void phys_erase(unsigned chip_chan) { Phys *ph = phys_find(chip_chan); if(ph) phys_erase_at(ph); } }; //! Reserved char _padding2[5]; //! Count of gliding notes in this channel unsigned gliding_note_count; //! Active notes in the channel NoteInfo activenotes[128]; struct activenoteiterator { explicit activenoteiterator(NoteInfo *info = NULL) : ptr(info) {} activenoteiterator &operator++() { if(ptr->note == 127) ptr = NULL; else for(++ptr; ptr && !ptr->active;) ptr = (ptr->note == 127) ? NULL : (ptr + 1); return *this; } activenoteiterator operator++(int) { activenoteiterator pos = *this; ++*this; return pos; } NoteInfo &operator*() const { return *ptr; } NoteInfo *operator->() const { return ptr; } bool operator==(activenoteiterator other) const { return ptr == other.ptr; } bool operator!=(activenoteiterator other) const { return ptr != other.ptr; } operator NoteInfo *() const { return ptr; } private: NoteInfo *ptr; }; activenoteiterator activenotes_begin() { activenoteiterator it(activenotes); return (it->active) ? it : ++it; } activenoteiterator activenotes_find(uint8_t note) { assert(note < 128); return activenoteiterator( activenotes[note].active ? &activenotes[note] : NULL); } activenoteiterator activenotes_ensure_find(uint8_t note) { activenoteiterator it = activenotes_find(note); assert(it); return it; } std::pair<activenoteiterator, bool> activenotes_insert(uint8_t note) { assert(note < 128); NoteInfo &info = activenotes[note]; bool inserted = !info.active; if(inserted) info.active = true; return std::pair<activenoteiterator, bool>(activenoteiterator(&info), inserted); } void activenotes_erase(activenoteiterator pos) { if(pos) pos->active = false; } bool activenotes_empty() { return !activenotes_begin(); } void activenotes_clear() { for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { activenotes[i].note = i; activenotes[i].active = false; } } /** * @brief Reset channel into initial state */ void reset() { resetAllControllers(); patch = 0; vibpos = 0; bank_lsb = 0; bank_msb = 0; lastlrpn = 0; lastmrpn = 0; nrpn = false; is_xg_percussion = false; } /** * @brief Reset all MIDI controllers into initial state */ void resetAllControllers() { bend = 0; bendsense_msb = 2; bendsense_lsb = 0; updateBendSensitivity(); volume = 100; expression = 127; sustain = false; softPedal = false; vibrato = 0; aftertouch = 0; std::memset(noteAftertouch, 0, 128); noteAfterTouchInUse = false; vibspeed = 2 * 3.141592653 * 5.0; vibdepth = 0.5 / 127; vibdelay_us = 0; panning = 64; portamento = 0; portamentoEnable = false; portamentoSource = -1; portamentoRate = HUGE_VAL; brightness = 127; } /** * @brief Has channel vibrato to process * @return */ bool hasVibrato() { return (vibrato > 0) || (aftertouch > 0) || noteAfterTouchInUse; } /** * @brief Commit pitch bend sensitivity value from MSB and LSB */ void updateBendSensitivity() { int cent = bendsense_msb * 128 + bendsense_lsb; bendsense = cent * (1.0 / (128 * 8192)); } MIDIchannel() { activenotes_clear(); gliding_note_count = 0; reset(); } }; /** * @brief Additional information about OPN2 channels */ struct OpnChannel { struct Location { uint16_t MidCh; uint8_t note; bool operator==(const Location &l) const { return MidCh == l.MidCh && note == l.note; } bool operator!=(const Location &l) const { return !operator==(l); } char _padding[1]; }; struct LocationData { LocationData *prev, *next; Location loc; enum { Sustain_None = 0x00, Sustain_Pedal = 0x01, Sustain_Sostenuto = 0x02, Sustain_ANY = Sustain_Pedal | Sustain_Sostenuto, }; uint32_t sustained; char _padding[3]; MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys ins; // a copy of that in phys[] //! Has fixed sustain, don't iterate "on" timeout bool fixed_sustain; //! Timeout until note will be allowed to be killed by channel manager while it is on int64_t kon_time_until_neglible_us; int64_t vibdelay_us; }; //! Time left until sounding will be muted after key off int64_t koff_time_until_neglible_us; //! Recently passed instrument, improves a goodness of released but busy channel when matching MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys recent_ins; enum { users_max = 128 }; LocationData *users_first, *users_free_cells; LocationData users_cells[users_max]; unsigned users_size; bool users_empty() const; LocationData *users_find(Location loc); LocationData *users_allocate(); LocationData *users_find_or_create(Location loc); LocationData *users_insert(const LocationData &x); void users_erase(LocationData *user); void users_clear(); void users_assign(const LocationData *users, size_t count); // For channel allocation: OpnChannel(): koff_time_until_neglible_us(0) { users_clear(); std::memset(&recent_ins, 0, sizeof(MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys)); } OpnChannel(const OpnChannel &oth): koff_time_until_neglible_us(oth.koff_time_until_neglible_us) { if(oth.users_first) { users_first = NULL; users_assign(oth.users_first, oth.users_size); } else users_clear(); } OpnChannel &operator=(const OpnChannel &oth) { koff_time_until_neglible_us = oth.koff_time_until_neglible_us; users_assign(oth.users_first, oth.users_size); return *this; } /** * @brief Increases age of active note in microseconds time * @param us Amount time in microseconds */ void addAge(int64_t us); }; #ifndef OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER /** * @brief MIDI files player sequencer */ MidiSequencer m_sequencer; /** * @brief Interface between MIDI sequencer and this library */ BW_MidiRtInterface m_sequencerInterface; /** * @brief Initialize MIDI sequencer interface */ void initSequencerInterface(); #endif //OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER struct Setup { int emulator; bool runAtPcmRate; unsigned int OpnBank; unsigned int numChips; unsigned int LogarithmicVolumes; int VolumeModel; int lfoEnable; int lfoFrequency; //unsigned int SkipForward; int ScaleModulators; bool fullRangeBrightnessCC74; double delay; double carry; /* The lag between visual content and audio content equals */ /* the sum of these two buffers. */ double mindelay; double maxdelay; /* For internal usage */ ssize_t tick_skip_samples_delay; /* Skip tick processing after samples count. */ /* For internal usage */ unsigned long PCM_RATE; }; /** * @brief MIDI Marker entry */ struct MIDI_MarkerEntry { //! Label of marker std::string label; //! Absolute position in seconds double pos_time; //! Absolute position in ticks in the track uint64_t pos_ticks; }; //! Available MIDI Channels std::vector<MIDIchannel> m_midiChannels; //! Master volume, controlled via SysEx uint8_t m_masterVolume; //! SysEx device ID uint8_t m_sysExDeviceId; /** * @brief MIDI Synthesizer mode */ enum SynthMode { Mode_GM = 0x00, Mode_GS = 0x01, Mode_XG = 0x02, Mode_GM2 = 0x04, }; //! MIDI Synthesizer mode uint32_t m_synthMode; //! Installed function hooks MIDIEventHooks hooks; private: //! Per-track MIDI devices map std::map<std::string, size_t> m_midiDevices; //! Current MIDI device per track std::map<size_t /*track*/, size_t /*channel begin index*/> m_currentMidiDevice; //! Chip channels map std::vector<OpnChannel> m_chipChannels; //! Counter of arpeggio processing size_t m_arpeggioCounter; #if defined(ADLMIDI_AUDIO_TICK_HANDLER) //! Audio tick counter uint32_t m_audioTickCounter; #endif //! Local error string std::string errorStringOut; //! Missing instruments catches std::set<size_t> caugh_missing_instruments; //! Missing melodic banks catches std::set<size_t> caugh_missing_banks_melodic; //! Missing percussion banks catches std::set<size_t> caugh_missing_banks_percussion; public: const std::string &getErrorString(); void setErrorString(const std::string &err); //! OPN2 Chip manager OPN2 m_synth; //! Generator output buffer int32_t m_outBuf[1024]; //! Synthesizer setup Setup m_setup; /** * @brief Load bank from file * @param filename Path to bank file * @return true on succes */ bool LoadBank(const std::string &filename); /** * @brief Load bank from memory block * @param data Pointer to memory block where raw bank file is stored * @param size Size of given memory block * @return true on succes */ bool LoadBank(const void *data, size_t size); /** * @brief Load bank from opened FileAndMemReader class * @param fr Instance with opened file * @return true on succes */ bool LoadBank(FileAndMemReader &fr); #ifndef OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER /** * @brief MIDI file loading pre-process * @return true on success, false on failure */ bool LoadMIDI_pre(); /** * @brief MIDI file loading post-process * @return true on success, false on failure */ bool LoadMIDI_post(); /** * @brief Load music file from a file * @param filename Path to music file * @return true on success, false on failure */ bool LoadMIDI(const std::string &filename); /** * @brief Load music file from the memory block * @param data pointer to the memory block * @param size size of memory block * @return true on success, false on failure */ bool LoadMIDI(const void *data, size_t size); /** * @brief Periodic tick handler. * @param s seconds since last call * @param granularity don't expect intervals smaller than this, in seconds * @return desired number of seconds until next call */ double Tick(double s, double granularity); #endif //OPNMIDI_DISABLE_MIDI_SEQUENCER /** * @brief Process extra iterators like vibrato or arpeggio * @param s seconds since last call */ void TickIterators(double s); /* RealTime event triggers */ /** * @brief Reset state of all channels */ void realTime_ResetState(); /** * @brief Note On event * @param channel MIDI channel * @param note Note key (from 0 to 127) * @param velocity Velocity level (from 0 to 127) * @return true if Note On event was accepted */ bool realTime_NoteOn(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t velocity); /** * @brief Note Off event * @param channel MIDI channel * @param note Note key (from 0 to 127) */ void realTime_NoteOff(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note); /** * @brief Note aftertouch event * @param channel MIDI channel * @param note Note key (from 0 to 127) * @param atVal After-Touch level (from 0 to 127) */ void realTime_NoteAfterTouch(uint8_t channel, uint8_t note, uint8_t atVal); /** * @brief Channel aftertouch event * @param channel MIDI channel * @param atVal After-Touch level (from 0 to 127) */ void realTime_ChannelAfterTouch(uint8_t channel, uint8_t atVal); /** * @brief Controller Change event * @param channel MIDI channel * @param type Type of controller * @param value Value of the controller (from 0 to 127) */ void realTime_Controller(uint8_t channel, uint8_t type, uint8_t value); /** * @brief Patch change * @param channel MIDI channel * @param patch Patch Number (from 0 to 127) */ void realTime_PatchChange(uint8_t channel, uint8_t patch); /** * @brief Pitch bend change * @param channel MIDI channel * @param pitch Concoctated raw pitch value */ void realTime_PitchBend(uint8_t channel, uint16_t pitch); /** * @brief Pitch bend change * @param channel MIDI channel * @param msb MSB of pitch value * @param lsb LSB of pitch value */ void realTime_PitchBend(uint8_t channel, uint8_t msb, uint8_t lsb); /** * @brief LSB Bank Change CC * @param channel MIDI channel * @param lsb LSB value of bank number */ void realTime_BankChangeLSB(uint8_t channel, uint8_t lsb); /** * @brief MSB Bank Change CC * @param channel MIDI channel * @param lsb MSB value of bank number */ void realTime_BankChangeMSB(uint8_t channel, uint8_t msb); /** * @brief Bank Change (united value) * @param channel MIDI channel * @param bank Bank number value */ void realTime_BankChange(uint8_t channel, uint16_t bank); /** * @brief Sets the Device identifier * @param id 7-bit Device identifier */ void setDeviceId(uint8_t id); /** * @brief System Exclusive message * @param msg Raw SysEx Message * @param size Length of SysEx message * @return true if message was passed successfully. False on any errors */ bool realTime_SysEx(const uint8_t *msg, size_t size); /** * @brief Turn off all notes and mute the sound of releasing notes */ void realTime_panic(); /** * @brief Device switch (to extend 16-channels limit of MIDI standard) * @param track MIDI track index * @param data Device name * @param length Length of device name string */ void realTime_deviceSwitch(size_t track, const char *data, size_t length); /** * @brief Currently selected device index * @param track MIDI track index * @return Multiple 16 value */ size_t realTime_currentDevice(size_t track); #if defined(ADLMIDI_AUDIO_TICK_HANDLER) // Audio rate tick handler void AudioTick(uint32_t chipId, uint32_t rate); #endif private: /** * @brief Hardware manufacturer (Used for SysEx) */ enum { Manufacturer_Roland = 0x41, Manufacturer_Yamaha = 0x43, Manufacturer_UniversalNonRealtime = 0x7E, Manufacturer_UniversalRealtime = 0x7F }; /** * @brief Roland Mode (Used for SysEx) */ enum { RolandMode_Request = 0x11, RolandMode_Send = 0x12 }; /** * @brief Device model (Used for SysEx) */ enum { RolandModel_GS = 0x42, RolandModel_SC55 = 0x45, YamahaModel_XG = 0x4C }; /** * @brief Process generic SysEx events * @param dev Device ID * @param realtime Is real-time event * @param data Raw SysEx data * @param size Size of given SysEx data * @return true when event was successfully handled */ bool doUniversalSysEx(unsigned dev, bool realtime, const uint8_t *data, size_t size); /** * @brief Process events specific to Roland devices * @param dev Device ID * @param data Raw SysEx data * @param size Size of given SysEx data * @return true when event was successfully handled */ bool doRolandSysEx(unsigned dev, const uint8_t *data, size_t size); /** * @brief Process events specific to Yamaha devices * @param dev Device ID * @param data Raw SysEx data * @param size Size of given SysEx data * @return true when event was successfully handled */ bool doYamahaSysEx(unsigned dev, const uint8_t *data, size_t size); private: /** * @brief Note Update properties */ enum { Upd_Patch = 0x1, Upd_Pan = 0x2, Upd_Volume = 0x4, Upd_Pitch = 0x8, Upd_All = Upd_Pan + Upd_Volume + Upd_Pitch, Upd_Off = 0x20, Upd_Mute = 0x40, Upd_OffMute = Upd_Off + Upd_Mute }; /** * @brief Update active note * @param MidCh MIDI Channel where note is processing * @param i Iterator that points to active note in the MIDI channel * @param props_mask Properties to update * @param select_adlchn Specify chip channel, or -1 - all chip channels used by the note */ void noteUpdate(size_t midCh, MIDIchannel::activenoteiterator i, unsigned props_mask, int32_t select_adlchn = -1); void noteUpdateAll(size_t midCh, unsigned props_mask); /** * @brief Determine how good a candidate this adlchannel would be for playing a note from this instrument. * @param c Wanted chip channel * @param ins Instrument wanted to be used in this channel * @return Calculated coodness points */ int64_t calculateChipChannelGoodness(size_t c, const MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys &ins) const; /** * @brief A new note will be played on this channel using this instrument. * @param c Wanted chip channel * @param ins Instrument wanted to be used in this channel * Kill existing notes on this channel (or don't, if we do arpeggio) */ void prepareChipChannelForNewNote(size_t c, const MIDIchannel::NoteInfo::Phys &ins); /** * @brief Kills note that uses wanted channel. When arpeggio is possible, note is evaluating to another channel * @param from_channel Wanted chip channel * @param j Chip channel instance * @param i MIDI Channel active note instance */ void killOrEvacuate( size_t from_channel, OpnChannel::LocationData *j, MIDIchannel::activenoteiterator i); /** * @brief Off all notes and silence sound */ void panic(); /** * @brief Kill note, sustaining by pedal or sostenuto * @param MidCh MIDI channel, -1 - all MIDI channels * @param this_adlchn Chip channel, -1 - all chip channels * @param sustain_type Type of systain to process */ void killSustainingNotes(int32_t midCh = -1, int32_t this_adlchn = -1, uint32_t sustain_type = OpnChannel::LocationData::Sustain_ANY); /** * @brief Find active notes and mark them as sostenuto-sustained * @param MidCh MIDI channel, -1 - all MIDI channels */ void markSostenutoNotes(int32_t midCh = -1); /** * @brief Set RPN event value * @param MidCh MIDI channel * @param value 1 byte part of RPN value * @param MSB is MSB or LSB part of value */ void setRPN(size_t midCh, unsigned value, bool MSB); /** * @brief Update portamento setup in MIDI channel * @param midCh MIDI channel where portamento needed to be updated */ void updatePortamento(size_t midCh); /** * @brief Off the note * @param midCh MIDI channel * @param note Note to off */ void noteOff(size_t midCh, uint8_t note); /** * @brief Update processing of vibrato to amount of seconds * @param amount Amount value in seconds */ void updateVibrato(double amount); /** * @brief Update auto-arpeggio * @param amount Amount value in seconds [UNUSED] */ void updateArpeggio(double /*amount*/); /** * @brief Update Portamento gliding to amount of seconds * @param amount Amount value in seconds */ void updateGlide(double amount); public: /** * @brief Checks was device name used or not * @param name Name of MIDI device * @return Offset of the MIDI Channels, multiple to 16 */ size_t chooseDevice(const std::string &name); /** * @brief Gets a textual description of the state of chip channels * @param text character pointer for text * @param attr character pointer for text attributes * @param size number of characters available to write */ void describeChannels(char *text, char *attr, size_t size); }; #if defined(ADLMIDI_AUDIO_TICK_HANDLER) extern void opn2_audioTickHandler(void *instance, uint32_t chipId, uint32_t rate); #endif /** * @brief Check emulator availability * @param emulator Emulator ID (Opn2_Emulator) * @return true when emulator is available */ extern bool opn2_isEmulatorAvailable(int emulator); /** * @brief Find highest emulator * @return The Opn2_Emulator enum value which contains ID of highest emulator */ extern int opn2_getHighestEmulator(); /** * @brief Find lowest emulator * @return The Opn2_Emulator enum value which contains ID of lowest emulator */ extern int opn2_getLowestEmulator(); #endif // ADLMIDI_PRIVATE_HPP